April 2007

Why Ireland stands to lose €400 billion in natural gas and oil deposits


Concerns about the safety of Shell’s pipeline in Rossport are well known. But that’s not all that’s at stake. Not by 400 billion euro (2007 figure). The oil companies exploiting Ireland’s west coast have got some of the sweetest deals in the world and that doesn’t happen by accident. This article looks at how the Irish state has been busy rolling over for the last thirty years so the multinationals can grab the riches that should belong to us all.

Support the Nurses fight for 10% wage rise and 35 hour week


The nurses’ work-to-rule and their threat to escalate the action next week has been met with an outraged onslaught by Mary Harney and Bertie Ahern. The sight of a group of workers standing up and demanding their rights has become so unusual that it seems as if the government cannot believe the temerity of the nurses in doing just that.

Ούτε Θεός-Ούτε Αφέντης


Το WSM συμμετείχε σε διαδήλωση αλληλεγγύης στους Δανούς αναρχικούς και κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές, στις 9 Μάρτη, έξω από τη δανέζικη πρεσβεία στο Δουβλίνο

Pro Choice leafletting at ILAC centre 1pm


A Pro Choice leafletting event will take place at the entrance to the ILAC Centre, Henry Street at 1pm on Saturday 14 April.

Introduction to Anarchism Meeting - Wexford Town


What is Anarchism?

Rossport Solidarity Camp and the struggle against Shell


 The Rossport Solidarity Camp was established in the summer of 2005 and since then has provided an important focus for campaigners travelling to Mayo to support the local struggle. Here we speak to Sean Mallory, a WSM member who has spent a considerable amount of time at the camp, about his experiences. Please note that the views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Camp. 

(Pic A night down the local pub during a solidarity weekend)

What The Hell Is Up With The 2007 G8 Mobilisation for Heiligendamm, Germany


From 6-8 June 2007, the G8 Summit – the meeting of the heads of state and government of the USA, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Russia – will take place in Heiligendamm in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Germany’s Baltic Sea. The Summit location is the Kempinski Grand Hotel. As there seems to have been a remarkable absense of discusion, debate and practical organising surrounding this years G8 blockade mobilisations in germany this june, ive attempted to collate some info that may be useful for readers.

The Third History – What Happened To Captain Jack White’s papers?


“The Burning” – PDF here– is a full length play written about the circumstances surrounding the destruction Captain Jack White’s papers following his death in Broughshane, Co. Antrim in 1946. White, as many people will know, was one of the more well known figures in Irish history that identified with anarchism. The only son of British Boer War hero, Sir George Stuart White (“The Hero Of Ladysmith”), he was assured a bright future in the upper echelons of the British military until his conscience intervened and he resigned his commission.

Promote the Dublin Mayday march with this poster


This poster advertises the DCTU 'Mayday' march in Dublin, print it out and put it on your workplace / school / college notice board. Come along and join the anarchist block

Dublin Demo in Support of Afghan Hunger Strikers


On Wednesday April 25th there will be a protest in support of the Afghan Hunger strikers outside Dail Eireann @ 12.30pm called by Residents Against Racism

The Contaminated Crow - Feb 1980


Anarchist newspaper published in 1980 by a collective in Dublin and Belfast. This issue is on the anti nuclear movement

Resistance - June/July 1983


Anarchist newspaper from 1983 published by the Dublin Anarchist Collective

Anarchist Worker - May/June 1979


PDF of Anarchist Worker No1 the publication of Anarchist Workers Alliance, formed in Dublin in December 1978, dissolved around 1981/2? Seven issues were published.

Day of Action against Shell in Dublin


Assemble 7.30 am Shell h.q., Leeson street bridge, Leeson st, Dublin Fri 27th April.

Water Tax - Northern parties united in collusion, Communities united in opposition


It's like the topsy-turvy world of George Orwell's "1984" where politicians engage in "double-speak" by saying they are doing one thing, while in fact doing exactly the opposite. Nobody could think the Water Charges are a fair way to pay for the upkeep of the dilapidated water and sewage system that the State has neglected for decades. The Anti-Poverty Network has calculated that 37% of the household rates we already pay goes towards their upkeep.

Spring clean shell out of Erris


The Shell to Sea campaign has already kicked back into gear in the new year, motivated that 2007 will finally be the year when Shell is forced to refine the gas offshore. It would be wrong, however, to think that the holiday season has been a quiet, relaxing time for the community of Rossport threatened with the dangerous pipeline.

Cronic state of Irish health system


In January 2005, Michael X, a courier driver, went to see his GP complaining of recurrent diarrhoea and passing some blood. Following an examination, his GP sent a letter to arrange for an appointment with a gastro-enterologist for specialist assessment. His appointment arrived in the post - he could see the consultant in July, six months later.

Thats capitalism - WS96


Slaving your life away just so you can make ends meet; having no say in the major decisions that affect your life; criminal politicians and businessmen plundering the country. Try to do something about it and they'll lock you up. Yes..

Anarchism and the WSM in early 2007


As well as taking part in local and national demonstrations in support of the Rossport residents, about 20 WSM members participated in the mass trespass of Shell's Mayo construction site on February 16th. This marks a step forward for the Shell To Sea campaign because it recognises that lobbying politicians is not enough, when you are continually lied to or brushed off you have to take action yourself.

Partnership delivers more work for less pay in UCD


Irish Universities are increasingly seeing their primary role as being that of a moneymaking corporation rather than centres of education and knowledge. This isn't too good for the vast majority of students but it also is bad news for most of the workers in the colleges as well.

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