Tips for finding the right job

Posted on October 14, 2014 by


Finding a job these days is possibly more difficult than ever. Competition is rife, vacancies are scarce and funding is often low.

In our desperation to secure work, we therefore tend to feel obliged to accept the first job on offer.

It’s an understandable temptation, but one we should certainly try to resist if we want to feel confident about taking on a job that is just right.

Many a position may seem appropriate at first glance, but gaining a glimpse into the company culture is highly recommended for a real taste of what life might be like behind closed company doors.

This can be as simple as talking to staff, past or present, about the culture of the organisation or their personal experiences within it. It may seem off the wall to approach strangers in this manner, however, a casual chat to a receptionist or a call-out on social media about contacts familiar with the company in question can unearth a surprising amount of information.

Perhaps management is known for it’s unorthodox approaches. It could be that the company is in financial trouble or maybe they are thriving and at the top of their game. Knowing such information will contribute to an informed decision about whether you see yourself as part of the team.

You might find that online research reveals further helpful insight including the low down on company policies, staff profiles, business history, client relationships and reputation.

The frequency of staff turnover can be a significant indication of workplace contentment, security and stability where employees are concerned. Companies who are continually having to replace staff are to be avoided, as this generally infers that conditions are not favourable.

What some candidates tend to forget is the opportunity the job interview presents. It is a two-way street after all, where questions should be asked from both sides. It is the perfect time to find out more specific company and team details that otherwise may not be apparent.

Remember – the position needs to be sold to you as much as you need to be sold to the position.

How to Improve your Chances of Getting a Job

Posted on October 7, 2014 by

Have you been sending your CV out religiously with few leads? Whether you’re trying to land your first job, have been unemployed for some time, or are thinking about switching careers, it’s tough to stand out in the current economic climate. It’s not uncommon to spend months on a job search, but you can boost your chances of a swift and fruitful hunt by keeping the following tips in mind.

job search

Image Source: Julie Walraven/Flickr

1. Write original cover letters. 

When you’re applying for multiple jobs a week, it’s hard to make each application stand out from the others. However, you’ll greatly improve your chances of getting the job by taking the time to research each company and think about why you might actually be a good fit. Generic cover letters and CVs are a big turnoff to recruiters, because they don’t show that you are willing to go the extra mile and put in the effort to introduce yourself. Your cover letter is particularly important, because it’s your chance to show just why you’re different from other candidates. Templates are tempting when you’re just starting out, but use them sparingly.

2. Upgrade your skills. 

If you’re interested in switching careers or are new to the work force, it’s a good idea to get the basic training that will help you show you can handle the job. This may involve online courses or continuing education that work into your schedule before you start your hunt. You can find a wide range of courses at NowLearning AU, which may fit your career goals. Boosting your education level shows recruiters that you’re a self-starter who’s willing to take initiative.

3. Build your personal brand online.  

It’s essential to have a strong digital presence these days, as many hiring managers look at your social media profiles and blog along with your CV. Curate your online presence carefully with this in mind. Your digital footprint allows you to show off your talents, interests, and background. Be sure to take a careful look at what your profiles say about you. Online networking through sites like LinkedIn can also yield new job leads.

4. Don’t let rejections discourage you. 

Even the most qualified candidates for the job are going to get rejected a few times along the way. Rejection is part of the job search process, so don’t get discouraged when it happens to you. It simply means that an employer didn’t think that you would be a good fit for the company, but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a good fit out there for you.

5. Consider temporary work or internships. 

When you’re breaking into an industry, a good first step to get your foot in the door is through an internship or temp job. Temp work is often seen as a last resort, but it allows you to earn money while you learn new skills. Many temp jobs and internships eventually turn into full-time positions, because the employer has seen what you’re capable of.

The key is to look at your job search as a full-time job in itself. Follow every lead, carefully craft every cover letter individually, and upgrade your qualifications if necessary. Give your all and you’ll be certain to find an employer who’s the best fit for you.

Welcome To Adzuna

Posted on October 3, 2014 by


Fairfax Media is transitioning its MyCareer online jobs board to Adzuna (, a leading international job search engine.

Earlier this year Fairfax Media announced a joint venture in Australia with leading international job search engine Adzuna. Together we are providing a new online platform for job seekers at Adzuna is now Fairfax’s primary online job listings brand in Australia.

From 17 October 2014, the job search and alert functionality provided at will be migrated to Adzuna.

Adzuna is a job search engine which makes it easier to find the right job for you. Adzuna searches thousands of websites and brings together hundreds of thousands of ads so you can find them all in one place. Adzuna has powerful search, insightful market data and social connections and offers a superior user experience.

We look forward to you finding your next job on

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Leave Your Job?

Posted on September 30, 2014 by

quit job

So, you can do most of your work in your sleep, you’re bored beyond all reason and you know all the office jokes before they’ve even been uttered? Could it be time to leave your job?

Getting to the top of your game in what you do is the ultimate goal for most people. Yet, no matter how hard you’ve worked to master your position or how long you’ve spent getting there, it’s very rare that you should stay put from then on, stagnating for years to come.

This is not to say you should bolt for the door the moment you feel comfortable. After all, there are always more unexpected lessons to be learned and potential curly events to unfold, so you need to give yourself the chance to breathe and to experience some longevity.

However, if you’re noticing it’s months since you’ve been challenged in any respect and you’re actually bored by what you are doing, then it might be time to start thinking about moving on.

You might find your ideas aren’t being noticed anymore – or the contrary – they are used no matter how predictable and flat they seem to you.

Perhaps you are starting to feel that you’re taken for granted, no longer being heard, expected to do others jobs for them or work ridiculous hours without compensation.

One particular giveaway that it’s time to jump ship is when bad habits have formed within the organisation whereby cliques are rife, gossiping is the norm and games are being played. It’s a sign most others are also bored and that their focus is not where it should be. Whatever you do, don’t let yourself become entangled in such inane behaviour as it will put your work and professional image at risk.

In any case, trust your instincts. You’ll know when work has become a drag or the environment is toxic. Just don’t quit prematurely. You’ve earned the right to bask in some of the glory of being great at what you’re doing – you should at least enjoy it for as long as is healthy.

15 Ways to Motivate Yourself At Work

Posted on September 22, 2014 by

By Chloe Abotomey

You know what you need to do, you may even know exactly how you’re going to do it, but it still it doesn’t get done, sound familiar?

We have all experienced the unproductive attitude coming from lack of motivation. With fear and laziness being the most universal human characteristics who could blame us. But what sets apart those who succeed is the ability to self motivate. These tips for self motivation will increase your ability to thrive in any environment, improve your mood, work ethic and overall outlook.

Celebrate and reward small achievements. By continually recognising your good work you’re more likely to be encouraged to continue your efforts.

Find passion in what you do. Passionate people often want to do their best so finding enjoyment in your work is important for maximum productivity and happiness.

Breakdown large chunks of work into manageable sections to prevent becoming overwhelmed. By dividing big tasks into smaller ones, and focus on completing just one task at a time a big task will not seem as daunting. You’ll be surprised how much you can do if you take it one step at a time.

Stay positive. It’s almost impossible to get motivated when you’re feeling down. So shake off your negativity by listening to your favourite music or go for a walk or run.

Organise your workspace. A tidy desk or office is much more inviting than a workplace crammed with folders that are no longer relevant and papers two years old.

Schedule your day to help get through all that needs to be done. Make a to-do list and stick to it.

Work with a colleague to spur each other on. Surround yourself with people who have a strong work ethic and positive outlook to help motivate you to work hard when you’d normally quit.

Visualize the outcome. Remember why you are tackling the task and make a list of reasons why achieving your goals are important to you. You can look at if you begin to feel overwhelmed.

Fuel your body right. Instead of over stimulating your body with excess caffeine from coffee
and energy drinks, try eating a balanced meal with protein and low GI carbohydrates to release energy slowly.

Just do it. Getting started is often the hardest part so plan to just do 20 mins of the task at hand
and more often than not you’ll find you do more.

How To Stay Positive When You Hate Your Job

Posted on September 16, 2014 by


Hating your job is not overly unusual. In fact, it’s quite common.

The question is how you deal with it and make the best of what you’ve got.

Perhaps it’s your boss or your colleagues, or maybe the job itself. Whatever the reason, there is always a way to rise above it and stay positive, no matter how much you might feel you hate your job.

A nasty boss is enough to turn anyone away from a position. They could be undermining, disrespectful or just downright rude. At any rate, nobody should have to put up with that kind of treatment, but challenging them on it will only escalate issues further and make work life even more uncomfortable.

The trick is to let it roll off your back and be mentally armed with the necessary internal ammunition so as for it not to scar or wound you. Remind yourself that it’s less about you and more about them.

Consequently, you’ll come across as brave and strong as opposed to defensive and sensitive.

Likewise, if you have similar problems with rude, disrespectful colleagues, rather than make an outwardly, snowball-building scene, learn to laugh at any put downs or snide remarks as it will give you the immediate upper hand and re-shape you in their image.

Perhaps you hate the job itself. Is it boring? Repetitive? Stressful? Predictable? How can you put your own personal touch into things? How can you make it your own? Adding your flavour can not only be personally satisfying, it can also enhance the work and score you brownie points. It’s definitely worth a shot to see how you can make improvements and relieve some of the monotony at the same time.

There are many other potential reasons which might contribute to hating your work environment. Perhaps the geography of the place, or the decor. However, there are just some things we cannot change or if we try to, we will end up making matters worse and probably need to leave.

Staying positive even when you hate your job is the key to surviving in such an environment, and learning to react in ways that dampen, not fuel, the potential fires will mean the difference between a short lived career and a long one.

How To Beat Interview Nerves

Posted on September 3, 2014 by


Laying claim to the best resume on earth will end up meaning very little if you’re a bag of nerves during your interview.

We all get nervous – and it’s particularly natural in a job interview. However, letting your nerves interfere and take the whole show over is something that can and should be avoided.

Much of the key to quashing those nerves is in the lead up to the interview. For example, if you do your research and know the background to the organisation and have a good handle on the position description, then you won’t be so afraid of questions you’re unprepared for. You’re less likely to hit stumbling blocks or feel inadequate – all of which would ordinarily be recipes for disaster.

Ensure you freshen up and fuel up prior to the big moment. A nutritious, balanced meal that is not too heavy (avoid pasta, for example) will go a long way in keeping your mental functioning at peak and your energy levels stable. Avoid too much coffee as it may over stimulate you and can lead to anxiety. Freshening up with a relaxing bath or hot shower can steady your mind and your nerves.

Try to clear your mind and calm your nerves with some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and mindfulness exercises – all of which train the breath to slow, focus and regroup, having an overall calming effect and keeping you in the present moment as opposed to running off with those nerves.

Know your worth. Keep in mind that you’ve made it as far as an interview for a reason. You obviously have skills or prior experience that appeal to the organisation so they are already interested in you and who knows? You might be the favourite applicant. Remember it’s not only a question of whether they want you, but also whether you want them. So always know your worth and strengths – and sell yourself accordingly.

Regardless of how you feel the interview went, it’s always a good idea to ask for feedback which can assist you for future applications.

How to impress your interviewer

Posted on August 18, 2014 by



So, you’ve passed the resume test and beaten countless others to the interview post! Very nice work, but while you might look great on paper, the real test begins in the flesh with the interview.

By now we all know that eye contact and a firm handshake are imperative formalities when trying to impress your interviewer. Yet what are the keys to truly standing out above the rest and making not only a good impression, but a lasting one?

Firstly, lighten up. Regardless of what comes out of your mouth, you need to demonstrate that you can smile and that you have a personality. By the same token, you’re not auditioning for the circus so keep yourself in check, but show your interviewer you’re not made of wood either. The trick is to be likeable, creating an overall impression of someone who would be good to work with. Hopefully that’s you.

Keep your hands still. Lots of gesturing and movement are actually signs of nervousness, discomfort and uncertainty. Being able to articulate your responses without fidgeting about all over the place will showcase you as calm, comfortable and sure of yourself. It’s all about composure.

Sell yourself – but not too much. It sure is an artform knowing when enough is enough. Of course you are there to sell yourself, that’s the whole point (although some forget to sell themselves entirely) and it’s crucial that you believe in your product and know your strengths and weaknesses. Examples of achievements are good to have on hand also. Just don’t go overboard. A couple of examples will do, unless prompted for more, and if you’re letting your answers go on for minutes, then reel yourself in and keep things succinct and relevant. Nobody likes an egomania.

Lastly, offer something for free. Perhaps you could offer to assist with part of a project, submit a sample of some kind, suggest a demonstration document. It’ll form part of your very enthusiastic application and make you surely stand out from the rest… as long as you follow through with the goods of course.

Adzuna Australia is hiring!

Posted on August 6, 2014 by


Join Australia’s most exciting recruitment start-up and change the way Australians find their next job! is a young, hungry start-up on an exciting growth journey to disrupt the online recruitment sector (backed by Fairfax in Australia). Launched in the UK in 2011 we are now live in 11 countries around the world!  Adzuna is now Fairfax Media’s primary digital job listing offering and has deep integration links across the Fairfax sites driving awareness and traffic.

We are already growing the business by over 100% each month and our ambitions are to become the premier destination for Australian job-seekers. is a search engine for job ads which makes it easier for you to find the right job. We search thousands of websites so you don’t have to and bring together millions of ads so you can find them all in one place. We add powerful search, insightful market data and social connections, so

you can find your perfect ad with a little help from your friends.

Sales Executive

Based at our office in The Rocks, we have an exciting opportunity for a Sales Executive who will be responsible for winning new business and building profitable relationships with large and mid-tier recruitment agencies by selling cost-per-click (CPC) services to support Adzuna’s rapid growth.

Key responsibilities include;

  • Researching the recruitment agency market and generating a list of leads
  • Reaching out and acquiring new business across Australia
  • Responsible for selling, promoting and demonstrating the value of Adzuna’s services to the recruitment industry
  • Manage the entire sales process from prospecting to close, including setting up the campaign and account management
  • Record all sales activity in the CRM and meet all monthly targets and KPI’s
  • Grow share of wallet with customers over time, both budgets and pricing
  • Month end analysis and reporting back to client and management
  • Selling via face-face and over the phone

We are seeking a person who has a minimum of 2 years proven sales and account development experience in online cost-per-click advertising or the recruitment agency or technology/digital agency arena.

The ideal candidate will have a good understanding of the online jobs/classifieds market and recruitment agencies and will be experienced in handling client’s accounts over the phone and face to face along with excellent communication skills and presentation.

We offer a fun, entrepreneurial working environment within an exciting high-growth start up. If you enjoy making a difference and working directly with the business heads, if you are focused and aspire to grow your career – apply now!

Get in touch at

Check out our new Adzuna video

Questions to ask in your performance review

Posted on August 5, 2014 by


Source: gettyimages

An essential element to consider when faced with your performance review is that it’s a two-way street.

In other words, it’s not only a review of your performance, but an opportunity for you to discuss matters about the very workplace which impacts your performance.

So, rather than asking “how did I do?” on all fronts, here are five questions you should consider in the interests of a more balanced review.

1. What do you think went well overall this year?

This is a good opportunity to focus on the workplace as a whole. It opens up the conversation to include colleagues, company-wide projects and overall success or lack thereof.

2. Do you think the team work well together?

Asking about the team rather than you as an individual puts the question into the appropriate context. You can, of course, be discussed as part of that team, but it avoids the notion of you versus them.

3. Have any areas of improvement or change in the workplace been identified?

This provides the opportunity to not only gain insight into forecast changes, but to express areas of concern you yourself have of the company, and any ideas you might like to put forward.

4. Is there anything that could have been done differently?

There’s no escaping that some of the review will focus directly on to you and where you may have gone awry. Asking what could have been done differently is preferable to ‘where did I go wrong?’ It shows you’re solution focussed, willing to take criticism and adapt where necessary- so ensure you remain open to responses.

5. What are your most important goals for the coming year?

This question reminds your employer you are on board with the company, there to work for them and ready and willing to embark on the next chapter. It’s also a chance to put forward your own thoughts on future endeavours.

These five questions should put you on course to further questions which retain the two-way approach and land you with a performance review as beneficial for your employer as it is for you.