
The mainstream catches up with colonos: the corridors will destroy the Amazon

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In today’s Guardian there is an article echoing what’s been a central subject of this blog for quite some time:

Projects to upgrade road and river transport, combined with work to create dams and lay down extensive power and communications cabling, will open up previously inaccessible parts of the rainforest, raising the risk of widespread deforestation that could see the loss of the entire Amazon jungle within 40 years, the environmental group said.

What kind of sunshine stories, Mr. Correa, can make up for that?

Ecuador – Indigenous leaders kidnapped, left for dead

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Ecuador – Leaders kidnapped, left for dead

* Posted by Ahni
* September 10, 2007

At the end of August, two Indigenous Leaders in Puyo, Ecuador were attacked after months of receiving death threats for their efforts to protect the territory of the Zapara people in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Gloria Ushigua and Rosa Gualinga were beaten until unconscious, thrown in the trunk of a car, and later left for dead.

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