Past meetings → Future Meetings on Extrasolar Planets

Oct. 13, 2014 — Oct. 16, 2014
EANA 2014 – The 14th European Astrobiology  Edinburgh, Scotland

Oct. 23, 2014 — Oct. 24, 2014
Atelier Plato   Marseille, France

Nov. 6, 2014 — Nov. 7, 2014
Photonics for Planets   Firenze, Italia

Nov. 9, 2014 — Nov. 14, 2014
46th DPS Meeting   Tucson, AZ, USA

Nov. 15, 2014 — Nov. 21, 2014
Triple Evolution & Dynamics in Stellar and Planetary Systems  Haifa, Israel

Nov. 17, 2014 — Nov. 20, 2014
Wide-Field Infrared Surveys: Science and Techniques   Pasadena, CA, USA

Nov. 18, 2014 — Nov. 21, 2014
Star-Planet Interaction & Habitable Zone workshop  Saclay, France

Dec. 3, 2014 — Dec. 5, 2014
Plato 2.0 Science Conference Catania, Italia

Dec. 15, 2014 — Dec. 19, 2014
Planetray sciences   at the AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, USA

Jan. 4, 2015 — Jan. 8, 2015
225th AAS Meeting Seattle, WA, USA

Jan. 8, 2015
From Hot Jupiters to Scorched Earths: Understanding the Shortest-Period Exoplanets   Seattle, WA, USA

Jan. 26, 2015 — Jan. 30, 2015
Pathways II : Towards Habitable Planets Bern

Feb. 23, 2015 — Feb. 27, 2015
Dynamics and Evolution of Earth-like Planets Conference   Santa Barbara, CA, USA

March 15, 2015 — March 20, 2015
45th "Saas-Fee Advanced Course": From Protoplanetary Disks to Planet Formation   LesDiablerets, Suisse

March 23, 2015 — March 27, 2015
Star and Planet Formation in the Southwest   Tucson, Arizona, USA

May 28, 2015 — May 29, 2015
Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science Symposium   University Park, Pennsylvania

June 15, 2015 — June 19, 2015
Astrobiology Science Conference   Chicago, USA

June 29, 2015 — July 3, 2015
From super-Earths to brown dwarfs: Who's Who?   Paris, France

June 29, 2015 — July 3, 2015
Disc dynamics and planet formation   Lamarca, Kupros

July 6, 2015 — July 8, 2015
The Second Workshop on Measuring Precise Radial Velocities   New Haven, CT, USA

Aug. 3, 2015 — Aug. 5, 2015
Exoplanets and Statistics   Honolulu, Hawaii

Oct. 5, 2015 — Oct. 9, 2015
Twenty years of giant exoplanets   Observatoire de Haute Provence, France

Nov. 29, 2015 — Dec. 4, 2015
Extreme Solar Systems III   Hawaii, USA

July 3, 2016 — July 8, 2016
Exoplanets I Davos, Schweiz

Jan. 7, 2018 — Jan. 11, 2018
231st AAS Meeting Washington, DC, USA

Jan. 8, 2022 — Jan. 13, 2022
239th AAS Meeting Washington, DC, USA