Caitra is a translation Computer Assisted Tool, or CAT, developed by the University of Edinburgh. Provided from an online platform, Caitra is based on AJAX Web.2 technologies and the Moses decoder. The web page of the tool is implemented with Ruby on Rails, an open source web framework, and C++.
Caitra assists human translators by offering suggestions and alternative translations.
Machine Translation (MT) systems are typically used by readers who do not need a thorough translation and want quick access to the foreign language. Professional translators usually require advanced machine translation tools to make their work easier and to give a higher quality translation to their clients. The Trans-Type project (Langlais et al., 2000) gave a pioneer approach to the MT as an aid to human translators. This translation tool would suggest different translations for a segment while providing the translator an opportunity to accept the suggested translation or overwrite it with their own translation, which in turn would trigger new potential translations to the tool. This is, however, not necessarily suitable for professional translators. Tools with post-edition facilities have also been developed as an intermediate field between typical MT and human translators in order to integrate MT and human translation and to achieve the desired results. The School of Informatics and the Machine Translation Group of the University of Edinburgh, created a research program, CAITRA, to analyze the benefits of different types of MTs and to explore the interaction between the machine and the user in order to develop new CAT tools.
Bastards of madness
Call out this prayer of vengeance
Speaking to enemies through these wounds of redemption
Tearing out their eyes with horror
Behold this chosen new devise
As the silence pleads this forgiveness
A senseless begging for absolution
Upon this entrance into oblivion
This fallen angel of defiance, destitute to isolation
Hold tight to liberation, in the form of reprisal
Project of this restored frame, in these pain filled alterations
This new threat of changing life restless in this completion
Powerless you crawl like pigs
Soon to be slaughtered
Suckling to a faith that you avidly hoped would save you all
These offerings will bring us our justice.
For these years of diluted lies
The answers to our freedom
The answer to the death of gods
These hands held into the sky so the dark
Winds can taste the blood of murder
As the blackest hearts obey thoughts of evil
Deathlorn rites, endure the lust for revenge
Surrender the state of embracement and release
This life from the dark interiors
Discomfort of this assisted torment is given in these regards
A scourge of awakening
Prisoned in the rites of blood
Bestowed with ancient plagues, we will forge a disease
Of rape upon your ideals
Within this lifeblood we will find the truths as blades
Slice open their necks
The answers to our freedom
The answer to the death of gods
Once reconstructed the swarm will digest
The souls of this imperfection
Sterilizing faith bringer has discharged
This assembly of this damnation
Burden me with your weak
Curse me with your sick
In blood filled walls I lie confined