The Third Jihad - Radical Islam's Vision for America - (A Clarion Project Film)
PBS America at a Crossroads: JIHAD The Men and Ideas Behind Al-Qaeda
Fox News Evil Doctor Calls For ‘American Jihad’ To Defeat Unbelievers
From Jail to Jihad ? BBC Panorama 2014 BBC full Documentary British convert to Muslim islam
Al Shabaab and the Rise of Jihad in Kenya
Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State (Part 2)
The Way of Jihad [Documentary]
BBC Generation Jihad S01E01
MasyaAllah, mantan tentara Kerajaan Belanda Yilmaz melatih jihad di Suriah
Fox Host Wants 'American Jihad'
Fox's Dr. Ablow Calls for 'American Jihad' to 'Spread Around the World'
Sex Jihaad - Jihad-e-Nikah - جهاد النكاح
Shocking: 'Jihad recruitment video' posted online
Syekh Jihad Al Maliki Hafiz Cilik Dari Madinah Hafal 30 Juz Dengan Keadaan Buta - Hafiz Indonesia 20
Relatives but strangers
No man is righteous on St. Mark's place
The movie follows a group of young friends in the city of Tel Aviv and is as much a love song to the city as it is an exploration of the claim that people in Tel Aviv are isolated from the rest of the country and the turmoil it's going through. The movie looks at young people's lives in Tel Aviv through the POVs of gays and straights, Jews and Arabs, men and women. It all begins when Noam, a young Israeli soldier, serves in the reserve forces and meets at a check point a Palestinian young man called Ashraf. Following an incident during which Noam misplaces his ID card at the check point, Ashraf shows up on the doorstep of the apartment that Noam shares with a gay man and a straight woman. How will the meeting affect all of their lives?
Keywords: ambulance, arab-jewish-friendship, awkward-situation, awkwardness, bare-butt, bare-chested-male, bath-soap, bombing, checkpoint, coming-out
Fidel, un minero asturiano, tras el cierre de la mina en la que trabaja, decide echarse la familia a cuestas e ir caminando hasta Madrid para pedirle cuentas al rey de por qué no se cumple la Constitución, en concreto el artículo que señala que todos los españoles tienen derecho a un trabajo digno. ¿Le recibirá el Monarca?
Fidel, un minero asturiano, tras el cierre de la mina en la que trabaja, decide echarse la familia a cuestas e ir caminando hasta Madrid para pedirle cuentas al rey de por qué no se cumple la Constitución, en concreto el artículo que señala que todos los españoles tienen derecho a un trabajo digno. ¿Le recibirá el Monarca?
the movie the music has been waiting for...
Gunnery Sergeant Burns reports for duty to an American Embassy in the Middle East. However due to the 'enlightened' views of the Ambassador, the marine security detachment he is in charge of is severely restricted in their functions and presence to avoid upsetting the host government. As a result, when terrorists attack the compound, they are able to kidnap hostages and escape with little opposition. Burns ignores the Ambassador's restrictions, and throws the rule books out the window, as he becomes a one man army in an attempt to rescue the hostages, and wipe out the terrorists.
Keywords: action-hero, ak-47, ambassador, ambulance, ambush, anti-arab, anti-hero, assassin, battle, battlefield
In a world of compromise, he wouldn't!
It's not just a job. It's a vendetta!
Gunnery Sgt. Burns: Both sides of those rocks.::Ruggieri: Why we got to paint both sides of the rocks?::James: I don't know.::Gunnery Sgt. Burns: You boys ever heard of Korea?::James: Yes sir, Gunny.::Gunnery Sgt. Burns: Well then you are probably very familar with the conflict at Hill 442. Is that right?::Ruggieri: Yes sir. Everyone has heard of that battle.::Gunnery Sgt. Burns: And did you know your Colonel is personally responsible for pulling 52 marines off that hill? Alive.::Gunnery Sgt. Burns: So don't you think the Colonel deserves to have his rocks painted tops and bottoms?::Gunnery Sgt. Burns: Good; paint the rocks.
The Third Jihad - Radical Islam's Vision for America - (A Clarion Project Film)
PBS America at a Crossroads: JIHAD The Men and Ideas Behind Al-Qaeda
Fox News Evil Doctor Calls For ‘American Jihad’ To Defeat Unbelievers
From Jail to Jihad ? BBC Panorama 2014 BBC full Documentary British convert to Muslim islam
Al Shabaab and the Rise of Jihad in Kenya
Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State (Part 2)
The Way of Jihad [Documentary]
BBC Generation Jihad S01E01
MasyaAllah, mantan tentara Kerajaan Belanda Yilmaz melatih jihad di Suriah
Fox Host Wants 'American Jihad'
Fox's Dr. Ablow Calls for 'American Jihad' to 'Spread Around the World'
Sex Jihaad - Jihad-e-Nikah - جهاد النكاح
Shocking: 'Jihad recruitment video' posted online
Syekh Jihad Al Maliki Hafiz Cilik Dari Madinah Hafal 30 Juz Dengan Keadaan Buta - Hafiz Indonesia 20
Jihad Syria : Mujahid vs Fighter Jet 2
Jihad dans la voie du diableᴴᴰ - Film - À voir d'urgence
SPECIAL BROADCAST: "Jihad's War On Women"
Europa Universalis IV The Najdi Jihad Reboot 139
ISIS at Lebanese border: Christians fear deadly Islamic jihad spillover
WTF Is Sexual Jihad & Why Are Women Doing It?
British women joining jihad in Syria | Channel 4 News
What Does Jihad Actually Mean?
Battlefield 3 Jihad Jeep Song by Execute
Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد ǧihād [dʒiˈhæːd]), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād translates as a noun meaning "struggle". Jihad appears 41 times in the Quran and frequently in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)". A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid; the plural is mujahideen. Jihad is an important religious duty for Muslims. A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status. In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.
According to the authoritative Dictionary of Islam jihad is defined as: "A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad ... enjoined especially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims." The prominent British-American orientalist Bernard Lewis argues that in the hadiths and the classical manuals of Islamic law jihad has a military meaning in the large majority of cases. In a commentary of the hadith Sahih Muslim, entitled al-Minhaj, the medieval Islamic scholar Yahya ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi stated that "one of the collective duties of the community as a whole (fard kifaya) is to lodge a valid protest, to solve problems of religion, to have knowledge of Divine Law, to command what is right and forbid wrong conduct". An accurate interpretation of the concept of Jihad is provided by the BBC about how Muslims describe three different types of struggles:
Homo sapiens a dying species
Poor sick dumb numb feeding feces
Half-eaten starved beaten multiplying lying cheating
Lean mean unclean ammo for the gun-machine
Cannonfodder driven by fear
Last-class raw mass victims of the puppeteer
Human driftwood lepers pariah
Suicide bombers for the new messiah
Everybody do your part
Hope is life and fire to the heart
Rattle your chains
Never back down
Blow your brains
Stand your ground
Plutocratic rule and power
Rich fat small balls' final hour
Big last gulp end of reign
I have witnessed your death
I've seen it many times
Your tortured screams
Your decrypted little mind
A father's son
With pathetic eyes that bleed
Twins in the end
Begin and let the brothers fall
I will see you burned alive
Screaming for your God
I will hunt you down again for Him
God won't judge what I've done
He crawls upon my feet
A privileged pain
Beneath buried are your dead
On splintered bones I walk
Sifting through the blood
Besieged to fear
Await the coming of the God!
I will watch you die again for Him
Blood is raining downward
The stain reflects the sun
Conquer divide within
Terrorize the mind
I've seen the end it's yours
Rosary in hand
Your selfish flesh it melts
Spilling from the sky
I will see you burn alive
Screaming for your God
I will watch you die
This is God's war
God's war
This is God's war
God's war
War of holy principles
I'm seeking God's help in your destruction
Slit the throat of heathen man
And let his blood dilute the water
Bury your dead
Fuck your God erase his name
A lady weeps insane with sorrow
I'll take his towers from the world
You're fucking raped upon your deathbed
This is God's war
God's war
This is God's war
God's war
Fucking holy war
Be optimistic, happy, and calm
Show no fear or anxiety
Smile at the face of God
And your reward will be eternity
Holy warriors your patience will be justified
Everything is for Him
You must not comfort the animal before you kill it
Strike as champions at the heart of the non-believers
Strike above the neck and at all extremities
For it's a point of no return for Almighty God
God will give victory to his faithful servants
When you reach ground zero you will have killed the enemy
New fuckers run this town got the Koran wrong way round
Their rise don’t blame me logic defy middle east nazi
Your rights low on list torture abuse still exist
Circumcise female enemy stoned to death for infidelity.
Your profanity versus tyranny
Denied to exist
Jihad death war fuck holy law fundamentalist
Religious doctrine hate incorporate with the state
Their laws forced on all though by men with brains so small
Protest they detest cut throat justice seen at best
War erupts again, in the Middle East,
Never seems to end, violence in the streets,
Smell the stench of death, vultures feast.
Destruction will commence,
Saddam has gone insane for declaring jihad upon the United Nations,
This will surely be his demise,
He's developed biological weapons and ready to destroy in the name of Allah.
Like the mustard gas he launched upon us during Desert Storm,
Arming a million citizens with guns preparing them to kill,
Warnings he will not heed, bombs will fly,
Destruction will commence, the messiah won't die.
Obliterated Iraqis scorched in napalm flames, breathe the acidic carnage,
Overlooking heaps of flesh melting, believed he had the power to start a world war,
Unleashed his blessed famine, exposing us to gore.
Asesinar la anti-christo, derrimar santo sangre,
Angilar todo su jotos, fumar mas mota.
The world is at war, fight for our lives, death veers its face,
Struggle amongst the human race, desperate man falls in defeat,
Determined to kill as much as he can,
Brain washed fools enforce his master plan.
We can't kill the devil, god is why so many died,
Religious wars claimed so many lives,
Mother nature has been raped by progress,
I fly my last mission and feel great remorse for these crimes against humanity.
Get down on your knees and feed the illusion
Get down on your knees and prolong the delusion
Superstition is the religion of the feeble mind
Liberty and justice - The illusions of mankind
A dogmatic expression in every direction
There is no redemption in divine intervention
The world is a disease that cannot be cured
The truth is a voice that cannot be heard
Jihad - The twisted hands of faith
Jihad - In the name of hate
Jihad - The twisted hands of faith
Jihad - In the name of hate
Hate is the solution to life's evolution
Love is a high that you cannot sustain
For each age is a dream that is dying
And freedom is a whore that we love to adore
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
Hate is the solution to life's evolution
Love is a high that you cannot sustain
For each age is a dream that is dying
And freedom is a whore that we love to adore
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
A dogmatic expression in every direction
There is no redemption in divine intervention
The world is a disease that cannot be cured
The truth is a voice that cannot be heard
Get down on your knees and feed the illusion
Get down on your knees and prolong the delusion
Superstition is the religion of the feeble mind
Liberty and justice - The illusions of mankind
A dogmatic expression in every direction
There is no redemption in divine intervention
The world is a disease that cannot be cured
The truth is a voice that cannot be heard
Jihad - The twisted hands of faith
Jihad - In the name of hate
Jihad - The twisted hands of faith
Jihad - In the name of hate
Hate is the solution to life's evolution
Love is a high that you cannot sustain
For each age is a dream that is dying
And freedom is a whore that we love to adore
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
Hate is the solution to life's evolution
Love is a high that you cannot sustain
For each age is a dream that is dying
And freedom is a whore that we love to adore
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
Jihad - To be touch by the hands of God
A dogmatic expression in every direction
There is no redemption in divine intervention
The world is a disease that cannot be cured
(All right let's count it down)
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7....
Fuck Boulevard beer and their corporate bosom..
I'd rather drink with an agnostic woman.
Fuck Applebee's and their corporate bosom..
I'd rather drink with an atheist woman.
Fuck the young republicans and their corporate bosom..
I'd rather drink with an agnostic woman.
(Hey Kansas City, no more drinkin' Boulevard beer, it's
Flying Monkey mother fucker.. here we go)
Hey yo Jerry Falwell's dead, everybody limbo!
Rap music is the new disco!
I kick drums down the stairs and laugh,
The sound of paragraphs, [?]
with beasting these bloods [?] with these chumps and
their bling-bling that sucks.
The phone goes "ring ring," wassup?
Shmuck, I'm here to save the day like I'm Ming Ming the
duck fucker
Ya'll win the lotto and the foo-foo lives,
The rest of us just kinda hope Bono from U2 dies.
Blind Abercrombie trophy wives run the world like,
"Wow Jennifer, did you lose weight? You go girl!"
I mean it's corny, it's filthy;
so if you ever see me and I'm drivin' in a minivan then
fuck it, come and kill me!
But sucka, ya'll can't see me like Snuffleupagus,
Now what the fuck is this I wanna kiss so pucker up
your lips
The manwhore will charm ya. (wooo!)
I had it all when I was born like Jamie Lee Curtis
and/or Ciara.
Follow, me.
Follow, me.
Follow, me.
(Come on!)
We gotta have a jihad..
We gotta have a jihad. (Come on!)
Follow, me.
Follow, me.
Follow, me.
(Come on!)
We gotta have a jihad..
Woo weeeeeee ooo.
I got a hangover, I could sell the scientific research,
I got my ass kicked last night so now my teeth hurt.
I can't purchase alcohol on Sundays; why?
Because they believe an invisible man's in the sky!
Kirk Cameron thinks sinners need to burn in flames,
I got a gun named Corey Feldman and a gun named Corey
The third world war just started, TAKE AIM!
[snickering] They still think an invisible man is in
the sky.
Kansas City mutha fucka better go check your dead self.
Drivin' through the hood gettin' road head from Fred
I'll interrupt family dinner during prayer like,
"Uh, by the way I'm an atheist and.. don't care."
The honorable reverand Ted Haggard got caught smokin'
meth with a male prostitute up in a Motel 6,
the flow fell sick, then sweetened and unusual,
I'll go back to church when the Chiefs win the
I wanna paint Linda's sick dead words, gimme a canvas
and the brain stem of Mitch Hedburg,
And I'ma use it as my quill tip -
I wanna take a couple drill bits and build myself an
easel with the skeleton of Bill Hicks (that's a good
man right there).
Man fuck Dane Cook and his corporate ass too (punkass
mother fucker)..
Now bring me the female version of Charles Darwin.
..All hail George Carlin.
Follow, me
Follow, me
Follow, me
(Come on!)
We gotta have a jihad
We gotta have a jihad (come on)
Follow, me
Follow, me
Follow, me
Come on!
We gotta have a jihad
Woo weeeeeee ooo
I felt a kiss of my God and now I know
Kisses like that turns me to stone
I felt a kiss on my forehad, now I know
Kisses like that freeze me to death
Holy war, holy war pushing hell away
It makes me quiet, lets me lay down
They fight a war for me and every man
Brings me closer to heaven by his death
Hey Allah...
They felt a kiss of their God
And now they know
Kisses like that turn them to stone
They felt a kiss on their forehad
Now they know
Kisses like that freeze to death
And paradise is the only reward
Days of religious terror
jihad in middle east
hamas liquidations
the slightest hope decreased
Palestine - forgotten name
give them back their identity
and their pride- their land - their hope
ignorance - the seed of anger
Let them speak and bombs will cease to burst
it`s not too late - start to retrieve
Hardlined politicians
remaining on both sides
abuse the fear of people
let them in hatred die
vicious circles never break
It`s disgusting
- young indoctrinated women with bombs under their
taking busses full of unsuspecting innocent victims
this must come to an end
From the steamin Mekong delta
To the shores of Tonkin bay
Bombs of yellied gasoline
Is making night as bright as day
And the mogul's hard tank masters
Adore their new grenades
And the D.A.D. find their 9 shells
Are great for border raids
Yeah! I'm superfurious
I've done it again
I reach 50 when I count to 10
Jihad, I'm getting mad
And there's no fuel left
For the pilgrims
Jihad, I'm getting mad
And there's no fuel left
For the pilgrims
And you can shake your fist at the T.V. set
And you can slam your hand in the table
And you can cry and curse
Through tightlocked teeth
Just as hard as you are able
But you can't run away from trouble
'Coz there ain't no place that far
No fuel left for the pilgrims
Yeah! That's just the way we are
'Coz I'm superfurious I've done it again
I reach 50 when I count to 10
Jihad, I'm getting mad
And there's no fuel left for the pilgrims
Jihad, I'm getting mad
And there's no fuel left for the pilgrims
This is tower again, do you read me? You can get the girls & the
videomachine but the fuel you asked for... You cannot have!
What?! Blow me to heaven!
Jihad I'm getting so mad I'm getting so mad
.Who's mad I'm mad, so mad
Jihad I'm getting mad
Bow down on the off ramp
Shot down got too close to the sun
Burned out like a molotov cocktail
Payback is the thrill of the hunt
And I know you can never question
A divine suggestion
Like a sick obsession
Give in, you got nowhere to turn, yeah
Where are you gonna run to now?
Where are you gonna hide?
Where are you gonna run to now?
It will be cold and lonely
Until judgement day comes
And justice has won
Nonstop on a flight going nowhere
Got lost where the horses run free
Blacked out in a sweet smelling coma
Broke down on a killing spree
And I know you can never question
A divine suggestion
Like a sick obsession
Give in, you got nowhere to turn, yeah
Where are you gonna run to now?
Where are you gonna hide?
Where are you gonna run to now?
It will be cold and lonely
Until judgement day comes
And justice has won
My kingdom come, thy will be done
And justice has won
Caught dead at the scene of the crime
Like a revelation in desperation
Replay at the end of the game with a mob demanding
Let justice be done
Hey yeah
Where are you gonna run to now?
Where are you gonna hide?
Where are you gonna run to now?
It will be cold and lonely
Until judgement day comes
And justice has won
My kingdom come, thy will be done
And justice has won
You can never question
A divine suggestion
Like a sick obsession
Give in, you got nowhere to turn, yeah
Yeah, yeah