
Navy Continues To Persecute Nurse Who Refused To Force-feed Guantanamo Hunger Strikers

Navy Continues To Persecute Nurse Who Refused To Force-feed Guantanamo Hunger Strikers »

Carol Rosenberg reported today that a Navy commander had decided not to court-martial a Guantanamo nurse for refusing to participate in the forced-feeding of hunger strikers at the U.S. military prison. Announcement of the “pending court-martial” was made in late August. While on Twitter it appeared that many were relieved the nurse would not be going to jail for […]...

September 16 2014 / 1 comment / Read More »


Busy VA Clinic Just Discovered It’s Automated Phone System Hasn’t Been Working For Weeks »

Busy VA Clinic Just Discovered It’s Automated Phone System Hasn’t Been Working For Weeks

For the past two weeks, some veterans have been complaining that they have been unable to schedule medical appointments at a busy Veterans Administration...

Aug 14 2014 / No comment / Read More »


Obama Admits He Banned Only “Some” Of CIA’s Torture Techniques »

Obama Admits He Banned Only “Some” Of CIA’s Torture Techniques

Forgive the tongue-in-cheek, but it is almost as if the only person who reads and responds to my work on torture is President Obama.There...

Aug 12 2014 / No comment / Read More »


CIA Intervention In Ukraine Has Been Taking Place For Decades »

CIA Intervention In Ukraine Has Been Taking Place For Decades

  “The most powerful form of lie is the omission…” — George Orwell Of all the aspects of the current crisis over the NATO/Russia...

Aug 12 2014 / No comment / Read More »


Special to The Public Record

Forbidden Book: Douglas Valentine’s “The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam” »

Forbidden Book: Douglas Valentine’s “The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam”

On June 10, Open Roads publishers announced a new “Forbidden Bookshelf” series. Curated by New York University Professor Mark Crispin Miller, “Forbidden Bookshelf” aims to “fill in the blanks of America’s repressed history by resurrecting books that focused on issues and events that are too often left...

Jul 10 2014 / No comment / Read More »


How A Former CIA Officer’s Efforts To Get Congress To Investigate Rendition And Torture Failed »

How A Former CIA Officer’s Efforts To Get Congress To Investigate Rendition And Torture Failed

Over at Al Jazeera America, Jason Leopold has this lengthy, must-read story about former CIA operative Sabrina De Sousa and the “proper channels” she went through to blow the whistle on the botched rendition of a radical Egyptian cleric from the streets of Italy. De...

Jun 26 2014 / No comment / Read More »


The Punitive Use Of Medical Restraints On Guantanamo Hunger Strikers »

The Punitive Use Of Medical Restraints On Guantanamo Hunger Strikers

A partially redacted set of medical records released in the aftermath of the 2006 deaths of three Guantanamo prisoners shows that the use of “medical restraints” in the use of forced feeding of hunger striking detainees was used as a threat on hunger striking prisoners....

Jun 19 2014 / No comment / Read More »


New Report: NCIS Hid Medical Evidence About Guantanamo Suicides »

New Report: NCIS Hid Medical Evidence About Guantanamo Suicides

The Senior Medical Officer (SMO) at Guantanamo who attended at least two of three high-profile “suicides” at Guantanamo nearly eight years ago concluded at the time that, contrary to the conclusions of a later government investigation, the detainees did not die by hanging but by...

Jun 5 2014 / No comment / Read More »


The Murky Legality of Philadelphia Police Department’s License Plate Reader Program »

The Murky Legality of Philadelphia Police Department’s License Plate Reader Program

The Philadelphia Police Department is using Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR), which enable patrol car mounted and stationary pole cameras to collect images of over 1,800 license plates per minute over a 24/7 period. This information is then stored on servers located inside Philadelphia’s Real...

May 28 2014 / No comment / Read More »

Special to The Public Record

The Prosecution Of Free Speech And Activism »

The Prosecution Of Free Speech And Activism

Alright, so I’m gearing up to ask you to donate to the PayPal14. And before you quote some smart-arse quote back at me along the lines of “do the crime, do the time” or “get a job, slack-arses!” — let me explain why I think it is so...

May 19 2014 / 1 comment / Read More »


DoD Directive Used Duplicity To Hide Current Use of SERE Torture Techniques In Interrogations »

DoD Directive Used Duplicity To Hide Current Use of SERE Torture Techniques In Interrogations

Recent revelations about the content of a still secret Senate report on the CIA’s rendition, detention and interrogation program, which allowed for use of torture, highlight the use of techniques used by a little-known military department. These techniques from the military’s Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape program...

Apr 28 2014 / 1 comment / Read More »

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