Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lublin, Warsaw, and a day for JPII...

...and in unusually warm sunshine. We are filming a new feature for EWTN, exploring St John Paul's legacy in Poland. Lublin is a glorious city, with a castle and lots of royal history. The Catholic University - once the only such place of learning in the whole of the atheist bloc that stretched from Berlin to Beijing - is now named for John Paul II and is set in attractive buildings, with a courtyard of green lawns and a superb statue of  that moment when  Cardinal Wyzinski knelt to honour JPII and the latter raised him up...

Today is a special (annual) day honouring JPII and there will be a great Mass in Warsaw...and we also plan to film in the great Square where JP gave that unforgettable sermon back in 1979 and changed history...

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Mayor of Merton...

...attended the annual meeting of the WIMBLEDON LIFE GROUP, at which I was privileged to be the guest speaker. A good crowd, and a warm welcome. The group does excellent work supporting mothers-to-be who need help and housing, and is also busy campaigning against euthanasia...I spoke about Lord Falconer's "Assisted Dying" Bill and the danger it presents. It is very important that we oppose this ghastly idea of legalising the killing of gravely ill people. Useful material on this here...

Thursday, October 09, 2014

I hope that Papa Emeritus Benedict...

...will enjoy the special gift that we are sending him. You can read more here (with pic)...

Monday, October 06, 2014

The spin...

...that is being put on the Synod now taking place in Rome is all rather tiresome.. but this report highlights a prayer vigil that, despite its size. many media outlets seem to have missed...

Given the assumptions that are being made about about the Synod could/should be doing, prayer seems to be the most reliable and useful approach at this stage...

To Mass...

...  in London, and then also dropped in at the Cathedral and also at a suburban parish, in order to advertise the


on Saturday October 18th.


crosses the Thames at Lambeth Bridge

finishes approx.  2.45- 3pm at ST GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL


This Procession was started in 2011 to mark the first anniversary of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Britain and to give thanks. It has continued annually and grown steadily - come and make the 2014 Procession the best yet!

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Ths staggering growth in the number of Catholics in the world...

...from 266 million in 1900 to 1,197 million in 2012, (you can read more about this here) is relevant to discussions about the forthcoming Synod on the Family.   This massive growth has taken place chiefly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The Bishops from these territories carry much - much! - more weight than those from Europe at a Synod such as this. Their grasp of the issues concerned - marriage, demography, relationships with non-Christian religions, education, economics - comes from a wide and deep database, and they speak with knowledge and confidence. On issues such as the rights and  dignity of women, the superiority of monogamy over polygamy, and the specific healthcare needs of the poor, they have crucial and necessary information to impart. Nor will the Synod be much influenced by chatter from the Western media.  Do not make the mistake of assuming that the opinions of media commentators in, say, Canada, Germany,  Denmark or the USA  will carry much weight at a Synod of the Catholic Church in 2014...

To Poland... a week or so, to work on "John Paul: The Legacy"  for EWTN: we'll be going to Warsaw, Lublin, the Tatras and Niegovic, among other places. We will talk to people who studied under Wojtila at Lublin's Catholic University, we'll get a couple of young people reading from his play "The Jeweller's Shop" and from some of his poetry, we'll go to the mountains that he loved and see the church that was built under his initiative when he was still a young curate in the grim days of Stalinist Communism in the 1950s...

Trawling the internet to check a couple of details about St John Paul, I encountered weird attacks on him, including a Lefebvrist theologian denouncing this "false canonisation" a furious American campaigner predicting a gigantic catastrophe on the day, and an odd priest claiming to offer evidence including "immodest pictures" to show how wicked JP was.( The Lefebvrist chap and  the American campaigner seem to have fallen silent, especially when the planned flood/fire etc didn't happen. The other chap's pics turned out to be well known shots of the young saint picnicking and canoeing with friends).  All of these writings were confused and angry - but what was most striking was their note of dedicated bitterness: the passion that comes from having nurtured a hatred for a long time.

It certainly renewed my interest in teaching about this great saint and in passing on to the next generation the truth about his life of prayer, courage, wisdom and faith...

Knights and Dames...

...of the Order of St Gregory met at the Church of SS Anselm and Cecilia in London's Holborn for the annual Mass.  Glorious singing from the Schola of the Cardinal Vaughan School. Knights looking rather splendid in uniforms with silver trimmings, Dames in green cloaks...rather too warm, but the cloak can be sort of thrown back over one shoulder, which is a lot more comfortable.

Dinner was fun, candlelit, formal toasts, a sense of friendship and camaraderie: Bishop Richard Moth was the guest - he's Bishop of the Forces, spoke well, was amusing and then guided thoughts towards concepts of service and was a good evening. Afterwards, out into noisy and raucous London, a very warm night, so I walked down to the Strand and across the river to Waterloo...Jamie had been out late too, and as so often happens we met at the local bus stop...and so home together...

Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Synod on the Family...

...will start shortly. There will be a lot of related debate/discussion/controversy  about what is said, and what is alleged to have been said, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, we all need to get on with promoting the Church's message on marriage and family. Useful link, just sent to me, on a postgraduate degree in Catholic Applied Theology (Marriage and Family):  "As we approach the Extraordinary Synod, this is an opportune moment to let people know about the wonderful course we offer here which is centred on the teaching of St. John Paul II. The course was developed in academic collaboration with the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Rome and this collaboration continues today..." You can find out more here...  and shortly after receiving this, I found this commentary on the Synod, which exactly matches the point...

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Hello to Dominic...

...who was among those taking part in the Catholic History Walk this evening. We started at Westminster Cathedral - a small group, only a handful of people, but somehow it turned out to be a particularly happy walk, and by the time  we were saying goodbye, in the lamplit churchyard of Westminster Abbey, with those glorious soaring gothic buttresses and the sense of quiet familiarity, we were real friends.

Big Ben chimed out the hour - 8pm - as we walked across Westminster Bridge, and on to Waterloo. We all found we lived in neighbouring suburban parishes, and a young relative of Dominic's goes to my old school...sometimes London really does feel like a collection of villages.

Read Auntie...

here, on Eastern Europe, and the New Evangelisation, and misty rain on Austrian mountains...