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Update on anarchist prisoners Panagiotis Michalakoglou and M. B. (Greece)

October 17th, 2014

Inter Arma received and translated:

Yesterday, on Monday at 6 am, the cops barged into the cells of comrades Panagiotis Michalakoglou and M.B., letting them know that, without prior notice, they will be transferred from F wing of Korydallos prison. Panagiotis Michalakoglou was initially transferred to the Transfer Agency in Thessaloniki and afterwards to Nigritas prison in Serres (northern Greece). M.B. was transferred in St.Stefanos prison in Patra, at 10.30 am.

According to an article written by Yiannis Souliotis in “Kathimerini” newspaper, the comrades were transferred to other prisons “due to the impending arrival of long-term convict Panagiotis Vlastos at that wing”. According to the case file, the whole operation in Athens and Thessaloniki started with an “anonymous tip” which informed the cops that three out of the six people arrested during this operation, took part in the armed attack against the residence of the German ambassador in Chalandri which took place last December (the responsibility for that action was claimed by Popular Fighters Group).

Upon their arrival at prison, the two comrades refused to be subjected to body check and stated that they are anarchist political prisoners. Communiques written by the comrades will be published in the following days.

From the first moment, the state tried to isolate the two comrades from the rest of the anarchist prisoners by transferring them to the F protection wing of Korydallos prison, although they both asked to be transferred in A wing. This tactic bears a strong resemblance to the case of the pre-trial detentions of CCF members, who were initially scattered to various prisons of the country. Efforts are already being made from lawyers (Fragiskos Ragousis for M.B. and Anni Paparousou for Panagiotis Michalakoglou) in order for the comrades to be transferred to another wing since their detention in protection wings is still happening in the prisons they were transferred yesterday.

The operation carried out by the Counter-terrorism agency’s dogs in Athens and Thessaloniki, although initiated with great ambitions, ended up in a fiasco, since the comrades are prosecuted for aggravated possession of arms and possession of explosives (grenade).



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A communique by Giannis Mihailidis concerning his stance during his trial (Greece)

October 17th, 2014

I write these lines because of the public critique I received by communist newspaper “Kontra”, concerning my stance to discredit courts by being absent from the procedure. Initially I would like to clarify that I do not dispute even a little bit the comradely intentions of this critique and I recognize the contribution of this specific project as very important to the struggle, with the presence at and update of all terror-trials.

I think the root of this disagreement, is the crucial difference between anarchist analyses and Marxist ideology, concerning the role of the state mechanism, its institutions and the social contracts. Read the rest of this entry »

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Some developments of the Kolchenko case (Crimea)

October 17th, 2014

Repressions against Crimean activists - See here for previous info.

There are some news on the Kolchenko/Sentsov case.

At first, FSB [internal security service] is looking for new suspects:


Also, “Union of solidarity with political prisoners” has received an internal FSB document from 22th of September, which besides 4 arrested persons, lists 4 other persons. Their names are listed in this document, but nothing more is known about them and their whereabouts.

Most likely this is growing to become a major falsified case.

This news about the document is only in Russian:


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War against ISIS/Daesh: October 16th Kobani battle report from YPG Media Center (Kurdistan)

October 17th, 2014

Kobani - ISIS terrorist attacks aiming to occupy Kobani which were started on September 15th are on the 31st day. Yesterday on October 15 during the day and night, ISIS mercenaries attempted to attack from the Eastern and Southern fronts of the city, but they faced our troops’ response. In several operations our forces were able to retake some positions which were occupied earlier by the mercenaries.

Yesterday evening on the Eastern front mercenaries started their attacks and continued to this morning. On several positions of this front direct confrontations took place where their attacks were defeated. A number of weapons and ammunition of the ISIS were captured and 16 ISIS fighters were killed as a result of our forces’ operation. Read the rest of this entry »

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War against ISIS/Daesh: #OpKobane : 12 Turkish State-linked Websites Defaced By ColdHackers (Kurdistan)

October 17th, 2014

16/10/2014 : Comrades from the Kurdish hacking collective ColdHackers have hijacked & defaced 12 websites linked to the fascist Turkish state.

The news was announced via their Twitter account with the simple message : “Calakiyen Me ji bo Kobane” (our Action For Kobane).

The 12 websites were all defaced with images of the Rojava Revolution, solidarity messages to the heroic Resistance of Kobane & “Freedom For Ocalan” (imprisoned Kurdish Resistance figure Abdullah Öcalan). For more information & links to the sites (as well as mirrors in case they are taken down by
authorities later), please visit ColdHackers Twitter account : @ColdHackers.

Kobane Will Not Fall! Smash ISIS!
Smash The Turkish State!
Long Live The Rojava Revolution!!

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War against ISIS/Daesh: 8 Questions about the “Weapons for Rojava” Campaign (Kurdistan)

October 16th, 2014

From InsurrectionNews:

1. Why did you decide to start a campaign to raise money for YPG?

The fascists of the so called “Islamic State” started their massacres in the middle east some month ago. Several thousand people have already been killed. Neither the central government of Iraq nor the Peshmerga, the troops of the Barzani-Clan, were
willing and able to stop them. The army of the YPD, the peoples defence militia of YPG and YPJ in cooperation with the PKK were the only ones who helped the Yezidis to escape. Right now, the IS wants to eliminate the autonomous Kurdish-ruled regions of Syria, known as Rojava. The specialty of this autonomous region is that its society is build on a system of a self-governance, equal rights for people of different beliefs, religion, nationalities and gender. It is thereby probably the most progressive force of the region. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

War against ISIS/Daesh: Solidarity Campaign To Send Arms To Rojava (Kurdistan)

October 16th, 2014

From InsurrectionNews:

Hardly anything is as depressing as news of the last days about the siege of Kobane in Northern Syria. Kobane is the capital of the self-managed canton Rojava – an example for an alternative development of peace and social equality in a region experienced the complete opposite at the moment.

For this development, a change in the orientation of PKK seems to be important, which has a strong backing in the region. The imprisoned Abdullah Öcalan has absorbed US-anarchist Murray Bookchin, for example. Activists report that this political reorientation influences movements in Rojava. Read the rest of this entry »

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War against ISIS/Daesh: 4000 Prisoners On Hunger Strike In Solidarity With Kobanê (Turkey)

October 16th, 2014

From InsurrectionNews:

Around 4000 PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) and PAJK (Kurdistan Women’s Liberation Party) prisoners in 92 Turkish jails have started hunger strike in protest against the AKP government’s collaboration with the ISIS in face of the ongoing attacks of ISIS gangs on the Kurdish town of Kobanê in West Kurdistan, Rojava.

The indefinite and irreversible hunger strike launched by PAJK inmates in Gebze on 9 October has been joined by thousands of others in 92 jails as of 15 October.

Issuing a statement at the weekend on behalf of the prisoners, Deniz Kaya had said that; “As PAJK and PKK prisoners, we declare our solidarity with the YPG and YPJ fighters, and announce we are launching a hunger strike to condemn the AKP-ISIS
collaboration, the AKP police’s hostile attitude to our people’s uprising, and will continue this action as long as the threat of genocide hangs over Kobanê, as long as the AKP-ISIS collaboration continues and until the AKP government opens an aid corridor to Rojava. If our demands are not met, we will radicalise our action.”

Kaya also called on the Kurdish people to step up their solidarity with the heroic resistance in Kobanê and to expose the AKP-ISIS collaboration.



(Website / blog coming soon)

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Reflexiones sobre avance de la represión en Chile – Propagando la solidaridad con Juan, Nataly y Guillermo

October 16th, 2014

La acción y la solidaridad son urgentes. Todo lo demás son excusas.

Reflexiones sobre avance de la represión en Chile.

Propagando la solidaridad con Juan, Nataly y Guillermo.

(Texto de Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras)

1. Y aquí vamos otra vez. Porque la guerra continúa.

Tras un ciclo acumulativo de agitación callejera, movilizaciones masivas y expansión de conflictos sociales en Chile, el poder ha buscado generar mecanismos que favorezcan la continuidad y fortalecimiento del modelo de dominación democrático.

Con tal de evitar que las grietas en el cuestionado orden social se extiendan o se vuelvan más profundas, el gobierno de turno ha desplegado diversas tácticas que le permiten anular progresivamente el descontento.
Así, a las movilizaciones masivas que han puesto en cuestión el modelo económico y social gestado en dictadura, se ha respondido con propuestas de reformas sociales que recuperan las consignas de los movimientos de protesta para incluirlos en soluciones configuradas desde el Estado. Read the rest of this entry »

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PDF: ‘Reflections from the Country of Nothingness’ by CCF-FAI/IRF & Theofilos Mavropoulos (Greece)

October 15th, 2014

Greek Prisons (2012): ‘Reflections from the Country of Nothingness’

Greek, Spanish and English language PDF pamphlet formed from a statement written in 2012 by CCF-FAI/IRF (1st Phase) & Theofilos Mavropoulos.

When a door closes behind you, another opens ahead. That is how we felt when the door of the prison opened, closing the door on the era when we were free…

A new world appeared before us. A world narrow and built of concrete, where good day and good night are abolished.

Prison is a shadow apart in the transparent galley of democracy. Here, time is uncountable and days push slowly against each other, melancholically, indifferent, mechanical. Here, the seasons of the year die within a calendar hung on the wall, and
nostalgia takes its revenge, disinterring memories, emotions, loved ones, sceneries and thoughts that never materialized into

But the wolf that exists within us stays awake and hungry. All these days, all these months, all these years we feed it with thoughts, desires, concerns, plans, rage, and it swallows the bars, the barbed wire, and the locks to run free again some unknown day.


translated and distributed by Contrainfo.espiv.net during solidarity tour in Europe (April–May 2013).

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War against ISIS/Daesh: 14th October Statement from YPJ General Command (Kurdistan)

October 15th, 2014

From YPG Media Centre:

Kobane resistance entered its second month led by People’s Defense Units (YPG) and Women’s Defense Units (YPJ). We congratulate our great people all over the world, who are fighting back against terrorists in honor and respect for our immortal martyrs, as we renew our pledge to keep struggling till a decisive victory.

Dear people of Kurdistan;

Through resistance we have proved to the whole world that the free Kurdish personality and the liberated woman which is based on the free life philosophy, is not going to abandon its land and dignity whatever the cost.

On this occasion, we assure all women, our people and humanity that we Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) are going to fight back on behalf of all women and spare no efforts in order to defeat woman’s enemy as represented by ISIS terrorists.

At the same time, we will retaliate for Shenga’s women and all those who were captured and slaughtered by ISIS thugs. Read the rest of this entry »

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War against ISIS/Daesh: 13th October report of the battle for Kobane from YPG Media Center (Kurdistan)

October 14th, 2014

The unyielding resistance of Kobane continues for the 28th day as our strongmen and great people are fighting back against terrorists and writing heroic epics.

Terrorists affiliated to ISIS have raged attacks from three directions of Kobane city by all means; tanks, artillery and armored vehicles, however they could not advance after fierce clashes took place. Meanwhile ISIS thugs, this morning, attacked from the eastern front and border region, whereas they were repelled by YPG/YPJ fighters after severe clashes.

On the southern and southwestern front of Kobane city, ISIS terrorists carried out offensives against our units where violent clashes took place at close distance, as a result heavy losses were inflicted among them. At least 53 terrorists were killed, many others were wounded, a lot of ammunition including 21 AK 47 rifles, 2 pistols were seized by our units and many heavy weaponry and armored vehicles were destroyed.

As well, on the eastern front clashes have continued against the mercenaries, yesterday night until early morning, when they attempted to attack Kaniya Kurda area using a car-bomb which was targeted by our fighters and was destroyed. At the same time, a suicide attacker was killed and clashes erupted leading to 15 terrorists dead and a BKC machine gun, RPG launcher and 7 ISIS’s corpses seized by our forces and the battle continues. Read the rest of this entry »

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Kobane: Interview with Meysa Ebdo, YPJ commander (Kurdistan)

October 13th, 2014

The following piece is translation of a new interview with Meysa Ebdo, a YPG/YPJ commander in Kobanê, in which she speaks about the course of the battle and its larger significance for the relations between Kurds and Turkey. It was conducted by Sedat Sur for ANF and carried by Özgür Gündem.

-The attacks of the ISIS gangs on Kobanê are entering their 24th day and fighting is now taking place in the city itself. Can you share a little about the current conditions inside Kobanê?

The attacks against us have been going on for around a year and a half. ISIS is now using all means at its disposal to attack us. Our people, together with the YPG/YPJ, have faced these attacks with a great spirit of resistance. We have lost martyrs in every village and on every hill. However our goal is protect our people and our land. The latest attacks began along five fronts at once. ISIS has gathered forces from around both Iraq and Syria and is attacking us savagely using its heaviest ground weapons against us. Our resistance has entered its 24th day and their goal and dream is to make Kobanê surrender. However, we as the YPG/YPJ and the Kurdish people have shown ourselves as a great example of resistance. The gangs have also suffered many blows and setbacks in Şengal (Sinjar), Maxmur and in the Cizirê Canton. This time they have once again directed their attacks against Kobanê which has been under embargo for a year and a half. They had dreams of entering into Kobanê for Eid. They said they would perform their Eid prayers in Kobanê however the sacrificial spirit and resistance of YPG fighters and the honorable stance exhibited by our people spoiled the dreams of ISIS. Read the rest of this entry »

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London: Big demo in Westminster yesterday for Kobane (UK)

October 13th, 2014

via rabble ldn:

Yesterday (Saturday 11 October) over 10,000 Kurds were demonstrating in Parliament Square and Whitehall in solidarity with the fighters defending Kobane.

The demo was very largely Kurdish. Lots of green and yellow flags of Rojava (the revolutionary Western Kurdistan area under attack by ISIS), and banners of PKK leader Ocalan. People of all ages, lots of very energetic North London Kurdish kids, alongside grandparents. Chants in Kurdish and English included: ‘We are YPG, YPG is us’, ‘We are Kobane, Kobane is us’, ‘ISIS terrorists’, and ‘Wake up UK’. Along with the Kurds there was just a scattering of Turkish and English leftists. Clearly a big challenge for the Kurdish solidarity movement in London is to get more support from outside the North London Kurdish community. Read the rest of this entry »

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War against ISIS/Daesh: YPG/YPJ inflict heavy losses among ISIS terrorists (Kurdistan)

October 13th, 2014

via YPG/YPJ Media Centre:

- A number of weapons belonging to the ISIS fighters were seized by our units of the YPJ in Kobane October 13.

- 12 October 2014 / KOBANE_Offensives raged by terrorists affiliated to ISIS are ongoing for the 27th day, meanwhile our fighters are striking them fiercely.

Terrorists are flooding in from Tel Abyad and Jarablus areas bringing more heavy weaponry and ammunition that aims to takeover Kobane city, nevertheless our heroes are fighting back with high spirits despite of the lesser capabilities that they have.

Terrorists have intensified their offensives on the eastern front of Kobane city, clashes have continued yesterday until the night, in which 17 mercenaries were killed.

Elsewhere near Mishtenur hill southern east of Kobane, mercenaries carried out an attack along with a random intensive shelling but our fighters were able to repulse them and halted their advance, at least 11 terrorists were killed. Read the rest of this entry »

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Kurdish Women Fighters – YPJ Photos (Kurdistan)

October 13th, 2014

Death to the murderers-torturers of ISIS/Daesh – Against all Islamic extremism and terror – International solidarity to all the fighters in the battle against tyranny and oppression. Photos from cryptome.org:


Read the rest of this entry »

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Report from a comrade about the history of ISIS/Daesh (Iraq, Syria & Kurdistan)

October 13th, 2014

IS (Islamic State) is attacking Kobane city in Rojava (it means West Kurdistan in Kurdish) as everybody knows. But what I want to explain is, why there is this organization called Islamic State, and how it was founded. So maybe everything can become more clear.

We can say the history of ISIS begins with Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, who organized the strongest resistance against the USA and coalition troops in Iraq. Actually he is from Jordan, city called Zarqa, so he took this name “Zarqawi”.

In Jordan he was in an Salafist and Jihadist organization and he was imprisoned with his comrades because of this. Why doesn’t the Jordanian state want a Salafi-Jihadist organization? Read the rest of this entry »

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Manila: Feral Crust Autonomous Space (Philippines)

October 13th, 2014


Friend and anarchist community organizer who runs Balay Tuklasan Likhaan Infoshop generously offered his other space (previously vacant and unused) to establish a community-based autonomous center called Feral Crust. The Feral Crust space is located in Mabato Road Brgy. Ibayo, Tipas Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines in a squatted public road near industrial factories (cement, steel, livestock etc.). About 33 families squat Mabato Road to become a residential area since 1989. Feral Crust came to Mabato road last March 2014. Read the rest of this entry »

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Text about anarchist hunger and thirst striker Antonis Stamboulos by an Initiative of prisoners from A wing of Korydallos prison (Greece)

October 11th, 2014

Inter Arma received and translated:

Anarchist Antonis Staboulos has started a hunger and thirst strike because although there was a court order dictating that he should serve his pre-trial detention in Korydallos prison, he was illegally transferred to Larissa prison. This tactic used by the ministry of justice is not an isolated event. It is part of an overall vindictive strategy against those prisoners who are considered dangerous or are accused of being members of armed organizations. It’s the first glimpse of the type C prisons and of the imposed isolation from the prisoner’s family. We stand next to Anarchist Antonis Stamboulos and we warn the ministry that the death of a prisoner caused by a hunger and thirst strike will have consequences that they cannot predict. Let everyone claim his/her responsibilities. Strength to the hunger and thirst striker Antonis Staboulos.

Initiative of prisoners from A wing of Korydallos prison


Note: Antonis Stamboulos ended his hunger and thirst strike on 11 October. He wrote a statement explaining his decision which is being translated and will circulate soon.

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Athens: Event-Discussion “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement and Social Revolution” (Greece)

October 11th, 2014

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Event-Discussion at K*VOX

Topic: “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement and Social Revolution”
Comrade N.Maziotis will speak via phone call.

October 17th, at 5pm, Gini building at the Polytechnic. Athens.

After the event there will be a benefit party for N.Maziotis’ court fees at K*VOX.


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