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Calls for 'urgent reform' of metadata access as government reports reveal disparity

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says the disparity is concerning and has called for better reporting requirements.

Ben Grubb 9:24 PM   The number of times Australians' private internet and phone metadata records have been divulged to law-enforcement and spy agencies without a warrant has become unclear after a disparity was found in two government department reports, prompting concerns about inadequate reporting.

Hands on: Skype Qik

Skype Qik makes it easy to share video clips with a handful of friends rather than the whole world.

Adam Turner 10:48 AM   Not content with face-to-face phone calls, Skype also wants to be the Snapchat of instant video.

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'Skynet has already won': Terminator director on why he won't use an iPhone

'Microsoft Word is as sophisticated as I get': James Cameron attends a 30th Anniversary Screening Of <i>The Terminator</i> in Hollywood.

Bryan Alexander 10:33 AM   You'd imagine one of Hollywood's leaders in film technological advances would have the latest in communication technology, but James Cameron likes to keep things low-fi.

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Corruption watchdog probes education IT project

generic school IT

Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie 2:38 PM   Victoria's corruption watchdog is running a secret investigation involving past and present senior education bureaucrats and a botched $180 million schools computer project.

News bytes for week of October 20, 2014

1:49 PM   Australian executives underestimate big data's potential; taxpayers to pay for ATO's iPads and iPhones, and more.

Forget self-driving Google cars, Australia has self-driving trucks

Coming through: Rio Tinto uses self-driving trucks in its  West Australian mining operations.

Matthew Hall 12:35 PM   Automated giant trucks drive around the outback of Western Australia in a huge Internet of Things example.

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Other Technology news

Mountain-sized rare comet whizzes past Mars

An artist's impression of the comet Siding Spring on approach to Mars.

8:11 AM   A comet the size of a small mountain with the consistency of talcum powder has whizzed past Mars, wowing space enthusiasts with the once-in-a-million-years encounter.

Cats will dine until their delicacy is rare

Fussy: Research has shown that cats often obsess over their choice of food.

Nicky Phillips   Some cat owners may have noticed their kitty has particular tastes when it comes to the half-eaten presents left on the doorstep.

Forget missionary, ancient fish had sex sideways


Nicky Phillips 4:00 AM   Scientists have thrown off the covers and revealed the origins of sex, discovering that it wasn't always performed like we do it today.

Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the Go

Hands on: Skype Qik

Adam Turner 10:48 AM   Not content with face-to-face phone calls, Skype also wants to be the Snapchat of instant video.



Study the clouds to get the best deals

Terry Lane   A clear look at which service to choose when your free storage space runs out.


Zen and the art of Apple technology

Garry Barker   Apple's suite of applications includes powerful tools to aid the musician and filmmaker.


Volcanoes on the moon could have been erupting in the time of the dinosaurs

Amina Khan   Scientists thought the moon had been cold and dead for a billion years, but a new discovery could force them to reconsider its evolution.