Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga on Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Pepsi Co CEO Indra Nooyi 'Modi very focussed on improving India'
Sale Co. CEO first message
PM Narendra Modi meets the CEO of IBM Ginni Rometty
Special Guest Spartan117GW and Airsoft GI CEO - SB199 - LIVE SHOW!!! - Airsoft GI
Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Flavor Is Everywhere: CEO
Starbucks' CEO Talks Business
PM Modi meets the CEO of General Electric Jeffrey R. Immelt in New York
CEO Trận 30- Chiến lược cạnh tranh - Chính sách giá
CEO Trận 21-Bài toán kinh doanh -- Giữ chân khách hàng
Amazing Surprise for the World's Most Loved CEO
GoPro CEO reveals new POV action camera
Wells Fargo CEO: "What I've Learned Since Business School"
India's IT future great - Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella - Tv9
Adam is a seemingly ordinary guy in a very extraordinary universe. He lives humbly trying to make ends meet, but his romantic spirit holds on to the memory of a girl he loved once upon a time from another world, an inverted affluent world with its own gravity, directly above but beyond reach... a girl named Eden. Their childhood flirtation becomes an impossible love. But when he catches a glimpse of grownup Eden on television, nothing will get in the way of getting her back... Not even the law or science!
Keywords: amnesia, aunt-nephew-relationship, ballroom-dancing, beauty-treatment, cable-car, caught-in-the-rain, childhood, corporation, erlenmeyer-flask, fired-from-job
Two worlds. One future.
Adam: Up-top, they always win, And down-below, we always fail.
Bob Boruchowitz: We're 90 percent water, right? So I've combined upper and lower inversion with a hyper infusion, yeah? Yeah.
[first lines]::Adam: The universe, so full of wonders. I could spend hours and hours looking up at the sky. So many stars, so many mysteries. And there's one very special star that makes me think of one very special person. Now let me tell you my story.
Adam: Gravity, they say you can't fight it. Well, I disagree. What if love was stronger than gravity.
It is at a Deaf club that a low immersion Virtual Reality system engineer, JASON SMITH, encountered the odd mannered, eccentric, and wicked anarchist for the first time. She had this peculiar way of leading a bunch of male fans into following her around everywhere she went. At first, it didn't seem to peak his interest until he saw one of the fans dropping his video-gadget. Destination: At Dawn, at the Lees bus station. Early in the morning, the Lee's bus station is quiet and empty. There are no buses or any people around. It is by surprise that he sees one of the anarchist's fans showing up and stealing his video-gadget before running away. He follows him with difficulty until he appears in front of the anarchist's special store, uPlump (In American Sign Language (ASL) it means "you (u) sign fluently (plump)"). When entering the store, he notices all the specially designed gadgets that are made for both the Hearing and Deaf individuals in favour of the Deaf culture. Then suddenly, the wicked anarchist signals him, already expecting him. She convinces him to try her secret innovation the same day at 9:00pm. The location of her new innovation is behind the uPlump store where there is an entrance leading to a strange underground hallway. This is where JASON SMITH, the low immersion VR engineer, took awareness of this newly invented VR game. But, what he didn't know, was that VICTORIA MERLE, the wicked anarchist, knew that JASON SMITH would be tempted to copy her secretly patented VR system. In fact, that's exactly why she wants him to "test" it. Because, once you test it, there's no turning back, you're under intensive brainwashing.
Keywords: american-sign-language, virtual-reality
An Hi-Tech anarchist taking control over the mind of a corrupted conformist.
1st Canadian American Sign Language Feature
A series of scenes that focus specially on a single idea, emotion or act us. In the absence of interfering qualities this film is able to take one factoring influence and amplify it to absurd and hilarious proportions. Each scene gives us an uninterrupted view at some of the more unglamorous characteristics that in the end determine who we are, both as individuals and as a thread in the patchwork of the collective human unconscious.
Keywords: absurdism, alienation, bathtub, black-comedy, bomber, brass-band, broken-crockery, business-meeting, dog, dream
Mia: Serving non-alcoholic beer with food that smells so good. It's torture!::Uffe's mother.: I only want what's best for you.::Mia: Best! Is this what's best for me? Enduring this damned existance... with all the shit and deceit and wickedness and staying sober? How can you expect or even want a single poor bugger to put up with it without being drunk? It's inhuman. Only a sadist would demand that.
The psychiatrist: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. [examines the large stack of patient's files] I am a psychiatrist. I have been for 27 years. I'm completely worn out. Year after year, listening to patients who aren't satisfied with their lives, who want to have fun, who want me to help them with that - it wears you out, I can tell you. My life isn't exactly a lot of fun either. People demand so much. That's the conclusion I've drawn after all these years. They demand to be happy, at the same time as they are egocentric, selfish, and ungenerous. Well, I would like to be honest. I would like to say that they are quite simply mean, most of them. Spending hour after hour in therapy, trying to make a mean person happy... There's no point. You can't do it. I've stopped doing it. These days, I just prescribe pills. The stronger, the better.
Anna: Forgive those who only think of themselves. Forgive those who are greedy and cheap. And those who deceive and cheat or grow rich by paying miserable wages. Dear lord, forgive them. Forgive them. And Lord, forgive those who humiliate and desecrate. Forgive those who torture and kill. Forgive those who bomb and destroy cities and villages. Forgive those who are dishonest, those who lie and are false. Forgive governments who withhold the truth from the people. Dear Lord, forgive them. Forgive those who are heartless, merciless, and quick to pass judgment. Please Lord, forgive them. Forgive courts that pass sentences which are too harsh or convict the innocent. Forgive them.::The minister: Anna... We have to close and lock up now.::Anna: Forgive newspapers and TV channels that mislead. That distract attention from that which is important. Dear Lord, forgive them.::The minister: There now, Anna. We have to close and lock up now.::Anna: Dear Lord, forgive them. Forgive them.
Mia: I'm a miserable wench, on an ugly bench!
An extremely stylized sci-fi action short taking place in a near-future of corporate intrigue and skilled mercenaries. Featuring martial arts, dazzling effects, and an expressionistic visual style, the film attempts to create a new vision of sci-fi cinema. A warrior is thrown into a new assignment while his corporate masters fear the destruction of their technological creations. While escorting his company's prodigy developer to an exchange meeting, the warrior must protect the company's interests against a clever attack from terrorists.
Comedy veterans and co-creators Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza capitalize on their insider status and invite over 100 of their closest friends--who happen to be some of the biggest names in entertainment, from George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg and Drew Carey to Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, Paul Reiser and Sarah Silverman--to reminisce, analyze, deconstruct and deliver their own versions of the world's dirtiest joke, an old burlesque too extreme to be performed in public, called "The Aristocrats."
Keywords: 2000s, 69-sex-position, aborted-fetus, accent, amish, anal-sex, anilingus, anti-semitism, anus, aristocrat
A family walks into a talent agent's office. What happens next is . . .
100 Superstar Comedians. One Very Dirty Joke.
No Nudity No Violence Unspeakable Obscenity
100 Comedians. One Very Dirty Joke.
Sarah Silverman: Joe Franklin loved The Aristocrats. He was like our rehearsal director when dad and my brother weren't there, and my mother and my nana weren't there. I was on his show... he said it wasn't a taped show, but we, like, did a show... yeah, it was his office. But he had a bed in it, like a couch... that he called "Uncle Joe's Bed for Little People", because a couch is like a bed for little people, y'know... Joe Franklin raped me.
Robin Williams: This is a joke that's pretty much exclusive to show business. You never hear a physicist going, "It's a muon, you cunt!"
Carrie Fisher: My mother was a golden shower queen.
Bob Saget: Can I get a copy of this? I'd like to send it to the kids from the show "Full House".
Joe Franklin: A man walks into a talent agent's office and says that he has an act...
Kyle: Cart-, Cart-, Cartman, I don't want to...::Cartman: [cutting off Kyle] Kyle! Will you hold on, please.
Kyle: [after Cartman finishes the joke] I don't get it.::Cartman: [pauses] Neither do I.
Cartman: You guys want to hear a funny joke my grandpa told me?::Kyle: No.
[as she gropes two stuffed animals]::Rita Rudner: Where did these people find employment? How did they develop this act? What made them think that this... this was entertaining?
Pat Cooper: My grandmother, on the stage, has an abortion! Gives birth to a three-pound Shetland pony! My grandfather is the jockey, comes in third and paid $2.80!
In New York, the ambitious Dr. Jack Byron and his associate Gordon Mitchell present the research of his assistant Sam Rogers to the CEO and board of directors of a corporation to sponsor a scientific expedition to Borneo. The objective is to find a flower, Blood Orchid, that flourishes for a couple of weeks every seven years and could be a fountain of youth, prolonging the expectation of life of human beings. They are succeeded and once in Borneo, they realize that it is the raining season and there is no boat available to navigate on the river. They pay US$ 50,000.00 to convince Captain Bill Johnson and his partner Tran to sail to the location. After an accident in a waterfall, the survivors realize that a pack of anacondas have gathered for mating and their nest is nearby the plantation of Blood Orchid, which made them bigger and bigger.
Keywords: anaconda, animal-attack, b-movie, bar, betrayal, blood, boat, boat-accident, borneo, camera
The hunters will become the hunted.
Bill Johnson: It's mating season.::Cole Burris: What so you're tellin' me there's some snake orgy going on in the jungle?::Bill Johnson: Yeah, something like that
Gordon Mitchell: You mention "food" once more and I'm voting you off this island.
Cole Burris: I had this friend, who had this friend who shot documentaries, and he and his whole crew went down to the Amazon, and they were all eaten by snakes, and thats a true story::Gordon Mitchell: Come on Cole, you new a guy who new a guy. That's an urban Myth.
Gordon Mitchell: Are you okay now?::Gail Stern: Yeah, I'm fine. And keep your hands off of me!::Gordon Mitchell: It might be hard, but I'll try!
Gail Stern: Hey! Over here bitch!
[last lines]::Gail Stern: So how much further to my bath?::Bill Johnson: Kotabaru? I'd say... another day downriver.::Cole Burris: Another day? I'm not rowing another day, homeboy.::Bill Johnson: All right. Let's see, we got this shortcut right up -::Sam Rogers, Cole Burris, Gail Stern: No!
Gail Stern: Can you hear me now? Shit. Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?::Cole Burris: WE can!::Gail Stern: Can you hear me now?::[Gail plunges into the river]::Gordon Mitchell: Hey Gail, can you hear me now?
Dr. Ben Douglas: [the expedition is wading through a marsh - Ben starts humming the theme from "Jaws"] Duuh, dum, duuh, dum. Dum dum dum dum dum dum...::Gail Stern: Stop that, or I swear to God I'll kill you! [Ben gets pulled under the water]
Sam Rogers: We're in the middle of the jungle Jack, at this point your authority is what we say it is.
Cole Burris: I'm so hungry, I'd sell my Grandmother for a tic tac!
Fact-based story about a landmark legal battle. A woman (Park Overall) learns that her husband has been having a very open affair with his secretary (Laura Innes) and has promised marriage. The wife sues for divorce and also sues the secretary based on an obscure law on alienation of affection, which was created to protect married couples from homewreckers. This sets a new court room consideration, as the culpability of the other woman must be defended and removes from consideration the fault of the married partners.
Lynn: That bitch of an ex-wife of yours is suing me!
Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga on Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Pepsi Co CEO Indra Nooyi 'Modi very focussed on improving India'
Sale Co. CEO first message
PM Narendra Modi meets the CEO of IBM Ginni Rometty
Special Guest Spartan117GW and Airsoft GI CEO - SB199 - LIVE SHOW!!! - Airsoft GI
Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Flavor Is Everywhere: CEO
Starbucks' CEO Talks Business
PM Modi meets the CEO of General Electric Jeffrey R. Immelt in New York
CEO Trận 30- Chiến lược cạnh tranh - Chính sách giá
CEO Trận 21-Bài toán kinh doanh -- Giữ chân khách hàng
Amazing Surprise for the World's Most Loved CEO
GoPro CEO reveals new POV action camera
Wells Fargo CEO: "What I've Learned Since Business School"
India's IT future great - Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella - Tv9
Eid Greeting from the CEO معايدة وشكر من الرئيس التنفيذي لموظفي شركة سيل
Media Day 2014 - President and CEO Chris McGowan
ATTRAQT's CEO says US expansion is 'big opportunity'
Satya Nadella: His first interview as CEO of Microsoft
CentralNic's CEO says company has achieved a lot in the first half
PM Modi to meet Boeing CEO, Google CEO
Rock Center: Apple CEO Tim Cook Interview
Developing the CEO Within You
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A chief executive officer (CEO, American English), managing director (MD, British English),executive director (ED, American English) for non-profit organizations, or chief executive is the highest-ranking corporate officer (executive) or administrator in charge of total management of an organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a corporation, company, organization, or agency typically reports to the board of directors.
The responsibilities of an organization's CEO (US) or MD (UK) are set by the organization's board of directors or other authority, depending on the organization's legal structure. They can be far-reaching or quite limited and are typically enshrined in a formal delegation of authority.
Typically, the CEO/MD has responsibilities as a communicator, decision maker, leader, and manager. The communicator role can involve the press and the rest of the outside world, as well as the organization's management and employees; the decision-making role involves high-level decisions about policy and strategy. As a leader, the CEO/MD advises the board of directors, motivates employees, and drives change within the organization. As a manager, the CEO/MD presides over the organization's day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year operations.
Narendra Damodardas Modi (Gujarati: નરેન્દ્ર મોદી; born 17 September 1950) is the current Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat. Born in a middle class family in Vadnagar, he was the third of six children born to Damodardas Mulchand Modi and his wife Heeraben. He has been a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) since childhood also having interest in politics since adolescence. He holds a master's degree in political science. In 1998, he was chosen by L. K. Advani, the leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), to direct the election campaign in Gujarat as well as Himachal Pradesh.
He became Chief Minister of Gujarat in October 2001, promoted to the office at a time when his predecessor Keshubhai Patel had resigned, following the defeat of BJP in the by-elections. His tenure as chief minister of Gujarat began on 7 October 2001, and he is the longest serving Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat. In July 2007 he became the longest serving Chief Minister in Gujarat's history when he had been in power for 2063 days continuously. He was elected again for a third term on 23 December 2007 in the state elections, which he had cast as a "referendum on his rule".
Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi(Tamil : இந்திரா கிருஷ்ணமுர்த்தி நூயி) (born 28 October 1955) is a Tamil-born American business executive. She is the current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, the second largest food & beverage business in the world (by net revenue). According to Forbes, she is consistently ranked among World's 100 Most Powerful Women.
Nooyi was born in Madras, Tamil Nadu, India. She was educated at Holy Angels' Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School in Madras. She received a Bachelor's degree in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from Madras Christian College in 1974 and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (MBA) from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta in 1976. Beginning her career in India, Nooyi held product manager positions at Johnson & Johnson and textile firm Mettur Beardsell. She was admitted to Yale School of Management in 1978 and earned a Master's degree in Public and Private Management. While at Yale, she completed her summer internship with Booz Allen Hamilton. Graduating in 1980, Nooyi joined the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and then held strategy positions at Motorola and Asea Brown Boveri.
Virginia Marie "Ginni" Rometty (born July 1957 or 1958) is an American business executive; the president and CEO of IBM. She is the first woman to head IBM. Prior to becoming president and CEO in January 2012 she held the position of Senior Vice President and Group Executive for Sales, Marketing, and Strategy at IBM. She has been named to Fortune magazine's "50 Most Powerful Women in Business" for seven consecutive years, ranking #7 for 2011. She was also named to the Time 100 in 2012.
Rometty graduated from the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University in 1979 with high honors, receiving a bachelor's degree in computer science and electrical engineering.
After graduation in 1979, Rometty went to work for General Motors Institute; in 1981, she joined IBM as a systems engineer in its Detroit office. She joined IBM's Consulting Group in 1991. In 2002, she "championed the purchase of the big business consulting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, for $3.5 billion." Rometty became senior vice president and group executive for sales, marketing and strategy in 2009. Rometty is "credited with spearheading IBM's growth strategy by getting the company into the cloud computing and analytics businesses. She was also at the helm of readying Watson, the Jeopardy! playing computer, for commercial use." On October 25, 2011, IBM announced that she was to be the company's next president and CEO, with Sam Palmisano stepping down but retaining his position as chairman. Rometty's appointment marks the first time a woman has been CEO of IBM. Regarding her promotion, Palmisano stated, "Ginni got it because she deserved it... It’s got zero to do with progressive social policies."
Timothy D. “Tim” Cook (born November 1, 1960) is the CEO of Apple. Cook joined Apple in March 1998 as SVP of Worldwide Operations and also served as EVP of Worldwide Sales and Operations and was COO until he was named the CEO of Apple on August 24, 2011, succeeding Steve Jobs, who died on October 5, 2011, from pancreatic cancer. Cook had previously served as acting CEO of Apple after Jobs began a medical leave in January 2011.
In early 2012, he was awarded compensation of 1 million shares, vesting in 2021, by Apple's Board of Directors. As of April 2012, these shares are valued at US $600 million, making him the world's highest paid CEO.
Cook grew up in Robertsdale, Alabama, near Mobile. His father was a shipyard worker, while his mother was a homemaker. Cook graduated from high school at Robertsdale High School, earned a B.S. degree in industrial engineering from Auburn University in 1982, and his M.B.A. from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business in 1988.
Cook spent six months at Compaq as VP for Corporate Materials before he was hired by Steve Jobs to join Apple in 1998. He initially served as Senior Vice President for Worldwide Operations. Prior to that, Cook served as the chief operating officer (COO) of the computer reseller division of Intelligent Electronics and spent 12 years in IBM's personal computer business as the director of North American Fulfillment.