
Communique about sabotage of US war plane at Shannon Dec 20 2011


GAAW have published a communique from the group that sabotaged a US war plan at Shannon airport on 20 Dec 2011. This action has been only briefly mentioned in the Irish media as the 'vanadalism' of a plane, we reproduce the communique in full below and encourage others to do likewise.

Occupy Cork Marches Against Austerity


Occupy Cork staged a "Parade of Defiance" against the austerity programme of the government on Saturday December 3rd in Cork. Cork Community artlink provided many props and floats for the march , a samba band gave the march an noisy and energetic flavour beyond the usual sloganeering. 

Waterford Gardai convicted of assault


 Three Gardai have been convicted in Waterford in the case of a man set upon and assaulted in the city centre. Anthony Holness was taking a piss in New street when he was set upon by the Gardai who beat him and arrested him. Garda Daniel Hickey and Sgt Martha McEnery were both convicted of assault whilst Garda John Burke was convicted of intending to pervert the course of justice, in his case by moving away the cctv cameras from recording the scene.

Reading Group Night: 'Das Kapital' Marx Reading Group, Thursday, June 16, 7pm @ solidaritybooks


Starting in Solidarity Books on Thursday the 16th of June is a reading group for Karl Marx's Capital (or 'Das Kapital' in the original German) Volume 1. For 13 Thursdays we will work our way through the book with the help of David Harvey's 'Capital' lecture series, available here: Whatever your politics, you're welcome to come along and engage with this massively important piece of work.

Event date and time: 
Thu, 2011-06-16 19:00

Anarchists Reach Highest Mountain in Ireland! 'Red and Black' raised on Carrantuohill Mountain for Solidarity Books, Cork


Red and Black at the SummitAnarchists, along with the Rebel Hill Walkers and lots of supporters, climbed Carrantuohill in Kerry on Sunday as part of a fundraiser for Solidarity Books in Cork. Guided by the esteemed and experienced James McBarron, the large group set off shortly after 11 am. A number had to turn back for health reasons, but the majority headed on to establish ‘base camp’ under the summit at around 3.30 pm – delays and picnics were the order of the day – ahead of the final assault on the peak.



Limerick: Anarchist Stall


Members of the Cork branch of the Workers Solidarity Movement will be travelling to Limerick this coming Saturday to do a stall. With the latest issue of our newspaper, our bookservice and magazines we hope to make a splash!

Cashel: Public Meeting on the capitalist crisis and anarchism


They got us into this mess but now they want us to pay the price for it too! With the economic crisis now in full swing, anarchists are arguing for fundamental change and an end to capitalism. How can we achieve this and how should the new society be organised?

Thursday June 4th 8pm
Spafield Resource Centre

Tralee: Anarchist Stall


Members of the Cork branch of the Workers Solidarity Movement will be
travelling to Tralee this coming Saturday to do a stall. With the latest
issue of our newspaper, our bookservice and magazines we hope to make a

Tralee: Capitalism Is Failing ... Anarchism Is Fighting Back


They got us into this mess but now they want us to pay the price for it too!

With the economic crisis now in full swing, anarchists are arguing for fundamental change and an end to capitalism. How can we achieve this and how should the new society be organised?

Clear as Crystal … Waterford shows how to fight


The workers at Waterford Crystal occupying the plant are an example to us all. Rather than accept the closure of the business, the loss of all the jobs and the destruction of the area’s premier industry; workers seized the buildings making liquidation impossible for the receiver.

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