Rekhasim (Hebrew: רְכָסִים, "Mountain ridges";Arabic: رخاسيم) is a Haredi town (local council) in the Haifa District of Israel. It is located between Kiryat Tiv'on, Kiryat Ata, and Nesher, next to roads 70, 75, and 762.
Its estimated population at the end of 2009 was 9,200, and its jurisdiction was 2,859 dunams (~2.9 km2). It is ranked low (2 out of 10) on the Israeli socio-economic scale.
The town was named after a verse in the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 40:4), because it is located on four mountain ranges.
Rekhasim lies on four hills near Mount Carmel, labelled with Hebrew letters (Hill Alef, Bet, Gimel and Dalet). It borders two villages in the Zvulun Regional Council: the Jewish Kfar Hasidim and Arab Ibtin.
Its lowest elevation is only 19.8 m (65 ft) above sea level, while the highest is at 193.6 m (635 ft). The average temperature in January is 11 °C (52 °F), and 27 °C (81 °F) in August. The average annual precipitation is 650 mm (26 in).
Rekhasim was founded in 1951 by released soldiers and residents of nearby ma'abarot. It initially absorbed large numbers of immigrants from India, Morocco, Romania, Russia, and Yemen.
Ragazzo mio, un giorno ti diranno che tuo padre
aveva per la testa grandi idee, ma in fondo, poi....
non ha concluso niente
non devi credere, no, vogliono far di te
un uomo piccolo, una barca senza vela
Ma tu non credere,no, che appena s'alza il mare
gli uomini senza idee, per primi vanno a fondo
Ragazzo mio...un giorno i tuoi amici ti diranno
che baster? trovare un grande amore
e poi voltar le spalle a tutto il mondo
no, no, non credere,no, non metterti a sognare
lontane isole che non esistono
non devi credere,ma se vuoi amare l'amore
tu,...non gli chiedere quello che non pu? dare
Ragazzo mio, un giorno sentirai dir dalla gente
che al mondo stanno bene solo quelli che passano la vita a non far niente
no,no,non credere no,
non essere anche tu un acchiappanuvole che sogna di arrivare
non devi credere, no, no, no non invidiare