This dark humored, tongue-in-cheek, nervy thriller follows David, a shy first year student arriving in Leeds who finds himself sharing a flat with the wrong crowd. Witnessing first-hand the lack of respect and racism that many students show towards local businesses, David finds himself isolated from the group. In one unsuspecting takeaway, he soon uncovers a grisly culinary scheme to rid the streets of student filth by a network of vengeful takeaway owners reaching every corner of the city...
Dumped Anonymous is the story of a high school senior named Aedan as he tries to find closure. After a long-term relationship with his now ex-girlfriend ended, Aedan has serious problems letting go. Due to this, Aedan's parents tell him that he is to go to a new high school for his senior year in order to "get away." While Aedan seems to have a rocky start at this new school, Aedan finds himself bonding with the student body of this school, and even finding an interest in a girl by the name of Tasha. In addition, with the help of Aedan's best friend, Robbie, it seems as if Aedan will be able to move away from his past. After a few weeks, Tasha pulls Aedan into a support group called Dumped Anonymous, where the story of his ex-girlfriend, Autumn, is told. From this, Aedan soon finds that his "new start" is about to become sour.
The past doesn't define us, it's how we live with it
Deemed a screw-up by his peers, Tommy, a young, inexperienced gangster wants desperately to be accepted by his criminal brethren. But when a job turns sour and Tommy realizes he's been pulled into a sadistic and deadly recruiting game, he learns only too late that he's been betrayed by those he trusted most. When the tables turn, everyone will learn in brutal detail, the Three Ways to Kill a Mook.
Nita is cute and sure of herself, until she meets the fine and fit Deshaun. If he's not breaking a date he seems to be running away from something. Nita is fed up and ready to tell Deshaun to love her or leave her alone.'s a lot more complicated than that. Love should be a lot of things...but never a 'Close Call.'
A look into the appearance of a person verses the true individual. Following three young adults who've moved out on their own; Tom, coming from a wealthy background, he seems to have it all together. Cody, who struggles day to day, and Cameron who coming from a repressed background tries to find himself. The three plan a trip to a cabin, where things start to fall apart.
When Dean comes to live with his country cousin Nate, his flimsy connections with his strange new environment unravel quickly. The tightness and warmth of this community only makes him feel more lonely. His confused search for his own place in the midst of this arid psycho-geography with all its austere beauty pushes him into wild spirals of anguish that risk his fragile new connection with Esther, a local girl. She might be the answer he's looking for. Or it might just be lost for the moment in himself.
Keywords: utah
James Fortune (born November 29, 1978) is a gospel music singer. He is a graduate of Kempner High School in Sugar Land, Texas, and attended Cal State Northridge. He is the choir director at Higher Dimension Church in SW Houston, TX. Higher Dimension church was organized on January 23, 1999 at Judy Bush Elementary School. Under the leadership of Pastor Terrance Johnson, Higher D has grown from 29 members in 1999 to more than 12,000 with 10 operative lead ministries and a host of sub-ministries that cater the needs of kids, youth, men, women, couples and singles.
James Fortune & FIYA’s highly anticipated debut CD, “You Survived” was released in September 2004. He was honored at the 19th annual ASCAP Rhythm and Soul Music Awards for his hit single "You Survived" off the same album. “You Survived” also peaked as the #2 most played Gospel song in the country and has remained in the Top 7 for the last 3 years. The radio single, “God Can” features Micah Stampley and upcoming gospel artist Zacardi Cortez. James Fortune received a 2006 ASCAP Writers Award for “You Survived” alongside some of music’s finest like L.L. Cool J., Mary Mary, Kirk Franklin and J. Moss. FIYA has been nominated four years in a row for the Texas Gospel Youth & Young Adult Choir of the year. They have been featured on Eric Carrington’s album, “Soar”.
[Tasha:] Hell on earth, watching all lives pass by
Nothing but the truth, it hurts, you can't deny
[Sphere of Influence:] Hell on earth
No pausin' for love, with cats run up
It's all about flossin', we stuck
We out of luck
[Tasha:] What, what, what
[Sphere of Influence:] Check it out
[Tasha:] Lady T
[Sphere of Influence:] Sphere of Influence
[Tasha:] Just a state of mind
[Chorus 1: Sakura]
All the memories of hate
And the lies
Don't you know eventually we pay the price
All my hopes and the dreams will survie
Realize, we got to keep the faith alive
[Verse 1: Tasha]
How did we get here?
We're living in fear
How history repeats itself, can never steer clear
Cries for help, ringing my ear from the sheer terror of it all
I shed a tear, can't disappear, sometimes I wish the end was near
Back to reality, where
Life still exist, we're
Still on this earth, but we got shackles on the wrist
Must be the reason why you never start to even lend a hand
Too caught up in your ways for you to try to understand
[Sphere of Influence:]
I keep dwelling in the past, and it might be the last time
Running from the bullets that past without
I'm thinking
Who could be next
Am I the target
Sitting on my bed, all stressed
What's it all worth, giving off birth to hate
I contemplate
Joining the race
Where we face in the same shit
Different place
Gotta get along now, yeah, future's at stake
[Chorus 2: Sakura]
All the memories of hate
And the lies
Don't you know eventually we pay the price
All my hopes and dreams, they seem so far away
I'm a sing a song and pray for better days
[Verse 2: Sphere of Influence]
Do you believe
Or you the one to deceive
I'm just trying to find peace, while you held up and freeze
Coming through
Evidently, can you kill this disease
Yo, our lives on the line, yeah, you know what I mean
Human being
Created the gun
Aiding the funds for war
Assembling troops
Hiding the truth
We mourn
Never too late
To find ourself
Connecting over seas, it's on
Word is bond
So there you have it, my whole life with all this memories
I'm trying to figure out
How to set all of my pain free
Sometimes, I wish that I can turn the hands of time back
So I could
Rewrite the wrong and put my life back on the right track
Wake up to reality, trying to accept the way it is
They say that life's not what you take, it's your willingness to give
That's why I wrote this song in hopes to heal the pain within
Cause after that, I know that's when my life truly begins
[Chorus 1]
[Verse 3: Tasha]
Imprinted in our minds, from the minute we were born, with
Misconceptions of life, that's how our lives get torn
I say we wake up from this dream and let the sunlight in
So we can help each other heal the pain within
[Sphere of Influence (Tasha in background):]
Understandin', demandin'
Thoughts are abandoned
Hand in
Hand and relate, then
Til the teardrops gone
Til my soul can live on
Til my soul can live on forever (This is what we need to vibe)
[Tasha harmonizing in background]
[Tasha:] Uh hun
Like this, uh
It's just a state of mind
[Sphere of Influence:] Uh huh
[Tasha:] Lady T
[Sphere of Influence:] Collaboration