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Computer Chronicles: Overview on Xenix
Xenix on the Web
How to install Xenix on Virtualbox
installing xenix 386 2.3.4 on Qemu
A&S; – Xenix (Mistress Recordings 5.3 – The Redhead)
Microsoft Xenix
XENIX Robotics : e@robot games 2014
My Behringer XENIX Q802 USB
Review | Mesa Behringer Xenix 302 USB
descripcion de la mescladora behringer xenix 802
How to install Xenix in Virtual Box
XeniX ft. Polish YouTubers - Kanikuły
NAMM 2011 Behringer Xenix UFX 1604 (english)
Delta 1010LT na Mesa Behringer Xenix X1832 USB
Computer Chronicles presents an overview on Xenix. Originally aired on August 1988. Copyright 1988 KCSM-TV.
My Olivetti M300 (386sx, 16 Mhz, 4 Mb RAM) booting Xenix and connecting to Internet. I speeded up the boring parts :)
Virtualbox: Xenix Floppy Images: Please visit: & http:...
Because nobody seems to have done it, I thought I'd do a quick video of how to install Xenix 386 2.3.4 on Qemu 0.15.0 ... The 'real' magic is in the boot sta...
ARTIST – A&S; TITLE – Xenix // Mistress Recordings 5.3 – The Redhead LABEL – MISTRESS RECORDINGS 5.3 CAT.NO: HU-MR05.3-SH Tracklisting V/A – The Redhead E1. Nutype – Noisy Ride E2. Mike Gervais – Grind F1. Opinion – Autobahnkirche F2. A&S; – Xenix Mistress 05 consists of three 12-Inches – 5.1 & 5.2 & 5.3 – that will be released simultaneously. Mistress 5.1 – Mistress 5.2 – Physical Release Date: February 2015 Digital Release Date: February 2015 Vinyl distributed by HARDWAX. Available soon at all proper vinyl shops. Digitally available here: More Info:
Xenix to stworzona na początku lat 80. przez firmę Santa Cruz Operations (SCO) na zlecenie Microsoft odmiana systemu operacyjnego Unix, oparta na kodzie kupi...
We are the champion !!!!
short review of the Behringer XENIX Q802 USB -------------------------------OPEN------------------------------------ Main Channel: Vlog Kanal: Facebook: Instagram: Thanks for watching and don't forget to thumbs up the Video :))
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bueno les dejo un resumen rapid de la mescaldora xenix 802 de behringer espero y les guste mi face es!/aaron.hernandez.73307.
This video will teach you how to install Xenix in virtual box or pc ISO files: Virtual Box: Thanks for watching!!!!!!!!!
KONIECZNIE PRZECZYTAJ!!! Remix zaczyna się w gównianym miejscu, ponieważ miał być to collab z pewną remixerką, która mnie oszukała. Nie wysłała swojego parta mimo 3-tygodniowego oczekiwania. No sorry ale ja swoje remixy robię w max 3-4h, nie 3 tygodnie. Tak więc przepraszam, że remix zaczyna się w dziwnym miejscu :/ -----INFO----- Muzyka w tle: Za-No-Za - Kanikuły Linki do kanałów YT-berów którzy wystąpili w remixie:
A new sensation on the market : the Behringer Xenix UFX 1604 - presented at the NAMM 2011 !
Ligando o teclado stéreo na mesa + placa + Sonar + Monitor.
Funciones de la consola Behringer Xenix 1204 USB
Download Link: Orio ft. Xenix "Rest-In-Peace" Negro Prod. Labia El Centro De Ataques & DC La Corriente Directa Virena Music Dream Connection Studios Contactos: D.C. La Corriente Directa (Manejador y Productor) Para contrataciones tel. 1-(787)-587-1671 Orio Con I de Punto
We're at it again! The Mayor's plane has crashed and he never got an in-flight meal. If the Mayor's team can escort their VIP to the local 5 Guy's, they win. If the anarchists can take out the Mayor and remove the last trace of Government from the city, they win. IGL Xenix joins us for more Desolation PVP action. Check out IGL Xenix's channel: My Twitter: My Twitch: My XBOX Live GT: Beancrew49 What is Desolation? Armageddon has hit the city of Coveton. Portals to a dark dimension ripped open throughout the city, spilling blood-thirsty monsters into the streets. For thirty days, lawlessness ruled. The gutters ran red with blood. Humanity failed. Now, you are one of the few survivors. Your goal is to scavenge your way out of this forsaken city. Players will loot the thousands of chests littered throughout Coveton for food, clothing, and weapons. The first player to find 5 key cards and take them to the airport will unlock the hangar doors to the only working aircraft in the city. The game will be played on Hard Survival, so players will have to worry about starving to death, getting gored by monsters, and the other players who will no doubt be foaming at the mouth to get a kill and increase their survival supplies. Watch your back and keep your eyes on the prize or find yourself forever locked in the grips of … Desolation. Gameplay is one part Day-Z, another part Hunger Games, and a sprinkle of Adventure Map. Started in January of 2014, Desolation is a group project on the XBOX One. It’s a work in progress that will eventually cover the entirety of an XBOX 360 original map in dense urban landscape. Every building has an interior that players can loot, scavenge, and explore as they battle each other in order to leave the city. Follow along as we move Desolation toward completion. Music: Drizzle to Downpour - Silent Partner Intro song: Composer - Jake LaVallee, Owner of Track Download Link: Thanks for watching! Please leave a like and share with your friends if you enjoyed :)
It's madness in front of Aubrey Plaza! Arrows are flying, swords are swinging, flags are dropping. IGL Xenix joins us for some Capture the Flag on the Desolation map. Check out IGL Xenix's channel here: And join him on his survival journey! My Twitter: My Twitch: My XBOX Live GT: Beancrew49 What is Desolation? Armageddon has hit the city of Coveton. Portals to a dark dimension ripped open throughout the city, spilling blood-thirsty monsters into the streets. For thirty days, lawlessness ruled. The gutters ran red with blood. Humanity failed. Now, you are one of the few survivors. Your goal is to scavenge your way out of this forsaken city. Players will loot the thousands of chests littered throughout Coveton for food, clothing, and weapons. The first player to find 5 key cards and take them to the airport will unlock the hangar doors to the only working aircraft in the city. The game will be played on Hard Survival, so players will have to worry about starving to death, getting gored by monsters, and the other players who will no doubt be foaming at the mouth to get a kill and increase their survival supplies. Watch your back and keep your eyes on the prize or find yourself forever locked in the grips of … Desolation. Gameplay is one part Day-Z, another part Hunger Games, and a sprinkle of Adventure Map. Started in January of 2014, Desolation is a group project on the XBOX One. It’s a work in progress that will eventually cover the entirety of an XBOX 360 original map in dense urban landscape. Every building has an interior that players can loot, scavenge, and explore as they battle each other in order to leave the city. Follow along as we move Desolation toward completion. Music: Cold Rise- Gunnar Olsen Intro song: Composer - Jake LaVallee, Owner of Track Download Link: Thanks for watching! Please leave a like and share with your friends if you enjoyed :)
Eine weitere Sensation von Behringer : Der neue analoge Kompaktmischer Xenix UFX 1604! Neu daran : Harddrive (USB Stick, Festplatte etc.) anschließen und dir...
Ich stelle kurz und Knapp mein Audio Interface vor :) hols dir! : ÖFFNEN! :D Facebook: Instagram: English Channel: Vlog Kanal: Rap: Musik (Intro + Outro) : Thanks for watching :)
Kolejny remix :D Taki na szybko, jest chujowy :v -----INFO---- Program: Sony Vegas 12 PRO Muzyka w tle: Nightcore - Anima Libera W filmie użyto scen z kanału:
제닉스 스튜디오의 증강현실 기술을 활용해 앨범 자켓 위에 뮤직 비디오를 재생하는 예제 입니다.
... (Xenix Filmdistribution), Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (Filmeurope), and Australia ».
IMDb 2014-10-10Exclusive: ... In Toronto, it has sold to Switzerland (Xenix), Spain (Surtsey) and Benelux (Cineart) ... Cannes deals for ».
IMDb 2014-09-09Founded in 1981 as a Zurich Autonomous Youth Centre project, Cinema Xenix has become a Zurich ...
Swissinfo 2014-08-30Sales ... ), France (Jour2Fete), UK (Matchbox), Italy (Officine Ubu) and Switzerland (Xenix Filmdistribution) ... Have your say.
Screen Daily 2014-08-20... by a PC-1 running DOS with UUPC and a 286@6MHz with 1MB RAM and a 40MB disk on which I ran Xenix."
TechNewsWorld 2014-08-19In 2014, around $293,000 (€ 219,000) has been reserved for six Swiss distributors including Frenetic ...
Screen Daily 2014-08-11Following its appearance at Berlin’s European Film Market, the pic was licensed to Spain’s Golem ...
IMDb 2014-02-24Love Is Strange, which screened in Berlin’s Panorama section, also went to Portugal (Midas Film), ...
IMDb 2014-02-24New deals included ones with Italy (Teodora), Switzerland (Xenix), Hong Kong (First distributors) , ...
The Hollywood Reporter 2014-02-13... Italy (Teodora Film), Switzerland (Xenix Filmdistribution GmbH), Hong Kong (First distributors Ltd.
IMDb 2014-02-12New deals were closed for Italy (Teodora Film), Switzerland (Xenix Filmdistribution GmbH), Hong Kong (First distributors Ltd.
IMDb 2014-02-12... Italy (Teodora Film), Switzerland (Xenix Filmdistribution GmbH), Hong Kong (First distributors Ltd.
Screen Daily 2014-02-12... into that year grew up on that unique mixture of Mac and Unix (Microsoft used Xenix back then).
Business Insider 2014-01-24Xenix is a discontinued version of the Unix operating system, licensed by Microsoft from AT&T in the late 1970s. The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) later acquired exclusive rights to the software, and eventually superseded it with SCO UNIX (now known as SCO OpenServer).
Xenix was Microsoft's version of Unix intended for use on microcomputers; because Microsoft was not able to license the "UNIX" name itself, they gave it an original name.
Microsoft purchased a license for Version 7 Unix from AT&T in 1979, and announced on August 25, 1980 that it would make it available for the 16-bit microcomputer market. The initial port of Xenix was to the Zilog Z8000 series and subsequently to the Intel 8086/8088 architecture ported by The Santa Cruz Operation.
Xenix varied from its 7th Edition origins by incorporating elements from BSD, and soon (for a time) possessed the most widely installed base of any Unix flavor due to the popularity of the inexpensive x86 processor.
Microsoft did not sell Xenix directly to end users; instead, they licensed it to software OEMs such as Intel, Tandy, Altos and SCO, who then ported it to their own proprietary computer architectures. Microsoft Xenix originally ran on the PDP-11; the first port was for the Zilog Z8001 16-bit processor. Altos shipped a version for their Intel 8086 based computers early in 1982, Tandy Corporation shipped TRS-XENIX for their 68000-based systems in January 1983, and SCO released their port to the IBM PC in September 1983.
When I call you on the phone
I could tell you were all alone
Oh, I wish I could be there with you
To brighten up you life
tho your someone elses wife
I can't stand to know your sad and blue
I care for you, I care for you
He's treating you unfair and don't seem to give a damn
Somehow I know hes taking things for granted
Well then here is what you should do
Tell him you both are through
Run to me, Run to me I care
I care for you, I care for you
Although you've made a vow
Before death you must not part
Honey, break it, (Break it) break it, (Break it) break it
Disrespect, dishonesty, thats not how its suppose to be
Come to me I care
I'll always be your friend until the very end
Baby, baby I'll be there for you
You need someone who cares
Someone who understands
but will never make you sad and blue
I care for you
I care for you, Oh baby
Baby, baby, baby
When I call you on the phone
I could tell you were all alone
Oh, I wish I could be there with you
To brighten up your life
tho your someone elses wife
I can't stand to know your sad and blue
I care for you, I care for you
He's treating you unfair and don't seem to give a damn
Somehow I know hes taking things for granted
Well then here is what you should do
Tell him you both are through
Run to me, Run to me I care
I care for you
Although you've made a vow
Before death you must not part
Honey, break it, (Break it) break it, (Break it) break it
Disrespect, dishonesty, thats not how its suppose to be
Come to me I care
Oh I lift up my heads to the father
Cause he made me strong
He put the food on my table
Yes and in my heart he songs
Oh Jah I love you so
Mighty God I need you so,
Sing Along
Haliluja, praise his name
Haliluja, highest praise
Haliluja, night and day
2. Praises for Jah both young and old
Its better than silver and gold
Silver and gold will vanish away
But the love of my father is here to stay
Woe be unto the sheperd
That leads his sheeps astray
On that day they all shall pay
I'm not afraid to praise him
Forget my troubles and praise him
I'm not afraid to sing
Open my heart and let him come in
Cause I'm singing and I'm chanting in spirit
Heathen them hear it, and Jah know dem nuh love it
But let them knoe that I am one of Jah prophet
By the look in your eye I can tell you're gonna cry, is it over me?
If it is, save your tears for I'm not worth it, you see.
For I'm the kind of guy who is always on the roam,
Wherever I Lay My Hat That's My Home.
You had a romance, did you break it by chance over me?
If it's so I'd like for you to know that I'm not worth it, you see.
For I'm the type of guy who is always on the roam,
Wherever I Lay My Hat That's My Home,
You keep telling your friends that I'm your man.
What do I have to do to make you understand?
For I'm the kind of guy that gives girl the eye, everybody knows.
But I love them and I leave them, break their hearts and deceive them
everywhere I go.
I'm the type of guy who is always on the roam,
There are lots of signs in life
some that you may not like
you could be living this minute
the next minute your gone away aye
Hold up your heads my brothers
Be conscious, my sisters
And by your works you shall surely be paid aye
Never try to dis the man with the angle
the one whose got the title
The one who sits high and he looks down low (aye, aye)
And if you ever dis the man with the angle
the one who got the title
then you'll be someone that he dont know
Say a prayer and chant a psalm
Prayer that can keep the evil calm
You dont have to go to church and be a christian to call on Jah name
Shout out the name Jahovah in the Valley
Shout out the name Jahovah on the Hills
Shout out the name Jahovah on the Plains
Or even if it rains
Call on the name (Amen)
Call on (Amen) Jah name the same
Call on the name (Amen) yea (Amen)
Listen up, I no time skin-up
Time is short and Life is precious aye
Listen up, I no time skin-up
Life is short no time is precoius
You got to have the heart of a lion
if you want to reach mount Zion
You can never be afraid
just calll on his name
Life is no game...
(Life, Life, Life is no game)2x
Life is no game
(Life, Life, Life is no game)
There are lots of signs in life
Some that you may not like
You could be living this minute
The next minute your gone away aye
HOLD UP you heads my brothers
BE Conscious my sisters
And by your works you shall surely be paid ye, aye
I'm alone I am waiting sitting here alone
waiting for my baby to come on home to me
to give me all I need, but I'm afraid
thinking some else will take you instead
all this things are going through my head
because I don't know what to do
Can't remember the last time I saw you
Can't remember the last time we kissed
Can't remember the last time we exchanged a word
just come on over I'll be home
everyday oh I wish the memories go away
and will bring back another day of you
oh I care for you
but I am wrong cause the memories go on and on
keep me singing the same old song
and now oh I'm so confused
Can't remember the last time I saw you
Can't remember the last time we kissed
Can't remember the last time we exchanged a word
just come on over I'll be home
and I'm afraid thinking some else will take you instead
all the things are going through my head because I don't know what to do
Can't remember the last time I saw you
Can't remember the last time we kissed
Can't remember the last time we exchanged a word
Come on over I'll be home
everyday oh I wish the memories go away
and bring back another day for you
oh I care for you
but I am wrong cause the memories go on and on
keep me singing the same old song
and now oh I'm so confused
Can't remember the last time I saw you
Can't remember the last time we kissed
Can't remember the last time we exchanged a word
just come on over I'll be home
Can't remember the last time I saw you
Your not alone
No, no, no, no
I know this is gonna hurt your heart again
And this I know
Yes, yes, yes
You can count on me I'll be there as your friend
To give it all you got
Don't cry cause its over now
Don't be sorry, things are better now
I will be there to give you everything you need
You can always count on me
And give it chance
I'll make it up to you
And give it a chance
I'll prove this world all wrong
Give it a chance
I'll prove this world to you
I'll teach this world a lesson
That will never let you fall
Give it a chance
Its not your fault
No, no, no, no
Do you love this lust of trusting heart
Your rays that fall
Yes, yes, yes
Your so beautiful be to sell away my heart
To give it all you got
Don't cry cause its over now
Don't be sorry, things are better now
I will be there to give you everything you need
You can always count on me
And give it chance
I'll make it up to you
And give it a chance
I'll prove this world all wrong
Give it a chance
I'll make it up to you
I'll teach this world a lesson
That will never let you fall
Give it a chance
Your not alone
No, no, no, no
I know this is gonna hurt your heart again
And this I know
Yes, yes, yes
You can count on me I'll be there as your friend
To give it all you got
Don't cry cause its over now
Don't be sorry, things are better now
I will be there to give you everything you need
You can always count on me
Give it chance
I'll make it up to you
And give it a chance
I'll prove this world all wrong
Give it a chance
I'll make it up to you
I'll teach this world a lesson
That will never let you fall
Da Da Da Daaaaaaa Da Daaaa
Verse 1
Hey girl, I will always be true to you
It's not only a feeling, it's an endless concept
Oh, how I love this feeling for you
It is the real thing, I can almost taste it
When I rise early in the morning and I look in the mirror
Reflections of your lovely face
With tears in my eyes, as I give thanks onto the father
Who be holding such wonderful treasure all along
Verse 2
Theres never a day I don't think about you
My mind's a mess and my heart's in distress
Often I wonder about the things you do
Honey please don't forsake me, cause my heart is so true
Holding you now, would be my greatest desire
And seeing you walk through the door
This love for you, can never be measured
Just come on home to me, that's all that matters
I'll always be true to you
Yes, I'll always be true to you
Verse 3
Closer, yes we are to be, baby you know you belong to me
Come on home, Come on home
Seems like my bed is to wide, girl I need you by my side
This house is not a home - without you to call my own
Tired of talking on the phone
When you hang up, baby Im still all alone
I'll always be true to you
Its not only a feeling, its an endless concept
Oh, how I love this feeling for you
It is the real thing, I can almost taste it
(Song begins to fade out)
When I rise early in the morning and I look in the mirror
I take what I want
An' I steal anything that I need,
I would do anything
To get my satisfaction guaranteed
'Cos I'm looking for love,
The time has come
I'm looking for love,
An' I mean to get me some
I'm looking for love right now,
An' I'm rough an' ready
All of you woman better
Lift up your skirts an' run,
'Cos I aim to shoot my pistol
An' fire like a Gatlin gun
'Cos I'm looking for love,
Believe me when I say
I'm looking for love,
In the worst kind of way
I'm looking for love right now
An' I'm rough an' ready
Rough an' ready...
Rough an' ready...
I take what I want
An' I steal anything that I need,
I would do anything
To get my satisfaction guaranteed
'Cos I'm looking for love,
The time has come
I'm looking for love,
An' I mean to get me some
I'm looking for love right now,
An' I'm rough an' ready
I love the blues,
They tell my story,
If you don't feel it you can never understand
So many times I thought about it
And now I know just what it means to be a man
Everyday I realize you can see it in my eyes
I never wait, or hesitate.
'Cos I love the life I live,
I'm gonna live the life I choose,
You gotta understand
I'm walking in the shadow of the blues
All of my life I've had a strange reputation,
I've been the black sheep of the family all along
I never know if in my heart I'm really guilty
But, I've been accused of never knowing right from wrong
Everyday I realize you can see it in my eyes
I never wait, or hesitate.
'Cos I love the life I live,
I'm gonna live the life I choose,
You gotta understand
I'm walking in the shadow of the blues
My father said you're crazy,
He said what you gonna do?
I left with my guitar and said
I'll leave it up to you
I'm gonna live the life I love
And live the life I choose,
And I'm walking in the shadow of the blues
I love the blues,
They tell my story,
If you don't feel it I will tell you once again
All of my life I've been caught up in a crossfire,
'Cos I've been branded with the devil mark of cain
Everyday I realize you can see it in my eyes
I never wait, or hesitate.
'Cos I love the life I live,
I'm gonna live the life I choose,
You gotta understand
I'm walking in the shadow of the blues,
Looking for you I've been looking for me
Looking for something to help me believe
I cried for mercy
I have prayed to the Lord
The angels have fallen and now I cry some more
Meet me at the crossroads to show me which way to turn
I've tried so hard but 1 never seem to learn
Too many cloudy days
And so many sleepless nights
Hoping for Jesus to make everything alright
Rivers run dry for you and I
Now there's a storm and it's coming my way
Heading for a showdown
Blood red sky
The tears you cry
Now there's a fire and it's burning
Standing here in a curtain of iron
So here I stand in this spotlight it's my destiny
Waiting for the coming day trying to find the key
Looking for you I'm still looking for me
Looking for something to help me believe
Rivers run dry for you and I
Now there's a storm and it's coming my way
Heading for a showdown
Blood red sky
The tears you cry
Now there's a fire and it's burning
Standing here in a curtain of iron
I'll go where the wind blows to the end of the rainbow
Drifting slowly to the point of no return
Will the children ever learn
Looking for you i've been looking for me
Oh how we cried on that dark day
September tears like showers of rain
All hope gone
A space remains
And all the damage is done
A nation's loss
The children's friend
The people cried from end to end
I wonder how she would sigh
The people hurt inside
So lift up your heart
Make a new start
Try to help us understand
Why the people cried all over this land
It's not the time to ask them why
It's time for flowers and a kiss goodbye
Remember the times we had
And don't be so sad
Lift up your hearts
Make a new start
In time we will understand
Why the people cried
All over this land
Oh how we cried on that dark day
I got high I got down
Took the fast train into town
Spend my time in a world
Where crazies ran the show
Girl talk turned me round
My feet sure left the ground
And I left the real world somewhere down below
I had sacrificial feelings on my mind
When you offer up your soul
To the cause of rock an' roll
There's a price to pay
And it's as high as you wanna go
So when they ring that judgement bell
Just a few short steps from hell
Then it's time to jump that train
And head on home
I had sacrificial feelings on my mind
Into the snow I was driving blind
I was burning up before I had my time
When I need somebody to lead me by the hand
You help me find a higher plane, you help me understand
Help me find a sanctuary to keep my feelings save
And lead me through another day with undivided faith
Help me mama to spread the real faith...
Start with good intentions strictly for the lord
And see that wealth and luxury helps to spread the holy word
The lord hath given TV sets to get the message through
And all I want in lieu is a healthy cheque from you
Help me mama to spread the real faith
Tell the children the TV ain't save
So help me mama to spread the real faith
Don't you know we got the real faith
We already got the real faith.....
Sometimes I wonder what I'm gonna do
Deviance and mortal sin bring anger from above
The eye of the lord saw me with a less than gilded dove
It's what those fools out there can't see that puts the blame on you
And mamma now don't prey for me this cheating live is through
Help me mama to spread the real faith
Tell the children the TV ain't save
So help me mama to spread the real faith
Don't you know we got the real faith
Little miss happiness oh how I yearn for you
Just open your heart and let your love come through
Little miss happiness I have to tell you this
I can't hide away don't let it end like this
Where will you go?
What will I do?
Don't ever wanna be a stranger to you
What am I gonna do?
Little miss happiness as far as I can see
You are the only one who can pacify me
And now I hear you are leaving I can't believe it's true
Before it starts it's over that's what love will do
Where will you go?
What will I do?
I don't ever wanna be a stranger to you
What am I gonna do?
You're a queen not a prisoner
I hope I have the key
You can do almost anything
But don't forget about me
Little miss happiness my arms are open wide
We can run but we can never hide
Little miss happiness no matter what we do
Remember there's a place in my heart for you
Where will you go?
What will I do?
Don't ever wanna be a stranger to you
Little miss happiness oh how I yearn for you
What am I gonna do?
Tired of reading papers, I'm even tired of Q.
All I ever seem to do is play my delta blues.
Hiding in the corner, don't ever go outside.
Same sweet talking women ain't gonna take me for a ride.
Ain't got no need to be sorry, ain't ever done you no wrong.
Ain't going back in no hurry, baby thats why
This is a labour of love.......
You don't need to fax me, don't even need to call.
I'm sitting here alone I don't need you any more.
I just can't take the heartache, I always fall in love.
You push me here you pull me there you put the pressure on.
Ain't got no need to be sorry, ain't ever done you no wrong.
Ain't going back in no hurry, tell me why
This is a labour of love.......
Don't get to excited, girl you won't see me run.
I just can't fight it
You got the power of love.......
Ain't got no need to be sorry, ain't ever done you no wrong.
Ain't going back in no hurry, baby that's why
This is a labour of love.......
Tell me why
I was so blind just could not see
There was no way out for you or me
We were young and restless
Trying to break free from the strong arm of society
Now I'm a lonesome Jailbird
With no more tears to cry
I've seen so many faces passing by
I can still remember all the good times we had
Sweet lady the thought of you makes me feel so sad
There's a hole in the wall with the light shining in
Now it's time to begin
Cause I got places to go
I got things to see
Now I have to believe
I'm gonna find the sun
Pack my things and run
I'm gonna breathe the midnight air
Look for love somewhere
So many bridges burned
So many lessons learned
My heart's getting old
As the worlds grows bolder
Time is a hunter chasing me down
Got ta get out of here
Before I hit the ground
There's a hole in the wall with the light shining in
Now it's time to begin
I got places to go
I got things to see
And I have to believe
I'm gonna find the sun
Pack my things and run
I'm gonna breathe the midnight air
I'm gonna take it to the limit of my love,
Before I turn and walk away
I've had enough of holding on
The promises of yesterday
Every day of my life, it seems,
Trouble's knocking at my door,
It's hard to try and satisfy
When you don't know what you're fighting for
Time and again I sing your song,
But, I've been runnin' on empty far too long
I've had enough holdin' on to the past,
Make no mistake, it could be your last
Don't break my heart again, like you did before
Don't break my heart again, I couldn't take anymore
I never hide the feeling inside,
And though I'm standing my back to the wall,
I know that even in a summer love
A little bit of rain must fall
But, every road I take I know
Where it's gonna lead me to,
Because I've travelled every highway
And they all keep coming back to you
Time and again I sing your song,
But, I've been runnin' on empty far too long
I've had enough holdin' on to the past,
Make no mistake, it could be your last
Don't break my heart again, like you did before
Don't break my heart again, I couldn't take anymore
Don't break my heart
Don't break my heart again, like you did before
Sometimes I'm filled with confusion
I think I've been here before
Just how well do you know me
I try to run but I can't find the door
I'm all alone in the city
Seems like I'm out of control Ain't no doubt it's a pity, all alone another lost soul
Hold back the years, hold all your fears
You can't go back
Hold back the years, hold back the tears
You can't go back......
I've got to look for somebody
Seems like I've looked everywhere
I'm always looking for strangers
Can't find myself anywhere
Is there anybody out there
Who can help me find my way
I'm not looking for favours
Who needs them anyway
Hold back the years, hide all your fears
You can't go back
Hold back the years, hold back the tears
You can't go back......
Nowhere to run, I don't want to hide
The comfort of strangers cannot be denied....
Time is moving so slowly, tell me where should I go
I don't know, somebody help me
I'm only searching for home
Hold back the years, hold all your fears
You can't go back
Hold back the years, hold back the tears
Waiting all day for the night to come down
There's a midnight sun hanging over this town
People getting high with a moonshine glow
Take your woman now and join the show
Drinking my fill from a loving cup
Cruisin' 61 in a pick up truck
Chokin' my beer soaking up my blues
Got her best dress on and hi-heel shoes
All dressed up all dressed up
Sure is time to rock and roll
All dressed up and ready to go
All dressed up....
Johnny and Rick knew how to hoochie coo
Well it's been a long time since we heard from you
Nothing changes you know its true
I got a good time peeling I wanna share it with you
All dressed up all dressed up
Now is the time to rock and roll
All dressed up all dressed up
Sure is the time to rock and roll
All dressed up and ready to go
If you are late and stuck up on 94
Take a right at Fifth and Rodeo
Put your foot on the gas
And your hand on her knee
Cause she's hotter than hell
And eager to please
All dressed up all dressed up
Now is the time for rock and roll
Out in the darkness where the lonely walk alone
No hands to the rescue, got ta make it on my own
Used to wake in the morning when the sun was coming round
Now I learn my lesson since you change my life around
I've been wasting to much time
I'm making up my mind
I can't live like this for the rest of my days
Cause I have seen what love can do
To me and to you...
Your love has changed me, I know it's hard to tell
Ain't gonna put my faith in a wishing well
Now I need an answer, all I get is no reply
Girl I ain't no chancer, it's a love we can't deny
Lonely days and wasted nights
I been running away from life
Baby I just can't explain cause I have seen
What love can do to me and to you...
If I'm gonna change your mind
Give me the chance and I will show you
I'm truly sorry
How can I make you see just what you mean to me
I just hope that I can change your mind
Sometimes I wonder just what I'm gonna do
I've been wasting to much time
I'm making up my mind
I can't live like this for the rest of my days
Cause I have seen what love can do
Don't tell them anything
`Cause they might lock you away
Don't even sneak a smile
You think that's gold `tween your legs
Don't show them anything
Don't even let on you care
They'll know that you're insame
Or even worse that you're square
Better not mess with a skinny
Little rat like me
You'll see the depths of cruelty
Don't stop your might creepin
You're not alone in that crowd
Spend all the day sleeping
And tightly wrapped in your shroud
Better not mess with a skinny
Little rat like me
You'll see the depths of cruelty
Don't stop your day dreaming
Just stay on top of that Cloud
Killers and cops scheaming
You'll stand alone but proud
Better not mess with a skinny
Little Rat like me
You didn't hear me when I tried to tell you
You didn't see me when I looked so lonely
You didn't answer when I said "where you going"
You didn't see the way you drive me crazy
Baby what's wrong with me?
I can't seem to turn your head
Baby what's wrong with me?
I'm always going home to an empty bed
You've got my number you never use it
You've got my choice but you never chose it
You've got those brown eyes they're hiding something
If I could open up I'd let you in
Maybe someday there'll a full moon
We'll be together in the same room
Open our eyes see what we're missing
I'll take my love at first sight
I don't need no promises tonight
It's just a song it's sung and it's gone
I don't get to play for very long
But you wait for me
Standing at the door
Sitting in my room
Sleeping on the floor
It's just a kiss and it don't last
The day is long but the night goes so fast
I put on my boots and I head for the door
I lose again but hey who's keeping score
If love is learning to say goodbye
I've spent all my life just learning to cry
But time will heal the bloodiest scar
Wow! Have love, oh baby will travel, ah-ha
Have love, oh babe I will travel
I said if you need a lovin' man, mmm I'll travel
Well, I'll travel from Maine to Mexico
Just to find a little girl that loves me so
No matter where, no matter where I'll be
I'm lookin' for a woman that'll satisfy me
Have love, oh baby I will travel, I say yeah-yeah
Have love, oh baby I will travel
I said if you need a lovin' man, mmm I'll travel
Have love, oh baby I will travel, oh yeah-yeah
Have love, pretty baby I will travel
I said if you need a lovin' man, mmm I'll travel
Well, I might take a boat or I'll take a plane
I might hitchhike or jump a railroad train
Your kind of love drives a man insane
So look for me walkin' just a any old way
Have love, oh baby I will travel, yeah
Have love, pretty baby will travel
I said if you need a lovin' man, mmm I'll travel
Oh, I said if you need a lovin' man, oh I'll travel
Wow, baby your driving me crazy
I said baby your driving me crazy
When you turn me on
Then you shut me down
Well, tell me baby can i dress your clown
Baby your driving me crazy
I said i'm losing my mind
But i'm so not fine
Baby your driving me crazy
I'm going out of my head
And now i wish i was dead
Baby your driving me crazy
I'm going out of my head
And now i wish i was dead
Wow Psycho
Wow Psycho
Wow Psycho
Wow Psycho
Say there's a girl
Who's new in town
Well you better watch out now
Or she'll put you down
Cause she's an evil chick
Say she's the witch
She got long black hair
And a big black car
I know what you're thinking
But you won't get far
She gonna make you itch
Cause she's the witch
Well, she walks around late at night
Most other people sleeping tight
If you hear her knocking on your door
You better sneak away
Now you know the score
Cause I set you straight
But you better be careful
Before it's too late
She gonna make you itch
Cause she's the witch
She walks around late at night
Most other people sleeping tight
If you hear her knocking on your door
You better stay awake
Well you know you will
Say don't you know
And do you remember
That I told you so
Gonna do you in
Cause she's the witch
Ah hoo
Just bought myself a new set of wheels
My folks helped me swing the deal
Believe me buddy I'm no fool
I got the money working after school
It's a move in this car and Iave never lost,
'cause It's a real boss hoss
Real boss hoss
Itas painted in turn on red
Girls see it and it knocks 'em dead
I get around just everywhere
People stop and say lookie there
I get all the honeys and Iave never lost, cause
Itas a real boss hoss
Real boss hoss
It really moves and
Everybodyas losing
It has never lost
Oh yeah oh yeah
'Cause itas a real boss hoss
It really moves and
Everybodyas losing
It has never lost
'Cause oh, oh oh
Waooh itas a real boss hoss
Everybody is so jealous at me
One look and you can see
With this car I just canat lose
Donat you ever try to choose
Itas a move in this car and Iave never lost
acause Itas a real boss hoss
Real boss hoss
It's a real boss hoss real boss hoss
I'm gonna write a little letter,
Gonna mail it to my local DJ.
It's a rockin' little record
I want my jockey to play.
Roll Over Beethoven, I gotta hear it again today.
You know, my temperature's risin'
And the jukebox blows a fuse.
My heart's beatin' rhythm
And my soul keeps on singin' the blues.
Roll Over Beethoven and tell Tschaikowsky the news.
I got the rockin' pneumonia,
I need a shot of rhythm and blues.
I think I'm rollin' arthiritis
Sittin' down by the rhythm review.
Roll Over Beethoven and tell Tschaikowsky the news.
Well, if you feel you like it
Go get your lover, then reel and rock it.
Roll it over and move on up just
A trifle further and reel and rock it,
Roll it over,
Roll Over Beethoven rockin' in two by two.
Well, early in the mornin' I'm a-givin' you a warnin'
Don't you step on my blue suede shoes.
Hey diddle diddle, I will play my fiddle,
Ain't got nothin' to lose.
Roll Over Beethoven rockin' in two by two.
You know she wiggles like a glow worm,
Spinnin' like a spinnin' top.
She got a crazy partner,
Oughta see 'em reel and rock.
Long as she got a dime the music will never stop.
Roll Over Beethoven,
Roll Over Beethoven,
Roll Over Beethoven,
Roll Over Beethoven,
Do you love me? I can really move...
Do you love me? I'm in the groove...
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Now that I can dance
Watch me now!
Work it, work it out baby.
Work it, work it, well you're driving me crazy
Work it, work it, just a little bit of soul now.
I can mash potato, I can mash potato
I can do the twist, I can do the twist
Now tell me baby, tell me baby.
Do ya like it like this? (do ya like it like this?)
Tell me, tell me, tell me...
Do you love me? I can really move...
Do you love me? I'm in the groove...
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Now that I can dance
Watch me now!
Work it, work it out baby.
Work it, work it, well you're driving me crazy
Work it, work it, just a little bit of soul now.
I can mash potato, I can mash potato
I can do the twist, I can do the twist
Now tell me baby, tell me baby.
Do ya like it like this? (do ya like it like this?)
Tell me, tell me, tell me...
Do you love me? I can really move...
Do you love me? I'm in the groove...
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Now that I can dance
Watch me now!
Do you love me, do you love me
Do you love me, do you love me
Do you love me, do you love me
C'mon baby, let the good times roll
C'mon baby, let it thrill your soul
C'mon baby, let the good times roll
Oh yeah, all night long
C'mon baby, let us close the door
C'mon baby, let us rock some more
C'mon baby, let the good times roll
Oh yeah, all night long
Feels so good when you're home
C'mon baby, rock me all night long
Oh ohhh, yeah, ohhh oh
-sax solo-
Feels so good when you're home
C'mon baby, rock me all night long
Oh ohhh, yeah, ohhh oh
C'mon baby, let it thrill your soul
C'mon baby, let us have some fun
C'mon baby, let the good times roll
Oh yeah, all night long
Some folks like water
Some folks like wine
But I like the taste
Of straight strychnine (hey, hey)
You may think it's funny
That I like this stuff
But once you've tried it
You can't get enough (Wow!)
Wine is red
Poison is blue
Strychnine is good
For what's ailin' you
If you listen to what I say
You'll try strychnine some day
Make you jump, it'll make you shout
It'll even knock you out
Some folks like water
Some folks like wine
But I like the taste
Of straight strychnine (Wow!)
Strychnine hey, hey
Strychnine hey, hey
Strychnine hey, hey
Strychnine hey, hey
Strychnine hey, hey
Now when I was a little boy,
At the age of five,
I had somethin' in my pocket,
Keep a lot of folks alive.
Now I'm a man,
Made twenty-one,
You know baby,
We can have a lot of fun.
I'm a man,
I spell m-a-n... man.
All you pretty women,
Stand in line,
I can make love to you baby,
In an hour's time.
I'm a man,
I spell m-a-n... man.
I goin' back down,
To kansas to
Bring back the second cousin,
Little john the conqueroo.
I'm a man,
I spell m-a-n... man.
The line I shoot,
Will never miss,
The way I make love to 'em,
They can't resist.
I'm a man,
When you walk through the dark
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid
We used to walk together late at night
We'd stop and hold each other tight
You would tell me that you were afraid
I must protect thee, here's what i'd say
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid
Darling, darling you've nothing to fear
Not as long as i am here
There is nothing i wouldn't do
To have a love of a girl like you
Hold me close and we'll never part
'cause i would never break your heart
Baby, baby don't be afraid of the dark
Guit. solo
Hold me close and we'll never part
'cause i would never break your heart
Baby, baby don't be afraid of the dark
We'd walk along the world was ours
Promissed you everything, even the stars
You would tell me that you were afraid
I'd hold you close, here's what i'd say
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid
Don't (don't) don't (don't) be afraid, pretty baby
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey everybody
I'm out looking for a girl
She's the sharpest one
In the whole wide world
I want to be her man
Lord, I'll catch her if I can
I met her at the bar
You know, we danced all night
When I kissed her lips
She even held me tight
Disapeared by herself
When my clock struck 12
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Cinderella
Where have you gone
I got a glass slipper
For you to try on
I want to be your fellow
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Cinderella
She's got a pretty long hair
And shea‚Â's five-foot-two
When she ran away
I found her glass shoe
Won't somebody tell me
What I am gonna do
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Cinderella
Say there's a girl
Who's new in town
Well, you better watch out now
Or she´ll put you down
'cause she's an evil chick
Say she's the witch.
She got a long black hair
And a big black car
I know what you're thinking
But you won't get far
She gonna make you itch
'cause she's the witch.
Well, she walks around late at night
Among startled people sleepin' tight
If you hear her knocking on your door
You better sneakin´away
Now, you know the score
'cause i set you straight
Well, you better be careful
Before it's too late
She gonna make you itch
'cause she's the witch
Well, she walks around late at night
Among startled people sleepin' tight
If you hear her knocking on your door
You better sneakin´away
While you know you will
Say don't you know
And do you remember
That i told you so
Gonna do you in
My Skinny Minnie is my hearts desire
every time I see her sets my soul on fire
when I see her walking down the street
I say, hey baby, you’re kind’a neat
She’s my Skinny Minnie, she ain’t skinny
she’s tall, that’s all!
If you see her walking down the street
you’ll say, hey baby, you’re kind’a neat
If you see her walking right by you
you’ll say, hey coochie coochie coo
If you see her walking right by you
I say, hey baby, you’re kind’a cute
When you see her walking next to you
you’ll say, hey coochie coochie coo
My Skinny Minnie is my hearts desire
she’s the one that sets my soul on fire
when I see her walking down the street
I say, hey baby, you’re kind’a sweet
She’s my Skinny Minnie, she ain’t skinny
You know the night time is the right time
For to be with the one you love.
I said the night time is the right time
For to be with the one you love.
I said the night time is the right time
For to be with the one you love.
Baby X4
Please me X4
Say, the night time is the right time
For to be with the one you love.
Baby X4
Please me X4
You know the night time is the right time
(Hitch hike).
I'm going to Chicago, that's the last place my baby stayed (hitch hike, hitch hike, baby)
I'm packing up my bags, I'm gonna leave this town right away (hitch hike, hitch hike, baby)
I'm gonna find that girl if I have to hitch hike 'round the world (hitch hike) hitch hike, babe.
"Chicago City", that's what the sign on the freeway read (hitch hike, hitch hike, baby)
I'm gonna keep on going 'til I get to that street's called 6th and Main (hitch hike, hitch hike, baby)
I've gotta find that girl if I have to hitch hike around the world (hitch hike) hitch hike, babe.
Come on hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike children (hitch hike)
Hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike baby (hitch hike)
Hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike baby (hitch hike)
Come on hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike darling.
I'm going to St. Louis but my next stop just might be L.A. (hitch hike) that's what I say
I got no money in my pocket so I'm going to have to hitch hike all the way (hitch hike) hitch hike, children (hitch hike, baby)
I'm gonna find that girl if I have to hitch hike 'round the world (hitch hike) hitch hike, girl.
Come on hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike children (hitch hike)
Hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike baby (hitch hike)
Hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike baby (hitch hike)
Come on hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike children (hitch hike)
Now come on come on hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike children (hitch hike)
Hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike darling (hitch hike)
Come on hitch hike, hitch hike children (hitch hike)
Hitch hike hitch hike (hitch hike) hitch hike baby (hitch hike)
I woke up this mornin, looked around my four walls
And a dream told me you aint happy at all
I packed up my bags, I took my last look and then
Look out, pretty mom, Im on the road again
Im on the road again
(Just as sure as youre born)
Im on the road again
(Just as sure as youre born)
Look out, pretty mom, Im on the road again
I ran home last night to get my dinner hot
I pulled on my door and found the door was locked
I jumped through the window and believe it or not
She had not even put my dinner in the pot
Ive never been evil and Ive never been sly
But if I sit some place and let the time roll by
I start to get restless, pack my bags up and then
Louie Louie, me gotta go now
Louie Louie, me gotta go now
A fine girl, she wait for me.
Me catch the ship across the sea.
Then sailed me ship all alone.
Never think I'll make it home.
Louie Louie, me gotta go now.
Louie Louie, me gotta go now.
Three nights and days we sailed the sea.
Me think of girl constantly.
And on the ship, I dream she' there.
I smell the rose in her hair.
Louie Louie, me gotta go now
Louie Louie, me gotta go now
Louie Louie, me gotta go now
Louie Louie, me gotta go now
Me see Jamacan moon above.
It won't be long me see me love.
Me take her in my arms again
I tell that I dream her there.
On the day I went away... goodbye...
Was all I had to say... now I...
I want to come again and stay... Oh my my...
Smile, and that will mean that I may
Cause I've seen blue skies, through the tears
In my eyes
And I realise. I'm going home.
Everywhere it's been the same... feeling...
Like I'm outside in the rain... wheeling...
Free, to try and find a game... dealing...
Cards for sorrow, cards for pain
Cause I've seen blue skies through the tears
In my eyes
And I realise. I'm going home.
Well, I had a little girl
She was so mean to me
Told her off now
Yes indeed
Your dirty robber
Your dirty robber
Well, you've taken my love
Then you run away
Well, I went to her house
I gonna take her to a show
Find her there
With someone high class Joe
Your dirty robber
Your dirty robber
Well, you've taken my love
Then you run away
This little girl
She was so mean to me
Told her off now
Yes indeed
Your dirty robber
Your dirty robber
Well, you've taken my love
Then you run away
You've taken my money
You've taken my car
Little girl, you even took my guitar
Your dirty robber
Your dirty robber
Somebody knows what you have done
About you carrying on and having fun
You knew it was so wrong
'Bout you had to play
Now you're gonna learn
That lying don't pay
It's too late (it's too late)
You lied (you lied)
Now you (now you)
Will fry (will fry)
It's better (it's better)
Than hate him (than hate him)
He's waitin' (he's waitin')
He's waitin' (he's waitin')
For you, wowww
You stayed up late
Tries to play your game
For all you got
Was a real bad date
You think you are happy
I got news for you
Well, Satan found out
Little girl, you're through
It's too late (it's too late)
You lied (you lied)
Now you (now you)
Will fry (will fry)
It's better (it's better)
Than hate him (than hate him)
He's waitin' (he's waitin')
He's waitin' (he's waitin')
For you, wowww
I don't know why you were untrue
I quess your kind of girl
Had to make me blue
Satan knows what you did
You're playing around
And the way is easy
You put me down!
It's too late (it's too late)
You lied (you lied)
Now you (now you)
Will fry (will fry)
It's better (it's better)
Than hate him (than hate him)
He's waitin' (he's waitin')
He's waitin' (he's waitin')
For you, wowww
He's waitin' (He's waitin')
He's waitin' (He's waitin')
He's gonna get you yeah
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow and try again
You say you love me but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow and try again
You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow and try again
You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow and try again
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Keep a knockin' but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow and try again
You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in
You say you love me but you can't come in
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, won't you come along with me
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, won't you come along with me
You know that I love you, we could live so happily
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, spinnin' like a spinnin' top
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, spinnin' like you ain't gonna stop
The greatest little momma you oughta see her reel and
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, girl I need you by my side
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, you know I need you by my side
You know I need you pretty baby, your ways I gotta really
abide now
Good Golly Miss Molly, you sure have to ball.
Good Golly Miss Molly, you sure have to ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.
From the early early mornin' till the early early night
You can see Miss Molly rockin' at the house of blue light.
Good Golly Miss Molly, you sure have to ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.
Momma, pappa told me - Son, you better watch your step.
For you have to marry Molly just as sure as you can bet.
Good Golly Miss Molly, you sure have to ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.
Well, I'm gone to the store, I'm gonna buy a diamond ring.
She hugged me and she kissed me made me ting-a-ling-a-ling
Good Golly Miss Molly, you sure have to ball.
When you're rockin' and a rollin' can't hear your momma call.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like to ball.
Good golly, Miss Molly, sure like to ball.
There's a guy in town who gets all the chicks
From what I hear this dude he ain't no hick
He's big and tuff he's got the surfer hair
When there's a good looking honeys
You can bet he's there
All the sweeties dig him 'cause he plays it so cool
He's the hustler, yeah
He's got a car that's never been shot down
He drives everywhere you know, he really gets around
Every time you see him he's got a blond or brunette
And he ain't ever been put down yet
Every queen praise him 'cause he really swings
He's the hustler, yeah
He knows all the girls in town, whoa
He really gets around, whoa
He knows how to treat 'em
He loves 'em then he leaves 'em
He knows all the girls in town, whoa
He really gets around, whoa
He knows how to treat 'em
He loves 'em then he leaves 'em
The hustler knows what's going on
Don't ever tell him that he is wrong
Sometimes the girls go out of their mind
'Cause he treats them so unkind
All the girls dig him 'cause he knows what's boss
He's the hustler
Yeah, yeah he's the hustler
You made me leave my happy home
Now, I'll always have to roam.
Since I fell for you
Love brings such misery and pain
I know I'll never be the same
Since I fell for you
You love me, then you snub me
But I, I don't know what to do.
You tell me that you love me
But what can I do, I'm still in love with you.
You love me, then you snub me
But I, I don't know what to do.
You tell me that you love me
But what can I do, I'm still in love with you.
And I get the blues most every night
I know I'll never feel just right
Since I fell for you
Since I fell for you
The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees
Now give me money
That's what i want
That's what i want, yeah
That's what i want
You're lovin' gives me a thrill
But you're lovin' don't pay my bills
Now give me money
That's what i want
That's what i want, yeah
That's what i want
Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, i can't use
Now give me money
That's what i want
That's what i want, yeah
That's what i want, wah
Money don't get everything it's true
What it don't get, i can't use
Now give me money
That's what i want
That's what i want, yeah
That's what i want
Well now give me money
A lot of money
Wow, yeah, i wanna be free
Oh lot of money
That's what i want
That's what i want, well
Now give me money
A lot of money
Wow, yeah, you need money
Now, give me money
That's what i want, yeah