Metz, France




A. Books, monographs and journals edited:


Co-editor (with Rajeshwar Mittapalli), Modern Criticism, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2002


Co-editor (with Dora Sales Salvador), 'Postcolonial Feminist Writing', Atlantic Literary Review (New Delhi), Vol. 4, No. 4 (Special issue), October-December 2003


Language Editor, Atlantic Literary Review (New Delhi), all issues from Vol. 3, No. 1 (January-March 2002)


B. Doctoral thesis:

- The Construction of the Subject in the Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe, University of York, England, 1987


C. Articles published in print form (including Internet versions of same texts):

- 'Ideologia da Vontade, Sexualidade e Forças Produtivas em Poe e Balzac', Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS) (Coimbra, Portugal), No. 4/5 (Oct 1980), pp. 215-242

- 'Bob Dylan: Do Radicalismo à Reacção', RCCS, No. 13 (Feb 1984), pp. 45-75

- 'Ainda Acerca de Bob Dylan', Jornal de Notícias (Oporto, Portugal), 2 Oct 1984

- 'On Sexual Relations in Poe's "Berenice" and "Morella"', in El amor en la literatura de habla inglesa (Symposium), Cádiz (Spain): Universidad de Cádiz, 1984, pp. 53-68

- 'Nature, Culture and Education in Wordsworth, Byron and Shelley', in Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos: Actas do V Encontro, Braga (Portugal): Universidade do Minho, 1984, pp. 29-54

- 'The Detective Myth in Poe's Dupin Trilogy', in American Crime Fiction: Studies in the Genre, ed. Brian Docherty, London: Macmillan, 1988, pp. 4-22

- 'Ethno-Brigadiers' (on Brigada Víctor Jara, Portuguese folk music group), Folk Roots (London), No 165, March 1997, pp. 28-29

- review of Monique Brandily, book + CD set, 'Introduction aux musiques africaines', Folk Roots, No 179, May 1998, p. 73; longer version on (Internet), 1997

- 'Recenzia la Harold Bloom, &laqno; Literatura clasica a Vestului: cartile si invataturile vârstelor »' (trans. Ileana Rollason), Noesis (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), No 4/5/6, 1998, pp. 11-14 (English version: review of Harold Bloom, 'The Western Canon', (Internet), 1996)

- 'Entwining Narratives: Intertextuality in Vikram Chandra's &laqno; Red Earth and Pouring Rain »', Il Tolomeo: Articoli, recensioni e inediti delle Nuove Letterature (Venice, Italy), IV, 1998/1999, pp. 108-113; first published: rec.arts.books and (Internet), 1998; republished in rev. version in Post-Independence Indian English Fiction, ed. Rajeshwar Mittapalli and Alessandro Monti, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2001, pp. 150-163

- 'A História na Literatura, a Literatura na História: José Saramago, Nobel Português', Farol (Viana do Castelo, Portugal), No 12, May 1999, pp. 55-70 and: (English version published in two parts as: 'José Saramago, Nobel literature laureate 1998', and: 'Literature as history: on José Saramago's &laqno; The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis »', both: soc.culture.portuguese (Internet), 1998; latter text also in English at:

- 'Encontro com José Saramago no Parlamento Europeu', A Aurora do Lima (Viana do Castelo, Portugal), Ano 144, No 38, 21 May 1999, pp. 1, 3 (English version: 'Meeting with José Saramago at the European Parliament: Brussels, 23 March 1999', soc.culture.portuguese (Internet), 1999 and

- 'On the Reception of EU Texts in the UK, Standard Terminology and Computers and Translation', Terminologie et Traduction (Luxembourg: European Commission), No 1-1999, pp. 53-58

- '&laqno; Famous Blue Raincoat »', Essays on Canadian Writing, No 69, Winter 1999 - Leonard Cohen issue (ed. Stephen Scobie), pp. 111-113; this volume also issued as Intricate Preparations: Writing Leonard Cohen, ed. Stephen Scobie, Toronto (Canada): ECW Press, 2000 (same page refs.)

- review of Silvia Albertazzi, 'Lo sguardo dell'altro: Le letterature postcoloniali' ('The gaze of the other: Postcolonial literatures'), Il Tolomeo: Articoli, recensioni e inediti delle Nuove Letterature (Venice), V, 1999/2000, pp. 28-30 (on Internet at: soc.culture.italian and, 2000)

- Contributions (3) to Parking Meter: Das deutschsprachige Dylan-Magazin (Vienna, Austria), trans. Rainer Vesely/Burkhard Schleser: '"Tangled Up In Blue" und die niemals endene Suche', No 6, Jan 1999, pp. 3-13; 'Mein entblösstes Herz: "Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)"', No 9, Oct 1999, pp. 17-28; 'Über Exil und Integrität: "All Along the Watchtower" und die Dylan-Interpretation', No 13, Oct 2000, pp. 20-24 (first text also on Internet in German at:; English versions, longer in case of first two texts, published on Internet at:

- 'Rushdie's Un-Indian Music: "The Ground Beneath Her Feet"', in Studies in Indian Writing in English, vol. II, ed. Rajeshwar Mittapalli and Pier Paolo Piciucco, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2001, pp. 122-157; republished in Encyclopaedia of Literature in English, vol. 6, ed. M.K. Bhatnagar, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2001, pp. 1561-1597; republished in Salman Rushdie: New Critical Insights, ed. Rajeshwar Mittapalli and Joel Kuortti, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2003, pp. 89-125; reproduced at:; revised and updated version (2003) on Internet (only) at:

- 'Sagrada Familia: Catedrala sau Santier de Constructie?' (trans. Ileana Rollason), Steaua (Bucharest, Romania), LII/9, 2001, pp. 64-65; revised version, 'A Sagrada Família de Gaudí: catedral ou lugar de construção?', Farol (Viana do Castelo, Portugal), No 14, May 2001, pp. 29-31;; (English version published as: 'Gaudí's Sagrada Familia revisited: cathedral or construction site?', soc.culture.spain (Internet), 1997)

- 'Vikram Chandra: narrativa tradizionale nell'era informatica', in Scrivere = Incontrare: Migrazione, multiculturalità, scrittura, ed. Matteo Baraldi and Maria Chiara Gnocchi [Biblioteca di letteratura omeoglotte, Università degli Studi di Bologna], Macerata (Italy): Quodlibet, 2001, pp. 63-78 (English translation published on rec.arts.books (Internet), 2002)

- 'The Question of Standard English: Some Considerations on John Honey's "Language Is Power"', Terminologie et Traduction (Luxembourg: European Commission), No 3-2001, pp. 30-60; alternate version, Kakatiya Journal of English Studies (Warangal, India), Vol. 22 (2002), pp. 114-136; longer version published as 'The Language Debacle: review of John Honey, "Language Is Power"', sci.lang and (Internet), 1998

- 'The Storyteller in the Information Age: Vikram Chandra's Entwining Narratives', in Kakatiya Journal of English Studies (Warangal, India), Vol. 20 [dated 2000, published 2002], pp. 135-157; republished on Internet, 2003,; Spanish translation (trans. Leandro Fanzone), 'El Narrador en la era de la información: las narrativas entrelazadas de Vikram Chandra', on Internet, 2003,

- 'Border Crossing, Resting Place: Portbou and Walter Benjamin', Lingua Franca (Brussels), Vol. 5, No. 8, 2002, pp. 4-9; first published rec.arts.books (Internet), 2002; also on Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate site, (Internet), 2002

- (with Rajeshwar Mittapalli) 'Preface' to Modern Criticism, ed. Christopher Rollason and Rajeshwar Mittapalli, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2002, pp. v-ix

- 'The Passageways of Paris: Walter Benjamin's "Arcades Project" and Contemporary Cultural Debate in the West', in Modern Criticism, ed. Christopher Rollason and Rajeshwar Mittapalli, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2002, pp. 262-296; rev. version on Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate site, (Internet), 2002

- 'On Some Aspects of Language in Vikram Seth's "A Suitable Boy"', Atlantic Literary Review (New Delhi), Vol. 3, No. 3, July-September 2002, pp. 69-95; modified version (same title), in Indias Abroad: the Diaspora Writes Back, ed. Rajendra Chetty and Pier Paolo Piciucco, Johannesburg (South Africa): STE Publishers, 2004, pp. 170-186; updated version, 2004: '"Swimming In A Sea of Language": Linguistic Aspects of Vikram Seth's "A Suitable Boy"':

- Contributions (3) to The Bridge (Gateshead, UK): '"Love and Theft", or how Dylan's mind multiplies the smallest matter', No 14, Winter 2002, pp. 34-64; '"Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum": "All that and more and then some"', No 16, Summer 2003, pp. 18-43; "'I'll Know My Song Well": Dylan's On-Page Lyrics, Third Time Around' (review of Bob Dylan, 'Lyrics 1962-2001'), No 21, Spring 2005, pp. 97-110; all first published on 'The Bob Dylan Critical Corner',

- 'Acerca do Hibridez e do Nomadismo - "Globalização e Nacionalismos: Segundo Congresso Internacional de Estudos Pós-Coloniais", Universidade de Vigo, 24-26 Outubro de 2001', Farol (Viana do Castelo, Portugal), No 15, December 2002, pp. 22-24; English original: 'Of Hybridity And Nomadism - Some Personal Impressions of "Globalization and Nationalisms", Second International Conference on Postcolonial Studies, University of Vigo, Galicia, Spain, 24-26 October 2001', soc.culture.galiza (Internet), 2001

- 'The Use of Anglicisms in Contemporary French', in Crossing Barriers and Bridging Cultures: The Challenges of Multilingual Translation for the European Union, ed. Arturo Tosi, Clevedon (UK): Multilingual Matters, 2003, pp. 21-37

- 'Opaque or User-Friendly Language?', in Crossing Barriers and Bridging Cultures: The Challenges of Multilingual Translation for the European Union, ed. Arturo Tosi, Clevedon (UK): Multilingual Matters, 2003, pp. 117-119

- 'An English Teacher in Porto: In Search of Joanne Rowling', Lingua Franca (Brussels), Vol. 6, No. 1, 2003, pp. 4-8; first published rec.arts.books (Internet), 2002; on-line with photos at:; Spanish translation (trans. Leandro Fanzone) with photos, 'Una Profesora de Inglés en Porto: En busca de Joanne Rowling', 2004,

- 'The Nabob from Savoy: Chambéry and Benoît De Boigne', Lingua Franca (Brussels), Vol. 6, No. 10, 2003, pp. 4-11 and:

- (with Dora Sales Salvador) 'Guest Editors' Introduction' to 'Postcolonial Feminist Writing', Atlantic Literary Review (New Delhi), Vol. 4, No. 4 (Special issue), October-December 2003, pp. v-viii;

- (with Dora Sales Salvador) 'Critical Commentary' on Manju Kapur, 'Excerpts from Work-in-Progress', in 'Postcolonial Feminist Writing', Atlantic Literary Review (New Delhi), Vol. 4, No. 4 (Special issue), October-December 2003, pp. 219-222, 240-248

- 'Globalisation and Particularism in the Work of José Saramago: the Symbolism of the Shopping-Mall in A Caverna', in Global Neo-Imperialism and National Resistance: Approaches from Postcolonial Studies, eds. Belén Martín Lucas and Ana Bringas López, Vigo (Galicia, Spain): Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo, 2004, pp. 207-216; on-line at soc.culture.portuguese, 2003 and, 2004

- 'Borges' "Library of Babel" and the Internet', IJOWLAC (Indian Journal of World Literature and Culture) (Kolkata/Calcutta, India), Vol. 1.1, January-June 2004, pp. 117-120 (3rd version of text); on Internet at:, 1st version 1999, 2nd version 2000, 3rd version 2004; 2nd version in Portuguese translation, 'A Biblioteca de Babel de Borges: Precursora da Internet?', Farol (Viana do Castelo, Portugal), No 13, May 2000, pp. 8-11 and:; 1st version in Greek translation, Saturnalia, No 5 [Summer 2000],

- 'Women on the Margins: Reflections on Manju Kapur's "Difficult Daughters"', Atlantic Literary Review (New Delhi), Vol. 5, No. 1-2, January-March and April-June 2004, pp. 177-184;, 2004; Spanish version, 'La Mujer y los margenes: Reflexiones sobre la novela "Difficult Daughters" ("Hijas difíciles"), de Manju Kapur', translated by myself,, 2004

- 'Language Borrowings in a Context of Unequal Systems: Anglicisms in French and Spanish', Lingua Franca (Brussels), 2004-2005, in 3 parts: part 1, Vol 7. No. 7 (2004), pp. 4-7,; part 2, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2005), pp. 9-15,; part 3, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2005), pp. 9-14,; complete text at:, 2004

- 'The Power of Literature', review of Dora Sales Salvador, 'Puentes sobre el mundo: Cultura, traducción y forma literaria en las narrativas de transculturación de José María Arguedas y Vikram Chandra' ('Bridges over the world: Culture, translation and literary form in the narratives of transculturation of José María Arguedas and Vikram Chandra'), The Sunday Pioneer (New Delhi), 6 March 2005, section: Agenda, p. 6; on-line at:, 2005; longer version published on-line as 'Don't be afraid of what you have to tell',, 2005; Spanish version, 'Puentes literarios', San Marcos Semanal (Lima, Peru), No 31, 25 April 2005, p. 7; longer Spanish version published on-line as: 'No tengas miedo a lo que tienes que contar',, 2005 and:, 2005


D. Articles published on Internet:

- review of Salman Rushdie, 'The Moor's Last Sigh', (Internet), 1996

- 'Melville and Borges: Queequeg and the jaguar', rec.arts.books (Internet), 1996; (Internet), 1998

- 'What did Hamlet learn in Wittenberg?', rec.arts.books (Internet), 1996

- review of Octavio Paz, 'Vislumbres de la India' (in English and Spanish versions), (Internet), 1996

- 'In Search of Dracula: The Frozen Heart of Transylvania', soc.culture.romanian (Internet), 1996

- 'Saint Teresa of Avila, the UK blasphemy laws and the Council of Europe'; '&laqno; Political correctness is now a human right »: blasphemy, Saint Teresa and Strasbourg' (follow-up article); both soc.culture.british (Internet), 1996

- review of Patrick Humphries, 'Richard Thompson: Strange Affair - The Biography', (Internet), 1996

- 'The Celtic Muse in Walter Scott's &laqno; Waverley »', rec.arts.books and (Internet), 1996

- 'Jacques-Louis David, the Sabines and Censorship', alt.censorship (Internet), 1996

- 'Mircea Eliade: a hidden episode (review of Claudio Mutti, 'Mircea Eliade e la Guardia di Ferro')', soc.culture. romanian (Internet), 1996

- 'Salman Rushdie and the defence of writers' freedom', rec.arts.books (Internet), 1997

- CD-ROM review: 'World's Greatest Classic Books', (Internet), 1997

- 'Fashionable censoriousness in British academia', alt.censorship (Internet), 1997

- 'A Tree With Roots: review of Greil Marcus, &laqno; Invisible Republic: Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes »', (1997) and (Internet), 1999

- review of Nicolas Walter, 'Blasphemy Ancient and Modern', rec.arts.books (Internet), 1997

- review of Sujata Patel and Alice Thorner (eds.), 'Bombay: Mosaic of Modern Culture', soc.culture.indian (Internet), 1997

- 'L. Frank Baum's &laqno; Wonderful Wizard of Oz »: Learning through experience', rec.arts.books (Internet), 1997

- 'Lomé, capital of Togo: a West African pearl set in emerald', (Internet), 1997

- 'Romanian gastronomy in Paris', soc.culture.romanian (Internet), 1997

- 'A Romanian monument in Baden-Baden: the Sturdza chapel', soc.culture.romanian (Internet), 1998

- review of William Sutcliffe, 'Are You Experienced?', rec.arts.books and (Internet), 1998

- 'A Romanian artist in Barbizon: Nicolae Grigorescu', soc.culture.romanian (Internet), 1999

- 'Poet on Poet: review of &laqno; And Forget My Name », a poem-sequence by Stephen Scobie',, 1999; and in electronic magazine Lynx, No 13,, 1999

- 'Some Are Carpenters' Wives: review article on Clinton Heylin, &laqno; Dylan's Daemon Lover: The Tangled Tale of a 450-Year Old Pop Ballad »',, 1999

- '&laqno; Trembling Close To You »: review of &laqno; Scuola di scrittura », a novel by Silvia Albertazzi', soc.culture.italian (Internet), 1999

- 'Spanish Manners and Gypsy Hymns: Review of Bob Dylan, &laqno; Del Huracán a las Tierras Altas: Escritos y canciones 1975-1997 »', lyrics translated into Spanish by Antonio J. Iriarte and Francisco J. García Cubero,, 2000

- 'Chronicle of a decline untold: The Hotel Negresco on Nice's Promenade des Anglais', soc.culture.romanian (Internet), 2000

- 'Grenoble undoes water privatisation: back to the future', alt.france (Internet), 2000

- 'Multiculturalism in Italy: Four Postcolonial Writers Speak in Bologna', soc.culture.italian (Internet), 2000; (Internet), 2001

- 'Literature Strikes Back: Harry Potter and Portugal', rec.arts.books (Internet), 2000

- 'Telling Them About Buddha': Review of 'The Perfection of Wisdom', selected and translated by R.C. Jamieson, with a foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama, rec.arts.books and (Internet), 2001; trans. into French as 'Conversations avec le Bouddha', francom.litterature and (Internet), 2001

- 'Mountains of Madrid, Coasts of Barcelona': Review of Francisco García, 'Bob Dylan en España': Mapas de carretera para el alma', (Internet), 2001

- 'A phantom mosque in Dresden', soc.culture.german (Internet), 2001

- 'Weimar and the graveyard of German culture, 2001', soc.culture.german (Internet), 2001

- 'The Golden Pot: Hidden Treasures of Bamberg', soc.culture.german (Internet), 2001

- 'It's All Been Written in the Book': Review of Michael Gray, 'Song and Dance Man III: The Art of Bob Dylan', (Internet), 2001

- 'In the Footsteps of Marco Polo: An India Diary: a Brief Record of a Week's Visit in 2002', soc.culture.indian (Internet), 2002; with photos,, 2004

- review of Douglas Kellner, 'Grand Theft 2000: Media Spectacle and a Stolen Election', alt.politics (Internet), 2002; (Internet), 2003; Spanish translation (trans. Leandro Fanzone), 'Las elecciones de 2000 encuentran su narrador: Reseña de Douglas Kellner, "Grand Theft 2000" ("Gran Fraude 2000")' at:, 2003

- 'On the Stone Raft: Harold Bloom in Catalonia and Portugal', rec.arts.books (Internet), 2002

- 'All was to play for': Review of Esther Leslie, 'Hollywood Flatlands: Animation, Critical Theory and the Avant-Garde', on Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate site,, 2003

- 'Salt of the Irish Earth: Review of "SALT", a book of poems by John O'Leary',, 2004

- 'Translating A Transcultural Text - Problems And Strategies: On The Spanish Translation Of Vikram Chandra's "Love And Longing In Bombay"' (translators: Dora Sales Salvador and Esther Monzó Nebot),, 2004

- 'Review of: "La Logica della Solitudine", a novel by Rosarita Cuccoli',, 2004; Italian version:, 2004

- "'In Our Translated World': Transcultural Communication in Amitav Ghosh's "The Hungry Tide"',, 2004

- '"A Woman Schooled in Latin": Rosario Castellanos, Ambassador of Mexico and Chiapas: Review of "Balún Canán" (novel edited by Dora Sales Salvador)',, 2004; Spanish version, '"Mujer que sabe latín": Rosario Castellanos, embajadora de México y de Chiapas',, 2004

- 'A circle on the grass': Review of "SEA", a book of poems by John O'Leary',, 2005

- 'No Picture Frame: Review of Stephen Scobie, "Alias Bob Dylan Revisited"',, 2005

- '"I'll Know My Song Well"': Dylan's On-Page Lyrics, Third Time Around - Review of Bob Dylan, "Lyrics 1962-2001"',, 2005

- '"The foreigner is within us": Review of "Claves para la comunicación intercultural" ("Keys For Intercultural Communication") by the GRUPO CRIT (Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, Spain)',, 2005 and:, 2005; Spanish version,'"El extranjero está en nosotros"',, 2005 and:, 2005

- 'Bob Dylan's Performance Artistry: Colloquium in Caen (France), 10-12 March 2005',, 2005

- numerous articles on Bob Dylan, (Internet), 1995-

and at 'The Bob Dylan Critical Corner',, 1998-


E. Translations:


- 'Dois Ciclos de Exposições: Novas Tendências na Arte Portuguesa', Coimbra: Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra, 1980; English translation as 'Two Cycles of Exhibitions: New Tendencies in Portuguese Art' (parallel text edition)

- 'A Crise e a Reconstituição do Estado em Portugal (1974-84)', by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (original in Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, No. 14 (Nov 1984)); English translation as 'The State in Portugal 1974-84', in Portugal in the 80s, ed. K. Maxwell, New York: Greenwood Press, 1986

- abstracts of articles (Portuguese to English), RCCS, Nos. 14 to 23, 1984-87

- Leibniz e o Problema de uma Língua Universal, by Olga Pombo (Lisbon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1986); English translation as Leibniz and the Problem of a Universal Language, Münster (Federal Republic of Germany): Nodus Publikationen, 1987

- 'Individuo e Individualidade em Nietzsche', by Nuno Nabais, English translation as 'The Individual and Individuality in Nietzsche', Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy (Univ. of Warwick, England), Vol. 12, 2001, pp. 131-164

- 'Naturezas Invisíveis: Sobre "As Cidades Invisíveis" de Italo Calvino', by Virgílio Augusto Fernandes Almeida; English translation as 'Invisible Natures: On Italo Calvino's "Invisible Cities"', in Modern Criticism, ed. Christopher Rollason and Rajeshwar Mittapalli, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 2002, pp. 297-302; republished on Internet, 2003, at:


- Terminological advice for the following translation:

Manju Kapur, A Married Woman, trans. as Una mujer casada by Dora Sales Salvador, Madrid and Mexico City: Espasa, 2004.