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Overview may refer to:
The downfall - a pleasure to watch it in your arms
Flaming red inferno, we relish the dying horizon
With fiery thorns in your hands
You strike stakes of lust through my heart
When all around us is lit
Our love will gleam like the vital spark
Into an ocean of reddish tears
We glide away, unite our souls
My inflamed skin caressed by your hands
The fever enslaves us again and again...
Thousands of souls torches
Extinct, withered side by side
We are destined to celebrate
The cremation of mankind
Slowly devoured by a gorge of heat
Melted away - the bad depraved seed
Screamed out for help, to heaven they cried
"I declared the earth as purgatory"
All I wanted was to touch the sky,
but I was doomed to fail
Like an anguished child I sank down on my knees
In hopeless desperation I await your final kiss
"His locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae"
Quand le ciel bas et lourd pese comme un couvercle
Sur l'esprit gemissant en proieaux longs ennuis,
Et que de l'horizon embrassant tout le cercle
Il nous verse un jour noir plus triste que les nuits;
Quand la terre est changee en un cachot humide,
Ou l'Esperance, comme une chauve-souris,
S'en va battant les murs de son aile timide
Et ce cognantla tete a des plafonds pourris;
Quand la pluie etalant ses immenses trainees
D'une vaste prison imite les barreaux,
Et qu'un peuplemuet d'infames araignees
Vient tendre ses filets au fond de nos cerveaux,
Des cloches tout a coup sautent avec furie
Et lancent vers le ciel un affreux hurlement,
Ainsi que des esprits errants et sans patrie
Qui se mettent a geindre opiniatrement.
- Et de longs corbillards, sans tambours ni musique,
Defilent lentement dans mon ame, l'Espoir,
Vaincu, pleure, et l'Angoisse atroce, despotique,
Like a storm driven bird at night
We came flying out of the nowhere
And for a moment our wings gleamed
Like gold in the light of fire
And are gone again
To the nowhere
To the nowhere
The cold gray sea, it waits for me
And the foaming waves call me down
To howling winds and a steel blue sky
But the cold gray sea calls forever
Like gold leaves fall in the wind
When farewell time, autumn has come
All these years they have passed
Like the wave on the shore of the sea
Time passes, the place I search for
It's still just a longing inside
Something strange and unknown to me
To be grounded somewhere, no longer
Another desperate night
Another weary fight
Another guardian angel
Vanished in a lake of flames
Another pale grey stream
Another shattered dream
Another voice that whispers
"...Escape, Escape, Escape... On lucid wings"
Another cross to bear
Another mask to wear
Another cold wind blowing
Over a ploughed ground
Another orphaned field
Another broken shield
Another voice that whispers
"...Escape, Escape, Escape..."
I shall kiss the glowing fun
Carried away forever
I shall taste the golden wine
Carried away forever (forever more)
"...Escape, Escape, Escape... On lucid wings"
One touch of your hand can open the heavens
abducts me to long forgotten meadows of desire
Strange, I never believed that one glance of eyes
Would be able to touch me inside like yours did
I always thought that something was buried
Long time ago, deep inside...
One touch...
...And there never was a greater pleasure
Than to stay awake for hour and hold you tight
To feel your silent breath upon my hand
As I push your hair from your face
And I dare not to wake you
So we have left behind
The ceaseless change of seasons
Embittered by the inevitable maelstrom
That draws us towards the fields of winter
Where crows burst out in their scornful cries
And our eyes fall on the realm of much prouder
But nevertheless even sadder creatures
Ich mochte fliechen, geradewegs zu Dir verschmelzen will ich mit
Verbrenne mich, reis mich heraus, nimm mir mein Seelenfeuer
Is mein Herz fur meine Ruhe, hinab zieht mich mein Sein
Kein Strang gibt Halt - Erlost und lachelnd gleite ich in Deine
Werde untergehen und auferstehen
Erhalten durch elixiere gemischt aus blut
Wer will mich halten, wer mich toten,
Wer solite sie loschen, meine glut?
Ich spucke feuer aus der tiefe meines
Da meine welt zugrunde geht-
Mein hang zur qual hat sie zerstort
Auf knien das ende herbeigefleht
Hab`mich erborochen nachdem ich dich
Als du nackt vor mit lagst
Ein zeichen demer augen, ein gutes
Geschenkt dir aus schmerzen, auch wenn
Du klagst
[repeat chorus]
Werd`dich vermissen, so tief der schmerz
Die angst macht alles noch viel schlimmer
Durch meine adern fliesst atzende saure
Gedanken statt worte, statt liebe
Noch uber den wolken fliege ich
Die luft voll der vogel gekreische
Mein wille, er jagt mich, verfolgt mich
Ein bestie auf der suche nach faulendem
Und unter ew gem eise begraben
Liegt die deele da und schreit
Muss sich sich nahren, muss sich laben
An des daseins dunkelheit - nichtigkeit
English translate: Epilogue
And buried under eternal ice
There lies the soul and cries
Has to nourish, to refresh
On our being's darkness - nothingness.
Masks concealed the real mourning
No noises were, were allowed
Misfortune came with large steps
Enveloped the future into a shroud
The bride wears
The bride wears black
The bride wears black tonight
Valleys got deeper and deeper
The summits disappeared in beautiful clouds
A path of sick infinity
Deep abysses are beside it
Traveled in endless trains
Try to solve my existence
Sins often pour temptation
Praised, hallowed, just lies
Traveled in endless trains
Try to solve my existence
Sins often pour temptation
Praised, hallowed, just lies
With voices to hear, inner futility
Be it true, be it my love
Coming to torture you
To torture you with my devotion
Masks concealed the real mourning
No noises were, were allowed
Misfortune came with large steps
Been has her being
Urged to the dwelling of your ancestors
All the long way to their resting place
Now your place, nothing left, no more...
Hungering your love lies in a coffin
Can see the laughing vault
Ramdripping on darkened woods
Love's soul is fearlessly sold
Escaped from our world
My elegy accompanies you
She's buried under autumn leaves...
During a howling storm
Dusty claws are grasping at her
Thursting for infinity
This is not her destiny...
"Don`t care. It won`t change anything.
Perhaps i
don`t care, but it`s not that easy to be sure
your laughter still resounds in my ears.
care. Today i look at you through other eyes
more and more it seems to be sure i was
Verdammtes leiden, saures lieben,
Verdammt das leben, dessen Schem
Verschwand, stillschweigend aber stetig,
Um nunmehr stumppes Nichts zu sein
Verdammt die Traume, die ich hatte
Heut noch nab`und haben verge
Sie sind nun schal, was ubrigblied
Sind stille Tranen auf der Erde
"Fur Hoffnung 1st es me zu spat-"
Dacht`ich - Doch was 1st mir geblieben?
Wo 1st die
Hoffnung wo das licht?
Wo der Frubling nach langem Winter,
Der nun das graue Eis zerbricht?
In a plkce where no shadows fall
I will meet you again
Below the moon and the stars
Where it all began
Where no shadows fall
We will meet again
Where no shadows fall
Where it all began
We all feel the presence
Of our destiny draw near
In this place where no shadows fall
They pass me when I close my eyes
Ragged lines of ragged grey
Grey their faces, grey their hands
Grey the ghosts that haunt this land
Their pain, it echoes through the hills
Through no one living ever left
This is Kolyma - a graveyard for the lost
The muffled sounds of cries and moans
Od swearing, shooting and commands
They all disappeared in this big land
Where summer's harsh and winter kills
Where gold is hidden, death's for free
And freedom came from weapon steel
This is Kolyma - a graveyard for the lost
The forest conquered all the camps
Broke walls, cut fences down to earth
The forest conquered all the camps
Broke walls, cut fences down to earth
Land of gold and land of death, a graveyard for the lost
You gave the treasures, you tool the men, you'll keep them forever
(This is) Kolyma - a graveyard for the lost
(This is) Kolyma - a graveyard for the lost
The cold wind's crying for the lost
He knows the sites where they all lie
The wolves are howling in the woods
Howls like calling up the dead
I'd rather trust in ther fangs
Than mercy by man's hand
This is Kolyma - a graveyard for the lost
The cold wind's crying for the lost
Do you believe in heaven or do you believe in pain?
A sanctuary built for the mischosen
Is it the final contradiction or just an irony of fate?
Doomed we are to drown in an empty ocean
In Misery's dawn...
Can't you see?
God's forgotten children struggle for their lives
While innocent convictors celebrate the knive
"I'll always be with you" - But I've never really been
On your way back to the gallows, destiny's fulfilled
Misery's dawn
Can't you see?
Misery's dawn
Together from a black sea of stars we shall arise
To fall down once more, failure in disguise
In tragedy's harvest the fruit's a bitter loss
They broke your wings and make you tumble down... at any cost
You burned me with your poisoned seed of doubt
Why do you want me to suffer?
Is this the day of geaven or is this the day of pain?
I closed my heart forever as the blade slowly opened your veins...
Misery's dawn
Can't you see?
There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun,
And it's been the ruin for many a poor boy,
And God, I know I'm one.
My mother was a tailor,
Sewed my new blue jeans.
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans.
Now, the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk,
And the only time he'll be satisfied
Is when he's all adrunk.
Oh, Mother, tell your children
Not to do what I have done,
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the house of the Rising Sun.
Well, I've got one foot on the platform,
The other foot on the train.
I'm going back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain.
Well, there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun,
And it's been the ruin for many a poor boy,
As sirens screamed out in the darkness
And fire fell down from the sky
As we cowered again in the bunker
We all knew the reason why
As our houses lay in ruins
And our sons were shot side by side
As the devil danced upon the graveyard
We all knew who's to blame
"For I am not one of the cowards
For I'm neither mortal nor weak
For I am the one you have longed for
A new master-race forsee"
He that is without sin among you
Let him first cast a stone on you...
Joh. 8, 1
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
If leaders feed beggars, a nation of beggars will fight
Those you once seduced
Are now here to be crucified
The principle of a fool
Who's betrayed and sacrificed
And to the fire-ey'd maid of smoky war
All hot and bleeding will we offer them:
The mailed Mars shall on his altar sit,
Up to the ears in blood...
[bonus track]
Deep shadows above the black-blue sea,
The eyes of the storm are watching me
A murderous silence is gasping for air
Dark clouds are resting, can't flee
I see my breath, it's cold and clear
My eyes show emptiness, not fear
I feel the hungry sea around
I slip into the muddy ground
(this muddy street)
The silence is like a brother to me
It gives me sense behind my mind
I feel the hands of silence and peace
Pain over my soul, another morning gleams outside the world
A new day's dew moves in, what do I breathe? What paralyses me?
As I inhale the cold air from the world's lung
I cast my being far away from me
In a crystal sphere on the ground I see my life
On my knees I kiss the death with all her beauty
In the frosty beginning of the autumn's dawn
When nature dies away from earth
White fog above the meadows is the border behind my eyes
Let me know that your downfall is my birth
Grey light shines through dead trees
Takes away the brown leaves in the end
My mother's garden sleeps its lust away
First leaves touch the ground
Shadows are to be our company
An age draws near
In which days die away
Die softly
When the light dwindles
When the curtain falls
The sun is conquered
Grey veils cover the world
Another desperate night
Another weary fight
Another guardian angel
Vanished in a lake of flames
Another pale grey stream
Another shattered dream
Another voice that whispers
"...Escape, Escape, Escape... On lucid wings"
Another cross to bear
Another mask to wear
Another cold wind blowing
Over a ploughed ground
Another orphaned field
Another broken shield
Another voice that whispers
"...Escape, Escape, Escape..."
I shall kiss the glowing fun
Carried away forever
I shall taste the golden wine
Carried away forever (forever more)
Give me the sleep, I need to forget
My pain and my sorrow, my grief and my dept
Give me the sleep, I need to forget
Hypocrisy, cruelty, hatred
And if there's someone to hear me then answer my cries
And if you are near me please drop your disguise
I need to get out, please show me a way
To cope with my dread and my fear every day
Restricted are my paths, destinations of myself far away
The wheel of life has stopped turning, an angel leads me astray
I am longing for farewell, just a passenger in a boat
A boat called life, after which way will it lose its load
Void, peace and stillness
Is what I yearned for
Let me be a fallen star
Insignificance is what, is what I will earn
Universe, I want to drift in your eternity
Universe, lay your arms around my soul
Universe, a part of you I want to be
Universe, your star of death I've seen it glow
Prepared for your reception
Your timeless nothingness awaits me
Awaits me
Universe, are you a part of me?
A part of you I want to be
Void, peace and stillness
Is what I yearned for
Let me be a fallen star
Insignificance is what, is what I will earn
Universe, I want to drift in your eternity
Universe, lay your arms around my soul
Universe, a part of you I want to be
Universe, your star of death I've seen it glow
Universe, around my soul
Universe, I've seen it glow
Universe, around my soul
And then, with a glistening beam of vivid light
Spring was gone and summer drew near
Pervaded our minds and our eyes were blinded with delight
For a short moment, we joined in the dance of life
And time disappeared, leaving us behind in our embrace
The air massive like lead
Too sultry to give, to give a sigh
Sheer unbearable, she lies on me
Your love to me feels so dry
The heat unable to move
Every attempt just a rude glide
The sweat runs on bare skin
Comes and goes like your love shines
The air massive like lead
Too sultry to give, to give a sigh
Sheer unbearable, she lies on me
Your love to me feels so dry
Under a summer sky of love
I see your soul above
Under a summer sky of love
Your name in my heart I'll carve
No sleep, a total repose
The warmness pervades, pervades my blood
No wind that breathes life
An existence without you would be like being blind
You're gone like the summer will leave
One day it will be over
The time slings yet slowly
Sometimes I remember teardrops falling from the sky
Like silent screams of famished memories
Howling in the night
Sometimes I destroy splendour by my own despair
I stay awake 'til morning breaks
Hopelessly gasping for air
Again I recoil - On and on I roam
With my back against this blood red soil
This is heaven - But I'm not sanctified
Pine Oil Heaven
Sometimes I'm ashamed of myself, of my own dismay
I open my mouth and preach forgiveness but I'm the one to blame
Sometimes I take love for granted, room without a view
My hand gets lost in glowing darkness, reaching out just for you
Again I seek - On and on I roam
The blemished roots of my conceit
This is heaven - But I'm not sanctified
It's my heaven
Pine Oil Heaven
On and on I roam
On and on I seek
Sic transit gloria mundi!
A Scornful Love
Scorn has come when affection has gone
A serpent queen with a filthy crown
Cover me with your scarlet tongue
Believe me, my dear
I won't let you down
Purified by supremacy I bleed
The urge to overcome this loss - save me
Those who always hunt for infinity - save me
Will be the ones on the cross
A scornful laugh remains
I can't forgive
A scornful laugh remains
I can't forget
Today is the day...
Truth is nothing but the knife in my hands
An empty look, the will to proceed - save me
The party is over when the music ends - save me
How can it taste so sweet
Today is the day
Our dreams come to an end
I share my tragedy with you
Today is the day
A scornful laugh remains
I share my tragedy with you
Now suffer with me
There's a demon inside of me
It is buried in my heart
It's a need unsatisfied
Right now it is lying in wait
Right now it is tearing me apart
This addiction to delight
When I'm left here all alone
When there is nothing to see
There is no turning back
I feel pity for myself
For all my unconscious guilt
I reveal my frailty
Time heals nothing
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid of losing you again
I'm neither grateful nor am I giving up to you
There's a frown, a perfect reproach
That is still imprisoning me
In your alabaster walls
It's impossible to fly
When you clip someone's wings
And push him on the ground
I'm not afraid of leaving you again
I' m really sorry
But I never ever needed you
Only bad dreams come true
They do!
My lips move but I hear no sound
My legs tremble 'cause I lost the ground
The king is dead, long live the king
Hide From Me
I saw merciful deceivers in the shadow of death
They cannot break the chains
I saw consecrated mourners in the shape of a cross
Taking part in the game
It's just a game we're playing - I can't find you
Like fools we're playing - I look for you, where are you?
Despite all swearing
You made away
Why do you hide from me?
What has become of my belief?
Who'll be the one to set me free?
Why do you hide from me?
I saw admirable dictators trying hard to maintain
The burning veil of time
I saw beautiful avengers in black limousines
Saw them struggling in vain
It's more than betrayal
Much more than betrayal
Be careful what you pray for
'Cause you walked through that door
Before Sunrise
Before sunrise
All fears will drown in my eyes
Before sunrise
The earth will devour my cries
And I will feel an ease
I'm godless, I'm blind
I am the king of depravity
I am the slave of decay
Now insanity / serenity is closing in
I'll go my way
It's time to leave...
Before sunrise
This pleasant fiction of mine will be vaporized
Before sunrise
A deathwish will capture my mind
Maybe crimes must be done
Your fallen prophet's on the run
Surrender to your deepest rage
Celebrate the dying age
For I am the scar in you
All is done - is done for the best
For I am the crack in you
All is done
You adored me
You called for me
Licked your wounds just for me
As light began to fade
Anxiety prevailed
I destroyed you - I am your blood
Broke your wings in two - I am deep within
Penetrating you I embraced you - I am your flesh
Took your breath away from you - I'm in your dreams
Suffocating you
You belong to me
You're mine
Maybe you just wonder why
Is all I told you worth the price?
Trust me, I will show you bliss
Caress you with my poisoned gift
I betrayed you
I mislead you
Still I hold you
I told her to stay awake
didn't know the game she would play
the path she cut for me
didn't know how it would be
oh, am I weary
is it only in my head
oh, how I wish that she would stay
she, she's taking me higher
my only desire
she's everything I have
she, she hurts me like fire
but I walk the wire
she's everything I have
I wonder was I too late
trying to set everything straight
I wonder what would I do
trying to put my mind off you
oh, am I weary
is it only in my head
oh, how I wish that she would stay
she, she's taking me higher
my only desire
she's everything I have
she, she hurts me like fire
but I walk the wire
she's everything I have
oh am I weary
is it only in my head
how I wish
how I wish
she, she's taking me higher
my only desire
she's everything I have
she, she hurts me like fire
but I walk the wire
she's everything I have
Do you accuse me for my deeds?
Do you think I am just a hypocrite?
A man of contradictions I am
If everything is possible
Seize the day without regrets
A man of contradictions I am
I'm deep in your feelings - I'm breathing, breathing...
I'm deep in your thoughts - I'm bleeding, bleeding...
I'm deep in your body - I'm breathing, breathing...
I'm deep in your heart - you
I won't go away
It's the rotten kiss
Of paradise - the scent of fear
It's how you feel
When you walk on thin ice
For the first time of my life
Devotion is a sacrilege
A man of contradictions I am
Though everything is possible
We're nothing more but cynical
"Per aspera ad astra" astra?
It's the guilt you see
In lovers' eyes - the hand of fate
It's how you feel
When you walk on thin ice
So dine me and wine me then 69 me
And redefine me
Again and again and again and again and again
You used to control me
No more than a puppet on a string
You used to behold me
Writhing down on the ground
Destiny is a waste of hope
Pardon my compassion
A pathetic man in a pathetic world
Each night - another needle in my skin
So look into my eyes
I'm forsaken
Let my spirit receive the light
You used to exploit me
No more than a face in the crowd
You used to terrify me
For the sake of delusion
Come with me, don't leave me now
In liquid neon chaos
Thorns of joy ignite my veins
Each day - another needle in my skin
I'm blind - Let your sterile harvest
Be reduced to dust
No faith - Let your false messiah
Testify his lust
I'm blind - When your shallow wastelands
Are redeemed by the tide
No faith - Hear the crimson choir
"Let there be light!"
Collapsing, misleading, no shelter, I'm freezing
Raising my shadows, my ruins are hallowed
"Huge and ashen and overfull roll the clouds
Crush the horizon and affliction drops vis-
As trip, depreves the mind i would just
Need to
Lern silent oblivion from the world"
Stilles vergessen zu erlernen
"Schwer und grau und ubervoll walzen sich
Wolken, den horizont zu erdrucken
Und trubsinn tropft zah wie sirup, raubt die
Sinne, welche ich brauchte, nur um von der
And from the ashes a phoenix rose
With wings made of gold
It gently touched me a touch of relief
I was ready to start a new circle
Hoping it would never come to an end
Never too late for hope
The gray ice melted slowly
Where is my world, the beginning of my life bound
Surrounded by light, wandering aimlessly around
Hearing voices, calling my name
While I hover, world's a dark stain
Where is summertime? I'm longing for its warmth
Far too long I shivered in winter's icy force
Clouds are above me, mid air caresses my lungs
I let myself drift, waiting for spring sun
Soft grass but it hurts to go over it
Pointed stings running between I stick
Brooks are roaring, the water blood red
Please let me drink, but I can't, I'm dead
Souls are screaming
Mothers and sons
Are slaughtering themselves
Am I teaching a dream?
Souls are screaming
Mothers and sons
Are slaughtering themselves
Am I teaching a dream?
Where is my world, the beginning of my life bound
Surrounded by light, wandering aimlessly around
Hearing voices, calling my name
While I hover, world's a dark stain
Where is summertime? I'm longing for its warmth
Far too long I shivered in winter's icy force
Clouds are above me, mid air caresses my lungs
Fading light, I see the shadows fall
I hear the darkness sigh
As it rises from a dead man's pillow
Taking his last breath to the winds outside
Threads of moonlight torch the grounds
Snow forms a cover of silence
Candlelight spreads its wings over my soul
The flame illuminates the night
Searching for answers
My mind's a deceit
With myself torn to fragments
My life means defeat
Where is my savior?
Why did he leave me alone?
In my winter frost palace
Where sorrows are sown
A winternight depression
A winternight depression
I try to find a way deep into my dreams
Try to flee from cruel reality
To be suspended into a sea of emptiness
And never, never wake up again
Never wake up, never again
A winternight depression
A winternight depression
Did you ever hear a dead baby
Crying in its cradle?
Did you ever see a black sun
Rising above a silent world?
Did you ever speak words
No one would ever hear?
Did you ever scream out what you feel
When you, when you, when you see the pain?
When you see the pain, pain
I see a new day, the candlelight dies
Our life flourished amid
A brown mother earth
Broke through the rocks
Broke through straight towards the sun
Stygian light winks through the clouds
Etched into this heart, this heart of mine
Shines onto my life from nothingness
And I ravished the rays of sunshine
Unfinished, we participate
In the run of life, our inner strife
Hidden inside us
The need to end, to end our pain
Our life flourished amid
A brown mother earth
Broke through the rocks
Broke through straight towards the sun
One with nature, spoilt, without a zest for life
Sparkling bodies embraced by ebony nights
Stygian light winks through the clouds
Etched into this heart, this heart of mine
Shines onto my life from nothingness
And I ravished the rays of sunshine
Unfinished, we participate
In the run of life, our inner strife
Hidden inside us
The need to end, to end our pain
Sometimes all our words are inadequate
For the burden of our hearts
Once ashes we will be and still the hunger for a new life
Or a soon coming death
And the dust we crumble into the willing companion
Of the four winds wailing over our souls
The ashes stills the hunger of a new coming death
Ein kuhler Hauch loscht sanft die Kerzen
Die die kahlen Wande zieren
Was wird die heutige Nacht noch bringen
Werden wir verbrennen oder erfrieren?
Gefahren aus dem Nichts entstanden
Vervolgen Dich in eine andere Dimension
Verflucht, verteufelt, der Verzweiflung nahe
Erleben wir unsere letzte Vision.
Gestrandet vor der Bucht des Todes
In stiller Hoffnung der ertsehnten Erlosung
Die Angst liegt klamm auf unseren Schultern
Wird uns entkleiden bis zur volligen Entblosung
Das Ende selbst herbeigesehnt
Wirft seine Schatten weit foraus
All Menschen von Gott verlassen
Anima Sola
I'm a sinner but I know
The skin is often harder than the core
I hold on
Contemptousness will follow me...
No more will the glory of grotesque
Adorn your lifeless limbs
Like an eerie arabesque
Locked in you
Anima Sola - World keeps turning
Anima Sola - World keeps burning
So burn for me / burn with me
I'm a servant of your grace
Captivated in sobriety
Why am I crawling further on?
In apathy
It's been too many words and too many lies
It's been too many years without being alive
It's been a long long road, never reaching the end
Too many wasted moments
No more will I be pushed again into your golden cage
There's something cold inside of us.
There's something empty inside out hearts.
The bitter-sweet harmony of gentle crimes.
Can't you see? it's burning.
Afraid of being honest, afraid of showing pride.
The shade of self-deception, it's rising.
A little black devil want's to be free again.
A little black devil yearns for his dignity.
Return... repent... deliver us from evil.
Open your heart, open your heart for me.
I'm on the verge of thinking but i can hardly tell.
What drives us on and on, i'm shaking.
A little black devil want's to be free again.
A little black devil yearns for his dignity.
Return - Open your arms (open up).
Repent - Await your fallen star (wait for me).
Remind - Open your heart (open up wide / and shine on).
Shine bright like the sun. It's 1951, shine on...
forevermore. Defying what i used to be.
Defying my belief, Defying what i sacrificed.
Oh my god you came into my life
And turned my world around
I was lost I couldn't see my sight
So I couldn't find my home
So you know I've smoked some weed
And took some pills and even sniffed some blow
And so I repent
Cuz all the blessings I've received I know that heavens sent
I never knew when I spit this shit
That every rapper in the world be on some wicked shit
Its like the first time I hit this shit
Say you get the shit but wont admit the shit
You saw me shine the sun lit this shit
On my knees at night askin should I quit this shit
When i first started we were total opposites
I took a stand so you can see all the hypocrites
Salvation for all of my sins through Jesus sacrifices
We live in wicked nation
I'm sayin Amen! cuz I don't wanna die
Its all about redemption
Everything I did and what I said
Its all about redemption
If we can forgive we can forget
Its all about redemption
It was him the devil in disguise
With a gun standin right before my eyes
He wanted my life
The wicked shit I speak was never meant for the weak
I'm runnin out of time
Goin out of my mind dodgin demons in the streets
God please give me a sign
Inherit the earth only the children of the meek
So if you really wanna see my soul in hell
This spittin wicked shit I told the golden tale
My conscious catchin heat its gettin old and stale
Its hard to embrace when I hold this hell
If you walk the bloody trail then bring your holy grail
The devil went after my soul but god closed the cell
Even though the wicked shit knows me well
You wont find me on the wagon when it goes to hell
Believe me hell is lonely
Believe me I was there my soul was spared
And don't nobody know me
And only he cares that's why I'm there
Its raining diamonds
Redemption (Redemption)
Everything I did and what I said
Its all about redemption (redemption)
If we can forgive we can forget
Its all about redemption
Suburbia being turned upside down.
Our hopes being buried in hallowed ground.
Don't you ever blame me for the fact i was born.
I hear you calling from the other side.
My limbs are bound, i'm filled with fright.
I feel an inner compulsion-demanding restlessly.
Hold me, I crumble... My silvergod (don't leave me alone, i need you)
I swear to you, I'll always need you, always keep you.
Never let you go.
The saints are just sinners who keep on trying.
For you there's no need of defiance.
You're about to lose me - the gates are open wide.
Give your brains to the mad, your eyes to the blind.
In the kingdom of suffered minds.
The worst hallucination is the curse to be alive.
My silvergod. Hold me tight. Don't leave me alone.
Now... the battle is done.
I still breathe your scent.
Now... serenity has come.
"Man doth not yield him to the angels, nor unto death utterly,
save only through the weakness of his feeble will" -Joseph Glanvill-
Someone told me there is a war within
And the wor (l) d became flesh
Someone told me about a handmade sin
Denying all you once confessed
Don't bow to me
Don't worship me
We are torn apart by silver lunacy
Because weak I am
As weak as no man has been before
Don't you pray anymore...
And you will never be the same again
(Non-believers raze the stray)
And you will never be the same again
(No longer will your faith remain)
Someone told me it is worth crying for
Any grace is built on lies
Making love with defiled angels
Your tongue in mine
I saw YOU in my darkest dreams
Gliding into a sea of snakes
I saw the flesh divine
And the flesh became spirit
Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river
You can hear the boats go by
You can spend the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
But that's why you want to be there
And she feeds you tea and oranges
That come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
That you have no love to give her
Then she gets you on her wavelength
And she lets the river answer
That you've always been her lover
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For you've touched her perfect body with your mind.
And Jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water
And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said "All men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them"
But he himself was broken
Long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with him
And you want to travel blind
And you think maybe you'll trust him
For he's touched your perfect body with his mind.
Now Suzanne takes your hand
And she leads you to the river
She is wearing rags and feathers
From Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
On our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
Among the garbage and the flowers
There are heroes in the seaweed
There are children in the morning
They are leaning out for love
And they will lean that way forever
While Suzanne holds the mirror
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that you can trust her
No-one seems to care about.
No-one seems to ask.
Behind this face there's wasted memory.
Caught beneath a mask.
This heart will beat another day.
This heart will lead us both astray.
Believe me... this heart will be silent (come back to me).
For all eternity/for us it's clear to see.
Now swallows your night (and put me back on track again).
And share this heart with me (forever free).
This heart. You punish me for self-respect.
Still reasoning your life. But everywhere is walking distance.
If you have time. It is mind-it is cold.
It is soul-it is cold. It is heart-it is cold.
It's not my fate to ignore these vicious thoughts.
I act like a stranger, I'm not supposed to be strong.
I come undone. Don't even know where to start.
It's like a storm inside my head...
I'ts like a bad storm inside my head... I'm free... Yeah
Existence is futile cause pain is surreal / so real.
I'm free... yeah. Morality is a word i can't accept.
I'm moving in circles.
The hardest things to handle are failure and success.
They are promises worth breaking.
You have to rely on your sanctuary.
You know that you have to.
You have to rely on your mental health.
I'm still pretending
I'm still with you
I'm in the eye of the storm
I'm still longing for your taste
Please release me, I'm with you
Dark is the season
Dark is the sky
Burned the bridges one by one
Voices turning in my head
Soon I will break
'Cause I tried and I failed
There's nothing left I can call my haven
/ A travesty we create together
We rose and we fell
This pain inside me will last forever
You're still pretending
You're still with me
You're the best friend of mine
Empty bottles on the floor
Please release me, I'm with you
I keep on standing
Keep on pretending
What I used to be - Bring me down
I keep on fighting on and on
Uphold the fallacy - Down to you
I keep on lying, keep on denying
But I feel I can't take it no more - Bring me down
When we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live
Life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
And greed will not pay
God speed
This bright millennium
On its way
Let it come
Our fight will be won then
We'll stand in the sun then
That bright afternoon
'Till then
On days when the sun is gone
We'll hang on
and we'll wish apon a star
There are some days dark and bitter
Seems we haven't got a prayer
But a prayer for something better
Is the one thing we all share
When we are wiser
When the whole world is older
When we have learned
I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live
One day, someday
Life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
Greed will not pay
God speed
This bright millennium
Let it come
and we'll wish apon a star
One day
One day
When something stains your pride
And leaves you back with despite
Your vain attempts to blank it out
Troubled, in a state of doubt
Both inside and outside
Demons stalk your hide
No chance for you to get away
Without their affliction
Everything you ever wanted
They turn into hideous shards...
They are haunting your thoughts now
They are probing your soul
Examine with indifferent eyes
How you are WRITHING in shame
(But) This is not my burden
(But) This is not my cross
For it...
Keeps me away, keeps me away...
Keeps me away, keeps me away...
(But) This is not my burden
- bathe in desire
(But) This is not my cross
Eyelids open and in peace
You are staring ahead
You saw me dancing on top of the world.
You saw me down below.
I try to fly but i might not come back again.
Do you wonder why?
Don't count on me (don't you ever).
Don't count on me (don't you ever).
Souls entwine for the very last time.
Tainted pictures occur. I can't deny it.
I can't deny what i've done.
I can't deny it... anymore. Don't count on me.
The more she knows. Don't count on me.
The more she hates me, the more she condemns me.
Now she's fed up (what have i done?).
She's fed up with all my shit.
She's really giving in. (why did i hurt you?).