Category Theory by Tom LaGatta
Category Theory by Tom LaGatta
Category Theory by Tom LaGatta
Read more information here: http://www.hakkalabs.co/articles/mathematics-lectures-for-software-engineers-category-theory-by-tom-lagatta Filmed at the March 1...
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 1, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Definition of a category
Examples of categories (Set, Pos, Mon, Cat, others...)
Constructions (functors, product categories, arrow categories, slice categories)
Duality (opposite category, co- vs contravariant functors)
Examples of duality (functors into exponentials, representable functors)
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/sum
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 2, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Universal Mapping Property
Products, Coproducts (Examples: in Set, poset-categories)
Exponentials (Examples: in Set, Pos)
Cartesian Closed Categories (lambda calculus, CCC-completeness)
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 3, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon
Homework excercises are available here: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/awodey/SummerSchool/HW/
Topics covered in this lecture:
Functor categories, presheaves (arrow categories, product categories, graphs)
Hom functors, Yoneda embedding, Yoneda lemma
Proofs using the Yoneda lemma
For more info about the summer school please visit http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/summerschool/summer12/
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 4
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 4
Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 4
Steve Awodey - Category Theory Foundations, Lecture 4, Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon Homework excercises are availabl...
Category theory: a framework for reasoning
Category theory: a framework for reasoning
Category theory: a framework for reasoning
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but even this far from its ivory towers it has an important role to pl...
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category theory. Category theory seeks to understand the forms of high-level ...
PNWS 2014 - What every (Scala) programmer should know about category theory
PNWS 2014 - What every (Scala) programmer should know about category theory
PNWS 2014 - What every (Scala) programmer should know about category theory
By, Gabriel Claramunt
Aren't you tired of just nodding along when your friends starts talking about morphisms? Do you feel left out when your coworkers discuss a coproduct endofunctor? From the dark corners of mathematics to a programming language near you, category theory offers a compact but powerful set of tools to build and reason about programs. What's a category? What's a functor? This talks aims to present the basic concepts and why they matter to everyday coding.
Next time, you too can be the soul of the party and impress your friends with category theory!*
*(results may vary)
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funconf: James Earl Douglas, Hands-On Category Theory
funconf: James Earl Douglas, Hands-On Category Theory
funconf: James Earl Douglas, Hands-On Category Theory
James explores category theory concepts in Scala REPL.
Category theory foundations 1.0 — Steve Awodey
Category theory foundations 1.0 — Steve Awodey
Category theory foundations 1.0 — Steve Awodey
Category theory foundations 4.0 — Steve Awodey
Category theory foundations 4.0 — Steve Awodey
Category theory foundations 4.0 — Steve Awodey
SIUC Seminar Dr Zbigniew Oziewicz Introduction to Some Concepts in Category Theory
SIUC Seminar Dr Zbigniew Oziewicz Introduction to Some Concepts in Category Theory
SIUC Seminar Dr Zbigniew Oziewicz Introduction to Some Concepts in Category Theory
Dr. Zbigniew Oziewicz is a Professor at Universdad Nacional Autonama de Mexico and is visiting Dr. Jerzy Kocik this week.
funconf James Earl Douglas
funconf James Earl Douglas
funconf James Earl Douglas
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #1: contracts
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #1: contracts
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #1: contracts
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #7: monads
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #7: monads
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #7: monads
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #9: products in other categories
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #9: products in other categories
Category theory for JavaScript programmers #9: products in other categories
Valeria de Paiva. Introduction to Category Theory: Lecture 1.
Valeria de Paiva. Introduction to Category Theory: Lecture 1.
Valeria de Paiva. Introduction to Category Theory: Lecture 1.
NASSLLI 2012 University of Texas at Austin.
More Hiking in Modern Math World (7/7) - Category Theory, Isomorphism, Functor, Mathematics
More Hiking in Modern Math World (7/7) - Category Theory, Isomorphism, Functor, Mathematics
More Hiking in Modern Math World (7/7) - Category Theory, Isomorphism, Functor, Mathematics
Learn more on http://www.science4all.org about: Symmetries and Group Theory: http://www.science4all.org/le-nguyen-hoang/symmetries/ Category Theory: Nothing ...
Dominic Verity on Category Theory (Part 2)
Dominic Verity on Category Theory (Part 2)
Dominic Verity on Category Theory (Part 2)
Talk at Functional Programming Sydney given on Thursday, 16 June 2011 Part 1 of the talk can be found at - http://vimeo.com/17207564.
All About - Category theory
All About - Category theory
All About - Category theory
What is Category theory?
A report all about Category theory for homework/assignment
Category theory is used to formalize mathematics and its concepts as a collection of objects and arrows (also called morphisms). Category theory can be used to formalize concepts of other high-level abstractions such as set theory, ring theory, and group theory. Several terms used in category theory, including the term "morphism", differ from their uses within mathematics itself. In category theory, a "morphism" obeys a set of conditions specific to category theory itself. Thus, care must be taken to understand the context in which statements are made.
Category Theory
Category Theory
Category Theory
Category Theory. By Steve Awodey. This text and reference book on Category Theory, a branch of abstract algebra, is aim... http://www.thebookwoods.com/book01...
Monads and Gonads
Monads and Gonads
Monads and Gonads
Google Tech Talk January 15, 2013 (more info below) Presented by Douglas Crockford ABSTRACT The wonders of monads are finally revealed without resorting to C...