The workers... battle-cry must be: 'The Permanent Revolution.'” — Marx and Engels, 1850

Permanent Revolution - dissolution statement


Permanent Revolution was established in 2006 following the expulsion of a number of members of Workers Power in July 2006. The original intention of the organisation was to continue to try and build an organisation based on the core principles of revolutionary Trotskyism that we had all long adhered to while still members of Workers Power.
During the following seven years we produced 24 issues of a journal that we think made a significant contribution to debates within the far left, that attempted to develop Marxist theory to address new issues and that offered coherent programmatic answers to key issues facing the international working class. As a consequence the journal developed a significant audience and our ideas won a hearing across the left and the labour movement.
This literary contribution was matched by the activity of our comrades who led struggles in a number of areas and a variety of arenas – union, community, anti-cuts, anti-racist and so on.
However, with the development of a number of new campaigns, networks and organisations, combined with the decline of the established far left groups, we recognise the need for the left to organise itself in radically different ways. As a result we have now decided to cease publication of our journal and website.
Instead we will direct our efforts and resources to building those initiatives, regionally, locally and nationally, that we believe offer a way forward that is more effective than the maintenance of ourselves as a distinct group – for example, the Anti-Capitalist Initiative, Marxist Networks and radical trade union and campaigning organisations that are working to renew the labour movement and the left in working class communities.
We would like to thank you all for your support over the past seven years and we know that we will continue to work with you in common struggles in the years to come.