
Growing the Roots to Weather the Storm

Rising Tide North America is excited to announce the release of our new creative collaborations publication, Growing the Roots to Weather the Storm–Perspectives on the People’s Climate March. The collection includes essays, poetry, and art submitted by Rising Tide network activists and allies digging deeper into political and strategic questions surrounding this September’s People’s Climate March. Read Growing the Roots to Weather the Storm, online at GrowingDeepRoots.RisingTideNorthAmerica.org  or pick up a paper copy of the publication this September in New York.  

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Photo by Kyle Depew, updsidewalkdown.com

UPDATE: Wall Street Clogged by Flood of Climate Protesters

Media Advisory September 22, 2014 Phone: 406-356-6316 [email protected] www.floodwallstreet.net/media Photos from the event: https://www.flickr.com/photos/127254211@N08 UPDATE: Wall Street Clogged by Flood of Climate Protesters Sit-in Points Finger at Corporations in Flood Wall Street Action New York, NY – Today, thousands of protesters wearing blue sparked a national conversation about the role of corporate power in climate politics when they shut down portions of lower Broadway.  Following the Stock Exchange closing bell, an estimated 100 people were arrested by the NYPD in the Flood Wall Street action…

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Mass Climate Protest Disrupts NYC Financial District — Hundreds Risk Arrest

For immediate release: Thousands ‘Flood’ Financial District Following Sunday’s Historic March Interviews available upon requests Photos available here New York, NY — 3,000 people dressed in blue are currently between Exchange Place and The Bull in Manhattan’s financial district, sitting down to interrupt the business day and targeting corporations and businesses financing and fueling the climate crisis. “Communities that are first and most impacted by storms, floods and droughts are also on the frontlines of fighting the dig-burn-dump economy causing climate change,” said Michael Leon…

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Mass Sit-in to Draw Connection Between Climate Change and Wall Street

{{unknown}}Media contact Bessie Schwarz Phone: (406) 356-6316 [email protected] Mass Sit-in to Draw Connection Between Climate Change and Wall Street Protesters Wearing Blue Hope to Shut Down Financial District After Climate March New York, NY — A “flood” of people from across the globe, dressed in blue, will take to the streets of New York’s Financial District on Monday to highlight the role of capitalism in fueling the climate crisis. Coming a day after the historic People’s Climate March, #FloodWallStreet will show that the next step…

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Oil Train Blockade

Oil Train Opponents Blockade Tracks At Port Westward, OR

Clatskanie, OR—Climate justice activists, local Clatskanie farmers, and oil train opponents from all over Columbia County are blockading the tracks that lead to Port Westward on the Columbia River. The blockade consists of a 20-foot-high tripod of steel poles, its apex occupied by 27-year-old Portland Rising Tide activist Sunny Glover. Any train movement would risk her life, as would any attempt to remove her from the structure. A banner suspended from the tripod reads: “Oil trains fuel climate chaos.” She has vowed to stay as…

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