Press release

An official WSM press release from a group or officer in the WSM delegated to produce press releases. For confirmation/further information please contact WSM PRO Gregor Kerr on 086 1501151

Drishane Castle: Residents take action at direct provision centre


If you don't like me, how can you like my child?”

The following is a report from the situation at the Drishane Castle direct provision centre, after successful protests by residents there this week forced a number of immediate changes there. Listen to the audio clips attached to hear directly the opinions of the residents themselves. These audio clips can be listened to individually or as one full recording.

Support Demands Of Maghaberry Prisoners for their rights and dignity to be respected


Around 30 Republican prisoners continue to engage in a ‘dirty protest’ in Maghaberry prison over the failure of the Northern Ireland Administration and the Prison Officers Association to implement a facilitated agreement reached between all parties last August. This is part of a wider criminalisation policy to punish, brutalize and isolate prisoners which includes regular beatings and strip-searching - which remains the outstanding issue to be resolved. Similarly to the 1980/81 prison struggles, the prisoners are simply asking for their rights and dignity to be respected.

Squat's the Story? Political squat facing eviction in Grangegorman


A group of political squatters in Dublin are facing eviction from a row of empty, unused, rotting houses in Lower Grangegorman. We got a chance to speak to them and hear their side of the story. They are calling for people to come and help them resist eviction from Wednesday onwards.

-- 300,000 empty houses in Ireland, 5,000 people homeless --

Anarchists Condemn G8 Scaremongering - press release


In response to yesterday’s Irish News (Mon 20 May 2013) front page article, “Police to Occupy hundreds of vacant premises in Belfast during G8”, the Workers Solidarity Movement condemned security forces scaremongering in the media.

Dublin Community TV interviews Gregor Kerr WSM PRO on the forthcoming referendum


Interview carried out by Donal Higgins for Dublin Community TV


Socialist Party MEP to debate whether voting in the referendum is “a waste of time” at Anarchist Bookfair this weekend - Press Statement


“Is voting in the referendum on the Fiscal Compact Treaty a waste of time?” This will be one of the items to be discussed at the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair which takes place this Saturday (26th May) in Liberty Hall.

Photographic Exhibition - “A Decade Of Resistance: Images of Struggle 2002 – 2012” at Anarchist Bookfair this weekend - Press Statement


Organisers of the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair have announced that the Bookfair, to be held this Saturday (26th May) in Liberty Hall, will include a major Photographic Exhibition entitled “ A Decade Of Resistance: Images of Struggle 2002 – 2012”.

The exhibition will feature photographs by activists and photographers Andrew Flood, William Hederman, Aileen O’Carroll and Paul Reynolds and, according to organisers “documents an array of anti-capitalist, anti-war, pro-choice, environmental and other protests, starting with a mass trespass at Shannon Airport in October 2002 and ending with a Reclaim The Streets in Dublin in April 2012.”

"They'll just ignore our vote anyway" - Press Statement:


Anarchist organisation, Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM), has claimed that voting in the Fiscal Compact Treaty referendum “will not make one whit of difference”.

The pro-side are calling it a Stability Treaty but if it’s passed does anyone seriously think that we are going to get financial stability?”, asked Gregor Kerr, WSM PRO.  “On the other hand the anti-side are calling it an Austerity Treaty, but everyone knows that even if we vote no the austerity agenda will continue.”

Hundreds expected to attend Dublin Anarchist Bookfair - press release


Hundreds of people from all over Ireland are expected to attend the 7th annual Dublin Anarchist Bookfair which takes place in Liberty Hall, Dublin on Saturday 26th May. The Bookfair, organised by the Workers Solidarity Movement, will consist of a day of meetings, debates, discussions and films and will also host bookstalls and information stands from a large number of political organisations and campaigning groups.

Bloody Sunday 40 Years On – March For Justice - press release


The Derry Anarchists and the Workers Solidarity Movement support the call for people to attend and support all Bloody Sunday commemorative events over the upcoming weekend, including the 'March for Justice' leaving Creggan shops at 2.30 pm on Sunday 29 January.We stand in solidarity with and salute the courage and dignity of all of the members the Bloody Sunday families and the Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign in their long struggle for justice and truth.

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