When an eccentric and insecure young woman is mistaken for her dead identical twin, she seizes the chance to leave her pathetic existence behind and assume her sister's life. Through this absurd masquerade as "the pretty one" she finally learns to value her own identity
A story about a place we all know. Two strangers interact in a waiting room. Based on a true story set in contemporary Berlin, this short film serves the purpose of captivating a remarkable scenario in an every day environment.
Basel, Bruno, Toufic, Nader and Wael represent the various forms of the Lebanese Youth society. Toufic, damaged by his parents' divorce, tries to get the attention of his father, a Federal agent, by attempting to solve the human traffic case. Cooperating with Basel and Bruno, they suspect that Romeo, a local singer, is guilty. We then acknowledge that a main character is psychotic, reality leads to delusion and the superficiality of Lebanese society is revealed.
Micky waits all night for his boyfriend, Basel, a Palestinian staying illegally in Israel, to come home. Strange phone calls and suspicious men waiting in the street, make him edgy. When Basel finally arrives at dawn, Micky finds out for the first time that his mate has been contacted in the past by the Israeli Security Service. Paranoia creeps its way into his already demented mind. This is an account of his plunge into psychosis.
Keywords: dream-sequence, hamster, homosexual, israeli-arab, male-prostitute, murder, palestinian, paranoid-psychosis, schizophrenia
A priest falls in love with a young artist. Their secret affair is revealed and the Media try to destroy both of them. Apart from their affair, the dirty past of the priest is discovered by a reporter. Nothing can stop them from being together. Or maybe someone can...
Keywords: accident, clergy, death-of-mother, doomed-romance, forbidden-love, iconography, inner-conflict, journalist, painting, priest
Basel ( /ˈbɑːzəl/) or Basle ( /ˈbɑːl/; German: Basel; pronounced [ˈbaːzəl]) is Switzerland's third most populous city with about 166,000 inhabitants. Located where the Swiss, French and German borders meet, Basel also has suburbs in France and Germany. With 830,000 inhabitants in the tri-national urban agglomeration as of 2004, Basel is Switzerland's second-largest urban area.
Located in northwest Switzerland on the river Rhine, Basel functions as a major industrial centre for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The Basel region, culturally extending into German Baden-Württemberg and French Alsace, reflects the heritage of its three states in the modern Latin name: "Regio TriRhena". It has the oldest university of the Swiss Confederation (1460). Basel is German-speaking. The local variant of the Swiss German dialects is called Basel German.
Basel is among the most important cultural centres of Switzerland. The city comprises a large number of theatres and many museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts, the world's oldest art collection accessible to the public. In addition the Theater Basel was chosen in 1999 as the best stage for German-language performances and in 2009 & 2010 as "Opera of the Year" by German Opera Magazine "Opernwelt".
Niech nie ide sam
Zagram ci piosenki
Napisane w snach
To czary niewinne
Me jedyne dary
Matulo kochana
Jestem tak stary
Ej zabierz mnie daleko
Az po szczescia kres
Bede szedl za toba
Tak jak wierny pies
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche mi zalezy
Kiedy widze ciebie
Zapominam siebie
Za ciebie I za mnie
Za zadne pieniadze
Serca nie poskapie
I juz nie zabladze
Slyszalem ze kwitnie
Na szczycie beztroski
Szczescia bezmiar wielki
I male radostki
Ej zabierz mnie ze soba
Niech nie ide sam
Namaluje slonce
Potem caly swiat
Zakopie sie w tobie
I troche pomoge
Jak sercem pokarmisz
I ze mnie nie zadrwisz
Wylecze twe rany
I dla cie zaspiewam
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche tu posiedze
Poczekam na ciebie
Zanim tu nie przyjdziesz
Daj mi jakis znak
Kochaj mnie doszczetnie
Kochaj mnie bo zwariuje
Mow do mnie niegrzecznie
Mow do mnie koniecznie
Mow do mnie milosnie
Jesli nie poczujesz
Jesli nie pokochasz
Nie boj sie
Dam se rade
Dam se rade dam se ja
Dam se rade dam se ja
Rade dam se rade
Dam se rade
Powiedz mi gdzie mieszkasz
Otworz drzwi gdy przyjde
Usmaz mi szparagi
Chcialbym cie uslyszec musze sie dowiedziec
Ile w sercu miejsca dla mnie masz
Czy jakakolwiek drobinke ci na mnie zalezy
Lezy mi na sercu a to meczy
Znow wymyslam dla ciebie naiwne piosenki
Zdaje sobie sprawe iz troche przeginam,
Ale chcialbym bys wiedziala ze milosci jest to wina
Widzialem jak twoj pociag odjezdzal
A ja stalem nie moglem sie ruszyc I krzyczec sie balem
Ciebie pani wielbic pragne ponad zycie
W sercu w duszy w mysli I w zachwycie
Co to za szalenstwo ogarnia mnie o nieba
Myslalem, ze do szczescia niczego mi nie trzeba,
A wiec moj aniele napijmy sie wina
Lub chodzmy do kina bo dluzej nie wytrzymam
Halo jak sie masz
Juz nie obawiaj sie nie ma mnie tu to tylko sen
I nakazalas bym odwrocil sie wiec musze juz isc musze juz isc
A to tylko strach szalony byl ze mi cie skradl
Milosnij minie mi w koncu tak jak ci
Lecz niepokoisz wciaz mnie koi mnie tylko sen
A sny sa pelne zludzen chyba zwariuje gdy sie obudze
Choc czas nadszedl juz odejsc nie umiem przestac myslec o tobie
Sen na ulicy bajkowej deszcz znow wpadl ci do glowy
Dziadek opowie ci bajke lecz wczesniej zakuri se fajke
Milosnij mimo ze nie ma juz nic
Nie ma juz nic miedzy nami ten czas zostal zapomniany
A ja nie mam juz zludzen o wszystkim zapomnisz gdy sie obudzisz