June 2006

Justice for Terence Wheelock protest


Protest at Store Street Garda Station

Meet at 12:00am at Sean McDermot Street Church

Table Quiz benefit for Baldonnel arrestees


All four people arrested at the Easter Sunday anti-war action in Baldonnel have been processed by that courts, three of them received fines which we hope to help them out with.

RAR Benefit


Rumors are reaching us of a titanic musical struggle between Finian McGrath TD and DJ Krossphader…

Support the Afghan Hunger Strikers-Court Monday 10am


On June 19th Afghan Hunger strikers will be up in court on forcible entry charges

Protest in Liberties due to traffic chaos caused by Fatima


Residents in the vicinity of the construction being undertaken on the site of the recently demolished Fatima Mansions today protested at the entrance of their estate over the inadequacy of a long time promised traffic management system which had been promised to them prior to construction work beginning. Two simultaneous blockades were mounted at either end of Lorreta Road, residents joined and left with a fluctuating prescence of anywhere between ten and fifteen maintaining the line on either side of the estate. Marylands is an estate located close to the canal, just off Marrowbone Lane beside Cork Street. Traffic on any given day on Marrowbone Lane is hectic, with cars using it as a route to cut through the Liberties to reach Cork St, leaving a very narrow artery dangerously clogged with passage for cyclists generally untenable at peak hours without using the paths.

Political hip hop gig in Dublin to raise funds for Anarchists Against the Wall


Next week the WSM and Porco dio are holding a benefit gig for the Israeli group 'Anarchist Against the Wall'. A young Israeli anarchist was shot by Israeli forces during a protest against the construction of the the so called ‘Separation Fence’ in Palestine. Matan Cohen, 17, was critically wounded when he was shot in the face with a rubber bullet, after Israeli Border Police opened fire on a group of peaceful demonstrators at Bil’in, in the occupied West Bank.

Death by Garda - Terence Wheelock and John Moloney


The deaths of Terence Wheelock and John Moloney in Garda custody have again focused attention on the brutal nature of policing in this state. Brian Rossiter and John Carty are other names from a long list that have a public resonance.

Justice for Terence Wheelock


Just over a year ago, on the 2nd of June 2005 Terence Wheelock was arrested on suspicion of car theft and brought to Dublin’s Store Street Garda station. Just two hours after his arrest he was found unconscious in his cell. He entered a coma and passed away in September 2005.

Anarchists Against the Wall


A young Israeli anarchist was shot by Israeli forces during a protest against the construction of the the so called ‘Separation Fence’ in Palestine. Matan Cohen, 17, was critically wounded when he was shot in the face with a rubber bullet, after Israeli Border Police opened fire on a group of peaceful demonstrators at Bil’in, in the occupied West Bank.

Shell To Sea pub quiz


The Dublin Shell to Sea group has a fundraising Table Quiz tonight in Doyles Pub (opposite Trinity College, near Pearse Street Garda Station). It runs from 8pm to 11pm and teams of 4 will compete in ten rounds of questions. All welcome.

Rossport Camp/Shell 2 Sea gig


Rossport Solidarity Camp/Shell to Sea Fundraising Gig at Eamon Doran's

Climate Change -  Root Causes & Radical Solutions


The recent spate of unusually destructive hurricanes in the US and the severe floods in Eastern Europe over the last 2 years have seen the climate change issue climbing the headlines once more. A special report in Time magazine acknowledged that the “serious debate” about whether climate is, or is not occuring, has ended. There is now agreement even among skeptics that climate change is real and that human activity is causing it.

Anti-War protest


Protest Against HMS Ocean warship in Dublin Port

Assemble at: 18.00 at the Famine Memorial - Financial Services Centre

Indonesia: Workers occupy Securicor


Indonesian workers employed by global security giant Securicor have been through a lot. Over a year ago, they took the decision to strike – and were promptly (and illegally) sacked by the company. Since then, they have tried to win back their jobs.

Anti-war Network Meeting


Teachers' Club, Parnell Square, Dublin, between 2.30pm and 5.30pm.

Class & Anarchism


Why are anarchists always dragging class into everything? Isn’t class struggle something more at home in a history book than in Celtic Tiger Ireland? After all you don’t see too many downtrodden workers wandering around in donkey jackets, cloth caps and heavy boots.

Book review: The rebel sell


An interesting but deeply flawed book which is worth reading for its powerful deconstruction of the claims of the counterculture to be revolutionary, despite its utter confusion on the significant differences between anarchism and countercultural ideas

James Connolly on Direct Action


At the Dublin May Day rally, the guest speaker from the Belfast & District Council of Trade Unions quoted from an article, Direct Action in Belfast, written by Connolly and published in the Irish Worker, September 16th, 1911.

“We have just had, and taken, the opportunity in Belfast to put into practice a little of what is known on the Continent of Europe as ‘Direct Action’.

“Direct Action consists in ignoring all the legal and parliamentary ways of obtaining redress for the grievances of Labour, and proceeding to rectify these grievances by direct action upon the employer’s most susceptible part – his purse. This is very effective at times, and saves much needless worry, and much needless waste of union funds.

“Direct Action is not liked by lawyers, politicians, or employers. It keeps the two former out of a job, and often leaves the latter out of pocket. But it is useful to Labour, and if not relied upon too exclusively, or used too recklessly, it may yet be made a potent weapon in the armoury of the working class.”

CPE Victory for French youth


During March and early April a wave of protests and occupations gripped France. On March the 7th over one million people protested against the French government’s attempt to introduce the C.P.E., a new law that reduced the rights of young workers.

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