
Statement from Workers Solidarity Movement - why we are leaving Campaign Against Home and Water Taxes


The Workers Solidarity Movement has decided to withdraw from the Campaign Against Home and Water Taxes.  Please see statement below.  We have made a donation of €1,000 towards paying off the debts of CAHWT.


1.    It is now clear that the boycott of the property tax has collapsed and with it, any chance of defeating it in the coming period. The tactic of boycott was enough to defeat the household tax, but with draconian powers handed over to revenue to collect the property tax, much more was required.

Occupy the Crisis - how the WSM sees the Occupy Movement & the current phase of the crisis


It is becoming very clear is that there is no national solution to the crisis, even at the level of seizing the wealth of the 1% who live in Ireland. The debt is now too colossal and, in any case, the 1% have been given the needed time to move much of their liquid assets out of the country. The recent payment of a billion dollars in unsecured debt to those who gambled on Anglo is one of the final steps in that process. Confiscation of what they cannot move continues to be needed but there is no longer a radical social democratic solution based on taxing the wealth of the domestic 1%.

WSM International Secretariat on the defence of Kobane


The WSM considers the struggle for Kobane and the autonomous zones of Rojava to be crucial for the development of a political alternative for the region. We view Daesh as the toxic excrescence of the results of global and regional imperialist intervention in Syria and Iraq.

Mayday: Building A New Workers Movement - International Anarchist statement


The WSM is one of the signatures on this international anarchist statement produced for Mayday 2014 involving 8 groups in 7 countries at time of publication.  This is part of our ongoing involvement in the network involving anarchist organisations in some 30 countries.


PDF version of the text & graphic

9th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair weekender - April 11, 12, 13th 2014


The Dublin anarchist Bookfair returned to Liberty Hall on Saturday 12th of April this year for our 9th annual edition with events also on Friday night & Sunday afternoon. There were discussions, speakers from movements engaged in struggle, home and abroad.  There were  books and stalls and much more.  Below you will find links to audio & video recorded at the 2014 bookfair.

Between Bookfairs we recommend you join the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair Facebook group so you get invitations as soon as plans are finalised

Before and during the bookfair we encouraged people to tweet to #dabf

Justice: It Concerns Us All!


As the relatives of those murdered and injured on Bloody Sunday gathered this week to launch this year's commemorative events, anarchists in the city echoed their call by encouraging everyone interested in standing up for human rights and social justice to support the annual 'march for justice' which will take place on Sunday 2nd February.

Lessons from the Mass Student strike in Quebec - Ireland tour September 2013


In 2012 the attempt by the government to Quebec to introduce a 75% fee hike was defeated by the organisation of a mass student strike that lasted over 6 months.  That fee increase was part of the global process of imposing the privatisation and commodification of education.  Since the victory, organisers of the strike have been being doing speaking tours to aid the process whereby "youth and students everywhere are becoming increasingly conscious of the need to organize as a means to defend education as a social right".  In September this tour reaches Ireland where we need to hear how a sustained and militant student movement that can win is built. 

[PDF of leaflet about the tour to download and distribute]

[JPG of the tour poster


Sample audio from the tour (actually from our launch dinner & discussion on feminist organising in the strike)


Quebec Strudent Mass Strike 2012 - sampler from tour around Ireland with Vanessa by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Dublin Anarchist Bookfair 2013: Schedule being finalised


The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair 2013 is almost upon us, taking place over the first weekend of April, and the schedule of meetings is currently being finalised.  This year’s Bookfair takes as its theme ‘1913-2013: Re-building a movement from below’. 

Bloody Sunday's March for Justice Continues


This year's annual Bloody Sunday's March for Justice takes place this weekend in Derry.  This years programme of events has a host of discussions, movies, drama as well as the annual march and rally which takes place on the Sunday afternoon. 

Anarchists in Derry will once again gather for the march and will be joined by other friends and supporters across the country. 

Eyewitness from the anarchist movement in Russia - public meetings in Ireland


The Ireland segments of a European speaking tour with an Anarchist from Moscow who will talk about the anarchist movement in Russia, its successes and failures. Antti Rautiainen lived in Moscow for 13 years, participating in anarchist activities. His residence permit was revoked in March of this year, allegedly because he "called for a violent overthrow of constitutional order, or otherwise endangered the safety of Russian Federation or its citizens". He is member of Autonomous Action and the Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow.


  • Cork on Sat July 7th, 5pm at Solidarity Books, Douglas St.
  • Dublin on Sun, July 8th, 4pm at Seomra Spraoi, 10 Bevedere court D1
  • Belfast on Tue, July 10th, 7pm at Na Croisbhealai Workers Co-op cafe
  • Derry on Wed, July 11th, 7pm Castlebar Waterloo street 

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