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Berrak Sarikaya

Work Together  - 
#Bizdom   Happy National Boss' Day

In this prerecorded interview, Googlers, +Judy Nam & +Carly Leahy discuss and share stories about achieving a great working relationship. They will also be in the Community answering your questions, so leave them in the comments below. 
Ivan Roman's profile photozoja sroda's profile photoJudy Nam's profile photo
see tomorrow small business today Happy thanks giving
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First of all, thank you very much for presenting interes for my shop.
Let me introduce myself: I am a hungarian chess producer living in Transilvania (Romania), and my hobby is handcrafting from wood. My speciality is chess making , I am doing it for more than 10 years. I also make collectible - , jewelry - and wineboxes,  statuettes and chess tropheas. 
Everything I make is from natural wood, which is treated with laquer.
The majority of my products are also handcarved.
I am making  my products with my hand, which isn't easy, but I give my best because this is my pleasure. None of my products contains plastic or low quality wood.
Thank you for reading , I hope that my products will satisfy your needs and tastes ,or gift ideas.
 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me, I will answer you with the biggest pleasure in the shortest time.
Have a great day :)
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In this powerful #tedtalk  Simon Sinek discusses the principal behind every successful person and business. A simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?"

I used what I learned to totally re-position my company and it has made all the difference.

He uses extremely interesting examples including #apple  and a host of others.

This is the best 18 mins I have spent in a very long time and I recommend that you watch it also.

#businesswisdom   #staged   #marketing  
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William Siebler

Advertise & Measure  - 
Exclusively For Him - Gifts And Gift Ideas For Men's profile photoV. W. RUSTIQUE DESIGN's profile photo
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#BizLinks  - *QUESTION: How do you make sure you're following good accounting principles?*

Do you use software? 
Do you have an accountant on staff? 
Do you outsource your accounting? 
Tell us in the comments below! 

Our infographic guides you through the essential documents you need, including helpful tips on finding an accountant for your small business. - The Entrepreneur’s Accounting Cheat Sheet
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A flat organization (also known as horizontal organization or delayering) is an organization that has a structure with few or no levels of middle management between staff and executives. The idea is that well-trained workers will be more productive when they are more directly involved in the decision making process, rather than closely supervised by many layers of management.

I've always had a notion that the flatter the organization, the greater the potential for creativity innovation and increased sense of ownership across any organization, regardless of what your business card says your title is.

What if employees could just start relating to their coworkers as human beings and not labels and titles. What is they could find a new structure based on humanity rather than just profit and  hierarchcal structures. How would the atmosphere change or shift?

Imagine how it could reinvigorate customer service, which is something that overall had become a joke. I've tried for a month and a half to get a response from Facebook to an issue, but i can't even find a way to email the folks I ned to talk to.

 Rather than treating customers and prospects as dollar signs and metrics, what if we got to know them as people, took the time to care about and understand them and their deepest needs?
What if we embodied the value of being a solution for people, and they naturally wanted to do business with us, without us having to sell them on it? 

Think about the average experience you have when you go to a website. Before you've even looked around they want your information or they are bombarding you with popups. It's a bit like going on a first date with someone and they ask you to marry them in the first minute you meet.

Get to know people, tell your story, listen to theirs and care about people, and over the long run you'll do better and be happier.

Love to know your thoughts on this… Am I a crazy dreamer?

David Frank Gomes's profile photoCaptiv8: Design Innovations's profile photo
+Captiv8: Design Innovations Good stuff, thanks
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BizBuzz America

Work Together  - 
Here the first day of our new brand, formerly BizBuzz Florida. I am looking forward to share my thoughts about how to grow your small business with everyone on the Google Small Business Community.  Thank you, John
Casey Monroe's profile photo
Congratulations on your rebrand, +BizBuzz America. What made you decide to make the call? How are things different now that you've transitioned?
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The #MissionMainSt. Grants program, where small businesses compete to win a $150,000 grant, is closing on October 17th. We encourage all our members to participate in the program by supporting your favorite local #smallbiz. Click here to cast your vote:
Thobile uncommon's profile photoEssens Europe's profile photo
 ID 101 0000 606
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Can promotional products really bring in new #business? According to this research, oh yes they can!
Matthew Broadbent's profile photoDevan Perine's profile photo
Read the article for ROI - it's quite interesting. I know a guy in Banbury (AG Products) who might be able to give you more stats on it (he sells promo material)
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#BizBytes : Do you have what it takes to become a freelancer? Find out by asking yourself these 6 questions:

#freelance #smallbiz #selfemployed  
LawDepot's profile photoTimothy Hunt's profile photo
nice and well done
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About this community

Welcome to the Google Small Business Community—a place where businesses can get the help they need to succeed on the web by connecting with experts and each other. In addition to regular Hangouts and Q+As with Googlers, trusted Advisors and industry leaders, you’ll also see: #BizBits - Stats, tips, quotes and trivia for a little learning every day #BizBytes - Case studies, infographics and articles to discuss #Bizdom - Topic-specific training sessions led by web specialists. #BizLinks - Lists of the best business resources you post #AskanAdvisor - If you have a question you want an online pro to answer #FeedbackFridays - A good time to ask the community to weigh in on your ideas #BizSpotlight - Words of wisdom from inspiring business owners We organize our content and yours into three groups: Be Found Online, Work Together, and Advertise & Measure. Use MiscBiz to share something that doesn't fall into our categories on the left. Sift through Highlights to access our archives.
Mountain View, CA
It's called focus.

Since we started 2 years ago we have been asked to make for some very famous jeans brands. We have been asked to make T-shirts. We have been asked to make aprons, to make shorts, to make denim jackets. And to all these we have said ‘No’. A polite ‘No’. But a very certain ‘No’.

‘To Do One Thing Well’ requires complete and utter focus if we are ever to achieve it. I say ‘If’ because I do not underestimate what an enormous undertaking that is.

Us human beings are very good at adding complexity to our lives, and to our businesses. We think by doing more things, we will get to our required destination. But often, it takes us further away.

The one thing I know about our town is this: It knows how to make jeans. 40 years of know-how all wrapped up in a little town on the edge of West Wales. It doesn’t know how to make T-shirts, aprons or denim jackets. It is a jeans making town. It has blue blood running through it.

Why did we say no to making jeans for other brands? Because the last time the town made jeans for other brands, 400 people lost their jobs. If we want to succeed this time, we have to cut out the middle man. We have to build a global denim brand that doesn’t need to make jeans for anyone else.

Our mantra is ‘Do One Thing Well’. But this is not a slogan for us, but a essential requirement for us to succeed in this world. So we will stay focused. Stay on mission. Stick to what we know. We are a jeans maker. No more. No less.

#HiutDenim   #Denim   #Ideas  
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Using Email Order Confirmation as a Marketing Tool

Almost every #ecommerce site shoots out an order confirmation mail after receiving an order. Let us see how this simple mail could be utilized as an out-of-the-box #marketing tool.
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New advertsite is up and running!
Casey Monroe's profile photoOneCore Construction Inc's profile photo
8 months. Thanks 
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#BizBits   Thursday Tip: Get notified of events in your area.

With the Google app, you can stay on top of what's happening around your store and plan for any interruptions to your business. Turn on #GoogleNow  in your app settings and just scroll down to the "Nearby Events" card.

Download this cheat sheet to get familiar with unexpected interruptions that'll affect your store: 
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Small Business Saturday Is November 29th, 2014!

So an announcement from the Small Business Administration has partnered with American Express Small Shop to promote Small Business Saturday 2014. What I really liked about this offering is the free tools they give you to promote this event and your business.

You Get:
 - A Free Banner
- Printable Signage
- Email Template
- Printable Postcard

Cool! All signed up and ready to go for Small Business Saturday 2014!
All signed up and ready to go!
Gift Gallore's profile photo
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Hi Googlers!

We're super excited to bring you the first in our series, How To Use Google Analytics For Your Small Business.
Google Mods (+Casey Monroe +Berrak Sarikaya ) tell me what you think!

This guide on how to use Google Analytics for your small business will teach you which metrics you should focus on first to improve your business’ website.  An important part of learning how to use Google Analytics is to first learn how users typically use your site.

Here are what I find to be the TWO most important metrics for businesses to learn, and improve, first!

1. Visitors vs. Unique Visitors
Google Analytics will give you a full breakdown of the demographics of your visitors. Where in the world are they coming from? Where on the Internet are they coming from? What language do they speak? How are they finding you? All of these data points will help you craft your advertising, marketing, and content strategies! 
You'll want to make sure you are attracting both old, loyal customers AND new ones!

To get to this section, Click on Audience, and all the different fields will be revealed. To investigate the effectiveness of an advertising or marketing campaign, hone in on a specific date- using the time frame drop down menu in the upper right corner.

2. Bounce Rate
Bounce rate is the percentage of “single-page sessions.” These are the sessions when the visitor left the site from the entrance page, after any period of time, without interacting with the page at all. Basically, they came, they saw, they left.
This is a key metric for your business' site, unless you have a single page site. If you do, you should look into Event tracking on your site instead.
A high bounce rate usually means your site doesn't have understandable navigation, or is not organized in a logical way. Make sure you home page is pretty too, I've said this many times before so I'll spare you the details (details:

The Full How To Use Google Analytics Post:

What do you guys think? What guides or webinars helped you pick up Google Analytics? What metrics do you focus on the most, or have given you the biggest return?
And of course, what are some of your biggest challenges with Google Analytics? I'll address the issues in the next post!

#Analytics   #Data  #SmallBusiness #OnlineMarketing 
Scott Ross's profile photoExclusively For Him - Gifts And Gift Ideas For Men's profile photoAccess Computer Training's profile photoLockelse's profile photo
good work
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How often do you look at your business' financials?

How often do you review things like your income statement (profit/loss) or balance sheet? Weekly, monthly, quarterly, never (or when your accountant shows you at the end of the year?) 

I'd be interesting to see how often some other business owners look at theirs. 

#smallbusiness   #businessowner   #financials  
When it comes to how to measure business performance, you can't use your gut or instincts. You need to look at the numbers!
Matthew Broadbent's profile photoMonica Dias's profile photo
Often come across those who avoid the numbers, claiming they 'don't understand them' - a little like a badge of honour. Quite a few of them went out of business during the recession. 
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MiscBiz  - 
Check out this list of apps for millennial small biz owners... do you think there's anything missing from the list?
Even though Millennial bank accounts aren't big, our dreams are. We're not exactly rolling in dough, but we're also not pushing to become the go-fer to fulfill someone else's lame g...
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Getting started can be the most challenging part of writing

When writing, the blinking cursor is no friend of mind.  Sometimes when I am writing a new post that cursor is my only company for much too long. 

Barry Feldman wrote a nice article that I will be re-reading the next time I have a creative block.  Maybe it will help you too.
Barry Feldman is a content marketing consultant, copywriter, social media advisor and more. This post has been adapted from an original version on his blog, Feldman Creative. I ...
Scott Ross's profile photoCasey Monroe's profile photo
Glad you found the article useful too,+Casey Monroe.  I am sure I will be looking at this article again soon.
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Should small businesses (under 25 full time employees) provide #healthcareinsurance to employees?

If your average employee makes less than $50,000 per year, you should not offer a group health insurance. The most cost effective option for you and your employees is for the business to provide additional funds to the employee, which can be used to offset the cost of the employee purchasing an individual health insurance policy on their own.

If your average employee makes more than $50,000 then you may want to consider offering a group health insurance plan.
Casey Monroe's profile photoTrudy Hetzel's profile photo
Very good advice here, +Marc Prosser—and something that is frequently on small business minds since the passing of the ACA. Do you feel like that made a big difference?
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