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NASA Ames Research Center
Home > Mission > Kepler Team

"... the ways by which men arrive at knowledge of the celestial things are hardly less wonderful than the nature of these things themselves"

— Johannes Kepler


Science Team:

NASA Ames Research Center:
Project Team at
Other Institutions and NASA Centers

Kepler Awards
A listing (with links) of Kepler Team recognition and awards.



Geographical Locations

Geographical Locations of Kepler Team Members  (GIF, 67 KB) (click for larger image)

Photos of Kepler Team after successful Dec 2011 Conference, Science Team meeting, then retreat to Mountain Winery for brief respite from incredibly hard work everyone's been doing.

Institutional Partners:

Ames Research Center logo       Ball Aerospace logo       Jet Propulsion Laboratory logo

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics logo    SETI Institute logo     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory logo     Space Telecope Science Institute logo     Lawrence Hall of Science logo