Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?
In which John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world, and along the way reveals some surprising information, including that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care than people in Canada, the UK, or Australia. Who's at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospi
What healthcare will look like in 2020 | Stephen Klasko | TEDxPhiladelphia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How will healthcare change in the future? Dr. Stephen Klasko shares his insights on healthcare reform in this informative talk cleverly staged in the year 2020. As the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and its affiliated Hospital, Dr. Klasko manages enormous change – both in health care and in
The Healthcare System of the United States
We've been getting a lot of requests to talk about the health care systems of different countries. It's really hard to compress the complexities of each into...
Healthcare System Overview
The different roles in the healthcare system More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=LMHxxvbzFqc.
Health Care: U.S. vs. Canada
Sen. Bernie Sanders asked a panel of experts to contrast the United States health care system with single-payer models throughout the world.
Why Is U.S. Healthcare So Expensive?
What Is Medical Tourism? http://testu.be/1j41Myr
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
U.S. health care costs are higher than any other country in the world. So, what is it about America's system that makes it so expensive?
Learn More:
Why Americans Are Drowning in Medical Debt
"After hi
IBM Watson at Work: Transforming Healthcare - Boston Children's Hospital | Innovation Summit 2014
Join Mike Rhodin, Senior Vice President of the IBM Watson Group, and Dan Cerutti, Vice President of Watson Commercialization, for a discussion about how a new era of computing, Cognitive Computing, is transforming healthcare. Hear about what’s new with Watson, and how Boston Children’s Hospital and IBM are working together. Discover how the partnership between humans and computers is being redefin
REAL Teaser: Ty Hunter on Working in Healthcare… to Beyoncé!
A new video series for President Obama’s My Brother's Keeper initiative features Beyoncé's stylist Ty Hunter. During his visit to “The Real,” the fashion guru opens up about entrepreneurship, taking risks, and how Tina Knowles helped him land his dream job. Watch!
Healthcare in England
We've done the US, Canada, and France. None of them are really socialized healthcare systems. To get at that, we need to go look at a system like that of the...
Documentary: Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much?
"Money and Medicine," a documentary set to air Sept. 25 on PBS, investigates some of the most notorious drivers of U.S. health care costs. Ray Suarez speaks ...
Quality Improvement in Healthcare
Thanks to St. Michael's Hospital http://www.stmichaelshospital.com, Health Quality Ontario http://www.hqontario.ca, and Institute for Healthcare Improvement http://www.ihi.org
Check out our new website http://www.evanshealthlab.com/
Follow Dr. Mike for new videos! http://twitter.com/docmikeevans
Dr. Mike Evans is a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family M
What Are Nootropics? Are They Going to Make You Smarter?
I don’t know why, but you all keep asking for an episode on nootropics. For those of you who aren’t in the know, those are drugs which are supposed to enhance cognitive function. Nootropics are the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=68338
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director,
Malcolm Gladwell on Fixing the US Healthcare Mess
Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell believes doctors need more time, not technology; says a cash economy may help the practice of medicine prosper; and shares his views on drug pricing. For more from Medscape's One-on-One exclusive interview series, visit Medscape: medscape.com/features/public/one-on-one
America's Healthcare Is a Fuc*ing Joke
✔ Business inquiries/contact -- repproductions@mrrepzion.com
✔ Amazon affiliate link: http://amzn.to/1MxjO6h
✔ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrrepzion?ty=h
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✔ Try Audible for f
How Healthcare Can Become Higher in Quality, Lower in Cost & Widely Accessible - Clay Christensen
Clay Christensen at the second Faculty Perspectives on Healthcare event. February 8, 2012.
Is Drinking Tea Good for You?
After our episode on the health benefits of coffee, the number one request I received was to look into the potential benefits – or harms – of tea. That’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=67854
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Ol
Healthcare Triage Answers Your Questions!
Get the merch from question #1! http://dft.ba/-HCTmerch
John Green asks the questions you submitted, and Dr. Aaron Carroll answers them. Also, great job with the questions. They were really good.
Is Donald Trump for single-payer health care? | Fox News Republican Debate
Republican presidential candidate: I'd like to see a private system without 'artificial lines'
Watch Bret Baier talk about Cleveland Debate, Elections, Presidential Debates, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans.
4 Shocking Facts about US Healthcare
Sources for all facts/statistics listed below.
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Download my audiobook for FREE: http://j.mp/Jus
Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss
Last week I talked about the many ways exercise is awesome. This week I want to focus on one way it’s not. Weight loss. Sorry, but that’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=64147
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
The New “Disrupters” in Healthcare – Patients and Pharmacists | Rajiv Shah | TEDxFargo
Dr. Shah is the CEO of MyMeds (www.my-meds.com), a digital health company whose medication adherence platform engages patients, physicians and pharmacists to work together.
Technology is disrupting consumer industries across the globe. In healthcare, technology is being used to improve systems, but the new disruption will be driven by people – patients and pharmacists. Like never before, patien
Healthcare Exports
Amateur-produced short film about how surgeons are made. The film was entirely produced by 4th year med school students from Turku, Finland. Cheers for Jonathan Hutchings for the voice-over!
Turun lääkiksen 4. vuosikurssin tuottama lyhytfilmi kirurgien kouluttamisesta. Kiitokset Jonathan Hutchingsille voice-overista!
Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?
In which John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world, and along the way ...
In which John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world, and along the way reveals some surprising information, including that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care than people in Canada, the UK, or Australia. Who's at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospitals? Or is it more complicated than a simple blame game? (Hint: It's that one.)
For a much more thorough examination of health care expenses in America, I recommend this series at The Incidental Economist: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/what-makes-the-us-health-care-system-so-expensive-introduction/
The Commonwealth Fund's Study of Health Care Prices in the US: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/~/media/Files/Publications/Issue%20Brief/2012/May/1595_Squires_explaining_high_hlt_care_spending_intl_brief.pdf
Some of the stats in this video also come from this New York Times story: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/health/colonoscopies-explain-why-us-leads-the-world-in-health-expenditures.html?pagewanted=all
This is the first part in what will be a periodic series on health care costs and reforms leading up to the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, in 2014.
wn.com/Why Are American Health Care Costs So High
In which John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world, and along the way reveals some surprising information, including that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care than people in Canada, the UK, or Australia. Who's at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospitals? Or is it more complicated than a simple blame game? (Hint: It's that one.)
For a much more thorough examination of health care expenses in America, I recommend this series at The Incidental Economist: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/what-makes-the-us-health-care-system-so-expensive-introduction/
The Commonwealth Fund's Study of Health Care Prices in the US: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/~/media/Files/Publications/Issue%20Brief/2012/May/1595_Squires_explaining_high_hlt_care_spending_intl_brief.pdf
Some of the stats in this video also come from this New York Times story: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/health/colonoscopies-explain-why-us-leads-the-world-in-health-expenditures.html?pagewanted=all
This is the first part in what will be a periodic series on health care costs and reforms leading up to the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, in 2014.
- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 6504467
What healthcare will look like in 2020 | Stephen Klasko | TEDxPhiladelphia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How will healthcare change in the future? Dr. Stephen Klasko shares hi...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How will healthcare change in the future? Dr. Stephen Klasko shares his insights on healthcare reform in this informative talk cleverly staged in the year 2020. As the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and its affiliated Hospital, Dr. Klasko manages enormous change – both in health care and in the business of running a major college and hospital. His work focuses on merging the two, finding ways to expand medicine into the community in innovative ways.
Dr. Stephen Klasko is the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System. Jefferson is the largest freestanding academic medical center in Philadelphia, with over 12,000 employees and 3,700 students.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
wn.com/What Healthcare Will Look Like In 2020 | Stephen Klasko | Tedxphiladelphia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How will healthcare change in the future? Dr. Stephen Klasko shares his insights on healthcare reform in this informative talk cleverly staged in the year 2020. As the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and its affiliated Hospital, Dr. Klasko manages enormous change – both in health care and in the business of running a major college and hospital. His work focuses on merging the two, finding ways to expand medicine into the community in innovative ways.
Dr. Stephen Klasko is the President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health System. Jefferson is the largest freestanding academic medical center in Philadelphia, with over 12,000 employees and 3,700 students.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
- published: 17 Nov 2014
- views: 105
The Healthcare System of the United States
We've been getting a lot of requests to talk about the health care systems of different countries. It's really hard to compress the complexities of each into......
We've been getting a lot of requests to talk about the health care systems of different countries. It's really hard to compress the complexities of each into...
wn.com/The Healthcare System Of The United States
We've been getting a lot of requests to talk about the health care systems of different countries. It's really hard to compress the complexities of each into...
Healthcare System Overview
The different roles in the healthcare system More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=LMHxxvbzFqc....
The different roles in the healthcare system More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=LMHxxvbzFqc.
wn.com/Healthcare System Overview
The different roles in the healthcare system More free lessons at: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=LMHxxvbzFqc.
Health Care: U.S. vs. Canada
Sen. Bernie Sanders asked a panel of experts to contrast the United States health care system with single-payer models throughout the world....
Sen. Bernie Sanders asked a panel of experts to contrast the United States health care system with single-payer models throughout the world.
wn.com/Health Care U.S. Vs. Canada
Sen. Bernie Sanders asked a panel of experts to contrast the United States health care system with single-payer models throughout the world.
Why Is U.S. Healthcare So Expensive?
What Is Medical Tourism? http://testu.be/1j41Myr
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
U.S. health care costs are higher than any other country in the world...
What Is Medical Tourism? http://testu.be/1j41Myr
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
U.S. health care costs are higher than any other country in the world. So, what is it about America's system that makes it so expensive?
Learn More:
Why Americans Are Drowning in Medical Debt
"After his recent herniated-disk surgery, Peter Drier was ready for the $56,000 hospital charge, the $4,300 anesthesiologist bill, and the $133,000 fee for orthopedist. "
Here's a Map of the Countries That Provide Universal Health Care (America's Still Not on It)
"As excited as American liberals and proponents of expanding access to health care might be about the Supreme Court's decision to largely uphold the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. still stands out from much of the developed world in state efforts to make medical care available to the public."
8 facts that explain what's wrong with American health care
"Americans pay way, way, way more for health care than anyone else."
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally
"The United States health care system is the most expensive in the world, but this report and prior editions consistently show the U.S. underperforms relative to other countries on most dimensions of performance."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Automations"
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Special thanks to Julia Wilde for hosting TestTube!
Check Julia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_SCI
wn.com/Why Is U.S. Healthcare So Expensive
What Is Medical Tourism? http://testu.be/1j41Myr
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
U.S. health care costs are higher than any other country in the world. So, what is it about America's system that makes it so expensive?
Learn More:
Why Americans Are Drowning in Medical Debt
"After his recent herniated-disk surgery, Peter Drier was ready for the $56,000 hospital charge, the $4,300 anesthesiologist bill, and the $133,000 fee for orthopedist. "
Here's a Map of the Countries That Provide Universal Health Care (America's Still Not on It)
"As excited as American liberals and proponents of expanding access to health care might be about the Supreme Court's decision to largely uphold the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. still stands out from much of the developed world in state efforts to make medical care available to the public."
8 facts that explain what's wrong with American health care
"Americans pay way, way, way more for health care than anyone else."
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally
"The United States health care system is the most expensive in the world, but this report and prior editions consistently show the U.S. underperforms relative to other countries on most dimensions of performance."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Automations"
Subscribe to TestTube News!
TestTube News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
Watch more TestTube: http://testtube.com/testtubenews
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Trace Dominguez on Twitter https://twitter.com/TraceDominguez
TestTube on Facebook https://facebook.com/testtubenetwork
TestTube on Google+ http://gplus.to/TestTube
Download the New TestTube iOS app! http://testu.be/1ndmmMq
Special thanks to Julia Wilde for hosting TestTube!
Check Julia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Julia_SCI
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 3223
IBM Watson at Work: Transforming Healthcare - Boston Children's Hospital | Innovation Summit 2014
Join Mike Rhodin, Senior Vice President of the IBM Watson Group, and Dan Cerutti, Vice President of Watson Commercialization, for a discussion about how a new e...
Join Mike Rhodin, Senior Vice President of the IBM Watson Group, and Dan Cerutti, Vice President of Watson Commercialization, for a discussion about how a new era of computing, Cognitive Computing, is transforming healthcare. Hear about what’s new with Watson, and how Boston Children’s Hospital and IBM are working together. Discover how the partnership between humans and computers is being redefined to enhance, scale and accelerate human expertise.
Learn more: www.takingontomorrow.org
wn.com/Ibm Watson At Work Transforming Healthcare Boston Children's Hospital | Innovation Summit 2014
Join Mike Rhodin, Senior Vice President of the IBM Watson Group, and Dan Cerutti, Vice President of Watson Commercialization, for a discussion about how a new era of computing, Cognitive Computing, is transforming healthcare. Hear about what’s new with Watson, and how Boston Children’s Hospital and IBM are working together. Discover how the partnership between humans and computers is being redefined to enhance, scale and accelerate human expertise.
Learn more: www.takingontomorrow.org
- published: 24 Nov 2014
- views: 3
REAL Teaser: Ty Hunter on Working in Healthcare… to Beyoncé!
A new video series for President Obama’s My Brother's Keeper initiative features Beyoncé's stylist Ty Hunter. During his visit to “The Real,” the fashion guru o...
A new video series for President Obama’s My Brother's Keeper initiative features Beyoncé's stylist Ty Hunter. During his visit to “The Real,” the fashion guru opens up about entrepreneurship, taking risks, and how Tina Knowles helped him land his dream job. Watch!
wn.com/Real Teaser Ty Hunter On Working In Healthcare… To Beyoncé
A new video series for President Obama’s My Brother's Keeper initiative features Beyoncé's stylist Ty Hunter. During his visit to “The Real,” the fashion guru opens up about entrepreneurship, taking risks, and how Tina Knowles helped him land his dream job. Watch!
- published: 02 Dec 2015
- views: 3000
Healthcare in England
We've done the US, Canada, and France. None of them are really socialized healthcare systems. To get at that, we need to go look at a system like that of the......
We've done the US, Canada, and France. None of them are really socialized healthcare systems. To get at that, we need to go look at a system like that of the...
wn.com/Healthcare In England
We've done the US, Canada, and France. None of them are really socialized healthcare systems. To get at that, we need to go look at a system like that of the...
Documentary: Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much?
"Money and Medicine," a documentary set to air Sept. 25 on PBS, investigates some of the most notorious drivers of U.S. health care costs. Ray Suarez speaks ......
"Money and Medicine," a documentary set to air Sept. 25 on PBS, investigates some of the most notorious drivers of U.S. health care costs. Ray Suarez speaks ...
wn.com/Documentary Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much
"Money and Medicine," a documentary set to air Sept. 25 on PBS, investigates some of the most notorious drivers of U.S. health care costs. Ray Suarez speaks ...
Quality Improvement in Healthcare
Thanks to St. Michael's Hospital http://www.stmichaelshospital.com, Health Quality Ontario http://www.hqontario.ca, and Institute for Healthcare Improvement htt...
Thanks to St. Michael's Hospital http://www.stmichaelshospital.com, Health Quality Ontario http://www.hqontario.ca, and Institute for Healthcare Improvement http://www.ihi.org
Check out our new website http://www.evanshealthlab.com/
Follow Dr. Mike for new videos! http://twitter.com/docmikeevans
Dr. Mike Evans is a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine. He is a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute and has an endowed Chair in Patient Engagement and Childhood Nutrition at the University of Toronto.
Written, Narrated and Produced by Dr. Mike Evans
Illustrations by Liisa Sorsa
Directed and Photographed by Mark Ellam
Produced by Nick De Pencier
Editor, David Schmidt
Story/Graphic Facilitator, Disa Kauk
Production Assistant, Chris Niesing
Director of Operations, Mike Heinrich
©2014 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
wn.com/Quality Improvement In Healthcare
Thanks to St. Michael's Hospital http://www.stmichaelshospital.com, Health Quality Ontario http://www.hqontario.ca, and Institute for Healthcare Improvement http://www.ihi.org
Check out our new website http://www.evanshealthlab.com/
Follow Dr. Mike for new videos! http://twitter.com/docmikeevans
Dr. Mike Evans is a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine. He is a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute and has an endowed Chair in Patient Engagement and Childhood Nutrition at the University of Toronto.
Written, Narrated and Produced by Dr. Mike Evans
Illustrations by Liisa Sorsa
Directed and Photographed by Mark Ellam
Produced by Nick De Pencier
Editor, David Schmidt
Story/Graphic Facilitator, Disa Kauk
Production Assistant, Chris Niesing
Director of Operations, Mike Heinrich
©2014 Michael Evans and Reframe Health Films Inc.
- published: 26 Nov 2014
- views: 978
What Are Nootropics? Are They Going to Make You Smarter?
I don’t know why, but you all keep asking for an episode on nootropics. For those of you who aren’t in the know, those are drugs which are supposed to enhance c...
I don’t know why, but you all keep asking for an episode on nootropics. For those of you who aren’t in the know, those are drugs which are supposed to enhance cognitive function. Nootropics are the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=68338
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
And the housekeeping:
1) You can support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr Every little bit helps make the show better!
2) Check out our Facebook page: http://goo.gl/LnOq5z
3) We still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
wn.com/What Are Nootropics Are They Going To Make You Smarter
I don’t know why, but you all keep asking for an episode on nootropics. For those of you who aren’t in the know, those are drugs which are supposed to enhance cognitive function. Nootropics are the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=68338
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
And the housekeeping:
1) You can support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr Every little bit helps make the show better!
2) Check out our Facebook page: http://goo.gl/LnOq5z
3) We still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 7520
Malcolm Gladwell on Fixing the US Healthcare Mess
Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell believes doctors need more time, not technology; says a cash economy may help the practice of medicine prosper; and shares ...
Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell believes doctors need more time, not technology; says a cash economy may help the practice of medicine prosper; and shares his views on drug pricing. For more from Medscape's One-on-One exclusive interview series, visit Medscape: medscape.com/features/public/one-on-one
wn.com/Malcolm Gladwell On Fixing The US Healthcare Mess
Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell believes doctors need more time, not technology; says a cash economy may help the practice of medicine prosper; and shares his views on drug pricing. For more from Medscape's One-on-One exclusive interview series, visit Medscape: medscape.com/features/public/one-on-one
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 77
America's Healthcare Is a Fuc*ing Joke
✔ Business inquiries/contact -- repproductions@mrrepzion.com
✔ Amazon affiliate link: http://amzn.to/1MxjO6h
✔ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrrepzion?ty=...
✔ Business inquiries/contact -- repproductions@mrrepzion.com
✔ Amazon affiliate link: http://amzn.to/1MxjO6h
✔ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrrepzion?ty=h
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✔ Try Audible for free audio book: http://audible.com/mrrepzion
✔Amazon wish-list: http://amzn.com/w/3VEBAWCBAINAZ
wn.com/America's Healthcare Is A Fuc Ing Joke
✔ Business inquiries/contact -- repproductions@mrrepzion.com
✔ Amazon affiliate link: http://amzn.to/1MxjO6h
✔ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrrepzion?ty=h
✔ My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrRepzionOfficial
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrRepzion
✔ Instagram: http://instagram.com/repzion
✔ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/repzion
✔Tumblr: http://mrrepzion.tumblr.com/
✔ Try Audible for free audio book: http://audible.com/mrrepzion
✔Amazon wish-list: http://amzn.com/w/3VEBAWCBAINAZ
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 21934
wn.com/If Air Travel Worked Like Health Care
Is Drinking Tea Good for You?
After our episode on the health benefits of coffee, the number one request I received was to look into the potential benefits – or harms – of tea. That’s the to...
After our episode on the health benefits of coffee, the number one request I received was to look into the potential benefits – or harms – of tea. That’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=67854
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
And the housekeeping:
1) You can support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr Every little bit helps make the show better!
2) Check out our Facebook page: http://goo.gl/LnOq5z
3) We still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
wn.com/Is Drinking Tea Good For You
After our episode on the health benefits of coffee, the number one request I received was to look into the potential benefits – or harms – of tea. That’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=67854
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
And the housekeeping:
1) You can support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr Every little bit helps make the show better!
2) Check out our Facebook page: http://goo.gl/LnOq5z
3) We still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 7835
Healthcare Triage Answers Your Questions!
Get the merch from question #1! http://dft.ba/-HCTmerch
John Green asks the questions you submitted, and Dr. Aaron Carroll answers them. Also, great job with t...
Get the merch from question #1! http://dft.ba/-HCTmerch
John Green asks the questions you submitted, and Dr. Aaron Carroll answers them. Also, great job with the questions. They were really good.
wn.com/Healthcare Triage Answers Your Questions
Get the merch from question #1! http://dft.ba/-HCTmerch
John Green asks the questions you submitted, and Dr. Aaron Carroll answers them. Also, great job with the questions. They were really good.
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 14187
Is Donald Trump for single-payer health care? | Fox News Republican Debate
Republican presidential candidate: I'd like to see a private system without 'artificial lines'
Watch Bret Baier talk about Cleveland Debate, Elections, Presiden...
Republican presidential candidate: I'd like to see a private system without 'artificial lines'
Watch Bret Baier talk about Cleveland Debate, Elections, Presidential Debates, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans.
wn.com/Is Donald Trump For Single Payer Health Care | Fox News Republican Debate
Republican presidential candidate: I'd like to see a private system without 'artificial lines'
Watch Bret Baier talk about Cleveland Debate, Elections, Presidential Debates, Presidential Primaries, and Republicans.
- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 109333
4 Shocking Facts about US Healthcare
Sources for all facts/statistics listed below.
Subscribe to OurTime.org: http://www.youtube.com/WatchOurTime
Watch MORE of my videos: http://j.mp/JoshSundquistV...
Sources for all facts/statistics listed below.
Subscribe to OurTime.org: http://www.youtube.com/WatchOurTime
Watch MORE of my videos: http://j.mp/JoshSundquistVideos
Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/JoshSundquist
Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/JoshSundquist
Facebook http://www.Facebook.com/JoshSundquistFans
Tumblr http://JoshSundquist.Tumblr.com/
Download my audiobook for FREE: http://j.mp/JustDontFall
Ampu-T-Shirts: http://JoshSundquist.Spreadshirt.com/
FAQ About my book, JUST DON'T FALL: http://j.mp/mptir5
Hire inspirational motivational speaker Josh Sundquist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAqEO5UBHxs
HIGH SCHOOL/TEEN CONFERENCE -- Send your principal, SGA/SCA, or PTA this website:
COLLEGE -- Email your school's Director of Student Activities
ANYTHING ELSE -- Send the event planner here:
And yes, I will speak anywhere in the world. Including where you live.
Outro music by rockitpro.com
High Costs
Cost of hip replacement NY Times article June 1st, 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/health/colonoscopies-explain-why-us-leads-the-world-in-health-expenditures.html?_r=0
Price of apartment in Madrid http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city_result.jsp?country=Spain&city;=Madrid
Cost of $546 for saline bag
Malpractice Suits
10% of medical costs are the result of malpractice suits. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid;=az9qxQZNmf0o
Unnecessary Tests and Procedures
$6.8 Billion and 56% of tests and procedures http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2011-10-31/national/35276722_1_primary-care-medical-costs-internal-medicine-foundation
A space shuttle costs $1.7 billion, according to http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/about/information/shuttle_faq.html#1
Price comparisons
Prices vary wildly in a local region http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/08/business/hospital-billing-varies-wildly-us-data-shows.html?pagewanted=all
wn.com/4 Shocking Facts About US Healthcare
Sources for all facts/statistics listed below.
Subscribe to OurTime.org: http://www.youtube.com/WatchOurTime
Watch MORE of my videos: http://j.mp/JoshSundquistVideos
Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/JoshSundquist
Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/JoshSundquist
Facebook http://www.Facebook.com/JoshSundquistFans
Tumblr http://JoshSundquist.Tumblr.com/
Download my audiobook for FREE: http://j.mp/JustDontFall
Ampu-T-Shirts: http://JoshSundquist.Spreadshirt.com/
FAQ About my book, JUST DON'T FALL: http://j.mp/mptir5
Hire inspirational motivational speaker Josh Sundquist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAqEO5UBHxs
HIGH SCHOOL/TEEN CONFERENCE -- Send your principal, SGA/SCA, or PTA this website:
COLLEGE -- Email your school's Director of Student Activities
ANYTHING ELSE -- Send the event planner here:
And yes, I will speak anywhere in the world. Including where you live.
Outro music by rockitpro.com
High Costs
Cost of hip replacement NY Times article June 1st, 2013: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/health/colonoscopies-explain-why-us-leads-the-world-in-health-expenditures.html?_r=0
Price of apartment in Madrid http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city_result.jsp?country=Spain&city;=Madrid
Cost of $546 for saline bag
Malpractice Suits
10% of medical costs are the result of malpractice suits. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid;=az9qxQZNmf0o
Unnecessary Tests and Procedures
$6.8 Billion and 56% of tests and procedures http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2011-10-31/national/35276722_1_primary-care-medical-costs-internal-medicine-foundation
A space shuttle costs $1.7 billion, according to http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/about/information/shuttle_faq.html#1
Price comparisons
Prices vary wildly in a local region http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/08/business/hospital-billing-varies-wildly-us-data-shows.html?pagewanted=all
- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 321253
Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss
Last week I talked about the many ways exercise is awesome. This week I want to focus on one way it’s not. Weight loss. Sorry, but that’s the topic of this week...
Last week I talked about the many ways exercise is awesome. This week I want to focus on one way it’s not. Weight loss. Sorry, but that’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=64147
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
And the housekeeping:
1) You can support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr Every little bit helps make the show better!
2) Check out our Facebook page: http://goo.gl/LnOq5z
3) We still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
wn.com/Exercise Is Not The Key To Weight Loss
Last week I talked about the many ways exercise is awesome. This week I want to focus on one way it’s not. Weight loss. Sorry, but that’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.
Those of you who want to read more can go here: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/?p=64147
John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics
And the housekeeping:
1) You can support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr Every little bit helps make the show better!
2) Check out our Facebook page: http://goo.gl/LnOq5z
3) We still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 17431
The New “Disrupters” in Healthcare – Patients and Pharmacists | Rajiv Shah | TEDxFargo
Dr. Shah is the CEO of MyMeds (www.my-meds.com), a digital health company whose medication adherence platform engages patients, physicians and pharmacists to wo...
Dr. Shah is the CEO of MyMeds (www.my-meds.com), a digital health company whose medication adherence platform engages patients, physicians and pharmacists to work together.
Technology is disrupting consumer industries across the globe. In healthcare, technology is being used to improve systems, but the new disruption will be driven by people – patients and pharmacists. Like never before, patients are demanding consumer technologies to help them become more engaged on their changing health care team. The new team brings pharmacists off the bench and puts them in a starring role to help solve one of healthcare’s biggest issues – the $300 billion problem of medication non-adherence (not taking medicines properly).
Dr. Shah is the CEO of MyMeds and a Board-certified nephrologist who practices in Minneapolis. Combining his front-line experience of understanding the multiple roles (patient, provider, entrepreneur) in a rapidly-changing health environment, and his dedication to implementing digital health IT to improve health outcomes, Dr. Shah provides a unique perspective on innovation in healthcare today. He received his M.D. from the University of Minnesota Medical School, and attended Boston University, from where he graduated with a B.A. in Cognitive Psychology with a focus on memory creation. This provided the foundation on which the MyMeds adherence platform was created to improve medication-taking behaviors. He has been recognized for his work in business, medicine and philanthropy with the Virginia McKnight Binger Award in Human Service, 40 Under 40, Ten Outstanding Young Minnesotans, and Real Power.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
wn.com/The New “Disrupters” In Healthcare – Patients And Pharmacists | Rajiv Shah | Tedxfargo
Dr. Shah is the CEO of MyMeds (www.my-meds.com), a digital health company whose medication adherence platform engages patients, physicians and pharmacists to work together.
Technology is disrupting consumer industries across the globe. In healthcare, technology is being used to improve systems, but the new disruption will be driven by people – patients and pharmacists. Like never before, patients are demanding consumer technologies to help them become more engaged on their changing health care team. The new team brings pharmacists off the bench and puts them in a starring role to help solve one of healthcare’s biggest issues – the $300 billion problem of medication non-adherence (not taking medicines properly).
Dr. Shah is the CEO of MyMeds and a Board-certified nephrologist who practices in Minneapolis. Combining his front-line experience of understanding the multiple roles (patient, provider, entrepreneur) in a rapidly-changing health environment, and his dedication to implementing digital health IT to improve health outcomes, Dr. Shah provides a unique perspective on innovation in healthcare today. He received his M.D. from the University of Minnesota Medical School, and attended Boston University, from where he graduated with a B.A. in Cognitive Psychology with a focus on memory creation. This provided the foundation on which the MyMeds adherence platform was created to improve medication-taking behaviors. He has been recognized for his work in business, medicine and philanthropy with the Virginia McKnight Binger Award in Human Service, 40 Under 40, Ten Outstanding Young Minnesotans, and Real Power.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 8
Healthcare Exports
Amateur-produced short film about how surgeons are made. The film was entirely produced by 4th year med school students from Turku, Finland. Cheers for Jonathan...
Amateur-produced short film about how surgeons are made. The film was entirely produced by 4th year med school students from Turku, Finland. Cheers for Jonathan Hutchings for the voice-over!
Turun lääkiksen 4. vuosikurssin tuottama lyhytfilmi kirurgien kouluttamisesta. Kiitokset Jonathan Hutchingsille voice-overista!
wn.com/Healthcare Exports
Amateur-produced short film about how surgeons are made. The film was entirely produced by 4th year med school students from Turku, Finland. Cheers for Jonathan Hutchings for the voice-over!
Turun lääkiksen 4. vuosikurssin tuottama lyhytfilmi kirurgien kouluttamisesta. Kiitokset Jonathan Hutchingsille voice-overista!
- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 1305
Sicko - American Healthcare Documentary (2007)
Acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to investigate the American healthcare system. Sticking to his tried-and-true one-man approach, Moore sheds light on the complicated medical affairs of individuals and local communities.
Careers in Healthcare Administration Career Chat Ep. #6
Rasmussen College's 6th episode of *Career Chat*, the quarterly live web show dedicated to exploring in-demand careers focused on *Careers in Healthcare Administration*, and was hosted live...
Comparing Canadian and American Health Care
For the first time ever, KPBS teams up with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to compare American privatized medicine with government funded, universal h...
BLS for Healthcare Providers Renewal
Does Healthcare Need Healing? - 27th May 2012
You can also visit us at http://www.satyamevjayate.in People trust medical practitioners, believing that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to s...
ObamaCare Yay Or Nay? The Truth About Canada!
Subscribe! New video every Thursday Featured Sites: http://www.imao.us/ http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/ http://www.barking-moonbat.com/
In Full: Obama Health Care Address
During a special full-length primetime broadcast, President Barack Obama addressed the U.S. Congress in order to tackle concerns over the ongoing legislation...
More Info on HealthCare Domain visit, http://www.zarantech.com/course-list/ba/healthcare-domain More info on BA Training visit, http://www.zarantech.com/cour...
Chiropractic and Vitalistic Healthcare
Dr. Bergman explains why the allopathic, mechanistic style of healthcare is failing and how chiropractic fits into a new vitalistic approach to preventative medicine and naturally healing the body.
At http://bergmanchiropractic.com and http://Owners-Guide.com we strive to educate people on natural solutions to health.
http://www.theArthritisReversalSystem.com is my online video course with 21 v
Dr. Peter Attia: Healthcare Cost Containment
Dr. Peter Attia discusses the current structure of the American healthcare system and proposes changes to improve it.
Health Care is Actually Really Cheap!
Stefan Molyneux interviews Dr. Keith Smith from the Surgery Center of Oklahoma on the lack of health care price transparency and the revolutionary changes th...
Healthcare Marketing Lecture by Patrick Goodness; CEO of The Goodness Company
http://www.goodnesshealthcaremarketing.com Healthcare marketing has become a rapidly expanding business. Hospitals and medical practices all over the world a...
Escape Fire The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare
All About Parasites - Healthcare Triage LIVE - 2015-06-24
You can directly support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr If you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content.
Michael Porter on "Value Based Health Care Delivery"
Faculty Perspectives on Healthcare. March 7, 2012.
Healthcare Triage LIVE - 2015-04-22
Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
From microbots that scrape plaque from arteries to personal assistant robots that help care for patients, medical robots are transforming the face of healthcare.
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://goo.gl/5zidZZ
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Thank you for watching!
Healthcare Around the World
Fans of U.S. health care reform point out that many other countries provide coverage for all their citizens, and no one files for bankruptcy due to medical b...
The Future of Healthcare: Artificial Intelligence & Clinical Support Systems
Robert Pearl, CEO of The Permanente Medical Group, explores the idea of using artificial intelligence and clinical support systems to replace traditional, hu...
Sicko - American Healthcare Documentary (2007)
Acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to investigate the American healthcare system. Sticking to his tried-and-true one-man approach, Moore sheds light on ...
Acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to investigate the American healthcare system. Sticking to his tried-and-true one-man approach, Moore sheds light on the complicated medical affairs of individuals and local communities.
wn.com/Sicko American Healthcare Documentary (2007)
Acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to investigate the American healthcare system. Sticking to his tried-and-true one-man approach, Moore sheds light on the complicated medical affairs of individuals and local communities.
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 4
Careers in Healthcare Administration Career Chat Ep. #6
Rasmussen College's 6th episode of *Career Chat*, the quarterly live web show dedicated to exploring in-demand careers focused on *Careers in Healthcare Adminis...
Rasmussen College's 6th episode of *Career Chat*, the quarterly live web show dedicated to exploring in-demand careers focused on *Careers in Healthcare Administration*, and was hosted live...
wn.com/Careers In Healthcare Administration Career Chat Ep. 6
Rasmussen College's 6th episode of *Career Chat*, the quarterly live web show dedicated to exploring in-demand careers focused on *Careers in Healthcare Administration*, and was hosted live...
Comparing Canadian and American Health Care
For the first time ever, KPBS teams up with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to compare American privatized medicine with government funded, universal h......
For the first time ever, KPBS teams up with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to compare American privatized medicine with government funded, universal h...
wn.com/Comparing Canadian And American Health Care
For the first time ever, KPBS teams up with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to compare American privatized medicine with government funded, universal h...
Does Healthcare Need Healing? - 27th May 2012
You can also visit us at http://www.satyamevjayate.in People trust medical practitioners, believing that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to s......
You can also visit us at http://www.satyamevjayate.in People trust medical practitioners, believing that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to s...
wn.com/Does Healthcare Need Healing 27Th May 2012
You can also visit us at http://www.satyamevjayate.in People trust medical practitioners, believing that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to s...
ObamaCare Yay Or Nay? The Truth About Canada!
Subscribe! New video every Thursday Featured Sites: http://www.imao.us/ http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/ http://www.barking-moonbat.com/...
Subscribe! New video every Thursday Featured Sites: http://www.imao.us/ http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/ http://www.barking-moonbat.com/
wn.com/Obamacare Yay Or Nay The Truth About Canada
Subscribe! New video every Thursday Featured Sites: http://www.imao.us/ http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/ http://www.barking-moonbat.com/
In Full: Obama Health Care Address
During a special full-length primetime broadcast, President Barack Obama addressed the U.S. Congress in order to tackle concerns over the ongoing legislation......
During a special full-length primetime broadcast, President Barack Obama addressed the U.S. Congress in order to tackle concerns over the ongoing legislation...
wn.com/In Full Obama Health Care Address
During a special full-length primetime broadcast, President Barack Obama addressed the U.S. Congress in order to tackle concerns over the ongoing legislation...
- published: 10 Sep 2009
- views: 100530
author: CBS
More Info on HealthCare Domain visit, http://www.zarantech.com/course-list/ba/healthcare-domain More info on BA Training visit, http://www.zarantech.com/cour......
More Info on HealthCare Domain visit, http://www.zarantech.com/course-list/ba/healthcare-domain More info on BA Training visit, http://www.zarantech.com/cour...
wn.com/Ba Healthcare Domain Training Live Demo
More Info on HealthCare Domain visit, http://www.zarantech.com/course-list/ba/healthcare-domain More info on BA Training visit, http://www.zarantech.com/cour...
- published: 10 Feb 2013
- views: 21488
author: ZaranTech
Chiropractic and Vitalistic Healthcare
Dr. Bergman explains why the allopathic, mechanistic style of healthcare is failing and how chiropractic fits into a new vitalistic approach to preventative med...
Dr. Bergman explains why the allopathic, mechanistic style of healthcare is failing and how chiropractic fits into a new vitalistic approach to preventative medicine and naturally healing the body.
At http://bergmanchiropractic.com and http://Owners-Guide.com we strive to educate people on natural solutions to health.
http://www.theArthritisReversalSystem.com is my online video course with 21 videos, 3 manuals and an online forum!
https://www.owners-guide.com/online-consultation/ for online consults.
SUBSCRIBE at http://www.youtube.com/user/johnbchiro
CALL TOLL FREE 1-855-712-0012 to get bonus materials not on YouTube or text your first name and email plus 89869 to 1-817-591-2905.
wn.com/Chiropractic And Vitalistic Healthcare
Dr. Bergman explains why the allopathic, mechanistic style of healthcare is failing and how chiropractic fits into a new vitalistic approach to preventative medicine and naturally healing the body.
At http://bergmanchiropractic.com and http://Owners-Guide.com we strive to educate people on natural solutions to health.
http://www.theArthritisReversalSystem.com is my online video course with 21 videos, 3 manuals and an online forum!
https://www.owners-guide.com/online-consultation/ for online consults.
SUBSCRIBE at http://www.youtube.com/user/johnbchiro
CALL TOLL FREE 1-855-712-0012 to get bonus materials not on YouTube or text your first name and email plus 89869 to 1-817-591-2905.
- published: 11 Dec 2015
- views: 728
Dr. Peter Attia: Healthcare Cost Containment
Dr. Peter Attia discusses the current structure of the American healthcare system and proposes changes to improve it....
Dr. Peter Attia discusses the current structure of the American healthcare system and proposes changes to improve it.
wn.com/Dr. Peter Attia Healthcare Cost Containment
Dr. Peter Attia discusses the current structure of the American healthcare system and proposes changes to improve it.
- published: 30 Jan 2015
- views: 10
Health Care is Actually Really Cheap!
Stefan Molyneux interviews Dr. Keith Smith from the Surgery Center of Oklahoma on the lack of health care price transparency and the revolutionary changes th......
Stefan Molyneux interviews Dr. Keith Smith from the Surgery Center of Oklahoma on the lack of health care price transparency and the revolutionary changes th...
wn.com/Health Care Is Actually Really Cheap
Stefan Molyneux interviews Dr. Keith Smith from the Surgery Center of Oklahoma on the lack of health care price transparency and the revolutionary changes th...
Healthcare Marketing Lecture by Patrick Goodness; CEO of The Goodness Company
http://www.goodnesshealthcaremarketing.com Healthcare marketing has become a rapidly expanding business. Hospitals and medical practices all over the world a......
http://www.goodnesshealthcaremarketing.com Healthcare marketing has become a rapidly expanding business. Hospitals and medical practices all over the world a...
wn.com/Healthcare Marketing Lecture By Patrick Goodness Ceo Of The Goodness Company
http://www.goodnesshealthcaremarketing.com Healthcare marketing has become a rapidly expanding business. Hospitals and medical practices all over the world a...
All About Parasites - Healthcare Triage LIVE - 2015-06-24
You can directly support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr If you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producin...
You can directly support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr If you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content.
wn.com/All About Parasites Healthcare Triage Live 2015 06 24
You can directly support Healthcare Triage on Patreon: http://vid.io/xqXr If you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing great content.
- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 13
Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
From microbots that scrape plaque from arteries to personal assistant robots that help care for patients, med...
Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
From microbots that scrape plaque from arteries to personal assistant robots that help care for patients, medical robots are transforming the face of healthcare.
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://goo.gl/5zidZZ
Please like , subscribe , comment and share to see the latest video
Thank you for watching!
wn.com/Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
Top 9 Medical Robots That Could Change Healthcare
From microbots that scrape plaque from arteries to personal assistant robots that help care for patients, medical robots are transforming the face of healthcare.
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://goo.gl/5zidZZ
Please like , subscribe , comment and share to see the latest video
Thank you for watching!
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 51
Healthcare Around the World
Fans of U.S. health care reform point out that many other countries provide coverage for all their citizens, and no one files for bankruptcy due to medical b......
Fans of U.S. health care reform point out that many other countries provide coverage for all their citizens, and no one files for bankruptcy due to medical b...
wn.com/Healthcare Around The World
Fans of U.S. health care reform point out that many other countries provide coverage for all their citizens, and no one files for bankruptcy due to medical b...
The Future of Healthcare: Artificial Intelligence & Clinical Support Systems
Robert Pearl, CEO of The Permanente Medical Group, explores the idea of using artificial intelligence and clinical support systems to replace traditional, hu......
Robert Pearl, CEO of The Permanente Medical Group, explores the idea of using artificial intelligence and clinical support systems to replace traditional, hu...
wn.com/The Future Of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Clinical Support Systems
Robert Pearl, CEO of The Permanente Medical Group, explores the idea of using artificial intelligence and clinical support systems to replace traditional, hu...