Marie Antoinette Trailer
state of dreaming. | marie antoinette (2006)
Marie Antoinette ~ Petit Trianon HQ
Marie Antoinette: "I Want Candy"
Marie Antoinette(2006): Dinner with Madame du Barry
Marie Antoinette: "Ceremony"
Tout cela Madame, c'est Versailles (Film Marie-Antoinette, 2006)
Marie Antoinette - Just Dance
Marie Antoinette - Sofia Coppola [Parte 1]
Scena d'amore tra Marie Antoinette e il Conte di Fersen
Last night in Versailles
Marie Antoinette and Axel Von Fersen HOT SCENE - Kirsten Dunst and Jamie Dornan
Marie Antoinette - 2006 - Maria Antonieta - Trailer
Jamie Dornan behind the Scenes of Marie Antoinette (2006)
FOURPLAY is four tales of sexual triumph and travail set in four American cities. In Skokie, a closeted lesbian woman's infatuation with her minister's wife is sublimated during a weekend of dog sitting; in Austin, a young couple struggle with opposing desires about conception and arrive at a startling compromise; in Tampa, a young gay Latino man plagued with self-doubt finds a surreal nirvana in a public mall restroom; and in San Francisco, a cross-dressing sex-worker faces a challenging assignment with a quadriplegic man, arranged by the man's wife.
Keywords: austin-texas, california, choir, closeted-homosexual, cruising, crush, dog, dog-sitting, female-nudity, florida
Four tales of sexual intimacy.
"All eyes will be on you," says the Austrian Empress, Maria Theresa to her youngest daughter Marie Antoinette. The film, marketed for a teen audience, is an impressionistic retelling of Marie Antoinette's life as a young queen in the opulent and eccentric court at Versailles. The film focuses on Marie Antoinette, as she matures from a teenage bride to a young woman and eventual queen of France.
Keywords: 1760s, 1770s, 1780s, 18th-century, adultery, alternate-history, alternative-history, alternative-reality, ambassador, american-revolution
Let Them Eat Cake
The Party That Started A Revolution
Rumor. Scandal. Fame. Revolution.
At 15 she became a bride. At 19 she became a queen. By 20 she was a legend.
The story of a Queen who lived like a Rock Star.
[from trailer]::Marie-Antoinette: This is ridiculous.::Comtesse de Noailles: This, Madame, is Versailles.
Marie-Antoinette: [referring to her hair] It's not too much, is it?::Léonard: Oh, no!
Marie-Antoinette: Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness.
Princesse de Lamballe: Can't you do something?::Marie-Antoinette: I'm not going to acknowledge it.
Marie-Antoinette: [her first words to Du Barry] There are a lot of people at Versailles today.::Madame du Barry: Yes, there are.::Marie-Antoinette: [walking away] Those are my last words to that woman.
Duchesse de Polignac: There's something in the oysters!
Duchesse de Polignac: Oh, good! The chickens are out!
Duchesse de Polignac: Have you ever been with a Russian?
Marie-Antoinette: So, I hear you like to make keys as a hobby?::Louis XVI: Yes.::Marie-Antoinette: And do you enjoy making keys?::Louis XVI: Obviously.
[Last Lines]::Louis XVI: Are you admiring your lime avenue?::Marie-Antoinette: I'm just saying good-bye.
The character of Marie Antoinette has been transferred to the present. She meets Frédérique, whom she violently falls in love with. Since Marie Antoinette is destined however to marry a king, the court where Frédérique resides is burned down and Marie Antoinette is married to Louis XVI. Frédérique survives the fire and the lovers meet again at a press conference. Under the flashing eye of press cameras, they fall into each others arms. When Louis sees the pictures in the newspaper, he throws her out. She elopes with Frédérique, but when he is killed by accident and when Louis is killed as well, Marie Antoinette is suspected. She defends herself with an ode to her beloved and to love, proving that she is too sharp for the others and that this isn't the end of her.
One of the obsessive speculations in American history is whether Thomas Jefferson, in the years before he became president, had an affair with (and fathered a child with) his 15-year-old slave Sally Hemings. JEFFERSON IN PARIS follows Jefferson to France (as the U.S. ambassador to the court of Louis XVI), following the death of his wife his friendships and flirtations with the French, his relationship with his daughters and slaves from home (especially Sally), against the backdrop of the beginning of the French Revolution.
Keywords: 1780s, 18th-century, ambassador, american-abroad, aristocrat, character-name-in-title, city-name-in-title, decadence, extramarital-affair, father-daughter-relationship
Maria Cosway: That's how it is here. People play at love. It's not serious. It is different in Italy. There, we kill for it!
Thomas Jefferson: I kept having a debate between my head and my heart.::Maria Cosway: Which in your case, the head always wins.::Thomas Jefferson: Not this time. My poor head was simply whirled around by my unruly heart.::Maria Cosway: Oh-dear-God.::Thomas Jefferson: It kept telling me I love the lady and will continue to love her forever. If she were on one side of the globe and I on the other, I would pierce through the whole mass of the world to reach her.
Thomas Jefferson: Independence is not a toy for children to play with, but the privilege of a fully matured mind.
Oscar François de Jarjayes was born female, but her father who longed for a son and a heir insisted she be raised as a boy, alongside, Andre Grandier, the grandson of her nanny. When Oscar matures into an adult she is selected to be captain of the guards at the Palace of Versailles under King Louis XVI and Marie Antonette. Oscar soon learns the problems of the monarchy and the plight of the poor which will eventually lead to the French Revolution. She also finds herself torn between her true love for the independent, but lower-class Andre and her duties as a member of aristocracy and a trusted subject of the King and Queen.
Keywords: 1750s, 1770s, adultery, affair-of-the-necklace, based-on-book, based-on-comic, based-on-manga, based-on-novel, beggar, character-name-in-title
The swashbuckling adventures of the hero of the Revolutionary War. His contributions weren't always appreciated by the new U.S. government. After the way Congress show their displeasure by sending him to the Russia of Catherine the Great.
Keywords: 18th-century, abaco-islands-bahamas, admiral-chester-nimitz, african-american, american-flag, american-revolution, anchor, applause, arm-amputation, bagpipes
John Paul Jones: [about his crew] Work 'em hard, train 'em hard, and keep 'em happy.
John Wilkes: You have many enemies, Captain.::John Paul Jones: Aye! The British are the best!
Esek Hopkins: Whoever heard of sending Marines to fight on the land?
Captain Richard Pearson: Captain, are you surrendering? Do you ask for quarter?::John Paul Jones: No sir! I have no yet begun to fight!
Anna Zador is a secretary who's been working for 6 years at Count Willie Palaffi's bank. Every day, she rides to work on her bike and places flowers on Willie's desk, but Willie (the Budapest playboy) doesn't know that she exists. "Whiskers", noticing Anna to be a sweet and beautiful woman, believes she would be the perfect wife for Willie. He insists that Marika (Willie's personal secretary) invite Anna to Willie's costume birthday party - she does so reluctantly for she wants to marry Willie. Marika, knowing Anna is low on cash, offers to help her get a costume. At the party, everyone is dressed elegantly, while Anna is in a simple Angel's outfit. Willie, feeling sorry for her, asks her to dance, but when he sees the guests laughing at them, he makes an excuse and goes upstairs. Upstairs, Willie falls asleep and dreams that an Angel named Brigitta comes to earth to marry him. On their wedding night, Brigitta loses her wings to Willie's delight. He is less delighted when her truthfulness gets him into trouble with the socialites. Willie leaves Brigitta in a rage. Brigitta decides to change, even if it means losing her soul. Willie realizes his mistakes, but it is too late.
Keywords: angel, animal-rights, banker, banquet, based-on-stage-musical, birthday, budapest, champagne, clerk, concert
America's Favorite Sweethearts in their final pairing!
It is 1774, the eve of the American War of Independence. Janice comes from a Tory household. She cavorts with American and British alike, is pursued by Charles Fownes, patriot and friend of General Washington. Fields is a comic, drunken British sergeant.
Keywords: american-revolution, based-on-novel, box-office-flop, character-name-in-title, george-washington, thomas-jefferson
A law student becomes an outlaw French revolutionary when he decides to avenge the unjust killing of his friend. To get close to the aristocrat who has killed his friend the student adopts the identity of Scaramouche the clown.
Keywords: actor, actress, based-on-novel, duel, escape, french-revolution, georges-danton, historical-event, illegitimacy, jean-paul-marat
Marie Antoinette Trailer
state of dreaming. | marie antoinette (2006)
Marie Antoinette ~ Petit Trianon HQ
Marie Antoinette: "I Want Candy"
Marie Antoinette(2006): Dinner with Madame du Barry
Marie Antoinette: "Ceremony"
Tout cela Madame, c'est Versailles (Film Marie-Antoinette, 2006)
Marie Antoinette - Just Dance
Marie Antoinette - Sofia Coppola [Parte 1]
Scena d'amore tra Marie Antoinette e il Conte di Fersen
Last night in Versailles
Marie Antoinette and Axel Von Fersen HOT SCENE - Kirsten Dunst and Jamie Dornan
Marie Antoinette - 2006 - Maria Antonieta - Trailer
Jamie Dornan behind the Scenes of Marie Antoinette (2006)
Marie Antoinette - Trailer
Marie-Antoinette (Trailer NL) 2006
Marie Antoinette (2006) Full Movie on DVD
Marie Antoinette: "Hong Kong Garden"
Tom Hardy "Marie Antoinette"
Keen On Boys - Marie Antoinette Soundtrack
Marie Antoinette (2006) Full Movie
Marie Antoinette (2006 Feature)
Marie Antoinette 2006 film
Rameau - Premier Menuet - Marie Antoinette - Les Indes Galantes
Marie Antoinette (New Order - Age Of Consent)
Marie Antoinette- The Melody Of A Fallen Tree Song and Pics
Marie Antoinette Soundtrack
Dustin O'Halloran Opus 23 video
Dustin O'Halloran - Opus 17.wmv
Opus 36 Dustin O'Halloran
Dustin O'Halloran - Opus 14.wmv
The Strokes - What Ever Happened? (Marie Antoinette)
Marie Antoinette~ When I ruled the World
Avril 14th - Marie Antoinette
Air Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette: Phoenix Cameo
Aphex Twin - Jynweythek Ylow.wmv
Platée - Aux Langueurs D'Apollon (Marie Antoinette)
Rameau -〈Platee〉"Aux langueurs d'Apollon" (Acte 2, Scène 5) / Mireille Delunsch
Marie Antoinette - Où boivent les loups
Jean Paul Égide Martini - Plaisir d'amour
"Veillons Mes Soeurs" from Zemire et Azor by André Ernest Modeste Grétry
Marie Antoinette and her Children [Goodnight - Evanescence]
What Ever Happened(The Strokes) - Marie Antoinette
All Cats Are Grey - The Cure
Marie Antoinette- Luxurious
Plainsong (Marie Antoinnette)
Marie Antoinette - Innocence
Marie Antoinette - I Want Candy (Bow Wow Wow)
Marie Antoinette Soundtrack
marie antoinette (soundtrack) ceremony!
Marie Antoinette - Kings of the wild frontier
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette - I don't like it like this
Marie Antoinette- Age of Consent Song & Pics
Les dernières heures de Marie-Antoinette (2/2)
Marie-Antoinette et sa modiste Rose Bertin
Les dernières heures de Marie-Antoinette
L'exécution de Marie-Antoinette
Marie-Antoinette se réfugie à Trianon
Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette: la révolution soude le couple
La correspondance entre Marie-Anoinette et Axel de Fersen
La fin tragique d'Axel de Fersen
Marie-Antoinette et Axel de Fersen : quelle relation ?
Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette : un couple si différent
Marie-Antoinette et son domaine, la grotte
Le Théâtre de la Reine
Geheimnisse der Geschichte - Reportage über Marie Antoinette
La Vie Secrete de Marie Antoinette S01E05 FRENCH HDTV 720p
The Marie Antoinette Soundtrack Collection Part 1
L'ombre d'un doute Ep.20 - Fallait il condamner Marie Antoinette ?
Marie-Antoinette et la Révolution / Au cœur de l'histoire / Europe 1
Marie Antoinette at Versailles 1979
Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793) par Henri Guillemin
Le Petit Théâtre de Marie-Antoinette
Marie Antoinette Vom Thron zum Schafott
Madame Marie Antoinette Singleton, fille de Laurent Gbagbo, parle des problemes de la Cote d'Ivoire.
Marie Antoinette - Henri Guillemin
Marie Antoinette par Henri Guillemin
20140713 - interjú a palesztín (Marie Antoinette Sedin) és az izraeli ( Ilan Mor) nagykövettel
Marie Antoinette Full Movie 2006
Marie Antoinette - French Crown Jewels by Peter-John Parisis, G.G.
Marie [Antoinette?] - Dead Famous
Part 2 Applying Hair Pieces To achieve That 18th Century Marie Antoinette Style.
Marie Antoinette, Queen of Fashion
Marie Antoinette
The Marie Antoinette Soundtrack Collection Part 2
Marie Antoinette Full Movie
Marie Antoinette Full Movie
Marie Antoinette (2006) Full Movie
Curved Air - Marie Antoinette (TV Special 1972)
Watch Online Marie Antoinette (2006) Full Movie /0RL Biography, Drama, History
Marie Antoinette ► CHANDELIER
Marie antoinette Full Movie
2712 Marie Antoinette St Henderson, Nevada 89044 MLS# 1480260
Marie Antoinette
If the People have No Bread Let Them Eat Cake
How to Pronounce Marguerite Antoinette Jeanne Marie Ghislaine Cleenewerck De Crayencour
TCM Summer Under The Stars 2014 Gladys George 1of7 Marie Antoinette (Outro)
TCM Summer Under The Stars 2014 Gladys George 1of7 Marie Antoinette (Intro)
Sorapol SS15 Show
For The First Time in Forever demo
MARIE ANTOINETTE - Official Trailer
For the First Time in Forever
Jane Monzures: DIY Adult Halloween Costumes
animoto 1080p 7
maria theresa chandelier
Female Characters [Never Let Me Go]
Marie Antoinette full movie part 1
Viva La Vida-A Tribute To Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette is a 2006 historical comedy-drama film, written and directed by Sofia Coppola. It is very loosely based on the life of the Queen consort in the years leading up to the French Revolution. It won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design. It was released in the United States on October 20, 2006, by Columbia Pictures.
Fourteen-year-old Maria Antonia Josephina Joanna (Kirsten Dunst) is the beautiful, charming, and naïve youngest daughter of Austrian empress Maria Theresa (Marianne Faithfull). In 1768, she is selected by her mother to marry the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI (Jason Schwartzman), thereby sealing an alliance between the two rival countries.
Marie Antoinette travels to France, relinquishing all connections with her home country, and meets Louis XV (Rip Torn) and her future husband, the Dauphin. The two are married shortly thereafter. Toasts are drunk to their happy marriage and they are encouraged to produce an heir as soon as possible, but the next day it is reported that "nothing happened" on their wedding night.
Blaßblaue Blitze in deinen Augen
blaublütig wie die einer Hündin
fällst du aufrecht, sinkst majestätisch,
wie eine ganze Königin,
aus deinen Blicken schießen Kanonen,
letzte Signale in letzter Not,
dein Abschied wirkt im Chaos noch heilig,
wie Jeanne D'Arc gehst du in den Tod.
Marie, Marie, Marie,
oh Marie Antoinette,
Marie, Marie, Marie,
oh Marie Antoinette.
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
In letzter Stunde hängt deine Seele
wie eine Spinne fest im Netz,
nur im Mythos wird man zur Heldin,
unvergeßlich bist du noch jetzt,
Aufstieg und Fall, Triumph und Verleumdung,
Rettung hat ohne Abgrund kein Sinn,
blutiger Abstieg vom Thron zum Schafott,
dein Spiel ist aus, Marie, Marie, Marie,
Marie, Marie, Marie,
oh Marie Antoinette,
Marie, Marie, Marie,