Win a S4SS Tabling Kit for Your Student Organization!

Thanks to some gracious donations at this year’s Porcfest, S4SS can supply two student groups with a tabling kit! This will include anarchist pamphlets, a S4SS t-shirt, some Center for a Stateless Society pens and some other fun hand outs for your student organization’s tabling needs on campus.

Fill out this form to be entered to win!

Also, to keep these kits available to students, consider donating to the ChipIn found on the right side of this page!

S4SS at Porcfest!

Besides members and bloggers being scattered around Roger’s Campground, there are a couple of events taking place that highlight S4SS!

- Friday, June 24th at the AltExpo tent at site #9, there will be a S4SS presentation from 3PM-4PM.
- Wednesday, June 22nd in the media room, S4SS will be featured on Corey Moore’s show Voice of Radical Dissent from 11AM-1PM.

There should also be some S4SS information at the AltExpo tent at site #9 and at Stacy Litz’s site #20!

Hope to see you around!

The Minimum Wage: Enemy of the Poor

Often times when discussing ideas with American liberals, we can agree upon many aspects of public policy. Usually a bit of coaxing on the drug war will get them to relinquish their beliefs in drug prohibition, and you can almost always expect agreement when painting broad ideological brushstrokes over corporatism and war. Something funny seems to happen when you begin discussing actual solutions to these issues however. Often times, the free market solutions offered by anarcho-capitalists are seen as “corporate shillism”, or apologetics for corporate greed and class warfare. This, of course, could not be further from the truth. Continue reading

The Libertarian Case for Anticonsumption – Post from CoreyMoore.NET

The Libertarian Case for Anticonsumption

Back when I first started considering myself a libertarian, I thought that the green movement and everything surrounding it was a bunch of crap. “Why should I care about the environment?” I asked. “The most important aspect of social interaction is the non-aggression principle; the environment be damned!” At this point in my journey, I believed I had everything figured out–I had been watching a lot of conspiracy documentaries–and I was sure that every leftist concern was actually a plot of the United Nations or a UN related NGO to take away my freedom. I can attribute my naivety to both my age and taking Alex Jones a little too serious. Throughout my journey, I have dropped my fetishism for the Constitution, concluded that the state will not exist someday and accepted that left-libertarianism will create the most just, prosperous and free society. One of the main issues I have run into (and this one is a biggie) is my belief that Lockean property rights are actually unjust and unlibertarian. I do not claim to be a philosopher nor an extremely well read person, but I do want to try and explain myself in the most rational way possible. Continue reading

Have the Agorists Won?

A recent article at has shed some light on a little-known internet service which is beginning to gain notoriety. Silk Road is an underground digital black market explicitly embracing the agorist philosophy. Using a digital currency known as Bitcoin, Silk Road is providing a free marketplace where users can buy, among other things, illegal substances. The site does however ban the sale of weapons of mass destruction, assassinations, etc. This limit is supposed to align with the non-aggression principle, banning the sale of “anything who’s purpose is to harm or defraud.” Continue reading

Recipe for Panarchy Delite

The one thing that radicals seem to strike me at agreeing upon is to be as radical as possible sometimes even for the sake of being more radical than their counterparts. I admire the sense of competition within radical ideology whether it is a radical progressive or a radical communist or even a radical voluntaryist, The interesting feature also is that the more radical the person is the more they seem to be uncompromising but equally willing to do whatever it takes to see their viewpoints succeed. Continue reading