Stanley is an animated television series that was aired on Disney Junior (previously known as Playhouse Disney), based on the series of children's books written by Andrew Griffin. It was produced by Cartoon Pizza, and was developed for television by Jim Jinkins (the creator of Doug and Pinky Dinky Doo) and David Campbell.
Stanley teaches a wide variety of issues preschool children face, including change, growth, rules, and dealing with others. Each episode centers around an animal that deals with or helps explain the issue Stanley is grappling with.
Junkanoo and reggae fusion group Baha Men, known for "Who Let the Dogs Out", sang the theme song for the series, "My Man Stanley".
Each episode shows Stanley (voiced by Jessica D. Stone) in a situation he does not fully understand. He discusses it with his pet goldfish Dennis before consulting the Great Big Book Of Everything, a remarkably complete zoology book aimed at young children. By observing how an animal copes with the same situation Stanley faces, or how it can overcome a similar difficulty, Stanley learns to deal with the situation himself.
you wanted the best,
you got the best!
If never I met you
I'd never have seen you cry
If not for our first ";Hello";
We'd never have to say goodbye
If never I held you
My feelin's would never show
It's time I start walkin'
But there's so much you'll never know
I keep telling you
hard luck woman
You ain't a hard luck woman
a sailor's only daughter
a child of the water
too proud to be a queen
I really love you
I can't forget about you
You'll be a hard luck woman
Baby, till you find your man
Before I go let me kiss you
And wipe wipe the tears from your eyes
I don't wanna hurt you girl
You know I could never lie
I keep telling you hard luck woman
You ain't a hard luck woman
You'll be a hard luck woman
Baby till you find your man
a sailor's only daughter
a child of the water
too proud to be a queen
I really love you
I can't forget about you
You'll be a hard luck woman
Baby, till you find your man
Oh yeah bye bye so long don't cry
I'm just packing my bags whoo
leavin' you
Bye bye bye bye bye bye baby don't cry
I gotta keep on movin' yeah movin'
Bye bye my baby
Ooh don't cry lady oh