Czech republic

Jakub Polák, doyen of the Czech anarchist scene, dies aged 60


Czech anarchist, Anti-Racist and Squatter Jakub Polak passed away after a long term illness last week on Tuesday 25th September. Jakub Polák was born in Czechoslovakia in 1952. He became a political dissident as a teenager during the Prague Spring (1968). Because of his political activity Jakub wasn’t allowed to study in university. This made him even more involved in the various underground and dissident movement activities.

Vaclav Havel's role in history


Two leaders died over this weekend. Kim-il Jong, the isolated “dear leader” Stalinist North Korea, and Vaclav Havel a playwright, and former dissident, an ex prisoner who become the leader of his country out of the dark times of totalitarianism and into the light of the free markets. The story in the west will be spun in this way as people understand simple stories of good guys and bad guys.

Madeline Albright egged by Czech anarchists


ON MARCH 6TH two Czech revolutionary anarchists, members of the Solidarita organisation, attacked US State Secretary Madeleine Albright, with eggs to protest against capitalist globalisation driven by transnational financial and trade institutions dominated by US imperialism (IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organisation). In the Czech Republic widespread redundancies have been the result.

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