May 2006

Celebrate May Day in Belfast


Meet at 12.30pm at the Art College in York Street and march to Georges Market.

organised by the Belfast & District Trades Union Council

Anarchism vs Militarism Cork


Anarchism vs Militarism
Shannon Airport, Iran and Iraq
Wednesday 10th May 8pm Metropole Hotel, MacCurtain Street Cork

Organised by Workers Solidarity Movement Cork

An Anarchist Alternative - Leaflet distributed at Belfast Mayday


Anarchist ideas link a criticism of capitalist society with a vision of a new way of organising human society. Essentially anarchism is a system of socialism which opposes capitalism as well as the state and hierarchy which impose and reinforce capitalism.

Video footage of Baldonnel anti-war direct action


Sunday April 18th saw the Irish government mark the 90th anniversary of the Easter 1916 insurrection against British imperialism. Some 120,000 turned out to watch a military parade and a fly past. To coincide with the event anti-war activists, most of them anarchists were making their way to Baldonnel airbase which has been used by USA hercules military planes and has been involved in CIA torture flights.

Report of Anarchism vs Militarism Public Meeting in Cork


Around thirty people attended an Anarchist meeting, in Cork, on war and the ongoing use of Shannon Airport for US military purposes.

Picket Against Deportations At GNIB


This coming Thursday May 18th many asylum seekers have to sign at the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) for deportation from the Irish state.

Galway public meeting


Latest stop in WSM speaking tour

The partition of Ireland


WSM position paper on the partition of Ireland. Last debated and updated at the April 2009 conference.

Internal Bulletin


Document detailing the production of the Internal Bulletin, how often it appears and who is responsible for placing reports etc in it. The IB is circulated to all WSM members. Last updated April 2006

The Internet


WSM policy on using the internet including the editing of this website. Last updated May 2010

WSM Internal Education and Training


Policy on internal education in the WSM. Last updated Feb 2013.

Position Papers of the WSM


The current 'Position Papers' of the Workers Solidarity Movement


This introduction is to briefly clarify what exactly the purpose of these documents is. We have found that many people, especially if fairly new to politics and/or anarchism, may initially be a bit daunted by the size of the collection and the amount of detail in some documents. Their first reaction may be "Do I have to learn this off by heart and agree with every word before I can become a member?" The answer is "no".

Dublin rally in support of Afghan hunger strikers



Rally at 2pm, outside St Patrick's cathedral (corner of Patrick Street and Kevin Street)

Support demands of Afghan Hunger strikers


WSM members have been taking part in solidarity vigils and other support work for the 41 Afghan Hunger strikers currently in St. Patrick Cathedral in Dublin. We support their demand to be allowed to stay in Ireland and we will be taking part in demonstrations and other events over the new few days in support of that demand. Please come along to these events.

Support the Afghan Hunger Strikers - Court Appearance at 10am, Thursday


Support the Afgan Hunger Strikers at 10.00 am on Thursday 25th of May outside Kilmainhim Court.

Capitalist Globalisation and Imperialism


The Workers Solidarity Movement position paper on Capitalist Globalisation and Imperialism, as ammended at July 2004 National Conference

Fighting racism


The Workers Solidarity Movement postion paper on Fighting Racism as ratified at November 2010 National Conference

Travellers Rights


Workers Solidarity Movement position paper on Travellers Rights as rewritten Oct 2008 National Conference

Pacifism, Terrorism and Beyond


Workers Solidarity Movement position paper on Pacifism, Terrorism and Beyond as ratified at April 2006 National Conference

No Platform for Fascists


Workers Solidarity position paper No Platform for Fascists as ratified at April 2006 National Conference

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