Friday, October 10, 2014

Rage and Fury Sweep Mexico, the World: Justice for Ayotzinapa

Rage and Fury Sweep Mexico, the World:  Justice for Ayotzinapa

By Frontera NorteSur
Censored News
Oct. 10, 2014

Swelling outrage over a police massacre and the forced disappearance of scores of students swept Mexico and the world this week.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators demanded justice for six people killed September 26 and 27  by municipal police officers and paramilitary gunmen in Iguala, Guerrero, as well as the safe return of 43 Mexican students from the Raul Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers College of Ayotzinapa reported kidnapped and disappeared by the same aggressors.

“Your dignified rage is our rage,” stated a communiqu矇 from the general command of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), shortly before 20,000 masked Zapatistas staged a silent march October 8 through the streets of San Cristobal de las Casas in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mohawk Nation News 'Wisconsin Whitewash?'



Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Oct. 8, 2014. Blue Skies Inc. is holding a supposed “Truth Commission on Indian Boarding Schools” in Wisconsin on October 22 to 24, 2014. The U.S. is exporting its genocide program. The holocaust of Great Turtle Island is well known. Over 150 million Indigenous people were eliminated. Canada is a well-known police state that mistreats indigenous people. Dictators of corporate countries are sending their police and government agents to study how Canada and US committed the “perfect crime” and think they got away with it. They’re here to refine their own procedures and take them back to their homelands. Somebody has to do the dirty work. These henchmen will be probably done away with too.
"South Africans studied Canada's system of genocide to set up their apartheid".
“South Africa studied Canada’s system of apartheid. We can do better!” 
Corporate tribunals and commissions are set up where the scoundrels sit as commissioners and judges to hear and record our horrid death camp experiences. They listen, discuss and then secretly perfect the recipe for mass murder to be carried out in other corporate police states. South Africa studied Canada’s blood quantum legislation in their Indian At and developed apartheid from it. South Africa no longer follows  the apartheid program. Canada continues.
"Herr, Hitler. It works! Canada showed us the perfect holocaust!"
“Herr, Hitler. CIA said Canada can teach ISIS the perfect holocaust!”
We speak of our experience so that Indigenous people worldwide will escape the same tragedy.
UN Agenda 21 meets all the criteria for the crime of genocide. The shareholders/perpetrators want a full-proof recipe for murder, to continue the genocide and no person to be held responsible.
Agencies, foundations and corporations masquerading as countries are registered with the Vatican. They operate under many corporate fronts to carry out skullduggery on the poor and down trodden. Controlling the economy and setting up brainwashing schools to pass as education are all part of the agenda.
Outright murder, diseases, epidemics, prisons, death camps, direct attacks and supplying weapons to both sides are some of their tactics. Being the master means wanton lying, killing and manipulating the world. It’s all going to backfire. Even amongst their own people the brainwashing is failing.
We're here. The genocide was not so perfect.
“The Buck stops here!” 
Time and time again these mass murderers have been tried and convicted. Punishment is forthcoming. We Indigenous need to get past the horror stories. We should collect funds at these meetings to sue the Vatican for genocide of Indigenous people of Great Turtle Island. The only non-Admiralty court is the international Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Commissioners and judges, how much money can you give us to do this? Canada’s newest class of millionaires are the 630 corporate Indian Chiefs in Canada. They work every day to implement the Indian Act genocide policies. Brothers, can you spare a dime?
Blue Skies Inc. of Britain is not the same blue skies that Willie Nelson sings about: “Blue skies smiling at me. Nothing but blue skies do I see. Blue days all of them gone. Nothing but blue skies from now on.” Sing it, Willie! Willie Nelson. “Blue Skies”.
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit
Blue Skies Foundation:

Murdered and Tortured: Students in Mexico and US Boarding Schools

Carlisle: The children who never came home
Photo by Brenda Norrell on Long Walk 2
By Brenda Norrell

Censored News

Most of us live lives sanitized from the torture in Mexico. Once you have seen the torture, or the photos of this torture, these bodies remain imprinted on your mind forever. Please remember the students disappeared and murdered by police in Guerrero, Mexico. 

The tortured and murdered children of Indian boarding schools in the US is the subject of the upcoming Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Oct. 22, 23 and 24. Govinda at Earthcycles and I will have live video and print coverage of the Tribunal. Torture and murder are easy to turn away from -- we are hoping you will not.

Bill Means, Lakota, brother of Russell Means, opens the Tribunal on Oct. 22. Speaking of the history on the first day are Loretta Metoxen, Oneida historian, David Tucker, Oneida-Menominee historian, Melinda Young, Lac du Flambeau historian, and Terrance Nelson, Anishinaabe and Grand Chief of Southern Chiefs Organization in Canada.

On the second day, Oct. 23, there is witness testimony and a discussion of recommendations for reconciliation and restoration of Indigenous Children's Rights. On the final day is a press conference and summary of the Tribunal.

Schedule and Commissioners

Remembering the children who never came home
by Brenda Norrell
Photos for the families of the children who never came home. Carlisle Cemetery 2008 by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
CARLISLE, Penn. -- Most American Indian children in US boarding schools were kidnapped, stolen from their parents. At Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Native American children were part of the US experiment which became the prototype of the boarding schools that followed. Across the US, Indian children were forbidden to speak their language, which carried their songs and ceremonies. Their hair was cut in an attempt to cut the Indian-ness from them. In boarding schools, children were routinely abused, beaten and sexually abused. Many were tortured and locked in cellars. Some were shot trying to escape. Many died of malnutrition and pneumonia. Others died of tuberculosis and genocide: Children with TB were housed with healthy children, producing the rampant spread of tuberculosis.

The young boys who survived were militarized, made into US soldiers. The Carlisle school eventually became an Army War College and finally the US Army Campus. At Haskell, the unmarked graves in the marsh tell the rest of the story. Many of the children who died, or were murdered, were buried in unmarked graves without gravestones. This pattern of genocide was repeated in Australia and Canada. In Canada, at the residential schools operated by churches, there is new evidence that children were raped and murdered.

Carlisle was built on the premise of a prison.
At Carlisle, Richard H. Pratt designed the school, based on his experience at St. Augustine prison in Florida. "Kill the Indian, and save the man," Pratt said, stating his theory of education. "The children arrived in Carlisle on October 6, 1879 and soon the assimilation began. The boys were dressed in military uniforms, the girls wore Victorian style dresses. Both male and female were forced to have their hair cut, which to the Lakota the cutting of the hair was symbolic of mourning."
The tombstones tell the story, the children quickly began dying.
An unknown number died after returning home and a generation of American Indians suffered from childhoods of abuse, deprived of the love of their parents. At Carlisle, there were 10,000 Indian children in the boarding school between 1879 and 1918. There are 186 graves that are marked with tombsones.
An unknown number of children were buried without markers.
In the cemetery, names remember the children of Carlisle
Fanny Charging Shield, Sioux, died March 7, 1892; Susia Nach Kea, Apache, died May 14, 1889; Godfrey Blatcha, Apache, died July 1890; Cooking Look, Alaskan, died Jan. 4, 1904; Alice Springer, Omaha, died Nov. 12, 1883; Henry Jones, Iowa, died March 20, 1880; Nannie Little Rose, Cheyenne; Albert Henderson; Giles Hands, died May, 1881, Cheyenne; Maul, daughter of Chief Swift Bear, Sioux, died Dec. 1880; Ernest, son of Chief White Thunder, Sioux, died Dec. 14, 1880; Isabel Kelcusay, Apache, died on Christmas day, Dec. 25, 1884; Pedro Saaehez, Apache, died in May of 1885; Frank Cushing, Pueblo, died July 22, 1881; William Sammers, Cheyenne, died May 21, 1888, Corine Simohtie, Apache, died Feb. 11, 1886; Sibyl Mapko, Apache; Kate Rosskidwitts, Witchita, died Jan. 10, 1882, John Bytzolay and all the others.

Zapatistas Support for Students of Ayotzinapa, Police Massacred


October 2014:
To the students of the Escuela Normal[1] “Ra繳l Isidro Burgos” in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico.
To the national and international Sixth:
To the people of Mexico and the world:
Sisters and Brothers:
Compa簽eras and Compa簽eros:
To the students of the Escuela Normal of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, and to your family members, classmates, teachers, and friends, we simply want to let you know that:
You are not alone.
Your pain is our pain.
Your dignified rage is ours also.
To the compa簽eras and compa簽eros of the Sixth in Mexico and the world, we call on you to mobilize, according to your means and ways, in support of the community of the Escuela Normal in Ayotzinapa, and in demand of true justice.
We as the EZLN will also mobilize, within our capacities, on October 8, 2014, in a silent march as a signal of pain and outrage, in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, at 1700 hours.
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
For the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation.
Subcomandante Insurgente Mois矇s.
Mexico, October 2014. In the twentieth year of the war against oblivion.
[1] The Escuelas Normales in Mexico are teaching colleges that principally train rural and indigenous young people to be teachers in their own communities.
Translated by El Kilombo

AIM West Annual Conference 2014

AIM-West coast 7th annual Conference:

Date:  November 21-22,
(on 23rd protest Washington football mascot on site at Levy Stadium, in Santa Clara)
Time:  9 – 6 pm (daily-lunch included)
Place:  California Institute of Integral Studies
               1453 Mission St. SF CA 94103

AIM-WEST Unthanksgiving Dinner “Eagle feast with the Condor”:

Date:  November 26th
Time:  12 – 5 pm
Place:  The Bahai Faith Center
               170 Valencia Street
               San Francisco, CA (415-431-9990)

AIM-WEST “Red and Blues” Native American Day Concert!

Date:  Friday, November 28th
Time:  4 pm – 10 pm
Place:  Arlene Francis Center for Politic, Art, and Spirit
              99  6th St.  Santa Rosa, CA

See website for more details at 

 AIM-WEST 5th International Film Festival:

Date:  Sunday, October 12, International Day of Resistance to Colonization (1492-2014)
Time:  10 am – 11:30 am pre-event with traditional dancers, drummers & singers
              12 noo – 9 pm film screening, see website for listing and schedule
Place:   Arlene Francis Center for Politic, Art, and Spirituality
               99  6th St.  Santa Rosa, California (707-528-3009)

AIM West Film Festival Oct 12 2014

AIM-WEST 5th International Film Festival:

Date:  Sunday, October 12, International Day of Resistance to Colonization (1492-2014)
Time:  10 am – 11:30 am pre-event with traditional dancers, drummers & singers
              12 noo – 9 pm film screening, see website for listing and schedule
Place:   Arlene Francis Center for Politic, Art, and Spirituality
               99  6th St.  Santa Rosa, California (707-528-3009)

SOA Watch 'End Police Violence, Militarization at Home and Abroad

From Mexico to Ferguson: 
End Police Violence & Militarization at Home and Abroad

The militarized "solutions" taught at the School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC) are also being applied to communities within the US. We need to end the racist system of state violence and militarization at home and abroad.
They thought they would just be arrested. But something else awaited them
On September 26, 43 students who were protesting discriminatory hiring practices for teachers in Mexico disappeared at the hands of the Mexican police and are feared to have been handed student protest in Mexico
over by the police to drug cartels or criminal gangs to be executed. Mass graves have been found on the outskirts of Iguala in the Mexican state of Guerrero, where the students were protesting. The bodies have yet to be identified. Six students were also murdered as the police shot at the students during the protest and then detained others, including the 43 who have been forcefully disappeared. This police massacre is just another example of murder, kidnapping, and brutality by the Mexican police and military that often go unpunished despite the fact that the collaboration between the police, drug cartels, and organized crime is well known. The US continues to fund and train the Mexican security forces at the School of the Americas and other sites under the umbrella of fighting the failed drug war, while Mexican civilians and activists continue to be killed. Click here for more information.