Birth of Baha'u'llah
Naw Ruz 2014
When is March equinox in Ethiopia 2015
Spring Equinix, Passover and Easter.wmv
Amazing Holidays in Bardolino Italy 1080p [HD]
aCalendar+ Android Calendar v0.99.3 APK Full Download
March 21 New Year's Day
aCalendar+ Android Calendar for Android
یادی از یاران در هفتادم بهار صعود حضرت بهاءالله
تقویم بهایی Baha'i Calendar
Song of the Baha'i Months
Mary Aune - part 2/2
When is First day of Sukkot in Canada 2014
Birth of Baha'u'llah
Naw Ruz 2014
When is March equinox in Ethiopia 2015
Spring Equinix, Passover and Easter.wmv
Amazing Holidays in Bardolino Italy 1080p [HD]
aCalendar+ Android Calendar v0.99.3 APK Full Download
March 21 New Year's Day
aCalendar+ Android Calendar for Android
یادی از یاران در هفتادم بهار صعود حضرت بهاءالله
تقویم بهایی Baha'i Calendar
Song of the Baha'i Months
Mary Aune - part 2/2
When is First day of Sukkot in Canada 2014
Naw Ruz Baha'i New Year
Children´s Classes all children over the world Bahaí community
Baha'i Naw-Ruz
Baha'i New Year (Naw-Ruz)
Baha'is App , best Baha'is app for iphone and Android , Bahai prayers in one place.
Under A Spiritual Sky by Wayne St. John
The Paradox Islam Sex Allah Prostitute, Human Value in Iran Libya Egypt Saudi Arabia Pakistan Iraq
Nowruz Celebrations in Sulaymaniyah Iraq 4
Reza Pahlavi Interview on VoA مصاحبۀ شاهزاده رضا پهلوی
The Bahá'í calendar, also called the Badí‘ calendar (badí‘ means wondrous or unique ), used by Bábism and the Bahá'í Faith, is a solar calendar with regular years of 365 days, and leap years of 366 days. Years are composed of 19 months of 19 days each, (361 days) plus an extra period of "Intercalary Days" (4 in regular and 5 in leap years). Years in the calendar begin at the vernal equinox, and are counted with the date notation of BE (Bahá'í Era), with 21 March 1844 CE being the first day of the first year. The period from 21 March 2012 to 20 March 2013 is the year 169 BE. At present, the Bahá'í calendar is synchronized to the Gregorian calendar, meaning that the extra day of a leap year occurs simultaneously in both calendars. Note: The Badi calendar was implemented during the Bábí faith and then adapted in the Bahá'í Faith.
The early version of the calendar begun to be implemented during the ministry of the Báb and his appointed successor Subh-i-Azal depended on the Báb's Persian Bayan and other works. It used a scheme of 19 months of 19 days (19x19) for a 361 day calendar and intercalary days assigned differently than the Baha'i implementation later. There is also a cycle of 19 years. William Miller's polemical work against the Bahá'í Faith claims that the date the calendar was to begin was 1850 CE though most sources agree the date was with the Declaration of the Bab to Mullá Husayn, May 23, 1844 CE. The beginning of the calendar year was with Nowruz. The calendar contains symbolic connections to prophecies of the Báb about the next Manifestation of God termed He whom God shall make manifest.
The Bahá'í Faith ( /bəˈhaɪ/) is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in 19th-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories.
In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad - as well as figures from extra-Abrahamic traditions such as Zoroaster, Krishna, and the Buddha. For Baha'is, the most recent messengers are the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. In Bahá'í belief, each consecutive messenger prophesied of messengers to follow, and Bahá'u'lláh's life and teachings fulfilled the end-time promises of previous scriptures. Humanity is understood to be in a process of collective evolution, and the need of the present time is for the gradual establishment of peace, justice and unity on a global scale.
Prince Reza Pahlavi (Persian: رضا پهلوی, born 31 October 1960) is the last crown prince of the former Imperial State of Iran and current head of the House of Pahlavi. He is the older son of the late Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and his Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi. In 1979, Reza Pahlavi left Iran at the time of the Iranian Revolution.
Reza Pahlavi was born in Tehran, Iran, as eldest son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, and Empress Farah Pahlavi. Reza Pahlavi's siblings include his sister Princess Farahnaz Pahlavi (12 March 1963), brother Prince Ali-Reza Pahlavi (28 April 1966 – 4 January 2011), and sister Princess Leila Pahlavi (27 March 1970 – 10 June 2001), as well as a half-sister, Princess Shahnaz Pahlavi (27 October 1941).
He left Iran at the age of 17 for air force training. He spent a year at Williams College, but was forced to leave because of the turmoil in Iran. With the monarchy overthrown and an Islamic Republic established, Reza Pahlavi did not return to Iran. He received a BSc degree by correspondence in political science from the University of Southern California, because Williams did not offer that option. A jet fighter pilot, Reza Pahlavi completed the United States Air Force Training Program at the former Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas. In 1980, at the start of the Iran–Iraq War, Pahlavi, a highly-trained fighter pilot, wrote to General Valiollah Fallahi, Chief Commander of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic, offering to fight in the air force for Iran in the war. The offer was rebuffed.
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