Shark Tank - Season 6, Episode 6 - October 24th, 2014 (Full Episode) HQ
tank 呂建中 精选集
Tank - I Can't Make You Love Me [Official Music Video]
Tank - You're My Star [Official Video]
Thomas the Tank Engine, Season 18 (Part 1)
Tank Interview at The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 (08/19/2014)
Russian tank T-90 (1000HP) stuck in the mud
Tank - Maybe I deserve
Ultimate TANK Fails Compilation || MonthlyFails
Fishy Business: Austin buys a fish tank for his new house
Shark Tank Season 6, Episode 4 | FULL EPISODE
Shark Tank | Season 6, Episode 5 | Full Episode
Shark Tank | Season 6, Episode 6 | Full Episode
A superhero comedy series about two roommates who battle villains, labor unions, and one mysterious machine.
The tables have turned. The last three Zombies on Earth are hiding from an angry mob of humans, waiting to hunt them out and kill their race once and for all. The Zombies are stationed in a shack, trying to plan an escape from their impending doom. They try and work together but their differences separate them. Will they succeed? Or will the Zombie die forever?
Lenny Cole, a London mob boss, puts the bite on all local real estate transactions. For substantial fees, he's helping Uri Omovich, a Russian developer. As a sign of good faith, Omovich loans Cole a valuable painting, promptly stolen off Cole's wall. While Cole's men, led by the dependable Archie, look for the canvas, three local petty criminals, the Wild Bunch, steal money from the Russian using inside information from his accountant, the lovely Stella. Meanwhile, a local drug-addled rocker, Johnny Quid, is reported drowned, and his connection to Cole is the key to unraveling the deceits and double crosses of life in the underworld.
Keywords: accountant, altered-version-of-studio-logo, anti-hero, art-theft, axe, bag-over-head, bare-chested-male, beating, black-comedy, blood-splatter
A story of sex, thugs and rock 'n roll.
Lenny Cole: I thought you lot drink vodka.::Uri: Whisky is the new vodka.::Lenny Cole: You're not joining me?::Uri: I don't drink.
Johnny Quid: [Archie has Johnnie Quid by his lapels and backed up against the wall] Don't hurt me Arch... I'm only little!
[first lines]::Archie: People ask the question... what's a RocknRolla? And I tell 'em - it's not about drums, drugs, and hospital drips, oh no. There's more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, others the sex game, the glamour, or the fame. But a RocknRolla, oh, he's different. Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot.
One Two: Hello?::Stella: It's me?::One Two: Who?::Stella: ME.::One Two: Ahh. Well, what do you want?::Stella: You.::One Two: Well, you had better come in then.
Pete: I'I'm sorry. I thought you might've liked a bit of company.::Johnny Quid: I'm dead, Pete. What does that tell you? It tells you that dead people don't like company.
Lenny Cole: [wearing a hat, suit, and glasses] What d'you think we are? Gangsters?
Johnny Quid: No need to worry just yet, boys. They're not going to do it while we're standing in the lift. Because then they'd have to carry the corpses to the cars, and that seems too much like hard work. In about two minutes there, Danny boy there is gonna turn and pop me two in the head, then one in the throat just to be sure. You shouldn't have brought me here, fellas, you're just going to end up as witnesses. Once they've "dealt" with us, they will put our corpses in the boot of a stolen car, then pour six gallons of petrol on the car. I'll let your imagination do the rest. Now, Danny boy here is rattled, because he knows that you know. And so, he's going to fight.::[Danny turns, but a forewarned Mickey and Roman manage to kill him and his friend]::Johnny Quid: Pass me the gun, Mickey. Quickly. QUICKLY! Don't worry, he can't defend himself, he's got no head!
Lenny Cole: He tried to poison me, that dirty Cossack!
Lenny Cole: Archie, slap him, send him to school, 'cause I can't take no more of this.
One Two: Nice shoes by the way.::Stella: Thank you. You will be able to afford a pair of your own in a couple of days.
While cleaning out their recently deceased grandfathers belongings, Brian & Jeff Chaisson inadvertently stumble upon an ancient book; one of mysterious and malevolent origin. Later that same evening, while entertaining friends during a sleepover, Jeff unveils the recent discovery in an effort to impress the group. Seizing the opportunity, the gang uses the book as a scare tactic against their favorite target and youngest member, Charlie. Succumbing to peer pressure, and the trusted reassurance of his older brother Tank, Charlie opens the book and unwittingly unleashes a malicious entity. An unseen force that has chosen to target the boys...an evil that has chosen the form 'of Darkness'.
Be Afraid of The Dark
Louie King has only ever been good at one thing -- meeting women. Hs friend Noel, who is luckless in love, starts paying Louie to teach him what he knows. Louie is so successful that more people start hearing about the class. Along the way, Louie meets Marla who teaches Feminism in the 20th Century. After Louie's ladies man credentials are challenged, he finds himself trying to get the one woman he can't have, Marla. But maybe she's judged Louie all wrong...
From Duds to Studs... one class at a time.
This epic depiction of thirty years of Chicano gang life in Los Angeles focuses on a teen named Santana who, with his friends Mundo and the Caucasian-but-acting-Hispanic J.D., form their own gang and are soon arrested for a break-in. Santana gets into trouble again and goes straight from reform school to prison, spending eighteen year there, and becoming leader of a powerful gang, both inside and outside the prison, while there. When he is finally released, he tries to make sense of the violence in his life, in a world much changed from when last he was in it.
Keywords: 1940s, 1950s, 1970s, anal-penetration, anal-rape, anal-sex, aryan-brotherhood, ass, bakery, barrio
In prison they are the law. On the streets they are the power.
Montoya Santana: I hear Little Puppet's name is on a piece of paper, ese.::J.D.: I want you to cosign it.::Montoya Santana: I'm taking it off, ese.::J.D.: That punk got you kicked back in the hole, set us all back. Now he's running around talking loud shit about how he wants out of La Eme. His number's up, homes.::Montoya Santana: I said I'm taking it off, ese.::J.D.: What's gonna happen is gonna happen. Don't try to stop it. You understand me? I'm asking you, carnal.::Montoya Santana: Is that where it's gotten to, ese?::J.D.: Brothers are talking about you.::Montoya Santana: What are they saying, ese?::J.D.: They're saying that you're not showing them anything.::Montoya Santana: You know, a long time ago, two best homeboys, two kids, were thrown into juvie. They were scared, and they thought they had to do something to prove themselves. And they did what they had to do. They thought they were doing it to gain respect for their people, to show the world that no one could take their class from them. No one had to take it from us, ese. Whatever we had... we gave it away. Take care of yourself, carnal.
Montoya Santana: I'm sorry to hear about Neto.::Julie: I don't know what to say to you.::Montoya Santana: Whatever, you know.::Julie: You're like two people. One is like a kid. Doesn't know how to dance, doesn't know how to make love. That's the one I cared about. But the other one, the other one I hate. The one who knows, the one who has this wrapdown, who knows how to run drugs, who kills people!::Montoya Santana: I don't have to listen to this shit, alright? If you were a man, I'd...::Julie: You'd kill me! Oh no. No, you'd fuck me in the ass, right? Right?::Montoya Santana: I guess we got nothing to say to eachother.::Julie: You know when I met you, I was impressed. Yeah, you talked about La Raza and education and the revolution, but you know what man? You really don't care about any revolution, do you? You're nothing but a fucking dope dealer.::Montoya Santana: Just a road to where we're going, esa.::Julie: Bullshit.::Montoya Santana: Sabes que? I don't do drugs, I don't even like them, but they're there, and it's a reality. And if I don't take care of that business, somebody else will.::Julie: Yeah, well, your business kills kids, man! It kills kids! Like Neto and Pablito and, and Miko, my son, who look up to you! Man, they idolize the ground you walk on!::Montoya Santana: What the fuck do you want from me? Do you want me to start over, esa? Get a job? How about become a citizen?::Julie: There's no fucking hope... for our kids, for our barrios... with people like you around.
Montoya Santana: Whatever I did to you or to mama... to make you hate me, I'm sorry.::Pedro Santana: Your mother was a beautiful woman. She made me feel proud. She was 19 years old. Raped... by sailors. After it happened, we never talked about it. Then we got married and we tried to forget. When you were born, I tried to love you. But every time I looked at you, I wondered who your real father was. I wondered which sailor's blood you carried inside of you.
Montoya Santana: You want to know something? I never been to the beach before.::Julie: For reals?::Montoya Santana: Yeah, for reals.
Montoya Santana: The state is so lame, they paid for the game.
Montoya Santana: Little Puppet!::Little Puppet: Orale!::Montoya Santana: Orale! How are you doing?::Little Puppet: Great.::Montoya Santana: It's good, ese. Called you for a little task, all right?::Little Puppet: Simon.::Montoya Santana: Now you'll do El Chucko. Want you to handle it for us, all right?::Puppet: I'll take care of it, ese.::Montoya Santana: Was I talking to you, ese?::Puppet: Santana, let me do it. Mi carnalito... that's not his thing. I mean he's no punk or nothing but...::J.D.: He's not talking to you, Puppet.::Montoya Santana: There's something I want you to understand, Little Puppet. What happened to Pie Face I didn't like it, but it was necessary, especially right now. Take a look over there, ese. El Chucko and La Nuestra Familia is making their play to get some respect, ese. La Eme took a long time earning the respect in this place. And if we wanna keep it we gotta show some class.
Young Montoya Santana: [Mundo is being devoted into the gang] Come on, give me your hand. You know what, ese, White Fence, Maravilla, Lomita, they've been around here longer than us, you know. It's cool. We've got our own clika, strong clika. Finally getting into our own, gaining respect.::Young JD: Our clika, our barrio, our family - that's all we got, ese.::Young Mundo: Simon.::Young JD: When we were kids, belonging felt good. But having respect, that feels even better.::Young Montoya Santana: Cause La Primera lives through us. It gives to us. It is us. We make it, carnal, we don't fake it, we just take it. Cause La Primera, ese...::Young JD: Always has been and always will be.::Young Mundo: Orale!::Young JD: Orale!::Young Montoya Santana: Welcome to the clika, carnal!::Young Mundo: Por Vida, ese, por Vida.
Puppet: Can I talk to you a minute?::Montoya Santana: Simon, ese.::Puppet: I heard about what happened. I'm sorry, Santana. Mi carnalito, he messed up.::Montoya Santana: It wasn't his fault, ese. It was all American beef. When they wanna pop you they're gonna pop you. Want some grill cheese, ese?::Puppet: No, thanks.::Montoya Santana: You sure, ese? It's good.::Puppet: People are saying it's Little Puppet's fault.::Montoya Santana: It wasn't his fault, ese.::Puppet: You know me, carnal, I'll do anything for La Eme. Anything. But I'm asking you, please, take my brother's name off.::Montoya Santana: Your brother's name is on a piece of paper, ese?::Puppet: They want me to kill him.::Montoya Santana: It's a mistake, ese. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it. Nothing's gonna happen to your brother.::Puppet: It's good to hear, ese, it's good to hear.
J.D.: We appreciate you've taken a time to talk to us.::Don Antonio Scagnelli: What can I do for you?::J.D.: It's gonna be some changes in the way business is done in East L.A. From now on our people are gonna be responsible for the East L.A. exchange. All deliveries between Mexico and exchange are gonna be done through us, all collections are gonna be done by us.::Don Antonio Scagnelli: Is that what you came here for? To tell me my business?::J.D.: From now on your business in the barrio is gonna be our business too.::Montoya Santana: [Approaches to Don Scagnelli] Let me explain something. For you, for us, for anybody who does business, things happen. And you or your family, your friend can end up doing time. Someone on the line would have to deal with that fact. Now you run the distribution on the outside, we run on the inside. Our offer is this we guarantee your people no problems in the inside.::Don Antonio Scagnelli: You listen to me. I don't know who you think you are, but if anything and I mean anything happens to my son's stay, uncomfortable with over the years, you'll regret the day when you make that choice.
J.D.: If we show weakness now, homes, everybody's gonna see it not just the mayates and wops as La Nuestra Familia as well. They're just waiting to make their fucking move. This way we can do it clean. Do what Scagnelli did, form them shoot out.::Montoya Santana: To who?::J.D.: Aryan Brotherhood. They hate the mayates, mayates hate them and don't be a fucking thing. The AB gives the blacks message then we won't have to risk anything.::Montoya Santana: We're spending all over time dealing with the Italians and now the Black Gorilla Family, ese, instead of getting our people out and keeping them out.::J.D.: You know what,if we don't fight for this shit now,we're gonna lose it all now, homes.
5 guys in their 20's spend most of their time hanging out in a Diner. It's Christmas time in 1959, and the guys all begin to think it's about time they went about their lives without the comfort of the 'diner'.
Keywords: 1950s, altar-boy, baltimore-colts, baltimore-maryland, beauty-parlor, bet, billiards, black-and-white-television, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, brother-brother-relationship
Suddenly, life was more than french fries, gravy and girls.
What they wanted most wasn't on the menu.
Shrevie: Ok, now ask me what's on the flip side.::Beth: Why?::Shrevie: Just, just ask me what's on the flip side, OK?::Beth: What is on the flip side?::Shrevie: Hey, Hey, Hey, 1958. Specialty Records. [Beth nods blankly] See? You don't ask me things like that, do you? No! You never ask me what's on the flip side.::Beth: No! Because I don't give a shit. Shrevie, who cares about what's on the flip side about the record?::Shrevie: I do! Every one of my records means something! The label, the producer, the year it was made. Who was copying whose style... who's expanding on that, don't you understand? When I listen to my records they take me back to certain points in my life, OK? Just don't touch my records, ever! You! The first time I met you? Modell's sister's high school graduation party, right? 1955. And Ain't That A Shame was playing when I walked into the door!
Timothy Fenwick, Jr.: All I did was I parked the car on a nice lonely road, I looked at her, and I said fuck or fight.
Timothy Fenwick, Jr.: Do you ever get the feeling that there's something going on that we don't know about?
Edward Eddie Simmons: You're dealing with a rational girl; that's your problem.
Modell: You know what word I'm not comfortable with? Nuance. It's not a real word. Like gesture. Gesture's a real word. With gesture you know where you stand. But nuance? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.
Billy: I'll hit you so hard, I'll kill your whole family.
Fenwick: Definitely the smile of the week!
Beth: That's very mature, Fenwick.::Fenwick: Fuck mature!
Fenwick (to Boogie): The only hand on your pecker is going to be your own!
Carol Heathrow: [about his penis] It just pushed the flaps open?::Boogie: It's Ripley's, I'm telling you.
A Vietnam vet returns home from a prisoner of war camp and is greeted as a hero, but is quickly forgotten and soon discovers how tough survival is in his own country.
Keywords: 1970s, adultery, african-american, bank, bankruptcy, based-on-novel, black-american, bookstore, bureaucracy, business
Richard Pryor is in a new kind of comedy...about some kind of hero...in some kind of mess. [USA theatrical]
After 5 years a P.O.W. in 'Nam His World Has Fallen Apart [Video Australia]
The Army is doing it to him in the daytime. His wife isn't doing it to him at night. And his girlfriend charges him by the hour. Richard Pryor keeps getting caught with his pants down.
Shark Tank - Season 6, Episode 6 - October 24th, 2014 (Full Episode) HQ
tank 呂建中 精选集
Tank - I Can't Make You Love Me [Official Music Video]
Tank - You're My Star [Official Video]
Thomas the Tank Engine, Season 18 (Part 1)
Tank Interview at The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 (08/19/2014)
Russian tank T-90 (1000HP) stuck in the mud
Tank - Maybe I deserve
Ultimate TANK Fails Compilation || MonthlyFails
Fishy Business: Austin buys a fish tank for his new house
Shark Tank Season 6, Episode 4 | FULL EPISODE
Shark Tank | Season 6, Episode 5 | Full Episode
Shark Tank | Season 6, Episode 6 | Full Episode
Tank - Next Breath [Music Video]
Tank - Hope This Makes You Love Me [Official Audio]
Furi a mágikus tank kalandjai!!
iPhone 6 Plus Crushed By Tank - Will it Survive?
Tank - Please Don't Go
Made in China - Replica Tank Documentary
ᴴᴰ Tanks with GoPro's™ ♦ Two T-72 Tanks got Hit in Jobar Syria ٭٭subtitles٭٭
TANK - 非妳莫屬 (官方版MV)
iMac vs 20mm Anti-Tank Rifle
Shark Tank Season 5, Episode 3 Full Episode
Greatest Tank Battles - The Normandy Tank Battles
BO MASTER! - Renekton ou Rammus, qui sera le plus gros tank? - Ranked de Bisou
Tank Overhaul - Season 01 Episode 01 / The Comet
Tank Overhaul - Episode 2 - The Panther
Thomas the Tank Engine, Season 16
Thomas the Tank Engine, Season 17
GTA V ONLINE | Carnage avec le tank #5 | EPIC ! Les plus gros rageux !!!
Thomas The Ghost Engine Halloween How To Make Epic Scary Trackmaster Trains
Tank Smashes Prius! Toyota Prius Battles AMC Gremlin & Suffers Crushing Defeat - Roadkill Ep. 17
Shark Tank Season 6 Episode 1 Part 1
Shark Tank Season 6 Episode 1 Part 2
ZOMBIE TANK YARD - 1 HOUR SPECIAL ★ Call of Duty Zombies Mod (Zombie Games)
Tank Biathlon: Final round of World Championship 2014
World of Tanks - E-100 Tier 10 Heavy Tank - Give Me Your Best Shot
Jayden and the dunk tank
Predator Fish tank
Robocraft - Episode 38 [HD] Tank Tier 6
ISIS Tank Destroyed by Kurdish YPG RPG-7 in Kobani Caught on Tape- Syria
ISIS Tank Destroyed by Kurdish YPG RPG-7 in Kobani Caught on Tape- Syria
ISIS Tank Destroyed by Kurdish YPG RPG 7 in Kobani Caught on Tape Syria
LIVE Jarvan IV Jungle [S4.18] - Full Tank a Hostia Limpia [Comentado Español]
m0n0xyd Tank VS Heli
Thomas The Tank Trackmaster Pool Tracks Russian Navy Ship Attack Crash & Accidents Fun
Tank Battles Cash Cheat Download Free - direct download no survey 2014
Thomas The Tank Engine Funny Accidents Crashes Bloopers Kids Toy Train Set Blooper Train Crash
800 l tank from Plovdiv
Solana 60 Gallon Reef Tank Update
South American and African Childs 60 gallon tank.
10 gallon guppy tank
My Aquascape Tank
Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends Games Compilation For Children For Free!
American M5 Half-track @Parola tank museum Finland
Shark Tank Season 5, Episode 5 Full Episode
Shark Tank Season 5, Episode 9 Full Episode
Shark Tank Season 5, Episode 26 April 25, 2014 Full Episode
Shark Tank Season 5, Episode 25 April 18, 2014 Full Episode HD
A tank is a tracked, armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive capabilities. Firepower is normally provided by a large-calibre main gun in a rotating turret and secondary machine guns, while heavy armour and all-terrain mobility provide protection for the tank and its crew, allowing it to perform all primary tasks of the armoured troops on the battlefield.
Tanks in World War I were developed separately and simultaneously by Great Britain and France as a means to break the deadlock of trench warfare. Their first use in combat was by the British Army on September 15, 1916 at Flers-Courcelette, during the Battle of the Somme. The name "tank" was adopted in Great Britain during the early stages of their development, as a security measure to conceal their purpose (see Etymology).
Tanks of the interwar period evolved into the designs of World War II. Important concepts of armoured warfare were developed; the Soviet Union launched the first mass tank/air attack at Khalkhin Gol (Nomonhan) in August 1939, which later resulted in the T-34, a predecessor of the main battle tank; this was quickly followed up by Germany on a larger scale when they introduced blitzkrieg ('lightning war') less than two weeks later; a technique which made use of massed concentrations of tanks supported by artillery and air power to break through the enemy front and cause a complete collapse in enemy resistance and morale.
I can sign for 1, 2 or 3 or 4
Get three weeks off in a year or more
Save up and get my very own SLR
'Cos I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Can you see the bullet's high velocity
It can blow a man's arm off at the
Count of three
If I get my hands on one of those
I'm something to watch out for
I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can
Yes I can
Don't care whereabouts they send me now
Send picture postcards to my old mother and father
And when I come home they'll have
Someone to be proud of
I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can drive (drive)
My very own tank
Yes I can
Who dat? Oh um hum
Who dat? Oh want to know right now oh
How would you like it if I told you I had a new chick,
And didn't need you no more cause she where sick with it?
What if I was all in her crib and she was loving this dick;
And I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to know?
You aint even on the low with it.
You acting like you let a nigga hit it.
Plus you aint got no job,
So how you get fits and that whip?
Just tell me who dat nigga is.
Who dat with their arms all up around you
Who dat gettin and hittin it like I use to
Who dat spending all their chips
Oh who dat bought you all that shit
Tell me where did it come from
And why he all on my sack
How could you let him come in and get what I had
I really don't wanna know
But girl I gots to
Tell me who's dat nigga
Baby who
Would you like if i went and got a floss piece,
And let her stay at my crib cause she would cook for me?
What if I gave her my last name,
And she was the one that I claimed,
And I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to know?
You aint even on the low with it.
You acting like you let a nigga hit it.
Plus you aint got no job,
So how you get fits and that whip?
Just tell me who dat nigga is.
Who dat with their arms all up around you
Who dat gettin and hittin it like I use to
Who dat spending all their chips
Oh who dat bought you all that shit
Where did it come from
And why he all on my sack
How could you let him come in and get what I had
I really don't wanna know
But girl I gots to
Tell me who's dat nigga
Baby who
It's killing me knowing you aint right
You giving him all of my bump and grind
I wish i had a chance to make it right
Just one more time
It's killing me to know that your gone
What a nigga got to do to get you on
I just can't take it
I just can't fake it
Who dat with their arms all up around you
Who dat gettin and hittin it like I use to
Who dat spending all their chips
Oh who dat bought you all that shit
Where did it come from
And why he all on my sack
How could you let him come in and get what I had
I really don't wanna know
But girl I gots to
Tell me who's dat nigga
Baby who
Who dat
Who dat
Who dat
Who dat
Who dat
Who dat cont...
I wanna know
I wanna know oh
Yeah yeah yeah
I wanna know who's the nigga in my house
Gettin my mail
Gettin my tail
Wearing my house shoes
In my bed room oh
Who dat with their arms all up around you
Who dat gettin and hittin it like I use to
Who dat spending all their chips
Oh who dat bought you all that shit
Where did it come from
And why he all on my sack
How could you let him come in and get what I had
I really don't wanna know
But girl I gots to
Tell me who's dat nigga
Wakey, wakey...
Hated you for far too long, you're just so damn polite
You've been screaming, shouting all night long
That you we've gotta get wrecked tonight...
I don't know when to stop... I just can't get enough... Shellshock!
It's getting late in the evening, I can't wait to turn the lights out...
Come down from the ceiling, don't stop just burn me out...
I don't know when to stop, I just can't get enough... Shellshock!
Some of the things you do... I just don't understand
But those strange things that you do... must mean I'm going mad
I don't know when to stop... I just can't get enough... Shellshock!
Insence burn like
We been at it 4 awhile
Everything we do
Feels so right
Keep it right here
Tryin 2 find my way
(Tryin 2 find my way)
In a place I've never been
(Place I've never been)
I messed up 4 sure
I'm so lost
In u
I'm so lost
In u
I'm surrounded
By your love
I give up
I'm so lost
In u
Your touching me
The way my body likes
We driving off road
Buckling me up
So tight
I got no where
2 go
Trying 2 find my way
(Trying 2 find my way)
In a place I've never been
(Place I've never been)
I messed up
4 sure
I'm so lost
In u
I'm so lost
In u
I'm surrounded
By your love
I give up
I'm so lost
In u
All these trees
They all look the same
And I'm
Deep in these woods
Screaming your name
Just wanna be
Lost everyday
And I don't need
Just let me stay
-Guitar Break-
I'm so lost
In u
I'm so lost
In u
I'm surrounded
By your love
I give up
I'm so
In u
So lost
In u
I'm so lost
In u
I'm surrounded
By your love
Give up
In u
I can't wait
I can't wait
[Verse 1]
I think of you
When the morning comes and the nighttime goes away (all day)
Don't you ever think that we won't be okay (no way)
There is nothing stopping me from loving you
Touching and rubbing and kissing and hugging you
What's this feeling taking over me
Baby that's love and it ain't no stopping it
I don't know as far as the eyes can see
Pick up the pace and it aint no dropping it
Always forever I'll be by your side
You're my Bonnie I'm your Clyde
That's the way that its gonna be
I'm in love with you and you in love with me
(I can't wait)
Sit down and talk for a minute
Go outside and take a walk for a minute
It's you and me
(I can't wait)
Sit down and talk for a minute
Go outside and take a walk for a minute
It's you and me
[Verse 2]
(I can't wait)
I can't believe
That someone like you will love me endlessly (forever)
If this goes our way my love will always be (eternally)
You have set my mind my love my heart so free
Together forever however just you and me
What's this feeling taking over me
Baby that's love and it aint no stopping it
I don't know as far as the eyes can see
Pick up the pace and it aint no dropping it
Always forever I'll be by your side
You're my Bonnie I'm your Clyde
Cause that's the way that it's gonna be
I'm in love with you and you're in love with me
(I can't wait)
Sit down and talk for a minute
Go outside and take a walk for a minute
It's you and me
(I can't wait)
Sit down and talk for a minute
Go outside and take a walk for a minute
It's you and me
(I can't wait)
To have you right next to me
Here by my side
(I can't wait)
To kiss and caress you girl
While holding you tight
(I can't wait)
Can't imagine life without you
It just ain't right
(I can't wait)
I got a whole lot of loving
And you gonna get it tonight
(I can't wait)
Sit down and talk for a minute
Go outside and take a walk for a minute
It's you and me
(I can't wait)
Sit down and talk for a minute
Go outside and take a walk for a minute
It's you and me
I can't wait
I can't wait
I can't wait
Ohh ohh ohh (oooohhh)
Ohh ohh ohh (yeah)
Ohh ohh ohh (i'm just playing it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (ohhhh)
Ohh ohh ohh (yeah)
Ohh ohh ohh yeah
I heard you taking yuh new man all the places we used
to go
Will I ain't trippin' i'm cool
and hittin' all the places that i only used to know
Will I ain't trippin' i'm cool
But deep inside it's hard to hide the truth
Cuz the only thing missin' in my ride is you, on the
I've been playin' it off
Like you didn't matter like i wasn't goin' crying at
I've been playin' it off
Like i had another to replace everything i lost
I've been playin' it off
Like i'm cool like i'm not missin' u and everybody
around me see i'm goin through
I've been playin' it off
but i need medicine i been sick ever since
i ain't trying to come off soft
thats why I'm been playing it off
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (i've been playing it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh yeah
Heard you covered yuh tattoo with butterflies
Don't understand but i ain't trippin' i'm cool
and i ain't got on my favorite dress for somebody else
to impress
but i ain't trippin i'm cool
deep inside it's hard to hide the truth (i can't hide
it yeah)
Cuz the only thing missing in my ride is you (you) on
the real
I've been playin' it off (ahhh)
Like you didn't matter like i wasn't goin' crying at
all (ahhh)
I've been playin' it off (ahhh)
Like i had another to replace everything i lost
I've been playin' it off (ahhh)
Like i'm cool like i'm not missin' u and everybody
around me see i'm goin' through (ahhh)
I've been playin' it off
but i need medicine i been sick ever since
i ain't trying to come off soft
that's why I'm playing it off
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (i been playing it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh yeah
If u been through it like yuh boy been trough it
turn to something bangin' in yuh ride
If u lookin' foolish cuz we been lookin' foolish
here's the chance to put your pride aside
Tell her i miss the way you put it down
you better thing anything else i found
Don't nobody else know u like me
And even know it's hard to see
I've been playin' it off (ahhh)
Like you didn't matter like i wasn't goin' crying at
all (ahhh)
I've been playin' it off (ahhh)
Like i had another to replace everything i lost
I've been playin' it off (ahhh)
Like i'm cool like i'm not missin' u and everybody
around me see i'm goin' through (ahhh)
I've been playin' it off
but i need medicine i been sick ever since
i ain't trying to come off soft
that's why I'm playin' it off
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (i been playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (i been playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (i been playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh (playin' it off)
Ohh ohh ohh ( yeah )
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
Another day on the grind, it ain't much to do
Fuck with some bitches, hit a couple switches
This nigga's talkin' shit, I had to bomb on him
Had to get checked, niggaz best respect
Everyday you see me on the paper chase
I'm G, Warren to the G you know me
Throw your hands high, where all my G's at?
They all comin', to where Warren G's at
I keep my game tight, money and money and mo' money
And ain't a damn thing funny
How could I live like that? I just can
And when it comes to this game, I'm just too far advanced
I'll leave you waiting, homey what's crackulating
Is it cracking or not? In the back of the lot?
But this is all I got, I thought it was known
Warren G, Neb Luv, K-Bar and it's on
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
Ride with Nine Inch Nails last night and shit
I'm on some more rock 'n' roll, hip hop shit
Keepin' it locked like my zip drive
We goin' stay high
Out for the Motza, get you strung out like pasta
All into the roster lady, baby
I'll drive ya crazy, pull your car for the diamonds
I'm gettin' shady, swayzie in the plush
Too quick to be touched, give you the head rush
To the front of the stage, like you bout to get paid
I'm lights, camera, watch you blow like grenades
I never serenade, I just party
Marinate, get your cash everybody
Come on and ride with me, dip with me
Get rich with me, sip some Hennessey
If you's a rider, a world wide, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
Big bank tank, little bank, nigga what you think?
I'm a pass on this million dollar hustle, you a fool now
Give me some portraits of some dead niggaz
Take two shots of the best made nigga
These niggaz, talkin' too much, they flossin' too much
Instead of makin' they bucks, bank account runnin' out of luck
Now you stuck, do deals fulfill your dreams make cream
Keep my pockets long like streams, no strings
Attached, attack any nigga plottin' on my stack
Mo bounce to this, smoke an ounce to this
Make more gold than fish, one wish
Live on top of the world
And better livin' for ghetto boys and girls
Peanuts is for the squirrels
Neb Luv, Warren G and me
Talkin' bout thick wallets and livin' lavishly
Mash on thee enemy
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
If you wanna dip with me, trip with me, get rich with me
Then you a world wide rider, rider
You a world wide rider, rider
Hell, yeah... Going back to Vietnam again, searching for ghosts and old news
I'm standing in the Saigon rain wonderin' which lens that I used
Oh yeah, what can you tell from a photograph? Oh yeah, how do you know
When to cry or laugh? Ho Chi Minh City is now it's name
Pot holed battered abused a waste of life for little gain
An airfield overgrown and disused
Oh yeah, what can you tell from a photograph? Oh yeah, how do you know when to cry or laugh?
When the hunter becomes the hunted, when the hunter becomes the hunted
Ah yeah... Hell yeah... Aaaaaaah...
The camera's silent it waits in vain focused and ready to use
This limbless child does have a name
Agent orange? I thought that you knew
Oh yeah, what can you tell from a photograph? Oh yeah, how do you know when to cry or laugh?
When the hunter becomes the hunted, when the hunter becomes the hunted
Ah Yeah... Ah Yeah... When the hunter becomes the hunted
When the hunter becomes the hunted [x2]
Ah Yeah...
Sunshine, geyeah
I sold it all from crack to opium, in third person
I don't wanna see 'em, so I'm rehearsing
with my peoples high to GM, from a remote location
in the BM, scoping the whole situation like, "Dayamm!"
Metamorphic, as the dope turns to cream
but one of these buyers got eyes like a Korean
It's difficult to read em, the windows to his soul
are half closed, I put the key in
Pulled off slow, hoping my people flee-in
Chink tried to knock the only link that tied me in
Coppers was watching us through nighttime binoculars
This time they got us on tape, exchanging dope for dollars
Make me wanna, holler back at the crib in the sauna
Praying my people bailed out like Time/Warner
Awaiting call, from his kin not the coroner
Phone in my hand, nervous confined to a corner
Beads of sweat second thoughts on my mind
How can I ease the stress and learn to live with these regrets
This time... stress... giving this shit up... fuck
This is the number one rule for your set
In order to survive, gotta learn to live with regrets
On the, rise to the top, many drop, don't forget
In order to survive, gotta learn to live with regrets
This is the number one rule for your set
In order to survive, gotta learn to live with regrets
And through our travels we get separated, never forget
In order to survive, gotta learn to live with regrets
As sure as this, Earth is turning souls burning
in search of higher learning turning in every direction seeking direction
My moms crying cause her insides are dying
her son trying her patience, keep her heart racing
A million beats a minute, I know I push you to your limit
but it's this game love, I'm caught up all in it
They make it so you can't prevent it, never give it
you gotta take it, can't fake it I keep it authentic
My hand got this pistol shaking, cause I sense danger
like Camp Crystal Lake and
don't wanna shoot him, but I got him, trapped
within this infrared dot, bout to hot him and, hit rock bottom
No answers to these trick questions, no time shit stressing
My life found I got to live for the right now
Time waits for no man, can't turn back the hands
once it's too late, gotta learn to live with regrets
You used to hold me, told me that I was the best
Anything in this world I want I could posses
All that made me want is all that I could get
In order to survive, gotta learn to live with regrets... (when I was young)
I found myself reminiscing, remember this one
when he was here he was crazy nice with his son
I miss him, long as I'm living he's living through memories
He's there to kill all my suicidal tendencies
In heaven looking over me, or in hell, keeping it cozy
I'm coming life on these streets ain't what it's supposed to be
Remember Newton, mutual friend well me and him feuding
On your life I tried to talk to him
But you know niggas, think they guns can stop foe niggas
Fronting like they, Big Willie but really owe niggas
Hoe niggas, this year I'm sho' niggas think I'm slipping
I'm bought to send you a roommate, no bullshitting
for my hustle's going too well to hit him
You was right niggas want you to be miserable wit em
Anyway, I ain't trying to hear it, I think I'm touched
this whole verse I been talking to your spirit, a little too much
Come come come back to me
Was all i could say
The day that i lost my baby
Don't know why she wanna leave
When she knows i will do anything for my baby
Now why you wanna do a playa like that
You like him now but you gon' be runnin back
And i'll be waitin' for you baby that's a fact
Baby do you hear me, baby do you feel me yeah
I told her she was better than that
And i would treat her better than that
And all she gotta do is come back (come back to me)
Come back to me
Come come come come back to me
Was all i could say
The day she jumped outta my mercedes
Don't know why she wanna leave
The fact she did this on love just drives me crazy
Now why you wanna do a playa like that
You like him now but you gon' be runnin back
And i'll be waitin' for you baby that's a fact
Baby do you hear me, baby do you feel me yeah
I remember when
You told me you would never ever ever leave my side
Now lately all i do is picture you just hoppin' out my ride
Now you got a friend
But he won't do the things i used to do
The things he do
Won't do for you
Tell me baby what you goin' through
I got that go back
I got that get back
From The Fast And The Furious soundtrack
[Chorus 2x: Tank]
In my race against time I - can't stop
Runnin through the red light - livin my life
Even if I'm gettin too high
I'ma keep runnin through the red light - livin my life
Consequences, reprecusion
All discussion about my loved ones
Didn't know paper had a price on it
That your ice would have your life on it
The cost to ball ain't changed, but I'm trying to
Red lights flashing, but I keep on through
Mom said paper ain't everything
Baby girl wants a wedding ring, I wish that I could sing
Oooohhhh, I'm moving too fast
Oooohhhh, I'm not gonna last
Oooohhhh, smile down on me
Ain't got much time, made up my mind
I'm gonna keep on through, whatever comes is mine
[Chorus 2x]
Nobody cry for me
Cuz I, wanna see you smile for me
When I die, look through my window, to the soul
Tell me if you see Tank living to grow old
Cuz too many niggas done died for what I hold
The talent to warm a world which is so cold
Take me, save me, before I'm crazy
The only reason I live is for my baby
[Ja Rule]
Never did you tell me that
Life ain't a game
Maybe if you told me this
Shit might be changed
But now I'm just racing against time, trying to survive
And see why, ya'll niggas drive over nigga's vibe
If you gonna live, know you gonna die
If you gonna steal, know you gotta lie
Get drunk and stay high
Don't de-nigga-ny, cuz they'll never take me alive
Feel me Lord, I'm running out of time
[Chorus 2x]
Oooohhhh, I'm moving too fast
Oooohhhh, I'm not gonna last
Oooohhhh, smile down on me
Ain't got much time, made up my mind
I'm gonna keep on through, whatever comes is mine
[Chorus til fade]
[Chorus: Tank]
You! (You)
Thinking about me! (Thinking about me)
Sucking on you! (Sucking on you)
You sucking on me! (Can you do it for me babe?)
Me! (Me)
Thinking about you! (Thinking about you)
Cumming on me! (Cumming on me baby)
Me cumming on you! (Me cumming on you shorty babe)
[Verse 1: Plies]
Hoe, dont be cute, tonight I want to get nasty
Let me drop this mayonnaise, baby, in your salad
Slide your hand in my pants if you want to grab it
Bet as soon as you touch it, you call me "big" daddy
Want to lick all over you before I let you have it
Hold your legs open for me so I can really pack it
I'm already rock hard, you ain't got to jack me
Bet the tip of this tounge make you really like it
Picture us on the floor with no clothes on
You eating me, I'm eating you, shit we both raw
Let you ride me tonight off your favorite song
Tonight a special night, baby a freak is born
[Chorus: Tank]
You! (You)
Thinking about me! (Thinking about me)
Sucking on you! (Sucking on you)
You sucking on me! (Can you do it for me babe?)
Me! (Me)
Thinking about you! (Thinking about you)
Cumming on me! (Cumming on me baby)
Me cumming on you! (Me cumming on you shorty babe)
[Verse 2: Plies]
Let me cut a hole right in the middle of your panties
Put a peep-hole right on top your candy
I'ma have you moaning when you grab me
I'm a goon lil' momma but I like it fancy
See, sucking all on you is what gets you all ancy
Seeing how a goon moves, makes you want to chase me
After I rip you tonight you might want to ban me
Your friend wanted me to, thats why she can't stand me
It's your friend in your jeans that got my attention
A real nigga in your life is all you missing
Ain't nobody like me baby, I'm my competition
Baby when you walk out the door in the morning you leave with me
[Chorus: Tank]
You! {You)
Thinking about me! (Thinking about me)
Sucking on you! (Sucking on you)
You sucking on me! (Can you do it for me babe?)
Me! (Me)
Thinking about you! (Thinking about you)
Cumming on me! (Cumming on me baby)
Me cumming on you! (Me cumming on you shorty babe)
[Verse 3: Plies]
If you want to we could just tease eachother
Get drunk. Get naked and lay under cover
Let me peek at her first before I go any further
Stick my finger in yo mouth before I even touch her
Ain't got to put it in, we could just hunch eachother
See if I could make you nut without even fucking you
Feel me pushing up against you, then go on and rub you
Now you mad you want to fuck, I could tell how you cussing
Just a couple minutes ago, you wasn't fucking nothing
Now you pressing up against me because that pussy gushing
Got you swerving all over, now got you touching
Made a crunk cut, now we sucking and fucking
[Chorus: Tank]
You! {You)
Thinking about me! (Thinking about me)
Sucking on you! (Sucking on you)
You sucking on me! (Can you do it for me babe?)
Me! (Me)
Thinking about you! (Thinking about you)
Cumming on me! (Cumming on me baby)
Me cumming on you! (Me cumming on you shorty babe)
[Beat fade out]
Yeah...there's a lot of them up in here you know but
It's one of them nights you know...it's my night...yeah
Stack of them but it's only one of me (Get me up in the air)
Stack of them but it's only one of me (All night)
Stack of them but it's only one of me (Oh)
Only one of me, only one of me
Verse 1:
Have you seen me?
I've been stacked next to people tryna be me
Before the end of the night you gon' meet me
Tucked neat between your string, baby free me,yeah
Do you need me?
I'm willing to be used baby keep me
I know you see a lot of these weekly
But I feel so damn special in your bikini
Girl I can fit the bill
They call me dollar bill
But you can call me your one
Your, your, your one
I aint on the floor with the rest of them fools
Right up on your skin laying next to you
Call me your one, your, your, your one
Verse 2:
I hope you notice
Imma stand out in the sky when they throw this
Am not the one just fly, but i'm the coldest
Let me give it to you straight baby don't fold this
In other places girl I just don't mean a thing
Coming from a 20 I aint nothing but some change
Big faces clown on me, but they dont understand
Up in here, i'm the man
Girl I can fit the bill
They call me dollar bill
But you can call me your one
Your, your, your one
I aint on the floor with the rest of them fools
Right up on your skin laying next to you
Call me your one, your, your, your one
I don't mean a thing up in Gucci but in here im a star
Switch them big bills out for me over here at the bar
I can't do much for bottle service
Get me to that stage and show you how to work this
Baby drop that thing out, coming with the rain now
Imma make you feel like it's all worth it
Girl I can fit the bill
They call me dollar bill
But you can call me your one
Your, your, your one
I aint on the floor with the rest of them fools
Right up on your skin laying next to you
Call me your one, your, your, your one
Stack of them but it's only one of me
Stack of them but it's only one of me
Stack of them but it's only one of me
Only one of me, only one of me
Stack of them but it's only one of me
Stack of them but it's only one of me
Stack of them but it's only one of me
Yeah, no right now, no, no, no
I'd give up my last dime, I don't care what they think
I'd cry to get you back and I'll fight until I win
Don't care how much it hurts, don't matter what you do
I'm in no matter what cause you mean that much to me
Cause you mean that much to me
Cause you mean that much to me
Don't want to see you cry, I swear to tell the truth
My pride is out the door, won't be that man no more
I'll work to gain your trust, can't do this without you
If you leave me girl I'd die, cause you mean that much
to me
Cause you mean that much to me
Cause you mean that much to me
Girl, cause you mean that much to me
Cause you mean that much to me
If you catch the blame I'd take the fall
Hard time, I'd do it all
And I'd swear it was all my fault cause you mean that
much to me
I'll stand on the front line, take a bullet that's not
I'll even lay down my life ... cause you mean that much
to me
You mean that much to me, you mean it, you really mean
it girl
You mean so much, I know I can't take another day
without you girl
Baby I would, I would cry for you
You mean that much to me,
You mean that much to me
Baby, baby, oh,
You mean it , girl, you mean it girl.
I just wanna sing my song,
When I met you,
You was like that perfect girl,
Thought I never find that in my ghetto world,
You never question my job,
You never toe up my rent,
You never spend up my money,
You never scuffed up my chin,
But one year later I don't know who you be,
And I can't take the way you be mistreating me,
Now you don't cook no more,
Now you go through my phone,
Now you spend up my money,
Now you fuss all day long
This is my wedding song (thon thon thonthon thon thon thonthon),
If you fell me sing along you all,
If I had known what I know what I know what I know right now,
Things would be different now,
And I wouldn't be standing here singing in my wedding song (thon thon thonthon thon thon thonthon),
We'll be somewhere getting it on,
And we still be freaking each other, I still be friends with your mother,
Somehow it all went wrong,
And now I'm standing here singing in my wedding song (thon thon thonthon thon thon thonthon)
Girl you tripping how you gone say I done change,
With that big ass wedding ring,
Maybe I'm not always home,
Maybe I leave up the seat,
Maybe I don't always listen,
Maybe I snore when I sleep,
But I still loved you even with your attitude,
And I still loved you thats why I took care of you,
Baby I gave you two kids,
Baby I bought you this house,
Baby I changed up your life,
Remember I kicked what's a name out
For better or for worse thats what the preacher said but I didn't think it'd get this bad,
And I know I said I do,
But I'll be damn if I grow old with you,
And you said you never change but you did as soon as I gave you my last name,
Girl I can't believe there's no more you and me,
Except there's but just so it gotta be baby
I'm looking for this girl
Her name is love
Dreamed about her a thousand times
Only had her once
Damn I gots to get to her
How did I lose her & my mind at the same time
Been all around the world
Where could she be
Ain't nuthin like when she was next to me
Still smell the scent of her perfume
So lonely in this room
Something I can't get used to
[Thought I could find someone to do what she do]
Turns out that I was living a lie
& She was the truth
What did I do, guess I was just a fool
Now I need her to know...
[She's Wanted]
Gotta put that word on the streets
[Wanted] Hang up some posters for me
[Wanted] Stands about yay tall, 36, 24 real love, real talk
[She's Wanted]
Violation 243 committed battery to my heart
Now if I gotta look forever, swear that I'm gone get her
[She's Wanted, Wanted, Wanted]
I should have listened when she said she felt alone
The only feelings I cared about were my own
How could I be so selfish
It hurts I can't help it
Traumatized my baby's gone
[Thought I could find someone to do what she do]
Turns out that I was living a lie
& She was the truth
What did I do, guess I was just a fool
Now I need her to know...
[She's Wanted]
Gotta put that word on the streets
[Wanted] Hang up some posters for me
[Wanted] Stands about yay tall, 36, 24 real love, real talk
[She's Wanted]
Violation 243 committed battery to my heart
Now if I gotta look forever, swear that I'm gone get her
[She's Wanted, Wanted, Wanted]
Coulda swore I saw her dip around that corner
She got out before I could push up on her [I was too slow]
Don't know how but she keep getting away from me
I need to step up my search put out that APB
Coulda swore I saw her dip around that corner
She got out before I could push up on her [OOh]
Don't know how but she keep getting away from me
I need to step up my search put out that APB
[She's Wanted]
Gotta put that word on the streets
[Wanted] Hang up some posters for me
[Wanted] Stands about yay tall, 36, 24 real love, real talk
[She's Wanted]
Violation 243 committed battery to my heart
Now if I gotta look forever, swear that I'm gone get her
Oh, my centerpiece, my innerpiece
Why I breathe, why I'm at ease
'Cause endlessly, you're with me
Just ask me girl, you're my everything
I give my last, I give her my first
'Cause without you boo, ooh, it could be the worst
I'd give up it all to stop her fall
You can drive me up a wall, but I'll still come
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
It's everlasting baby, it's unpredictable
It's everlasting baby, it's more than you will know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Come on and ask me baby, how many times have I said no
Nothing's too big, no place too far, hold my car
Ooh, you're a prized possession
I recognized my blessing
To be in your presence go to any measures
I got way more love for you than you know
If she only knew there is nothing I won't do for her
I'll change my schedule to leave you in the middle
Baby, I'll be gentle or whatever you're into
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
It's everlasting baby, it's unpredictable
It's everlasting baby, it's more than you will know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Come on and ask me baby, how many times have I said no
I done prove many times that I'm down to anything
Don't act like you don't remember making love in the park
Or making love anywhere you name
We can make love in the ladies room
Call my bluff, I'll show you what's up, try me girl
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
It's everlasting baby, it's unpredictable
It's everlasting baby, it's more than you will know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Come on and ask me baby, how many times have I said no
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
It's everlasting baby, it's unpredictable
It's everlasting baby, it's more than you will know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Come on and ask me baby, how many times have I said no
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Don't put it, pass me baby
'Cause girl, you'll never know
It's everlasting baby, it's unpredictable
It's everlasting baby, it's more than you will know
Don't put it, pass me baby, I'm unpredictable
Said I'm so underrated
Said I'm so underrated (yeahhh)
[Verse 1]
I done wrote songs that made tears fall
I done wrote songs that made your ex call
Songs that'll make grown men get down on bended knee
And the things that I do you only gone get from me but I'm so underrated
Lookin at my watch it's about that time
I done patiently waited
And I hate
That I'm so underrated
I hope you hear this song and know I'm singing from the heart
And I'm kinda faded
I wasn't created to be so underrated
[Verse 2]
God I got a gift but they just don't see me
Couple mo prayers I hope you can hear me
I done made these companies a whole lot of paper
But with all of this success I still wanna be greater
Gave a good return when the streets bet
Truth is that I ain't really peaked ya
And I can't get the things that he get
Damn I'm so underrated
Lookin at my watch it's about that time
I done patiently waited
And I hate it
That I'm so underrated
I hope you hear this song and know I'm singing from the heart
And I'm kinda faded
I wasn't created to be so underrated
[Verse 3]
God I got a gift but they just don't see me
Couple mo prayers I hope you can hear me
I'm bout to switch the style up
And if they hate then let em hate
And watch the money pile up
And now when I hit the stage
They gone scream my name
Somebody must've turn the crowd up
And they gone pay about a million for the show
G6 on that runway got somewhere to go
And we gone laugh about the days I was broke
And so underrated
Lookin at my watch it's about that time
I done patiently waited
And I hate
That I'm so underrated
I hope you hear this song and know I'm singing from the heart
And I'm kinda faded
I wasn't created to be so underrated
God I got a gift but they just don't hear me
word on the street is you're hurting without me, hurting without me. yeah
i knew you would see that you couldn't live without me. should've been about me
some of it was me. i was way too selfish but i couldn't help it.
i just wanted you to be, like me, so helpless. feel the way i felt. yeah
ain't no girl gon' do for you like i do.
i do whatever for you, babe.
ain't no use in trying to act like we're through.
you need me back.
cause i'm the one that's down for you.
you know you can't deny the truth.
there's nothing left for me to prove.
you need me back.
cause i can make your house a home
and it ain't been the same since i've been gone.
the reason that you're feeling alone
you need me back
holding your sheets cause you're missing my loving.
i was giving you loving. yeah
harder to sleep cause you wake up with nothing.
need to wake up with nothing. yeah
you should take it in. i know you're trying to fight but you need to make it right. yeah
she like me. she's only good for the night, but i'm good for your life.
ain't no girl gon' do for you like i do.
i do whatever for you, babe.
ain't no use in trying to act like we're through.
you need me back.
cause i'm the one that's down for you.
you know you can't deny the truth.
there's nothing left for me to prove.
you need me back.
cause i can make your house a home
and it ain't been the same since i've been gone.
the reason that you're feeling alone
you need me back
i'm good for you, baby. i'm good. so good. (6x)
so damn good.
you need me back.
cause i'm the one that's down for you.
you know you can't deny the truth.
there's nothing left for me to prove.
you need me back.
cause i can make your house a home
and it ain't been the same since i've been gone.
the reason that you're feeling alone
(Ohhhhh Yeah. Yeah.)
Verse 1
Why can’t I get you off my mind?
Clips of your body… on rewind.
If I come over, would it be right?
No, I aint sober.
Drunk and so high of your love, your love, your love.
Is that alright?
Cause you don’t know
How hard I go
I’m a fiend for
I just want more
This is how I feel
(Oooh) x4
Verse 2
Imma take time
Can we get lost?
Look how you shine
I bet you cost
And I can’t afoooord
All of your
Cause you don’t know
How hard I go
I’m a fiend for
I just want more
This is how I feel
(Oooh) x4
Yours right next to mine
Beauty so divine
I’ll stay in for life
Talk to me
Tell me when
Starting to feeling that feeling again
I feel you now
(Ooooooh, Ooooh)
This is how I feel
I should get out of it
But I cannot refrain
From wondering where
It comes from
And why it has begun
Confusion in my mind
Has slithered through my eyes
It has reached my soul and now
It's consuming me inside
The veil has been torn
Swallow the words I vomit
May they crawl unto your senses
Forward, the path is waiting
Will you join me? Time has come to leave...
Climbing the walls of misery
I'll find a place where answers rest. Are you calling me?
Tomorrow 's dark and my skin is scarred
But I will face it more than enough. The day after arrived
I wonder if what you do
Tallies with what you are
No one seems to realize
We don't have to hide
I won't forsake you
Drink these words that are falling
From my mouth, may they touch your heart
The way is waiting for us
Will you join me? Time has come to change...
Climbing the walls of misery
I'll find a place where answers rest. Tell me if you need me!
Tomorrow 's dark and my skin is scarred
But I will face it more than enough. The day after arrived
Come on
Let's fight the dawn
No remorse
The day after
Come on now!
Climbing the walls of misery
I'll find a place where answers rest, it's all that's left to me!
My scar is now wide open and tomorrow 's still darker
We wanna feel the heat
The blinding light, the deafening noise
Let our rage burn the ground
And the sweat vanish in the air
We wanna see the eyes
So full of pain, so full of hate
We've got only one thing to do
And we won't let it go
Scream the words
Of rebellion
Spread your wings
Fly away from this
Scream the words
Of rebellion
Materialize your feelings
Use them as a weapon
Be ready for
A new way of thinking
Think of A New Kind
Cursed be the ones who stand
On the path of liberty
Those who are preventing us
From going forward
The very ones who lead us
To our fucking loss
Down! We will drag them down
And we won't let them go
Scream the words
Of rebellion
Make them rot
Fight for what is right
Scream the words
Of rebellion
Tear apart your shell
Crawl as far as you can
Be ready for
A new way of thinking
Think of A New Kind (T.A.N.K)
Break the rules, now (T.A.N.K)
Open up your eyes (T.A.N.K)
No time to waste
We still wanna feel the heat
The blinding light, the deafening noise
Our rage is burning inside you
The eyes seems now wide open
Scream the words
Of rebellion
As one we...
We will make it real
Scream the words
Of rebellion
Writing our own story
Pain will be inflicted
It's amazing how your life can change
It's plan and simple as it can bring things
And take perspective before it comes your way
I'm am so thankful to God for this day
'Cause for a long time the streets were my home
Slanging hard, banging hard, got me known
But the reason to live I've been shown you new reason
I gotta be around to see my baby boy grow
Street life no more, I'm throwing in the towel
Street life no more, I gotta son now
Street life no more, I gotta make it out
Street life no more, oh, yeah
Street life no more, I'm throwing in the towel
Street life no more, I gotta show little man
What life is really about
One more dealing and I'm outta this thing
Need the paper so that I can maintain
I'ma find a job, hopefully something that pays
It's hard to walk away from this figures I made
Grab the money and this don't look right no more
That nigga right there, I think I seen him before
Good thing he didn't make a sell or buy
He gave me four years, I'll be out by the he's five
Street life no more, I'm throwing in the towel
Street life no more, I gotta son now
Street life no more, I gotta make it out
Street life no more
Street life no more, I'm throwing in the towel
Street life no more, I gotta show little man
What life is really about
Baby, don't cry, I'll be home soon
I left a gang of money in the safe for you
Come alright, I'll make it right through
I just got his picture of his first day in preschool
He's gonna be smart just like his mom
I commend you, black queen for holding on
How many days I think I'ma cry
When I get out no more street life
Street life no more, I'm throwing in the towel
Street life no more, I gotta son now
Street life no more, I gotta make it out
Street life no more
Street life no more, I'm throwing in the towel
Street life no more, I gotta show little man
What life is really about
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Street life no more
Don't ask me
Why I am standing here
I seek strolling
About shame in my head
Now easy...
Tell me what's wrong with me
And scream my name
If you remember it
Please, you have to remember
Long time ago you forged the monster in me
While I'm loosing control
Yet I'm loosing my soul
My eyes are blinded by hate
While I'm loosing control
Yet I'm waiting for the call
Is it me? Am I so vile?
Hatred and madness combined
I'm now waiting for a sign
Order me to launch the fury
Man, please stop blowing at me
Oh my thing rightfully mine
There's no faceless foe inside
Now I'm gonna hit you where it hurts
Our worlds...
Hate will drain
The tears falling from your eyes
As your life
Is spilling in mine
Heal the scars
Carved in my furthest past
Transient shade
Reduced to nil
In the end
A forlorn memory
Our worlds collide for the last time
For the last time
Set the mood
light the candles
and bring the wine
I'm wantin you
Been havin this feelin
For sometime now
Come on in
Take off your coat
And stay a while
I Been waiting for this day
Just so we could make love slow
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Slip it off yea
show big daddy what he's been missing
Tip it off tip it off
Want you to feel right
When I'm kissing when I'm kissing
Really really wanna take my time
With you pretty baby
If you don't mind
Love you all night long
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Come on in
Close the door
Take off your clothes
Drink some more
Holding you close
Holding you tight
Makin love through the night
Come on in
Close the door
Take off your clothes
Drink some more
Holding you close
Holding you tight
Making love through the night
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Slowly (All Night Long)
Slowly (I Know)
We'll be (Making Love)
Oh, no no no
Can I get a ... ?
I know you're feeling my show time, yeah, yeah
Get ready baby, this is about to go down, go down
I know you got the word that big daddy is in town, town,
I know you got your best song for your boy
And I got some new hits you gonna enhoy, oh
Starting with your favorite song
Girl we're about to get it on
It's show time, I'm gonna do the stage, girl I wanna get
you screaming
It's show time, so get up off the seat, get up, I'm about
to give you ...
So get your hands in the air, I'm about to get it ... I
can see it
I know you feel about the show time
I need a standing ovation, yeah, I need
You got what it takes to put it on me
Cause I heard about you from the homies but
What a nigger gotta do to get a piece of you
Why you try to hold it on me
Why did you got the greatest show on it
Got my dick... party under your skirt
And I wanna get inside
Trying to get a ride
Can we get this thing off tonight
I know you have been around
And it's quit alright to me
Can I get my turn on
Do what you did to them to me
She got that body
She got what I need
She got that... I wanna do
She got that butty
She got that hodies
She got that
Nigger I wish I could have her to
Baby I am gonna... on your door
Early on the morning at 3 or 4
She got that body
She got what I need
She got that
I wanna see what she can do
Time for me a nigger don't wanna
She's gonna be tripping like a nigger...
Cause I can handle her show her how we do it where I come from
All you gotta do is say the word boo and in 20 we can get all up in the room
Cause I want it kind of bad the best I ever had...
So elt me get a taste of all the things you do
I know you have been around can I get my...
She got that body
She got what I need
She got that... I wanna do
She got that butty
She got that hodies
She got that
Nigger I wish I could have her to
Baby I am gonna... on your door
Early on the morning at 3 or 4
She got that body
She got what I need
She got that
Is the lady killer
I do her she do me
The f*ck it the ..sleep
She like it ruff
She can’t get enough
Go get her she go hard
Straight sinner oh my god
Beginner not ..
she got everything to play .. naked
She don’t wanna leave you, she don’t wanna go
Take it up the foes ..goes
I’ma be the lover until she oh oh oh
She’s ll just be the lover until she oh oh oh
She got me saying ooh i got her saying ooh
I’ma be the lover until she oh oh oh
She’s ll just be the lover until she oh oh oh
I can’t say she kiss me,
she up and down I’m in between
I let her drive she back her up
She hit the guys like we hit the rush
Go get her she go hard,
Straight sinner oh my god
Beginner not ..
she got everything to play .. naked
...better drink
‘Bout to .. don’t you think
It’s the perfect ..
Girl i don’t know ..
And somebody listen
Somebody listen i make ..
Somebody listen ..
If you sexy and you know it
And you sexy and you show it
Lemme see you get your hands in the air
If you sexy and you know it
And you sexy and you show it
Wave your hands like you just don't care
Verse 1:
We don't need no clothes for this
They be on the floor for this
All up on the pole for this
Dropping down low for this
All up on the side with this
All between her thighs with this
Imagine how she ride with this
Wait 'til I'm inside with this oh, oh
I know it's turning you on, on
Didn't think it take us this long, long
To have our bodies going crazy to the beat of this song, oh
We get it on, ah ah all night long
To this sex music, sex music
Don't stop, that's it, right there, that's my shit
To this sex music, sex music
Verse 2:
We got plenty time for this
All that's on my mind with this
All day on the grind for this
Ima make you mine to this
'Tron and a lime with this
Hope you get right to this
'Gon and close your eyes to this
Love the way you bite your nipple
I know it's turning you on, on
Didn't think it take us this long, long
To have our bodies going crazy to the beat of this song, oh no
We get it on, ah ah all night long
To this sex music, sex music
Don't stop, that's it, right there, that's my shit
To this sex music, sex music
Verse 3:
Gurl I love your birthday suit
Sho' looks good on you
I just wanna lick you from head to toe
Ima having you screaming oh, oh
Baby take this ride,
Got me gased up all night
Push the petal down to the flo'
We got sex music on the radio
We get it on, ah ah all night long
To this sex music, sex music
Don't stop, that's it, right there, that's my shit
To this sex music, sex music
Sex, sex, sex music (oh oh oh)
Sex, sex, sex music (oh, ah, oh)
[Whisper:] Turn the lights off
[Verse 1:]
Look me in eyes, while I'll make love to you girl
I wanna see your face I wanna know you feel it
And I won't be suprised because I know I feel it too
And I ain't into keeping secrects anymore
Cause I already know you love it babe, sometimes
I just wanna hear you say it... {yeaahh}
I want you to tell me just how good it feels tonight
Scream when your fed up
Scream when your sick and tired baby
Scream when you packed your bags and you walked up out
the door {so let me hear you now}
Scream cause it feels good
Scream girl cause were making love like crazy
Scream when your calling my name out and you beggin me
for more
Let me hear {ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah}
Let me hear {ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah}
[Verse 2:]
Tell me that it's mine
Tell me you'll do it again I wanna hear it right now
Make it up to daddy, cause you been a bad girl, yeah
Tell me I'm a man, tell me baby yeah it's all yours
That's what I need to hear right now from you girl
Cause I already know you love it babe
{But sometimes just wanna hear you say it, yeah}
I want you to tell me just how good it feels tonight
Scream when your fed up
Scream when your sick and tired baby
Scream when you packed your bags and you walked up out
the door {so let me hear you now}
Scream cause it feels good
Scream girl cause were making love like crazy
Scream when your calling my name out and you beggin me
for more
Let me hear {ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah}
Let me hear {ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah}
Let me hear
Scream cause our love's so right
Scream while I love ya all night
Scream while I hold your body tight
Go head let me hear ya
Scream cause you know it's on now
Scream till the tears fall down
Scream till you let me have my way
Let me hear
Scream when your fed up
Scream when your sick and tired baby
Scream when you packed your bags and you walked up out
the door {so let me hear you now}
Scream cause it feels good
Scream girl cause were makin love like crazy
Scream when your callin my name out and you beggin me
for more
Let me hear {ah ah ah oh let me hear ah ah ah}
Oh let me hear {ah ah ah ah}
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Oh she found all of the numbers I had in my car
Oh she called all the ones I had marked wit a star
Oh I’m racing over to plead my case
Oh she saw it was me and slammed the door in my face
Fella’s tell me why how come we always doing wrong
Doing’ wrong
How come we can’t keep it home
Keep it home
How come it always ends like this …even though we know that
It ain’t worth telling lie
It ain’t worth seeing you cry
It ain’t worth …that’s why I’m right here begging you to please don’t go cause
It ain’t worth killing a home
It ain’t worth being alone
It ain’t worth that’s why I’m right here begging you to please don’t go baby
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Oh I jeopardized everything I loved
Oh what the hell could I’ve been thinking of
Oh I should have loved you right when I had the chance
Yeah, Yeah
Now you out there lookin for a better man ..fellas why
How come we always doing wrong
How come
How come we can’t keep it home
I don’t know, I don’t know
How come it always ends like this
Even though we know that
It ain’t worth telling lie
It ain’t worth seeing you cry
It ain’t worth that’s why I’m right here begging you to please don’t go cause
It ain’t worth killing a home
It ain’t worth being alone
It ain’t worth that’s why I’m right here begging you to please don’t go, baby
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Oh I’d didn’t think it’d get this bad
Never thought of losing you
Now my heart is beating fast
I’m gonna figure out in my mind what to do find the words to say
Remember when you said that you’d never leave me
I’m steady knockin on the door but you don’t hear me
I can’t let this happen right now
Please don’t take your love girl I know I messed up
It’s a dog on shame
How come we always doing wrong
How come we can’t keep it home
How come it always ends like this even though we know that
It ain’t worth telling lie
It ain’t worth seeing you cry
It ain’t worth …that’s why I’m right here begging you please don’t go cause
It ain’t worth killing a home
It ain’t worth being alone
It ain’t worth
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Please don’t go
Strangled by your own filth...
Once upon a time, degenerated
Virtual has become reality
For many of those that life didn't spare
A refuge in bytes instead of arms
Don't! Stop!
Listen to you inner voice
Bury your bullshits six feet under
Whatever you're feeling you hold
I'm trying to figure myself that it's cold
Like the ice of waterfalls
Disdain of a porn industry
That you are using to take control
But I'm not beside you
The future that we already fear
Is now knocking to our window
Drift, straight
Forward to what revolves around us
Dreaming of
Dwelling in darkness, far from reality
No time to pretend the redeemer inside
Addicted to fake, do not cross the borderline
Soft drug damaging, locked up in a cage
Unaware of thoughts, feelings and torments
Escape from this endless maze
Drain the poison in your veins
Poisoned by a false life
Strangled by your own filth
Whatever you're feeling you hold
I'm trying to figure myself that it's cold
A walk in the park
Or late night TV
I'm a kind of simple man
I need you to understand
A car and a dog
An apartment uptown
I don't have much but me
But I'd give it all it we could be
Girl, I'm only one man
Doin' what I can
To give you everything you need
To be everything that I can be
I'm only one man
Doin' what I can (Mmm, mmm)
To give you everything you need
To be everything that I can be (Yeah)
A job and a dream (Whoa)
Keep me off the streets
But sometimes I wanna go
So I can buy you fancy clothes and feed you
I pray that some day
My dreams will come true
And the first thing that I'm gonna do
Is promise eternal love to you
Girl, I'm only one man
Doin' what I can (Mmm, mmm)
To give you everything you need
To be everything that I can be
I'm only one man
Doin' what I can
To give you everything you need
To be everything that I can be
I'mma just sing it (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
A second time (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
If you're mine (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
I'mma just take my time (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
So (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Oh (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Whoa, whoa (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Whoa, whoa (Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)
Girl, I'm only one man
Doin' what I can
To give you everything you need
To be everything that I can be
Girl, I'm only one man
Doin' what I can
To give you everything you need
To be everything that I can be
Girl, you know I'm only one man
Tryin' to do the best I can
Girl, you know I'm only one man
Tryin' to do the best I can
Girl, you know I'm only one man
Tryin' to do the best I can
Verse 1
Excuse me, I don't really mean to be rude see,
but you kind of treat her like a groupie,
but I'ma make her feel like a star,
she choosing, you don't realize what your loosing,
I'ma put her up on some new shit, so baby follow me to the bar,
She can stay with you all night long,
but she give me the I sleep with you all night long,
but she wish it was I, I can tell you think your way to fly,
So let me take that off your hands,
cause I'ma do something with it,
got it but you just don't get it, I do...
Let me take that off your hands,
cause you got her over there waiting,
looking like she need some saving
da da da daaaa....
If I take it off your hands...
don't expect a phone call,
she riding and she long gone
you ain't tripping at all, so let me take that off you hands
since you don't appreciate her I'ma just please her later,
playa, let me take that off your hands...
Verse 2
She already feeling brand new,
you ain't never really have a clue
how to make her show that freaky side to you,
I'll be, popping all over her body,
Later on you know where I'll be... I'll be...
She can stay with you all night long,
but she give me the I sleep with you all night long,
but she wish it was I, I can tell you think your way to fly,
So let me take that off your hands,
cause I'ma do something with it,
got it but you just don't get it, I do...
Let me take that off your hands,
cause you got her over there waiting,
looking like she need some saving
da da da daaaa....
If I take it off your hands...
don't expect a phone call,
she riding and she long gone
you ain't tripping at all, so let me take that off you hands
since you don't appreciate her I'ma just please her later,
playa, let me take that off your hands...
We gon have the best sex ever,
let her roll with me (ever),
give her what she needs (ever),
we gon have the best sex ever,
I'ma give her what she likes (ever)
even if it takes all night,
She can stay with you all night long,
but she give me the I sleep with you all night long,
but she wish it was I, I can tell you think your way to fly,
So let me take that off your hands,
cause I'ma do something with it,
got it but you just don't get it, I do...
Let me take that off your hands,
cause you got her over there waiting,
looking like she need some saving
da da da daaaa....
If I take it off your hands...
don't expect a phone call,
she riding and she long gone
you ain't tripping at all, so let me take that off you hands
since you don't appreciate her I'ma just please her later,
playa, let me take that off your hands...
Let my lips be your bar, yeah, come and take a sip
Let your hips be the car, girl, vallet over here
Let me in your private party, pop my bottle all on ya body
You can dance on the pole, it's a movie up in here for sho'
So bring your body close to mine, this is the hottest spot tonight
So you can tell ya friends that you ain't going nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
They going out tonight but you ain't going nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
I make you wanna stay in the house, have a party here on the couch
Fuckin' w/ me you ain't gone wanna go nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
I know that brother blowin' up ya phone, tell em bout this new shit you on
Tell em how I got you in the zone, and you don't need nobody else
Cause girl I got these dollars for you, it's raining in the living room Ooo-Ooohhh
Kissed you on your shoulder, baby bend it over
W/ me and you the party's never over
So bring your body close to mine, this is the hottest spot tonight
So you can tell ya friends that you ain't going nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
They going out tonight but you ain't going nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
I make you wanna stay in the house, have a party here on the couch
Fuckin' w/ me you ain't gone wanna go nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
(Busta Rhymes)
Ok, I ain't seen you in a while baby lemme get a hug
Reminisce on how I fit you perfect like surgical gloves
Every since you let me hit it and ya skin'll burn a rug or a rug'll burn ya skin
Mami you gone make me love the way you give it to a nigga
You will never play w/ that defenless even though I was relentless you would take it back
Hittin every corner pocket, shift a couple vital organs
Puttin each other to sleep and dream until tomorrow morning, haha
It's really good to feel you yes it is
Then we drink and start thinkin about all of the shit we did
And the things we still be doing, let’s take time and really own it
Let’s marinate all in it, let’s embellish in the moment
Shit be feelin’ special, don’t it? ‘specially when I’m left alone with you
Nothin’ left to do, mami come and get up on it
See everything is feelin’ right, that’s why we staying home tonight!
So you can tell ya friends that you ain't going nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
They going out tonight but you ain't going nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
I make you wanna stay in the house, have a party here on the couch
As I pour this glass of wine
I hope it helps me express these thoughts much no
I don't think I've ever felt the way I felt for you girl
So I'm turning these lights down and I'm telling you right now
I don't think I've never ever really told you how much I need you girl
I need you more than my next breath
Never would I ever leave you cause darling I need you
I need you more than my next breath.
I need
I'm sorry for the times that I stressed you out
And I'm thankful for the times you aint put me out your house
(Yeah oh)
I fell in love more than once but every single time it was with you girl (you) (oh)
I don't think I've never ever really told you how much I need you girl
I need you more than my next breath never would I ever leave you cause darling I need you
I need you more than my next breath.
This is the part where we slow it down
Make love to your mind it's ok you can think out loud (no)
It's four in the morning and I'm pouring out my heart
Girl so much to say I don't know where to start girl oh
(Oh yeah)
I don't think I've never ever really told you how much I need you girl
I need you more than my next breath never would I ever leave you cause darling I need you
I'm still waked up by the sound of life
Crushed in me, I'm only too aware of it
Deprived of will, my heart is still beating
I'm just the witness of my darkest deeds
Created by the madness of a man
Programmed to kill and spread pain
I've burst the eyes of evil by staring at it
Drowned in chaos. If I could flee that doom...
So much lives aborted, always by my hand
So much faces slashed, always in my head
Cause I remember my birth
In this box tainted of blood
Where flames were making love all around
And where deads were telling me stories
Created by the madness of a man
Programmed to kill and spread pain
Animated to destroy existence
I Still Announce I'm Home When I Get In From Work
The Thought Of You Being There Erases All The Hurt
I Check The Fridge Cause Dinner Ain't Sittin' On The Table
I Wanna Try To Eat But Girl I Just Ain't Able
Am I Trippin', Did You Really Tell Me It's Over
Did You Pack Your Bags And Drive Off In My Range Rover
Maybe I, Maybe I, Maybe I Should've Loved You So Much More
Cause My Heart Don't Wanna Let Go
Still Got Your Picture Right Next To My Bed
Still Smell The Perfume That You Used To Wear
The Life I Had With You Is All I Know
And My Heart Don't Wanna Let Go
Girl You Know That I Tried
To Live Without You Baby
But I Still Miss You Like Crazy
Without You Here This House, Is So Damn Cold
Cause My Heart Don't Wanna, My Heart Don't Wanna Let Go
Oh, I Leave The Seat Up And Expect To Hear Your Mouth
My Clothes Ain't Washed Or Folded, What's That All About
My Bowls, My Cups, My Plates Are Piled Up In The Kitchen
I'm Steady Callin' Your Name, But It Seems Like You Ain't Listenin'
Girl You Must Not Understand How Much I Need You
I'm Incomplete Without You
I Had To Be A Fool To Even Try To
Baby Can You Find It In Your Heart
Give Us A Chance
I'll Right This Wrong
Oh, I'm Begging You To Come Back Home
Oooh, All Night I Been Puttin' Alcohol In Your Body
(Oh...Oh Oh)
Oooh, It's Alright 'cause I Know How To Handle Your Body
(Oh Oh...Oh Oh)
Girl I'm Ready When You're Ready
To Take Your Body On A Ride Tonight
I'm Gone Sit Back, You Just Run The Show
'cause Girl, I'm Lettin' You Know
My Body Is Now Your Body
Come And Get It And Do With It Whatever You Like
(My Body)
My Body Is Now Your Body
It's Incredible And It's Available
And This Body Say...
Come Take It
Everybody Be...But Naked
Doin' That Up And Down, Ridin' Me Out Of Town
'cause My Body's Now, Your Body Now
Get What You Need
Come Make My Body Your Body
Oooh, All Night I Been Sittin' Here Touchin' On Your Body
(Oh Oh Oh Ooooh)
Wooohh, I Can't Wait To Feel It When It Comes Out Your Body
(Whooh Oh Oh)
Girl I'm Ready(I'm So Ready) When You're Ready
To Take Your Body On A Ride Tonight
I'm Gone Sit Back (I'm Gone Sit Back) You Just Run The Show
'cause Girl, I'm Lettin' You Know
My Body Is Now Your Body
Come And Get It And Do With It Whatever You Like
(My Body)
My Body Is Now Your Body
It's Incredible And It's Available
(And It's Available To You...Oooooh)
And This Body Say...
Come Take It
Everybody Be...But Naked
Doin' That Up And Down, Ridin' Me Out Of Town
'cause My Body's Now
(Body's Now)
Your Body Now
(Whoooh - Whooooh)
Get What You Need
Come Make My Body Your Body
Body...Expecting It
(You'r Body)
About To Get
Hopin' That You're Open For An All Night Here
'cause That's What Your Body's For
(That's What Your Body's For)
Oh -Oh...It Needs To Feel, Touchin' And Tuggin' On
Kissin' And Rubbin' Til I'm Blown
(I Can't Take No More)
I Can't Take No More
It's In Your Hands Baby Take Control
My Body Is Now Your Body
Come And Get It
(Get It)
And Do With It Whatever You Like
(And Do Whatever You Like)
My Body
My Body Is Now Your Body
It's Incredible
(It's Incredible)
And It's Available
And This Body Say...
Come Take It
(Take It)
Everybody Be...Butt Naked
(Butt Naked)
Doin' That Up And Down, Ridin' Me Out Of Town
(Ridin' Me Out Of Town)
'cause My Body's Now
(Body's Now)
Your Body Now
(Your Body's Now)
Get What You Need
(Come Get What You Need From This Body, Baby)
My Body's Your Body Now Baby
(Come On)
My Body's Your Body Now Baby
(Everybody Say...Oooooooh)
My Body's Your Body
My Body's Your Body
(My Body's Your Body)
Come Make My Body You're Body
Verse 1:
Listen I know you ain't goin' trip over somethin' you heard now you can't take my word baby that really hurts I know I've done my wrong but that ain't been me in so long but it keeps messin' up our home won't the past leave us alone (sometimes when you by yourself) you think about what we been through (sometimes when you by yourself) you think I'm the same ol dude (I hear you talkin') but listen to me (I see you walkin') oh baby don't leave I'll do what a man don't do just to make you see
Girl I know a man ain't suppose 2 cry but I think I might cause love is on the line cause baby if I lose you I might die I'm trying hard 2 fight it but I think I might I might cry
Verse 2:
I know I should have called & said I was goin' be late naw it wasn't no date hold up baby just wait I was drinkin' yea so what can a nigga have a drink at the club we talked & we laugh but nothin' else happen cause (sometimes when you by yourself) you think about what we been through (sometimes when you by yourself) you think I'm the same ol dude (I hear you talkin') but listen to me (I see you walkin') oh baby don't leave I'll do what a man don't do just to make you see
Girl I know a man ain't suppose 2 cry but I think I might cause love is on the line cause baby if I lose you I might die I'm trying hard 2 fight it but I Vamp:
Now see baby it ain't what it look like let me tell you what it is shit gettin' real tricky up in here bout to break me down to tears for I know it's hard for you to see that I changed for you & me & even if I got to cry that's what it's gonna be
Girl I know a man ain't suppose 2 cry but I think I might cause love is on the line cause baby if I lose you I might die I'm trying hard 2 fight it but I think I might I might cry
Vamp outro:
(I might) down on my knees (I might) beggin' you please (I might) oh baby don't leave (I might) baby I'm sorry (baby I'm sorry) (I might) baby I'm sorry (baby I'm sorry) I won't break your heart no more (cry) won't break your heart no more (cry) so baby I might cry I might cry I just might cry (oh o oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Fade out
Do you mind if I tell the truth for a second, y'all
(The truth)
Hey, hey
No, no, no, no, no
Maybe I deserve to wonder who's callin' so damn late
For you to say I'm trippin'
Just a homie from Upstate
(You said it's just a homie)
Don't he know it's one o'clock in the morning
You say it's cool, baby it's cool
Maybe I deserve for you to say he's coming into town
(Later on this evening)
And he was just wonderin' if you and him could hang out
I don't like it, but I know I gotta trust you
It ain't cool, 'cuz I know it's true
Maybe I deserve
For you to go out and find some other guy
Maybe I deserve
For you to stay out with him all night
Maybe I deserve
For you to do all the things, I did to you
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve
For you to go out and find some other guy
Maybe I deserve
For you to stay out with him all night
Maybe I deserve
For you to do all the things, I did to you
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve for you to put on that sexy dress
For me to ask you, Who the hell you tryin' to impress
(The hell you tryin' to impress?)
For you to laugh it off like it ain't nothin'
I know it's somethin'
Maybe, just maybe
Maybe I deserve to sit at home and wonder where you are
Is he kissin' you, touchin' you, holdin' you, what?
Take a drink, to help ease my mind
I wanna be mad
(Wanna be)
After all those times
(After all those times)
Maybe I deserve
For you to go out and find some other guy
Maybe I deserve
For you to stay out with him all night
Maybe I deserve
For you to do all the things, I did to you
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve
For you to go out and find some other guy
Maybe I deserve
For you to stay out with him all night
Maybe I deserve
For you to do all the things, I did to you
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve
(Oh yeah)
Maybe I deserve for me to ask you where you been
(Where the hell you been)
Maybe I deserve for you to say, I better stop trippin'
(Don't trip)
Maybe I deserve to grab your neck until you let me know
(You better tell me somethin')
Maybe I deserve for you to run cryin'
Cryin' out the door
Maybe I deserve to grab my coat and chase you down the street
(Don't leave)
Maybe I deserve to say it's not you, it's my own insecurity
Maybe I deserve for you to say "Yes I cheated on you"
(Baby don' told me)
(Maybe I deserve)
And I won't care 'cuz after all I put you through
Maybe I deserve, deserve girl, to be mistreated sometimes
Maybe I deserve to even be lied to sometimes
Maybe I deserve
Maybe, maybe you should go cheat on me
Maybe I should sit and wait by the phone
(Maybe I should)
'Cause I don' paged you about three or four times
Girl I know, girl I know what I put you through baby
I put you through hell
And I don't get less
I don't get less
I don't get less
See we men can't take another man pleasing our women
Oh no, no, we can't even stand waiting by the phone
But we do the same shit, oh damn, oh damn
I know I deserve it, but right now
I hate you so much right now
I brought hers, I did the
Walk up in this mother f*cker like the kid back
You see the ice, you see the leg
Truth is a... to cover up the pay
See loving me for good reason
And disrespecting home you can call a treason
I'm in the bleeding walls with my hard liquor
Don't walk with it tonight I think I'll be cheatin
I told my way to keep the miles coming waiting all around me
I've been single for too... never this coming
Already replaced you with a new girl, new girl
See... the things you do girl
Still lonely, I'm still lonely
I'm study tryin to replace you with a new girl
In the end the only one I need is you girl
I'm standing thinking bout you,
Girl I'm thinking bout you,
Thinking bout you, girl I'm thinking bout you,
All this new girl, they're you girl
Thinking bout you I'll be there I'm thinking bout you yeah
So many shots just kill me now
But honey should this tears f*cking...
My heart is racing could beat a mountain
All the fact is she up and look good...
Look at them bottles them red bottles...
I'm gonna speak tryin make peace but damn cry
Look at this damn crown, look at this damn crown
Yes is poppin but if you with it you can lead now
I'm standing thinking bout you,
Damn I'm thinking bout you,
Thinking bout you, got a nigga thinking bout you,
All this new girls they not you girl
Thinking bout you I'll be damn I'm thinking bout you yeah
Nigga open this club, got a honey girls in my VIP
I bet all of them wanna f*ck
But only your ass can get to me
I'm throwing up this money like money spend
This fake ass nigga wanna funny shit
I'ma get this on your level see wanna trip
The new better dick if you punish me
Now I'm back up in this club in
And my shirt of and my chain
And I'm looking looking her booty
Got that bomb shit on it's...
No matter how many girls wanna do me
I just want you back in my... roll
On the road no clothe, on the poe...
... keep them bottles coming
Women all around me,
It's so many pretty ladies and nigga stop counting
Said already replaced you with a new girl
Yeah she don't do for me the things she do girl
Still lonely, I'm still lonely
I'm study tryin to replace you with a new girl
In the end the only one I need is you girl
I said I'm thinking bout you,
Girl I'm thinking bout you,
Thinking bout you, girl I'm thinking bout you,
All this new girl, they're you girl
Thinking bout you I'll be there I'm thinking bout you yeah
Still lonely, still lonely
New girl, bottles poppin, fast life
I'm still lonely
Everybody says love is blind?
Is this what they ment?
I'll give everything all my time,
Do you even notice?
Girl, if just read my mind
You would see I'd do this all again.
But baby if you're listening.
There's no limit to love,
I'll show you there's nothing I won't do,
Anything just to please you.
I ain't never gon' complain, baby
All I'm really tryna say give me nice to see recognize.
Then I'll lay down my life
Hey, ey then I lay down my life
Then I lay down my life.
Baby, looking back no regerets
For all that we've shared.
Responsabilities ever meant
All a part of a plan
Cause I'm here to care, protect
Provide my love to you.
But I may?
One day you'll be count on me.
There's no limit to love,
I'll show you there's nothing I won't do
Anything just to please you.
I ain't never gon' complain baby
All I'm really tryna say give me nice to see recognize
Then I'll lay down my life
Hey, ey then I lay down my life
Keep It 100
Its all on the Table
Eat up If You're Able
Give Another Real Me
Even If It Kills Me
I Never Told You Lies
Until I Fell In Love With You Ooh
Im Made Up In My Mind
It Was Just To Protect You
Now I Feel Like Such A Phony
Like Im Not your Homie
Cause If I Was
I Should Keep It Real
Now You Say You Wanna Know Me
Really Wanna Know Me
But after This We're Gonna See How You Feel
If I Just Keep it 100
Shed Probably Be Cool With Everything
If I Just Keep It 100
I Wouldnt Be About To Lose My Diamond Ring
If I Just Keep It 100
And Tell Her How I Creep On The Low
She Wants The Truth But Does She Really Want To Know
If I Just Keep It 100
Shed Probably Know But Ill Never Know
Unless I Keep It 100
Ive Told So Many Lies That You Wont Accept The Truth
Ive Hurt You So Many Times now Your Heart Is Bullet Proof
Now I Feel Such Like A Phony
That Im Not Your Homie
Cause if I Was Id Just Keep It Real
Now You Say You Wanna Know Me
Really Wanna Know Me
But after This We're Gonna See How You Feel
If I Just Keep it 100
Shed Probably Be Cool With Everything
If I Just Keep It 100
I Wouldnt Be About To Lose My Diamond Ring
If I Just Keep It 100
And Tell Her How I Creep On The Low
She Wants The Truth But Does She Really Want To Know
If I Just Keep It 100
Shed Probably Know But Ill Never Know
Unless I Keep It 100
Ill Never Let You See Through My Phone
Imma let you Know What It Is
I Aint blaming it on No Alcohol
Ill Just Man Up For What I DId
I Told Her I Had A Girl it Made Her Want Me More
Next Thing I Know We up In the Suite
Rolling All On The Floor
When You Kept Asking Everytime I Said Nothing But I Know You Knew
I Was Trying to Tell You But I Didnt Cause i Know Youd Say We're Through
Im Glad I Got It Off My Chest But That Dont Make It Cool
Thats Worth The Side All With Me I Wanna Be With Youuu
If I Just Keep it 100
Shed Probably Be Cool With Everything
If I Just Keep It 100
I Wouldnt Be About To Lose My Diamond Ring
If I Just Keep It 100
And Tell Her How I Creep On The Low
She Wants The Truth But Does She Really Want To Know
If I Just Keep It 100
Shed Probably Know But Ill Never Know
Unless I Keep It 100
Keep It 1
1 With You
Let Me keep It 1
Keep It 1 With You
Keep it 100
Keep It 1
1 With You
Keep It 1
Keep It 1 With You
Keep it 100
Its All On The Table
Eat Up If You're Able
Keep It 100
Give Another Real Me
Even If It Kills Me
Can't close my eyes as darkness
Is slowly invading the room
Too many things are burning my mind
It bleeds inside
Can't fight the fucking time
It's running and running again
Too fast for me, too far from me
My mind 's already trapped
Motionless body
Floating in my own spirit
And as the wind becomes my cradle
I feel rocked by the drafts
I sink inside of me
To submerged lands of my being
The blurred is dispelling
All around me, I begin to see...
Not that place again
I have been there before
It is born from pain
See souls crawl on the floor
It's something I fear
I can't stand this anymore
It's some shit I'll seal
That's what I'm craving for
A place where torment reigns
It's crown is made of bones
As I wander in this
Vision of horror I realize...
Nightmare! It has just begun
Will it last forever?
Am I here forever?
... And ever...
How can I escape? My mind is trapped
I was down and out, had no clue what love’s about
Insecure couldn’t figure out, why every good thing just turned into a disappointment.
Had enough, and decided to give it up, stressing ???? was just too much , ?? accepted ___best & wants to be alone
& you came along and you took my pain from my past and you turned my pain into sunny days again, don’t know where I’d be
if it wasn’t for you, I’d be so caught up in this life tell me what would I do- if it wasn’t for you, I’d be a captive prisoner of my own abuse
If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know a good thing cause I couldn’t trust my point of view.
If it wasn’t for you, for you , for you (x2)
If it wasn’t for you, Problems in with all the ___, Didn’t know where to throw the blame, felt like another player in this game.
Didn’t know who to trust, used my ego as a crutch, seems like I could never __ cause
& you came along and you took my pain from my past and you turned my pain into sunny days again, don’t know where I’d be
if it wasn’t for you, I’d be so caught up in this life tell me what would I do- if it wasn’t for you, I’d be ___ ___ prisoner on my own abuse
If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know a good thing cause I couldn’t trust my point of view.
If it wasn’t for you, for you , for you (x2)
If it wasn’t for you
if it wasn’t for you, I’d be so caught up in this life tell me what would I do- if it wasn’t for you, I’d be ___ ___ prisoner on my own abuse, If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know a good thing cause I couldn’t trust my point of view.
You're like lost in your soul
Forsaken by your essence
You cannot stand to be what you are
So you came to die with us
Why do you still worship our rituals
While you could create your owns?
We don't share!
That's too personal...
Don't steal the thoughts anymore
Don't absorb the lives like before
Benighted entity, blank as the moonlight
You're entombed in an empty shell
Break your voice, scream throughout the night
Abandoned at the bounds of hell
Mesmerized, you're hypnotized
Transfigured by your idols
Take a look inside...
Take a look within your mind
Take a look within your mind
Take a look inside
Seek inside, all your thoughts are dead
Feel inside, your whole brain is burned
You're just the insipid
Reflect of our existence
You cannot stand to be who you are
It would be worse if you were me
Why can't you be aware of your worth?
Instead you behave like shit
Don't follow our footprints anymore
Wandering about this life of pain
Wondering who you are again
Idle ghost
Transparent and useless
Just the avatar of void
Prisoner of a stronghold of shadows
You're roving in it's eternal corridors
Taken away by the draughts
Leaving no track behind
You're the weakness' embodiment
The darkened shadows will remain your
Many nights I wondered why
You were just somethin' in my life
Many days I stayed at home
Tired of life just need to be alone, yeah
I can't see, life without you and me
(I can't see or be anything else, oh, oh)
You're long gone when I need you here
(And I can't blame nobody but myself, so)
So I'm the reason why we're apart
I'm the reason why you won't stay
(I'm the reason)
I'm the cause of these broken hearts
(Oh, yeah, yeah)
I'm the reason why, love, I know, is leaving my life
Many nights I followed you
Just to see if you were telling the truth
Many days I questioned you
I just didn't trust what you said you'd do, oh yeah
I can't see, life without you and me
(I can't see or be anything else, oh yes)
You're long gone when I need you here
(You're long gone)
(And I can't blame nobody but myself)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
So I'm the reason why we're apart
(I'm the reason why)
I'm the reason why you won't stay
(Oh, I'm the reason)
I'm the cause of these broken hearts
(These broken hearts)
I'm the reason why love, I know, is leaving my life, oh right
So I'm the reason why we're apart
I'm the reason why you won't stay, oh
Oh, I'm the cause of these broken hearts, yeah
I'm the reason why, love, I know, is leaving my life
I'm the reason why we're apart
(I'm the reason why, reason why)
I'm the reason why we're apart
(I'm the reason why)
I'm the reason why we're apart
I'm the reason why we're
I'm the reason why we're apart
I'm the reason why
Can't believe I
I'm the reason why, oh
Heaven love
I don't know, girl, why I could walk out on you, babe
I was so cold, I did you all so wrong, yeah
The day I bounced on you, you might not even take me
But I'm begging so please pick up the phone 'cause, babe
I'm coming home to you, I'm coming home, sugar
I'm coming home to you, I know it's been awhile but
I need the way you kiss me, I need the way you touch me
I'm coming home to you, heaven love, yeah
When you told me you were fed up with my ***
It was ego that made me turn it around
I told you names and said you'd miss me when I leave
But look at me, I really need you now 'cause, babe
I'm coming home to you, coming home, baby, yeah
I'm coming home to you, it's been awhile, girl
I need the way you kiss, I need the way you touch me
I'm coming home to you, back to where I belong, yeah
I need to get back wit my girl
I need to get back wit my girl
I need to get back wit my girl
My girl, my girl
I need to get back wit my girl
I need to get back wit my girl
I need to get back wit my girl
My girl, my girl
I'm coming home to you
I'm coming home to you
I need the way you kiss
I need the way you touch me
I'm coming home to you
I'm coming home to you
I'm coming home to you
I need the way you kiss
I need the way you touch me
Ooh oh yeah
Can I get something off my chest?
Ooh um hmm
Every now and then I think of all the times we shared
Your the only one who lets me know you really care
I miss you more and more and day by day, it's hard to see
Just how you love me so and everything you gave to me
I still believe, I believe in you and me
And that one day we will be together
And I know it sounds strange to you
But I never moved on 'cause my heart wouldn't let you go
Until I let you know I still believe
I can barely remember the time
The time we were caught in the rain
How you took my hand and you said I have things to say
It's the little things that makes me stronger everyday
I don't know if you hear me somewhere I hope your listening
I still believe, I believe in you and me
And that one day we will be together
And I know it sounds strange to you
But I never moved on 'cause my heart wouldn't let you go
Until I let you know I still believe
You're the only one
(Be the only one)
Who shined a light into my life
Took me from where I was and
Lead me toward what was right
You're the only one
(Be the only one)
Who shined a light into my life
Took me from where I was and
Lead me toward what was right
I still believe, I believe in you and me
And that one day we will be together
And I know it sounds strange to you
But I never moved on 'cause my heart wouldn't let you go
Until I let you know I still believe
I still believe, I believe in you and me
And that one day we will be together
And I know it sounds strange to you
But I never moved on 'cause my heart wouldn't let you go
Until I let you know I still believe
I still believe, I believe in you and me
And that one day we will be together
And I know it sounds strange to you
But I never moved on 'cause my heart wouldn't let you go
Until I let you know I still believe
Well, well
Come on everybody wave ya hands
If ya feel me
I know we got some lovin up in here
Everybody hear me sang..
It's been a long time comin
But a change is bound to come
Somehow i knew, i'd lose you
Cuz of the man that i've become
Only reason for you stayin for me
Is you remember what we had
I'd give up the brighest future
To get those old flames back
I never, ever meant to
Waste yo time (i want u to know)
Everytime i said i love u
It wasn't no lie (i want u to know)
That i miss livin
That's a cold feelin
Without you in my life
That's a slow killin
But i know better
You deserve better
And do whatever
Forever i...
I love u
If this is the end
And we don't talk again
Let me say
That i love u
Somehow i went wrong
Hope u hearin this song
Let me say
That i'm sorry for not being the man
I promised i'd always be
But i love you
And that's just the real
Hope u still feel it
Coming from me
It's been a long time comin
Now everybody knows my name
Seems i've traded in my woman
For this fortune and fame
The times she really needed me
And her faith was runnin low
I took time to please everyone else
But not the one closest to my soul
I never, ever meant to
Waste yo time (i want u to know)
Everytime i said i love u
It wasn't no lie (i want u to know)
That i miss livin
That's a cold feelin
Without you in my life
That's a slow killin
But i know better
You deserve better
And do whatever
Forever i...
I love u
If this is the end
And we don't talk again
Let me say
That i love u
Somehow i went wrong
Hope u hearin this song
Let me say
That i'm sorry for not being the man
I promised i'd always be
But i love you
And that's just the real
Hope u still feel it
All my ladies
Shake em off
shake em off
shake em
(I) I love them bad money takers
(And I) I love them sexy risk takers
(And I) I love them 19 and willin to
stand on the table and beggin you to take em
Baby, Sexy lady
The way you do it
How you do it
Drives me crazy (oo)
Baby, I wanna know ya
I think I love ya
I complete ya
Let me show ya (oo)
Shake em, shake em, shake em
Shake em, shake em, shake em
Shake em, shake em, shake em
Shake em, shake em
(I) I love them bad money takers
(And I) I love them sexy risk takers
(And I) I love them 19 and willin to
stand on the table and beggin you to take em
Baby, Its like a movie
The way you shake it
The way you quakin'
That ghetto booty (oo)
Baby, I wanna try it
Put ya cake right on my plate
And let me bite it (oo)
Shake em, shake em, shake em (oh, come on baby)
Shake em, shake em, shake em (I want you)
Shake em, shake em, shake em
Shake em, shake em
(I) I love them bad money takers
(And I) I love them sexy risk takers
(And I) I love them 19 and willin to
stand on the table and beggin you to take em
I love them girls name fantasy
I love them girls name ectasy
I love them girls who made it bounce on me
I saved you
Gave you everything 'cause you were mine
Loved you, now I hate you
[Incomprehensible] that she's a special kinda girl
From the first moment she changed my whole world
A *** fell in love so deep, I couldn't help myself
She wasn't a make for me, I couldn't see nobody else
She was on the move, seeing other dudes
I had to be the only one who didn't know
She was getting by, had me on the run
Disguised as an angel
You needed me and for you I would stay
But you lied to me and how could you dare?
When I saved you, I made you
I gave you everything 'cause you were mine
I loved you, loved you, now I hate you
Listen to me, y'all
[Incomprehensible] that she was everybody's girl
I thought that she belonged to me so I gave her the world
And it's crazy how I just didn't see all the dirt she was doing to me
All the things that I believed, why'd she do this to me?
But she was on the move, seeing other dudes
I had to be the only one who didn't know
She was getting by, had me on the run
Disguised as an angel
You needed me and for you I would stay
But you lied to me and how could you dare?
When I saved you, I made you
I gave you everything 'cause you were mine
I loved you, loved you, now I hate you, oh, I hate you
Why when I put nothing before you?
Why when I did nothing to spoil you?
Why when I was straight up with you?
Why when there wasn't a thing I wouldn't do?
Who put you up to this? Damn, I put my trust in this
I put my heart in this and this is how you thank me?
When I saved you, I made you
I gave you everything 'cause you were mine
I loved you, loved you, now I hate you
I saved you, I made you
I gave you everything 'cause you were mine
I loved you, loved you, now I hate you
I hate you, I hate you
Said I hate, hate, hate, hate
Said I hate, hate, hate you
Said I hate, hate, hate
Turn down the lights
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices
Inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close
Don't patronize
Don't patronize
'Cause I can't make you love me
If you don't
You can't make your heart feel
Something it won't
Here in the dark
In this final hour
I will lay down my heart
And feel the power if you want
No you won't
I'll close my eyes
Then I won't see
The love you don't feel
When you're holding me
Mornin' will come
And I'll do what's right
Just give me till then
To give up this fight
And I will give up this fight
'Cause I can't make you love me
If you don't
You can't make your heart feel
Somethin it won't
Here in the dark
In these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And feel the power if you want
No you won't
'Cause I can't make you love me
If you don't
Say you ain't gotta love
You ain't gotta love
You ain't gotta love it
I can't just make you love me
I can't
I can't
I can't
I can't
I tried my best
But you put my heart through the test
I can't make you love me
I tried
I tried to get through to you girl
Can't you see that I'm crying out to you girl
I can't make you love me, OH
Babygirl, tell me how again i'm supposed to trust you now
After everything you admitted to me
And I'm sitting here tryna find a way to forget somehow
Cuz I'm feeling like you cut me too deep
Girl I blame myself cuz I told you ; lay it on the line
Never thought that you would lay it that way
Never thought you had so much to say
Never thought that I'd see the day
Where we almost cross te line between love and hate
Are you sure you told me everything (everything now)
Even though it hurts (I'm missing it)
I'm tryna take it like a man, and halfway understand
Being hurt wasn't part of the plan
It was a heartbreaker
Hearin' things I didn't wanna hear from her
Now I'm thinking 'bout the things I did for her
Glad I never ever had no kids with her, this heartbreaker
Cuz I damn near swallowed my tongue (when she said it to me)
My heart started pounding like a drum (when she said it to me)
Thought the truth was something I could take
But it wasn't supposed to feel like a heartbreak
Now the fact of the matter is, I thought that I'd be cool
(After everything you admitted to me)
It's takin' everything of me, not to put my hands on you
Cuz I'm feelin' like you cut me too deep
Girl I blame myself cuz I told you 2 lay it on the line
Never thought that you would lay it that way
Never thought you had so much to say
Never thought that I'd see the day
When we'd almost cross the line betweeen love and hate
Are you sure you told me everything (don't need no surprises)
Even though it hurts, I'm missing it (I'm hurtin', I'm tryna hide it)
I'm tryna take it like a man, and halfway understand
Being hurt wasn't part of the plan
I've had my share of broken hearts, but girl you took it too far
Cuz What you did to me was so unpredictable
Yeah you told me, but I wish i didn't know
Now Why you wanna go and break me down (down, way down)
It's like I'm lost, never to be found
And it aint like I'm six feet under ground (ground)
You didn't have to tell me cuz
I damn near swallowed my tongue (when she said it to me)
My heart started pounding like a drum (when she said it to me)
Thought the truth was something I could take
Diners on the table,
and I wanna do something nice
and I'm hope your able to be ready for the show tonight
So head and meet up, Cuz' I wanna eat up
all this energy that your giving me
But I just cant wait to take you down.
C'mon just hold on a little more.
I done got your nails done, I done got your hair done.
Its about you pretty lady.
I'm so glad I'm so glad I'm with you tonight
Here's what we gon' do tonight.
Ain't nothing to think about girl your so incredible
And when we foreplay
Imma' try to press your buttons
Now, Let me undress them buttons for you girl.
It's your day, We can do whatever have it
Your way I hope your ready for this ride so
Hold on uh on girl.
Know your body sensitive so when we kiss just
Love me, love me
(Ooo Baby, won't you stay in my life)
Love me, Love me
Imma' give my all I promise woah.
Chris Brown:
While your laying there my hands are doing
Something else Oooooohhhh.
And when we face to face we stare Ooohhooohhhh
In Each others eyes
Oh Baby!
I love to make you scream Oh
Baby yeah, Til' the mornin' comes
If you like, I love it.
Let me get closer girl.
Excited cuz' you fightin'
I'm taking control when we
Ain't nothing to think about girl your so incredible
And when we foreplay
Imma' try to press your buttons
Now, Let me undress them buttons for you girl.
It's your day, We can do whatever have it
Your way I hope your ready for this ride so
Hold on uh on girl.
Know your body sensitive so when we kiss just
Love me.
That all girl I like it, So let me put a ring on it
Baby you just gotta'
Love me, the same you I feel for you.
Can you do that for me girl?
Ah ah, Ah ah
It's your body.
Ah ah, Ah ah
Girl I love your body.
Ah ah, Ah ah
Wanna sex your body.
Ah ah, Ah ah
Baby when we
Your so incredible
And when we foreplay
Imma' press your buttons (Buttons, buttons Yeah. )
It's your day, We can do whatever have it your way
Hold on uh on girl.
Know your body sensitive so baby just
Love me, love me yeah
Love me, Love me Ooohhh
Got a lady on the line
Screamin' 'bout what she need, oh
I done got this call a thousand times
I'm leaving, rushing to see, ooh
I got the sirens on
(I'm running every light)
She says she's home alone
(I'm needed in her life)
Until I get there girl
Stay on the line
It's an emergency
I'm rushing there to handle mine
It's an emergency
'Cause we ain't got a lot of time
I gotta save her, if I'm any later
Somebody might get there before me
Emergency, that 911's for me
When I got there, put her on the floor
She leakin' but she still breathin', ooh
Give her mouth to mouth a little more
Repeat it to show her I mean it, oh
I think I know what's wrong
(Lemme turn off all the lights)
She won't be here for long
(If I don't get this right)
Girl, I just can't lose you
So hold on, please
It's an emergency
I'm rushing there to handle mine
It's an emergency
'Cause we ain't got a lot of time
I gotta save her, if I'm any later
Somebody might get there before me
Emergency, that 911's for me
It's a good thing that you called me when you did
'Cause you were slowly fading and wasn't gon' make it
I'm your doctor, see, these tools I'm working with?
I need to operate, I need you to be naked
I can feel your heartbeat, uh, uh, oh
Beatin' like it's so deep, uh, uh, oh
Give up on you never
I'll make it better
It's an emergency
I'm rushing there to handle mine
It's an emergency
'Cause we ain't got a lot of time
I gotta save her, come any later
Somebody might get there before me
Emergency, that 911's for me
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
You ain't never had nobody give it to you like i do
Cause every time i'm in it I'm a give it till your legs can't move
Got you shaking like a craft can
Oh, and you're all up against the wall
You're gonna live a hell of back-pain
Stay with it
I ain't finished
Cause I'm still trying to shake the head for the few more positions to go
Got a little more than you asked for
And I'm still ready to go
I'm a push your body to the limit
We're gonna both fall out when we finished
I need some more time cause I can't get enough
So don't give up
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
(don't give up)
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
I see you ain't never had to put no overtime
(no time)
I know that you're cool
But what we're gonna do about mine
We need to try a new position
(Hold up)
The word gets you in is killing your friend
I ain't trying to make you give in
But baby I'm still on ten
Cause I'm still trying to shake the head for the few more positions to go
Got a little more than what you asked for
And i'm still ready to go
I'm a push your body to the limit
We're gonna both fall out when we finished
I need some more time cause I can't get enough
So don't give up
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
(don't give up)
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
I'm probably showing out
I'm on my superman
Real promotion now
I'm tryin' to win a fan
And every time i'll be like the first time
Like when i got you high on the first line
It's a long ride
Buckle up
Drivin' off road
Cause i like it rough
I know you gotta let a life in your love
But you probably need some help
Cause I'm still trying to shake the head for the few more positions to go
Got a little more than what you asked for
And I'm still ready to go
I'm a push your body to the limit
We're gonna both fall out when we finished
I need some more time cause I can't get enough
So don't give up
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
(Lemme see you put 'em work)
(don't give up)
(Lemme see you put 'em work)
You better work girl, work girl, work girl
Oh Yea
Thinking bout everything reminiscing bout us
It's so amazing you aint mine no more
Just know that this love is still yours for sure
Nothing been this good damn I wish you would remember...
(Do you remember, do you remember, cause I remember, I remember)
Hoping the phone rings telling me you wanna come home
Cause your so miserable we both feel so alone
I'd give up anything to start all over with you
What can I do if you aint willing to give in
I'll just (wait)wait on (you)you a little more(wait on you a little more)
Truth is (I)I got(no)no place to go
But I can look in your eyes (and) see I (still)still belong (with)with you
And only with you and I just nee to know...
(Do you remember, do you remember, cause I remember, I remember)
Wish we were still(wish we were still together Oh) then we would be(we
Would still be together)this can't be over (I can't see it in my mind)Cause
There is no other, I'm running out of time I need you... to remember remember
Remember ber' me...
(Do you remember, do you remember, cause I remember, I remember)
Oh I need you to Oh look deep in your mind yea, I still rememeber all the
Things you did for me yea Aye, said I do said I do do yea, I still got you
By all these piercing stares
By all these fiendish words
By all these unsightable people
By all these haunting thoughts
A wall of scorn bred by fear
Surrounds me, I am gonna touch it
The skin is cold as a stone
Kept by this morbid phobia
I've never felt so much hate
I will gore their eyes out
I wanna break the hearsay
I set my place in motion
Living my all life as someone who feels
That his madness is controlling his brain
So destructed by your waste
Disturbed as much as I could
I believed, I believed in you
And when I come to your desk
I feel your fear coming through
I believe, I believe in you
I'm getting bored of being abused
I'm getting bored of all these deceptions
My mind is tired of being torn apart
Upon this bed, we try to fly
My spirit's tired of being scorched
Close to the edge of fury and despair
Fall from your throne
To the borders of consciousness
To realize
How dark is my task
See my decline
Bathing in this red material
I tear off your sanity
And breathe your life
Feeling abused
I believed in you
Feeling confused
It's one of 'em Fort Knox joints
Cavy, OD, Tank, do it
Won't you feel me?
Come on an' drink, lover
That Alize an' Henny, lover
So excuse me if I trip, lover
But I wanna get them hips, lover
Gotta get them hips, lover
Drink is got me woozy, lover
So right now I ain't choosey, lover
You can be a good girl or a floozy, lover
Don't matter, just get to me, lover
If you wanna do me, lover
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
'Cause a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
'Cause a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action, lover
Let's get up on a room, lover
Let's get up on one soon, lover
'Cause your body is lookin' tight, lover
Wanna hit it right, lover
Hit that thang all night, lover
Back stroke, doggy style
'Til we both fell out, lover
That's just how you do, lover
You givin' out them drinks, lover
Drinks will make you think, lover
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
Want a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
Do your nigga wanna flow, flow, flow?
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action, lover
Do you wanna play my game?
The one where you say my name
Whatcha wanna do with me?
I'm ready now, we gotta leave
I wanna be [Incomprehensible] yeah
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
'Cause a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
Want a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
'Cause a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action
This drink, drink, drink
Is makin' me think, think, think
That I'm wantin' you
Wantin' to deal with you
Do you wanna go, go, go?
'Cause a nigga wanna roll, roll, roll
An' get it crackin', get the smackin'
'Cause I'm ready for some action, lover
Ready for some action, y'all
Yeah..... Alright
First let me say I've never loved no one
the way that I love you girl
but I hate to say
I've tried and I'm almost done
with all this me and you girl
So why can't I leave when I know you and me
probably going be fighting again
then we going be right here again
I'm Trying not to look cuz thats all it took
the last three times
so you see that's why
I'm trying to make it out the door before she start to Cry
I'm hearing tears hit the floor I think she starting to Cry
I almost made it I said what I had to say
and she knows I hate it cuz it makes me want to stay
When she Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
I made up my mind but then she started to cry
God make it rain, rain drops would hide her tears
please help me
don't let it start 'til I'm somewhere far from here
please help me
ooh I want it over
but it aint over
she's getting closer
now she's on my shoulder
she's doing it again
I don't know if it's ever gonna end
don't want to go back where we've been
And that's why
1 tear I still got my bags backed
2 tears I'm walking but I'm looking back
3 tears she know she going to win
before they hit the floor I'm doing it again
5 I'm turning back around
6,9,12 now I'm losing count
Back in the house, back on the couch
thought we was breaking up but now we working it out
am i going crazy? whoa
cause you're looking at me crazy, yeah
is it cause you got a past?
is it cause you done been around
is it cause you got ass?
and i really wanna take you down
is it cause you a hustler, and you get it how you get it
big man you can't deal with it
now they looking at me crazy
now they looking at me crazy, whoa, whoa
cause i go so hard for my baby, whoa
i wish a nigga would try to play me
for my lady, now they looking at me crazy
cause i spend this money
just to keep you looking good
doing good things for me
damn they never understood
you was down for me, when none of them was around
can't tell me nothing now
now they looking at me crazy
now they looking at me crazy, whoa
cause i go so hard for my baby, whoa
i wish a nigga would try to play me
for my lady, now they looking at me crazy
either you're cross sided or you're looking at me sideways
she stole my heart so i guess that mean crime does pays
love is a 2 way street, not a highway
yeah you got all, but i got a fiancé
hey, i'm just speaking on some real shit
treated like the first lady on some michelle shit
i need a girl that i can chill with
cause all the sexing true affection, get off real quick
so i guess you see me around,
they say misery loves company, but 3 is a crowd
i'm on some grown man shit, no boys allowed
they seen me put it down so now they looking at me crazy
now they looking at me crazy, so crazy
cause i go so hard for my baby, for my baby
i wish a nigga would try to play me, try to play me
now they looking at me crazy, crazy, yeah
now they looking at me crazy, crazy, yeah
cause i go so hard for my baby
don't worry about a thing, no, no
girl i got you i'ma teach you how to love
oh yeah,
Let's go
Welcome stranger in this place
Where bodies are used to rest
I'm the owner of this place
The forensic scientist
Open the drawer if you dare
They say you're a coward, don't you care?
Your face is white, your hands are cold
Just as the corpse you're about to hold
Now you're ought to incise
This corpse laid down beside you
Throw out this sheet to blame his head
And has your head is bleaker
You're trying to surrender
To late you've chosen the wrong way
Wrong way
Plunging the scalpel in the chest
Smelling at the odour
It's nothing compared to gristle
And the worms gesture
I've shown you all and I was fair
Now this your turn to be square
Show me the barrier of your thoughts
No one of you is about to flout
Far away from what you expected
Streams of conscience now resound inside my head
No sorrow
Just believe
Never too late to find
What you're endowed for
Sparkling in my blood
There is something else
This nightmare
I'm the corpse
Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Most Beautiful Girl In The World
In My Book, You Can Do No Wrong From Head To Toe
In My Book, I Done Wrote You Songs So Beautiful
You Deserve Every Good Thing That A Man Can Give
You Should Have A Life That Only Superstars Live
Oh You Hear A Lot Of Talking
'Bout What They Would Do To You
Oh You Seen A Lot Of Walking
Soon As They Were Through With You
Let's Appreciate You
Cause The Truth Is That You Heaven Sent
We Can Start Off With Some
I Can Go On And On Killing You With These
Words Can't Describe You But Let Me Remind You
Say I'm Sexy (I'm Sexy), Say I'm Fly (I'm Fly)
Girl I Can't Let You By Without A Little Compliments
You Deserve Every Word Of These Compliments
Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Damn Yo Mama Gotta Be Fine From Head To Toe
'Cause I'm Looking At A Baby She Made So Beautiful
Your Smile Alone Could Get You Anything That A Man Can Give
If I Had It I'd Give You The Life That Only Superstars Live
Oh You Hear A Lot Of Talking
'Bout What They Would Do To You
Oh You Seen A Lot Of Walking
Soon As They Were Through With You
Let's Appreciate You
Cause The Truth Is That You Heaven Sent
We Can Start Off With Some
I Can Go On And On Killing You With These
Words Can't Describe You But Let Me Remind You
Say I'm Sexy (I'm Sexy), Say I'm Fly (I'm Fly)
Girl I Can't Let You By Without A Little Compliments
You Deserve Every Word Of These Compliments
Oh Oh
If You Fine Without No Make Up On
Let Me See Your Hands Up In The Air
Oh Oh
If You Got Time, It Won't Take Me Long
Let Me Put Some Thangs Up In Your Ear
I Can Go On And On Killing You With These
Words Can't Describe You But Let Me Remind You
Say I'm Sexy (I'm Sexy), Say I'm Fly (I'm Fly)
Girl I Can't Let You By Without A Little Compliments
"Sex, Love & Pain" Intro
I dont want nothin if i cant have it all.
If i gotta beg for it on my knees and crawl.
Cause i gotta have you girl i gotta have you.
Tell me what you like we can fuss and fight all day.
But trust we gon be sexin all night.
It dont matter girl im down for whatever.
Ride with you through any kinda weather.
Girl just give me your
Sex love and pain. oh
I want i want all your
Sex love and pain.
Everything you got for me yeah
Sex love and pain. (listen)
Is it okay if i give you my
Sex love and pain.
Oh oh oh sex love and..
I cant change nothin all i got is me.
Occassional strip clubs and shots of hennessy.
I'm somewhat of a hustla out here in these streets
I'll be your hustla if you need me to be
Cuz i got that paper for ya damn all them hata's for ya
Let em know your with me while you flosen in that rangrover
It's gon be good it's gon be bad thats cool with me the only thing i need is your
Sex love and pain. oh
I want i want all your
Sex love and pain.
Everything you got for me yeah
Sex love and pain.
Is it okay if i give you my
Sex love and pain.
Oh oh oh sex love and..
I just want your your your sex love and pain all of your sex love and pain
Verse 1
Baby I wanna know it
Get close enough and let me hold it
I'm on it girl let me show it
You should choose me tonight
Baby your body move me
Got budget for a ghetto movie
Superstar can I be your groupie
I got what you need tonight yeah
Pre Chorus
Girl let me get you out on the floor
See what that thing's really gettin' for
The way you drop it on me shit I want more
And more because
Verse 2
Baby your walk's the meanest
Every nigga in the club can see this
They all want it but girl I need it
So you should choose me tonight
I'm hot and all I did was see you
All these others shorties wanna be you
Bring it here girl and let me treat you
I got what you need tonight
Pre Chorus
Baby you one of the coldest
I done seen (coldest)
In low rise jeans (coldest)
All your drinks on me tonight girl 'cause
Baby you one of the coldest
In this spot (coldest)
Droppin' like it's hot (coldest)
V.I.P.'s on me tonight girl
Work your thang, Work your thang
Cause you got love tonight girl
Twurk your thang, Twurk your thang
Cause you got love tonight girl
Shake your thang, Shake your thang Oooh that's what I like girl
Don't be shame, Don't be shame
Shorty what's your name cause you are
Chorus 2x's
Baby you one of the coldest
Up in the club just doing me
Posted by the bar too crowded in V.I.P.
Couple more shots of 'Tron and I'ma leave
But then I walked up on the coldest thing I done ever seen
She's one of the coldest
I done seen
In low rise jeans
All your drinks on me tonight
Baby girl you are one of the coldest
Up in this spot
Droppin' like it's hot yeah
V.I.P.'s on me tonight girl
Baby, it's been a while 'cuz I don't sleep around
I'm choosy 'bout who I give my love to
Don't wanna disappoint ya
'Cause I been sayin' how much I want you
Feels first one like I'm real sure, oh, I
I'm so close
(I'm so close and I)
I can feel it
(Feel it, oh)
I'm so close
(I'm so close)
I can feel it
(I can feel it, um)
Started on the telephone, promisin' all night long
Didn't know what I was gettin' myself into
Up and down, back and forth
Slow down and give me more
Tryin' to fight it but I don't think it's right to
I'm so close
(Oh yeah)
I can feel it
(Said I can feel it, baby, oh)
I'm so close
(Oh, no)
I can feel it
(I can feel it, I can feel it, baby
Oh, let me hold you)
Body's touchin' then we kissin'
Holdin' tight, sweat dripping
I can feel you all over me
Heart racing, you're running
I'm coming, can't fight it
I'm so close, I can feel it
(I can fight it, no)
I'm so close, I can feel it
(I'm so close, baby, I don't want oh)
I'm close, I'm close, I'm close
I'm close, I'm close, I'm close
I'm close, I'm close, I'm close
Now is a celebration
Oh girl lets celebrate
Yeah it's a celebration
Oh girl lets celebrate
Baby tonight I'm yours
Baby come on in and wrap your gift
Know you can find it in stores
Some tailormade for you
It's oooh, oooooooh
You don't wanna miss this it feels like it's Christmas
Like ohh, ohhhhhhhhh
Yeah its a holiday but I'm open for business
We got a bottle of that Rose
Baby we gon celebrate
Make it feel like its your brithday
Baby girl lets celebrate
Party after party I cant wait to celebrate
All up on your body
Baby your my sensei
Baby 4th of July
Right between your thighs it's like fireworks
Just light up the sky
Don't need no reservation your my invitation
To this love making
This a celebration
When you last close the door
Lets teach you this sex education
Since you passed every course
Hats off to your graduation
It's like oooh, ooooooooh
How'd I do how'd I do, baby tell me how you feel
They say real girls ain't never perfect, perfect girls ain't real
I'd I agree, but I guess we'll just wait and see
Cause I swear you act like perfect is the only way to be
Nothing matters 'cept for you, don't let no one out here blind you
Don't remember why you love me, please allow me to remind you
And I know you left me once, but I came right back to find you
Even though I like being in your past you got a bright future behind you
Oh, damn, oh
Girl I must admit I look amazing next to you
Girl you crazy, sexy, cool and you stayed obsessed to school
But that's good, cause you know that them grades impress me too
And my free days are just for you, but I don't get many
Its like every time we spend time, it feels like the first time
Cause we never spend enough time, you catch me at the worst time
It ain't like your not worth time, just I don't control it
But tonight I made it happen just to celebrate the moment
Give it up one time
Can't believe it's morning
The sun ain't even out but I gotta get up
But this ain't a typical morning
See something just don't feel right
Some of your missed calls in my phone
Just got a text saying turn the T.V on
Can't believe what I'm hearing on the news
Tragedy hit last night
It's critical, could take a miracle
How much time is left, no one really knows
Know matter what it's gotta survive
No we can't let love die
We mistreat it
When we need it
I'll do anything to keep you alive
I can't let love die
If I had to, I'd be glad to
Sacrifice my own life
I can't let love die (can't let it die)
Can't let love, can't let love I 3x
Can't let love die
Sorry for taking you for granted
But I wanna make it right
I'm hoping that you hear me
Done a whole lot of damage
But without you my world stands still
So many times all I had to do was care
And when you needed me
I wasn't even there
So now I hear you need a heart to live
If no one gives theirs, I will
It's critical, could take a miracle
How much time is left, no one really knows
Know matter what it's gotta survive
No we can't let love die
We mistreat it
When we need it
I'll do anything to keep you alive
I can't let love die
If I had to, I'd be glad to
Sacrifice my own life
I can't let love die (can't let it die)
Can't let love, can't let love I 3x
Can't let love die
It's like without love we just out here on our own so whatever it takes we
Can't let love die
We mistreat it
When we need it
I'll do anything to keep you alive
I can't let love die
If I had to, I'd be glad to
Sacrifice my own life
I can't let love die (can't let it die)
Can't let love, can't let love I 3x
Can't let love die
Can't let love, can't let love I 3x
Sorrow take care of us
Idiot why, don't give up?
Mud face, conspiration
What you think forget it you are wrong
Giving my hand before his hand
I see his pain, crying again
War! War is my life
Remain my suffering misery
If I had been alone
You could not have listened to my lament
I just can't take it anymore
To put a man dead
My fight is not a choice
In fact your acts are false
Obey, explode your soul
Don't think you serve the world
You are the puppet of your country
Brother in arms, just cease fire
Deposit weapons, forget hate
Tired and blown, remorse for killing so much
I saw him, enemy
Face to the ground, bleeding so much
I just hope your ready
'Cause I'm ready
(Oooo ohhh ohh aahh)
I'm waitin' on you baby
(Yeee yeahh... ohh oh)
You know, I don't know, how long it's been for you since, somebody's actually taken their time and made you feel special
(Ohhhhh baby)
But baby, I got all night
And the thing (Ohh oh ohhh) I wanna do to you, it's...
It's spiritual
What I wanna do... is I wanna make love (I'm gonna make love)
To every part of (to you) your body
To your mind (Oh oh ohhh)
To your heart
And to your soul (Oooh oh wooo I wanna make love)
Can I do that for you? (Let me do it)
[Laugh] (Woo wooo ooo oo) I wanna do that
I can't believe I'm inside you so far from me
It's like a soothing wound
This burning flesh is once more sucking my life out
I am about to pass away
Now bury the pride you've faked, you're about to suffer me
Bury all these moral thoughts
You're like I want you to be
The glimmer in your eyes betrayed your ascetic figure
As I was starving to death
As I was begging for help
You came, my favorite prey
"Follow me down to our beautiful agony"
The smell of lust emanates from
These pieces of scalding skin
It is torturing me
The fist of your aura is closing on my spine
Nails are sinking into my flesh
What little control which remained in me is leaving
Forsaken to your fangs...
As I was starving to death
As I was begging for help
You came, my favourite prey
Follow me down to our beautiful agony
As I was fighting to smile
As I was seeking the light
My truly beloved victim
I will bring you to our beautiful agony
Now fall deep in my arms
Let my thirst burst
Plead me to empty your mind,
To unleash the passion
Thoughtless, this is what you become
Condemned to endure your vices
Crawl down like dead, face on the ground
Invoke my pity
I will ignore these abstracts shapes
Gathered in your dark eyes
I will pretend you're not this kind of Goddess
Yo, check it out
It's J Foxx
The black Hugh Hef
We got my man, Tank
The love machine
Yo, check it out
We got Lil' Jon in the house
You know you been givin' cats hot ones, baby
But we don't wanna be too hype
We just wanna take our time
And lay back, lay back
Lay back (come one), lay back (yeah)
We don't wanna get to messy in here
You know what? All we wanna do is just-a
Lay back, lay back
Lay back, lay back (Tank/come on)
[1 - Tank]
When I walk up in the club (club)
All the homies show me love (love)
All the ladies posted up (up)
Got patron all in my cup
[2 - Jamie Foxx]
(Ooh) I done spotted one (one)
She got that badonka-donk (donk)
It could be I'm almost drunk (drunk)
Wanna get that body crunk
Cuz everyone's tryna holla at this shawty
But I really think she want me
(I can tell by the way she's puttin' extras on it)
Cuz part of me is movin' in your direction
Think I'm gonna need protection
(Put that thang in reverse and back it up on me)
Back it up, shawty, back it up for me
Back it up, shawty, back it up for me
Put it up and then you'll see just what it do for me
Back it up, shawty, back it up for me
Girl, I like the way the that body's actin' up on me
(And what you goin' do) I'ma back that ass up
(And what you goin' do) I'ma back that ass up
(And what you goin' do) I'ma back that ass up
(And what you goin' do) I'ma back that ass up
[3 - Tank]
She sippin' on Hennessy ('sy)
While we in the V.I.P. (P)
I'm rubbin' on her booty (booty)
She's comin' home with me (home with me)
[4 - Jamie Foxx]
I'ma take you for a ride (ride)
I'ma drop 6:45 (5)
Get you wet and slip and slide (oh)
Lemme know if that's alright
Cuz everyone's tryna holla at this shawty (ooh yeah)
But I really think she want me
(I can tell by the way she's puttin' extras on it)
Cuz part of me is movin' in your direction (your direction)
Think I'm gonna need protection (ooh)
(Put that thang in reverse and back it up on me)
Back it up, shawty, back it up for me
Back it up, shawty, back it up for me
Put it up and then you'll see just what it do for me
Back it up, shawty, back it up for me
Girl, I like the way the that body's actin' up on me
Done a lot of lying, bought the places that I've been
Done a lot of wildn' out, now it looks like it's the end
'Cuz I didn't think that you'd ever leave
But now you broke me on down to my knees
Baby please come back
Said I'm a mess without you can't you see
Baby please come back
Now when I think about it
You've been so good... to me
And I know all your friends
Tell you jut to get over me
But I didn't think that you'd ever leave but now
You left and took a part of me
Baby please come back
I can't think, I can't shake, I can't take it
Baby please come back
This is my tenth message on your phone
Baby please come back
Done gone thru 3 bottles of patron
Baby please come back
Girl I didn't think that you'd ever leave me
Now I'm checking every car that drives down our street
I don't care if you with somebody else
Baby please come back
I'm sittin in the corner talking to myself
Baby please come back
They say I'm losing my mind
Baby please come back
Polices is standing right outside
Baby please come back
I'm dancing to our song by myself
Baby please come back
If I can't have you, I don't wany nobody else
Baby please come back
Who got my hennessey, I'm just gonna take myself back to sleep
And maybe she'll come back in my dreams
Light the candles and we'll be romancing you
And we're gonna play some more, cause your body is
starving ooooo
And you ain't gonna worry about left-overs
Cause it's loving that I'm giving you
It's freshly served, I know what you want, I know your
favorite song
Baby put your watch down this gonna be a long while
Amazing, incredible, I'm standing down, that's what you
Mind blowing, your beauty's showing
Amazing,girl that's what you are
Girl stay right there, I'm a give it all to you
And yeah I noticed your lack of love but I'm gonna please
you, you
Now I got your attention, how often get to mention you
cause a night when i pary this is what i say about you
Amazing, incredible, outstanding, that's what you
Mind blowing, your beauty's showing
Amazing, that's what you are
So hold on, it's about to be a bumpy ride
So strong way you feel every time I look in your eyes
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Go ahead, satisfy me
Baby, baby, baby, baby
You got just what I need
Amazing, incredible, outstanding, girl that's
what you want
Mind blowing, your beauty's showing
Amazing, that's what you want
Amazing, incredible,outstanding girl, that's what
you want
Mind blowing, don't you wish, show me, so beautiful
Amazing, you're, that's what you want, yeah
[Brabbs / Brabbs / Ward]
I want to find a woman who smiles when she swallows I want to find a lover
That dives in the shadows I always have to stop
So I never see what follows how can you shoot a gun
When you can't get the ammo we could have the time of our lives
We could stay awake all night her open gusset tights are tied together
Used leather, hanging loose will she take a bribe
To relieve all my sorrows I'll need a sherpa guide
Her insides are so hollow her slut designer jeans
Red skulls running riot over the hill
And cap n' bulky's out there fighting with them still
The furher wants our heroes dead or alive the SS keep them running, running out of time
Ignoring our warning of that booby trapped plane that man is no evil, that man is insane
Red skull rock the dance of the red skull
Of course they're keep on fighting they'll fight till their last
They need all the help they can get and they need it fast
Hear the madman laughing, with his iron cross will watch the way his eyes light up when it's time to kill
[Repeat Chorus]
The captain is living but frozen in ice and bulky's not forgotten for his brave young life
Things will be different, in 30 years time there's just as many maniacs
Don't Dream In The Dark
Careful what you wish for coz I know That sometime maybe dreams come true Even in the darkest days of life They're maybe not for you Listen to your heartbeat When you know your time has come, Everything comes into view Yeah eh! Reach up before you fall It's such a long way
I have heard the voices in the sleeping hours But now that I'm awake I can feel the dark clouds as they follow me And I will face this empty night alone When the words they come out wrong, Tears will mean nothing at all If you can not sing that song, Remember its meaning
Well I never thought that I was your man but I found out I'm just a link in this chain
She's got me where she wants me I ain't nothing but a fool
She treated me mean, yeah treated me cruel
Chain, chain, chain, chain, chain of fools
One fine morning this chain's gonna break on that same morning will be all I can take
She found me another woman that my heart never sees
Now I'm a first class fool yeah not the first to be
Chain, chain, chain, chain, chain of fools
I never want to leave you alone my momma says to come on home
My doctor says I better take it easy 'cause your loving is too strong
Well I never thought that I was your man but I found out I'm just a link in this chain
She's got me where she wants me I ain't nothing but her fool
She treated me mean, yeah treated me cruel
We was living high, money to the sky
A couple more moves and we was gonna leave that life behind
But like all good things they come to an end
Said all great teams can't always win
I guess I'm taking my loss but I didn't expected to be like this
Uh, I don't care if they take the house and all the rides
If they throw me in jail and it doesn't feel right
Cause I've already lost it all, lost it all
Cause I've already lost it all, lost it all
Get down six feet under I wish she would, your fat blanket mother She growls and roars like thunder A mouth so big, the eighth world wonders She wants me to throw her daughter away And pick her up instead...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away) Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Yes another cunning plot, to get me under her covers Dior stockings and nothing on top She ain't like a normal mother I wish I was a million miles away So I can't hear her say...
Don't walk away (Don't walk away) Don't walk away (Don't walk away)
Don't don't walk away Don't don't walk away Don't don't walk away
When will this dreadful nightmare end? I really don't want another That fat blanket woman drives me round and bend How can you get lower when hell is in the gutter I wish I was a million miles away So I can't hear her say...
Now they're all together. There is no one in disguise, now they're all together.
They can see each other's eyes now they're all together...
They can spin a web of lies now they're all together... They can ruin someone's life
A nations hero is exposed... But do we really care our hero's story will be told
But do we really care our hero's book will soon be sold... But do we really care
Our hero's album has gone gold... But, do we really care
A conspiracy of hate, the misery they create
Now in the star chamber... Their next victim is in line now in the star chamber.
Fit the suspect to the crime now in the star chamber... Throw the dice they'll win...
You'll lose now in the star chamber...
All aboard the ship of fools a nations hero is exposed
But, do we really care our hero's story will be told... But do we really care
Our hero's book will soon be sold... But do we really care
Our hero's album, has gone gold... But do we really care
A conspiracy of hate the misery they create
A conspiracy of hate the misery they create
A conspiracy of hate you bastards... A nations hero etc...
A conspiracy of hate the misery they create a conspiracy of hate
How about a little Aaliyah,
I can’t get this Floetry out of my head.
And I don’t think you can either,
When we speak it’s like some poetry,
How could I ever forget.
You’re saying
That when you hear that song it turns your body up.
And I’m just like you, baby,
Voices sound so soft, we ain’t gotta turn them off.
Can we live inside this love song?
Lay in the melody,
These words make you feel at home.
Cause we’re living in a love song,
As good as it will ever be,
Let the beat go on and on,
Living in our love song.
Rock the boat, rock the boat,
Change positions, new positions,
Hold that bottom up in the air.
Living in our love song.
Baby, imma be the DJ,
I’m gonna let the record spin round in your head
And you’re gonna have me on replay, girl
Rewinding this moment so that way I will never forget
You saying
That when you hear that song it turns your body up.
And I’m just like you, baby,
Voices sound so soft, we ain’t gotta turn them off.
Can we live inside this love song?
Lay in the melody,
These words make you feel at home.
Cause we’re living in a love song,
As good as it will ever be,
Let the beat go on and on,
Living in our love song.
Bass beating like that,
Kiss you on the face,
Hit you from the back.
In between your waist,
Don’t know how to act.
Girl, that’s my type of love song.
Pulling on your hair,
Legs start to shake,
Till I put em in the air.
Girl, you’re looking at the man right here,
So let’s just live inside this love song.
Lay in the melody,
These words make you feel at home.
Cause we’re living in a love song,
As good as it will ever be,
Let the beat go on and on,
Living in our love song.
Rock the boat, rock the boat,
Change positions, new positions,
Hold that bottom up in the air.
How about a little Aaliyah?
Won’t you come over?
Blood, Guts and Beer... I got a friend real close to me
With the biggest plane you've ever seen and he likes to use it quite a lot
Just look around and you will see why he isn't scared to me
Just tell him when to stop. What's inside me? Blood, Guts and Beer
If you wonder why he don't look pleased he just caught that new disease
Said "she's coming back to me" but now she's not Well she finally says to me
Well we'll just have to see how long it takes for skin to rot
What's inside me? Blood, Guts and Beer, Blood, Guts and Beer, Blood, Guts and Beer
When he broke down in tears I just couldn't believe my ears I could've used a mirage
I gotta get out, you gotta get out... all right I gotta get out, you gotta get out... tonight
What's inside me? Blood, Guts and Beer, Blood, Guts and Beer, Blood, Guts and Beer
I never thought the sun would shine my way
All I've known is empty promises and pain
I need a way out or some type of escape
So I take refuge in this place
Even though the road to glory seems long
The fire in me could win a marathon
Believe there's nothing you can't overcome
If you dream then you can do anything
If you dream, you're halfway to destiny
If you dream, dream the impossible
If you dream 'cause a dream's unstoppable
I could have gave up a long time ago
Though the door I need to get through will always close
Storms and rain everywhere I go
But I don't give up 'cause I know
Even if they say you just can't win
Believe you can go where you've never been
And you can fly high with the strength of all your friends
If you dream then you can do anything
If you dream, you're halfway to destiny
If you dream, dream the impossible
If you dream 'cause a dream's unstoppable
Dream that you can fly
Dream that you can climb
Dream a mountain
All you gotta do is just
Dream that you can win
Dream with confidence
Dream to the very end
'Cause dreamers become champions
Dream until it's real
Dream, don't let them kill your
Dream the fight still is in you
All you gotta do is
Dream, just keep the faith
Dream, don't ever break
Dream, don't let it slip away
'Cause all you gotta do
Even though the road to glory seems long
The fire in me could win a marathon
Believe there's nothing you can't overcome
If you dream then you can do anything
If you dream, you're halfway to destiny
If you dream, dream the impossible
All you gotta do is dream
Dream then you can do anything
Dream, you're halfway to destiny
Dream, dream's unstoppable
Dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream, dream
[Brabbs / Brabbs / Ward]
Love is like dragging your balls across barbed wire
She rehearses every day from a hang glider she had a wrestling bout
With a trope of local sea scouts got them all in a pool of mud
All the time wearing boxing gloves you can hear them crying from the third floor above
That's what dreams are made of...
She wears pit boots, woodbines and loves being dirty
Her bank manager plays dog says wood and don't hurt me
You've seen her magazines how the hell does she keep her teeth clean
Doing something that's loosely termed love all the time wearing boxing gloves
She's got the cheek to say she's on a mission from God
That's what dreams are made of...
You've seen her magazines how the hell does she keep her teeth clean
Doing something that's loosely termed love all the time wearing boxing gloves
She's got the cheek to say she's on a mission from God
Yo! A protest march is guarded, on each side
By London's finest Metropolitan pride
There won't be trouble, batons left behind...
The tapes are runnin'... A marcher thinks that now is the time...
To make a statement, while still in her prime
She sets her clothes alight, several times...
The tapes are runnin', the tapes are runnin', the tapes are runnin', the tapes are runnin'
In real time... Light the fire, watch'em burn. Light the fire, watch'em burn, watch'em burn
The lens man stands, behind the Police line...
Taking shots that he will soon decide...
What will make the headlines at nine
The tapes are runnin', the tapes are runnin', the tapes are runnin', the tapes are runnin'...
In real time... Light the Fire, watch'em burn, light the Fire, watch'em burn
Watch'em burn, watch'em burn, watch'em burn, Oh modulate,
Would you Clifford, light the fire... Light the fire, watch'em burn, light the fire, watch'em burn
Do you really believe everything you hear or read
So easily deceived, there's no excuse for their sheer greed
You're hot, but not too hot to handle... you're not just what they want you to be
My feet are solid ground you can't pull the wool over my eyes
You don't know what I've found I've got you such a nice surprise
They'll never get my sound they failed but at least they've tried
You don't own me, you'll never get me...
If we go, we'll go down fighting, if we go, we'll go down fighting...
Do you really believe everything you hear or read
So easily deceived, there's no excuse for their sheer greed
You're hot, but not too hot to handle... you're not just what they want you to be
My feet are solid ground you can't pull the wool over my eyes
You don't know what I've found I've got you such a nice surprise
They'll never get my sound they failed but at least they've tried
You don't own me, you'll never get me...
If we go, we'll go down fighting, if we go, we'll go down fighting...
You can't see through the lie, when it's in front of you
You won't get too far, and yes it's true they'll pander every whim, good or bad
Then they'll close your lid or worse, they'll drive you mad, you bastards!
It's been a long time since my last letter from home my mind is elsewhere,
I'm soaking wet and cold to the bone with the threat of an aerial attack,
Can't waste time getting bored I'm sniper hunting, my orders are not to be ignored...
What is going on? Where did that shot come from?
Square bashing with my pack and drill...
If a bullet don't get ya then the disentary will
Hot lead, hot lead, hot lead... hot lead, cold steel
It seems years since I saw something resembling my wife
I could be here for a term, that could turn into life
I could get out and I could take a chance, once I could ill afford
I still can't remember my first son or what he was called, yeah
What is going on? Where did that shot come from?
Square bashing with full pack and drill...
If a bullet don't get ya then the disentary will
Hot lead, hot lead, hot lead... hot lead, cold steel
I've been thinking where has it all gone? I've seen people happy,
I tell ya, I want some I've made people laugh and I made them cry
But I wish I'd never been born
I got my discharge, my exit, so fill out the form, yeah
What is going on? Where did that shot come from?
Square bashing with full pack and drill...
If a bullet don't get ya then the disentary will
[Brabbs / Brabbs / Ward]
I'm looking out for something, but I don't know what
It's always cold when I'm hangin' out and I'm in when it's hot
Why do I have to do this? A fool to myself
Resistance will be useless that's why you need some help
You better wait your turn I guess you'll never learn you mother fucker
I show you what I mean, I blow a can of gasoline,
Only for a laugh! I'm gonna set your back on fire I'm gonna make you burn
I find it so disgusting, and that's a fact You got where you are from standing up
and lying on your back You said I'd be the first one
I really was the twelfth and I wouldn't go back to your cozy flat cause I value my good health
You better wait your turn I guess you'll never learn you mother fucker
I show you what I mean, I blow a can of gasoline,
Only for a laugh! I'm gonna set your back on fire I'm gonna make you burn
I'm looking out for something, but I don't know what
It's always cold when I'm hangin' out and I'm in when it's hot
Why do I have to do this? A fool to myself
Resistance will be useless that's why you need some help
You better wait your turn I guess you'll never learn you mother fucker
I show you what I mean, I blow a can of gasoline,
My Insanity Hollow cheeks and ice cold eyes A hero lives but he's dead inside The across he bares Wounds and scars Wild-eyed stare but he don't look back.
Soldier of fortune mistress of pain Stares at the ground through the mist and the rain Looks like someone we should know Come so far but there's a long way to go.
You can't see his world from here Can't see the world.
This is my insanity I stare at nothing at all.
Lying here I cannot move Gone are the days I had something to prove I hear them talk I can't reply All I want is just to breakdown and cry.
Locked in this prision locked in this hell Praying to God to get my life back again Look like someone you once knew Wish I could but I just can't break through.
I'm walking home and it's so cold but I can feel the warmth of your hand
I'd walk through pouring rain and snow for your wish and every command
It's hard enough for me to say what I want, what I feel
You know I want you to say but, could it ever be real
Look at me now there are tears in my eyes
And it's two in the morning I'll never know how
You can say you're in love and then push me away
I'm wasting my life away, I'm wasting my life away
There's nothing else that I can do you know that it is my whole life
There's only so much to go through and we've got only one night
Look at me now there are tears in my eyes
And it's three in the morning I'll never know how
You can say you're in love and then push me away
I'm wasting my life away, I'm wasting my life away
My whole damn life, I'm wasting my life away, my life, yeah
And now it's all over and I can breath again wiser and older
But I can still feel the pain
Look at me now there are tears in my eyes
And it's five in the morning I'll never know how
You can say you're in love and then push me away
I'm wasting my life away, I'm wasting my life away
Through the smoke I clearly see I don't know
I've seen things you won't believe, at twenty below
I will not be defeated, not while I'm still breathing by you or by anyone
And with the way I'm treated, behind the back scheming
I've waited so long, I've waited so long...
Apparently I should be glad, you told me so
Have you ever felt that you've been had, and you didn't know
I will not be defeated, not while I'm still breathing by you or by anyone
And with the way I'm treated, behind the back scheming
I've waited so long, I've waited so long...
I'm laughing in the face of death, laughing, laughing...
I'm laughing in the face of death, laughing, laughing...
All this is such a part of me, or doesn't it show
You realise I'm not built for speed, but I sure ain't slow
I will not be defeated, not while I'm still breathing by you or by anyone
And with the way I'm treated, behind the back scheming
I've waited so long, I've waited so long...
I'm laughing in the face of death, laughing, laughing...
I'm laughing in the face of death, laughing, laughing...
Through the smoke I clearly see someone I don't know
I've seen things you won't believe, at twenty below
I will not be defeated, not while I'm still breathing by you or by anyone
And with the way I'm treated, behind the back scheming
I've waited so long, I've waited so long...
I'm laughing in the face of death, laughing, laughing...
Dou niu yao bu yao
Yong jiao ao dan tiao
Cheng ren ni ruo jiu kuai dian tao
Dou niu yao bu yao
Zhe di pan wo yao
Ni xian zai hai lai de ji tao...
Chang shang de jie zou gen zhe wo de jiao bu zou
Wo leng jing cong rong zhang kong zhe ge yu zhou
Ni yi wei zai gen shei da lan qiu
Wo zuo you huan shou guo ren xing jiu tu puo
Wo zhe zhong lian fa bu shi ni neng gou fang shou
Ni bie zai wo de mian qian xian chou
Qing qing hua guo wo de qiu yi sheng po wang
Liang fen zhong
Wo de dui shou bu yong gan dao shi luo
Ying qiu zhe zhong tian fen ni mei you
Xiang gen wo jue dou ni hai yao lian hen jiu
Wo sheng er wei wang sheng li shi wo de wang hou
I'mma about to make shit clear
You gon need a shot listen to this right here
Cause I'm about to blow the roof off and I don't give a
I'm about to spill the truth on these niggas and I know
I'ma lose a fan
But I'm just reading from a book that I barely
[Chorus]A Diary of a mad man
Too much power in the words on the pages in my hands
Ohh a diary of a mad man
Too much power in the words on the pages in my hands
Ohhh a diary of a mad
I can see the pain in the first ten pages
Surrounded by a whole lot of hatred
Surrounded by a whole lot of killers
Better than friends cause at least they realer
The streets became a real good friend
That's how we got Sex, Love and pain in
And now after now or never I'ma be fucking with the
streets forever
Cause they pay when you wouldn't pay, had to hustle but
we made our way
We made fit to call it tyler mane strict from the pages
[Chorus]A Diary of a mad man
Too much power in the words on the pages in my hands
Ohh a diary of a mad man
Too much power in the words on the pages in my hands
So don't show me I found it
Don't quote my songs
Don't dap me up now killer
Don't write them wrong
Don't say you knew me then player
And then try to serve me my waiter
Cause I could use you better as a hater
Words from the
[Chorus]A Diary of a mad man
Too much power in the words on the pages in my hands
Ohh a diary of a mad man
Hell, yeah... Going back to Vietnam again, searching for ghosts and old news
I'm standing in the Saigon rain wonderin' which lens that I used
Oh yeah, what can you tell from a photograph? Oh yeah, how do you know
When to cry or laugh? Ho Chi Minh City is now it's name
Pot holed battered abused a waste of life for little gain
An airfield overgrown and disused
Oh yeah, what can you tell from a photograph? Oh yeah, how do you know when to cry or laugh?
When the hunter becomes the hunted, when the hunter becomes the hunted
Ah yeah... Hell yeah... Aaaaaaah...
The camera's silent it waits in vain focused and ready to use
This limbless child does have a name
Agent orange? I thought that you knew
Oh yeah, what can you tell from a photograph? Oh yeah, how do you know when to cry or laugh?
When the hunter becomes the hunted, when the hunter becomes the hunted
Ah Yeah... Ah Yeah... When the hunter becomes the hunted
When the hunter becomes the hunted [x2]
You're a freak
And I know it
You're a freak
And you show it
You're a freak
And they told me
They told me was a freak
You're a freak
With a man
You're a freak
With your hands
You're a freak
With a plan
They told me
You was a freak
You're a freak
On the phone
You're a freak
All alone
You're a freak
And they told told me
You was a freak
You're a freak
And I like
You're a freak
And I might fall in love
With a freak
If you can feel me
She's my freak
You don't have to
Like my freak
'Cause she's a super freak
And now she freaks for me
[chorus x3]
You've been around
And I know it
You've been around
And you show it
You've been around
And told me, told me
You was a freak
From the way
That you shake it
From the way
That you take it
And I know
You ain't fakin' it
This is what they told me
'Cause you can't make
A h*e a housewife
So how can I become a man
And I've been a dog
All my life
If I can change (well)
Then she can change (well)
'Cause we both the same (well)
'Cause if she's a freak
I'm a freak and she
[chorus x4]
If you can feel me
I just needed me a freak
To make me say
"Whoo" in the midnight hour
I need some, somebody
To make me say
"Whoo, whoo, whoo"
Oh lay me down
Flip my mind inside out
Make me say
"Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo"
Make me say
Break it way down
'Cause she's my freak
She my, she's my freak
[chorus x4]
Ooh we gon' do it
All the freaks is gettin' down
(You know we like dem freaks)
All the freaks is gettin' around
You know we like dem freaks
Y'all gon' take a few
Do what we gotta do
For dem freaks
We want a freak in our life
Like around 2G
Gettin' real freaky
I want you
Want you
Baby .
My body is burning with desire
Honey you, you don't want you to want me too
.i want you,
My love you're doing.
I want you tonight
Baby don't you hesitate
All my love is for you don't make me wait
Who you got me so into you
.i need you and i want you to want me too
Into .all the love are doing.
I want you tonight, i want you
I want you, to want me
Just liek i want you
Just liek i need you
Just like i want you
And i want you to want me too
Into.love are you doing to me
I want you now
I want you now
I want you now
I want you now
Some.in my lvoe is sure.
When our specila.you're touching me right here
Just thinkign bout your lvoe
Got me faded so good
Yeah, yeah, just one man is all it takes... To turn fear... into race hale
This one man had chose the Jew to destroy away from view
Afraid to hide afraid to fight Gestapo raid in the night
One whole nation on the run from the jack boot and the gun...
They've not forgotten the Fuhrer's master plan
Juden Verbotten in Deutschland
They've not forgotten the hatred shown to man
Juden Verbotten... Understand... The blood's still on their hands
Pray for the fallen and the brave... And hope their souls will be saved
A Holocaust, no other name... Millions lie in unmarked graves...
They've not forgotten, etc...
The blood's still on their hands
The survivors one's he spared they're still frightened
They're still scared live a nightmare all their lives... Peace will come, when they die...
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down, oh oh
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down, oh yeah
I remember when, we were the best of friends
Love was in the air, nothin' can stop us then
Walkin' hand and hand, bear feet in the sand
Eveything was cool, now I don't understand
We don't hit the streets, like we use to win my six
Almost seems as if, found someone new to roll with
No more ice out things, no more shoppin' sprees
So where you gettin' it from 'cause you ain't gettin' it from me, oh
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Six, ain't takin' it no more
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Six, ain't takin' it no more
Why the late phone call? Why the late night trip?
Your girlfriends car broke down, who you think you dealin' with?
I done peep your game, every night excuse's the same
Girlfriend this, girlfriend that, I'm tired so Monday
I gets in my ride to see just where you are
You're leavin' the liquor store with two bottles of White Star
Ride on up the street, check in to a room
A nigga in a Range Rover was feelin' all over you
I knew you was runnin' game
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Six, ain't takin' it no more
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Six, ain't takin' it no more
Seven, see more niggas on the side
Eight, is always out all night
Nine, just keeps on makin' up lies
Ten, don't care that it ain't right
Eleven, it's just like seven
Twelve, won't make you change
Thirteen, why me?
Fourteen, oh, I'm beggin' you down on my knees
Fifteen, take this pain away please
I'm so tired of countin' things wrong
So the hell with you, get gone
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Six, ain't takin' it no more
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Six, ain't takin' it no more
That's why, I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
Ooh no no no, I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down
I can't get down with you no more
I can't get down, ohh
One, you're runnin' game
Two, you don't act the same
Three, you're cheatin' on me
Four, behind closed doors
Five, it was just last night
Tonight (eh)
Everybody in da club
Tonight (eh)
Everybody gettin buzz
Tonight (eh)
Everybody in da club
Tonight (eh)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
(we back one more time homie)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
(it's ya boy Tank)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
(and we poppin bottles this evenin)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
(come on wit me)
ooh ooh ooh yeah
Since u left me
I been up in this club doin my thing
Well since you wont help me
Im signin my love to another name (oh)
Since u do me, the way that u do
I aint been the same
But Im cool cuz
I got about ten stacks and Im lookin for change.
It aint ever let me down (come on)
even while ur not around (come on)
Somewhere I can get my mind right (u know what)
U know where Imma be tonight...
Since u left me
I been up in here, up in here (here yeaahh)
For the past 3 weeks..
I been up in here, up in here....(what we doin?)
Poppin Bottles (Aye) (come on)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)(yeahhh)
Since u left me
I done went out and got myself a brand new ride (come on)
Since u wont help
There's been a few shawties on the passenger side.
Since u do me,(girl) the way that u do
I aint been the same
But Im cool cuz
Got about 10 stacks and Im lookin for change...
It aint ever let me down (down)
even while ur not around ('round)
Somewhere I can get my mind right (U know where Imma be?)
U know where Imma be tonight... (come on)
Since u left me (yeah)
I been up in here (up in), up in here (oohh yeaahh)
For the past 3 weeks..(3 weeks) (oooh oooh)
I been up in here (up in), up in here (up in) ....
Poppin Bottles (Aye)(oooh ohh yeahhh)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)(oooh ohh yeahhh)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)(yeah)
Shawty LO:
(Tank..what's happnin Big homey?
Its ya boy L-O! Let me hold u down for 1 minute!)
Aye...Hey hey hey ..Hey how u doin its L-O!
Shawty from the burbs and Im straight from the ghetto.
She say she wanna kick it wit a young fly fellow.
She lookin for a man..Naw I aint tryna settle.
Like u round a horse bareback without a saddle
Im like a new farmer out searchin for some cattle
Im ridin sumthin foolish and Im heavy on the metal
Cush and a Squish and its steamin like a kettle
Catch me in the club and u know we poppin bottles
Posted in da hood ran d*ck up in da models
Green lite, e'rything is a go
He know, She know, They know ..L-O
(U know wher imma be tonight)
Since u left me (ohhh)
I been up in here,(up in) up in here (up in)
For the past 3 weeks.. (past 3 weeks)
I been up in here, (up in) up in here (up in)
Poppin Bottles (Aye) (ohhhh yeahhh)
Poppin Bottles (Aye) (poppin bottles oh yeah)
Poppin Bottles (Aye) (oooooh yeahh)
Poppin Bottles (come on)(Aye)
(poppin dem bottles)
Since u left me
(we got Ace of spades)
I been up in here,(we got Dom p) up in here
(its all a hotel up in here baby)
For the past 3 weeks...(We been doin this)
I been up in here, (ever since u shook) up in here....
(its been shakin up in here)
Poppin Bottles (Aye)
Poppin Bottles (come on, come on)(Aye)
Poppin Bottles (come on, come on)(Aye)
Poppin Bottles (come on, come on)(Aye)
So ladies if u lookin for me... (ha)
Im single now...
and u can find me right here
Poppin bottles
(come on, come on, come on)
Poppin bottles
ha ha ha.... we out!
Transcribed by ya boi "sKreeMaZ!"
(VA BEACH STANDUP!!!!) 7/17/08
A bottom line decision you're in the field of vision a cut means an incision somewhere...
We're not in your division a lie, a politician you get what you are given so there...
There's nothing to see here a life without religion a crash without collision
A laugh without derision nowhere, a sense of style is driven
Four miles are never ridden, to a good home a kitten I don't care
Without love you are one without God you're no-one not allowed to have any fun
The fear inside... Right here inside... The fear inside... Right here, inside
The underneath is hidden the hand that feeds is bitten an ancient aunt, bedridden
Don't stare, forgive the unforgiven know every word that's written
The naked eye that's smitten do I care? Without love you are one
Without God you're no one not allowed to have any fun
The fear inside... Right here inside... The fear inside... Right here inside
Oh shoo shoo. The fear inside... Right here inside
The Fear Inside... Right here inside [x2]
Yeah, Yeah I tend to see things, as they really are...
Right up close, near and far emotional cripple and Lord I bare the scars...
That's me standing at the bar from the age of eighteen, to the age of twenty-one...
I was fired up, having fun down at the "speak", chasing slammers on the run...
And getting high, from a shotgun I walked in, eyes open wide it felt good inside
Was I scared? I was petrified... But I won't stop, 'til I'm certified...
I've got the world, in the palm of my hand... The world awaits my every command...
For the last six years I have lived with pain... In my side, in my brain
It's no matter, I'd still be the same... Heading out on the road again
I walked in, eyes open wide... It felt good inside, was I scared? I was petrified...
But I won't stop 'til I'm certified, I've got the world in the palm of my hand...
The world awaits my every command (repeat) I've got the world in the palm of my hand...
Now living here just ain't good enough for those of you wearing red ties
Just you breathing makes our leaders rush to the shelters still watching the skies
I'll feed off your vilest dreams it's not as bad as it seems
It's now or never as I'm left with these mouths to feed
I wanna see all those rivers bleed
Do you know just what this means... war!
They think that we don't know what's going on
With all their satellite ski spies it don't matter where they're coming from
Do we still have to give up our lives?
I'll feed off your vilest dreams it's not as bad as it seems...
Cos it's now or never as I'm left with these mouths to feed
I wanna see all those rivers bleed
Do you know just what this means... war!
This means war, this means war, this means war, this means war
Get out of my way mother...
Don't it seems stupid that we're sitting here and soon there'll be nothing left
We can't go on pretending that we're unaware and laughing in the face of death
I'll feed off your vilest dreams it's not as bad as it seems...
Cos it's now or never as I'm left with these mouths to feed
I wanna see all those rivers bleed
Do you know just what this means... war!
I wish you'd know how it felt to be empty
Up in the mansion and pushing a Bentley
Look at the cards on my flowers he said to me
Just to disguise the truth
That he ain't never gonan be faithful
He ain't never gonna be thankful
Even know I give all of me in
He ain't never gonna be thankful
Cause this means that he paying for
And now I see that it's all wrong, wrong, wrong
The ,style made me look the other way, but it's all
wrong, wrong
I gotta find the strength to walk away
Cause it's all wrong
Packed all the bags so the trust looks so empty
Here goes the keys to the house and your Bentley
Thanks for the cards and the flowers you sent me
But they can't disguise the truth
That you ain't never gonan be faithful
You ain't never gonna be thankful
Even know I give all of me in
You ain't never gonna be thankful
Cause this means that you paying for
And now I see that it's all wrong, wrong, wrong
The ,style made me look the other way, but it's all
wrong, wrong
I gotta find the strength to walk away
So I'll be moving on
It's what I keep , stay too long
, I'll be strong, I'll be strong yeah
Cause I know deep inside ,
And it's all wrong, wrong, wrong
The ,style made me look the other way, but it's all
wrong, wrong
I gotta find the strength to walk away.
[Brabbs / Brabbs / Ward]
Yeah It's breaking out all over the world and like flies they're dropping
Invading here would be absurd but once they start there's no stopping
There's no use holding your head in your hands it won't go away
Soon you'll wake up and you'll be a man that's what the handbook says these are your orders, you must obey
Heavy Artillery, Heavy Artillery, Heavy Artillery
Too bad, too bad they got what they wanted without even trying
I'm so glad, so glad the signals got busted without someone dying
There's no use holding your head in your hands it won't go away
Soon you'll wake up and you'll be a man that's what the handbook says, these are your orders, you must obey
It's breaking out all over the world and like flies they're dropping
Invading here would be absurd but once they start there's no stopping
There's no use holding your head in your hands it won't go away
Soon you'll wake up and you'll be a man that's what the handbook says these are your orders, you must obey
Bu gai zai lang fei li qi
Zuo xie yu hui de shi qing
Yong yan shen zhi jian dui ni qing
sheng xi yu
Ni mei you bie de biao qing
Zong wei xiao zhuan guo tou qu
Qing yi jie kai wo chuan shuo de mi
Ru guo zhe yang hai suan bu shi you mo qi
Zhi shao neng dai biao wo men dou gou cong ming
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me
Ting le, dong le, wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le, shui le, qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng
Yi zhi shuo bu zhun tian qi
Cuo guo qi dai de chong jing
Mei zai cai hong chu xian na ke shuo ai ni
Ni yi ding shan jie ren yi
Zhi dao wo xiang de shi qing
Suo yi xia yu bu ji mang hui qu
----REPEAT II----
See the young man see he's crying see his first born, lay in his arms dying
Where a child once stood was where she always would
See his young wife, see she's crying see her first born, lay in his arms dying
If she only stood where her child always would
A young life would not know the river ice would not hold
A young life would not know the river freezes so cold
In the last hours before dawn in the last hours before dawn
In the last hours, they will mourn in the last hours before dawn
See the flowers, see the coffin see that her life will not be forgotten
If they only could, you know they'd turn back the clock for good
A young life would not know the river ice would not hold
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Thank you, thank you but wait
Wait, wait, wait, wait
Hold up, hold up, hold up
We don't want you to clap right now
We want you to put your hands up
We don't want you to clap only put your hands up
'Cause right about now you should be feelin' it
Whatever club you in, put your hands up and feel it
In the club we, me an' my peeps
Showin' them how we get down
Just found it but it's jumpin'
'Bout to get fried, 'bout to get live
Give me four shots, as strong as you got
Wanna feel good, gonna feel good
Give me the mic so we can get hype
So get your hands up with me all night
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Thugs in here, ladies in here
Lettin' it ride with their hands high
Showin' more love, drinkin' more Bud
Drunk, passin' out is what I'm talkin' 'bout
Got the police 'bout to bring the heat
Say we too loud but we get down
Officer, don't you get off, in about five minutes
So get your hands up with us, come on
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Stomp your feet and get your hands high
Stomp your feet and get your hands high
Stomp your feet and get your hands high
Stomp your feet and get your hands
Stomp your feet and get your hands high
Stomp your feet and get your hands high
Stomp your feet and get your hands high
Stomp your feet and get your hands
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
Get your hands up, get your hands up
The Last Laugh You say I bring darkness I know I bring light You tell me I'm living a lie No wonder you world is so upside down You can't get your feet off the ground.
And I know what you thinking But it don't mean that much to me Yes I know where you're coming from Your eyes are still to blind to see.
Live it love it! We live for Rock 'n' Roll Live it love it! Don't believe a word Live it love it! We live for Rock' n' Roll Live it love it.
You say that you won't then you say that you will And now you're so lost in your past There is no one to tell you what you need to hear Believe me I'll have the last laugh.
I don't care what you think of me you're nothing at all If you want to play games with me Just hold on I'm coming round.
Live it love it! We live for Rock 'n' Roll Live it love it! Don't believe a word Live it love it! We live for Rock' n' Roll Live it love it.
Now that you battle is over and lost Your tears fall across your dry eyes The hour glass is smashed and time standing still Still you are caught in the past.
I don't care what you think of me your nothing at all If you want to play games with me Just hold on I'm coming round.
Feast Of The Devil I have crossed the bridge that leads to shadows I have chased the nightmare to the end I have sailed the seven seas of wonder Left a trail of misery behind If it all goes wrong will you hear the song I'm singing? If it all goes wrong will we hear the church bells ringing out?
We'll dance of the feast of the devil We'll dance at his feast.
Careful what you wish for when you are dreaming We all can see the fantasies with time Don't believe a word that they are saying Hide behind the circles of you mind If it all goes wrong will you hear the song I'm singing? If it all goes wrong will we hear the church bells ringing out?
We'll dance of the feast of the devil We'll dance at his feast.
Tick tock the end is drawing nearer And we are filled with doubt.
Now we've seen what happens to the liars Now we know the guilty will survive Come with me I can make you holy In this world of make believe. Surprise! If it all goes wrong will you hear the song I'm singing? If it all goes wrong will we hear the church bells ringing out?
Why can't it wait until morning Why can't it wait until day All the love we have, slowly slips away As that I have left is sorrow
I can hear the sounds of the windmills going round They're in my mind, in my mind
You and I would ride the rainbow till the end of time I would crossed a million miles to see you smile
Now I don't understand
Give me one good reason to not let go One good reason to stay One good reason to not let go One good reason not to turn away
Why can't it wait until morning I can hear the sounds of the windmills going round They're in my head, I would crossed a million miles to see you smile
Now I don't understand
Give me one good reason to not let go One good reason to stay One good reason to not let go One good reason not to turn away...
Why can't it wait until morning Why can't it wait until day I still hear the sounds of the windmills going round They're in my mind
Flame on! They're coming down from the hills
Attacking from both sides... they're closing in for the kill it's only a matter of time...
We're running out of ammo fast we must stand at the line, every man to the last
They're all around us, so no get away each and every hour, it goes on all day
Use the blade and run them through... with no shot left, what else can we do
Where are they coming from?
Echoes of a distant battle... echoes, echoes of a distant battle... echoes
They're saluting us as warriors there's hardly a man alive...
They disappear in a cloud of dust and attack for the last time...
We're running out of ammo fast we must stand at the line, every man to the last
They're all around us, so no get away each and every hour, it goes on all day
Use the blade and run them through... with no shot left, what else can we do
Where are they coming from?
Echoes of a distant battle... echoes, echoes of a distant battle... echoes
They came down from the hills attacked from both sides
They closed in for the kill hit us for the last time
We're running out of ammo fast we must stand at the line, every man to the last
They're all around us, so no get away each and every hour, it goes on all day
Use the blade and run them through... with no shot left, what else can we do
Where are they coming from?
Hey you what's up
I've been peepin' your style
Since we have been kicking it for a while
Seems as if you just don't trip no more
Like you could do without so what are you still here for
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me, ain't feelin' me
No, hi, no, bye
You come and go as you please
No kiss, no smile
I don't deserve these things
I don't have no time to waste
'Cause on the really real
You can be replaced
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me
Oh I just wanna know what's going on
Don't get stuck her all alone
What you gonna do
'Cause I can find something better to do
'Cause I don't wanna be
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me
I don't wanna be lovin' you
If you don't wanna be lovin' me
I don't wanna be feelin' you
If you really ain't feelin' me, if ain't feelin' me
Oh, no, no, I don't wanna be sittin' here lovin' you
And you don't wanna be lovin' me
Come on, baby, talk to me
You know 'cause when you feel your body
Gettin' ready to let go, just let me know when
Tonight the only thing that I will ever ask of you
Tell me when
I'm tryin' to make you feel it, holla at me when you do
Tell me when
Don't keep it to yourself, you know I wanna hear from you
Tell me when
And if I hit the spot, let me know I'll come to you
And tell you when
When I'm hopin' that when your body says when
You'll just let go
When you're open up when you're screamin' out when
Don't stop the show
When, when, when, puttin' this work in
So when are you comin'?
When, when, oh, when, girl, tell me when
When we, when we, when
Girl, open up your wall
'Cause let me see who's new in town
Meet your friend
Been waitin' to get started
I'ma knock the bottom out, can we begin?
I wanna get it, I wanna hit it
And when I'm gone for a long time
I want you to miss it
And while we freakin', you better speakin'
Let me know when
When I'm hopin' that when your body says when
You'll just let go
When you're open up, when you're screamin' out when
Don't stop the show
When, when, when, I'm puttin' this work in
So when are you comin'?
When, when, when
Girl, tell me when, when we, when we, when
Here comes when
Strokin's gettin' faster, nails is in my back and oh
Here comes when
Body's gettin' harder *** is gettin' harder
It's shaken, it's throbbin', just slow down, baby, breath
Hold on, hold on, wait a minute
Okay, now here we go, I'm with you, girl, let's blow
You just gotta let me know
Girl, tell me when, I'm hopin' that
When your body says when, don't stop the show
When you're open up, when you're screamin' out when
Don't stop the show
When, when, when, I'm puttin' this work in
So when are you comin'?
When, when, oh, when, girl, tell me when
When we, when we, when
When, girl, tell me when
When, girl, tell me when
When we, when we, when
When, girl, tell me when
When, girl, tell me when
Great Expectations Lords in their chambers they're handing out favours They only answer to God Watching the bankers the second rate chancers Driving us into the ground.
There's a sign on his door says "Don't come in" What's he doing in there with his nistress? There's a sign on the door Experience for sale There's a sign on the door. I'm gonna get ya.
We had Great Expectations But you all let us down We had Great Expectations You just let us down.
Priests and their morals sing Christmas carols While drinking the communion wine Mix up the story we know of Heaven and glory See the blind leading blind.
There's a cross on the wall and a purple gown It's a story we know only too well There's a cross on the wall, and a candle bright There's a cross on the wall but it just ain't right.
We had Great Expectations But you all let us down We had Great Expectations You just let us down.
Here comes the young man fathering children He'll never see as they grow Watching the young girl dancing for money Swinging her legs round a pole.
Forgotten child if you head goes wild Forgotten child of despair Forgotten child gotta rise above If you gotta get crazy Get high on love.
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
Oh, she found all the numbers I had in my car
Oh, she called all the ones I had marked with a star
Oh, I'm racin' over to plead my case
Oh, she saw it was me and slammed the door in my face
Fellas tell me why
How come we always doin' wrong?
How come we can't keep it home?
How come it always ends like this even though we know that
It ain't worth tellin' a lie
It ain't worth seein' you cry
It ain't worth, that's why I'm right here
Beggin' you please don't go
'Cause it ain't worth killin' a home
It ain't worth bein' alone
It ain't worth, that's why I'm right here
Beggin' you please don't go, baby
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
Oh, I jeopardized everythin' I loved
Oh, what the hell could I have been thinkin' of?
Oh, I should have loved you right when I had the chance
Yeah, now you out there lookin' for a better man
Fellas, why?
How come we always doin' wrong?
How come we can't keep it home?
How come it always ends like this even though we know that
It ain't worth tellin' a lie
It ain't worth seein' you cry
It ain't worth, that's why I'm right here
Beggin' you please don't go
'Cause it ain't worth killin' a home
It ain't worth bein' alone
It ain't worth, that's why I'm right here
Beggin' you please don't go, baby
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
Oh, I didn't think it'd get this bad
Never thought of losin' you
Now my heart is beatin' fast
I'm tryin' to figure out in my mind
What to do, find the words to say
Remember when you said that you would never leave me
I'm steady knockin' on the door but you don't hear me
I can't let this happen right now
Please, don't take your love, girl, I know I'm must stop
It's a doggone shame
How come we always doin' wrong?
How come we can't keep it home?
How come it always ends like this even though we know that
It ain't worth tellin' a lie
It ain't worth seein' you cry
It ain't worth, that's why I'm right here
Beggin' you, please don't go
'Cause it ain't worth killin' a home
It ain't worth bein' alone
It ain't worth, that's why I'm right here
Beggin' you, please don't go, baby
It ain't worth
Oh, it ain't worth playin' with your heart, baby, yeah
It ain't worth
Runnin' around town, creepin' around
With these silly little broads, yeah
It ain't worth
If I get another chance
I swear I'ma be better about you, girl
It ain't worth
Oh, 'cause you, 'cause you, you, you're my
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go
I Dont Want Nothin If I Cant Have It All.
If I Gotta Beg For It On My Knees And Crawl.
Cause I Gotta Have You Girl I Gotta Have You.
Tell Me What You Like We Can Fuss And Fight All Day.
But Trust We Gon Be Sexin All Night.
It Dont Matter Girl Im Down For Whatever.
Ride With You Through Any Kinda Weather.
Girl Just Give Me Your
Sex Love And Pain. Oh
I Want I Want All Your
Sex Love And Pain.
Everything You Got For Me Yeah
Sex Love And Pain.(Listen)
Is It Okay If I Give You My
Sex Love And Pain.
Oh Oh Oh Sex Love And..
I Cant Change Nothin All I Got Is Me.
Occasional Strip Clubs And Shots Of Hennessy.
I'm Somewhat Of A Hustla Out Here In These Streets
I'll Be Your Hustla If You Need Me To Be
Cuz I Gott That Paper For Ya Damn All Them Hata's For Ya Let Em Know Your With Me While You Flowing In That Rangrover It's Gon Be Good It's Gon Be Bad Thats Cool With Me The Only Thing I Need Is Your
Sex Love And Pain. Oh
I Want I Want All Your
Sex Love And Pain.
Everything You Got For Me Yeah
Sex Love And Pain.
Is It Okay If I Give You My
Sex Love And Pain.
Oh Oh Oh Sex Love And..
She ain't got a leg to stand on
Don't even trip
I can take you all over the world though, even tell you pack light
The last lad couldn't even get a cab ride
She don't do the blogs, but if she did, she'd be on mad sites
Ass so mean that I'm always on her bad side
Uh, now she don't ever stress me 'bout my whereabouts
Never seems concerned with other birds that she may hear about
She mind hers, it's my turn, that shit she barely care about
Look amazing on me, why I'm always tryna wear her out
She don't ride like you, no she don't taste like that
Not with a waist like that, do I let her go to waste like that?
She a mix between Kama Sutra, yoga and porno flicks
Funny how her breath get shorter when I give her long dick, uh
And I'm telling y'all straight up
Might think I imagined shorty even when she not made up
She kill ‘em in Levi's, see why, it ain't even fair
Look good in whatever she wear, how could other women compare
They can't
I done put another in your space
Damn if they do, it's been hard to replace
I just want the same judge sitting on the case
She gon' hate, but she know
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Girl you working with the killer
Ain't nobody fucking with ya
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
I can see the stars in the day time
Bitch, I miss you like a deadline
And the girl I'm with is just the girl I'm with
I mean it's working out, so we're staying fit
But you know love is nothing, ask Stan Smith
But I gotta keep a bad bitch like Brad Pitt
Remember our first kiss? Or our last kiss?
I used to go dummy in that pussy, crash test
You be fucking that nigga like you was fucking me?
Ha, fuck that nigga, he can't fuck with me
I'm Tunechi bitch and you know that, and that pussy throw back
But given night, I'd still pop that ass like a Prozac
Girl you know you got that murder, a beast in that La Perla
And every time we cut, I used to shred her; Ninja Turtles
And I know you still love me and I know ya still for me
That's why we still fucking, cause she don't put it down like you
I done put another in your space
Damn if they do, it's been hard to replace
I just want the same judge sitting on the case
She gon' hate, but she know
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Girl you working with the killer
Ain't nobody fucking with ya
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Looking 'round mine, no downtime, see nothing else even matters
Can't even walk slow through that mall, cause paparazzi running after
Baby girl working it like a pro, slow it down or move it faster
Whether them lights on or them lights off, like I'm sleeping with the clapper
Still she watching what she eat, yet that ass keep getting fatter
How I'm sexing her, making likes of hers, no longer be a factor
Plus her and I already know, you done turn them all to desperate
Climb with the former rather ladder, you already know which one I'd rather
Cum on
I done put another in your space
Damn if they do, it's been hard to replace
I just want the same judge sitting on the case
She gon' hate, but she know
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
She don't put it down like you
Girl you working with the killer
Ain't nobody fucking with ya
She don't put it down like you
Down-down like you, down-down like you, down-down like you
I've been callin' yo phone like crazy.
Cause there ain't no way I'm loosin' my baby.
We just gotta talk, and work it out.
That's all we really need but.
Right in the middle of gettin' our point across.
My damn signal always ends up lost.
I done been to the phone store a million times.
but I'd rather use a land line cause...
Sprint keeps sending me straight to voice mail.
Nextel is still tryna find a subscriber
but I gotta find her (before she's gone)
I hate callin', callin' yo cell phone cause...
T-Mobile's calls always drop
Verizon's cool but they plans cost a lot!
I'm just tryna call my baby and fix whatever's wrong but
Bu gai zai lang fei li qi
Zuo xie yu hui de shi qing
Yong yan shenzhi jie dui ni qing sheng xi yu
Ni mei you bie de biao qing
Zong wei xiao zhuan guo tou qu
Qing yi jie kai wo chuan song de mi
Ru guo zhe yang hai suan bu shang you mo qi
Zhi shao neng dai biao wo men dou gou cong ming
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me
Liao liao dong le
Wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le shui le
Qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng le
WOoh ohh yEah~
Yi zhi suan bu zhun tian qi
Cuo guo qi dai de chang jing
Mei zai cai hong chu xian na ke shuo ai ni
Ni yi ding shan jie ren ai
Zhi dao wo xiang de shi qing
Suo yi xia yu bu ji mang hui qu
Ru guo zhe yang hai suan bu shang you mo qi
Zhi shao neng dai biao wo men dou gou cong ming
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me
Liao liao dong le
Wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le shui le
Qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng le
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me (wOoh Ohhh~)
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me (Yeah~)
Liao liao dong le
Wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le shui le
Qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng le
Woo~ wOo~ oHh~ yEah~
La-la-la-la-la (This is what it's like every time)
La-la-la-la-la (Every time she calls me she sings)
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (She sings this
little melody to, you know)
Doo doo doo doo (Let me know how she feels)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (Heres what she tells me)
{Lovin you}
it's like a dream to me, I thought you know
{Lovin you}
it's like a fantasy I hope come true
{Lovin you}
Cause it's the only thing I wanna do
{Lovin you}
it's like this melody I wanna sing to you
La-la-la-la-la (La-la-la-la-la-la-la)
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Oh, yeah)
Doo doo doo doo
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (Make me wanna sing)
La-la-la-la-la (Oh)
La-la-la-la-la (La-la-la-la-la-la-la)
Doo doo doo doo doo (Ooh, ooh)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (Check this out, you know I
{Lovin you}
I never thought would take eagle from me
{Lovin you}
I she'd a light on life I could never see, yeah
{Lovin you}
I swear I always will, I'll always be
{Lovin you}
No matter what it brings I'll always sing
La-la-la-la-la (No, no, no, no)
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (La-la-la-la-la)
Doo doo doo doo (Mmm, hey)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (Make me wanna sing)
La-la-la-la-la (Uh)
La-la-la-la-la (Oh, la-la-la-la-la)
Doo doo doo doo (Oh, yeah)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (Uh, uh)
{Lovin you}
Has been the very best part of my life
{Lovin you}
Is bout the only thing that turned out right, oh
{Lovin you}
For the rest of my life I think I might
{Lovin you}
It feels so good, I wanna start tonight
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (La-la-la-la-la)
Doo doo doo doo (Yeah)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (Make me wanna sing)
La-la-la-la-la (No, no)
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (La-la-la-la-la)
Doo doo doo doo doo (Ooh)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah...
All I can think about is lovin you
Think about is lovin you
All I wanna do is lovin you
Oh, no, oh, yeah
I wanna think about is lovin you
Think about is lovin you
Wanna do is lovin you
Yeah, oh, Sparkle, just break it down
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (If you got
somebody out there you love)
Doo doo doo doo (Or you love her right now, just sing
this melody to him)
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... (It goes, it goes)
Doo doo doo doo
Ah... ah... ah... ah... ah...
Doo doo doo doo
Shots fired-fired-fired
Shots fired-fired-fired
Soldiers you can leave me, you gonna leave me berk
You're gonna probably do you burst now
Now you get the shots fired,
Told her if she been it all bring that hurst
Lead the Gucci Louie first
Now you get the shots fired.
My money call, my bitch bro
Yeah I'm talking bitch shit up in Patrone
You can get the shit till I put you on
You can get the shit, girl I put you on.
Put you on, put you on
You think you the shit, girl I put you on.
Put you on, put you on
You think you the shit, shots fired.
Bang bang, she faded, bang bang she faded
Bang bang, she faded, (bang bang) shots fired
Bang bang, she faded, bang bang she faded
Bang bang, she faded, (bang bang) shots-shots fired
Girl if she drop it I'ma get it first,
Make that ass go to work, now look at your shots fired,
when I get it, I got this smell right on my shirt
I'ma make this pussy hurt, now look at your shots fired.
My money long, my whips grown,
Yeah I'm talking big shit up in Patron
You think you the shit, girl I put you on
Girl you think you the shit, girl I put you on.
Put you on, put you on
You think you the shit, girl I put you on.
Put you on, put you on
You think you the shit, shots fired.
Bang bang, she faded, bang bang she faded
Bang bang, she faded, (bang bang) shots fired
Bang bang, she faded, bang bang she faded
Bang bang, she faded, (bang bang) shots-shots fired
Told her if she leavin' ain't no coming back
DJ go and running back
Let em know if shots fired,
Rounding in the club put the bag is,
Bottles ..from the sky, shots fired.
I'm sick and tired of listening to your habitual lying I didn't understand it 'cause it's just bad timing I try to tell her but she won't keep still she'll never know it but she always will I can't tell you what she's thinking of one thing's for certain and it won't be love Too tired to wait for love, too tired to wait for love, too tired to wait for love She be-littles her lovers and for no good reason Is there anything left that she could still believe in She'll be the one that's gonna break your heart You'll never know it till it falls apart Too tired to wait for love, too tired to wait for love, too tired to wait for love She seems to think that I'm ill, sick in the mind But does the blind lead the blind I must be careful So I don't seem unkind you betcha! Too tired to wait for love, too tired to wait for love, too tired to wait for love
There's one type of person, that I love to hate, there's one in here, hangin' round some jailbait Just wait for an hour, the pleb will demonstrate the girls he gets are ones that inflate She might need a little persuading, to tell you how much it's worth There's a cavity, you are invading it's the value, not the pride that hurts Oh yeah all I got for people that are just like you is pure hatred Knock you down sideways, you won't feel a thing Her brother thinks he's still inside a big ring, so that's what your man says, so put him in a sling So any marriage thoughts are just an inkling The last time, was really amazing There's no way that I would die of thirst It's not the real reason I'm straining It's the voice not the head that hurts Oh Yeah all I got for people that are bred like you is pure hatred So what's the attraction of wasting all your life With a girl your mother said would be a good wife So stuff all the flowers, the tassles and the like Don't give up your job without a good fight It's not just a bed you're making, you're soon to wear maternal skirts It's not your parents sheets you are staining, I bet your first time really hurt
All my life I've been breaking hearts that's what they're for I don't know what you done to my head but hell it's sore Why should I wear a hat you must've discovered that I'm back in the jun again the jun again some came running Do I have to go back to stars and put your parts in store Smelling like an a la carte dancing on the floor See men wearing hats you must've discovered that I'm back in the jun again the jun again some came running
I feel my heart pumping through my skin now I've got the hunger, killing begins You don't have to tell me where I went wrong you don't have to tell me Where I belong Can they still love me with their heads blown away what it was is not what it seems Let's put it down to a run of bad dreams I'm blue in the face from screaming out loud But I won't give in, never I won't give in, never, I won't give in, never So the only chance you'll get to steal my thunder ... Is when all hell freezes over, when all hell freezes over For all these years of spilling up blood I've fallen for something and it's not from above You don't have to tell me the enemy's strong You don't have to tell me 'cause I'm already gone Can they still love me with their legs blown away what it was is not what it seems Let's put it down to a run of bad dreams I'm blue in the face from screaming out loud But I won't give in, never I won't give in, never, I won't give in, never So the only chance you'll get to steal my thunder ... Is when all hell freezes over, when all hell freezes over It's hard enough to keep your feet on the ground They run you out of luck let you swim and then drown They realise their mistake you don't have to look in their eyes To see they're filled with hate... But I survive with the hunger there ain't nothing on this Earth to put me under When all hell freezes over, when all hell freezes over
After All Never thought I'd find myself so cold and lonely Never thought I'd find myself alone at all Lost on the sea of dream Lost on the sea of heartache.
After all you gave me your word After all that's all I needed After all you gave me your word After all.............
Looking in your eyes I can see that you're not lying Looking in your eyes I can see the truth Strip away the mask that keeps us free from leaving Because of love Because of love.
After all you gave me your word After all that's all I needed After all you gave me your word After all.............still naked on the floor Naked on the floor.
They say that to repeat mistakes invites our madness But madness is the only thing too keep us sane Brush away the sting of tears that haunt the spirit Still you believe Still you believe.
After all you gave me your word After all that's all I had After all you gave me your word After all.............Still...
Tornado's a coming mother nature's main event storm chasers running To the scene of the accident a car lies broken at the side of the road Someone trapped inside but who will know a gas line's broke, it's on fire It will explode debris falls from the sky the sheer force, the sheer power It mystifies we all have a time to die but it's time to say goodbye... And then we heard the thunder so loud it shook the ground And then we heard the thunder such an awesome sound The wreck is still burning Detroit metal, twisted and bent There's no point returning as those inside are heaven sent We just stand and watch and cry with remorse, we cower Under dangerous skies we all have a time to die but it's time to say goodbye... And then we heard the thunder so loud it shook the ground And then we heard the thunder such an awesome sound.
I'm putting my heart and soul into a song and I know that it won't belong A sound real clever, to numb someone to listen up to what I've done I tried and tried but it's still the same it's still the illusion, the same old game No matter what I do, it still comes back to you Do you think I'm stupid or what? Last night someone broke my heart and it kicked me in the guts Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? I do! I'm putting my heart and soul into a song and I know that it wont belong A sound real clever, to numb someone to listen up to what I've done I tried and tried but it's still the same it's still the illusion, the same old game No matter what I do, it still comes back to you Do you think I'm stupid or what? Last night someone broke my heart and it put me in the ruts Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? Who needs love songs? I do!
A war is raging that we don't understand And I doubt that we can There's no mistaking the mad sons of Islam As they spill blood on the sand A strange religion, that destroys through the Koran Freedom's lost in this land Hades or heaven. they're under it's command Whaterever rights had a man
[Pre-chorus]: We'll hear the bomb blasts round' the world With two world wars passed they want to start the third As they argue 'bout the planes they shot down And count the dead they have found An unholy war that's raising hell to the ground
[Chorus]: The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on ever on
An arm is severed with a gun still in it's hand And it's just left to be damned Their main endeavour has not gone as it was planned Shoot the boys where they stand War is forever but as if we had the time To change their thoughts in their minds This war will never reflect on all their kind They should be glad just to die
[Pre-chorus]: We'll hear the bomb blasts round' the world With two world wars passed they want to start the third As they argue 'bout the planes they shot down And count the dead they have found An unholy war that's raising hell to the ground
[Chorus]: The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on ever on
A war is raging that we don't understand And I doubt that we can There's no mistaking the mad sons of Islam As they spill blood on the sand A strange religion, that destroys through the Koran Freedom's lost in this land Hades or heaven. they're under it's command Whaterever rights had a man
[Pre-chorus]: We'll hear the bomb blasts round' the world With two world wars passed they want to start the third As they argue 'bout the planes they shot down And count the dead they have found An unholy war that's raising hell to the ground
The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on
The war drags ever on The war drags ever on The war drags ever on
When I sleep I get the same old dream about a girl when I was sweet sixteen She looked at my legs and then in between I didn't know where the hell she'd been It's no wonder that I scream out loud when you are always trying to put me down You trying to tell me they're breaking away that's the same line I've heard all day and that's how this all started I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was I'd like to tell you but where can I start you want the apple not the apple cart Breaking wind and breaking hearts I don't know how to tell the two apart You tried to blame me for all your mistakes do you realize how much this takes You trying to tell me they're breaking away that's the same line I've heard all day and that's how this all started I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was I'd like to tell you but where can I start you want the apple not the apple cart Breaking wind and breaking hearts I don't know how to tell the two apart You're trying to tell me that this is the end I don't really know what you intend You're trying to tell me they're breaking away but it's the same line I've heard all day I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was, I'm the man that never was
I�ve been close since we started
I�m just barely holding on
Been a while finally got it
� at me � almost gone
Worst when I look at you so I close my eyes
Trying to stay on cruise control between your thighs
It�s slipping away from me, whoa
And I�m *begging my* body to hold on, please
I wish it wasn�t over
I wanna keep making love
I don�t wanna give this feeling up
This so good
I wish it wasn�t over
I�m just always wanna be close
On the � we both done most
If we could, don�t let this thing be over
Uhh, baby girl you know you got that thing, uuhhh
Talking to myself saying self you can hang
I�m losing this fight, you rather come �
I�m out � you
Worst when I look at you so I close my eyes
Trying to stay on cruise control between your thighs
It�s slipping away from me, whoa
And I�m *begging my* body to hold on, please
I wish it wasn�t over
I wanna keep making love
I don�t wanna give this feeling up
This so good
I wish it wasn�t over
I�m just always wanna be close
On the � we both done most
If we could, don�t let this thing be over
Don�t move, don�t move, I�m right there
The way you move, just stay �
Hey loose girl
You're my brightest posession ever known
I would rather die than let you go girl
Can't describe this feeling in my soul
And I can't help but stare you got that glow
Lemme get a little bit closer
I really wanna be Mr. Your love
Feeling up, I'm feeling so good
You're my star
It's hysteric, I just found my star
I'm so infatuated, who you were?
My star, my star, my star
I probably go to far
Only you are my star
I get chills, every time I think about your smile
My heart skips a beat, I'm thinking 'bout it all
Can I be a fool? Adore when you're around
You started getting on in my world
I love
Lemme get a little bit closer
I really wanna be Mr. Your love
Feeling up, I'm feeling so good
You're my star
It's hysteric, I just found my star
I'm so infatuated, who you were?
My star, my star, my star
I probably go to far
Only you are my star
Only need you, (Need you)
Got curves like the moon (Moon, moon)
But you're hotter than the sun
Baby girl, you're my world
I only need you, my personal bu
But you're hotter than the sun
Baby, you're my one
T 34. We await a landing, but no plane will drop supplies,
We shoot the last horse still standing,
We eat to stay alive, the officer commanding
Is nowhere to be seen,
Berlin is now demanding, where the fuck he's been.
Slim are the chances to survive this war,
All because T 34.
Those of us still fighting for Fatherland & Reich,
Berlin has sent in writing, we leave Kursk tonight.
Slim are the chances to survive this war,
All because T 34.
If Zhukov don't get you, the Night Witches will.
[repeating in background:] "rock, the body body - rock
the body body"
Dino the dart specialist
Golden Arms, yo
Meth-Tical, John John do your thing thing
What? Check it
The all eye seein, heavenly divine
The truth brings out, the temper in my spine
A Hill sound again, feelin symptoms that bit me
I feel for you victims, with everything up in me (uh-
A head ringa, stuffed in sidewalls of frenzy
Back the fuck up, cause I'm stimmi off the Remi
A semi bloodshot eye, donkey dick of nuts
Every cut, I split and try and felt the guts (what?)
Nigga what, earthquakin speech, woofer hissin
The razor faced victims, WHEW, that's what kissed em
Appropriate precaution, surroundin, certain it curtains
I'm dumbfounded, I'm poundin, the pavement
for mental enslavement, I'm cravin, a misbehavin savior
America the grave for gun wavers (what?)
The wave runners, what the blood seed again
Make you wonder, about the thunder underneath the skin
The sapphire rhymes slap fire out your minds
with right timin, bite with vampire rhymes
[Method Man:]
Hmm, eye spy, with my crooked eye
Full metal street soldiers, born to die
Put em up yeah fuck yeah, when it's Hammertime
niggaz can't be touched here, the true and livin
Night vision unseen, like Jean
when I hack men The Unforgiven, left in prison
in the Wu-Tang dirty dungeon, now you succumbin
to my twelve part dirty dozens, flabbergasted
by tracks that be Tru Mastered, opposites attract
beef plus they ass backwards, stick yourself
til I'm felt, this ass whoopin, is bein dealt
Like hot beans-and-butter nigga, I got the belt
What the deal huh? Swing low, sweet chariot
I walk the Underground Railroad, with Harriett
Just a slave to the rhythm - victims I'm like alien
About to put that shit up in em, I Can't Live
Without My Radio, a 100 Miles and Runnin
T2 Judgment comin, nobody's safe
when I reminisce about Case, still hit the staircase
when the coppers give chase, I give em finger
The only hip-hop singer, to tell America
to kiss his Killer Bee stinger, nothin can save ya
from this major misbehavior, heavy hands
layin corners in the elevator, guard your grill
I speculate, get my darts straight, don't exaggerate
Dictate, do it with the Papermate, set the plate
set the bait, checkmate, fuckin with cha mental state
Double take, meditate, earthquake, VGL contemplate
Big boys integrate; catch you at the sess skate
Army tank, high rank, got the bank
Got the shank talk the talk walk the walk from New York
to Up North to downstate to L.A., to all day
To cliches to instant replays, to all the DJ's
To BJ's in the PJ's, equality days
With money like legs I plant eggs, Pele roundhead
The dog bred, snakes runnin from red, catch dead
Raekwon is on, take your uniform, we perform
shit like gangs in Now Born, check for new Don
Fuck a Yukon, you been warned, we the realest
We never were conned, duffed out and knowledge born
[repeat til fade:] ("Rock, the body body - rock the
body body")
Don't Dream In The Dark
Careful what you wish for coz I know That sometime maybe dreams come true Even in the darkest days of life They're maybe not for you Listen to your heartbeat When you know your time has come, Everything comes into view Yeah eh! Reach up before you fall It's such a long way
I have heard the voices in the sleeping hours But now that I'm awake I can feel the dark clouds as they follow me And I will face this empty night alone When the words they come out wrong, Tears will mean nothing at all If you can not sing that song, Remember its meaning
Now the rainbow's ended And the dark clouds are passing overhead Somewhere in this morning When the blacks clouds re-appear, I am not filled with dread I stare at the morning light And scream, "I will be lonely no more" The world we had is gone, Time to move on and on and on...
How many times have I told you love you?
Don't seem to change a thing
Girl you're not the same
There was a time when you want me to hug you
And treat you like the lady that you wanna be
But girl I knew that one in me
Would never try to hold me back
And do me all this wrong, girl what's going on?
I tried to talk and you walk away
Right of my face, right out of my place
[Chorus]That's just it girl
You just don't know how much I love you now
That you walked out of my house
That's just it girl
Would it be another day, be another way
To get you right back in my place
That's just it girl
You just don't know how much I love you now
That you walked out of my house
That's just it girl
Would it be another day, be another way
To get you right back in my place
How many times have sat at the table?
And both ate one time and said what's on our mind
I'm thinking of a relationship was a fable
A fairytale of me, that's just how it seems (oh girl, I
Even when I heard that you were cheating, I was
And would do any goddamn that you would say too
I tried to talk and you walk away
Right out of my face, right out of my place
[Chorus]That's just it girl
You just don't know how much I love you now
That you walked out of my house
That's just it girl
Would it be another day, be another way
To get you right back in my place
That's just it girl
You just don't know how much I love you now
You walked out of my house
That's just it girl
Would it be another day, be another way
To get you right back in my place
That's just it girl
Oh you just don't know how much I love you now
That you walked out of my house
That's just it girl
Would it be another day, be another way
To get you right back in my place
That's just it girl
Oh you just don't know how much I love you now
You walked out of my house
That's just it girl
Would it be another day, be another way
To get you right back in my place
Bu gai zai lang fei li qi
Zuo xie yu hui de shi qing
Yong yan shenzhi jie dui ni qing sheng xi yu
Ni mei you bie de biao qing
Zong wei xiao zhuan guo tou qu
Qing yi jie kai wo chuan song de mi
Ru guo zhe yang hai suan bu shang you mo qi
Zhi shao neng dai biao wo men dou gou cong ming
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me
Liao liao dong le
Wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le shui le
Qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng le
WOoh ohh yEah~
Yi zhi suan bu zhun tian qi
Cuo guo qi dai de chang jing
Mei zai cai hong chu xian na ke shuo ai ni
Ni yi ding shan jie ren ai
Zhi dao wo xiang de shi qing
Suo yi xia yu bu ji mang hui qu
Ru guo zhe yang hai suan bu shang you mo qi
Zhi shao neng dai biao wo men dou gou cong ming
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me
Liao liao dong le
Wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le shui le
Qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng le
Bu yong zai wen wei shen me (wOoh Ohhh~)
Bu yong zai shuo xie shen me (Yeah~)
Liao liao dong le
Wo men dou yi zhi ai zhe
Bu yong zai dan xin shen me
Bu yong zai hai pa shen me
Lei le shui le
Qian zhe shou yi qi ru meng le
Woo~ wOo~ oHh~ yEah~
La La La La... La La La.... La La la.... La La La La...
oh ohh ohh.
my personall, my personal ohh
my personal assistant,
we can work at the office late,
take long lunch breaks.
wont you be?
my personal assistant,
i dont mind givin you a raise,
all your vacations are paid,
wont you be?
my personal assistant,
yea,you have your own company car,
a parking space in the front,
so you dont have to walk far.
my personal assistant,
oh, a bonus,well thats me.
&& im given year-round
so wont you please,
personally,wont you assist me?
wont you get wit me,
to help me keep things in order.
personally,wont you assist me?
i need your services
your more than qualified.
personally,wont you assist me?
whyy wont you get wit me,
to help me keep things in order.
personally,wont you assist me?
i need your services
your more than qualified.
[[my personal assistant,]]
no need for an application,
all we need is communication.
wont you be?
[[my personal assistant,]]
well, && keep me here in line
make sure i make my appointments.
on time oh yea.
[[my personal assistant,]]
business attire is a must,
so i can slip up in that skirt.
keep that on the hush.
[[my personal assistant,]]
oh,ohh so sexy in those high heels,
keepin it proffesional,
even though you kno how i feel.
personally,wont you assist me?
wont you get with me,
to help me keep things in order.
personally,wont you assist me?
i need your services
your more than qualified.
personally,wont you assist me?
whyy wont you get wit me,
to help me keep things in order.
personally,wont you assist me?
i need your services
your more than qualified.
i see you at your desk,
watchin me,watchin you.
&& we both trynna figure out
whose gon make the first move.
takin my calls,
sendin my fax,
gettin my mail,
damn you work hard.
your on my mind
even when im not
in the office.
this is gon too far.
do you want this boss love?
we can tear the office up.
turn this desk into a bedd.
baby girl dnt be scared,
hold the calls,
lock the door,
assist me while we
mop the floor.
this is wat im waitn for...
personally give me moreeee.
personally,wont you assist me?
wont you get with me,
to help me keep things in order.
personally,wont you assist me?
i need your services
your more than qualified.
personally,wont you assist me?
whyy wont you get wit me,
to help me keep things in order.
personally,wont you assist me?
i need your services
your more than qualified.
verse 1
babygirl im dead wrong
its damn wrong yu findin out this way
cua we been here for too long,too strong
aint much i can say
maybe that im foolish for losin the sense all in me(me)
baby yur all i need(need)
dont leave(yeah)
girl i been actin way too fly
now that i got rims on the ride
forgot yu was a part of my life
& made everything right
i aint never wanna jus cry
butthis might be one of those times
girl i know i messed everything up but i still gotta try
so i aint givin up(oh o ooo oh)
girl i know its been rough(oh o ooo oh i know oh o)
but thanks to love its enough(oh o love is enough)
to keep us together,keepin us together
so i aint givin up
verse 2
snitchin at an all time high(oh my)
it had to be one of my guys(oh my)
pictures of us all from my ride
i been gettin it on
i know im said im breakin up with her
but now i gotta break this up with yu
now its time for me to wake on up & face the truth
that ii been actin way too fly
now that i got rims on the ride
forgot yu was a part of my life
& made everything right
i aint never wanna jus cry
but this might be one of those times
girl i know i messed everything up but i still gotta try
so i aint givin up(oh not yu nooo)
girl i know its been rough(i know, i know, i know)
but thanks to love its enough(said i think)
to keep us together,keepin folks together
so i aint givin up
verse 3
tell me what i gotta do
ill do anything girl
to show yu out forreal
ill give it all up for yu
if we can start over
cuz i dont know if i can do
didnt mean to break yur heart
we dont need no time apart
so promise me(promise me)
yu'll stay with me(stay with me)
yur all i need
so i aint givin up(oh not yu nooo)
girl i know its been rough(i know, i know, i know)
but thanks to love its enough(said i think it is)
to keep us together,keepin folks together
so i aint givin up
Please dont go
Please dont go
oh she found all the numbers i had in my car
oh she called all the ones i had marked with a star
oh i'm racing over to plead my case
oh she saw it was me and slammed the door in my face
fellas tell my why
how come we always doing wrong
how come we can't keep it home
how come it always end like this
even though we know that
it ain't worth telling a lie
it ain't worth seeing you cry
it ain't worth that's why i'm
right here begging you please
don't go cause
it ain't worth killing a home
it ain't worth being alone
it ain't worth that's why i'm
right here begging you
please don't go baby
please don't go
Please dont go
Please dont go
Please dont go
oh i jeopardized everything i loved
oh what the hell have i been thinking of
oh i should've loved you right when i had the chance
yea, yea now you out there looking for a better man
fellas tell my why
how come we always doing wrong
how come we can't keep it home
how come it always end like this
even though we know that
it ain't worth telling a lie
it ain't worth seeing you cry
it ain't worth that's why i'm
right here begging you please
don't go cause
it ain't worth killing a home
it ain't worth being alone
it ain't worth that's why i'm
right here begging you
please don't go baby
please don't go
Please dont go
Please dont go
Please dont go
oh i didn't think it get this bad
never thought of loosing you
(now my heart is beating fast)
i'm trying to figure out in my mind
(what to do finding words to say)
remember when you said that
you will never leave me
i'm steady knocking on the door
but you don't hear me
i can't let this happen right now
please don't take you love
girl i know i messed up
it's a dog on shame
how come we always doing wrong
how come we can't keep it home
how come it always ends like this
even though we know that
it ain't worth telling a lie
it ain't worth seeing you cry
it ain't worth that's why i'm
here begging you please don't go
it ain't worth killing a home
it ain't worth being alone
it ain't worth
please don't go
Please dont go
Please dont go
Please dont go
Uh, you're lookin like you're ready
Uh, you're lookin like you're ready
Seen you on my line, uh you so damn fine
We should get together, leave the space behind now
Won't you? You want me
Who you up here with?
Oh yea, that's your crew
Leave them all behind, that's just me and you
You're worth it, let's hurry
By the look it's talkin, we should both get to walkin
Before you havin those pants well on you
Go and get the caught me
Why you sayin what you wanna?
We should go up in the corner
Sextin me but I promise you
Tonight is gonna get longer
I know you're ready and I am too
And we both going on this song what we gon do
Out here you out on you to know me do it
But if you feelin like I'm feelin we'll get through this
The first night,
It's so wrong but it feels so right
The first night
They gon talk about us 'cause we got it all
On the first night
Are you nervous?
Let me get a couple more shots of Patrone and a champagne chaser, I got it
I ain't goin at ya but I'm gon work ya
I'm going later on my mind, gone to search you
Uh, I make you comfortable like uuh
I'm ready to go 100, I'm moving kinda fast
I'm ready to keep it coming round the moment now
By the look it's talkin, we should both get to walkin
Before you havin those pants well on you
Go and get the caught me
Why you sayin what you wanna?
We should go up in the corner
Sextin me but I promise you
Tonight is gonna get longer
I know you're ready and I am too
And we both going on this song what we gon do
Out here you out on you to know me do it
But if you feelin like I'm feelin we'll get through this
The first night,
It's so wrong but it feels so right
The first night
They gon talk about us 'cause we got it all
On the first night
Them bossy flowers, gotta get it
That look in her eyes tellin me she shown up with it
We strangers true, but we think the same
We must think alike so we must share the same brain
I'll give you good, if you give it too
We done gone this far, might as well just gon break all the rules
You send it all, Queen Latifa
Damn it feels so good to meet ya
I know you're ready and I am too
And we both going on this song what we gon do
Out here you out on you to know me do it
But if you feelin like I'm feelin we'll get through this
The first night,
It's so wrong but it feels so right
The first night
They gon talk about us 'cause we got it all
On the first night
Ladies and gentlemen, a young producer
That needs no instruction on productions
Jay frizzle, pushers, breathe easy, my nizzle
A young R&B; singer slash swinger
It's got to be Tank, believe it
See, I ain't really wanna waste ya time
Girl, I just wanna talk with ya
Get something on your mind
See, I'll be mighty good to ya
The type that'll tuck you in
That you can depend that I'm that type of friend
You can call when the clock gets late
Around seven or eight or nine or ten
Girl, I wanna be that
Player who gets that late night call
Can't ya see that, girl what's up with you
Tryna, tryna find out just where ya be at
So I can come through and beat that
I wanna be the one you call
Whenever your friend feel like she need that
Girl, I wanna be that
I'm the type of guy that understands
The proper way to deal with ya
I feel like ya need a man
Now can I just be real with ya
I can't give the world to you
I can't even promise that I'm going be all the way true
But you can call me, girl
Around eleven or twelve, one or two
Girl, I wanna be that
Player who gets that late night call
Can't ya see that, girl, what's up with you?
Tryna, tryna find out just where ya be at
So I can come through and beat that
I wanna be the one you call
Whenever your friend feel like she need that
Girl, I wanna be that
Player who gets that late night call
Can't ya see that, girl, what's up with you?
Tryna, tryna find out just where ya be at
So I can come through and beat that
I wanna be the one you call
Whenever your friend feel like she need that
Girl, I wanna be that
You're a super fly girl, I'm a super fly guy
No Kay Gator boots on, flying through the sky
Two A.M. I wanna fall through
So we can lay it down till the sky light blue
I wanna do the damn thing, girl
Make the box spring sang, girl
So get rid of that lane, girl
Me and Tank tryna run a little chew chew train
Girl, I wanna be that
Player who gets that late night call
Can't ya see that, girl, what's up with you?
Tryna, tryna find out just where ya be at
So I can come through and beat that
I wanna be the one you call
Whenever your friend feel like she need that
Girl, I wanna be that
Gets that late night call
Can't ya see that, girl, what's up with you?
Tryna, tryna find out just where ya be at
So I can come through and beat that
I wanna be the one you call
Whenever your friend feel like she need that
Girl, I wanna be that
This is a jazzy fizzle productions, my nizzle
What's up Wolf
Yeah, man, he fizzle we're gonna go down like this
Till the sun come up, baby girl
You already know what it is
Bang, bang, bang
Tank, background, new town
See I'm on, yeah, later night, oh boy
I need it completely
Want you to come near me
I'm hopin' and gropin'
Want you to get friendly
I'm slowly, I'm holding
You tight while you're moaning
And I hear ya and I bear
It will be, if you want me
Let it go, let it go, if you think it's good
Don't be afraid to let it go, let it go
Just hold on tight and
Let emotions take control of the night
And [Incomprehensible]
You're [Incomprehensible], to explode
You and I, you feel me
What took you
That makes you, enchanter
Is it high, is it low, don't matter
There I'll go, I heat a knock at the door
It's you hope, ready to go
If you want let it go, let it, babe
If you think it's good, don't be afraid to let it go
Just hold on tight and
Let emotions take control of the night
Here's a drink, so that you can unwind
Relax yourself, let me take over your mind
After bath and a full body massage
Want you to know how it feels when you let go
If you think it's good
Don't be afraid to let it go
Just hold on tight and
Let emotions take control of the night
Ohh I don't never wanna go back
Cos back seems so far
There's nothing like my secret place
Girl that's what you are
Patiently awaiting at the gate
Til you call my name
Cos everytime that I came in
I'm taking away
Everytime we get it on
It feels like (heaven)
Angels sing trumbets blow
Like i'm in (heaven)
It's like i'm, way up there
My god you've finally answered my prayers
I ain't never leaving home
Cos i'm in (heaven)
Glad I got my life together
I made it in
Cos being here's so much better than where i've been
I'm enjoying these streets of gold
So perfect and it won't get old
So glad that I could stay forever
Don't ever let them sin
The minute that you opened up the door
I swear it's everything I waited for
Every little thing that you do
Keeps me caught up on you
Got me coming back for more
Cos i'm so hot I fly oh i'm enjoying the ride
And now i'm living in the clouds next to the sun
Your arms are open wide I hear you whisper welcome
It feels like (heaven, ohh)
Yeah it feels like (heaven, ohh)
It feels like (heaven, ohh)
Troupes soviétiques
Hors de l'Afghanistan
Troupes américaines
Hors du Panama
Troupes britanniques
Hors de l'Irlande
Troupe françaises
Hors de Kanakya
Troupes chinoises
Cassez-vous du Tibet
Troupes viêtnamiennes
Cassez-vous du Cambodge
Troupes sud-africaines
Cassez-vous des ghettos noirs
Troupes tchetniks
Cassez-vous de la Bosnie
Troupes martiennes
Hors de Jupiter
Troupes de l'Enfer
Hors du Paradis
Troupes militaires
Hors de la planète Terre
Troupes romaines
Hors de Gergovie
Troupes militaires
Hors de la planète
Troupes militaires
Hors de la planète...
The wheels of the tank keep turning round and round.
How many megatons will it take to make them turn around? (x 2)
Turn around...
The wheels of the Shadowmen tank (x 2)
Every man is left behind
Every man has lost his mind
Exorcists anthologize
Bounce to the Shadownmen tank
Another missle flying high
Snaking across the desert sky
Oil men energy strapped back
Speed into the bank
The wheels of the tank keep turning round and round.
How many megatons will it take to make them turn around?
Too slow cup with gripping hands
Praying cowboys in the sand
Nothing ever goes to plan
Deep inside me tank
Shells you booty devil's plants
Tripping out another trance
Buffalo soldier's higher ground
Smoking in my tank
Forced by forces
My head is confused
Sometimes I feel that I'm being used
I press all fault to the man in robes
But I can't see the ghosts crowding the road
I can't see the ghosts crowding the road
The wheels of the tank keep turning round and round.
How many megatons will it take to make them turn around?
Awaken Mesopotamia (x 4)
Never left old home city Georgia
World is just called Arizona
Death metal getting louder and louder
Pumping pumping in me tank
Searching, searching
I be searching!
Keep on searching
Searching for the Hindu bomb
I'm searching for the Muslim bomb
I'm on the lookout for the suicide bomb
Get down on your knees and feign-quest for the bomb
Because I'm searching for the Hindu bomb
I'm searching for the Muslim bomb
I'm still on the lookout for the suicide bomb
Get on your knees, get on your knees
And feign-quest for the bomb
For the bomb
The wheels of the tank keep turning round and round.
How many megatons will it take to make them turn around?
I feel another
tank is coming
I know a lot more
blood is running
killing is buisness
the enemy must die
for me I know
the reason why
I feel another
tank is coming
I know a lot more
blood is running
Overthrow get below overthrow
Overthrow friend or foe overthrow
This is the time this is the place
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
You're in the game
You're in the race
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
Go go go go go go gooo
Mow 'em all over
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
Overthrow get below overthrow
This is the time
This is the place
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
You're in the game
You're in the race
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
No time to analyze
Not time for lullabies
This time no compromise
This time they'll pay the price
Is this the world that we have made?
Overthrow get below overthrow
Overthrow friend or foe overthrow
This is the time this is the place
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
You're in the game
You're in the race
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
Go go go go go go gooo
Mow 'em all over
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
I'm a tank
Overthrow get below overthrow
This is the time
This is the place
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
You're in the game
You're in the race
Get inside your tank
You're a tank
No time to analyze
Not time for lullabies
This time no compromise
This time they'll pay the price