
Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on theright to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.

Navdanya is a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 17 states in India.

Navdanya has helped set up 111 community seed banks across the country, trained over 5,00,000 farmers in seed sovereignty, food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture over the past two decades, and helped setup the largest direct marketing, fair trade organic network in the country.

Navdanya has also set up a learning center, Bija Vidyapeeth (School of the Seed / Earth University) on its biodiversity conservation and organic farm in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, North India.

Navdanya is actively involved in the rejuvenation of indigenous knowledge and culture. It has created awareness on the hazards of genetic engineering, defended people's knowledge from biopiracy and food rights in the face of globalisation and climate change.

Navdanya is a women centred movement for the protection of biological and cultural diversity.

Navdanya on dry spell in Vidarbha !!!!!!

The GMO Emperor Has No Clothes-A Global Citizens Report on the State of GMOs

We have been repeatedly told that genetically engineered (GE) crops will save the world by increasing yields and producing more food. They will save the world by controlling pests and weeds. They will save the world by reducing chemical use in agriculture. They will save the world with GE drought tolerant seeds and other seed traits that will provide resilience in times of climate change.

However, the GE emperor (Monsanto) has no clothes. All of these claims have been established as false over years of experience all across the world. The Global Citizens Report “The Emperor Has No Clothes” brings together evidence from the ground of Monsanto’s and the industry’s false promises and failed technology.

Download Book


AgroEcology - Principles and Operationalisation of Sustainable Mountain Agriculture









‘A-Z of Agroecology and Organic Food Systems’


Other Recent Publications

The Law of the Seed aims to bring back biodiversity and recognition of farmers' rights, to bring back democratic systems in society to shape laws as well as knowledge.

"Navdanya launches The Global Citizens' Report for Seed Freedom."

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Courses in 2014-15

November 21st - 30th, 2014
Gandhi Globalization and Earth Democracy
The course explores the relevance of the four Gandhian principles of swaraj
Feburary 2nd - 6th, 2015
Earth Democracy : Protecting the rights of Mother Earth and Human beings
This workshop will explore the inherent rights of members of the Earth community
More Info....  

From the Navdanya Diary

  • ISIS Report – Widespread Glyphosate Contamination in USA
    Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) – 8 October 2014 Source: Most comprehensive study reveals glyphosate and AMPA in the environment over 9 years and across 38 states Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji Please circulate widely and repost, but [...]
  • Gujarat government to not join field trials of Genetically Modified crops
    by Mayank Aggarwal -  DNA India, 10 October 2013 Source: Joining ranks with nearly ten other big states, Gujarat government has now decided not to allow field trials of any Genetically Modified (GM) food crops within [...]
  • Leading scientists say no consensus on safety of genetically modified organisms, 21 October 2013 Source: There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified (GM) foods and crops, according to a statement released today by a growing list of more than 90 scientists, academics [...]
  • Gujarat Govt joins other states, says will not permit Field trials of GM food crops in the state
    IndiaGMInfo, 9 October 2014 Source: Press Release Coalition for a GM Free India urges Mr. Prakash Javadekar, the Minister for Environment, Forests & Climate Change to stop open air GM trials in the country. New Delhi: October 9, [...]
  • Of food, farmers and WTO’s doublespeak
    by Dr. Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age, 8 October 2014 Source: Double standards in the WTO rules are exposed when India’s subsidies of $12 bn to its 500 mn farmers are considered ‘trade distorting’, while [...]

Seed Freedom

Report for Seed Freedom Campaign 2012

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