On April 9, the ‘Venezuela Committee in Scotland’ hosted a discussion on human rights in light of the recent protests in Venezuela. Around 60 people were in attendance with speakers including members of the Edinburgh University Latin American society as well as a brief talk from the Amnesty International society representative who made points about human rights in general, citing breaches in the country.


„Hands off the Revolution in Venezuela“ was the title of a public meeting in the city of Wiesbaden organised by the local neighbourhood branch of DIE LINKE (Left Party) Wiesbaden-Westend, Hands off Venezuela (HOV) in Germany and Der Funke editorial board on March 28, 2014. The speakers invited were Jimmy Chediak, Venezuelan Consul General in Frankfurt, and Hans-Gerd Öfinger from HOV in Germany.


The April 2014 issue of the Hands Off Venezuela newsletter is now available. It contains an extracted version of Nicolas Maduro Op-Ed article in the New York Times, dealing with the real nature of the opposition protests, an article on the burning down of the Ministry of Housing by opposition protestors and a summary of some of the achievements of the Bolivarian revolution. Spread widely!


A complete dossier produced by the Venezuelan Ministry of Peoples' Power for Communication and Information, dealing with what is really behind the current anti-government protests in Venezuela. A must read for anyone who wants to see beyond the lies, distorsions and half-truths of the mass media.


On Tuesday, April 1, a group of violent opposition protestors attacked the building of the Ministry of Housing, setting it on fire. Over 300 people had to be evacuated, including children from a nursery in the same building. You are not likely to have read about it in the mass media.


Over 70 people gathered at the Bolivar Hall in London on March 31 to hear Ewan Robertson from Venezuelanalysis.com speak about the current anti-government protests in Venezuela.


Air Canada has decided to suspend its flights to Venezuela because it “cannot guarantee the security of its operations due to the tense situation in the country” - the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle and HOV Canada explain the real reasons behind this decission. 


The Canadian government has become the latest imperialist power to jump to the defence of the far-right protests in Venezuela.  Parliament has just passed a unanimous motion that places the responsibility for the current violence in the country on the shoulders of the Venezuelan government rather than the opposition gangs that initiated the unrest. Camilo Cahis (HOV Canada and Fightback) sets the record straight and exposes the position of the NDP MPs.


Since the beginning of the middle class riots in Venezuela, the Hands of Venezuela campaign in Belgium started to inform on a daily basis on the lies and distortions of the media.


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