11 Oct 2014

Green Party to contest Maidenhead, Bracknell and Slough constituencies, nominations open!

Call for nominations for members wishing to stand for parliamentary election in Maidenhead, Bracknell or Slough

As the East Berkshire Green Party Nominating Officer and designated Electoral Returning Officer (ERO), it is my duty to give formal notice to the EBGP membership that we are calling for nominations for anyone wishing to stand for parliamentary election in the constituencies of Maidenhead, Bracknell or Slough, from today, Wed 8th Oct 2014.

Green Party rules for the selection procedure are detailed at the end of this email.

Any member seeking nomination should contact the ERO through the email address given in the timetable below for further information. You will need to comply with the rules set out in the procedure for nomination.

A ready made nomination and consent form will be provided, along with a nomination statement form containing various detailed questions regarding your suitability as a candidate. You will be required to provide a separate supporting statement of no more than 500 words.

The selection timetable has been set in accordance with guidance from Chris Rose, the Green Party National Election Agent. Close of nominations will be at 5pm on Wed 22nd Oct. (If a second call is required, then final close of nominations will be two weeks later on Wed 5th Nov.)

Wed 8th Oct         First call for nominations

Wed 22nd Oct      Close of nominations, at 5pm, to the Electoral Returning Officer (ERO)

Thur 23rd Oct       RO checks validity of nominations and informs nominees accordingly

Thur 30th Oct       Ballot Papers and statements sent out to all members in the relevant constituency

Fri 31st Oct -
Wed 19th Nov       Hustings period (notification will be given of any hustings meetings)

Thur 20th Nov       Close of postal ballot at 5pm; count held with at least 2 Exec members present

Thur 27th Nov       Notification of result to relevant GP bodies and EBGP membership

If no female candidates are forthcoming after the first call, then in line with national GP guidelines we will have a second call lasting a further two weeks. The timetable will then run as follows:

Wed 22nd Oct      Second call for nominations

Wed 5th Nov        Close of nominations 5pm, to the Electoral Returning Officer (ERO)

Thur 6th Nov        RO checks validity and informs nominees accordingly

Thur 13th Nov      Ballot papers and statements sent out to all members in the relevant constituency

Fri 14th Nov
-Wed 3rd Dec       Hustings period (notification will be given of any hustings meetings)

Thus 4th Dec        Close of postal ballot at 5pm; count held with at least 2 Exec members present

Thurs 11th Dec      Notification of result to relevant GP bodies and membership

Electoral Returning Officer: Craig McDermott

Contact: craig.mcdermott4@btinternet.com

9 Oct 2014

Greens condemn U.S. and Turkey’s response on battles in Kobane

7 October, 2014 

Press Release 

Greens condemn U.S. and Turkey’s response on battles in Kobane 
The Green Party observes the war against ISIS, the battles in city of Kobane and Turkey’s stance with interest. 
Especially in the city of Kobane, Kurds have been left fighting alone, without the support of Americans or Turkish fighters, who despite their declarations are helping the jihadists with these actions. 
Turkey is trying to win a few more «prizes», with America’s blessings, before it decides to join this war. 
The result is thousands of Kurds fighting ISIS, getting killed and forced out of their city, without any help. 

We consider any Kurdish protests fair, regarding the tolerance of the West and Turkey’s sly decisions. 

Cyprus Green Party 

28 Sep 2014

1000 people march in London against ISIS assault

Brief report from Sarah Parker, thanks Sarah for permission to use

I thought people might like a short report of today's demonstration for Kobane and against ISIS.

Don’t let Kobane fall!

On Sunday 28 September 1000 or so people marched from Angel Edmonton through Haringey to the Kurdish community centre off Green Lanes to protest against the siege of Kobane, and the silence of the international community over the blatant  military support of the Turkish state for the ISIS fighters who are besieging the Kurdish town of Kobane in Northern Syria. Most of the people on the march were Kurdish from Turkey; there were also contingents from the Turkish left. Stephanie and Sarah took the Haringey Left Unity banner. The march went down Fore Street and Tottenham High Road and Philip Lane, West Green Road to Green Lanes. Slogans in Kurdish, Turkish and English included:

  • Unite against ISIS!
  • Long live the Kobane resistance!
  • Long live YPG[1] <#_ftn1> !
  • Who beheaded American journalists? ISIS.
  • Who has been killing Kurdish and Assyrian women and children? ISIS

Speakers called for an end to the silence over Turkey’s role in supporting ISIS. People in the streets gave a friendly reception to the march, and many took pictures.

If people want to offer solidarity, they can do a variety of things:

  • Keep informed,  follow events in the Middle East, including via Kurdish news agencies Firat News and Hawar News
  • Make sure people they know are aware of the siege of Kobane and that they understand that the people of Kobane have the right to defend themselves against ISIS
  • Post news on social media about the defence of Kobane and the Kurdish protests all over Europe
  • Get organisations to agree positions of solidarity with the defence of Kobane
  • Ask David Lammy or Lynn Featherstone what they is doing to get the British government to restrain Turkey, a NATO member, from giving military assistance to ISIS
  • Like the Kurdish Unity Facebook page and get notices of events
  • Support Heyva Sor (Kurdish Red Crescent equivalent) – see their Facebook page

[1] <#_ftnref1>  (the People’s Protection Units who are defending Kobane, where there are several hudred thousand people including refugees, and who in August rescued thousands of Yezidis from the ISIS assault on Shengal in northern Iraq).