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Two for the Show: Observing the Periastron Passages of HD 80606 b
Langton, Jonathan; Deming, Drake; Iro, Nicolas; Kasen, Daniel; Laughlin, Gregory
Spitzer Proposal ID #60102
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In Cycle 4, we observed a periastron passage of the eccentric giant HD 80606 b in Spitzer's 8-micron IRAC band, obtaining evidence of rapid heating during periastron, as well as discovering that the planet undergoes secondary eclipse several hours prior to periastron. Here, we are proposing to follow up on this success with observations of two near-term periastron passages in the 4.5 micron band. These observations will yield a number of concrete benefits: 1.) Measurement of the baseline flux of the planet at 4.5 microns will improve the characterization of the pre-periastron luminosity of the planet, and will thereby clarify the role of tidal dissipation in heating the planet, which will in turn yield insight into the planetary structure. 2.) Measurements of the secondary transit depth at 4.5 microns will give insight into the bolometric temperature of the planet, providing important constraints on all hydrodynamical models of exoplanet atmospheres. 3.) Measurement of the heating rate at 4.5 microns prior to periastron will improve knowledge of the infrared radiative timescale, which forms an essential constraint on competing exoplanetary general circulation models under development. If one has heating rates at both 4E5 microns and 8 microns, then the bulk energetics of the planet's infrared photosphere are clearer than if one relies on a brightness temperature derived from a single frequency. 4.) The 8-micron observations did not extend long enough after the periastron passage to determine the cooling rate as the planet recedes from its primary. Our proposed observations will run well past periastron, which will allow a more accurate determination of the post-periastron cooling rate, again providing vital constraints on both hydrodynamical and radiative models of strongly irradiated exoplanetary atmospheres. To achieve these goals, we are requesting 40 hours of observation time for each of the two periastron passages that will occur in Cycle 6 -- a total of 80 hours of observation time.
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