2012 (MMXII) is a leap year that started on a Sunday and is the current year. In the Gregorian calendar, it is the 2012th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 12th year of the 3rd millennium and of the 21st century, and the 3rd of the 2010s.
There are a variety of popular beliefs about the year 2012. These beliefs range from the spiritually transformative to the apocalyptic, and center upon various contemporary interpretations of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Scientists have disputed the apocalyptic versions.
I am the same: "I am Aeon"
Before the prison and the iron
The ion and the ink
The hygien and the stink
Time and kink
Of the incense planet
And the clock
At the dock
And the baying of the merchants
3 or 4 for 3 or 4
Of that grain made me the Star
Oh, that we wish had not been known
Or drawn us precious Romans
Face or fake in jade
I am ZION - or Aeon; I forget
Lord of the groves of olives and oranges
And the dead tribes of the central scribal verse:
The tablets of stone and worry
Thou shalt have no no no nothing
Put yourselves on our thrones
Twelve of sixty or the bling
I thought of her just now:
She is there naked like water
I cannot touch the punch
Of her lips I cannot
Dare to otouch lip or skin or fold
I gave gold to buy much less
And gave more
And nothing stayed but the storms
Proud parade around the screen
I will
Myrrh or myth or memorise her
Her forehead in the Roman dream dusk
Room (Rune) for one! Rune for one!
Place so much on her or hers
That sand-scattered Moon
Of the valleys claiming
The Peacock and the Owl behind me
Every grace was fresh
But I felt the lash of Gospel
Or Eagle: I no longer could divide
Ceaser from the Trance or twilight
There is mum and dad
And I am glad
To be back and young
In December 1971
With the storms so far in front of me
And the cell swelling with waves and shards
On each of the brick is the crack
And the crick in the slit
Watch men
Watch birds
Watch TV
And the Satanvans
And the word I heads
From the birds on fire was:
"Aeon-makes nonsense"
Or:"Sing Omega:The own and Crown"
(Approach and clocks crack
the winds stall
From the holes innocents come:
"And hide away, oh hide away
You young lads, you lasses gay"
Why do I am?
There is incense and my spite
Is ready to create tombs for myself
Under the great gate
I heard the faces of the coming storm
I heard the night calling to me
Wooooo! All her names
Her names arose in my heart
But were devoid of grace
Her name was fearful and shouted to
In (great) desolations)
BAALSTORM (her bone gave grey grace)
(Full of horrors and)
(The birds writhed through the Air)
The ending of December 1943
Somewhere in the forest
The snow was three feet deep
Two allied soldiers walking
Trying not to freeze
Far from home on Christmas Eve
A cabin with the light on
Brought them to its door
A woman said, "In my home
You can't bring in your war
So leave your rifles outside
Up against a tree
There's peace on Earth on Christmas Eve"
And they sat by the fire and they talked all night long
Sang Christmas hymns and showed pictures of home
In the middle of a great war it's so hard to believe
There's peace on Earth on Christmas Eve
Later in the evening, footsteps in the night
Two German soldiers freezing
The woman went outside
"You're welcome here in my home
But your guns will never be
There's peace on Earth on Christmas Eve"
The soldiers all were frightened
When they stood face to face
The woman said, "You're brothers
Part of the human race
Tonight we're all just family
And we'll get down on our knees
And praise His name on Christmas Eve"
And they sat by the fire and the talked all night long
Sang Christmas hymns and showed pictures of home
In the middle of a great war, bitter enemies
Found peace on Earth on Christmas Eve
Early that next morning
They went their separate ways
Shook hands and hugged that woman
I'll see you in the springtime
After the battle is won
I know I'm crossing over
As far as we have come
And I want your hand in mine, dear
As we face that shining dawn
Eyes open, I'm hoping you'll be there with me
So gently I want your hand in mine
I want you by my side in the midst of our great victory
The storm clouds had all gathered
We drew our forces nigh
And entered into battle though it clamored to the sky
And we faced that fateful lightning with saints on our side
Eyes open, I'll follow that lonesome road to the top of the mountain
Where the fire is blazing and the heat is astounding
Nun gibt?s fast täglich frischen Kuchen.
Die Bäume tragen keine Blätter.
Zwei mal die Woche Verwandte besuchen.
Man trinkt den Glühwein schon am Tag,
isst Spekulatius im Wohnzimmer.
Auf jeden Fall bei uns immer.
Ich mache Pause vor dem Baum, im Dezember 2000
und alles sieht so aus, wie im letzten Jahr.
Der Baum ist nicht der Gleiche, wie im letzten Jahrtausend.
Statt Nordmanntanne Eiche...
... Dezember!
Im Fernsehen singen die Menschen Lieder.
Die Bäume tragen keine Blätter.
Der Muselmann backt feine Plätzchen,
viele schimpfen übers Wetter.
Fast alle kaufen viele Geschenke,
ich kauf' lieber hinterher,
(dann ist alles billiger).
Ich mache Pause vor dem Baum, im Dezember 2000
und alles sieht so aus, wie im letzten Jahr.
Der Baum ist nicht der Gleiche, wie im letzten Jahrtausend.
Statt Nordmanntanne Eiche...
... Dezember!
Ich wünsch mir wieder mal Sommer ohne Dich
Ich wünsch mir wieder mal Sommer
Ich mache Pause vor dem Baum, im Dezember 2000
und alles sieht so aus, wie im letzten Jahr.
Der Baum ist nicht der Gleiche, wie im letzten Jahrtausend.
Statt Nordmanntanne Eiche...
... Dezember!
Love,all my love was yours,
Of this I was so sure,
I guess I never saw it coming baby,
But now I'm over the surprise,
I'm wearing this disguise,
So everyone can think I'm having fun baby,
The world only sees me smiling,
My pillow knows the truth at night,
'cause that's where I hide my sorrow,
And they call me happy go lucky,
They don't know my heart is dying inside,
A smile's a frown turned upside down,
I do my happy go lucky so well,
I'm even fooling myself
But now I've put it to the test,
I know it's for the best,
In fact it's good you walked out on me baby,
I, I've learned how to survive,
Without you in my life,
So why am I still talking 'bout you baby,
The world only sees me smiling,
My pillow knows the truth every night,
'Cause that's where I hide my sorrow,
And they call me happy go lucky,
They don't know my heart is dying inside,
A smile's a frown turned upside down,
I do my happy go lucky so well,
I'm even fooling myself
All my love yours,
I guess I was so sure,
When I see the morning light,
I put on this facade,
It's all I have to protect my pride,
It's all I've got, this smile is all I've got,
And they call me happy go lucky,
They don't know my heart is dying inside,
A smile's a frown turned upside down,
I do my happy go lucky so well,
I'm even fooling myself