Greyhound scab trucks blockaded in Stoneybatter & Cabra


Residents in two neighbouring areas of Dublin took action this morning against the continued activity of scab strike breaking refuse collections in their areas.

A network of people who knew each other from other struggles in the area organised online to leaflet much of Stoneybatter last night with details about the lockout of the Greyhound workers before blockading two trucks in the area this morning.

The workers have been locked out for over a month after refusing to accept 30%+ pay cuts.

Trucks were stopped by protesters at Palatine square, Kirwin street and Manor Street in Stoneybatter and at locations in Cabra. Alan who participated in the actions at Stoneybatter said: 

"As the Greyhound scab crew drove into Palatine Square this morning they were met by 20 locals. Most stood in front of the truck, stopping it moving forward. A few of us went behind to make sure they couldn't reverse.

After about 45 minutes we agreed to let them go if they stopped collecting bins and left our neighbourhood. A cyclist accompanied them to make sure they didn't try to collect bins elsewhere in our area.

Shortly after this we were told that a second Greyhound truck had been sighted on Kirwin Street. We stopped it at the junction with Manor Street, where we held it for about an hour. Lots of passing motorists beeped their horns in support. 

Yesterday evening over 1,500 houses were leafleted, explaining that the workers were locked out because they would not accept a 35% pay cut. Most encouraging was the immediate response we got in Palatine - a neighbour shouting support from his bedroom window and another coming over to shake our hands.

The scabs have been strikebreaking for over four weeks - they know what they are doing. People have tried to reason with them, to make them see they should unite with the locked out SIPTU workers in support of a decent wage for all. 

Now we need to delay, frustrate and stop them in our neighbourhoods. An injury to one is the concern of all."

If you want to organise something in your area you can pick up posters from our office in Seomra Spraoi. They can also be collected from Connolly Books in Temple Bar or the Sinn Fein Bookshop on Parnell square

Similar actions have already been taken by communities in other areas of Dublin determined to resist the 'race to the bottom' that threatens all our living standards.

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