
No sex education please, we’re British!

No sex education please, we’re British!

Tory MP and devout Christian Philip Davies, above, has blamed ‘sex education fanatics’ for a rise in unwanted pregnancies in the UK since the 1970s The National Secular Society recently reported that, Davies – a supporter of the Cornerstone Group (motto: Flag, Faith and Family) – called for: Less sex education, or even better, none. […]


Ten Secular Non-Commandments

Ten Secular Non-Commandments

M Dolon Hickmon reviews Atheist Mind, Humanist Heart: Rewriting the Ten Commandments for the 21st Century by Lex Bayer and John Figdor. Atheist Mind, Humanist Heart (2014, Rowman & Littlefield) attempts to answer two questions: “What should one believe after abandoning faith?” and “What are the positive principles of atheism?” The authors’ solution to both […]

From the archive

Two cautionary tales

Two cautionary tales

Dan O’Hara castigates Freethinker editor Barry Duke for ridiculing the dead American pastor, Kyle Lake, above. Diesel Balaam leaps to Duke’s defence. HERE are two cautionary tales, both true. In late December 1995, a woman of 72 was refilling a burning paraffin stove at her home in Lewisham, England, when the paraffin spilled and ignited. […]