C.R.A.Z.Y. - Película Completa - Castellano - (2005)
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) - Movie Trailer
C.R.A.Z.Y (2005) - Symphathy For The Devil
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Full Movie
C.R.A.Z.Y. Soundtrack : Jean-Christian Arod - Detour Nostalgique
Crazy For Love (2005) - Official Trailer
C.R.A.Z.Y - Zac growing older
Crazy RC Movie " Battlefield 2005"
Crazy (2005)
Four Brothers (2/9) Movie CLIP - These White Cops Are Crazy (2005) HD
Love Is A Crazy Thing 2005 - Korean Adult Movie
C.R.A.Z.Y | Space Oddity Uncut
C R A Z Y Trailer (2005)
An epidemic has overtaken the Midwest, as a deadly virus has infected every natural water source. Quarantined by dams, locks, and levees - the cold of winter makes for hell on Earth. As snow falls, more and more become contaminated; turning into insane, bloodthirsty, and violent crazies. Unaware of the chaos, Clyde, an ex-con, is released from prison. Forced to face the brutality of a viscous world, he finds refuge with Lawrence, who leads him to a "safe" haven. However, things aren't that easy. With uncontaminated water sources running low, find out what lengths Clyde and fellow survivors will go through to survive.
Keywords: cold, independent-film, narrative, snow, violence, winter, zombies-movie
Water, Water Everywhere...
An epidemic has overtaken the Midwest, as a deadly virus has infected every natural water source. Quarantined by dams, locks, and levees - the cold of winter makes for hell on Earth. As snow falls, more and more become contaminated; turning into insane, bloodthirsty, and violent crazies. Unaware of the chaos, Clyde, an ex-con, is released from prison. Forced to face the brutality of a viscous world, he finds refuge with Lawrence, who leads him to a "safe" haven. However, things aren't that easy. With uncontaminated water sources running low, find out what lengths Clyde and fellow survivors will go through to survive.
Keywords: cold, independent-film, narrative, snow, violence, winter, zombies-movie
Water, Water Everywhere...
In high school, Schmidt ('Jonah Hill' (qv)) was a dork and Jenko ('Channing Tatum' (qv)) was the popular jock. After graduation, both of them joined the police force and ended up as partners riding bicycles in the city park. Since they are young and look like high school students, they are assigned to an undercover unit to infiltrate a drug ring that is supplying high school students synthetic drugs.
Keywords: 18-year-old, 555-phone-number, address-as-title, arrest, based-on-tv-series, biker-gang, burnt-body, cameo, car-chase, cell-phone
The only thing getting blown tonight is their cover.
They're too old for this shift.
They thought the streets were mean. Then they went back to high school.
Captain Dickson: You are here because you some Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus lookin' motherfuckers.
Schmidt: When did I get stabbed? That's awesome!
Schmidt: I think I shit my pants.
Tom Hanson: Tom Hanson, DEA!
[to a handcuffed Domingo]::Jenko: You have the right to... [forgets the Miranda rights]... suck my dick, motherfucker!
Schmidt: Hey Korean Jesus.
Jenko: [while passing different cliques] Those are jocks, those are nerds... [passes hipsters] I don't know what those are...::Schmidt: What the fuck are those things?
Jenko: Hey, you want me to beat your dick off?::Domingo: [Looks surprised] You want to beat my dick off?::Jenko: I'll beat your dick off with both hands, let's go!
Tom Hanson: [pointing gun at Schmidt and Jenko] Goddamn it! Tom Hanson, DEA! [pointing gun at Domingo] On your knees! Now!::Officer Doug Penhall: Fuck! Doug Penhall, DEA! You're under arrest!::Domingo: What the...::Officer Doug Penhall: Put your guns on the ground!::Schmidt: Yes! Yes!::Tom Hanson: Shut the fuck up! You dweebs just ruined a five year investigation!::Schmidt: We had no idea, you're like, an amazing actor, man.::Domingo: You played saxophone at my sister's wedding, man!::Tom Hanson: Tough titty, I fucked her too!::Domingo: What?::Tom Hanson: You little turds. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to infiltrate a gang like this? You see this nose? This is a fake nose. You want to wear a fake nose on your fucking head? For, like, months on end!::Schmidt: There are worse things in the world.::Tom Hanson: We had to get fucking tattoos on our dicks, man!::Officer Doug Penhall: Actually, I just said that to mess with you.::Tom Hanson: What?::Officer Doug Penhall: It looks tough.::Jenko: Hey, man, look we know what its like being undercover. Metro Police, Jump Street division.::Tom Hanson: You're with the Jump Street? That's funny, because we were actually Jump Street.::Jenko: What? That's crazy, man!::Tom Hanson: Yeah!
Tom Hanson: [in disguise, regarding Schmidt and Jenko] If they're cops, I'm DEA.
Set between the events of Christopher Nolan's "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight", two high schoolers attempt to be the first to capture video footage of Batman, and inadvertently encounter the masked vigilante who saves both their lives.
Keywords: batman-fan-film, batman-joker
The Legendary Native American Warriors, known as the code talkers were used in wartime NOT ONLY to scramble enemy communications, But also to run covert tactical missions. Though marines the early C/T's were allowed to keep their native traditions and long hair, In order to accommodate them to use their unique skills. There in lies... "The Legend" A synopsis for the multi award-winning screenplay A spiritual action/ adventure/Romance A nomad half-breed lone wolf (Italian/Indian, since He's not a full-blooded Native American, he is caught between two extreme cultures as he's forced to battle against prejudice from within his own tribe as well as from the outside world). At birth he was dedicated to the Great Spirit, which he's guided by in the form of a Hawk. Through visions and dreams, Johnny morphs into the hawk, in this vision/dream he's lead back to his homeland where he is unwelcome by many. Except for a few closes friends a Crissy Collins (a beautiful young animal shelter worker). Who Johnny saved from the hand of Kenny, son of Jack Kreager's the local land baron who has taken over sacred burial ground to dump nuclear waste. Johnny unites his people to take back their land.
Keywords: beyond, johnny-kakota, legend, martial-arts, native-american
The Legend is True... The Story is Legend!
Trapped Between two Worlds
The Notre Dame High School football coach, Les Modeau has his son Crazy on the team because he is a big over grown kid who is jokingly abused by most of the other kids. He is really a very smart, artistic, caring guy who falls for the star quarterbacks girlfriend, Esmeralda, a new girl in town from France.
Keywords: nun, priest
A story about football, love and letting your heart go into overtime.
Michael and Roslyn are high school sweethearts who are now married with children in their early 20's. Roslyn's friend, Joannie, convinces her to have an affair with bad boy Joey. Joey is a very bad boy.
Keywords: 1950s, adulterer, adulteress, adulterous-husband, adulterous-mother, adulterous-wife, adultery, cheat, cheater, cheating-husband
Young... Beautiful... Deadly.
"You have to live before you die........"
Michael: What are you doing?::Lorraine: I'm going to New York to open a whorehouse, Michael.::Michael: Look, Lorraine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said before.::Lorraine: I know you didn't, Michael. But I'm going to New York with Jack. It got too stuffy here.::Michael: I don't get it, Lorraine.::Lorraine: You really want to know?::Michael: Yeah.::Lorraine: You've got these rules, Michael... but whose rules are they? Whose dream are you buying into? You've been angry for so long you don't even know it. We're all scared... but somehow we don't believe that babies, TV sets, two-car garages and McCarthy are going to make us happy. You think Roslyn did something wrong. Maybe in your world she did, but in our world she's just fighting for some sort of freedom - freedom from slavery she can't even explain. Don't you see, Michael? Life is not wall-to-wall carpeting with half down and the rest of your life to pay. You and I had a good time, some tenderness... but you can't even enjoy it because somewhere in your mind it was dirty... un-American. Figure out what you want, Michael. I'm not sure time is on your side. At any rate... adios. I'll send you the bill.
Michael: What a bunch of saps we are.
Joannie: Listen, Roslyn, I've been thinking.::Roslyn: After what I just heard, you were not thinking.::Joannie: Come on, come on. This is serious. This is our lives, not some dress rehearsal. I'm tired of being some slave. I spent my whole life watching my mother cook and clean, never leave the house, never leave the valley. She died looking a hundred. She was only 45. She started out just like us - love in Hollywood High. Next thing you know, there's no money, no love, nothing. She raised all of us. So what? She broke her ass like a Mexican maid, and maybe every two weeks, she'd scrape together a few pennies for a hair set and wash, reading her Hollywood magazines for her high on Hollywood boulevard next to the studios. Big deal.::Roslyn: You're having an affair, aren't you?::Joannie: We have to live before we die. We're kids playing mothers to kids... and that includes our so-called husbands.
Michael: [after seeing her sniff a line of cocaine] What kind of dinner is that?::Lorraine: Expensive.
[Michael is watching TV when the phone rings]::Michael: Hello?::Joey: I'm gonna take her clothes off real slow... till she's begging for it. And then I'm only going to give it to her... when she admits that you're a piece of shit -::[Michael hangs the phone up]
Joey: Women are dumb. Dumber than corn.
Lorraine: So, how's it going over in Burbank with you guys?::Michael: Well, it got real exciting one night - Sullivan had Presley on. It could be worse... I guess.::Lorraine: Well, Michael, hardly any of my friends - probably none -were married at 18 and had a kid at 19. That's got to be hard.::Michael: You live with those sick beatniks in Venice. Most of my friends who grew up with me are married. That's how we all became men.::Lorraine: We're not sick. We're just horny.::Michael: Well, maybe I'll come and visit you one day... if you promise me that you won't play that record.::Lorraine: You don't like Chet Baker?::Michael: I don't understand it. It has no beat. I mean, how do you dance to it?::Lorraine: Try listening to the feelings, Michael.
Joannie: [to Roslyn] No nooky again, huh?
When It's Revenge... All Hell Breaks Loose!
C.R.A.Z.Y. - Película Completa - Castellano - (2005)
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) - Movie Trailer
C.R.A.Z.Y (2005) - Symphathy For The Devil
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Full Movie
C.R.A.Z.Y. Soundtrack : Jean-Christian Arod - Detour Nostalgique
Crazy For Love (2005) - Official Trailer
C.R.A.Z.Y - Zac growing older
Crazy RC Movie " Battlefield 2005"
Crazy (2005)
Four Brothers (2/9) Movie CLIP - These White Cops Are Crazy (2005) HD
Love Is A Crazy Thing 2005 - Korean Adult Movie
C.R.A.Z.Y | Space Oddity Uncut
C R A Z Y Trailer (2005)
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy (Movie Awards Star Wars Performance 2005) HD
- 1 - Crazy for Christmas (2005)
Top 10 Crazy & Romantic Movie Seduction Scenes!!
Crazy on the Outside
Some Kind of Crazy (2005)
Cute or Crazy 2005
Ghetto Fab Movie Night 2005 - Crazy House Girls
film dealova full movie (2005)
Crazy Frog - Axel F
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "Girlfriend Love!" Modded Survival #109 w/Lachlan
Minecraft: ROCKET LAUNCHER BAZOOKA MOD! Crazy Craft 2.0 Modded Survival w/Mitch! Ep. 20 (Crazy Mods)
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "Blood Magic Revisited!" Modded Survival #108 w/Lachlan
Minecraft Mods *Facecam* Crazy Craft 2.0 "Nyan Pig Launcher" Modded Survival #89 w/Lachlan
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "FLASH SUIT HYPE!." Modded Survival #68 w/Lachlan
Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 18 - How To Tame a Dragon (Minecraft Mod Survival)
Minecraft Mods - CRAZY CRAFT 2.0 - Ep # 150 'CHALLENGE ROOM!' (Superhero / Orespawn Mod)
The Sims 4 - My Crazy Friends [4]
Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 20 - Getting Stronger w/ Poppets (Minecraft Mod Survival)
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "Stereo Jam Session!" Modded Survival #76 w/Lachlan
Minecraft Crazy Craft 2.0 "Temple Of Atlantis" Ep. 46 w/JAYG3R
Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 26 - THE BATTLE WITH THE QUEEN (Minecraft Mod Survival)
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "BIG BERTHA!" Modded Survival #49 w/Lachlan
Minecraft: Crazy Craft Ep. 10 - GIRLFRIEND MOD MADNESS!
Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 19 - Vampire Poppet OP (Minecraft Mod Survival)
Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 17 - WITCHERY OP (Minecraft Mod Survival)
Minecraft Mods - CRAZY CRAFT 2.0 - Ep # 148 'LET'S PLAY A GAME!' (Superhero / Orespawn Mod)
Minecraft | Crazy Craft 2.0 - OreSpawn Modded Survival Ep 157 - "BIRTHDAY TROLLING SURPRISE"
Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 12 - MORE BLOOD MAGIC (Minecraft Mod Survival)
Minecraft Mods - CRAZY CRAFT 2.0 - Ep # 113 'DRAGON PIT!' (Superhero / Orespawn Mod)
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "The Heavily Guarded Tree!" Modded Survival #22 w/Lachlan
Minecraft : Crazy Craft - Ep 18 - Wither With An Afro!
Minecraft Mods Crazy Craft 2.0 "A Miner's Dream!" Modded Survival #18 w/Lachlan
crazy craft 4
#hashtag해시태그 2PM GO CRAZY!미친거 아니야 (woogm part)
Dirty dan and his crazy xbox adventure
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crazy kitty
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Crazy Taxi City Rush Hack Unlimited Money
Crazy and funny moments in tennis ever (All new Legend)
The crazy turtle man
Crazy for Carousels In Queens
Crazy jumperoo
Destiny: Crazy Enemy Spawn Trap - Farming / Looting - Amazing Location!
Friday Night PARTY! Learn all about that CrAZy Wrap Thing!
Crazy Days with lyrics
香港挡不住的风情 Don't Stop Crazy Love for You 1993000113246 013001893
Friday Night HANGOUT! Live on air....all about that CrAzY Wrap Thing!
Patsy Cline - Crazy - COVER by shortcake34
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Crazy Kitchen Level 18 (3 stars)
Minecraft Modded Sky Factory "CRAZY NETHER MOBS MOD" Lets Play #6
DreamFoam Bedding Ultimate Dreams 9-Inch Crazy EuroTop mattress Twin X-Long
Insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person becoming a danger to themselves or others, though not all such acts are considered insanity. In modern usage insanity is most commonly encountered as an informal unscientific term denoting mental instability, or in the narrow legal context of the insanity defense. In the medical profession the term is now avoided in favor of diagnoses of specific mental disorders; the presence of delusions or hallucinations is broadly referred to as psychosis. When discussing mental illness in general terms, "psychopathology" is considered a preferred descriptor.
In English, the word "sane" derives from the Latin adjective sanus meaning "healthy". The phrase "mens sana in corpore sano" is often translated to mean a "healthy mind in a healthy body". From this perspective, insanity can be considered as poor health of the mind, not necessarily of the brain as an organ (although that can affect mental health), but rather refers to defective function of mental processes such as reasoning. Another Latin phrase related to our current concept of sanity is "compos mentis" (lit. "of composed mind"), and a euphemistic term for insanity is "non compos mentis". In law, mens rea means having had criminal intent, or a guilty mind, when the act (actus reus) was committed.
Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I know, you´d love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you would leave me for somebody new.
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wondering, what in the world did I do?
Crazy, of thinking that my love could hold you
Oh, I'm crazy for tryin´ and crazy for cryin´
And I'm crazy for loving you.
--- Instrumental ---
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wondering, what in the world did I do?
Crazy, of thinking that my love could hold you
Oh I'm crazy for tryin´ and I'm crazy for cryin´
And I'm crazy for loving you...
I'm crazy
crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
crazy for feeling so blue
I know
you'd love me as long as you wanted
then someday
leave me for somebody new
why do I let myself worry
what in the world did I do
for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for crying
I'm crazy for trying
Crazy, I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feelin' so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin' what in the world did I do?
Oh crazy for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin' and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
Crazy for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin' and crazy for cryin'
I remember then
Back in december, it wuz winter
Like '89
Shit i must of been 7 goin on 8
And comin from da kitchen wuz a echo from all da base
And i aint talkin bout speakas umm mmm
I saw my daddy in there i would stare
But i wouldnt touch
But it wasnt because i didnt know enough
Shit..i jus knew too much
So i stop bein lazy, and i became creative
And i learned how to create it
And all dat pots for me!!!
So come see... or come eat
And i hope dat she is having da ride of her life
No red lights inside, jus a bare room wit green lights ummm mmm
Come on now
Who did you, where did you, why did you what did you think she was
Haahaaa thats ur hoe my guns of water help your garden grow...no
Yeah i know dat wuz crazy
But i think u are more crazy..yer
Than her
Cuz she is no daisy
Shit she jus pottery
Wit no seeds
So she cant eat
My heroes had da broads and da cars wit big ol' rims
And i could remember slangin, thinkin
I wanna be like them
Ever since i was little, ever since i was little
I lived life numb
It made so much since for me to run
When da 5-0 come
Cuz i aint dumb umm mmm
And dat shit i hated
Like early 90s late 80s
I wuz husltin as a baby
U can ask eagle street, about me
Ima g
Ever since i wuz little eva since i wuz little i tote my gun
Cuz it made no sense where i wuz from hmmm
To walk around wit none
Shit,nicca u would be crazy
Cuz niccas is crazy
And im a 80s baby
U should be proud of me
Cuz in dem streets
Im hot like da 80s
And my temperatures raisin
Im at 100 im blazin
Sumbody shower me
Please pret-ty please
You can call me wizzle or u can call me wayne
Man eitha one but its weezy baby for your slut
I told her weezy baby, i told her more than once
But she just say baby, she jus calls me baby
She jus screams out baby, when she's on top of me
And da sheets be stickin like pages
And da bed is so stanky
If she say dat is my baby, shit it is prossibly not for me
Its beutiful how you walki cant take no shame in lookn cause u be a hot mama cooknlet me just say u gots it goodu be stupid fly and wanted by da brothersin da hood
Give me just what you have
Give me just what you have to offer
I'm comin' on through
I'm tasting the blue
I'm tasting the green
I'm tasting ???
Standing on the ???, standing on the ???
Talk to the person ???
Lately, I can't sleep at night
I can't turn off my mind
You've got me goin' in circles
When you're not around me
I just keep thinking
What my life would be without you
Isn't it crazy
Like I'm on a string
Make me dance and sing
And when you feel like some lovin'
You turn on my music
You give me hope and then you're gone
I feel so helpless
Isn't it crazy
Totally crazy
You touch my hand
And make my temperature rise
You get me goin'
With that look in your eyes
Holding on,
I'm holding on
Your love keeps killing me I go willingly
And baby I love you
Like nobody loves you
I only wish that loving you was not so easy
Isn't it crazy
Totally crazy
You touch my hand
And make my temperature rise
You get me goin'
With that look in your eyes
Holding on,
I'm holding on
Your love is killing me
I go willingly crazy
Crazy over you
Look what love can do
Can make you act like a baby
Isn't it crazy
Why do I go on
It's out of control now
Roll me a cigarette dog!
They got me feelin crazier than a motha fucka.
I got bad ass in this motha fucka.
Puffin on lye.
Hopin that it gets me high.
(Makaveli the don, representin the outlaws.)
They got a nigga goin crazy.
(Bad ass representin the LBC)
(What cha wanna do. You know how we do.
Time goes by.
Puffin on lye.
Hopin that it gets me high.
They got a nigga goin Krazy.
I Feel krazy.
(Tell em bout it.)
Last year was hard.
But life goes on.
Hold my head against the wall.
Learn the right from wrong.
They say my ghetto intrumental,
Dextrimental to kids.
As if they can't see the misery in which they live.
Lately, for the outcome, damn I'm reckless.
Check it. You don't have to bump this but please respect it.
I took a minus and now the hard times are behind us.
Turned into a plus, now they stuck livin blinded.
Hennessy got me feelin bad. Time to stop drinkin.
Rollin in my drop top Jag.
What's that cops thinkin?
Sittin in my car watch the stars and smoke.
I came along way but still I got so far to go.
Dear mama, don't worry. I'm a watch for snakes.
They'll set you that a lover. But it's hard today.
I got the letter that she sent me and I cryed for weeks.
This one came out when I tryed to speak.
All I heard was:
Chorus repeats
I see blodds and crips runnin up the hill.
Lookin for a better way.
My brothas and sistas it's time to bail
Cuz even thug niggas pray.
Hopin God hear me.
I entered the game. Look how much I change.
I'm no longer innocent. Casualties of fame.
Made alot of money, seen alot of places.
And I swear I seen a peaceful smile on my mama's face
When I gave her the keys to her own house.
This your land. Your only son done became a man.
Watchin time fly. I love my people do or die.
But I wonder why we scared to let each other fly.
June 1-6 7-1
The day mama pushed me out her womb, told me "nigga get paid."
No one can understand me. The black sheep. Outcasted from my family.
Now packin heat. I run the streets. A young runnaway.
Live for the day when ya die I could hear ya say.
Chorus repeats.
God help me out here, cuz I'm posessed.
I need the root of all evil for my stress.
Cuz now it's like a stong prescription drug.
It's got me addicted to the pleasure and the pain it's inflicted.
Something about the paper wit the pictures of the presidents head.
Damn it's like a motha fuckin plague. It spreads.
It's epidemic. Forgotten, forgotten it got worse.
I keep my head on straight, makin money cuz it's cursed.
Makin money makes a difference day by day
So I gotta stay paid, no doubt. Day in and day out.
This life is like a vicious cycle called fightin to live.
No matter how hard you try, it's in death.
You gotta die.
Bottom line: peers didn't make it to the years to come.
Dear life doin right or dear life leavin dumb.
Who has the answers? I wonder. I turn to my elders,
They aged and experienced, but they can't even tell ya.
Or tell me there'll be light at the end of the road
Cuz they don't even know.
A million thangs run through my mind.
You ain't gotta be in jail or be doin time.
Chorus repeats
Feelin fucked up in this bitch.
Smoke half a ounce to the head.
Drop the top. Indo. Hawaiin. Lansbread. Buddha. All that shit.
I'm fucked up in this motha fucka.
And Hennessy don't help. And Hennessy don't help.
Thug passion in this motha fucka.
Makaveli the don puttin it down to the fullest.
Maximum overload. 3 day theory.
Killuminati to your body with the impact of a 12 gauge shoty.
Doublized slugs. No love. Straight thugs.
One time for my niggas in the jail cell.
(One time for my niggas locked up.)
One time for m
"Black folks can't never have no fun!"
These streets beeeee walkin down the avenue
(Crazy!) From Hollywood to South Central!
These streets beeeee.. crazy!
Long Beach to Comptoooon!
Always up to no good! Craaaaaaaa
(Crazy!) Crazy..
Always up to no good!
Bad ass to Santa Anna, crazy
Have a look outside and take a stroll with me
California lifestyle, you wanna roll with me?
I can take you in and out and where it's gonna be
Now as crazy as it is, you know this home for me
I wouldn't never leave it, you know that's wrong of me
I'ma stay down, you see me on them corners G
At your local liquor store, gettin some optimums
And if I'm out of bounds then I gotta cock the fo'
Keep it on the low on the W-W-W-West coast
Sign some autographs and then I do get ghost
A-humph.. yeah, I love my folks
But half of y'all fools is cutthroats
On the real no.. the streets'll have you
Guide you, lead you, mislead you, it's fragile
Yeah, see you gradually grow
and when you walkin on my side I think you all need to know...
On the 110 Freeway flo', back to the block
In the seven deuce Coupe, hoppin hippin the hop
Sippin on some Henn with my nephew Infrared
Young pimp on the grind tryna line up some head
Had fun, did, done, on the West we run
Don't matter where you from, if you old or young
Seesaw we raw like ooohhh-la-la
Fuck the law we don't get caught we just do-da-da
Yeah nigga we shakin the cops
You niggaz out there just be makin it hot
But don't trip if you fakin a lot
I'll break you, shake you, and take yo' spot
Because if you think that you gon' slip through California
without gettin banged on.. brother you're wrong
(Always up to no good!) I really love my dog, grew up together and all but he
(Always up to no good!) Hell yeah I love New York
that's why I married the broad but she
(Always up to no good!) We can't hang 'em up 'cause I'm a balla y'all and he
(Always up to no good!) Let me tell you about these streeeets
(Willie Nelson)
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new.
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin', what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
You're funny and you don't know why
You're funny and you can't even cry
You're funny and you don't know why
You're funny and you don't even try
Cause your head's shaking cause your arms are shaking
And your feet are shaking cause the earth is shaking
You're hungry and you don't know why
You're hungry and you can't even cry
You're hungry and you don't know why
You're hungry and you don't even cry
You take a walk and you try to understand
Nothing can hurt you
Unless you want it to
There are no answers
Many reasons to be strong
You take a walk you take a walk
You take a walk and you try to understand
You're in love and you don't know why
You're in love and you can't even cry
You're in love and you don't know why
(I don't know why, what I'm doing what I'm doing)
See, baby I, apologize
For all the things that I've done that I've done
See I've known that I've been a fool for far too long
And baby you have it, I go around to wait, just come back to papa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me then why are you leavin me
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you babyyyyyyyy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (crazy baby)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby (I don't know what to do)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately (crazy, crazy, crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) when I can touch you
Crazy, crazy (I'm going crazy) when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, (I'm going crazy) when I can see you again
(Said I'm going crazy)
(Said I'm going crazy)
I've finally realized, that you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think, and you're all seem to keep thinking,
To keep thinkin of, yeahhh
And now I know I need you each and every day
I can't live without you, so don't run away
Baby you say that you love me, so why'd u leave me, why (why, why, why, why)
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you baby (I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (just to think)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby
(I'm goin crazy, I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) but I can't touch you (I'm going crazy)
Crazy, crazy (crazy, crazy), when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, when I can see again (if I can see you, if I can see you if I can see you, if I can see you)
If I can see you, if I can see you again
Then I would go, if I could see you again
I'd go craeeae
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling blue
I know you'd love me as long as you wanted
Then someday leave me for somebody new
Worry, why should I let myself worry?
Wondering, what in the world did I do?
I'm crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for crying and crazy for trying
And I'm crazy for loving you
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wondering, what in the world did I do?
I'm crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
Baby, I’m so into you
You’ve got that something, what can I do
Baby, you spin me around, oh
The earth is movin, but I can’t feel the ground
Everytime you look at me
My heart is jumpin, it’s easy to see
Loving you means so much more
More than anything I ever felt before
You drive me crazy
I just can’t sleep
I’m so excited, I’m in too deep
Crazy, but it feels alright
Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night
Tell me, you’re so into me
That I’m the only one you will see
Tell me I’m not in the blue, oh
That I’m not wastin
My feelins on you
Loving you means so much more
More than anything I ever felt before
You drive me crazy
I just can’t sleep
I’m so excited, I’m in too deep
Crazy, but it feels alright
Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night
Crazy, I just can’t sleep
I’m so excited, I’m in too deep
Crazy, but it feels alright
Every day and every night
You drive me crazy
I just can’t sleep
I’m so excited, I’m in too deep
Crazy, but it feels alright
Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night
You drive me crazy
I just can’t sleep
I’m so excited, I’m in too deep
Crazy, but it feels alright
Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night
Baby thinkin of you keeps me up all night
And Ne-yo is like young Michael, I'm Quincy hoe
Now hear the flow that broke the Da Vinci code
I'm psycho
Everything i wrote go
Together so nice
Like a wedding make you wanna throw rice
I'm schitzo
Koo-koo clock don't tick so
Write sometimes til the chicks noodles
I got screws loose
I pull words out the air like bluetooth
I'm a sandwich short of a picnic
Ignorant thoughts come across you've sworn that i written this
But i didn't so maybe
It's good to be crazy
Isn't it baby
I wrote your name on my wall
3000 times last night
You were on my mind
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you
Then one by one i went down the line
Just repeating it
Cause it makes me smile
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you
Some say that it's
Just strange
To act that way
But they don't understand
No they don't get it
You're so magnetic
Though it's pathetic
To them I simply turn and say
Just call me crazy
Insane, deranged
It don't matter to me
Call it what you want to
I don't care
And it doesn't make a difference
Long as she's there
Just call me crazy
Lovin' you is crazy
Crazy is what I'll be
Ooooh crazy, ooooh crazy, ooooh
Just call me crazy
Lately it seems
Like every song I write is about you
Oooh, I love your style
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
And it just don't make no sense
How my swagger is crooked
If you ain't by my side
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
[repeat CHORUS]
I talk to your picture
Oooh, write your name in the mirror
Right after I love you down
I need you so much
Can't get enough
[repeat CHORUS]
not sayin'
not charmed at all
not sayin'
that you weren't worth
the fall
and i was alone when
i knew it was real
down the canyon
when i knew i had come
to the line
through the dawn
to the light
to the turn
when you said
you could drive
all night
drive all night
so i let crazy
take a spin
then i let crazy
settle in
kicked off my shoes
shut reason out
he said "first let's just
unzip your religion
found that i
i craved at all
saw me melt
into your
native shelter
where you carved my
paper tigers scare
and came
through the dawn
to the light
to the turn
when you said
you could drive all night
all night
drive all night
so i let crazy
take a spin
then i let crazy
settle in
kicked off my shoes
shut reason out
he said "first let's just
unzip your religion
so i let crazy
pull me in
then i let crazy
take his spin
kicked off my shoes
shut reason out
he said "first let's just unzip
your religion down"
heard that you were once
"temptation's girl"
and as soon
as you have
rearranged the mess
in your head
he will show up looking
perfectly sane
Girl, there are no words to say
What I feel in my heart
You, you're on my mind, night and day
And it hurts me when we're apart
When you're not here by my side
There is nothing in this world for me
I guess I'm crazy
Crazy for you, can't you see
And although you may think, it's crazy
Here it's where I want to be, I will always need your love
Well now, I can see every dream
When I look in your eyes
And though, things never are what they seem
There is one thing that I realize
That there's no doubt in my mind
We can make this love go on forever
I guess I'm crazy
Crazy for you, can't you see
Although you may think it's crazy
Here it's where I'll always be and I need you with me
'Cos you are the dream that finally came true in me
In all my life there'll be no one else
If I looked all my life there could be no one else
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new.
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin', what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
Crazy as I may
Make my way through this world
It's for no one but me to share
What direction I turn in
'Cause I am the captain of this ship
Eyes, eyelids, and kissing lips
The same as it was and should be when you will
You give
Roll me back again
You give
Roll me away
You give
Roll the homes back again
You give
The same respect for them that turn and change
And don't you see the strange way
That the girl dances away a day
Even ridiculed display
Won't stop her feet from moving
Because I am the captain of this ship
Eyes, eyelids, and kissing lips
Just the same as it was away (?)
Maybe it's strange
I live a lie
I'm going back again
Oh, turn back
The lights from yourself
And turn the spotlight down
Or turn it on yourself
Because you are the captain of this ship
Eyes, eyelids, and kissing lips
Just the same as for all
I reign and waiting to be
Why should I be hypnotized
By someone else's lie?
Why should I
Oh, take time and pride in
What someone else believes?
Oh, tell me go on
Won't you roll on then maybe you
You give
Roll the backside on the wind
You give
Roll me away
You give
More than ever seen before
You give
Say, It may be all I can
Same as it was
And made me believe my head, my whole
Come 'ere baby
You know you drive me up the wall
The way you make good for all the nasty tricks you pull
Seems like we're makin' up more than we're makin' love
And it always seems you've got something on your mind
Other than me
Girl, you gotta change your crazy ways - you hear me
Say you're leavin' on the seven thirty train
And that you're heading out to Hollywood
Girl, you've been givin' me that line so many times
It kinda gets that feelin' bad looks good, yeah
That kinda lovin' turns a man to a slave
That kinda lovin' sends a man right to his grave
I go crazy, crazy, baby, I go crazy
You turn it on - then you're gone
Yeah you drive me crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby
What can I do, honey
I feel like the color blue
You're packin' up your stuff
And and talkin' like it's tough
And tryin' to tell me
That it's time to go, yeah!
But I know you ain't wearin' nothin' underneath that
Overcoat and that it's all a show, yeah!
That kinda lovin' makes me wanna pull down the shade, yeah
That kinda lovin' yeah, now I'm never, never, never, never gonna
be the same
I'm losing my mind
Girl, 'cause I'm goin' crazy...
I need your love, honey, yeah
I need your love
Crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby
I'm losin' my mind,
Girl cause I'm going crazy
Crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby
You turn it on - then you're gone
Yeah, you drive me...
Oooooooooooooo... Oooooooooooooo...
Where that bar at ..Tell me where that
Bout to buy the whole club where my credit card at
Money flying in the air,
look at what I started
asses clapping up in here,
damn its like an audience
and she bringing all her friends,
I'll be yo seesaw
She bout to act an ass..heehaw
Got a stupid monkey fatter than King Kong,
It's like a pistol on you,
take it all off
Ha, you gone need an ambulance,
After you get done with this hammer in my pants,
Make it stand up,
watch it dance,
all mouth, no hands.
I tried to tell you niggers,
I'm the greatest!
You bitch made hater
Shoes crocodile
fuck gators!
Ain't no need to talk
nigger pay us!
I'm about to go, go! go! (loco)
Go, go
my nigga just (crazy)
Go, go! I'm about to go loco!
Go, go!
that nigga just (crazy)
Look oh damn my liver
damn I got the shivers,
my family got that bomb weed..but all i need is liquor
And then she got that butt, thicker than a snicker
And shawty got that fye, so i pop her like a blister (eww)
I know you think I'm losing it but why you speed ballin
Nigger I am cruisin bitch, nigga we ballin
And when I go to sleep, my tattoos come to life,
Hoes in your head, out of mind, out of site
Thats why they call me breezy
baby, cold as ice
Boy don't make me paint a portrait, rearrange your life
all my kicks fly, they power ranger nikes
I'm the shit,
Nigger aint gotta say it twice
Tony the tiger, call meTony!
Cause everything is great, was she twerkin on me!
Boy I ain't no kin ta ya
I am from Virginia, A F O nigger let go,
Man they can't get rid of us?
I tried to tell you niggers,
I'm the greatest!
You bitch made hater
Shoes crocodile
fuck gators!
Ain't no need to talk
nigger pay us!
I'm about to go, go! go! (loco)
Go, go
my nigga just (crazy)
Go, go! I'm about to go loco!
Go, go!
Crazy crazy for feeling so lonely I'm crazy crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then some day you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry why do I let myself worry wondering what in the world did I do
I'm crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying crazy for crying and I'm crazy for loving you
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying crazy for crying and I'm crazy for loving you
Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then some day you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wondering, what in the world did I do to you
Crazy, for thinking my love could hold you
Crazy for trying, crazy for crying and I'm crazy for loving you
I climb the walls of my mind just like I'm climbing on a jungle gym
I am more than content with the
state of mind I am in
'cause I am crazy just like you
I am crazy just like you.
I don't think I need a rubber room,
but hey, that might be nice
I'm not a manic depressive paranoid or schizophrenic
so I don't need your advice.
I am crazy just like you
I am crazy just like you.
The lights are on but nobody's home
my elevator doesn't go to the top
I'm not playing with a full deck
I've lost my marbles
The lights are on but nobody's home
my elevator doesn't go to the top
I'm not playing with a full deck
I've lost my marbles.
I'm a few bricks short of a load,
but a full load always hurt my back.
I flew over the cuckoo's nest and
I'm never ever coming back because
I am crazy just like you
I am crazy just like you.
I'm crazy, so crazy
I'm crazy about you
I'm crazy so crazy, about you
(Crazy 'bout you baby)
What kind of love is this
That keeps me hypnotized - cant' get you off
My mind
Don't ever let it end - let it go on and on and on
Cause you know it turns me on
Whisper in my ear, just what I want to hear
Cause no one can love me like you do
Ohh that's why I am
I'd like to take this time
To tell you how I feel - to let you know the deal
So baby, let's make plans
I want you to be my only girl
Cause you know I'll be your man
[Chevy Woods]10-4 am I coming through clear
Just give me bout a month or two and I'll be right here
Tryna avoid police in riot gear
Heavyweight cash and you just a light year
I got a buzz and thats with no buzz yeah
Couldn't even walk in these shoes right here
And you acting like you don't see all this
Like ooh shit, look at the stones
They flawless, and the bitch that I'm with she gorgeous
I see you giant money, mines enormous
Don't even trip when I'm out I'll be very gone
My pockets fat like the head on Barry Bonds
You sit and chill, stack it up for a rainy day
A n-gga like me gotta pay to play
When I was gettin' it minor, they aint have shit to say
Now they scream cause I get it in a major way
[Hook]I see 'em hatin' cause my paper right, right
I tell 'em hold on
She see all this and wanna stay the night, night
Had nothing like this in so long
She say she wanna ride with a G
So hop up in my passenger girl, we could be gone, gone
Don't ask yourself
Cause you not
[Chevy Woods - Verse 2]You know I got Taylor stripes like Adidas
So these girls go wild like Mardi Gras
On my pimp shit so my pink show when I'm sippin' slow
High chance that them people coming so I'm gettin' low
They all thought they gettin' dough
Who cookin' the pot?
Sweet, potato on the tray, are you living to die?
On some OG Bobby Johnson South Central shit
Nigga, tell me who you really f-cking with
It's the bread man, cash top dead man
From the city where you need a bullet proof headband
Go go gadget the money stretching long
Cash in plastic cause I get it long
What you flip, thats diamonds zig zag money
And what I get,c an't fit it in the bag dummy
Don't ask yourself
Cause you not
[Hook]I see 'em hatin' cause my paper right, right
I tell 'em hold on
She see all this and wanna stay the night, night
Had nothing like this in so long
She say she wanna ride with a G
So hop up in my passenger girl, we could be gone, gone
Don't ask yourself
Cause you not
[Wiz Khalifa - verse 3]Uhh, EZ Wider twisting
Easy Prada slip in's
Niggas tell me I look like Eazy prol cause it's easy for 'em
I'm bobbin' weavin' on 'em, Ali and Foreman
All of my n-ggas ballin' got TGOD across em
Money countin', countin' my dollars
Got no creases on 'em
My weed is awesome, paid the cost now they callin' me the bossman
"You should be more like Khalifa"
Thats what they boss sayin'
But they aint outta style, these niggas all ?
All playin', thrity thousand feet up, rollin' weed up
Try and kill a track I told Jerm's we cut the beat up
These niggas aint heard the best of me
Say she a fan her nigga think she want me sexually
Hoe, get your man
I'm out here gettin it, spendin' it
Spittin' the illest shit you ever heard in your life
Thinkin' to yourself Chevy be killin' shit
Nigga I murder it twice
My money is right
And when my Champagne come, they serving on ice
This the life
Crazy...I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely
I'm crazy...crazy for feelin' so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday, you'd leave me for somebody new.
Worry...why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin'...what in the world did I do?
I'm crazy...for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
I'm crazy...for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
by Carole King
Y' get up every morning see the same old face
Y'get in your car and drive it down to the same old place
Well do you ever wonder what it's all about
Something they call freedom of choice
That yu should not live without
Me, I'm feelin' lazy
And it's me that' on the line
I may be crazy
But I've been crazy for a long time
You take your action in weekends at a time
But you can make all week your own
If you set your mind
You see secy¡urity in the chrome American dream
But I don't believe in livin' in the middle
With available extremes
Now there's many people see the truth in what I'm sayin'
But it's hard to make up your mind with a programmed brain
You who know better, but you're just gonna wait and see
Why don't you do it now, you may never get another opportunity
In a church by the face
He talks about the people going under
Only child knows...
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door,
While those around him criticize and sleep...
And through a fractal on a breaking wall,
I see you my friend and touch your face again,
Miracles will happen as we dream
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little...
Crazy yellow people walking through my head.
One of them's got a gun, shoot the other one.
And yet together they were friends at school
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, no no no!
If I were there when we first took the pill,
Then maybe, then maybe, then maybe, then maybe...
Miracles will happen as we speak.
No no, we'll never survive, unless we get a little...bit...
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly.
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly.
Isn't that crazy?
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly.
Isn't that crazy? crazy crazy...crazy...
You look at me and dream that you want me
Ohh, love is a lie, it claims to be lonely
No, you never gonna see
No, I'm never gonna be what you want me
No, I'm never gonna feel
All you ever gonna be is insane if you want me
You gotta be crazy to say you love me
I don't wanna know, no, no
I don't wanna, I never letting you say
Say you love me
The heart is wicked wild
Ohh, you can't hold me
Ohh, lie to yourself
And you think that you want me
No, you're never gonna see
No, I'm never gonna be, what you want me
No I'm never gonna feel
All you're ever gonna be is insane if you love me
No, I don't wanna know, no, no
Never ever let is show, no, no
You gotta be crazy to say you love me
No I don't wanna know, no, no
I don't wanna, I never letting you say
Say you love me
No I don't wanna know, no, no
Never ever let is show, no, no
Ohh yeah, ooh
Not what you want, never gonna be
I'm never gonna see, I'm not, oh, what you want
No, I'm never gonna be
No, you're never gonna see
I'm never gonna be what you want me
You gotta be crazy to say you love me
No, I don't wanna know, no, no
I don't wanna, I'm never letting you say, say you love me
No, don't ever tell me, don't ever tell me know, no, no why
I say no, why?
The day, the night, to me are just the same
I see your face, it burns me like a flame
And there's something i've got to say
Yes it's making me feel this way
Don't you know that i'm going crazy -
Over you
One look, a smile, is all you've got to do
I see your face in everything i do
And there's something i've got to say
Yes it's making me feel this way
Don't you know that i'm going crazy -
I remember when, I remember
I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space
And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are
Having the time of your life
But think twice
That's my only advice
Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart
To lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember
Is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little
Ever since I was little
It looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
Ya ready?
Here We go!
Life is just a party so come as you are
Dress it up or dress it down
Don't forget your guitar (yeah)
Just be courageous
This style's contagious
Everyone can rock out like a superstar
Get up and dance
Take a swing, do your thing
If we're taking a chance
Yea just kick up your heels
Don't miss out
Time to shout
Always keeping it real
Our songs,
Our style,
Our hair,
Our smile,
Our laughs,
Our heart,
Our grace,
Our smarts
You see me on a cover of a magazine
Remember,things are always different from the way that it seems
Here's an invitation,to every nation
Meet me on the dance floor
And we'll make the scene
Get up and dance
Take a swing, do your thing
If we're taking a chance
Yea just kick up your heels
Don't miss out!
Time to shout!
Always keeping it real
la (10x) ohhhh
Our songs,
Our style,
Our hair,
Our smile,
Our laughs,
Our heart,
Our grace,
Our smarts
Get up and dance
Take a swing, do your thing
If we're taking a chance
(crazy) Turn the music up loud
Now's the time to unwind
Lose yourself in the crowd
Yeah the funs just begun
Come on dance everyone
Here's an invitation, to every nation
Oh,oh yeah,
Oh,oh yeah
Take a swing, do your thing
If we're taking a chance
Yea just kick up your heels
Don't miss out
Time to shout
Always keeping it real
Say why am I so crazy
I'm sorry
I can't stop me from growing
They ask me
Why am I crazy
And I tell them
I can't stop me from growing
Why am I so,so,so crazy
I think that I'm just an artist
Being crazy is a lonely road
But I've got only one life to live
That's my life-that's your life
Yeah singing through
And nobody will stop me from growing
Crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew, you'd love me as long as you wanted,
And then someday, you'd leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry?
What in the world did I do?
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying
Crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
Why do I let myself worry?
What in the world did I do?
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying
Crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
You broke my heart
When you walked away
You tell me you made a mistake
So you're back to bother me
You think that you're just what I need
Well baby let me tell you that you're wrong
Baby don't you treat me this way
I'm sick and tired of you
And everything that you say
And everything you do
Get out of my face
Because you're crazy
I need a lover who treats me right
Not one who's cold as ice
Had your chance, but now it's gone
Baby it's time to move on
You think that I still want you but you're wrong
(chorus x 2)
Don't come back I don't wannasee you
Don't come back cause I don't need you
Must be mad to think I believe you now
Don't come back cause I don't need you
Don't come back I don't wanna see you now
(chorus x 2)
Get off my backÃÂ
get off my backÃÂ
get off my backÃÂ
(x 2)
I don't mind if you tell me
That you're never coming back no more
Don't mind if you say
A dozen women got babies
And they're all yours
Don't mind if you tell me
That you got to work late tonight
No matter what you're saying
As long as you say it while
You hold me in your arms
Squeeze me nice and tight
Let's get down to business
I hear you speak
But my lips still seek your kisses
I know I'm crazy
There's women who want you for your money
Well, they get what they deserve
May you never reach rock bottom, babe
But I'd be there with some extra fine clothes
So you can take me on the town
Flaunt our love around, dancing rude
We're gonna leave
'Cos the steam will start a hissin'
Drive me crazy
Let me hold you in my arms
Hug your breath away
Let's get down to business
My younger days
Must have lacked some supervision
You lead me astray
Me, myself and I want you
I know you're a lover, who can't be true
I'm lucky that I got you
To show me love and affection tonight
Let's get down to business
I hear you speak
But my lips still seek your kisses
I know I'm crazy
Hold me in your arms
Squeeze me nice and tight
Let's get down to business
I hear you speak
But my lips still seek your kisses
I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew
You'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
You'd leave me for somebody new
Why did I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
Oh!I'm crazy
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for cryin'
I'm crazy for tryin'
And I'm crazy
For lovin' you
Oh! Crazy
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for cryin'
I'm crazy for tryin'
And I'm crazy
Why I would I spend my life longing for the day that it would end..
Why would I spend my time pointing to another man..
Isn't that crazy
How can I find hope in dying, with promises unseen..
How can I learn your way is better
In everything I'm taught to be..
Isn't that crazy
I have not been called to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God who's calling out to me..
And even though the world may think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity
And if I boast let me boast
Of filthy rags made clean
And if I glory let me glory
In my Savior's suffering
Isn't that crazy
And as I live this daily life
I trust you for everything
And I will only take a step
When I feel You leading me
Isn't that crazy
I have not been called to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God who is calling out to me..
And even though the world my think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity
Call me crazy
You can call me crazy
Call me crazy
I have not been called to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God who is calling out to me..
And even though the world may think that
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy, It would be crazy, It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity
Isn't That crazy..
Call me crazy
You can call me crazy
I'm crazy 'bout you, baby, my, my, my
Your love just drives me crazy, heaven knows why
So let me love you while the moon's still high
Guarantee, you we'll have a good time
Making love under the stars
I feel the earth move when I'm in your arms
Got the River Nile in my veins
And when you're with me, darling
I could be the white rabbit falling into space
Look at him go
I?m crazy 'bout you baby, my, my, my
Your love just drives me cuckoo, heaven knows why
So let me love you while the moon's still high
Let yourself go and have a good time
Making love under the stars
I see the lights dance when we're holding hands
It's like magic being with you
And when I'm dogged out
I still dream about all the simple things that you do
All the little things
I?m crazy 'bout you baby, my, my, my
Your love just drives me crazy, heaven knows why
So let me love you while the moon's still high
Let yourself go and have a good time
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry
Wonderin' what in the world did I do
Crazy for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for loving you
Worry, why do I let myself worry
Wonderin' what in the world did I do
Crazy for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin' and crazy for cryin'
You've got your home of the brave
And I've got my land of the free
You conform to what society says
And I conform to me
Looking for light in the corners
Getting caught in the spider web
You look at me as if I'm giving a performance
When I'm just feeding my head
And you know that I'm doing all right
And I won't explain myself to you just to avoid a fight
How I'm living ain't correct
But for me it's just right
I'm not completely insane
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame, got no shame 'bout my game
Don't want nobody to save me
I've got a pair of ruby slippers
That I don't wear much anymore
And if I had the nerve, I'd click my heels and return
To the wonderland I knew before
I'm waiting on a slow boat to China
Want to sail away to the sun
I've been searching for myself
And I know I'm gonna find her if I break away from everyone
So the way that I act may not fit in
Just because I've got a mind of my own
Doesn't mean it's a sin
I don't ask you to give up, don't expect me to give in
I'm not completely insane
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame, got no shame 'bout my game
Don't want nobody to save me
And I say it again
I'm just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame, got no shame 'bout my game
Don't want nobody to save me
Some like to live for the moment
Taking life into their own hands every day
And if they don't get killed, they get so high off the thrill
They could float to heaven anyway
And others want to save for tomorrow
Thinking money is security
Well, I understand the need but I don't get the greed
And they all seem pretty crazy to me
You can tell by the expression I wear
Though I seem a little strange to you, I don't really care
I got the freedom to be
And there are others like me everywhere
I'm not completely insane
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame, got no shame 'bout my game
Don't want nobody to save me
I say it again, I'm just a little bit crazy
There's no one to blame, got no shame 'bout my game
Don't want nobody to save me, nobody to save me
(I don't know why, what I'm doing what I'm doing)
See, baby I, apologize
For all the things that I've done that I've done
See I've known that I've been a fool for far too long
And baby you have it, I go around to wait, just come back to papa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me then why are you leavin me
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you babyyyyyyyy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (crazy baby)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby (I don't know what to do)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately (crazy, crazy, crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) when I can touch you
Crazy, crazy (I'm going crazy) when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, (I'm going crazy) when I can see you again
(Said I'm going crazy)
(Said I'm going crazy)
I've finally realized, that you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think, and you're all seem to keep thinking,
To keep thinkin of, yeahhh
And now I know I need you each and every day
I can't live without you, so don't run away
Baby you say that you love me, so why'd u leave me, why (why, why, why, why)
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you baby (I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (just to think)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby
(I'm goin crazy, I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) but I can't touch you (I'm going crazy)
Crazy, crazy (crazy, crazy), when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, when I can see again (if I can see you, if I can see you if I can see you, if I can see you)
If I can see you, if I can see you again
Then I would go, if I could see you again
I'd go craeeae
Do one to others before they get a chance to do onto you
Worldwide genocide violence side with this news
Misguided muscle of the military
Chaos catastrophe keeping the peace
There's a missile out there and it's pointed at me
Everybody count down 6, 5, 4, 3
Is everybody crazy or is it just me
Is everybody crazy or is it just me
I love you that's what she said
But I need you like a hole in the head
Ride all night for a night that I'll never forget
Sexual sedative comes so cheap
Best cut it off or you'll get it too deep
From every looks of the bed please remember to sleep
The girl that you want is the girl you can't keep
Is everybody crazy or is it just me
Is everybody crazy or is it just
But you can't complain it won't go away
Everybody wants someone else to take the blame
And this relation's no excuse if you want to know the truth
If you want to know the truth
She said tough luck get used to it
The only time you'd like me to get
Poverty payday think that I'm deeper than that
Between predators, creditors, and the police
Marriage miscarriage its presidents priest
What's wrong with them what the matter with me
Just bedbug crazy like a dogs got fleas
Everybody's crazy or is it just me
Everybody's crazy or is it just
Well just look around it's easy to see
(I don't know why, what I'm doing what I'm doing)
See, baby I, apologize
For all the things that I've done that I've done
See I've known that I've been a fool for far too long
And baby you have it, I go around to wait, just come back to papa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me then why are you leavin me
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you babyyyyyyyy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (crazy baby)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby (I don't know what to do)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately (crazy, crazy, crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) when I can touch you
Crazy, crazy (I'm going crazy) when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, (I'm going crazy) when I can see you again
(Said I'm going crazy)
(Said I'm going crazy)
I've finally realized, that you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think, and you're all seem to keep thinking,
To keep thinkin of, yeahhh
And now I know I need you each and every day
I can't live without you, so don't run away
Baby you say that you love me, so why'd u leave me, why (why, why, why, why)
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you baby (I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (just to think)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby
(I'm goin crazy, I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) but I can't touch you (I'm going crazy)
Crazy, crazy (crazy, crazy), when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, when I can see again (if I can see you, if I can see you if I can see you, if I can see you)
If I can see you, if I can see you again
Then I would go, if I could see you again
People like to shake you up
and put you down
Run you all around
Drive you crazy
Like to steal the rose right out of your bed
Get inside your head
Drive you crazy
Never really knew what love could be, yeh
Never really thought about you and me, yeh
I wanna go crazy
You know I'm gunna go crazy
I really wanna go crazy
Feel like I'm gunna go crazy
Everybody tell you how you ought to be
What they think they see
They can't teach you, no
Big world on your shoulders
It don't mean a thing
If that song they sing
It don't reach you
(Hey) Never really knew what love could be, yeh
Only want to think about you and me, yeh
Crazy, Crazy
Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I know you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday, you would leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wondering, what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
Oh, I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
Worry, why do I let myself worry
Wondering, what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
Oh, I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
It would be good
If we could get out tonight
It would be great if we could make
Something happen
We could run a race
Or stand our ground
We could find a place to hang around
But no one's mad enough no
No one's bad enough no
No one's crazy anymore
It would be wild
If we could find a lonely car
It would seem strange
If we could change the regular
We could drive all night
On full headlights
Its time to make a difference
(I know he's bad right now im feelin like I need him in my life)
I dont wanna leave him
(Cause he's my best friend and me without him I can't see us breaking up)
People said it wouldn't work
I'd end up getting hurt
But what do they know
Because he's my man
I dont care what people say
Cause this feels good to me
And I don't want him to leave
Its crazy
Tell me howcome
Something I really want
Is something I love so
Is bad for me
I can't explain it
Its just like a bad habit
I can't shake it
So crazy crazy crazy
I can't believe it
How I need him
He makes a difference
Y'all i'm trippin
Its crazy
Dont know which way to go
Can't let him go
Even though
I know
He ain't the one for me
Stay in some drama
Cant take him home to momma
Ima be honest
He a cold playa
Flirts with every girl that he meets
How he do that to me
How he make it not better
So charmin and clever
He can get whatever
He ask me for what i'm talking about'
Something I cant do without
I can't find the strength to leave
Cause it feel good to me,
And I don't want him to leave
Its crazy
Tell me howcome
Something I really want
Is something I love so
Is bad for me
I can't explain it, yeah
Its just like a bad habit
I can't shake it
So crazy crazy crazy (yeah)
I can't believe it
How I need him
He makes a difference
Y'all i'm trippin
Its crazy
I dont know which way to go
Can't let him go
Even though
I know
He aint the one for me
Tonight if this ain't smart
Cause he'll probrobly break my heart
But he's the best thing in a while thats ever happen to me
I dont care what all the other people say
Don't want him to go away
Im hoping that he stays right here with me
Its so crazy
Wooo ohh...
Its crazy
Tell me howcome (howcome)
Something I really want (I really want)
Is something I love so
Is bad for me (bad for me, ey)
I can't explain it (explain it)
Its just like a bad habit (a bad habit)
I can't shake it
So crazy crazy crazy (yeah)
I can't believe it
How I need him
He makes a difference (he makes a difference)
Y'all im trippin (i'm trippin)
Its crazy
Dont know which way to go (woo ooh)
Can't let him go
Even though
I know
He ain't the one for me
Its crazy
Tell me howcome
Something I really want
Is something I love so (so)
Is bad for me
I can't explain it
Its just like a bad habit
I can't shake it
So crazy crazy crazy
I can't believe it
How i need him
He makes a difference
Y'all i'm trippin
Its crazy
Dont know which way to go (baby cant decide)
Can't let him go
Even though
I know
In a church by the face
He talks about the people going under
Only child know
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for
Is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep
And through a fractal on that breaking wall
I see you my friend and touch your face again
Miracles will happen as we trip
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Cray cray crazy
Crazy are the people walking through my head
One of thems got a gun to shoot the other one
And yet together they were friends at school
Get it, get it, get it, yeah!
If all were there when we first took the pill
Then maybe then maybe then maybe then maybe
Miracles will happen as we speak
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
No no we'll never survive unless we get a little bit
A man decides to go along after seventy years
Oh darlin
In a sky full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a world full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly
Ain't that crazy
Oh babe Oh darlin'
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little crazy
No no never survive unless we get a little bit
And then you see things
The size of which you've never known before
They'll break it
Only child know
Them things
The size
Of which you've never known before
Tell me what’s wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Young girls dying to be on TV
Won’t stop till they’ve reached their dreams
Diet pills, surgery
Photo shop pictures in magazines
Telling them how they should be
It doesn’t make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy
Is anybody gonna save me
Can anybody tell me what’s going on
Tell me what’s going on
If you open your eyes
You’ll see that something is wrong
I guess things aren’t how they used to be
There’s no more normal families
Parents act like enemies
Making kids feel like it’s World War 3
No one cares, no one’s there
I guess we’re all just too damn busy
And money’s our first priority
It doesn’t make sense to me
Is everybody going crazy
Is anybody gonna save me
Can anybody tell me what’s going on
Tell me what’s going on
If you open your eyes
You’ll see that something is wrong
Is everybody going crazy
Is everybody going crazy
Tell me what’s wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUV’s
When kids are starving in the streets
No one cares
No one likes to share
I guess life's unfair
Is everybody going crazy?
Is anybody gonna save me?
Can anybody tell me what's going on
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
You'll see that something
something is wrong
Is everybody going Crazy?
Can anybody tell me what's going on
Tell me what's going on
If you open your eyes
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep...
criticize and sleep
And through a fractal on a breaking wall
I see you my friend, and touch your face again
Miracles will happen as we trip, happen as we speak, will happen as we speak
But we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless
We are a little...
Crazy German people walking through my head
One of them's got a beer, he's yellin' in my ear
David Pollack finally lost his mind
that was five years ago
at an SO show
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy.
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
No no, never survive, unless we get a little... bit...
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy?
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly
Ain't that crazy?
Oh babe... Oh darlin...
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy?
Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy...
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy.
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Life is such a funny thing
You never know what it'll bring
You know I'm just takin' it day by day
For you it comes so easily
For me it's just a fantasy
'Cause nothin', nothin' ever comes my way I see you there,
I watch you fly If I could be you I would touch the sky
But here I am, and there you are
Don't you know it's driving me
So crazy
I think I'm going crazy,
Can't take it anymore
Got one thing on my mind all the time
And it's driving me crazy, I think i'm going crazy
And I don't know what I'm doing I just can't take your grace in my face
'Cause it's driving me crazy
You do just what you wanna do
Everybody wants to be with you
It's something that I just don't understand
I don't believe you know what you got
And that's what puts me over the top I'm running
I'm running just as fast as I can I see you there,
I watch you fly If I could be you I would touch the sky
But here I am, and there you are
Don't you know it's driving me
I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
You'd leave me for someday new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
Crazy for thinkin'that my love could I hold you
I'm crazy for tryin'
I'm crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to ya, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
Yall know wut it is when I step in da house,
So stop sittin bak trynna figure me out,
I know it dont sound right,
And I'm only 14 in ur life, 30 years old,
cuz you only wearin gold, So you badder than me,
cuz my first joint went triple P, and no matter wut I do,
when I step in the 2, the girls dey love me,
only reason that I'm winnin this, cuz I'm a gimmic,
i know dats wut ur sayin, but I came to ur show,
wuz nobody in it, and you still think ur da man,
wut wuz dat, no promo, no radio, I kno you got
summtin to say,
its not your fault, cause you hot, but nobody else seem
to feel dat way,
see its like dis, when you rap people just clap, when I rap
dey shed tears, they no dat So So C dont flow crazy
like Britney Spears, it is,
Ask yo momma, Ask ur brotha, Ask somebodys dad,
I'm colla poppin gansta I'm super bad
mane I'm Crazy
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
My apearance is headcok, throwbak, air force, no sox,
braided up, T- Shirt, jeans, jordans, and a barba watch,
lock man, every color bands, I mean I switch
everytime da wind blow,
when I aint puttin it down, playin around, you can
catch me in dat tecno,
its mandatory dat I roc 2 chains, big only way
i do thangs,
kid wit so much game, bad stay outta my range,
cuz I can make a mountain move, if I wanted too,
but I really wanna move u, only roc it if its new,
only top it if its true, so stop ur nonsense,
healthy bag, colored ful rags, jipos wit a whole
lot of sag,
dad in da range, mom in da jag, and I keep on all da tags,
as yo momma, ask ur brotha , ask sumbodys dad,
I'm colla poppin gansta I'm super bad,
u kno I'm Crazy
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
Girls luv me
Bounce come on , bounce come on,
bounce come on, put yo hands wear my eyes can see,
bounce come on, bounce come on, bounce come on,
put yo hands wear my eyes can see
No otha women can be compared to Brat,
all of a sudden, sum of them wanna be thugin,
but they wouldnt, before I popped out da oven
so then I show them I dont sit at da bottom
of da charts,
timbalands, and a halter top, wut I roc
is comfortable, whether dey feminine or not, to u,
dont worry bout wut lil popsy do, cuz imma keep
on gettin my freak on, with heeps on, put da heat on,
and breathe on him, you dont wanna see T-I-C's on me,
for V-I-P's only, get into my ear and tell me wut u
want me to be,
cuz I can play out any scene, any episode, you can
think of,
i can swing, it dont mean a thing, cuz I got dat bling,
got me a fresh out stylist, house on da hill,
22 inch wheels, take trips to maui, to closed deals,
I'm so real, notice a cop dat pop a female,
I'm so ill, showed you been hea 8 years,
told you I can neva be deal to deal, please believe it,
I aint neva been beat, cuz I'm just dat Crazy
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
da girls da girls dey love me
I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,
so many steps, I hit to yall, cuz I'm before my time,
I'm crazy, how I do it, when I do it, I can stu it dats why
I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling blue
I know you
Loved me as long as you wanted
Then some day
Left me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry, baby
Wonderin' what in the world do I do
I'm crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for cryin', crazy for tryin'
and I'm crazy for loving you
Worry, why do I let myself worry, baby
Wonderin' what in the world do I do
I'm crazy
for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for cryin', I'm crazy for tryin'
Here's a little song to make you feel good
Put a little light in your day
These are crazy times
And it's all bee getting pretty serious
Here's a little song to make you feel right
Send the blues away
Well it's a crazy game
Tell me who's to blame, I'm kinda curious
Right if you win, wrong if you lose
Nobody listens when you're singing the blues
Well something's the matter
But nothing gets done
Oh everyone's waiting for a place in the sun
Well something's wrong now
Can something be wrong with me
Oh brother, why's it got to be so crazy
Gimme little left, gimme little right
Gimme little black, gimme little white
Gimme little peace, gimme little hope
Gimme little light
'Cause you know it seems
That the situation's getting serious
Right if you win, wrong if you lose
Nobody listens when you're singing the blues
Well something's the matter
But nothing gets done
Oh everyone's waiting for a place in the sun
Well something's wrong now
Can something be wrong with me
Oh brother, why's it got to be so crazy
Oh something is wrong with me
DO IT! Fuck, what the fuck huh?
DO IT! Yeah, yeah...
C'mon! Mo motherfuckin P
[Lil' Fame:]
Don't let me tell you where I'm from (CROOK-NAM) we cain't stop here
We go to any other hood and set up shop there
Get guap' there, try that in (BROOK-NAM) and get rocked there
If you lookin for brotherly love, it's not here
Shit's not fair, them young gun boys from (BROOK-NAM) run up
Inside of number spots here, we got it locked here, we kill cops here
I'm one of those niggaz you witness livin the music
It only takes me one point two seconds to lose it
My shit bang inside of gamblin spots where niggaz throw dice
It motivate 'em for the whole night, niggaz be so hype
Niggaz already know what my flow like
My shit inspire riots with the po-lice, imagine what my show like!
It's M.O.P. fo' life
You never heard a nigga that spit it like Lil' Fame in your whole life
I do it for the hood, I'm never loungin where the faggots at
I'm one of them savage cats, these motherfuckers is CRAZY
[Chorus: x2]
C'MON! ["Damn shit's changed since back in the day"]
These motherfuckers is crazy ["WORRRRD UP"]
C'MON! Crazy (SING IT!)
These motherfuckers is CRAZY
I get it poppin like poppin a Oxycontin
In the Rotten Apple in Times Square at 12 o'clock
On New Year's, the crew's here, M.O.P. (nigga)
And S.T. (nigga) 1-2-3 (get 'em)
I got the KRS flow, mixed with Esco'
Pull a fresco, meet the 38 special
Turn dizzy, Lil' Fizzy and Bill with me
I'm still 50 levels ahead of these cats really
Billy Danze, CHECK, Lil' Fame, CHECK
Nine milli' fo'-fizzy big glizzy, CHECK
Get the fuck back pah, we them trap stars
Turned into rap stars, whippin the fast cars
Spittin them crack bars, grippin them black arms
Givin them bad scars we really is that hard
It ain't a facade, it's God in the MC
You wear me on your neck, and let your shit bleed
Religious people tat Term on they arm
Call me Allah, my story is the holy Qu'ran
I'm the God, I spit the sun moon and the stars
Say what you want, I'm a young Rakim with the bars
So, go ahead and think I'm too nice to do it
And say grace 'fore you bite the bullet (these motherfuckers is CRAZY)
[Billy Danze:]
Stand down 'fore I put your man down, homey Danze down like Nino
Stuck in the time, still doin crime like it's legal
Molestin the grind, just check how I climb over beats
I'm a beast, I especially shine for the streets
So I'm inclined on the yellow lines, y'all think it's deep
But to me, it's where I meet the homies all week
If you get with 'em you stick with 'em, you ain't gotta creep
And if you creep, it's awkward cause homey never sleep
I made it clear that's how you rock shit, y'all remember me
Switched lanes, I ain't never changed, forever (M.O.P.)
Yeah with uncontrollable wits, CEO in this bitch
And crocodiles and gators, you haters havin a fit
I'm levitatin and flowin, in my own zone
Drownin bottles of 'gnac, bringin it back home
You better know how to react, or get your shit blown
S-T dot Marx, nigga we get it on (these motherfuckers is CRAZY)
From The Album: Man of Colours
IceHouse, 1987
I've got a pocket
full of holes
head in the clouds
the king of fools
you've got a ribbon of rainbows
the sun in your eyes
burning through
could be I'm happy and sad
could be I'm losing my head
over you
well, you've gotta be crazy, baby
to want a guy like me
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
So if I'm dreaming
don't wake me tonight
if this is all wrong
I don't want it right
'cause you're the one sure thing
when I get lost in the game
once again
hey, I'm a lucky guy
without a reason and I
don't understand
well, you've gotta be crazy, baby
to want a guy like me
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
Well, there must be some kind of mistake
to give your heart away
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
I've got a pocket
full of holes
head in the clouds
the king of fools
you've got a ribbon of rainbows
the sun in your eyes
burning through
could be I'm happy and sad
could be I'm losing my head
over you
well, you've gotta be crazy, baby
to want a guy like me
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
Well, there must be some kind of mistake
to give your heart away
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
well, you've gotta be crazy, baby
to want a guy like me
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
Well, there must be some kind of mistake
to give your heart away
yeah, you've gotta be out of your mind
well you've gotta be crazy baby
to want a guy like me
Saw you early this morning
Sleeping all dressed in white
For a moment I thought you were an angel
Come to take me home alive
You woke up and you caught me staring
You smiled and said "Fool, cut it out"
You said that I must be crazy
I said crazy about you, and I kissed you on the mouth
And if I am truly crazy, don't you know I like my life that way
If I'm really, going all out of my mind,
Won't you hop on board, and make your getaway
Took a walk down by the seashore
Saw a beggar picking up some cans
Saw a little boy who had some salt in his eye
Reaching out for his momma's hand
Then I watched a stranger give that man a dollar
Watched the momma wipe the tears from the little boy's eyes
Then I stared up into the heavens
Said "Oh my God I'm glad that I'm alive
So Glad that I'm alive!"
And if I am truly crazy
Don't you know I like my life that way
(that way)
If I'm really, going all out of my mind,
Won't you hop on board, and make your getaway
Wake up in the morning to turn all the lights on
Turn 'em out at night so we can hide
Sometimes I sleep with all the lights on
It helps me to appreciate the night
Hear people talk about life all the time
How they remember a time so sad
Don't you think that life would be awfully boring
If the good times were all that we had
And if I am truly crazy, don't you know I like my life that way
If I'm really, going all out of my mind,
Won't you hop on board, and make your getaway
And if I am truly crazy, don't you know I like my life that way
(that way)
If I'm really going all out of my mind
Would you hop on board and make your getaway?
And Ne-yo is like young Michael, I'm Quincy hoe
Now hear the flow that broke the Da Vinci code
I'm psycho
Everything i wrote go
Together so nice
Like a wedding make you wanna throw rice
I'm schitzo
Koo-koo clock don't tick so
Write sometimes til the chicks noodles
I got screws loose
I pull words out the air like bluetooth
I'm a sandwich short of a picnic
Ignorant thoughts come across you've sworn that i written this
But i didn't so maybe
It's good to be crazy
Isn't it baby
I wrote your name on my wall
3000 times last night
You were on my mind
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you
Then one by one i went down the line
Just repeating it
Cause it makes me smile
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you
Some say that it's
Just strange
To act that way
But they don't understand
No they don't get it
You're so magnetic
Though it's pathetic
To them I simply turn and say
Just call me crazy
Insane, deranged
It don't matter to me
Call it what you want to
I don't care
And it doesn't make a difference
Long as she's there
Just call me crazy
Lovin' you is crazy
Crazy is what I'll be
Ooooh crazy, ooooh crazy, ooooh
Just call me crazy
Lately it seems
Like every song I write is about you
Oooh, I love your style
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
And it just don't make no sense
How my swagger is crooked
If you ain't by my side
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
That's what you do to me
That's what you do
I talk to your picture
Oooh, write your name in the mirror
Right after I love you down
I need you so much
I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew
You'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
You´d leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying
I'm crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
For thinkin´ that my love could hold you
I´m crazy for trying
I´m crazy for crying
I'm crazy for feelin so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feelin so blue
I knew
You'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
You'd leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
For thinkin that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin
And crazy for cryin
And I crazy for lovin you
Here they com with their make-up on
as lovely as the clouds, come and see them,
Boys and girls and their mums and their words
and their romances and jobs and their sons,
Barking mad kids, lonely dads
who drug it up to give it some meaning,
From the raves to the council estates
they're reminding us there's things to be done.
But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,
you and me, so lazy...
Here they come gone 7am
getting satellite and Sky getting cable,
Bills and Bens and their mums and their friends,
who just really really want to be loved
Uncle Teds and their legendary vests,
helping out around the disabled
From the flats and the maisonettes
they're reminding us there's things to be done
But you and me, all we want to be is lazy,
you and me, so lazy...
Whoa, crazy, got myself a job
Oh, crazy, one more bank to rob
I was lazy, had no fun in a while
Now, crazy, I got a reason to smile
When icy rain is falling
Then I can hear you call
Oh, this popstand, got no ocean view
Still I'm happy, something feel so new
Drop the problem, unless it's something you need
Oh, crazy, plant a different seed
I love the clothes you're wearing
But won't you let them fall
Take a minute, take an hour or two
Oh, crazy, I got nothing to do
Crazy moonbeams cover up the sky
Oh, crazy, you're the light in my eye
And after one has fallen
I remember when
I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions had echo
In so much space
And when you're out there, without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough, yeah
Just knew too much, oh
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me, crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Probably, yeah
And I hope that you are having
The time of your life
Well think twice
That's my only advice
Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you
Who do you think you are?
Oh, bless your soul
Mhm, really think you're in control? Oh
Well I think you're crazy
I think you're, crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
Why I would I spend my life longing for the day that it would end..
Why would I spend my time pointing to another man..
Isn’t that crazy
How can I find hope in dying, with promises unseen..
How can I learn your way is better
In everything I’m taught to be..
Isn’t that crazy
I have not been called to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God who's calling out to me..
And even though the world may think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity
And if I boast let me boast
Of filthy rags made clean
And if I glory let me glory
In my Savior's suffering
Isn’t that crazy
And as I live this daily life
I trust you for everything
And I will only take a step
When I feel You leading me
Isn’t that crazy
I have not been called to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God who is calling out to me..
And even though the world my think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity
Call me crazy
You can call me crazy
Call me crazy
I have not been called to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God who is calling out to me..
And even though the world may think that
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy, It would be crazy, It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity
Isn’t That crazy..
Call me crazy
You can call me crazy
Call me crazy
I remember when,
I remember, I remember
When I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant
about that place.
Even your emotions have an echo
In so much space
And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch.
But it wasn't because
I didn't knew enough.
I just knew too much.
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are having
the time of your life.
But think twice,
that's my only advice.
Come on now, who do you,
who do you, who do you,
who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha bless your soul.
You really think you're in control?
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me.
My heroes had the heart to lives out on a limb.
And all I remember,
I want to be like them
Ever since I was little,
ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done.
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wond'ring what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
[Ltd. Edition Bonus Track]
What they say
They say I'm crazy when it comes to you
(No matter what they say)
(No words I know can keep me away from your love)
(They say I'm crazy)
This is why
They see me walking down this lonely avenue
They see me talking when I'm the only one in view
(They say I'm crazy)
Well I'm not crazy
(Maybe a little crazy)
When it comes to you
I hear them whisper
Certainly, she's lost her mind
And draw conclusions on any reasons they can find
They say I'm crazy
Well I'm not crazy
(Maybe a little crazy)
When it comes to you
(They say I'm crazy)
Well I'm not crazy
(Maybe a little crazy)
When it comes to you, you
(When it comes to you)
All others just a waste of time
(When it comes to you)
There is nothing more on my mind
(When it comes to you)
I'm just in love
(I'm just in love)
And a little (crazy)
When it comes to you
Yes I'm just crazy
When it comes to you
They've come to notice
That it's a smile I always wear
And those who notice
That when I'm down it's still there
(They say I'm crazy)
Oh, but I'm not crazy
(Maybe a little crazy)
When it comes to you
(When it comes to you)
All others just a waste of time
(When it comes to you)
There's nothing more on my mind
(When it comes to you)
I'm just in love
(I'm just in love)
And a little crazy when it comes to you
(When it comes to you)
All of my problems seem to fade
(When it comes to you)
All of those nights turn to day
(When it comes to you)
I'm just in love
(I'm just in love)
And a little crazy when it comes to you
Yes I'm a little crazy, hey
When it comes to you, you, yeah
(No matter what they say)
(No words I know can keep me away from your love)
They say I'm crazy when it comes to you
(Say I'm crazy)
But I'm not crazy
(Maybe a little crazy)
When it comes to you
(Say I'm crazy)
Well I'm not crazy
(Maybe a little crazy)
Hey, when it comes to you
(Crazy) when it comes to you
The crazy things I heard you say
I'm mad about you all the same
I never really saw the crime
Yet went ahead and served my time
I never met someone like you before
But sometimes that is not enough
Cuz I can't help just feeling
I must be crazy for leaving you
Must be crazy for feeling blue
But my heart lately has been untrue
I must be crazy, crazy for leaving you
I will regret this chosen mind
I never wanna see you cry
I care about you endlessly
You deserve a deeper love than me
I don't know if I'll make it on my own
But I tried so hard to let it go
And I can't hide this feeling
I must be crazy for leaving you
Must be crazy for feeling blue
But my heart lately has been untrue
I must be crazy (crazy), crazy, (crazy) crazy for leaving you
And I know that I will miss you like a fool
But there's something is in my life
And I can't hide this feeling
I must be crazy for leaving you
Must be crazy for feeling blue
But my heart lately has been untrue
I must be crazy, crazy, crazy for leaving you
Whatcha gonna do baby?
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do baby?
Whatcha gonna do?
I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby.
So tell me what you gonna do baby baby baby.
I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby.
So tell me what you gonna do baby baby baby.
I know that you want me.
You know that you need me.
So why you wanna play these games with me?
It's not just a lie.
I see it in your eyes.
So whatcha wanna do, gonna do baby.
I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby.
So tell me what you gonna do baby baby baby.
I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby.
So tell me what you gonna do baby baby baby.
What you gonna do.
Whatcha gonna do baby?I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby.
So tell me what you gonna do baby baby baby (baby)
Whatcha gonna do baby (tell me what you're gonna do)
I'm not gonna lie.
I feel somethin' inside.
When you're next to me, baby.
It feels real good.
Just like I knew it would.
So whatcha gonna do
It's all on you.
I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby. (You know you want me baby) So tell me what you gonna do,(tell me what you gonna do)
Baby baby baby.
I know you want me baby
Like I want you baby. (baby)
So tell me what you gonna do (what you're gonna do) baby baby baby
If you want my love let me know. (Let me know)
If you need me boy let it show. (mmm)
Cuz when it comes to my love
(I gotta know)
Whatcha gonna do
I know you want me baby
Like I want you baby. (know you want me baby)
So tell me what you gonna do (tell me what you're gonna do)
Baby baby baby.
I know you want me baby.
Like I want you baby. (right here for you.)
So tell me what you gonna do (tell me what you're gonna do)
[Big Sean Chorus]
Man I should've known, should've known, should've known
Should've known, should've known
Should've known that she was crazy than a muthaf-cker
(Crazy, crazy, crazy)
She was crazy than a muthaf-cker
Man I should've known, should've known, should've known
Should've known, should've known
Should've known that she was crazy than a muthaf-cker
(Crazy, crazy, crazy)
She was crazy than a muthaf-cker
[Big Sean - Verse 1]
And God damn you all crazy ass
Wanna smash my Mercedes ass
Pokin' holes off in the condoms tryna have a baby ass
All up in Saks 5th when you deserve Macy's ass
Talkin' bout sh-t, yea n-gga, better pay me ass
Bitch all up in my house and I aint tryna room mate her
She in and out my drawers like its, like it's Room Raiders
She crazy and deranged, when she in the Range
Skip the jewelry store and grab rocks
Like she Tomb Raider (raider, raider)
But before you hit that Alter
And the preacher start pronouncin'
Gave her half your heart but she got half of your amount
Of whatever's in your account
So take that into account
And you best get to countin'
Before you gets to bouncin'
Man I should've known, should've known, should've known
Should've known, should've known
Should've known that she was crazy than a muthaf-cker
(Crazy, crazy, crazy)
She was crazy than a muthaf-cker
Man I should've known, should've known, should've known
Should've known, should've known
Should've known that she was crazy than a muthaf-cker
(Crazy, crazy, crazy)
She was crazy than a muthaf-cker
[Big Sean - Verse 2]
Crazy, man I must be crazy too
Cuz crazy as she is I could'nt leave her if ya paid me to
I swear I goes to work on that p-ssy like she paid me to
D-d-dick her up and now she walkin' like she 82
(I like the you you do it)
She get it from her mama
Headaches every night a n-gga get it from the drama
Man if she don't make that money, she gon' take that money
Not from you, yeah she get it from your Honor
Believe that, f-ck you get my password?
Readin' through my emails and you aint even ask first
I know I should leave her
For damn sure don't, don't need her
Everytime I try and hit the door I always hit that ass first
Man I should've known, should've known, should've known
Should've known, should've known
Should've known that she was crazy than a muthaf-cker
(Crazy, crazy, crazy)
She was crazy than a muthaf-cker
Man I should've known, should've known, should've known
Should've known, should've known
Should've known that she was crazy than a muthaf-cker
(Crazy, crazy, crazy)
I’m sitting here, all alone and used
I waiting for the telephone confused
Sometimes you call, sometimes you don’t
I never, I never know what to do oo
I try and try to convince you
But the more and more I miss you
It’s apparent to me
That I’ll always be
Crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
I try to sleep but I’m up all night
I try to leave but I hate goodbye
The worst of it is
The worst of it is
I’m crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
How could it be that I’ve been so blind?
How could it be? I couldn’t see the signs
The worst of it is
The worst of it is
I’m crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
Uuu uuu u u u
Uuu uuu u u u (For loving you)
Uuu uuu u u u
Uuu uuu u u u
You can change, change your mind so quickly
Kick me out on the street then miss me
Hold me back into your arms so sweetly
Is this what I deserve?
I try and try to convince you
But the more and more I miss you
It’s apparent to me
That I’ll always be
Crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
I try to sleep but I’m up all night
I try to leave but I hate goodbye
The worst of it is
The worst of it is
I’m crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
How could it be that I’ve been so blind?
How could it be? I couldn’t see the signs
The worst of it is
The worst of it is
I’m crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
Uuu uuu u u u
Uuu uuu u u u (For loving you)
Uuu uuu u u u
Uuu uuu u u u
Whatever you do, whatever you do, don’t hang up that phone
I gotta say a few things to make your world come down
You led me on, you led me on, you made me feel so incomplete
But now you got me crazy
I try to sleep but I’m up all night
I try to leave but I hate goodbye
The worst of it is
The worst of it is
I’m crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
How could it be that I’ve been so blind?
How could it be? I didn’t see the signs
The worst of it is
The worst of it is
I’m crazy crazy crazy
For loving you
Uuu uuu u u u
Uuu uuu u u u (For loving you)
Uuu uuu u u u
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep
Criticize and sleep
And through a fractal on a breaking wall
I see you my friend, and touch your face again
Miracles will happen as we trip
Happen as we speak, will happen as we speak
But we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy...crazy...crazy...
Crazy German people walking through my head
One of them's got a beer
He's yelling in my ear
David Pollack finally lost his mind
That was 5 years a go, at an S.O. show
But we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy.
No we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy?
In a handful of people, only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy?
But we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless
We get a little...
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
It's foul in the street, criminal in the street
Little child running wild, struck down in the street
I'm strapped for the brawl, story of the hood
It was written, you can read it in the graph on the walls
Long as cash is involved, they blast for the cause
And you better break bread or you asking for war
Trying to come out the hood, pray for him
'Cuz he would put the gun down if he somehow could
Baby being born, teenage mother
Fly baby boy found laying in the dumpster?
She couldn't bare the load, she begged for forgiveness
Because it's just tears of soul
And the world so cold, world so bold
Gotta make it so my boy and baby girl, grow old
Hold my head 'cuz I could be the nigga in the news
Stressed 'cuz I need these figures for this food
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
I want a better life for my children, I'm building
I'm voting for Barack, I just hope they don't kill him
I'm bugging off the government, they bugging off the fact
That the next Pres. gonna be a woman or a black
I'm sure what's in store, ain't cater to the poor
And I bet many more won't make it through the storm
But I take it will be strong, we face harder hard ships
Labeled me, low class, treat it like I'm garbage
Still I stand tall, rising like a phoenix from the ash
My life tryin' ta see it if I can
'Cuz to me it's all I have, no, I wouldn't trade it
I just meet you on the other side, homey, if I make it
That's why I'm bigger on the grind
I'm so close to the edge, 'cuz I live on the line
And mankind's heading for the worse
We gonna end the world if God don't get to us first
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
My man just lost his job
And he was down three, so, now he forced to rob
He was good till he caught the charge
Trying to live that American dream, a three car garage
Man, it's hard and it's ways to go
You can't run from it, 'cuz there's no place to go
And there's no face you know
And there's no cake to blow
And there's no space to grow
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
But you can't quite turn away
I know it's crazy, I know it's crazy
Yo, everywhere I go, you screamin' R J
I don't know if they talkin' bout Ray J or me
Darkchild, F J, [Incomprehensible], Ray J
[Incomprehensible], you heard that? Let's go, come on
Baby, you don't know about me
'Cause if you did you wouldn't be
Acting, like you are too good for me
When everybody knows my name
An everybody's callin' you, crazy
Stop and think where you need to be
Girl, why do you say you don't want me?
When you know you do, you frontin'
When you know you wanna make your move
Stop playin' and do, baby, anything you want with me
It's crazy, 'cause everywhere I go
They're screaming Ray J
Baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, every shorty wants to be my baby
And baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
If I change my mind about you
Guaranteed there's one thing that I won't do
That's give a second chance to you
So if you're really checkin' for me
The time is now for you and I
To be together doin' things my way
Girl, why do you say that you don't want me?
When you know you do, you frontin'
When you know you wanna make your move
Stop playin' and do, anything that you want to me, baby
It's crazy, 'cause everywhere I go
They're screaming Ray J
Baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, every shorty wants to be my baby
Baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
Girl, if you could have this chance
You should come and take my hand
And stop the games, 'cause I know the right things to do
Show you how our love could be
If you just believe in me
You'll see that I'm the one for you
It's crazy, 'cause everywhere I go
They're screaming Ray J
And baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, every shorty wants to be my baby
Baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, 'cause everywhere I go
They're screaming Ray J
And baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, every shorty wants to be my baby
And baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
If you feel me and you're thinkin' that I'm hot, say hot
And if you really diggin' what I'm doin, ' don't say stop
Stop tryin' to make me feel that we can reach the top
Baby, you're gon' let me know if we can make it hot
If you feel me and you're thinkin' that I'm hot, say hot
And if you really diggin' what I'm doin', don't say stop
Stop tryin' to make me feel that we can reach the top
Baby, you're gon' let me know if we can make it hot
It's crazy, 'cause everywhere I go
They're screaming Ray J
Baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, every shorty wants to be my baby
And baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, 'cause everywhere I go
They're screaming Ray J
Baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
You never wanna leave
It's crazy, every shorty wants to be my baby
And baby, just in case you didn't know
You know that once you been with me
Crazy... I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely
I'm crazy... crazy for feelin' so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday, you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry... why do I let myself worry ?
Wonderin'...what in the world did I do ?
Oh, crazy... for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin'you
Crazy... for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', and crazy for cryin'
- Dulli -
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
To some old boy who lived uptown
Who could afford it
So what's gonna happen to you now?
Therapy... The pharmacy
That's what you'd like to believe
But it ain't easy
When yer goin' crazy
Over the rainbow
"I think your story's jive," she said
There ain't nuthin' wrong with me
If I use it to get me some sympathy
Some ecstasy
A memory... I wanna remember me
Crazy about ya
Crazy without ya
Hello you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, dashboard drummers
Hello you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom
There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
I stood at the bottom of some walls I thought I couldn't climb
I felt like Cinderella at the ball just running out of time
So I know how it feels to be afraid
Think that it's all gonna slip away
Hold on, hold on
Here's to you free souls, you firefly chasers
Street climbers, porch swingers, air guitar players
Here's to you fearless dancers, shaking walls in your bedrooms
There's a lot of wonder left inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Never let a bad day be enough
To go and talk you in to giving up
Sometimes everybody feels like you
Oh, feels like you, just like you
I've met some go-getters
Some difference makers
Small town heroes and, big chance takers
I've met some young hearts with something to prove
Oh, yeah
Here's to you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, and dashboard drummers
Here's to you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom
There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
I drive in the rain,
With the window open.
But it's not the same.
When everything has changed.
But while your still near,
I'll try anything.
And I'll say all the things that you said you wanted to hear...
But the words inside my head,
Are better left unsaid,
To lie like the ghosts beneath my bed...
Don't you know that I go crazy!
But I've got nothing left to give.
Though I'll miss you for a while.
Don't you know that I go crazy!
But you're on your own tonight.
Though you know I'll miss your smile...
You can't take back,
Half of what you give.
And you won't remember,
Half the life you've lived.
But while you're still here,
I'll do anything,
And I'll say all the things you said you needed to hear...
Don't you know that I go crazy!
But I've got nothing left to give.
Though I'll miss you for a while.
Don't you know that I go crazy!
But you're on your own tonight.
Though you know I'll miss your smile...
The words inside my head,
Are better than the words I've said.
As always...
Don't you know that I go crazy!
But I've got nothing left to give.
Though I'll miss you for a while.
Don't you know that I go crazy!
But you're on your own tonight.
Though you know I'll miss your smile...
Don't you know that I go crazy!...
Words and music by Roddy Frame
When day has lost its dark
When shadows cease to fall
I wish and wonder
You walk into the room
The air is turning blue
I'm turning to you
And all my time
Is open wide
And you, you say you'll do one thing
And then you do two things
Smile and the birds sing and everything
And you, you're painting the sky blue
Growing the grass green
Sending the sea crazy
You sway and my head swims
You swam onto my shore
Closed your fingers
Smiled and blew
And shone your heart
And my heart flew
And fell for eyes that shone
They close and I'm all gone
And you've left here
I'm burning blue
For someone who
Flew too near
Closed your fingers
Smiled and blew
And shone your heart
And my heart flew
You say you'll do one thing
And then you do two things
Smile and the birds sing
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my
There was something so pleasant about that face
Even your emotions had an echo
And so much space
And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who
do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a
And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it
looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
(I don't know why, what I'm doing what I'm doing)
See, baby I, apologize
For all the things that I've done that I've done
See I've known that I've been a fool for far too long
And baby you have it, I go around to wait, just come back to papa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me then why are you leavin me
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you babyyyyyyyy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just thinkin about you lately (crazy baby)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just thinkin about you baby (I don't know what to do)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately (crazy, crazy, crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) when I can't touch you
Crazy, crazy (I'm going crazy) when I can't hold you
Crazy, crazy, (I'm going crazy) when I can't see you again
(Said I'm going crazy)
(Said I'm going crazy)
I've finally realized, that you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think, and you're all seem to keep thinking,
To keep thinkin of, yeahhh
And now I know I need you each and every day
I can't live without you, so don't run away
Baby you say that you love me, so why'd u leave me, why (why, why, why, why)
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you baby (I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just thinkin about you lately (just to think)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just thinkin about you baby
(I'm goin crazy, I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) but I can't touch you (I'm going crazy)
Crazy, crazy (crazy, crazy), when I can't hold you
Crazy, crazy, when I can't see again (if I can see you, if I can see you if I can see you, if I can see you)
If I can see you, if I can see you again
Then I would go, if I could see you again
I don't apologize, that i have compromised myself and other guy
Its you I'm talkin' 'bout
I've been with him for years
but baby you uh, I must be crazy
I want you for my own
You've been with her so long
she never done you wrong and she's so nice to me
we should have never touched cause now we're in love
We must be crazy
You got a girl, i got a man but i can't lie
I wanna leave him when i look into your eyes
you never thought that holding me would change your life
I guess that just stands for two
wrongs can't make a right
Its something that i can't help
My heart wants someone else
Theres nothing that i can do
Never thought it would be you
you say your not afraid
I'll do the same to you
You must be crazy
Its to late to turn back now
I'm afraid we don't know how
baby keep your faith in me
I'll never let you down
Its funny how we both know theres no one else for us its crazy
[Chorus 2x]
[Bridge 2x]
I been dreaming, baby you and I just leaving all the things
behind we can make it in a __
baby pack our bags lets go
I just wanna be your girl
I think I'm going crazy I'm losing my mind
'cos the logic of the story is impossible to find
Like a talking head I'm gonna stop making sense
'cos bad news is like sitting on a burning fence
I've got one hot minute of the higher ground
and like Simon said I know that silence is the sound
Nevermind I'll reach nirvana even if I have to pay
I'm a fool for a lifetime and a king for a day
Crazy I'm going fucking crazy
Crazy I'm going fucking crazy
Crazy I'm going fucking crazy
Crazy I'm going fucking crazy
I'm a loser looking for the mellow gold
but in the garden of sound you know the story's getting old
so I'll sow my korn by the helmet in the bush
and in the meantime I want you all to help me push
with the tool of intolerance I'm ready to crack
'cos I've got suicidal tendencies so lets get whacked
I'm gonna suck up the dust and light the fire inside
and take a rollercoaster ride to the bizarre side
I'm insane in the brain like a looney tune
and I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
I'm the man in the box locked up in chains
and I'm buried deep down underneath the remains
I'm a psycho maniac welcome to my nightmare
I'll use your brain like chemical warfare
I'm out of my mind lets count the bodies born dead
and last but not least you better check your head
Sometimes I feel like I'm flyin'
Sometimes I feel like I'm dyin'
Maybe the world is against me
Maybe the world thinks I'm crazy
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing
Maybe the world is against me
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a
Maybe I can feel it 'cause I know I'm high
Maybe I can ride 'cause I'm born to die
Maybe I can jump 'cause I know I'm high
Maybe I can kill 'cause it's in my eye
I don't know why I'm seein' things
I don't know why I'm bein' insane
I wish I could wake up from this dream
But until then I feel this disease
Sometimes I feel like I'm flyin'
Sometimes I feel like I'm dyin'
Maybe the world is against me
Maybe the world thinks I'm crazy
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing
Maybe the world is against me
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a
Now that I have my chance to rearrange it
Crazy is the word that I use to explain it
Find out what gon' happen in the end
When the ball leave the court and the paper leave the pen
It's a fucked up, shit that we walk through
On a daily basis some folks you can't even talk to
So I stomp through all of my obstacles with pleasure
The top two's me and I so who's better?
Take me to a place everyday Sunday weather
Put me in the sand dro in my hand forever
Reality strikes, 'cause yall been kickin' the bite
I feel like I been gone a month but I ain't left out ya sight
I'm havin' visions of dyin' but God can control so break
The only thing they truly bring to life is the shit you take
I might be labeled as crazy I'd rather be dead than brave
The recognition of my mission is to take it in hate
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
Maybe the world is a lie
(I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy, I'm goin' crazy)
I remember when, i remember
I remember when i lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that space
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space
And when your out there without a care
Yeah, i was out of touch
But it wasnt because i didnt know enough
i just knew to much
Does that make me sound crazy?
Does that make me sound crazy?
Does that make me sound crazy?
And i hope that you are
Having the time of your life
But think twice
Thats my only advice
Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think your in control?
Well, i think your crazy
I think your crazy
i think your crazy
just like me
My heroes had the heart
To lose their lives out on the limb
And all i remember
I thinking, i want to be like them
Ever since i was little
Ever since i was little
It looked like fun
And its no coincidence that i've come
And i can die when im done
But maybe im crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
In a church by the face
He talks about the people going under
Only child know
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for
Is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep
And through a fractal on that breaking wall
I see you my friend and touch your face again
Miracles will happen as we trip
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Crazy are the people walking through my head
One of thems got a gun to shoot the other one
And yet together they were friends at school
Get it, get it, get it, yeah!
If all were there when we first took the pill
Then maybe then maybe then maybe then maybe
Miracles will happen as we speak
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
No no we'll never survive unless we get a little bit
Crazy are the people walking through my head
One of thems got a gun to shoot the other one
And yet together they were friends at school
Get it, get it, get it, yeah!
In a sky full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a world full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly
Ain't that crazy
Oh babe Oh darlin'
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little crazy
No no never survive unless we get a little bit
And then you see things
The size of which you've never known before
They'll break it
Only child know
Them things
The size
Of which you've never known before
Crazy, down... crazy
Money makes me crazy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
I call my... my chick, my chick into the room
Call my call my dogs,... don't need no roof
Money I be rolling that be reaching... roof
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
Crazy my... now... I do
Going crazy, crazy my bitch, crazy... crazy...
Excuse me, pardon me, it's... show me
I entry, no id, re entry, with money
Roll money, got me stunting
... won't leave, without me
You show me, don't doubt me, I'm high scheme
Like frank skee or bun b
A film scene, a jewelry, Gucci, Big Gucci, the movie
Okay, to play me, I pay me, pay me
No mind, I'm crazy, not lazy
So one day you might be my plan b
Or plan c, you know me, it's Gucci
Crazy, down... crazy
Money makes me crazy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
I call my... my chick, my chick into the room
Call my call my dogs,... don't need no roof
Money I be rolling that be reaching... roof
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
Crazy my... now... I do
Going crazy, crazy my bitch, crazy... crazy...
She looking out at jewels that's I ever take it
... like fuck you baby, take it
And another on a... the rims of double digits
... I kick it
In the club I be like fuck it, I'ma show these bitches some love
No rose by the... be blinded by the...
I kill it with my thugs,...
Winning all bitch so lame,...
Spending money like I'm crazy... more money, more money than my ammo
All mi niggers... we be on this... shit
... motherfucker owned it...
Crazy, down... crazy
Money makes me crazy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
I call my... my chick, my chick into the room
Call my call my dogs,... don't need no roof
Money I be rolling that be reaching... roof
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
Crazy my... now... I do
Going crazy, crazy my bitch, crazy... crazy...
All this money on me, on me
Money makes me crazy
Hoes see the money so the money make me crazy
Crazy in the club so the club going crazy
I know that I'm crazy, you know that I'm crazy
Crazy, down... crazy
Money makes me crazy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
I call my... my chick, my chick into the room
Call my call my dogs,... don't need no roof
Money I be rolling that be reaching... roof
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy as a fool
Crazy my... now... I do
Going crazy, crazy my bitch, crazy... crazy...
Money makes me crazy
Ya know that I'm crazy
Are you looking
Are you laughing at me
Are you reminiscing
Do you remember me
Try how I try to keep it inside
You wouldn't talk to me
You shut the door on me
You left me there standing
Do you remember me
Try how I try to keep it inside
I'm not going crazy
Show me I don't see
Help me cause I can't breath
Drowning I'm in too deep
Help me I know that
I'm not going crazy
Are you rejoicing about my decease
Is he looking does he look like me
- Dulli -
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
To some old boy who lived uptown
Who could afford it
So what's gonna happen to you now?
Therapy... The pharmacy
That's what you'd like to believe
But it ain't easy
When yer goin' crazy
Over the rainbow
"I think your story's jive," she said
There ain't nuthin' wrong with me
If I use it to get me some sympathy
Some ecstasy
A memory... I wanna remember me
Crazy about ya
Crazy without ya
Over you
Jump in it's fine without a lifeboat
I will give it another try
You say come back, don't go in too deep
But it's a rush to see me do it
Cause you don't dare
Even though there's nothing to it
This town's always gonna think I'm a little crazy
Somebody's always gonna try to label me insane
Funny how I always seem to be the one who's crazy
I just wanna live, I don't wanna fit
If that makes me crazy, then I am
No way I feel like nothings goin'
My way but my future's bright
Don't have a single dollar left
Got my keys inside my car
and the high way is opening wide
You ask me where, I can't tell you
But I'm putting town the pedal tonight
You say don't change a single thing
But your list is longer than my day
I can't help wondering
When all is said and all is done
Am I the crazy one?
I just want to live
I don't want to fit
I just want to try
I don't want to quit
This song is about goin crazy
Losin your fuckin mind
Stayin out too many days at a time
I'm starin down a dark tunnel and I can't see the light
Rats crawlin everywhere, you know how they be at night
I got a gun in my hand, and I gotta squeeze it tight
I'm tryin to get out of here, no one said it's easy right?
My stomach is queasy like, I got a fuckin lump in my throat
More than a decade, I'm searchin and I'm huntin for hope
Soakin in alcohol, smokin usin somethin to cope
But how much water can you bail from your boat, 'fore it sinks?
My hijinks, made my eyes chink, pink from the lye stink
Pockets broke made want to rob things
Fuck this rap shit! My city's full of suicide kings
So from here on, this is now a do or die thing
[Hook x2: Slaine]
I got a baby on the way, mad bills to pay
But I took too many God damn pills today
And I can't get out of this haze, out of my bed
Can't get these sick thoughts outta my head - I'm goin crazy
I don't wanna talk shit, but this weed in my pocket
Is makin me crazy, just get me a straight-jacket and lock it
I'm fueled like a rocket, the topic of conversation
Is I'm a little "Insane in the Brain", and I can spark it
Like a suicide bomber, homey I'm ready to bomb it
Adrenaline takin over, think I'm gonna vomit
But I can promise you one thing, I walk it like I talk it
If I shoot a comet at you better hope that you can duck it
Fuck it, I'm annoyed with some of these shitty rappers
Tryin to turn the fuckin lights out just call me The Clapper
Cause homeboy is a poser, takin it so far
I put you on the corner where most of my hoes are, and
[Hook x2: B-Real]
You can make money for daddy, just don't be mad at me
But this is what happens any time you throw a jab at me
You can take a stab at me, and really get peeled maybe
It's time to put you away, homey I'm still crazy
Lord forgive me I'm surrounded by sin, insects crawlin under my skin
Demons knockin at the door of my mind, I feel like lettin 'em in
What you call drug dependency
I call settin a trend
I was always into drugs, just nobody caught me
I learned it from the best teachers, my family taught me
I got knocked went to trial, guess what that bought me?
The aura of invincibility, you can't stop me
My great grandfather was a doctor, his son was a doctor
Soon as I found pussy, I wanted to play doctor~!
In my middle school locker I had a bottle of vodka
Took a shot at lunchtime, sprayed my breath with Binaca
I'm no psycho, my sheet says I'm a sociopath
I enjoy prescription pills and blowin that grass
What you callin big cash, I would throw in the stash
That weed you saying's exotic I throw in the trash
[Hook x2: Jaysaun]
I got nothin to live for except a 40 cal slug
Waitin up in the barrel I can take it in the mug
Everybody hates Jay, that don't faze me
Crazy for feeling so lonely
Im crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew
Youd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
Youd leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do
For thinking that my love could hold you
Im crazy for tryin
Crazy for cryin
And Im crazy
For lovin you
- Dulli -
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
To some old boy who lived uptown
Who could afford it
So what's gonna happen to you now?
Therapy... The pharmacy
That's what you'd like to believe
But it ain't easy
When yer goin' crazy
Over the rainbow
"I think your story's jive," she said
There ain't nuthin' wrong with me
If I use it to get me some sympathy
Some ecstasy
A memory... I wanna remember me
Crazy about ya
Crazy without ya
Over you
I remember when
I remember, when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that face
Even your emotions had an echo
In so much space
And when you're out there
Without care
I was out of touch
It wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
An I hope that you are having the time of your life
Oh but think twice
That's my only advice
Come on now
Who do you
Who do you think you are
Woah Woah
Bless your soul
Do you really think that you're in control
Well I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me, yeah
My heroes had the heart
To lose their lives out on a limb
An all I remember
Is thinking I wanna be like them
Ever since I was little it looked like fun
It was no coincidence that I've come
I can die when I'm done
Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
A la la la la la la
a la la, a la la, a la la, a la la
yeah, yeah, yeah
wo-ah, woah, woah, woah, woah
lay lay lay lay
I know that you're on the inside
You know that I'm looking out
For me
You're sitting pretty
As I wallow in self-pity
And there's no coming back for me
You're crazy for thinking I'm above this
You're crazy for believing I don't care
You're crazy for thinking I'm below you
You're crazy, you're crazy
My ambition and every intention
Is to go where I shouldn't go
Pleasing to my eyes
Through a wretched reply
Ano toki Kanjiteta
Kimi no Hikari o
Ima demo Sagashite iru yo
Te ni tameteru Namida de
Kareta hana Ikikaerase
Take me back home
Feed me your love
Kiete ikanaide he said
Oh cause I'm crazy without you
Kumitateta Kagayaki wa
Kimi ga Inai to
Shidai ni Usurete iku yo
Hayaku itami Tomete
Kimi no fushigi na kusuri de
Take me back home
Feed me your love
Kiete ikanaide he said
Oh cause I'm crazy without you
Kimi wa boku no naka ni
Iru to yakusoku shita no ni
Ikura sagashite mo
Kimi o mitsukerarenai yo
Doko ni iru no
Don't let go
Don't let go
Take me back home
Feed me your love
Kiete ikanaide he said
Oh cause I'm crazy
I'm going crazy
Take me back home
Inside of your heart
Take me back home he said
I'm going crazy
I'm going crazy without you
Doko ni iru no
If you think you can fuck wit 50 you gotta be crazy
I wont do a joint wit you
Know matter how much your label try and pay me
I'm on top of hip-hop
I run wit Aftermath and mother fucking Shady
It simple i see you like to be me ya niggaz cant fade me
[Verse One]
I can be a gentleman a gangsta
The bitch done chose
I send me orders to put hoes
In niggaz and hoes
My wrist all froze from flip side poles
Fein share on my deeder doors i suppose thats the bottom line
So called a gran that a nigga switching white lines
Sell anything under the sun to get mine
I'm Gonna Shine
Some for the summer H2 Hummer
Got paper now im picky
Change the rims change the watch change the gems
I upgrade now im paid
Catch me in the truck tower loby
Stroking other niggaz hoes is my hobby
Treat me like king .... suck me baby
I Roll with Shady and Dr.Dre (ohh)
Im done ta charm a luck
See if i can finger fuck in a truck
G-5 50 so live
So as my zipper go down her eyes wide
Got her in hotely on the bed with her hand tied (woo)
If you think you can fuck wit 50 you gotta be crazy
I wont do a joint wit you
Know matter how much your label try and pay me
I'm on top of hip-hop
I run wit Aftermath and mother fucking Shady
Mmm, you're crazy and all the shrinks in the world
Couldn't help you in any way
You look at me with that spaced out stare
And I have to run away-ay
You say you don't want my money-ey
You say you just want some time
With your fingers in my pockets
You call it love, I call it a cri-i-i-i-i-ime
You say you've finally found yourself
You say you've seen some light
All I see are those empty eyes
Starin' out into the lo-onely night
You're crazy woman, in a crazy world
You're crazy enough to say
I feel orange, I need some company
And five is my number today-ay-ay-ay-ay-yeah
You're losin' touch, any foo-ool can see that much
I feel so helpless I don't know what to say
You'll lose yourself tryin' so hard to prove yourself
While the real world slowly slips away-ay
Your one time friends sense
The madness carved in lines - upon your face
Mmm, you're lonely and one night with me
Won't wash that emptiness aside
Your desperate cry for company
Turns friends to strangers
Your needs once more denied
Reality knows no feelings
It'll leave you far-ar behind
I've just gotta break away from you
Before I lose my mi-i-i-i-i-ind
You wrote yourself a letter, two wee-eeks ago today
Then you made a paper aeroplane
And laughed as it sai-ailed through space
You're losin' touch, any foo-ool can see that much
You turn to me-ee and I ha-ave to turn away-ay
Don't you know, you'll lose yourself
Tryin' so hard to prove yourself
While the real world slowly slips away-ay
Your one time friends sense
Must be invisible
Cause nobody sees me
No I'm not leaving
Cause nobody needs me
But you, doctor you saved me
With a break through you changed me
It's true
If anybody knows (they know)
How to get control (and you know)
If anybody knows (cause you've seen)
Cause you've seen it all before
If anybody knows (why I need)
How to get control (take control of me)
If anybody knows (it's you)
Cause I'm Confused
Why do I take for crazy
Took a whole box of pills
I just don't know how to feel babe without you
Why do I take for crazy
And I don't know what it is
But I don't think I can live without you
Must be so invincible
Cause nothing can hurt me
Is it cause you're with me
Or just cause I'm crazy
Cause you, brought me back safely
Could of just let them take me
It's true
If anybody knows (they know)
How to get control (and you know)
If anybody knows (cause you've seen)
Cause you've seen it all before
If anybody knows (why I need ya)
How to get control (take control of me)
If anybody knows (it's you)
Cause I'm Confused
Why do I take for crazy
Took a whole box of pills
I just don't know how to feel babe without you
Why do I take for crazy
And I don't know what it is
But I don't think I can live without you
You're drivin' me crazy, crazy as the night is long
And I would ride off east into the setting sun
If you said that's where I belong
Baby, I'd go to Rawalpindi, I'd go to Istanbul
I'd be your camel driver, baby, I'd be your fool
'Cause baby when you look at me
Oh, it sets my heart on fire
And I'd run all around this whole wide world
If that was your true desire
I would ride bare back on a six foot monkey
Do it with grace and style
Just give me your attention
Baby, just to see you smile
Well, I'd wave any flag, you'd put in my hand
If you was in Baghdad, I'd cross the Arab sand
Oscar Wilde and Rimbaud would've changed their minds
If they knew what I know
Come on, now left from the right
Right from the wrong
You got me foaming at the mouth
And running naked through the streets of Hong Kong
You're drivin' me crazy, crazy as the night is long
And I would ride off east into the setting sun
If you said that's where I belong
Baby, I'd go to Rawalpindi, I'd go to Istanbul
I'd be your camel driver, baby, I'd be your fool
'Cause baby when you look at me
Oh, it sets my heart on fire
Now I'd run all around this whole wide world
If that was your true desire
You're drivin' me crazy, crazy, crazy
You think you see
You think you see right through me
Distorted eyes see what they like
You think you see
You think you see right through me
Distorted eyes see what it likes
Mind is crazy
Can't cope inside
You can't cage me
I am the night inside you
Inside, inside you, inside...you
Cursed for being born
All that is evil
Seek the fray, killing prey
I am the night inside you
Inside, inside you, inside...you
Do you believe in you or me
Then I believe in you
Do you believe what you can't see
Well what is me is you...you
I don't understand, tell me who you are, you're not me
Are you crazy?
What is insanity? Who is reality? I can't see
We're all crazy
Slowly I'm changing inside
Am I crazy?
I see you see me, how can it be?
What is crazy?
You're all crazy!
Born to rule hell
The heart of evil
Can't change me
Can't cage me
I rule the night inside you
Take a look around and what do I see
It looking like the whole world's goin just a little crazy
And I know it can't be all of them and just not me
So I guess I'm going just a little crazy
Take a look around and what do I see
Far too many people watching their colour TV
Well, you might as well hang yourself
Right up from a tree
Cos you be starving your brain
If you're watching too much TV
And all that it's telling you is good is bad
And all that it's telling you is that your happy is sad
And all that it's telling you is that you are to fat
And we are what we are, that's all we are
Take a look around and what do I see
A goddamn government that couldn't give a fuck about you
Or me
Can't even get his shit together, come up with one good
A goddamn government that couldn't give a fuck about you
Or me
All that they care about it that you pay your tax
And all that they care about is that you pay off your land
And all that they care about is that you obey on command
Lonely, I wouldn't mind
Spending all of my time with
Only you and your bright ideas
Didn't know I mattered
Didn't know you cared
All I ever felt was painful stares
Didn't know I mattered
Didn't know you cared
All I ever felt was painful stares
Crazy, I wouldn't mind
If you spent all of your time with
Only me and my bright ideas
Didn't know I mattered
Didn't know you cared
All I ever felt was painful stares
Didn't know I mattered
Didn't know you cared
All I ever felt was painful stares
Every time we get there, you get there, smile
You shot down and come back
Every time we get there, you get there, smile
There's no hiding whom
when every wound
brings the darkest place to light
so why not assume
that straight out of the womb
i've been marked by a beast of some kind
and there are so many reasons why
You're not crazy for leaving
just crazy for staying so long
i'm amazed you're still breathing
amazed you can feel at all
for all the pain i caused
i'm the one crazy after all
the one crazy after all
there's no need for signs
when your crying eyes said a million words a night
i'd rather die than see you time? for all the wrongs you can't make right
you're not crazy for leaving
just crazy for staying so long
i'm amazed you're still breathing
amazed you can feel at all
for all the pain i caused
i'm the one crazy after all
i'm so far gone found my way back to broken somehow
yeah when you moved on i can't find my way out
you're not crazy for leaving
just crazy for staying so long
i'm amazed you're still breathing
amazed you can feel at all
for all the pain i caused
(the one crazy after all)
i'm the one crazy after all
the one crazy after all
i'm the one crazy after all
In a church by the face
He talks about the people going under
Only child know
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for
Is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep
And through a fracture on that breaking wall
I see you my friend and touch your face again
Miracles will happen as we trip
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Cray cray crazy
Crazy are the people walking through my head
One of them got a gun to shoot the other one
And yet together they were friends at school
Get it, get it, get it, yeah!
If all were there when we first took the pill
Then maybe then maybe then maybe then maybe
Miracles will happen as we speak
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
No no we'll never survive unless we get a little bit
A man decides to go along after seventy years
Oh darling
In a sky full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a world full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly
Ain't that crazy
Oh babe Oh darlin'
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little
crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little
crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little
No no never survive unless we get a little bit
And then you see things
The size of which you've never known before
They'll break it
Only child know
Them things
The size
Of which you've never known before
You know I love the way my hand fits in yours
cause I've been down for so long and you're my cure
but you're driving me crazy, completely crazy
I cant get enough, cause you amaze me
every time you look my way, I don't know what to say, to you...
now your breaking girls hearts like a habit
like you lost all the trust in this world
but maybe I have it
tell me, what makes an ocean
different from a sea
what did you loose in her, that you found in me
so long ago, so long ago
you set me free
might as well be just as scared as you are
cause who'd of thought we woulda made it this far
but you've been fucked up every time
so I guess, really you were never mine
cause baby
you cant find me
you cant deny me
when you look at me
you look past me
and you lost me
but still I love the way your eyes look in mine
and its too bad we can feel this way all the time
cause the breath between our lips
when we kiss
is something I hope I never have to miss
but your driving me crazy
completely crazy
every time
I'm looking at you but your looking at her
I guess I was blind, cause you always were
you've already given up on me
Crazy, crazy is what they’ve all said
Craziness lives in my head
Craziness lies in my bed
Worry, worrying about everything
Worrying it makes me insane
So much it drives me away
Lonely, loneliness follows me around
Loneliness drags me down
"Crazy" is the word of the day
Scream and shout, run around and jump
Feel free to do everything your way
Life is sweet so let`s get crazy
When you`re feeling kind of bored
You bet this feeling`s wrong
`coz you are young, you are free
Urge to party must be strong
Better call up your friends
And tell `em to get ready
`coz we`re gonna start this night at about 9.30
So put on your favourite clothes
Be ahead of current trends
Then put on your favourite music
And turn the volume up
Focus on the beat and focus on the bass
Feel it running through your bones—lalala
Never mind the angry neighbours or disturbed citizens
Just be sure you`re feeling good
`coz we`re gonna get crazy!
Here comes the night again, babe.
Same night as every night, babe
And in the candle light, babe
Your beauty's like a knife
That slices through my life and...
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I've been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy.
All days are good or bad days
But these days most days are bad days
And in this sacred place, babe
The days all fade away
When I see your face and...
You drive me crazy
Makes my world fall apart
I've been trying lately
To take control of my heart
You drive me crazy...
And when I saw you tonight
You know I almost died.
I'd never seen anyone
Lovelier than you,
As beautiful as you...
I used to be crazy, crazy
I never seen it coming, hit me like a freight train
Everything was going so well
Then everything changed
From the moment our lips touched
I guess you thought that I owed you something
From the moment that we made love
I guess you wanted to control me
Where's that angel that I loved to love, where the
Why you thinking all those crazy thoughts
Girl I don't know
I don't question you bout anything
But you go through my phone
Thought we were in this thing together babe
Every single time we make love
Whenever I say I do everything for you
Everytime we talk about trust
Whenever I say the worlds I love you
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
This just ain't how you used to be
Guess my love make you crazy
This just ain't how you used to be
My best friend's missin, gone since yesterday
All you wanna do is argue, we can talk about anything
I wanna know what's wrong, say I don't care
Tryina, tryina proove my love
I gotta get outta here
Where's that angel that I loved to love
Where did she go
Why you thinking all those crazy thoughts, girl I don't know
I don't question you bout anything
But you go through my phone
Thought we were in this thing together babe
Every single time we make love
Whenever I say I do everything for you
Everytime we talk about trust
Whenever I say the worlds I love you
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
We used to be a fairy tale
Now we're just a nightmare
I'm feeling so unwanted here
All the power that I gave you over me
You're using it to do wrong
How can you be so cold to me
Every single time we make love
Whenever I say I do everything for you
Everytime we talk about trust
Whenever I say the worlds I love you
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
That make you crazy, that make you crazy
[Verse 1 (Kiely)]
I don't apologize, that i have compromised myself and other guy.
Its you I'm talkin' 'bout.
I've been with him for years.
but baby you uh, I must be crazy.
I want you for my own
You've been with her so long.
she never done you wrong and she's so nice to me
we should have never touched cuz now we're in love.
We must be crazy
You got a girl, i got a man but i can't lie.
I wanna leave him when i look into your eyes
you never thought that holdin me would change your life.
I guess that __ stands for two
wrongs can't make a right.
[Verse 2 (Adrienne)]
Its something that i can't help.
My heart wants someone else.
Theres nothing that i can do.
Never thought it would be you.
you say your not afraid.
I'll do the same to you.
You must be crazy.
Its to late to turn back now.
I'm afraid we don't know how.
baby keep your faith in me.
I'll never let you down.
Its funny how we both know theres noone else for us its crazy.
[Chorus 2x]
[Bridge 2x]
I been dreamin, baby you and I just leavin all the things
behind we can make it in a __
baby pack our bags lets go.
I just wanna be your girl.
You and i against the world.
5 o'clock in the mornin', I'm still waitin' for you to come home
and I guess my loneliness won’t leave me alone no no
I'm starrin' at my walls now and see my world in black and white
You are in my dreams your are on my mind
you're my always shinin' light
And I wish I would wake up yesterday
The day before my dreams were crept away
You're drivin' me crazy
And since you are gone I feel so lonely
You're drivin' me crazy
I know that you're the one come back to me
You're drivin' me crazy
And since you are gone I feel so lonely
You're drivin' me crazy
You drive me craa...eah....eah...
You drivin' me crazy
You drivin' me crazy
The way you always touched me and all the gloomy words you left behind
Are crawlin' on the backseat of my mind oh yeah
Yeah And I wish I would wake up yesterday
The day before my dreams were crept away
You're drivin' me crazy
And since you are gone I feel so lonely
You're drivin' me crazy
I know that you're the one come back to me
You're drivin' me crazy (i feel so lonely)
And since you are gone I feel so lonely
You're drivin' me crazy
You drive me craa...eah...eah...eah...eaazy
Come back to me (oh oh all right all right)
Come back to me
I've been so lonely tonight
And since you are gone I feel so lonely
You're drivin' me crazy
I know that you're the one come back to me
You're drivin' me crazy (i feel so lonely)
And since you are gone I feel so lonely
You're drivin’ me crazy (i feel so lonely)
You drive me cra...eah...eahh...
Beast! Everybody It's show Time Let's go
Niga niga tto tto neomeo jyeodo
Dubeondashi one two three muneojiji anha
Nuga mweoraedo nal banghaehaedo
Dubeodashi one two three neomeojiji anha
Fly fly fly fly fly high
Gaseum sogeun ddeukeopge deo-ug ddeugeopge
Try try try try try more
Nae jayureul wihae~
Take it take it take it Like the Crazy
Geo-ul soge neol bichweoba take it
Take it take it take them feel like the Crazy
Jugjin anha hae jigeumbuteo let it go
Like a crazy crazy take it take it
Like a crazy crazy nal jom naebeoryeo dweo
Like a crazy crazy take it take it
Like a crazy crazy Hey Hey
Gatchee moyeodo sarangeul haedo
Jeoldae naneun meonghani bogi haji anha
Just a do it Oh sumi cha-orado nan
One Two Three nan meomchuji anha
Fly fly fly fly fly high
Gaseum sogeun ddeukeopge deo-ug ddeugeopge
Try try try try try more
Nae jayureul ihae
Take it Take it Take it Like the Crazy
Geo-ul soge neol bichweoba take it
Take it Take it Take them feel like the Crazy
Jugjin anha hae jigeumbuteo let it go
Like a crazy crazy take it take it
Like a crazy crazy nal jom naebeoryeo dweo
Like a crazy crazy take it take it
Like a crazy crazy Hey Hey
I don't my control rock and do it non & non
Deo isang deombiji anha chagakaji mama
Ttaeron anhaejun non hansaeng neon amugeotdo moreuneun apparatchik
Sesangeul naege halsuitneun break a bitch
Take naye yokshimdo da jaeweo beorin geu
(Yeah do like it the crazy)
I don't take ni saeng boda deodieo neomreulgeol jashin itge
Take it take it take it Like the Crazy
Geo-ul soge neol bichweoba take it
Take it take it take them feel like the Crazy
Jugjin anha hae jigeumbuteo let it go
Take it take it take it Like the Crazy
Geo-ul soge neol bichweoba take it
Take it take it take them feel like the Crazy
Jugjin anha hae jigeumbuteo let it go
Like a crazy crazy take it take it
Like a crazy crazy nal jom naebeoryeo dweo
Like a crazy crazy take it take it
Like a crazy crazy Hey Hey
You knock me out babe all I feel
Nobody would make it
I've got no doubts on it is real
Nobody could break it
Everything's really upside down
Let's take just another round
I've never felt like this before
I'm begging for more
You're fuckin' crazy
That's what I want
You're fuckin' crazy
That's all I need - nothing more
You look so hot cute dressed to kill
No one minds, no bother
I need the change you need the thrill
We're meant for each other
Everything's really upside down
Let's take just another round
You got me on my knees
You're all my decease
You're fuckin' crazy
That's what I want
You're fuckin' crazy
(I don't know why, what I'm doing what I'm doing)
See, baby I, apologize
For all the things that I've done that I've done
See I've known that I've been a fool for far too long
And baby you have it, I go around to wait, just come back to papa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me then why are you leavin me
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you babyyyyyyyy
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (crazy baby)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby (I don't know what to
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately (crazy, crazy,
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) when I can touch you
Crazy, crazy (I'm going crazy) when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, (I'm going crazy) when I can see you again
(Said I'm going crazy)
(Said I'm going crazy)
I've finally realized, that you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think, and you're all seem to keep thinking,
To keep thinkin of, yeahhh
And now I know I need you each and every day
I can't live without you, so don't run away
Baby you say that you love me, so why'd u leave me, why (why, why, why, why)
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep just to daydream about you baby (I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you lately (just to think)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, just to thinkin about you baby
(I'm goin crazy, I'm going crazy)
I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, thinkin about you lately
I'm going crazy, crazy, (crazy, crazy) but I can't touch you (I'm going crazy)
Crazy, crazy (crazy, crazy), when I can hold you
Crazy, crazy, when I can see again (if I can see you, if I can see you if I can see
you, if I can see you)
If I can see you, if I can see you again
Then I would go, if I could see you again
I'd go craeeae
I just feel sad when I think of love
And this is the saddest day I'm going through, hmmm
Even though I know, that it's all because of me
I can't believe that you would go away and leave me so lonely
I'm trying to hold my head and live beside of all this pain
I need to feel your touch, your tender kiss
So that I can breathe again
You gotta forgive me if you feel I'm going wrong
But it feels like I'm just going down
And I'm feeling this way too long
Sometimes I think I'm going crazy
Out of my mind over you
(It's all because of you I don't know what I'm gonna do)
I know that I don't need another lady
Cause deep inside my heart I love you
Tonight I know for sure what I lost in you
A happy home that's always safe and warm
And maybe a baby or two
Sometimes at night I cry and I can't get no sleep
I pray to Lord my soul to take away
If your love I can't keep
You gotta forgive me if you feel I¡¯m going wrong
But it feels like I'm just going down
And I'm feeling this way too long
Sometimes I think I'm going crazy
Out of my mind over you
(I don't know what I'm gonna do)
I know that I don't need another lady
Cause deep inside my heart I love you
Sometimes I think I'm going crazy
Out of my mind over you
(I don't know what I'm gonna do)
I know that I don't need another lady
Cause deep inside my heart I love you
You see sometimes I get a little lonely baby late at night baby
I wanna call you baby
Sometimes I feel I'm going down (down)
Sometimes I think I'm going crazy
Out of my mind over you
(Who will love me all through the day)
I know that I don't need another lady
Cause deep inside my heart I love you
Everybody help me sing
Every now and then
I may not know just when
I'll find a love that will treat me right
Somebody's gonna wreck this lil' heart of mine
Verse 1: (Rob)
What if I cheated on you?
And risk everything for a little,
Temporary piece of something that,
Doesn't come close to you.
What if I broke your heart?
And just threw away all the loving,
Your trust, your belief in us.
Though you know I'm not a fool.
Pre-Chorus: (Adlibs-Rob)
You know that I willing never leave you.
And We've both know that I need you. (Need, Aye)
And That ain't gonna change. (Listen Baby)
So let me explain I'll be...
Chorus: (Adlibs-Rob)
I'll be Cra-zzzzzzzy, (Crazy to let you go)
Crazy to let you go.
Crazy to let you walk away.
And take my love away, (And take my love a)
With nothing else to say (With nothing else to)
Girl there ain't know way (Heyyyy)
I'll be Cra-zzzzzzzy,(I'll be crazzzzzzy)
Cra-zzzzzzzzy, (Oh yes you did)
I just can't do it,(No!)
No I can't do it, (No!!)
No I'm not losing you (No!!!)
I'll refuse thats Crazy (Yes)
Verse 2 (Mic)
See sometimes I made you cry.
And deep inside I died,
with every tear that drops from your face.
I just wanna wash the pain away.
I'd rather hurt myself.
And I'll never love someone else,
And I refuse to let you go.
Girl you know I'll be....
Chorus: (Adlibs-Mic)
I'll be Cra-zzzzzzzy, (Crazy)
Crazy to let you go.
Cra-zzzzzzzzy, (Crazy)
Crazy to let you walk away. (Walk away)
And take my love away, (No)
With nothing left to say. (Heeeyyy)
Girl there ain't know way
I'll be Cra-zzzzzzzy,(I'll be Crazzzzy)(Oooooooh)Cra-zzzzzzzzy,(I just cant do it)
I just can't do it, (Hey!)
No I can't do it, (Hey!!)
No I'm not losing you (Hey!!!!!!)
I'll refuse thats Crazy
Bridge: (Adlibs-Courtney)
Baby can't you see that (Can't you see)
I could never be that (Crazy)
Oh No (Oh No), Not Me (Not Me)
Never, never, No, No baby
I can never,
No never
Not me, I'm not (Crazy)
I'm not(Oh No)never losing you
girl I'll have to be crazy.
Chorus: (Adlibs-Courtney)
I'll be Cra-zzzzzzzy, (Crazy)
Crazy to let you go. (Oh)
Cra-zzzzzzzzy, (Whoah)
Crazy to let you walk away, (Walk away)
And take my love away, (away)
With nothing left to say. (to say)
Girl there ain't know way (I'll be crazy)
I'll be Cra-zzzzzzzy,
Cra-zzzzzzzzy (Ooooohhh, I just can't)
I just can't do it, (No)
no I can't do it,
no I'm not losing you (Aye, Aye, Aye)
I'll refuse thats Crazy
Ending: (Adlibs-Courtney & Rob)
Oooh crazy
Ohhh-Oh crazy
Crazzzzy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy
Oh-hooo, Crazy Yeah
Crazy-eeehhh, crazy, crazy
Crazy yeah
Good evening, I've arrived to clean your pill drawer
And talk to birds like Kilgore Trout
I shout out loud
I think that most these rappers out are probably into
guys actually
Cause they want five mics, I'd rather have five
When I write unraveled violent shades of quite
contagious psycho babble
Hit me with a big steel shovel
Dig me in the white stone gravel
At the live show frazzled
Provoke the randomest mischief the counter rhythms are
But fuck these rappers, they're bitches
Cops come with their sirens like 'wee-oo, wee-oo'
I'm too illegal with the ink pen
Push or click over like somebody's tryin to beep in
Everyday is Saturday so baby hit the snooze button,
let's sleep in
I say I'm selfish but they never listen
So I took 'em Christmas shoppin and I bought myself a
Better find the troll up hold up got a clever line to
pull up
Johnny rottin popped an oxycontin, nevermind the good
luck, so
Live up in your city I'm about to steal the show
These people disagree but I don't listen to 'em though
I'll never do a stupid dance up in my video
I'm perfectly content with being crazy
Live up in your city I'm about to steal the show
These people disagree but I don't listen to 'em though
I'll never do a stupid dance up in my video
I'm perfectly content with being crazy
I received an e-mail from the president of a Nigerian
It said he had a hundred thousand dollars for me
I can now invent my engine for the hard shell truth
In the barbell-brute version of Marcel Proust words in
a capsule
Attackin the vocabulary kingdom, see not everybody's
I got the swagger of a penguin
What you're seein is a dirty splash of Kansas City
Your surly ass uncle, countin dirty cash
Cops pull me over with their sirens like 'wee-oo, wee-
I'm driving drunk like it's the weekend
Boy I gives a fuck, me and the homie Al swear in
chinchill, brandy I'll swill, takin synthetic heroin
I lo-lo-love the taste of hops and malted barley and
It makes me wanna bite who's on stage like Carlos
But I don't steal, I've had a charming career
So bring your armor and gear
Because the dope style harbingers here
Live up in your city I'm about to steal the show
These people disagree but I don't listen to 'em though
I'll never do a stupid dance up in my video
I'm perfectly content with being crazy
Live up in your city I'm about to steal the show
These people disagree but I don't listen to 'em though
I'll never do a stupid dance up in my video
I'm perfectly content with being crazy
Buy me a drink I've got some craziness to kill
People spreadin rumors, they ain't sayin shit for real
Kansas City muthafucker, full of dangerous skill
I'm perfectly content with being crazy
girl,girl with every minute you amaze me girl,girl with
every minute you amaze me
i got the feeling but i could never tell that you
wanted me
i never thought i could fall under your spell
but you made me i looked into your eyes,then i was
you make me feel like i never felt before
you looked into my eyes and then i realised that all i
had to do was come and tell you
that i need you girl,that i want you in my world
all i have to know is
don't you
don't you know
girl,you drive me crazy with every minute you amaze me
girl,you drive,me crazy with every moment you amaze me
i got to dealing that i had ypu in my life
and you wanted me i've got a feeling i never knew
i thought i all i had to do was come ans tell you
that i need you girl,that i want you in my world
all i have to know
don't you,don't you know that girl
repeat chorus
girl,girl,girl i looked into your eyes,then i was
i want you in my world
you looked into my eyes and then i realised
don't you,don't you know that
[Rapper Big Pooh:]
I wanna welcome y'all to the Rapper Big Pooh experience
The experience is everything
You in a privileged position to learn a thing or two
So get your pens out, get your tape recorders ready
Get your mental thing going
Me and Khrysis bout to take you on a journey
It's Rapper baby, take you home maybe
Like to play the bottom so girls call me lazy
Uh, kinda crazy, nah rather cute
Wear the T3 button or a Ralph Lauren suit
The ball's in my hands, no pass, rather shoot
Baby of the group but I'm no junior
She said see you later but I wanna come sooner
On that LL, I be Doin It, doin her
Huh, I'm so outa the box
I'm so left field like I play for the Sox
I'm a homerun hitter, show time spitter
Damn he's so mammish, no I'm so mammy
Quite uncanny, hoes can't stand me
When the time coming let's fly to Miami
Tamika, Tammy, Lisa, Randy
Topless tanning on the beach I can be
[Chorus: x2]
Yeah, you wanna know what it is?
You say I'm crazy, well I'm crazy baby handling biz
Yeah, you wanna see how I do?
Well I'm crazy when I do it baby, how bout you?
[Rapper Big Pooh:]
I talk with a slang and I walk with a swagger
He got an aura like shit don't matter
Throw a lil' chatter, watch your heart start to patter
Pity, why these girls be acting so silly?
Fine young philly, hometown's Philly
Really? I really got a taste for Ishkabibble's
Scribbled-down numbers, twenty on the button
Told her holler back if she ever needed something
Wanting something, that something is him
She want a major man, he tryna be her friend
Well look baby girl, this where the conversation ends
Don't be mislead cause he flashed a few grands
Showed a lil' dimple, showed a lil' charm
I got one occupying my arm and that's work
I'm on the horn tryna make this thing work
If you hear me let me hear you say chuuch... chuuch
[Chorus x2]
[Rapper Big Pooh:]
So I ain't the cutest, you already knew this
Pooh is chasing them down to say I hate you
No I won't date you, your life shouldn't end
Go do like I and take it out on the pen
Jotting down emotions, pencil in your diary
I read, I inspire to make millions
Buy a couple buildings, flip them bricks
You want the story of my life? Well you hearing the script
Non-descript, nigga with a forty-six hip
Took a trip down South, never came back
VA alum' do his thang on the track
Hoes begging me to come back
They ain't want a nigga cause they thought a nigga was fat
Now I'm fat cause they see me on the box and they think I'm all that
Hoes is wack, wonder why I don't go back
Cause of silly ass shit like that, now keep down
[Chorus x2]
[Rapper Big Pooh:]
Yeah, I said how bout you?
When I'm doing what I'm doing baby, how bout you?
Yeah, uh, I said how bout you?
Release date: 1. November 2000
Album: Have a zididada day
Okay - I'm not as cool as you
Never had my big break through
Why I never did it right
Guess That's how I am
Now you wont hesitate to say
Come on make my day
Okay - but it's easier to say
I'm crazy you know
I might be crazy
but i'm cool enough for you
I might be crazy
but i do know what i'm going through
I might be crazy
But it's good enough for me
As good as it can be
(whistle whistle)
You consider me a fool
Hope I'm fool enough for you
How pathetic it may seem
I'm still crazy you know
How dare you believe
You're better than me
Cause I know it's common policy
To control insanity
I'm still crazy
[bonus track]
Girl I ain't playin' around but you stopped the show
You didn't realize, you're just doin' your thing
I start imagining you, taking off your clothes
I wanna feel your skin on my skin
Dance with me tonight, girl you're racin' my temperature
When I see that look in your eyes
Girl you're makin' me crazy, hands all over my body
Touching me while I'm touching you
Don't you know
You're driving me crazy, girl you're looking so sexy
You on me and then me on you, me on you
I think we better slow down, just cool it
I'm going crazy 'cause I can't get you off my mind
You got me thinking and I cant stop it
Your sexy body on top of mine, boy
Move with me tonight, let me see ya when you work that thing
When I see that look in your eyes
Girl you're makin' me crazy, hands all over my body
Touching me while I'm touching you
Don't you know
You're driving me crazy, girl you're looking so sexy
Waking up,
Shake it off,
Draw a breath to fill your lungs,
I think it’s time now to move on,
All I ever needed was a reason for you leaving me here,
You never wanted me,
It’s just that simple,
Did it make you scared to know you had to let go?
And everything I did,
I always thought I did it for you,
All I ever needed was a reason for you leaving me here,
Through these closed eyes,
I swear we‘ll see the truth,
See the truth,
Through our sealed lips,
We dare not speak the truth,
If you could be the one that will save me,
Stop driving me crazy,
I think it’s safe to say that you need me,
But you don’t believe me,
I’m going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
You made it clear that I was just a let down,
You had your chance,
But it’s just turned and run now,
And every minute you’ll just feel a little farther away,
All I ever needed was a reason for you leaving me here,
I never said that we were meant for greatness,
I guess sometimes I can’t control my weakness,
Happens every time I go,
Every time I go,
I go away,
Through these closed eyes,
I swear we’ll see the truth,
Through our sealed lips,
We dare not speak the truth,
If you could be the one that will save me,
Stop driving me crazy,
I think it’s safe to say that you need me,
But you don’t believe me,
I’m going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
If you could be the one that will save me,
Stop driving me crazy,
I think it’s safe to say that you need me,
But you can’t,
You can’t,
If you could be the one that will save me,
Stop driving me crazy,
I think it’s safe to say that you need me,
But you don’t believe me,
I’m going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
You got me going crazy,
I’m going crazy,
… If you could be the one that will save me…
You got me going crazy,
… Stop driving me crazy…
You got me going crazy,
… If you could be the one that will save me…
You got me going crazy,
… Stop driving me crazy…
I’m going crazy,
… If you could be the one that will save me…
You got me going crazy,
… Stop driving me crazy…
You got me going crazy,
… If you could be the one that will save me…
You got me going crazy,
… Stop driving me crazy…
I’m going crazy,
… If you could be the one that will save me…
What have they done to the birds and the bees
The cradle was robbed the nest make believe
And they’re selling their souls for the purpose of
losing it all
What have they done to the cracks in the walls
The world has been painted to cover it all
Now everyone’s afraid to admit that they’re getting old
Oh my lord I’m told
What have they done to the revolution
They call it a war and claimed it was useless
The voice of the ages will never be heard quite the
What have they done to the innocent mind
Spoiled it and twisted the truth into lies
Now all of the peace lovers are having to draw up their
Oh my Lord I’m torn
If I’m going crazy then crazy is just that I’m born
What have they done to Jesus’ life
They’re making it cruel, say it’s a lie
But they still ask for his peace ‘cause they feel it
And what have they done with the two thousand years
Made history in to a faithful fear
But the cracks don’t expire just ‘cause the surface is
Oh my Lord I’m tired
If I’m going crazy, then crazy is just my desire
If I’m going crazy, crazy is just what I’ve seen
Well I almost blew it.
I'm glad I saw right through it.
Her other half was out of town, I kind of knew it all along.
And after what she told me.."I just want you to hold me"
Well, my girlfriend doesn't care whether you're lonely or not.
The look in your eyes when you're starin' at me I can't think of anything that's the same.
The temptation's strong but I can't be weak or I'll screw up everything.
Lets just tear each other's worlds aside.
You take yours and I'll take mine, cause we'll never get to see.
Don't tell me that you're crazy.
I don't think this time we'll ever get to see.
I don't care what you're saying.
I don't care now.
We'll never get to see.
And after what you told me.."I just want you to hold me."
I don't trust a single word and I never ever will.
And now I've figured out why the look is still in your eye.
All I know is you're bad news so just stay away from me.
Lets just tear each other's worlds aside.
You take yours and I'll take mine, cause we'll never get to see.
Don't tell me that you're crazy.
I don't think this time we'll ever get to see.
I don't care what you're saying.
I don't care now.
We'll never get to see.
Don't tell me that you're crazy!!
Don't tell me that you're crazy!!
Don't tell me that you're crazy!!
Don't tell me that you're crazy!!
Don't tell me that you're crazy.
I don't think this time we'll ever get to see.
I don't care what you're saying.
I don't care now.
I'm going crazy
The colours I breathe
Are the colours I need
The people I see
Are just people like me, yeah
Because the things that I see
Are not chosen by me
The things that I see
Are the things on TV
coming back to me
The feelings I breathe
Are the feelings I need
The lives that I live
Are the ones on the screen, yeah
Because the things that I see
Are not chosen by me
The things that I see
Are the things on TV
Coming back to me
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy
Everyone's a little crazy
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy now
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy
Everyone's a little crazy
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy now
The colours I breathe
Are the colours I need
The people I see
Are just people like me, yeah
Because the things that I see
Are not chosen by me
The things that I see
Are the things on TV
coming back to me
The feelings I breathe
Are the feelings I need
The lives that I live
Are the ones on the screen, yeah
Because the things that I see
Are not chosen by me
The things that I see
Are the things on TV
Coming back to me
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy
Everyone's a little crazy
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy now, crazy
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy
Everyone's a little crazy
I'm going crazy
I am going crazy
Everybody's crazy now
I'm going crazy
The colours I breathe
Are the colours I need
The people I see
Are just people like me, yeah
Because the things that I see
Are not chosen by me
The things that I see
Are the things on TV
If you think you can fuck wit 50 you gotta be crazy
I wont do a joint wit you
Know matter how much your label try and pay me
I'm on top of hip-hop
I run wit Aftermath and mother fucking Shady
It simple i see you like to be me ya niggaz can't fade me
[Verse One]
I can be a gentleman a gangsta
The bitch done chose
I send me orders to put hoes
In niggaz and hoes
My wrist all froze from flip side poles
Fein share on my deeder doors i suppose that's the bottom line
So called a gran that a nigga switching white lines
Sell anything under the sun to get mine
I'm Gonna Shine
Some for the summer H2 Hummer
Got paper now im picky
Change the rims change the watch change the gems
I upgrade now im paid
Catch me in the truck tower loby
Stroking other niggaz hoes is my hobby
Treat me like king ... suck me baby
I Roll with Shady and Dr.Dre (ohh)
Im done ta charm a luck
See if i can finger fuck in a truck
G-5 50 so live
So as my zipper go down her eyes wide
Got her in hotely on the bed with her hand tied (woo)
If you think you can fuck wit 50 you gotta be crazy
I wont do a joint wit you
Know matter how much your label try and pay me
I'm on top of hip-hop
I run wit Aftermath and mother fucking Shady
I'm going crazy
You don't make it easy
Don't you give a beggar a chance
Dry on the outside
Wetter on the inside
It aint exactly romance
Feelin like a fumble
Bit on rough and tumble
Got no chance of getting away
You can push me so far
Only push me so far
Too far latley
Don't you know it drives me crazy
Got it so fine latley
I'm going crazy
No one ever pays me
Try to find me something to do
You're just double trouble
Gonna burst your bubble
I ain't got nothing like you
Sisters up for hire
Whatever you desire
Brother like to break all the rules
It's got me so far
Only push me so far
I I I don't want to be like you
You you you can do what you want to do
I'm going crazy
Everything looks hazy
You got me lying flat on my face
This is not the worst time
I bet I'm no exeptional case
Mummies on the outside
Daddies on the inside
Only got for years to do
Well it gets me so far see
Only push me so far
I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue
I knew
You'd love me as long as you wanted
and then someday
You'd leave me for somebody new
Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do?
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin'
and crazy for cryin'
and I'm crazy
For lovin' you
For thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin'
and crazy for cryin'
and I'm crazy
For lovin' you
(CAROLINE) I can't fight it I can't hide it
(ALL) You drive me crazy
(CAROLINE) I can't fight it I can't hide it
(ALL) You drive me crazy
(CHORUS) Can't stop thinking 'bout you all the time
I got oh o oh o oh
Crazy little thing called love
Cant stop wanting you to hold me tight
I got oh o oh o oh
Crazy little thing called love
(CAROLINE) How do I look what should I wear
Its gonna take an hour just to fix my hair
We're meeting up tonight so I gotta get it right then maybe... oh yeah
Teenage loving. the very first time.
Try to explain. It's going out of my mind
Hit me out of the blue, now all I wanna do is to
Be with you
(ALL) Work it out don't know what I'm feeling
All about rockin'and reelin' (rockin' and reelin')
(ALL) I can't fight it I can't hide it
Knocked me off my feet and s I'm so excited
Can't stop thinking 'bout you all the time
I got oh o oh o oh
Crazy little thing called love
(SANDRA) Now I can't eat and I can't sleep
I don't listen up to the people I meet
Its so hard to believe that it can happen to me
When you came along
Turn out the light, the heat is on
You asked me to dance, my cool is gone
I'm coming to pieces,
It aint so easy
When you're talking to me
(CAROLINE) I can't fight it I can't hide it
(ALL) You drive me crazy
(CAROLINE) I can't fight it I can't hide it
(ALL) You drive me crazy
(ALL) I can't fight it I can't hide it
Knocked me off my feet and s I'm so excited
Can't stop thinking 'bout you - drive me crazy
Crazy little thiing called love
Starbucks is in the house and
Barnes and Noble is in the house and
AMC you in the house and
3rd Street, you in the house and
Luna Sol Cafe is in the house and
Walmart is in the house and
Taco Bell is in the house
aaaaali! I used to wake up early for work
6 am on the Metro without a perk
Had to open the bookstore and press my shirt
Cause I had to pay the rent or I was out on dirt
My drawer was comin' up short
They thought I was stealin"
Had to fill a report
I said, "My God! I ain't goin' through this"
Walked home with an attitude to handled my business
Life can drive you crazy
Opticals are hazy
All I wanna do is be lazy
But I gotta get up and graze the field (2X)
Oh my wife be comin' on home
Talkin' about her day and I try not to roam
See all I wanna do is make a beat
And the only interruption's when it's time to eat
I know that it is rude
But a man's got a short attention span, it's true
(Right? Yeah!)
See all my ni***s know
G's up Ho... (John!)
I'm just playing, I'm just playing come on!
Donnie, Donnie on the keyboards
Ladies, Fellas, put your hands up
Donnie, thank you
See, I know that it's hard
But we have to?
Everybody just shout, come on let it out (4X)
I Came Through To Catch Up With U, (See What Ya Wanna Do)
I See Ya Out Their Acting A Fool, (Thats Not Too Cool Wi U)
Your All Upon Some Other Chick, Im Like He's On Some Other Shit
I Aint Even Gonna Stress You
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady,
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady
I Know Ya Beat Me Here But Its Cool (Keep Up Ya Little Move),
It's Not Ma Style To Act Up Like U (Am Jus Observin U)
To Flip Or Wanna Start A Fight To Cool ****
This Time Around Am Gunna B Cool
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady,
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady
Man I Aint New 2 Tha Game I Aint New 2 This Thing,
Im Off This Chain N U No It
Ive Been Watchin U Move, I Been Watchin U Do All The Things That U Do
N Its Driving Me Crazy
Youve Been Freaky,Sexy,Nasty
Ill Do Anything That Ya Like Just Ask Me
See Baby U N Me Baby Drive Eachother Crazy When We Get Freaky
Its Promiscuous, Far From Manogamous
If U Get It, U Got It, I Hit It U Gon
Now Bend Ova Baby Let Me Play With Ya Thong
An If U Act Ryt Baby Ill Let Ya Play Wit Ma Tongue
I In Love With A Stripper But Im Gettin This Wrong
One Time We Keep Gettin It On
I Showed Her Ma Ummm She Showed Me Her Ummm
Im Like U Crazy, She Like U Crazy
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady,
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady
Jus Because I Was Into U, I Aint Guna Go N Catch Feelings Boo
For Me It Was Nothing New, Get Up On Ya Man N Do Wot Ya Do
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Am Tellin Ya Boy Ure Crazy Ure Shady,
An It's Crazy, Ya Want Me To Be Your Baby,
But That Shit There Wont Phase Me
Crazy (Crazy)
Some times I'm crazy baby
Crazy (Crazy)
Ooh ooh
It's crazy
I be thinkin people tryna play me
Latly I know I be flippin on a daily basis
I hate waitin, I'm impatient
Bitch don't ask me why I gotta nice grill
This is just how my face is
I piss, in public places
Slightly racist, right now I'm robbing a theif and I'm fuckin a rapist
I married an imagrant to get him his papers
Niggaz don't wanna give me the mic cuz they afraid I'mma say shit
And that's right I'mma say shit
Right in they faces
This is Remy straight on the rocks wit nothin but chase it
I'mma new breed of female
Far from the basic
And if you still can't see that then you need to get lasik
I'mma make a statement: I'm the replacement
I'm so close to the top I can almost taste it
So ill, so real so far from fakers
Rem to Fred wit the strip pole in the basement
Now that's crazy
Crazy (Crazy)
Some times I'm crazy baby
Crazy (Crazy)
Ooh ooh -
Some say I'm 7:30 in the M-730
Been smokin since I was 13
Been on my own since I was half of 30
I thought I ain't have to worry
Because I was always pretty
I find a dumb nigga gettin dough and do his pockets dirty
But see that wasn't workin
And I wasn't tryna work in
I got my own work in
I started puttin work in
Some say it ain't worth it
I say I ain't perfect
Matter of fact I'm sayin, doin the fuck I feel
I make people nervous
Who say I ain't bout it
I'm still from the projects
What you talkin bout bitch
I sets it on bounces
I don't think you understand son
You know how many clubs I been from
And I can careless
I'm so careless
I'm from the generation where we did shit because you dared us
I said I wish every breath I take didn't taste like drunk
And every sentence I say came out in a flow
I swear I wouldn't have to write or spend dough on smokes
Now thats crazy
Crazy (Crazy)
Some times I'm crazy baby
Crazy (Crazy)
Ooh ooh
Yo I'm crazy nigga
So don't play wit me nigga
Put ya head down when you talk
Watch what you say to me nigga
See I got goupin if I won
I can pay for you nigga
I'm the type let you pipe but I won't stay with you nigga
Leave you in telly on ya belly don't wanna lay with you nigga
Yea I say it's ya pussy but I always say that to niggas
See I'm really the business
This is goin into history
I just got my own company
I love it call me misery
I said I walk around the metal dectors
Who does that
Before I told them lean back
I told bitches to run that
And if they ain't show me where the ones and the funds at
More or less I was gunna show them how the guns clap
I pull a weed nigga and treat his stash like a fun pack
See you tryna do it to me I does that
Hold Up
Matta fact
I think the craziest shit I ever said is I wish I could bring Pun back
back back
Crazy (Crazy)
Some times I'm crazy baby
Crazy (Crazy)
crazy crazy crazy
I remember when, I remember
I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space
And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are
Having the time of your life
But think twice
That's my only advice
Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart
To lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember
Is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little
Ever since I was little
It looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
Crazy, you will always be my baby
Nothing in this world could persuade me
I love you this is true and forever, we will always be together
Starlight, starbright, first star I see tonight
Oh I wish if I may, and I wish if I might
Let him know how I feel and that my love is real
My friends are telling me, that you're no good for me
If they could only see, just what you do to me
Whoa, if they could only see, just what you do to me
And boy you're driving me
Sunset, sunrise, you're always on my mind
Oh I'm wishing by day and I'm wishing by night
Let him know how I feel and that my love is real
My friends are telling me...
I'm crazy, crazy for feelin' so lonely
And I'm crazy, crazy for feelin' so blue
Oh I knew, you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then some day, you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin', what in the world did I do? yeah
I'm crazy for thinkin' that my love could hold you
Crazy for tryin', crazy for cryin' and I'm crazy for lovin' you
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wonderin', what in the world did I do?
I'm crazy for thinkin' that my love could hold you
Crazy for tryin', crazy for cryin' and I'm crazy for lovin' you
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew, you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry
Wonderin', what in the world did I do
Crazy, for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', I'm crazy for cryin'
And I'm crazy for lovin' you
Crazy, for thinkin' that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for tryin', I'm crazy for cryin'
You opened up my eyes Made me realize You made me stronger
Ooh you changed my way of life Now I have found myself I'm getting stronger
Ooh you make me feel all right With you I can be myself Now I'm getting stronger
Every time you touch me I can't control my body and when I look at you I'll go crazy
You woke me up inside Seduced me with your smile You made me stronger
Ooh you changed my way of life Now I have found myself I'm getting stronger
Ooh you make me feel all right With you I can be myself Now I'm getting stronger
You make me feel so strong
Hmmmmmmmm......hey yea hey...hoooooowhooo....baby,
[Verse 1]
Kind of like a summer's breeze,
you do exactly as you please,
drop a brother to his knees just for fun.
I think it was the first of May,
girl I can't forget the day,
right then and there I knew you were the one.
Do you think that possibly,
you could spend your life with me,
cuz girl this love is growing, and it's hotter than the sun.
I get a little bit crazy baby,
everytime you call my name
my heart beats a little bit faster,
after, you are in my arms again.
You try to fight it,
don't even try to hide it,
emotions falling down like the rain,
I can't find the words to explain it,
ain't it, crazy how i fall,
everytime you call my name.
[Verse 2]
It's kind of like a work of art,
you shot an arrow through my heart,
even though we're worlds apart I can't deny,
it feels like your apart
of me the finish and the start of me,
girl you are the heart of me,
and that's no lie,
did I mention that I love you so,
and I just want the world to know,
if I could you kno I would write your name across the sky.
Crazy, crazy...
Evertime that your close to me,
I lose control of my sanity,
everynight, everyday, every word and you say,
girl do you know you put a spell on me.
Everytime you call my name,
I don't know what to do,
Life is such a funny thing
You never know what it'll bring
You know I'm just takin' it day by day
For you it comes so easily
For me it's just another fantasy
Cause nothing, nothing ever comes my way
I see you there, I watch you fly
If I could be you, I would touch the sky
But here I am, and there you are
Don't you know it's driving me
So crazy
I think I'm going crazy, can't take it anymore
Got one thing on my mind all the time
And it's driving me crazy, I think I'm going crazy
And I don't know what I'm doing
Ijust can't take your grace in my face
Cause it's driving me crazy
You do what you wanna do
Everybody wants to be with you
It's something that I jsut don't understand
I don't believe you know what you got
And that's what puts me over the top,
I'm running I'm runnin' just as fast as I can
I see you there, I watch you fly
If I could be you I would touch the sky
But here I am, and there you are
Don't you know it's driving me
So crazy
I think I'm going crazy, can't take it anymore
Got one thing on my mind all the time
And it's driving me crazy, I think I'm going crazy
And I don't know what I'm doing
Ijust can't take your grace in my face
Cause it's driving me crazy
Hey girl, when I looked at you
I'd never seen brown eyes so true
Oh, something wonderful came over me
You got to hear my cry for sympathy
You drive me crazy
Don't know what to do
You got me baby
I'm so hooked on you
You drive me crazy
With the things you do
You got me baby
Baby, you're always on my mind
I swear I think that you're so fine
Girl in time, love the way, the way you make me feel
I know this time the feeling's real
You drive me crazy
Don't know what to do
You got me baby
I'm so into you
You drive me crazy
With the things you do
You got me baby
You must know you mean the world to me
There is no other love I can see
Not a day comes by without me, knowin' that I
Want you, want you by my side for the rest of my life
Everyday I think of you
'Cause I really like the way you make me feel
It's not what you do, it's the way you do it (Girl, it's the way!)
Take your aftershave, take your rings
Take your clothes, just take all of your things
Move your flash car, it's wasting my space
Now take yourself and get out of my place
You think I'm crazy, well hell I may be
Boy you're not welcome here
But if I'm crazy you made me crazy
So boy you're not welcome here
Don't like problems, I don't like stress
Don't like to argue, like tears even less
You think it's clever to play all these games
Well, say goodbye 'cause the rules have just changed
You think I'm crazy, well hell I may be
Boy you're not welcome here
But if I'm crazy you made me crazy
So boy you're not welcome here
I've got brains and a hot body too
I'm not stupid, I leave that to you
Don't think you counted on me being strong
Well, I'm calling time now, you just run along
Not too perceptive, not too perceptive
Boy I'm not that kind of girl
Go find another, sleep with another
Boy I'm not that kind of girl
You think I'm crazy, well hell I may be
Boy you're not welcome here
But if I'm crazy you made me crazy so
Boy you're not welcome here
Not too perceptive, not too perceptive
Boy I'm not that kind of girl
Go find another, sleep with another
Boy I'm not that kind of girl
And if I'm crazy you made me crazy
I wanna see you getting nasty on the floor
Cuz the beat's vibrating through the floor
Throw your hands up in the air and dance some more
I wanna see you getting crazy, gimme more
Everybody on the floor
I wanna see you jumping
Cuz it's a party going on
So everybody just go go go go go go go
Feel all over your body
Ain't no need to worry, tonight let's just party
Go crazy oooo
Feel all over your body
Ain't no need to worry, tonight let's just party
Go crazy oooo
Feel, take over your party
From the tip of your fingers
Right down through to your toes and shake it off and let it go
Go crazy, go crazy
Feel me, just feel me
Go crazy, go crazy
Every grab somebody, make it hot
Flashing lights, action, you're a superstar
I like it like, show me, show me what you got
Cuz you're sexy and you know it's getting hot
Everybody on the floor
I wanna see you jumping
Cuz it's a party going on
So everybody just go go go go go go go
Feel all over your body
Ain't no need to worry, tonight let's just party
Go crazy oooo
Feel all over your body
Ain't no need to worry, tonight let's just party
Go crazy oooo
Feel, take over your party
From the tip of your fingers
Right down through to your toes and shake it off and let it go
Go crazy, go crazy
Feel me, just feel me
Go crazy, go crazy
Feel all over your body
Ain't no need to worry, tonight let's just party
Go crazy oooo
Feel all over your body
Ain't no need to worry, tonight let's just party
Go crazy oooo
Feel, take over your party
From the tip of your fingers
Right down through to your toes and shake it off and let it go
Go crazy, go crazy
Feel me, just feel me
Go crazy, go crazy
Go crazy, go crazy
Feel me, just feel me
Go crazy, go crazy
I'm a wild one
I'm lots of fun
What can I say
I betcha you're gonna like it way yeah yeah
Don't really care
I know I'm not the girl next door
But I can give you much more and
Make you scream make you lose control
Yeah, I'm gonna drive you crazy
I'm crazy, real crazy
What you think don't even faze me
I'm crazy, can't tame me
I'm crazy, real crazy
What you think don't even faze me
I'm crazy, can't tame me
I break the rules
'cause I don't care
Do what I wanna do
I stay out late and wear what I wanna wear
Have you ever had a girl like this
So untamed
I can break you down
With just a kiss
Gonna make you remember this
So I like to have a little fun
I've always been a real wild one
And I know that you really like it that way
Oh yeah---
Yesterday I saw you look at me
There was something in your smile
I didn't see before
Baby, now I see you in a different light
And I just can't do anything
To get you off my mind
Girl, you make me go crazy thinking about you
I really wanna let you know
That I go crazy when I think about you, oh yeah
You make me go crazy thinking about you
I really wanna let you know
That I go crazy when I think about you
Think about you, oh yeah---
Yesterday just seems so far away
When you were just another pretty face to me
I used to only think about you once in a while
But now I can't do anything
To get you off my mind
(repeat Chorus twice)
Think about you, oh yeah---
Think about you, uh-huh
Oh yeah---
I go cra---zy, crazy, crazy, yeah
the streetlights are out and the moon is in the sky
it's dark all around, a certain light shining on the pavement
i'm waiting.
for the magical moment, your eyes locked on mine
and we move in closer, funny feeling in side
i'm dreaming, i'm dreaming
is it a crime to like you like i do
oh is it wrong to see you in my dreams
i don't know what i'd do if i can't have you
i wish you knew what you do
guy like you, you drive me crazy
i'm lying in bed listening to your favourite song
can't get you off my mind, i just know that we belong together
is it a crime to like you like i do
oh is it wrong to see you in my dreams
i don't know what i'd do if i can't have you
i wish you knew what you do
guy like you, you drive me crazy
and i stay up every night waiting for the day
that you toss rocks at my window with a smile on your face and say
is it a crime to like you like i do
oh is it wrong to see you in my dreams
i don't know what i'd do if i can't have you
i wish you knew what you do
girl like you, you drive me crazy
the streetlights are out and the moon is in the sky
(you must be crazy)
[ verse 1 ]
One day, let's just say that I was bored
I went for a ride in my new accord
Sucker mc's were standin outside
Talkin bout, "yo ed, let me get a ride"
I said, "you're already ridin on mine"
He raised his tone, and out came the chrome from behind
(better back up, nigga) "now continue with yourself
And don't step any further, cause it's bad for your health
And your wealth and your future
Cause I don't wanna have to shoot ya" - (booya!)
And then I went into the store
I wanted some chips, it's a dollar for 4
I gotta get some juice and a loosey
I used to smoke, now it's only 1 or 2, see?
I'm not a bad guy, but I got bad habits
I was raised in the place where they grab it
If they want it (brooklyn) but I'm not a thief
Plus I'm not a punk, so don't pop junk or beef
You must be crazy
(you must be crazy)
[ verse 2 ]
I pay for the goods and I make my exit
I walked out the door, and I saw some legs, it
Looked like cheese that I knew
>from around the way or maybe from my brother drew
It can't be the rest, because the others are older
Looked like a nice slice, tapped her on the shoulder
(excuse me) she turned around, started to stare
Grabbed at my hat, said, "let me see your hair!"
I said, "there won't be none of that, at least not here"
She said, "my man is always snoring, and he's boring"
I said, "so what? you're out here whoring?
What you think you're doing?
I ain't tryin to ruin no relationship
Honey dip, get a grip"
Cause that's the kinda fan I can't stand
When she wanna get wreck and still got a man
So if you got a girl, you better watch her
Because love is blind (got that ass) gotcha
(think I'm crazy)
(you must be crazy)
[ verse 3 ]
Well now, I got around the way and I just couldn't wait
(why? ) today mom said that she was cookin peppered steak
I parked the ride, and as I stride down the ave.
I said, "oh my, what big thighs you have"
To a slice of cheese and cut-off shorts
She said, "ain't you special ed?," I said, "but of course
But that's not the matter at hand
Do you have a man? do you understand?
What I'm tryin to say is, well,? I'm a little shy
She said, "why, you're an attractive guy
Plus I seen your videos, all four of them
Can I be in one of them if you have more of them? "
I said, "yes, there's one next week
Come to the crib so we can speak"
She came over 3 days later
And I laid her
You've got your home of the brave
And I've got my land of the free.
You conform to what society says
And I conform to me.
Looking for light in the corners,
Getting caught in the spider web.
You look at me as though I'm giving a performance
When I'm just feeding my head.
And you know that I'm doing alright
And I won't explain myself to you just to avoid a fight
How I'm living ain't correct,
But for me, its just right
I'm not completely insane.
I'm maybe just a little bit crazy.
There's no one to blame,
Got no shame 'bout my game,
Don't want nobody to save me.
I've got a pair of ruby slippers that
I don't wear much anymore
And if I had the nerve,
I'd click my heels and return
To the wonderland I knew before.
I'm waiting on a slow boat to China,
Gonna sail away to the sun.
I've been searching for myself,
And I know I'm gonna find her
If I break away from everyone.
So, the way that I act may not fit in.
Just because I have a mind of my own,
Doesn't mean its a sin.
I don't ask you to give up;
Don't expect me to give in.
Some like to live for the moment,
Taking life into their hands every day.
And if they don't get killed,
They get so high off the thrill,
They could float to heaven anyway.
And others want to save for tomorrow,
Thinking money is security.
Well, I understand the need,
But I don't get the greed.
Y'know, they all seem pretty crazy to me.
You can tell by the expression I wear.
Though I seem a little strange to you
I don't really care. I've got the freedom to be;
There are others like me everywhere...
I feel like going out for a drive
Don't know if I'll make it back alive
My head's so heavy, my soul is black
Lookin' like something that the cat brought back
I'm goin' crazy
But that's alright
Outside, lookin' for something to do
Walkin' the streets, everybody looks like you
When you can't find love, you can feed your head
But you can't survive when your brain is dead
I'm goin' crazy
But that's alright
I'm goin' crazy
I think you better hold on tight
Give it to me
I'm goin' crazy
Yesterday you and I were two
Now your gone, I'm all black and blue
Don't know why, could be your no good
If I could turn back the hands of time you know I would
Think it's strange thinking these thoughts out loud
Better keep movin', blend in with the crowd
I can't believe I'm acting like a child
One thing I know your driving me wild
I'm goin' crazy
But that's alright
I'm goin' crazy
I think it's going to be a long, long night
Give it to me
I'm goin' crazy
I'm goin' crazy
I'm goin' crazy
I'm goin' crazy
Crazy I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then some day you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry why do I let myself worry
Wondering what in the world did I do
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
(Crazy) crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you (crazy for loving you)
I remember when ,I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place,
Even your emotions have an echo ,and so much space,
And when your out there,with out care ,yeah I was out of touch,
But it wasn’t because I didn’t know enough, I just knew to much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are having the time of your life,
But think twice,that’s my only advice.
Come on who do you,who do you ,who do you who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha! Bless your soul, you really think your in control
Maybe your crazy,
I think your crazy,
I think your crazy just like me.
My heros had the heart to lose there lives out on a limb,
And all I remember,is thinking,I want to be like them,
Ever since I was little ,ever since I was little it looked like fun
and it’s no coincidence I’ve come, And I can die when I’m done
Maybe we’re crazy, maybe your crazy, maybe we’re crazy probably
And she seems to disagree.
And I'm supposed to take her seriously,
And she's out on ecstasy.
And she can never be around again,
With a bottle full of Ritalin.
She'll never (something),
But all she does is (something).
But she did something wrong,
Yeah she did something wrong,
There's no way (something)
She always says her life's so bad,
But I just think she's acting mad.
And she's getting all this sympathy,
But she won't get that from me.
But she did something wrong,
Yeah she did something wrong,
There's no way (something)
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
He got me losin' my mind
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
No, I just can't get enough
Je n'ai pas la moindre idée de ce que tu sais sur moi
Pas la moindre idée de ce que tu veux de moi
J'ai la sale manie de faire parler de moi
Quand je veille tard et que je passe d'ici à là
Une bonne soirée à l'ancienne K.Pone Inc
Allez lady à la tienne come on in
C'est parfait pour te faire remarquer, c'est mon show
Baby sers-toi c'est ton sceau
Welcome dans mon monde si tu party
Welcome parmi nous si t'es naughty
Damn girl, you're such a hottie
Let's get down, let's get dirty
Pop le champagne tout le monde est servi
Il faut que ça lève à ma mamière c'est party
Il faut que mes people ''dance'' et ''dance'', ''dance''
Ce soir je vous rends dingue, on bounce, on bounce, come on
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
He got me losin' my mind
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
No, I just can't get enough
Si tu ne savais peut-etre pas encore comment c'est
Si tu ne savais peut-etre pas encore comment on le fait
C'est mon party baby et c'est dirty baby
C'est du fashion baby, soit sexy baby
Tous les mecs en Balbec et tout est dans le style
Fais un effort ce soir t'es une queen dans la ville
Tout le monde est là ce soir
Tout le monde est star ce soir
Il faut que ça reste gravé dans nos mémoires
Passe le Courvoisier, un double s'il vous plait
Sers mes invités et sors les cadeaux
Ces les sacs surprises de K-maro
Tout le monde repars avec des souvenirs
Tout le monde a hate déjà de revenir
Pour ma part c'était parfait
Du beau monde, du bon son so let's get dirty
Pop le champagne tout le monde est servi
Il faut que ça lève à ma mamière c'est party
Il faut que mes people ''dance'' et ''dance'', ''dance''
Ce soir je vous rends dingue, on bounce, on bounce, come on
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
He got me losin' my mind
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
No, I just can't get enough
Ce qu'on va faire live ici
C'est changer de cap un petit peu
On change l'atmosphère
Just give somethin' to go crazy about
Come on girl
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
He got me losin' my mind
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
No, I just can't get enough
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
He got me losin' my mind
Crazy, I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
Everyone thinks I'm crazy
for thinking that when you see me
you're gonna love me
but I tell them it's easy
like loving is supposed to be
walk into the room love
I'll be waiting
miles and miles and miles oh my love
I've come to find
find you
Must request a dance or two
until morning ruins
all my plans for you
strangely I don't give a damn
about his circumstance
or hang-up for you
walk beside this lullaby love
for dreams of you and I love
miles and miles and miles oh my love
I've come to find
find you
many ways
can I explain
my love
for you
sounding like a little girl
looking up to you
me everything
yes you taught
...taught me pain
and because of you I've changed
Everyone thinks I'm crazy
for thinking that when you see me
It's bitter cold outside, she's wrapped in blankets,
Wrapped in stone, wrapping herself around herself.
She's playing pretty hard to get,
I'm outside, I'm thinking about the weather...
Suddenly, I think about, all the things we've done
Together and all the things we've done alone, and
So I step inside, she's lying naked on the floor
Her eyes are wild she says to me please, please go
Where it's warm, where everything you do is fine
and nothing I say can harm your soul,
but don't deny the fact that I think about you all the
I really do. I really do want to hold you...
I'm lying to myself, if I think that everyone is human,
I don't believe, I don't believe in ignorance, so I
step inside
And I let fly and I tell her what's on my mind...
I'm crazy for hanging on and holding on and believing
In the things I'd never have, dreamed of, but now that
You're so close to me it doesn't make it easy,
I want to hold you, so cut the crap and lead me home,
And cut the smile behind the frown,
oh, I'm crazy, but I need to hear it all from you...
Need to know what's on my mind
I'm crazy for hanging on and holding on and believing
In the things I'd never have, dreamed of, but now that
You're so close to me it doesn't make it easy,
I want to hold you, so cut the crap and lead me home,
And cut the smile behind the frown,
oh, I'm crazy, but I need to hear it all from you...
There's a signpost, on the backdoor, and it says "come
inside, come inside",
A signpost, on her bedroom door, and it says "come
inside, come inside",
[Chevy Woods]
10-4 am I coming through clear
Just give me bout a month or two and I'll be right here
Tryna avoid police in riot gear
Heavyweight cash and you just a light year
I got a buzz and that's with no buzz yeah
Couldn't even walk in these shoes right here
And you acting like you don't see all this
Like ooh shit, look at the stones
They flawless, and the bitch that I'm with she gorgeous
I see you giant money, mines enormous
Don't even trip when I'm out I'll be very gone
My pockets fat like the head on Barry Bonds
You sit and chill, stack it up for a rainy day
A n-gga like me gotta pay to play
When I was gettin' it minor, they aint have shit to say
Now they scream cause I get it in a major way
I see 'em hatin' cause my paper right, right
I tell 'em hold on
She see all this and wanna stay the night, night
Had nothing like this in so long
She say she wanna ride with a G
So hop up in my passenger girl, we could be gone, gone
Don't ask yourself
Cause you not
[Chevy Woods - Verse 2]
You know I got Taylor stripes like Adidas
So these girls go wild like Mardi Gras
On my pimp shit so my pink show when I'm sippin' slow
High chance that them people coming so I'm gettin' low
They all thought they gettin' dough
Who cookin' the pot?
Sweet, potato on the tray, are you living to die?
On some OG Bobby Johnson South Central shit
Nigga, tell me who you really f-cking with
It's the bread man, cash top dead man
From the city where you need a bullet proof headband
Go go gadget the money stretching long
Cash in plastic cause I get it long
What you flip, that's diamonds zig zag money
And what I get, c an't fit it in the bag dummy
Don't ask yourself
Cause you not
I see 'em hatin' cause my paper right, right
I tell 'em hold on
She see all this and wanna stay the night, night
Had nothing like this in so long
She say she wanna ride with a G
So hop up in my passenger girl, we could be gone, gone
Don't ask yourself
Cause you not
[Wiz Khalifa - verse 3]
Uhh, EZ Wider twisting
Easy Prada slip in's
Niggas tell me I look like Eazy prol cause it's easy for 'em
I'm bobbin' weavin' on 'em, Ali and Foreman
All of my n-ggas ballin' got TGOD across em
Money countin', countin' my dollars
Got no creases on 'em
My weed is awesome, paid the cost now they callin' me the bossman
"You should be more like Khalifa"
That's what they boss sayin'
But they aint outta style, these niggas all?
All playin', thrity thousand feet up, rollin' weed up
Try and kill a track I told Jerm's we cut the beat up
These niggas aint heard the best of me
Say she a fan her nigga think she want me sexually
Hoe, get your man
I'm out here gettin it, spendin' it
Spittin' the illest shit you ever heard in your life
Thinkin' to yourself Chevy be killin' shit
Nigga I murder it twice
My money is right
And when my Champagne come, they serving on ice
This the life
Hmmmmmmmm......hey yea hey...hoooooowhooo....baby,
Kind of like a summer's breeze,
you do exactly as you please,
drop a brother to his knees just for fun.
I think it was the first of May,
girl I can't forget the day,
right then and there I knew you were the one.
Do you think that possibly,
you could spend your life with me,
cuz girl this love is growing, and it's hotter than the sun.
I get a little bit crazy baby,
everytime you call my name
my heart beats a little bit faster,
after, you are in my arms again.
You try to fight it,
don't even try to hide it,
emotions falling down like the rain,
I can't find the words to explain it,
ain't it, crazy how i fall,
everytime you call my name.
It's kind of like a work of art,
you shot an arrow through my heart,
even though we're worlds apart I can't deny,
it feels like your apart
of me the finish and the start of me,
girl you are the heart of me,
and that's no lie,
did I mention that I love you so,
and I just want the world to know,
if I could you kno I would write your name across the sky.
Crazy, crazy...
Evertime that your close to me,
I lose control of my sanity,
everynight, everyday, every word and you say,
girl do you know you put a spell on me.
Everytime you call my name,
I don't know what to do,
Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wondering what in the world did I do?
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
I'm crazy
crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy
crazy for feeling so blue
I know
you'd love me as long as you wanted
then someday
leave me for somebody new
why do I let myself worry
what in the world did I do
for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for crying
I'm crazy for trying
I'm crazy for loving you
Du du du...
Jump in
It's fine without a lifeboat
I will give it another try
You say "Come back, don't go in to deep"
But it's a rush to see me do it
Cuz you don't dare
Even though there's nothing to it and
This town's always gonna always think I'm a little crazy
Someone's always gonna try and label me insane
Funny how I'm always seem to be the one who's crazy
I just wanna live
I don't wanna fit
If that makes me crazy
Then I am
No way
I feel like nothing's going my way
But my future's bright
don't have a single dollar left
Got my keys
Got my car
And the highway is open wide
You ask me where
I can tell you
But I'm putting down the pedal tonight
You say, "Don't change"
I say nothing
But your list is longer than my day
I can't help wondering
When all he said
And now he's dead
And all the crazy
Du du du...
I just wanna live
I don't wanna fit
I just wanna try
I don't wanna quit
If that makes me crazy
Then I am
This town's always gonna always think I'm a little crazy
Someone's always gonna try and label me insane
Funny how I'm the one who's crazy
Have you seen her? Yeah I've seen her before
How's she doin'? Same way as before
Like a flower she breaks
Through the showers into my heart
How'd you meet her? A friend of a friend I guess
When you see her you'll be, oh, so impressed
When she smiles, it just drives me wild all the time
I, I go crazy, I go crazy without you
I, I go crazy, I go crazy
I go crazy when I'm without you
Have you heard? Yeah the words on the street
She's the one, they're all dying to meet
Like a flower she bursts
Through the showers into my heart
Can you believe her? She's everything that I need
With a face that's stolen from a magazine
When she smiles, it just drives me wild all the time
I, I go crazy, I go crazy without you
I, I go crazy, I go crazy
Jump in it's fine without a lifeboat
I will give it another try
You say come back, don't go in too deep
But it's a rush to see me do it
Cause you don't dare
Even though there's nothing to it
This town's always gonna think I'm a little crazy
Somebody's always gonna try to label me insane
Funny how I always seem to be the one who's crazy
I just wanna live, I don't wanna fit
If that makes me crazy, then I am
No way I feel like nothings goin'
My way but my future's bright
Don't have a single dollar left
Got my keys inside my car
and the high way is opening wide
You ask me where, I can't tell you
But I'm putting town the pedal tonight
You say don't change a single thing
But your list is longer than my day
I can't help wondering
When all is said and all is done
Am I the crazy one?
I just want to live
I don't want to fit
I just want to try
I don't want to quit
If that makes me crazy, I am.
Don't make me believe that I'm crazy
I'm not alone
Don't make me forgive you, I'm surely not
Made up of stoneIt starts through the night
And goes 'till the day
Then you say that I'm surely OK
"Go home right now"
That's all you sayDon't make me believe that I'm crazy
Is that all you know?!?
Don't make me forgive you, I'm maybe now
Losing controlIt starts through the night
And goes 'till the day
Then you say that I'm surely OK
"Go home right now"
That's all you say
Don't worry about the same thingsOh... Oh... When you come and say those things to me
Oh... Oh... I forget about all good memories
Oh... No... When you come and say those things
I regret for being human
And worry about the same things todayIf you believe that I'm sorry because I'm alone
If you believe that our story is the perfect one
If you believe the lights are flashing back to where you are
Oh, please forgive me, leave my fucking scars
And worry about your own thingsOh... Oh... When you come and say those things to me
Oh... Oh... I forget about all good memories
Oh... No... When you come and say those things to me (x3)
I regret for being human
And worry about the same things today
Lyrics: Birgit Schuurman
At school I never fitted in
Just did not care when others did
Did not want to belong
Without it I felt strong
I did not need confirmation
They said she's strange
But I'm just crazy
It's the best word that I know
Couldn't please me more than telling me
I'm crazy and I just scream it loud and loud
I'm crazy, crazy, crazy, oh yeah
Everytime when I meet faces unknown
I just wanna know all about them
Ask them about their lives
Their fears, their fantasies and lies
A chat with me feels like interrogation
They say she's strange, she's different
She's nice in her own peculiar way
But I'm just crazy
It's the best word that I know
Couldn't please me more than telling me
I'm crazy and I just scream it loud and loud
Namae kurai machigawanaide yo
Jibunkatte na koudou ni iradatsu no
Watashi ga nani mo kidzuite'nai to demo?
Barebare na no itsumo miteta kara
How can I sit still keep thinking where are u today?
Call natteru wa yo betsu ni deta tte ii no yo
Tell me if u want my tears I'm happy to she'd few
Uso kusai excuse mou kikiakita no
U're so crazy tsugou isugiru wa
Crazy crazy nando mo minogashita no
U're so crazy tte yuu ka minai furi
Crazy crazy sorosoro genkai ne
Sokora no onnanoko to
Onaji level de atashi wo miteru no?
Kireigoto naraberu no otokui ne
Anata no SUPE-SU nante
Mou koko ni wa nai tte koto
How can I sit still keep thinking where are u today?
Yoroshiku yatte yo ne koukai suru no wa anata no hou
Tell me if u want my tears I'm happy to she'd few
Kurikaeshitereba ii itsuka hitori ni naru wa
U're so crazy anata no tame ni
Crazy crazy ikiteru wake ja nai no
U're so crazy sugaritakunai no
Crazy crazy kono vibes joudan ja nai
You say I'm crazy
I say you shady
U know u my lady
It's donnis baby
Ima stay home
When I'm finished with bizness
I'm tired of games
Wanna give u my name
I know
Things our strange
And we aint tha same
But u all I know of love
Cuz I'm in out of clubs
In and out of whips
In and out of chics
Gottem lickin they lips
Why they swayin they hips
But hey?. baby girl
It's tha way I do
And it's tha way they react
When tha watch turn blue
You reacted tha same
When I asked ya name
Now u wanna act funny
Like ye aint see tha money
Like u aint get asthma
Soon as u seen tha plasma
Tha car much faster
Donnis is a bastard
But so fly
Soo cool so smooth
I know ya thinking that I'm
Shady but I still choose u
Iiwake naraberu yori ayamaru no ga saki desho?
Dete ikanai no nara dete yuku wa
å1(ichi en) no kachi mo nai 7(hito) to wa tsukiaenai
Warui kedo Pass1(ichi)
Wow Wow Wow Wow
[* Repeat]
U're so crazy
Crazy crazy
U're so crazy
Crazy crazy
U're so crazy mou kimeta koto
There are so many ways to say je t'aime
But only you know how to love me in that way
You please me in ways I think I'm dreamin'
You.re on my mind 24 hours
Please tell me this will never change
When you touch me here
I can feel my pulse, I can hear my heart. it's crazy (its racing)
When you kiss me there
My body thaws, like an ice cream cone, amazing
I won't ask how long, don't really care why
Just wanna go on and feel... crazy, oh crazy...
When you look at me
I can see in your eyes that your loosin' your mind... you want me
So don.t make me wait, my body's on fire, my mind is clear, don't taunt me
You can have me know, start over again, I'll never say no... 'cause I wanna feel crazy...
A thousand years woman have been waiting
To find... passion, lust 'n love all in one man
Don.t compromise 'cause when you find him
You.ll go crazy as often as you can
Touch me here
I can feel my pulse, I can hear my heart... it's crazy (its racing)
When you kiss me there
My body thaws, like an ice cream cone, amazing
I won't ask how long, don't really care why
Just wanna go on and feel ... crazy, oh crazy...
When you look at me
I can see in your eyes that your loosin' your mind... you want me
So don.t make me wait, my body.s on fire, my mind is clear, don't taunt me
You’ve been gone the whole damn day
Where you’ve gone you would not say
Tell me baby what am I to do
I’m going crazy over you
You’re out all night and you don’t come home
You leave me here baby all alone
Tell me baby what am I to do
I’m going crazy over you
What a fool I have been
Opened my heart and let you in
Now my heart’s been torn in two
I’m going crazy over you
I won’t tear my heart out in the pouring rain
You won’t here me crying you won’t feel this pain
I won’t hold my breath till the sun turns blue
I’m going crazy over you
You’re out all night with your friends
Where the party never ends
Tell me baby what am I to do
At school I never fitted in
Just did not care when others did
Did not want to belong
without it I felt strong
I did not need confirmation
They said she's strange
But I'm just crazy and it's
the best word that I know
Couldn't please me more than telling me
I'm crazy and I just scream it loud and proud
I'm crazy, crazy, crazy
Everytime when I meet faces unknown
I just wanna know all about them
Ask them about their lives, their fears, their fantasies and lies
A chat with me feels like interrogation
They say she's strange, she's different, she's nice in her own peculiar way
But I'm just crazy and it's the best word that I know
Couldn't please me more than telling me
I'm crazy and I just scream it loud and proud
Crazy, oh yea yea, oh yea
Oh yea yea, yea yea, oh
Anytime you look at me
I can't help but see
Anything I want and more
You're the biggest part of me
Deep down I know inside
There's nothing I an do
Nobody else will ever make me
Feel the way, the real way you do
Crazy in love with you
With all the little things you do
I just can't get enough, oh yea
Crazy for you
Every time I see your face
You just make me smile
I wanna get right next to you
And stay there for awhile
When I look into your eyes
I realize what's true
Nobody else will ever make me
Feel the way the real way you do
Crazy in love with you
All the little things you do
I just can't get enough, oh yea
Crazy for you, crazy for you, oh yea
Do you know I live to love you?
Where you go, I will follow
When I dream, I dream the sweetest
Dreams of you and me together
No we'll feel this way forever
Crazy in love with you
All the little things you do
I just can't get enough, oh yea
Crazy for you, you yea
Crazy in love with you
All the little things you do
I just can't get enough, oh yea
Crazy for you, you yea
Oh baby
Oh baby, so crazy
Yea yea, yea yea yea yea yea yea
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions have an echo
In so much space
And when you're out there
Without care,
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But just think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control
Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinking, I wanna be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I gonna die when I'm done
But Maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy
La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La,
La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La...
It started the day when I called her,
Needed to cry on her shoulder.
I was upset,
Me and my man was argueing...
I was filled with suspision,
Really do need a decision.
What should I say or do? Or scream or cry?
I don't know why he always wants to be alone,
But he is never in his home,
Won't even answer to his phone...
Me and my girl drove to his place,
And see one sket all in his face.
Uh uh, this fool's getting replaced.
You make me crazy.
Why u wanna hold me down?
Wanna mess around when you know I'm dowm.
You drive me crazy,
If you keep running around,
Wanna play around,
You get caught out.
You make me crazy,
Mess around when you know I'm dowm.
You drive me crazy,
If you keep running around,
Wanna play around,
You get caught out.
Now this time I'm wiling out,
You 2 timing bastard got caught out.
Don't try and hold me down,
Cause I'm about to switch.
So don't even bring your chat to me,
You're just a cat for the pussy.
Don't try and hold me back,
Cause this bitch ain't going out like that.
Oh no.
Now see this smile up on my face,
I just set fire to your place,
Everything you have is now erased.
Don't mess with a girl when she's in pain,
It's a deadly serious game,
And now I hope you feel the same.
You make me crazy.
Why u wanna hold me down?
Wanna mess around when you know I'm dowm.
You drive me crazy,
If you keep running around,
Wanna play around,
You get caught out.
You make me crazy,
Mess around when you know I'm dowm.
You drive me crazy,
If you keep running around,
Wanna play around,
You get caught out.
Should of given me more time,
Should of been on your mind,
Never should of have my trust, oh no.
But now you have to act the fool,
Cause you made a bitch lose her cool.
Now I'm over you.
You make me crazy.
Why u wanna hold me down?
Wanna mess around when you know I'm dowm.
You drive me crazy,
If you keep running around,
Wanna play around,
You get caught out.
You make me crazy,
Mess around when you know I'm dowm.
You drive me crazy,
If you keep running around,
Wanna play around,
You get caught out.
You make me crazy,
You drive me crazy.
You make me crazy,
You drive me crazy.
You make me crazy,
You drive me crazy.
You make me crazy,
One by one
They say these things will come undone
But these things that they say make it no less true
That I'm crazy in love with you
Oh, Yeah
Left behind
That's one thing that they'll never find
And when they ask why
I do all of these things that I do
It's cause I'm crazy in love with you.
Oh oh
And they ask me why
They say why
And though my eyes can't hide that what they say is true
I feel no less the way I do
guess I'm crazy in love with you.
In love with you, you, you
Ah hey
Take your time there's no need for you to decide
When they ask how long I tell them until forever is through
Lord I'm crazy in love with you
And they ask me why
They say why
And I can't deny sometimes I feel just like a fool
But then they make it no less true
That I'm crazy in love with you
So don't ask me why
Don't say why
Don't say why
I feel no less the way that I
I do
Until forever is through
I'll be crazy in love with you
In love with you
You, you, you
I'm crazy in love with you
I never felt this good before
I could Be destroyed
I don't know what you're looking for
You'd better make some noise
'Cause my desire
Is running down a city street
Pull me up to the wire
I'm driven by a heavy beat
When you put your hand in my hand
I go down, then I go crazy for you
I feel so ashamed to tell you
I go down, then I go crazy for you
Rush is good...
I never told a lie...
And with your speech you might
Have an alibi
'Cause my desire
Is running down a city street
Pull me up to the wire
I'm driven by a heavy beat
When you put your hand in my hand
I go down, then I go crazy for you
I feel so ashamed to tell you
I go down, then I go crazy for you
'Cause my desire
Is running down a city street
pull me up to the wire
I'm driven to a heavy beat
When you put your hand in my hand
I go down, then I go crazy for you
I feel so ashamed to tell you
I go down, then I go crazy for you
Girl I can't believe the love your giving me
Took me by suprise for your love has no disguise
You turn my head around
You blow my mind with the love
That makes me feel so good
My world is upside down I feel strong
You really got me going crazy
About your loving girl it's crazy
Please stay my lady
Without your love I just go crazy
Thinking back in time
When loneliness is mine
My life was bare without a love to share
But now you turn mylife around
You build me up and I know I'm really winning
In you the love I've found my head is spinning girl
It's just crazy how much I love you girl
It's crazy please stay my lady
Without your love I just go crazy
So let me warm and embrace
In our love feel your rating
For as the sun shine surely rise
Never a tear she'll change your mind
'Cuz crazy about your loving girl it's crazy
Please stay my lady
Without your love I just go crazy
It's crazy how much I love you girl
It's crazy
Please stay my lady
Without your love I just go crazy
Crazy how much I love you girl
It's crazy please stay my lady
Without your love I just go crazy
Slow it down, Slow it down again,
I think I'm lost here, I think I'm lost my friend,
I made a left when I should have gone right,
I'm feeling lucky just watching you tonight,
And you move around with such grace,
You remove your hair from your face,
'Cause you're driving me, so damn crazy
'Cause you're driving me, so damn crazy
Beauty is in the eyes of me,
'Cause all I see is you staring back at me,
You are my queen and I am at your feet,
And I'm begging you to choose me,
Just to see your smile and to hear your voice,
I'd wait forever it's your choice,
'Cause you're driving me, so damn crazy
'Cause you're driving me, so damn crazy
Please forgive me for love restrained and lack of patience,
Wildfires, butterflies, playful eyes of misbehaving,
Slow it down slow it down tonight,
I want make you feel so right,
I'd let you do to me baby what you please,
I'd let you take complete control of me,
And you put your hands on my chest,
And through my hair girl I must confess,
When you whisper so soft in my ears,
Your everything I need to feel,
'Cause you're driving me, so damn crazy
In a church by the face
He talks about the people going under
Only child knows
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep
And through a fractal on a breaking wall,
I see you my friend and touch your face again,
Miracles will happen as we dream
But we 're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we 're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Crazy yellow people walking through my head
One of them's got a gun, shoot the other one
And yet together they were friends at school
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, no no no
If I were there when we first took the pill,
Then maybe, then maybe, then maybe, then maybe
Miracles will happen as we speak.
But we 're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we 're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
No no, we'll never survive, unless we get a little... bit...
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly.
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly.
Isn't that crazy?
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly.
Ain't that crazy? Crazy, crazy... crazy...
But we 're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we 're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
But we 're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we 're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Give me a directive baby
Give me something to define
Everything is getting hazy
Cause you know you blow my mind
Working out a plan, get my message through
Gotta find a way, how to get to you
I'm going crazy, maybe
Everytime I think of how this thing should be
Crazy, baby
If you only knew what you do to me
Try to figure out what to do
Got my head in the way
There's one answer for the state I'm in
The only words to say
Working out a plan, get my message through
Gotta find a way, how to get to you
Want so bad to let you know
These feelings that I have for you
In too deep to let you go
There's nothing left to lose
You got me crazy, crazy
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Turn me on (you got me crazy, crazy)
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Oooo you turn me on
When I walk in the club I can feel she got that swag
Shes in the eye of the track I know it's been moving fast
Oooo I can hold her body
She only wears armani
And everything she do ... ooo she turns me on
You got me crazy, crazy
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Turn me on (you got me crazy, crazy)
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Oooo you turn me on
Hey, I can ride in the front of the club, I can take you home
Just bring your friends and I bring my boys we can put on a show
Ooo I wanna tear that body
Tell me what you want nuvo or bacardi
That henny or that goose
Ooo you turn me on
You got me crazy, crazy
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Turn me on (you got me crazy, crazy)
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Oooo you turn me on
Baby, show me what you got and we can party
Let me shake your body, and get
Baby yo quiero aguarate y yo quiero tocarte
Baby, show me what you got and we can party
Let me shake your body, and get
Baby yo quiero aguarate y yo quiero tocarte
You got me crazy, crazy
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Turn me on (you got me crazy, crazy)
Turn me on (will you be my lady, lady)
Oooo you turn me on
One is for power
Two is for energy
Three is for droid
Pull a little bit of energy
Yeah, you know
You turn me on
I think I go crazy
Fill me up with your energy
Yeah, you know
You turn me on
I think I go crazy
You know I feel so good
When you make me lose control
And I think, I think I'm about to
Yeah, I'm about to dance
I know you give me the power
So I don't wanna waste my time
And I said, I said I'm about to
Yeah, I'm about to dance
[Refrain x2]
Pull a little bit of energy
Yeah, you know
You turn me on
I think I go crazy
Fill me up with your energy
Yeah, you know
You turn me on
I think I go crazy
[Intro] One is for power
Two is for energy
Three is for droid
I know you give me the power
So I don't wanna waste my time
And I said I said I'm about to
Yeah, I'm about to dance
You know I feel so good
When you make me lose control
And I think, I think I'm about to
Yeah, I'm about to dance
[Refrain x2]
Pull a little bit of energy
Yeah, you know
You turn me on
I think I go crazy
Fill me up with your energy
Yeah, you know
You turn me on
I think I go crazy
Pull a little bit of energy
(One is for power)
Fill me up with your energy
(Two is for energy)
Pull a little bit of energy
You say "have the sky"
but I say "it's so very wide"
you say "take the moon" but I say "it's a little soon"
what you promise me
is more than I can conceive
It's crazy how you love me
it's crazy how you love
You say "all debts paid"
but I say "what a mess I've made"
you say "come here child"
but I say "in a little while"
what you offer me
is beyond my wildest dreams
It's crazy how you love me
it's crazy how you love
it's crazy how you love me
it's crazy, so crazy
I wish that I would take you at your word
wish that I would trust the things you tell me
it contradicts everything I have heart
it's crazy, so crazy how you love
It's crazy how you love me
it's crazy how you love
it's crazy how you love me
A submarine sinks concorde falls from the sky the tallest buildings they burn and all the mothers they cry 10 year old carry gun gonna shoot up everyone gangster this, gangster there we're all suffering in sin
ouuua the world gone crazy yeeea the world gone crazy ouuua the world gone crazy they gone crazy, oh yeah
we gonna run to, we gonna hide the rock and the hill won't save you with all your badness inside and when the gun is turned on you tell me what you gonna do cause a hurricane is on his way to blow you all away
no ice is on the pole a big hole in the ozone destroying the mother land ??? ??? ??? loosing your soul terrorists ??? on the land trying to make me understand making your point by killing an innocent man
Secret roses on her locker
Who could it be
She's so in love with him
Does he even know she's alive
Everytime he comes near her heart pumps faster and faster
He got her so crazy
But she's so lazy
Doesn't want to talk to him
Thinks she'll say a stupit thing
Na na na
Na na na
He's putting the roses on her locker
He's so in love with her
Does she even know he's a live
Everytime she comes near
His heart pumps faster and faster
She got him so crazy
But he's so lazy
Doesn't want to talk to her
Thinks he'll say a stupit thing
Na na na
Na na na
No they know
Coz they're friends told
And now they're living happily ever after
What were they thinking
Not telling the truth
And now they joke about it
All the time
K-Federline, Bosko
We got 'em on this one due
And they say
I'm crazy
For loving you
For feeling you
And maybe
I'm a little crazy
But they don't know
All the things you do
When the pen hits the pad
It's in the left hand
Every single word is worth thirty grand
Or maybe more
Don't think they understand
How much cake the pancake man had
So heavy like weight
Moving upstate
Care for my rhyme
Like the crime rate
I flick with your boy
The prince of the bay
Sit back, day to day
Got two back packs
Resno on one
LA in other
Whilst I'm holding my sons
As I march through the valley of the shadow of death
Dark hair on my chest
Wife on my left
Let's go
And they say
I'm crazy
For loving you
For feeling you
And maybe
I'm a little crazy
But they don't know
All the things you do
That's how I'ma ride
For my family I'd die
Bet you're all thinking
I'm that guy
Don't care about you
'Cause I'm the truth
I ball like Kobe
Shooting hoops
Up in the roof
Been the million dollar corporation
Call me maloof
Like I said once before
I'm the truth
Hollywood can't catch me
But they got you
Nothing fake round here
I'm the realest do
Haters feel us too
I'm in and out the groove
Every word out my mouth
Make headline news
I'm the best, I rule
Come test my tools
You do so square
Get my slang out manuals, ha
And they say
I'm crazy
For loving you
For feeling you
And maybe
I'm a little crazy
But they don't know
All the things you do
And they say I'm a little crazy
But they don't even know you, baby
So they base all their the accusations
On what they really don't know
So tired of all the speculation
Fed up of negative fabrications
You say just have a little patience
But they are driving me crazy
Never been a surfer
But my chang hang loose
Got so much flavour
Like 2Pac juice
Got dudes wishing you're in my shoes
I'm a rockstar baby
I do what I wanna do
Tough pack
My crew will come and clobber you
Let the pope come out
And watch it swallow you
Not a pretty boy
But I look like a model do
Not a gangster
But in my life, yeah I've fought a few
Hit the hustle tight now it look
Like I'm robbing you
All yours flys
Watch how I swatted you
Better think twice how you come at me
I'm a godfather now
I'm about my family, yeah
And they say
I'm crazy
For loving you
For feeling you
And maybe
I'm a little crazy
But they don't know
Tell me I'm alright
Tell me I'm just fine
Cause I think I'm going crazy
I'm losing faith, I find it in your eyes
Maybe I'll spend the night, I need you to save me
From what I feel inside
I've been losing on sleep and
Why am I falling apart?
I've been waking of dreaming about her all the time
Maybe it's a sign
When nothing is alright
Your door is always open
It's 2 am, I'm stumbling through the rain
There's nothing to explain
But I'm a record broken
And the song keeps on playing on and on and on and on
I'm losing time to kill
I've been losing on sleep and
Why am I falling apart?
I've been waking of dreaming about her all the time
It's alright, it's alright tonight
(repeat 3x)
With you, I can leave it all behind
I've been losing on sleep and
Why am I falling apart?
I've been waking of dreaming about her all the time
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
Got me losin' my mind
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Je n'ai pas la moindre idée de ce que tu sais sur moi
Pas la moindre idée de ce que tu veux de moi
J'ai la sale manie de faire parler de moi
Quand je veille tard et que je passe d'ici à la
Une bonne soirée à l'ancienne K Pone inc.
Allez lady à la tienne come on in
C'est parfait pour te faire remarquer c'est mon show
Baby sers toi c'est ton soeau
Welcome dans mon monde si tu party
Welcome parmi nous si tu es naughty
Deam girl you're such a hottie
Let's get down let's get dirty
Pop le champagne tout le monde est servi
Il faut que ça lève à ma manière c'est parti
Il faut que mes people "dense" et"dense" "dense"
Ce soir je vous rends dingue on bounce on bounce come on
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
Got me losin' my mind
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Si tu savais peut-etre pas encore comment c'est
Si tu savais peut-etre pas encore comment on le fait
C'est mon party baby et c'est dirty baby
C'est du fashion baby; soit sexu lady
Tous les mecs en Balbec et tout est dans le style
Fais en effort ce soit t'es une queen dans la ville
Tout le monde est là ce soir
Tout le monde est star ce soir
Il faut que ça reste gravé dans nos mémoires
Passe le Courvoisier un double s'il vous plait
Sers mes invités et sors les cadeaux
Ce sont les sacs surprises de K-Maro
Tout le monde repart avec des souvenirs
Tout le monde a hate déjà de revenir
Pour ma part c'était parfait
Du beau monde du bon son so let's get dirty
Pop le champagne tout le monde est servi
Il faut que ca leve à ma manière c'est parti
Il faut que mes people "dense" et"dense" "dense"
Ce soir je vous rends dingue on bounce on bounce come on
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
Got me losin' my mind
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Ce qu'on va faire live ici
C'est changer de cap un petit peu
On change d'atmospère
Just give me sth to get crazy about
Come on girl...
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
He got me freakin' baby
He got me losin' my mind
Got me losin' my mind
Crazy I think the boy is crazy
But I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
you take me higher
my sweetest joy
your my love
your my fall
i'm your admirer
yes well, blinded by the writings on the wall
on the wall
it's going to get crazy
it's going to get mad
it's going to get hazy
making me sad
it's going to get crazy
it's going to get mad
it's going to get hazy
oo, so sad
Oh no
can we have no no
please help me disapear for good
for a while
let go
if only i could let go
of the echoes in my mind from this love cry- i..i..ing
yeah hey
eeh eh
not to much longer
can I run your race-less mile
on my face
my little wonder
we're more then closer to the end of our days
I never know what's coming when I say "Hi"
You've got two sides of you like Jekyll and Hyde
You saw my name ?
But I always stay
Until you call me names
Call me anything you want
Just don't call me crazy
Call me anything
I'll take a chance on you
This is the way that we operate
In time I'll see straight through you
This is the way that we operate
Yeah, I'll take a chance on you
You take a chance on me
We are a groove thing going
Don't you agree
Some kids of yours grow up with
Positive negativity
I'll take you over with my self-confidence
We won't be perfect
But come on who is?
Call me anything you want
Just don't call me crazy
Call me anything
I'll take a chance on you
This is the way that we operate
In time I'll see straight through you
This is the way that we operate
I'll take a chance on you
You take a chance on me
This is the way that we operate
In time I'll see straight through you
This is the way that we operate
Yeah, I'll take a chance on you
You take a chance on me
I never know what's coming when I say "Hi"
You've got two sides of you like Jekyll and Hyde
You saw my name and you'll never give in
It feels like you always mad at me
For being your friend
Call me anything you want
Call me anything you want
Call me anything you want
Just don't call me crazy
Some People Say, That I'm Crazy,
But They Never Try To Understand Me,
Some Others Say, That I'm Lazy,
But No Matter Thats The Way I Am
Some People Say, That I'm Crazy,
But They Never Try To Understand Me,
Some Others Say, That I'm Lazy,
All of these girls trippin' on me (trippin')
See here now I'm goin' crazy ever since
I went Number One (like a bomb)
My whole world pandemonium
Everybody crazy turnin' on me
Can't dis a brother for going silly
Everybody crazy trippin' on me
Ain't nothin' wrong standing strong
Walking my 'hood day and night (day and night)
People saying Mark ain't right no (you're crazy)
Doing wrong souped on my song (step off)
Ain't nothing changed leave me alone
Everybody crazy frontin' on me (step off)
Why dis a brother (jungle) for keeping street
Everybody crazy (you're crazy) trippin' on me (you're crazy)
Tell me what's wrong movin' on
Well true we are badder than that
We rougher than that
We tougher than that
We are the wickedest wickedest yout's on the counteract
That nuff a' them wants to see us rise then go see us drop
We're not gonna stop rise until we done hit the top
So don't dispute the wrong just dispute the facts
That if we're coming back we're coming back well phat
So don't believe the hype just go and back your chat
Because round the corner you will find the golden jackpot
Gonna live my life doing my thing (my thing)
Despite the trippin' strong I said yeah
Ain't up on type doggin' my swing (fe real)
My prerogative can never change
Everybody crazy turnin' on me
Can't dis a brother for going silly
Everybody crazy (you're crazy) trippin' on me (you're crazy)
Tell me what's wrong moving on
(Crazy) true they are turning crazy crazy
Yes definitely crazy
Like to say they want to change our personalities
No crazy crazy like mentally crazy
But hip-hop ragamuffin DJ
Is not going to let them get to we (crazy)
Because nuff a' them try hard just to blank we
But they can't get us out of their memory
Those who can't believe it or even see we
Might as well hear we out in reality
Everybody crazy all of these girls (everybody)
Trippin' on me (everybody) see me now (everybody)
I'm going crazy (I don't wanna talk to you no more)
Yea... Going crazy... crazy...
Broken inside, still I ignore it
The pride inside won't let me show it
I've been here once before; I can't believe it's happening
Losing my mind, feel out of focus
No tears left to cry, and still feeling hopeless
Don't want to give up on love,
But it seems that love gave up on me
I'm crazy... feeling so crazy
I'm crazy... Without you baby
I can't go on, I'm losing control... I don't know what you did...
I'm crazy... feeling so crazy
I'm crazy... Without you baby
I can't go on, I'm losing control... I don't know what you did...
Said I can't let go... can't accept it's over
Why did you let it go when you promised it'd be forever?
Want to pick up the phone to tell you to come home
The day you walked out on love is the day I lost a part of me
I'm crazy... feeling so crazy
I'm crazy... Without you baby
I can't go on, I'm losing control... I don't know what you did...
I'm crazy... feeling so crazy
I'm crazy... Without you baby
I can't go on, I'm losing control... I don't know what you did...
I don't... I don't know what to feel
What am I to do?
Nothings been the same since losing you
Half crazy...
Going half crazy
here i am
hands to the sky
i throw them high
by saving grace
i'll sing your praise
give me all that you have
i want the world to see
the evidence in me
i'll go crazy
jump for you
i'll go crazy
yell for you
the world will try to shut me up
but they can't hold me down
i will worship you like crazy
since the pride
thats deep inside
take mt life
provide my soul
i want you lord
to take control
give me all that you have
i want the world to see
the evidence in me
i'll go crazy
jump for you
i'll go crazy
yell for you
the world will try to shut me up
but they can't hold me down
i will worship you like crazy(x2)
give me al that you have
i want the world to see
the evidence in me
we go crazy
here we go
Verse 1:
Seek and you shall find
Some times what's in front of your face
You can leave behind
Searching for love that's true
I didn't know it was you
All the time
Pre Chorus:
All the moments we once shared
A friend that's always there
Questions marks between us two
Then I looked at you
And I knew it was true
Never thought I'd feel this way
All the things we didn't say
When I was
I been looking for a new love
Didn't know where it was
All the time
There you were
I must have been crazy
Verse 2:
Boy you knew me when
I had nothing
Going for me
We were the same
Knowing all the time
I wanted more
I've got so much love to give
And I wanna give it to ya baby
Pre Chorus:
All the moments we once shared
A friend that's always there
Questions marks between us two
Then I looked at you
And I knew it was true
Never thought I'd feel this way
All the things we didn't say
When I was
I been looking for a new love
Didn't know where it was
All the time
There you were
I must have been crazy
'Cause him instruct me to take de word and put in me heart
No find me a betta way fa me fi have a new start
Fa de word dem a truth and demma sit around fi ages
Dem na have na life unless we take 'em off eh pages
Tell me Lawda - shall I be effective?
Only tru de word by your spirit be directed
So let de world dema think what the want to
Me only here to please e one me hafi answer to
Dema think I crazy
Because maybe
I take thy word
And I apply it literally
Dema say dat a dis one a gwan of eh' deep end
Because me na wanna follow de world and be different
But I tell ya - when it's all said and done
What can they say about me - but that I followed de word - and took it literally
So if ya mark me fi crazy - I don't mind
'Cause me living up a lifestyle all of the time
You are looking my way
And it's driving me crazy
Now you're looking away
And it's driving me crazy
It's not my style to be bold
Or this blue
But it's time you were told
All the harm such a sweet glance can do
But it's nothing to you
And it's driving me crazy
There's a spell that you've cast
On the unlikeliest places
Like this doorway I pass
Where I've watched those embraces
Does it make you see red
When she cries
And when you call her to bed
Does she run when she runs to your side
Either way I can't hide
That it's driving me crazy
Such tender words
Well you've heard them all before
Fine words
Can be such a bore
I would throw in the towel
But mere logic deserts me
If you gave me the power
I would show far more mercy
At this moment of truth
I would say
That it's the stone simple truth
That I would kill
Just to thrill you this way
So I wait for the day
That I'll be driving you crazy
Yes I wait for the day
I met a boy who didn’t know
Which way to turn which way to go
He didn’t like books, he didn’t like girls
He didn’t like going to school
But when he said he didn’t like Reggae
I just had to lose my cool
I said what you talkin’ ’bout
You say you don’t like the Reggae beat
I said what you talkin’ ’bout
You say you don’t like the Reggae beat
You must be cray ay ay yeah ah, cra-zy (oh)
You must be cray ay ay yeah ah, cra-zy (you must be)
I met a man who didn’t know
Which way to turn which way to go
He didn’t like cars, he didn’t like books
He didn’t like anything fast
But when he said he didn’t like Reggae
In his face I had to laugh (ha)
Repeat first verse