Center for a Stateless Society
A Left Market Anarchist Think Tank & Media Center

Nathan Goodman

Nathan Goodman is the Lysander Spooner Research Scholar in Abolitionist Studies at the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS). In addition to writing at C4SS, he blogs at Dissenting Leftist.


The Weekly Abolitionist: Exploring the Causes of Mass Incarceration
15 Oct 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Free Market Socialism: An Introduction
11 Oct 2014
Left-Libertarian - Classics
The Weekly Abolitionist: The Pernicious Consequences of Mandatory Minimums
06 Oct 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Pretrial Detention as a Human Rights Crisis
22 Sep 2014
The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prison Guard Unions vs. Private Prison Contractors
08 Sep 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Labor Politics of Prisons
01 Sep 2014
Feature Articles & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Pitfalls and Possibilities
25 Aug 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Chris Burbank and the Myth of “Good Cops”
18 Aug 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: A Prison Abolitionist Reading List
12 Aug 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Last Week in Torture
04 Aug 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
“Empregos” são falsos problemas: Os perigos do viés de criação de trabalho
01 Aug 2014
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
“Jobs” as a Red Herring: The Dangers of Make-Work Bias
01 Aug 2014
The Weekly Abolitionist: Gun Control, Structural Racism, and the Prison State
28 Jul 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Entrepreneurial Anti-Capitalism: The Anarchist Black Cross
21 Jul 2014
Entrepreneurial Anti-Capitalism & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Punizione Collettiva e Terrore di Stato Israeliano
09 Jul 2014
Italian & Stateless Embassies
The Weekly Abolitionist: Jury Nullification in The Nation
07 Jul 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Collective Punishment and Israeli State Terror
03 Jul 2014
The Weekly Abolitionist: GPS Tracking as an Alternative to Prisons?
30 Jun 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
As várias funções da análise do privilégio
26 Jun 2014
O sentido do privilégio & Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
The Weekly Abolitionist: Jury Nullification and Ending the Prison State In Utah
23 Jun 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Various Functions of Privilege Analysis
20 Jun 2014
Feature Articles & Mutual Exchange & The Point of Privilege
The Weekly Abolitionist: The Structural Roots of Overcriminalization
16 Jun 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons as Upward Wealth Redistribution
09 Jun 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: How Prisons Kill
02 Jun 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Não tente reformar o estado policial — contorne-o
28 May 2014
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Don’t Reform the Surveillance State, Route Around It
25 May 2014
The Weekly Abolitionist: Stop Caging Kids
19 May 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prison Healthcare and Structural Neglect
12 May 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons, Control, and Black Market Resistance
05 May 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Starve the Prison State
28 Apr 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Lysander Spooner’s Legacy for the 21st Century
21 Apr 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prison State Roundup
08 Apr 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Abolish Criminalization, Abolish the State
31 Mar 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Le Frontiere Incoraggiano la Criminalità di Stato
27 Mar 2014
Italian & Stateless Embassies
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons, Deportations and Empire
24 Mar 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: The Prison State’s Ongoing Growth
17 Mar 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Como as fronteiras possibilitam os crimes estatais
16 Mar 2014
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
How Borders Enable State Criminality
15 Mar 2014
The Weekly Abolitionist: Media Against The Prison State
10 Mar 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Robert Henry And State Sanctioned Torture
03 Mar 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prison Abolition And Dealing With Violent Crime
24 Feb 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Tutwiler, State Rape, And The Insufficiency Of Reform
17 Feb 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: A Good Week For Abolition
10 Feb 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
The Weekly Abolitionist: Updates Against The Prison State
01 Feb 2014
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog & The Weekly Abolitionist
Ani DiFranco, la Schiavitù e il Sussidio della Storia
24 Jan 2014
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Private Violence
24 Jan 2014
Books and Reviews
Concerning Violence: Nine Scenes From The Anti-Imperialistic Self-Defense
22 Jan 2014
Books and Reviews
Ani DiFranco, Slavery And The Subsidy of History
02 Jan 2014
L’Autoritarismo di Elizabeth Warren
27 Dec 2013
Italian & Stateless Embassies
Tom Woods’ Confusion On Thick Libertarianism
24 Dec 2013
Feature Articles
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2013
20 Nov 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Nathan Goodman on the Bad Quaker Podcast
14 Nov 2013
Media Appearances & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Does Anarchism Conflict With Human Nature?
24 Oct 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
The Authoritarianism Of Elizabeth Warren
10 Oct 2013
Neoliberalism: Breaking Your Legs and Taking Your Crutches
21 Sep 2013
Defending Chelsea Manning at Urban Tulsa Weekly
17 Sep 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
S4SS’ UGent Not Anarchists (or Comrades)
16 Sep 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
John Kerry y el lenguaje orwelliano de la guerra
13 Sep 2013
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
Especuladores de la guerra, esclavitud y la hipocresía del imperialismo
10 Sep 2013
Spanish & Stateless Embassies
The Knowledge Problem of Privilege
09 Sep 2013
Left-Libertarian - Classics
John Kerry and the Orwellian Language of War
06 Sep 2013
War Profiteers, Slavery and the Hypocrisy of Imperialism
03 Sep 2013
O Estado, Não Manning, é o Criminoso
30 Aug 2013
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Chelsea Manning and the State’s Abusive Transphobia
24 Aug 2013
The State, Not Manning, is the Criminal
21 Aug 2013
Disability Rights are Human Rights
08 Aug 2013
Prison Abolition is Practical
26 Jul 2013
The Brutality of “Border Security”
03 Jul 2013
Talking About Whistleblowers on the Jake Shannon Show
02 Jul 2013
Media Appearances & Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Stand With Whistleblowers
29 Jun 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
The Pervasive and Grotesque Logic of Victim Blaming
20 Jun 2013
Why Queer and Trans* Activists Should Support Anarchist Revolution
18 Jun 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
When It Comes to Misogyny, Facebook Learned from the US Government
23 May 2013
Robert Higgs on “Libertarian Wishful Thinking”
10 Apr 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Human Rights Groups Against Human Rights
06 Apr 2013
Vulgar Libertarianism from Mercatus
29 Mar 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Prisons Can’t Stop Rape Culture, Grassroots Intervention Can
22 Mar 2013
Contradições Letais: Privilégios de Patente versus “Salvar Vidas”
03 Mar 2013
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Deadly Contradictions: Patent Privilege vs. “Saving Lives”
17 Feb 2013
SlutWalk on Mental Self Defense Radio
07 Feb 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Review: Dirty Wars
23 Jan 2013
Books and Reviews & Commentary
Dan D’Amico on Racial Inequality in the Prison System
15 Jan 2013
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Acabem com a Guerra Dentro do País, Acabem com a Guerra no Exterior
07 Jan 2013
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
How Slut Shaming Undermines Liberty
06 Jan 2013
Feature Articles
End War at Home, End War Abroad
31 Dec 2012
Keep Families Together: An Anarchist Christmas Message
25 Dec 2012
The Trouble With “Sensible” Gun Regulations
18 Dec 2012
A Libertarian Conversation on the Prison Industrial Complex
12 Dec 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Jane Marquardt: “Progressive” Prison Profiteer
11 Dec 2012
State Violence Against Women: Why It Matters
26 Nov 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Don’t Tax the Rich, Smash Their Privilege: A Response to Warren Buffett
26 Nov 2012
Feature Articles
End Violence Against Women
25 Nov 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Transgender Day of Remembrance
20 Nov 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
13 Nov 2012
Dutch & Stateless Embassies
Free the Holy Land Five
25 Oct 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Rapists on Patrol
12 Oct 2012
The United States of ALEC
29 Sep 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Privatized Tyranny
27 Sep 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Living Under Drones
25 Sep 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Internet Freedom
20 Sep 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Rachel Corrie and State Monopoly Justice
19 Sep 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
Understanding the Violence in Yemen
17 Sep 2012
Stigmergy - C4SS Blog
National call-in day August 29: Stop ongoing Grand Jury repression in the Northwest
29 Aug 2012
Supporter Updates
Motstånd Mot USAs Tortyrstat
21 Aug 2012
Stateless Embassies & Swedish
A Resistência ao Estado Torturador Estadunidense
13 Aug 2012
Portuguese & Stateless Embassies
Resisting America’s Torture State
05 Aug 2012
Obama vs. Medical Access
21 Jul 2012
ALEC is an Enemy of Liberty
18 Jul 2012