
Drishane Castle: Residents take action at direct provision centre


If you don't like me, how can you like my child?”

The following is a report from the situation at the Drishane Castle direct provision centre, after successful protests by residents there this week forced a number of immediate changes there. Listen to the audio clips attached to hear directly the opinions of the residents themselves. These audio clips can be listened to individually or as one full recording.

Cork Book Launch of "Sins of the Father: The decisions that shaped the Irish economy"



Solidarity Books will be proud to host the Cork launch of the 2nd Edition of "Sins of the Father: The decisions that shaped the Irish economy" – on Thursday 5th December 7:30pm

The event will include a talk from Dr. Conor McCabe, the author of 'Sins of the Father: The decisions that shaped the Irish economy ', which analyses the development of the Irish economy throughout the 20th Century right up to the current crisis, without resorting to just pointing fingers at 'a few morally bankrupt individuals' in an otherwise sound system.

Event date and time: 
Thu, 2013-12-05 07:30

Social Struggles in Sweden today - guest speaker in Solidarity Books with Cork WSM, Monday July 8th, 8pm


This Monday, Workers Solidarity Movement Cork will be joined by Petter, an anarchist from Gothenburg, and member of the Swedish Anarcho-Syndicalist union, Sveriges Arbitares Centralorganisation (the "SAC") with experience in a range of different types of social struggles, within but mostly outside of the union.
Event date and time: 
Mon, 2013-07-08 20:00

Turkey's Uprising - 2 eyewitness accounts - Saturday July 13th, 3pm, Solidarity Books


Saturday July 13th, 3pm at Solidarity Books, 43 Douglas St., Cork
Turkey's Uprising - Two Eyewitness Accounts
Temmuz Gurbuz (MA Student at UCC from Turkey)

Andrew Flood (Workers Solidarity Movement)
Both speakers have just returned from separate trips to Istanbul and elsewhere around the country, where they have observed and participated in the current movement that erupted since the occupation of Gezi Park a month ago.
Event date and time: 
Sat, 2013-07-13 15:00

Cork Demo in Solidarity with Turkish Protesters - Thursday 6th June, 6pm at Daunt Sq.


The following statement is copied from the callout for a solidarity demo in Cork this Thursday.

Facebook link here, please share it and see you down at Daunt Sq. (bring banners / signs / placards)

Event date and time: 
Thu, 2013-06-06 18:00

Cork: Amnesty Documentary Screening of 'A People Uncounted: The Untold Story of the Roma' Wednesday June 12th at the earlier time of 8pm


** 8pm ** Amnesty Documentary Screening of 'A People Uncounted: The Untold Story of the Roma' Wednesday June 12th at the earlier time of 8pm

Join us in Solidarity Books Wednesday June 12th 8pm where we will host an Amnesty Documentary Screening Amnesty Documentary Screening of 'A People Uncounted: The Untold Story of the Roma'

Event date and time: 
Wed, 2013-06-12 20:00

Cork: Public Talk - The rise of the far right in Greece Greek teacher Matina Velonaki and anti-racist activist Joe Moore


 Public Talk - The rise of the far right in Greece Greek teacher Matina Velonaki and anti-racist activist Joe Moore. This Saturday May 25th at 4:00pm, Solidarity Books will be proud to host a public talk on the rise of the far-right in Greece by former Greek teacher Matina Velonaki and anti-racist activist Joe Moore.

Event date and time: 
Sat, 2013-05-25 16:00

Cork: Thursday Toddlers Group in Solidarity Books! – This Thursday and every Thursday from 10am to 1pm


Thursday Toddlers Group in Solidarity Books!  
for babies, toddlers and their parents in charge

This Thursday and every Thursday from 10am to 1pm :)

Enquiries to solidaritybooks at gmail for more info - Hope to see ye there!

Entry is free, donations as always appreciated.

related link

Solidarity Books Bookshop, 43 Douglas Street, Cork City

Event date and time: 
Thu, 2013-05-23 10:00

Cork: Thursday Toddlers Group in Solidarity Books! – This Thursday and every Thursday from 10am to 1pm


Thursday Toddlers Group in Solidarity Books! – This Thursday and every Thursday from 10am to 1pm

This Thursday and every Thursday from 10am to 1pm :)

Contact solidaritybooks by email for more info - Hope to see ye there!

contact details:

Related link:

Event date and time: 
Thu, 2013-05-16 10:00

Cork: Veg Out Cafe, this Tuesday and every Tuesday from 7pm @solidaritybooks


Veg Out Cafe, next Tuesday & every Tuesday from 7pm @solidaritybooks

Veg Out Cafe every Tuesday from 7pm

Delicious Vegan food (..not just for Vegans!), at the Veg Out Cafe every Tuesday from 7pm in Solidarity Books, 43 Douglas Street (across from Fionn Barra’s)

Suggested donation appreciated: 5 euro – all welcome!

Event date and time: 
Tue, 2013-05-14 19:00

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