Finally, a racist killer is convicted

By October 11, 2014
Jordan Davis

Justice was finally served on Oct. 1 when a Florida jury convicted Michael Dunn of the first-degree murder of Jordan Davis, 17. The unarmed African-­American youth was fatally shot by Dunn in November 2012. Dunn, a white computer software developer, now faces a life term in prison with no possibility of parole. This was Dunn’s [...]

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‘Defend President Aristide!’

WW photo: Judy Greenspan

An emergency demonstration was held in San Francisco on Sept. 30 in defense of former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. About 50 people rallied at Montgomery and Market streets because of threats to President Aristide’s safety. Speakers described how on Sept. 27, masked Haitian police had surrounded Aristide’s house as Haitian radio stations broadcast news that [...]

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Exiled Ukraine union organizer: ‘Never forget who your class enemy is’

Denis Levin and Svetlana Licht.

Simferopol, Crimea — Svetlana Licht is a trade union activist and leader of the Marxist Union Borotba (Struggle) of Ukraine. Forced to leave Kiev after the U.S.-backed far-right coup, she went first to Kharkov, where she helped to lead the city’s anti-fascist protest movement, known as AntiMaidan. In May, a death squad attempted to kidnap [...]

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Solidarity activists honored in Cuba


The Friendship Medal of the ­Republic of Cuba has been awarded to two hard- working solidarity activists from the United States, according to the newspaper Granma of Oct. 3. Alicia Jrapko, U.S. coordinator of the In­ter­national Committee for the Freedom of the Five, and photographer Bill Hackwell were honored for their unwavering efforts to gain [...]

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Pennsylvania legislature tries to stop Mumia Abu-Jamal from speaking

Mumia Abu-Jamal

  More often than not college commencement speakers are corporate CEOs, bankers or politicians — the people who will exercise control over students’ futures by exploiting their labor, piling mountains of student loan debt on them or starting endless wars that threaten the very futures of them and their families. On Oct. 5, graduates of [...]

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Detroit U.S. Attorney threatens supporters of Rasmea Odeh

Rasmea Odeh

The following is a press release from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, located in Minneapolis. In a bizarre and desperate move, prosecutors in the case of Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh filed a motion in Federal Court Oct. 3, which characterized the efforts of an important leader of the Rasmea Odeh defense campaign, Hatem [...]

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NYC faces crisis over tunnel repairs


Superstorm Sandy has not finished disrupting life in this city, even though it blew out to sea two years ago. Its storm surge — along with a high tide made higher because of a full moon and a general rise in sea levels indisputably due to global warming — flooded four Amtrak tunnels. Two of [...]

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Defending disability rights

Activists with disablities build solidarity with labor and community struggles.Photo: Alberto Cardona

Activists with disabilities and allies from New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts gathered at an 1199 Service Employees union hall in Dorchester, Mass., in August to commemorate people with disabilities whose collective struggle led to the Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law on July 26, 1990. Organized by the People with Disabilities caucuses [...]

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Texas judges curtail abortion rights

By October 10, 2014

On Oct. 2, with a wave of its judicial wand, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals shut down 14 of the 21 abortion clinics serving women in the state of Texas. Its long-awaited, but not unexpected, reactionary decision upheld the harsh, medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion services in the Texas bill known as HB2. The [...]

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Detroiters confront federal housing chief

These housing activists went inside to tell Mel Watt: ‘Bail out people, not banks!’WW photo: Abayomi Azikiwe

Detroit — Mel Watt, head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), was confronted by protesters as he convened a “town hall” meeting in Detroit on Oct. 2. Recently appointed by President Barack Obama, Watt oversees the federally controlled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage giants. He was in Detroit to promote federal mortgage relief [...]

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