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The Age

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Saved! Planning Minister Matthew Guy has intervened to preserve the birthplace of former prime minister Gough Whitlam, which was about to be demolished: 
God Emperor Lionel Lauer's profile photoKathryn Morris's profile photoLinda-Jane 姬琳达珍 Debello's profile photoSl Collinson's profile photo
probably a foreign buyer
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The Age

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State Planning Minister Matthew Guy says there's nothing he can do to prevent the demolition of Gough Whitlam's childhood home, which began this morning.

According to local legend, Gough was born on the kitchen table of 46 Rowland Street, in 1916.

A demolition crew arrived at the property at 7.30am and began ripping out the interior of the house, known as Ngara.

Boroondara Council and residents had lobbied the state government to save Ngara but were refused "on the grounds that there is not a prima facie case for inclusion of the place on the Victorian Heritage Register": 
Glenn Richards's profile photomario mark anders's profile photoLinda-Jane 姬琳达珍 Debello's profile photoLorraine Russell-Haddon's profile photo
Always in the developers favor. This country is fu**ed. 
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The Age

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The owner of a Port Melbourne house with a rainbow-striped fence will cop a $4000 fine unless he repaints it: 
Glenn Richards's profile photoGreg Kerr's profile photoSusanmary Trescowthick's profile photoRobert Quint's profile photo
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The Age

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There are fears for 131 passengers in the US who traveled on a plane that carried a second Texas nurse who has come down with Ebola.
Authorities in the United States are working to notify the 131 other passengers on the flight that carried a second Texas nurse who has come down with Ebola in Dallas.
Veronica Standley's profile photo
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The Age

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The plane that crashed into two homes in Chelsea a short time ago barely missed a park where there are often children playing, a resident who lives nearby has just told us. She heard a plane flying very low overhead, "a couple of seconds later I heard a massive crash". Police have just confirmed that one person has died, but there are no other casualties: 
gordon isaac's profile photo
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The Age

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Don't forget there's a total lunar eclipse tonight, visible in Victoria from 8.15pm to 11.35pm. The weather is expected to clear just in time. In Melbourne, residents in the western and northern suburbs will get the best view. But south and east-siders, don't despair: the difference is not so great that you'll miss the extraordinary sight: 
Helen Di Giacomo's profile photoJane Satan Rakali's profile photoEwa Dalach's profile photoKenneth Cerna's profile photo
Also in Melbourne. .
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Gough Whitlam by leading cartoonists: a selection of four Gough Whitlam 'archival prints' by leading cartoonists are available unframed or framed from $139 from
Roy Gardnerra's profile photo
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The Age

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Tributes are flowing in for former prime minister Gough Whitlam...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott: "Gough Whitlam was a giant of his time. Gough Whitlam recognised the journey that our country needed to take with indigenous Australians. The image of soil passing from Gough Whitlam's hand to Vincent Lingiari's is a reminder that all Australians share the same land and the same hopes."

Former prime minister Paul Keating: "Gough Whitlam changed the way Australia thought about itself and gave the country a new destiny. A more inclusive and compassionate society at home - a more engaged and relevant country abroad."

Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser: "Gough Whitlam. A great Australian, opening new doors, new futures, tradition justice, fair play, egalitarianism, Australian identity."

Opposition leader Bill Shorten: "By any test our country is better because of him...Think for a moment of all that he has changed forever and for better - health care changed because of him, education changed because of him, land rights for indigenous Australians changed because of him."

Full story: 
Dave Bath's profile phototaofist's profile photoLeann Chan's profile photofrank garrity's profile photo
Gone, but never forgotten
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The Age

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Network Ten has apologised for two questions on game show Family Feud, saying they were "ill-advised" and should not have been included.

The show faced fierce criticism after it suggested jobs for women commonly include hairdressing, reception work and domestic duties like washing clothes and doing the dishes.

When asked to name a man's job, the top responses were builder, plumber, mechanic, carpenter and being a tradesman: 
Rebekah Drake's profile photoJoe Forrest's profile photoHayden Singleton's profile photoLisa Brimfield's profile photo
Gender stereotyping can cause untold misery. Therefor we must change the perception of ALL the people as regards gender.
The media must be bought to heel and compelled to broadcast only approved opinions so that the masses adopt only those opinions and eventually adopt our ideology. The ideology which, after all, has been the cornerstone of the UN since it's inception and of all like-minded lefty (mainly European) governments. 
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The Age

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#BREAKING Here's our updated story on the Chelsea plane crash, includes a video. 
Mick Brisbane's profile photogordon isaac's profile photoGod Emperor Lionel Lauer's profile photoKenneth Cerna's profile photo
Holy shit. I really hope nobody was badly hurt.
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The Age

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A hospital worker in the US has caught Ebola despite wearing protective gear. 
A hospital worker in Dallas who helped treat the Liberian man who died of the Ebola virus has tested positive for the disease, even though the worker was wearing a gown, gloves, mask and other protective gear when coming into contact with the victim.
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The Age

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Australian fighter jets have joined the air campaign against the Islamic State, conducting two armed flights across Iraq overnight.
The chief of the Australian Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin, made the announcement via Twitter:
Cory Yau's profile photoJane Satan Rakali's profile photoVio Viole's profile photoJayveer Chandravadiya's profile photo
+s. dev  I'll remember that when the kids have to go see the school chaplain.
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