Complete Disqus Data Access

All The Commenting Data Your Business Needs

Want to gain valuable insight into conversations happening in the blogosphere? Now you can with social data from Disqus. Gnip provides unrivaled coverage of blog conversations with exclusive access to realtime volume and coverage Disqus data streams.


Learn More About Complete Disqus Data Access



Extracted from the Content Firehose, your Disqus PowerTrack stream will deliver full coverage of the comments you want, based on the filtering criteria you provide.


Comments and votes are a rich source of data that provides deep insight into almost every topic imaginable. With the Disqus Firehose, available exclusively from Gnip, you will gain access to a realtime stream of comments and up and down votes from millions of blogs that range from niche sites to mainstream media.


Enterprise-Grade Filters

Want to avoid the complexity of having to sort through the entire contents of a full firehose of data? With PowerTrack you can apply a wide range of operators to easily filter for the exact data you want.


Format Normalization

Want to use just one parser to consume all of your data? Activity Streams format from Gnip enables you to consume all of your data in a single standardized format across all of our data sources.


URL Expansion

Gnip expands short URLs (such as links from,, and many others) and provides the extended URLs as added metadata to your streams.


Language Detection

Gnip uses a language detection algorithm to apply language metadata when you access premium data in Activity Streams format. We currently support 24 languages.


Dedicated Support Team

We offer technical onboarding, technical documentation, code snippets and libraries on GitHub, and rapid support response during business hours with 24/7 emergency response to ensure your success.


Rules API

You can update, manage and organize all of your rules through our dedicated Rules API. They'll update on-the-fly and you never have to worry about disconnecting from your realtime steam to update and compile your rules.



Backfill automatically protects you from data loss caused by brief disconnects from your realtime connection. We track the activities we're sending you in realtime and if you reconnect within 5 minutes, your stream picks up right where it left off.


Redundant Stream

A redundant stream can mitigate the effects of a disconnect by providing a second live connection to your stream. The redundant stream can help bridge periods of disconnection and prevent potentially missed data.


Customized Solutions, Predictable Pricing

Gnip offers customized solutions with predictable pricing to meet the needs of your business. Prices start as low as $500. There are three easy steps to getting started.

  1. Discuss what you are looking to do with Disqus data
  2. Get you into a trial so you can test our solution and determine data volumes
  3. Put together the best package for your needs


Payload Elements

  • Activity ID
  • InReplyTo Comment ID, Author ID
  • Comment Text
  • Comment Type (Post, Update)
  • Website ID, URL, PostedTime
  • Comment ID, PostedTime, URL
  • Commenter ID
  • Disqus Status (Approved)
  • *URLs Wound/Unwound
  • *Language Classification

*Available only in JSON Activity Stream format



Industries Using Disqus

Social Media Monitoring

Conversations on commenting platforms can be a great source of social data to monitor. People are openly expressing opinions and having dialogues which can be used to get unbiased opinions.

Business Intelligence

By collecting comment data and correlating it with other social and internal data you can uncover opportunities that may have been hidden with disconnected data set. Include comment data into your business intelligence solution to get the full picture.


Market research is littered with focus groups and surveys, methods with biased responses. If you're looking for the markets opinion without bias comment data from Disqus can provide that.

Sources Similar to Disqus

Commenting is a big part of the blogosphere. Like Disqus you can get comment data from Wordpress. Not only do you get comment data but Wordpress offers the original piece of content as well.

If you are finding value in Disqus data, IntenseDebate is similarly structured and offers similar value. While the content is unique and the demographic are different, IntenseDebate comment data is a great complement to Disqus comment data.

One thing that makes Disqus commenting data so valuable is the conversational aspect. People commonly use Tumblr's reblogging feature to comment and converse with people giving it similar value.

Gnip for

Shoppers Tweet about what they bought, but they turn to blogs to share why they purchased.

Gnip for Blogs Package

Gnip for Blogs is a package offering that combines content from four of the most popular long-form social data sources. This package of data from Tumblr, WordPress, IntenseDebate and Disqus gives you seamless access to discussions happening in the blogosphere. Blog content, now better together.

Success Stories

Gnip is the world's premier provider of social data.


Gnip holds a unique position within the social data ecosystem as a certified reseller partner of Twitter, as well as the exclusive provider of commercial access to streams of public data from Tumblr, WordPress, StockTwits and Disqus.
