Ubuntu 8.04: Hardy Heron Review

It's official: Ubuntu 8.04 has gone gold. This is one of the most highly anticipated releases of Ubuntu to date, but does it hold up to the hype? We take a look at what's new, what's stable, what's good and what's not in our latest review.

8.04 Desktop

Ubuntu 8.04 is a LTS release. This means that this release will receive security updates and support for three years for desktop users and five years for server users. Being an LTS, the major focus is clearly stability and building up the strength of existing features.   That doesn't mean however that it is without its share of new features....


To start, 8.04 ships with GNOME 2.22. This, to the user, may not look entirely new, but the bulk of new features are hidden below the surface. GVFS replaces the old GNOME-VFS system with an entirely new backend, allowing for applications to use any resource, such as SSH or a Samba share, in a uniform manner. GVFS provides a FUSE hook that allows applications that don't even support GVFS to use the services provided by it. While GNOME-VFS took criticism for being somewhat slow and tedious, GVFS stands to fix that image.


GNOME 2.22 also introduces other features, such as the Cheese webcam viewer, Metacity compositing, Google Calendar support in Evolution, and a new remote desktop viewer. Personally, I think that the inclusion of Cheese, while nice to GNOME, could have been replaced on the default Ubuntu setup with something else, as a webcam viewer seems a little extraneous.

BraseroA new addition to the default Ubuntu setup is the Brasero disc burning utility, which allows users to make a CD or DVD with very little effort.

Also new is Transmission, a newly popular BitTorrent client. This replaces the old standard BitTorrent utility, allowing for better torrent management with an interface similar to µTorrent.


Introduced in 7.10, PulseAudio provides a sound system for applications to hook into. It allows the volume of individual applications to be controlled, mixed into other sound devices, and with a little work, even played out of Bluetooth headphones. 8.04 improves upon this by enabling the sound server for most, if not all, applications. There are a few gripes here and there, such as minor bugs with Flash audio, but 95% of it works very well.

Firefox 3 is included in the package, even in its beta form. It has apparently been proven to be stable enough to be included, though updates to the final release are likely to follow in June.

Security and Stability

As stated above, 8.04 is focused on improving the ground laid out, and not radically changing things. Security enhancements galore ensure this release will indeed have a long life. One major security feature of GNOME 2.22 and 8.04 is the introduction of PolicyKit. PolicyKit allows fine-grained access control, and helps you allow or deny users access to specific parts of applications. This allows for a system to be locked down completely except to a group of trusted users.

PolicyKit Editor

Another addition in the security field is ufw, or "Uncomplicated Firewall." The firewall is an extension of iptables, and while it does not currently have a GUI, the command-line interface is dead simple:

ufw deny 80
ufw allow from port 80

Other security additions include more strict memory protection and application rules, along with the addition of SELinux support.

Many applications have gone through the usual slew of bug fixes with any release, and the update to X.Org 7.3 is no different. 7.3 provides support for newer compositing mechanisms, though the implementation is somewhat unfinished. The end result may be a slightly slower Compiz and 3D acceleration for some, but lays yet more groundwork for a more stable display system.


The beta release of 8.04 saw yet another new theme, however the older one was reverted as the default. The theme that almost made the release is still available in Appearance properties, but it didn't make the final cut for default status. For now, users will be greeted by the tried-and-true Human theme, with 8.10 to have a major theme overhaul.

Below is a preview of the proposed default theme for 8.04, still available on the CD:

8.04 Proposed Theme


Ubuntu 8.04 is a great release that definitely lives up to the attention it received. It adds several new features and applications, while improving on a solid security base. It's not without problems: the speed of some 3D applications may be an issue for some folks, and the use of beta software could be a potential problem, but the good features far outnumber the problems.

Hardy Heron, a big release for both the home user and enterprise, is yet another milestone in the Linux cycle. Of course, more Ubuntu releases will come every six months, and we'll be following the developments of the next version: the Intrepid Ibex. For its time though, 8.04 is a winner.

Avatar for jacob Jacob Peddicord - http://jacob.peddicord.net/

Jacob is a web developer, student, and programmer from Ohio. He is a staff member at the Ubuntu Forums and is most likely a fanboy of the distribution. He loves to write in code and words, play video games, and rant about topics most would have abandoned long ago. Jacob uses GNOME and is never seen running stable software, much to the demise of his laptop.

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Discussion: Ubuntu 8.04: Hardy Heron Review

  1. Max (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 06:02 AM

    Hi, I was wondering what experience you had with hardy and bluetooth headphones? If I can get this to work properly, it'd be awesome! Thanks.

  2. Edi (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 09:13 AM

    Hi! I tried the beta ubuntu, about two weeks ago. But it proved to be much slower then the 7.10, so I got back to the late one. Any idea why it is much slower? The 7.10 is very very fast on that computer (half an year old laptop, core duo, 1gb memory). Thanks

  3. Torontokev (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 01:50 PM

    Hey Edi...

    just curious... did you do a fresh install or an update?

  4. Nuno Zmas (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 04:20 PM

    Funny. Strap off the Ubuntu brand and it looks like a review of any GNU/Linux bundle released in the past months. As usual, i am kept wondering what the dev team has been doing to make yet such a banal release... "(...)allowing for applications to use any resource, such as SSH or a Samba share, in a uniform manner". Wow! Breathtaking!... But, hold on! KDE/Konqueror has been providing this feature ever since i use it, around early 2003. This is starting to resemble the "Simpsons Did It" South Park episode :)

  5. Gregg Segel (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 05:34 PM

    Thanks for the review. I'm wondering if 8.04 will work better with Apple's MacBook (Santa Rosa) as 7.10 is a bitch (if not impossible) to get running.

    Any Mac users out there?

  6. # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 06:52 PM

    <strong>Ubuntu 8.04 / Hardy Heron Released...</strong>

    Ubuntu has released their latest long term support (LTS) release, Hardy Heron. You can grab a copy for yourself here, or read FOSSwire's review of the latest version....

  7. Super Mike (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 07:45 PM

    I have a Blackberry and it doesn't have the extra memory chip in it to mount it like a hard drive, yet has the internal chip in it. It would be great if this release of Ubuntu, or the next release, lets me not only charge the Blackberry, but mount it like a hard drive even with the internal chip in it, not the extra chip.

  8. Troy (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 08:23 PM

    Excellent release, the installation could not be easier, the look and feel is amazing, love ufw (it's the most interesting firewall tool I've worked with:)

  9. enc (guest)

    # Posted on 24 April 2008 at 08:40 PM

    Yes, yes sudo ufw enable; wait don't forget to set the default deny. Incredibly interesting, what happened to Gnome 3; is anyone working on it anymore?

  10. JDS (guest)

    # Posted on 25 April 2008 at 02:04 AM

    @enc Gnome3 is not ever going to be a release. Gnome developers have opted for a rolling, incremental style of release. http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointZero

    @Gregg Segel Um, hello? Why would you even want to run anything other than OS X on a macbook? If you really need Linux on a Mac, stick it in VMWare Fusion. That's what I did. I just don't see the point of paying all those extra dollars (euros?) for a mac and running Linux on it.

    @Edi Wow, slowness? My machine seems much faster with Ubuntu 8.04 than with 7.10. MUCH. Maybe it is just that FF3 is so much faster (not to mention just plain better) than FF2. And I use a web browser a LOT.

    Personally, I have so far found Hardy Heron to be, by far, the best Ubuntu distro, nay, the best Linux desktop I have ever installed and used. And I have been using exclusively Linux (i.e. no Windows) since 2001, when I switched everything I had to Red Hat 8. But I digress.

    Anyway, I posted my own (sorta) review, here: http://www.newtnotes.com/item/2008/04/ubuntu-804-on-a-thinkpad-r61-2

    Now how do I get that listed on Distrowatch???

  11. quiz (guest)

    # Posted on 25 April 2008 at 06:24 AM

    Edi: Not sure why, but your better off checking the ubuntu forums. Also, you were using the BETA, maybe try using the official release that just came out and see if that works better.

    Super Mike: Ehhh, ok. Was that supposed to be a question or a comment? Sounds more like an issue with the blackberry than ubuntu; besides, why even bother asking/commenting about that? The external memory chips for those are cheap as it is.

  12. # Posted on 25 April 2008 at 01:34 PM

    [...] Ubuntu 8.04: Hardy Heron Review [...]

  13. davemc (guest)

    # Posted on 25 April 2008 at 01:47 PM

    Decent review. Good highlights. Users should bear in mind that this is an LTS release, ergo - BORING!! LTS = stability, and therefore, not very many new shiny features to take your breath away. However, many of us very much appreciate stability over the often very buggy, yet bleeding edge like Gutsy was for a while after its release. Hardy looks like its an all round solid release that can truly fit the "enterprise" mold, while still adding in some very important security aspects like ufw and SELinux.

  14. Ed (guest)

    # Posted on 25 April 2008 at 04:18 PM

    They called it 'Gutsy' because boy, did you have to have guts to try it!

  15. Shantanu Goel (guest)

    # Posted on 25 April 2008 at 09:20 PM

    I wouldn't call that a review at all. The things you mentioned are more like a very very concise but yet not proper summary of Hardy release notes.

  16. matt (guest)

    # Posted on 26 April 2008 at 11:40 AM

    I am running Ubuntu 8.04 happily on a Mac Mini box. I tried OS X for a while but hated it so much that I converted myself back to Linux.

    Then my question; after upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 I seem to have lost access to my NAS-box (a simple d-link NAS). I have tinkered with UFW trying to open the 8.04 for it (uwf allow but no success so far. SSH and FTP access work fine but I just cannot mount the NAS like I used to with the 7.10.

    What am I doing wrong?

  17. John (guest)

    # Posted on 27 April 2008 at 12:28 AM

    In my opinion, Ubuntu 8.04 is a disaster, especially taking into account that it's supposed to be LTS.

    I've been using ubuntu since its first release. On its second release I decided to use it as the base OS of my business, combined with a virtualized version of Windows XP.

    Yesterday I made a clean 8.04 hardy heron install and found out that:

    1. The great KVM does not seem to work (there's a registered bug showing that virt-manager cannot install XP as it cannot read CD-ROM - which it asks for during the installation even if started from a HD iso file -). Many people complaining about that one too.

    2. Virtualbox - which I used in the latest releases of Ubuntu - doesn't work either as it doesn't capture the mouse (quite a few complaining about the same throughout the forums)

    3. The great UFW firewall is only shell-based, no GUI, and in addition Hardy poses problems for configuring Firestarter. A lot of complaints on forums and reviews about this.

    4. Hardy is slower than previous versions and doesn't seem to be as stable as they were.

    In other words, Ubuntu is becoming closer and closer to Windows.....It is full of bugs and incomplete (i.e, UFW lacks a GUI), which is not compatible with the LTS approach.

    It seems that the Ubuntu development team are concentrating on meeting release deadlines rather than on matching quality and performance targets.

    Just in case, I'll be moving back to 7.10 as everything worked fine there, despite it was not an LTS.

  18. MaF (guest)

    # Posted on 27 April 2008 at 08:34 AM

    Gregg, I have a Santa Rosa with 7.10 working perfectly. A little bit of adjustements in configuration files and a quick guide like this:


    Is al you need.

    You can read the 8.04 Santa Rosa HOWTO too (in Spanish):


  19. # Posted on 27 April 2008 at 08:42 AM

    [...] for Ubuntu 8.04 had been pushed back until the next release. But while that’s true, as FOSSwire points out in their review, the new theme is included, it just isn’t the default. If you head into the Appearance panel you [...]

  20. jin choung (guest)

    # Posted on 28 April 2008 at 07:00 AM

    i have an abit ip35 machine and i downloaded the 64bit and burned the iso.

    i can't even install.

    i can boot and select my language but any action after that drops me into initramfs.

    no matter what the issue is, because it is not even robust enough to let me install, hardy heron for me gets a review rating of:



  21. back to 6.10 (guest)

    # Posted on 28 April 2008 at 09:35 AM

    well fancy that,.. another Ubuntu distro after 6 months of work,..and what do you get? GRAY and Brown

    An updated Slow version,..that runs like its stuck in treacle,.. with added BROWN shades of Brown poop

    sorry, mister Shuttleworth but it is not worth the effort

    well hyped though!!!!

  22. JDS (guest)

    # Posted on 28 April 2008 at 05:07 PM

    Wow. Whats with all the haters out there?

    @Matt Maybe try posting to an actualy support forum instead of someone's blog? Hello?

    As far as the last coupla people's difficulties, my experience so far has been the polar opposite. Flawless execution. Everythign works better than before.

    For me, on my particular laptop.

    I guess that's the key, eh? YMMV and all that? But that bit is true with Windows, also. It is NOT true with Macs because of the tightly controlled hardware-software integration at Apple.

    So, looks like everyone is probably better off using a Mac.

    Another thing, and this is possibly a smidge of a tangent, but why does anyone every include the installation phase in a Linux distro review? I mean, people talk about installtion, and then compare the distro to Windows. Who ever installs Windows anymore? I say, dump the installation part out of the review. Apples and oranges and all that.

    Okay, later...

  23. JDS (guest)

    # Posted on 28 April 2008 at 05:11 PM

    @mike Here is probably your problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/209520

    Solution? Well, go back to 7.10, unfortunately.

  24. jin choung (guest)

    # Posted on 28 April 2008 at 05:42 PM


    actually, since hardy heron actually FAILS TO INSTALL on a good many modern computers, i would say that maybe more than ever, a review of JUST the installation process is in order.

    seriously, if you ever wanted to turn away prospective users, you could do no better than to make the very first step into the OS non-functional.


  25. Peter (guest)

    # Posted on 28 April 2008 at 06:41 PM

    I agree with Jin, I have tried to install Hardy both 64 bit and 32 bit versions through Windows XP Pro on my AMD Athlon 64 CPU in a Gigabyte K8VNXP MBD with SATA HDDs machine, to no avail. Very disappointing.

    After the second installation re-boot Grub, it cannot connect with it's files and neither does Windows. I can reconnect with Windows when I do a re-boot, but no Ubuntu.

  26. ken jameson (guest)

    # Posted on 29 April 2008 at 03:20 AM

    What a disappointment ...

    I had really hoped that Hardy would be the one that brought it all together ...

    What a disappointment ...

    Won't even load on several of my machines ...

    when it does load ... it's slow as cold molasses ...

    totally unusable ... who in the world built this

    ... much, much worse than the worse case of MS$ WIN$

    Sorry ...


  27. calvin (guest)

    # Posted on 29 April 2008 at 05:20 AM

    Sigh. after nearly a day of downloading, it installed without problem . But... the fonts in epiphany are HUUUUGE and makes it unreadable. On top of that, my bluetooth mouse no longer works like it used to in Gutsy. Wireless is sorta okay but seems to fail enough to annoy me. Also i had some problenms getting flash sound to work. Otherwise it seems ok but i havent played too much with it. I really wish they would have polished it before making such a lame release. At least there's 3 years to get it right!

  28. rhombus (guest)

    # Posted on 29 April 2008 at 07:04 AM

    I have to say that Hardy is MUCH faster on my laptop than Gutsy was. I can hardly believe it. The only problem I had was that I had an old Mono 1.9 installation on my /home folder which was preventing Gnome from loading (gave bonobo error), but I booted into failsafe and uninstalled it. After that, everything was great. I've heard that old Mono installations can cause stability issues too, so you people with problems might want to just double-check that.

  29. Mateo (guest)

    # Posted on 29 April 2008 at 07:07 AM

    I want to try Hardy on my new macbook - I've read conflicting info. Some say it works great out of the box and others say it's a mess to get up and running. I'm fairly new to Linux - am I in for a mess with Hardy and my macbook? Oh - the macbook is brand new - I got it especially to put Linux on - silly me!

  30. Claudio (guest)

    # Posted on 29 April 2008 at 06:24 PM

    I have two computers, both where running perfectly with 7.10. I had the BRILLIANT idea of installing 8.04 in both :(

    I see some nice stuff in 8.04, but i get two great problems... 1. I use a wireless net in my home, and both computers are with wireless cards based on Ralink 2500... and there is a bug in the new ubuntu with this cards, so you see virtually no connection, or almost none. One of the computers, is an old laptop that I use only for download purposes... It has 7.10 back already. 2. It seems to be a bug with emerald and the nvidia 8 drivers... so, I can't see the configuration that I made in 7.10... i think this computers is also going back to 7.10. until the bugs are fixed..

  31. Peter (guest)

    # Posted on 29 April 2008 at 06:50 PM

    As I do not like to give up on something lightly, I have today attempted to install Ubuntu 8.04 by using the Wubi download method, instead of using the CDs.

    I have had exactly the same experience as yesterday. On the second re-boot during set-up, I got the following:-

    Root(HD1,1)/Ubuntu/disks Error 17:cannot mount selected partition Press any key to continue.

    When pressing a key and tried the Ubuntu options, it returned to press any ket to continue. If I selected loading Windows, it said the the NTLDR was missing. As before, a complete re-boot was needed to re-load Windows. Fortunately, Wubi is very good at removing the Ubuntu addition to the MBR.

    So far, so disappointed. Can anyone help on this one please? Thanks and kind regards, Peter.

  32. Sylvain (guest)

    # Posted on 30 April 2008 at 12:32 PM

    My experience with Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron...: it is a SITTING DUCK. It suck period. The Nvidia driver installation is a joke. As always, GRUB is not able to be install correctly. At the end,I've switch to Fedora 8. I am an Ubuntu fan. This version is a Vista bomb. The job has been screwed. Like I said in a review on Quebeos.com: Hardy Heron does not deserve the CD on which we burned it.

  33. Godzilla (guest)

    # Posted on 01 May 2008 at 12:46 PM

    I have a P4 HP laptop. Ubuntu 7.10 was stable and running Wifi,Compiz and Emerald perfectly.

    What a mistake to install 8.04 1. Installation from CD was way slower than 7.10 2. There is an issue with the CPU Scaling with my P4, it runs really hot and fans don't stop spinning, blowing really hot air through the fans. Touchpad burns fingers. 3. Restricted Hardware use to show soft modem, not anymore. 4. Random abrupt crashes (not related to CPU Heat). I manage to control CPU throttling using command line settings with powernowd. But for no reason it just crashes the machine unexpectedly.

    Can't complain, it was beautiful, a smooth installation and at the same time a big disappointment . Went back to Gutsy, all problems are gone.

  34. JDS (guest)

    # Posted on 01 May 2008 at 03:05 PM

    @jin Taking time to describe the installation process in a review of a Linux distro is fine.

    Including the installation phase in any comparison of Linux to Windows is not, however.

    Next to nobody installs Windows. It's just there. So my beef is in the comparison of Linux to Windows -- which seems to happen all the time in Linux distro reviews -- that mention the installation phase of Linux as part of the comparison.

  35. jin choung (guest)

    # Posted on 01 May 2008 at 05:48 PM

    @JDS, see i don't get that statement at all. enthusiasts who are likely to try installing linux in the first place wipe and install their systems fairly routinely! if you build a system, it's not just there. and as for me, i am speaking as such an enthusiast. someone who has installed and re-installed xp on a regular basis, someone who is not a complete neophyte. and yet - hh just wouldn't install! i am no m$ cheerleader but hey, guess what - the INSTALLATION WORKS! far more than can be said with hardy heron.

  36. mateo (guest)

    # Posted on 02 May 2008 at 12:40 AM

    Hey guys - still no reply about hardy on the Macbook. Do you suggest a different version of Linux? Fedora? Linux mint? I am really new to Linux. I tried posting on a Ubuntu forum - HUH, talk about rejection. If Linux is going to make headway over M$ than we neophytes need some help. SO - back to "is hardy going to work on the macbook without major problems?" I tried booting it up and ran into several problems with the master boot loader. SO - I'm reinstalling OS X and going to try again. Suggestions?

  37. # Posted on 02 May 2008 at 02:51 AM

    <strong>FOSSwire » Ubuntu 8.04: Hardy Heron Review...</strong>

    It’s official: Ubuntu 8.04 has gone gold. This is one of the most highly anticipated releases of Ubuntu to date, but does it hold up to the hype? We take a look at what’s new, what’s stable, what’s good and what’s not in our latest review....

  38. GET (guest)

    # Posted on 02 May 2008 at 12:30 PM

    2jin: Well, I 've got a suggestion: try checking CD you for consistency (I found that its a really great feature). I've run into problems updating my 7.10 installation using CD; nothing helped before I tried to check CD and it's failed! I was really disappointed and surprised - I've got ISO from torrent, - but then tried to reburn it to another disk and, alas!, everythink worked like magic. The only problem I've run in afterward was that with default proprietary fgrlx driver, the gdm screen had wrong resolution (7.10 had the same issue, but then it was 800x600, which was OK, and now it was larger than screen, so that login form was hidden). I changed to open driver (never need acceleration) and the problem was gone.

  39. cwmaxson (guest)

    # Posted on 03 May 2008 at 11:17 PM

    I have to agree with the "haters". I have found Hardy to be the least stable version yet. So far I have run into 6 bugs in one day with a fresh install. It really shouldn't be considered an LTS in my opinion.

  40. Roy (guest)

    # Posted on 04 May 2008 at 12:03 AM

    Upgrading to Hardy has broken my sound so no audio and also dvds are not playing. 7.10 was perfect. Can anybody please let me know how I can roll back to Gutsy? I hope it's not a full reinstall.

  41. FistaDoom II (guest)

    # Posted on 04 May 2008 at 01:25 AM

    Installed HH 8.04 x64 final on my laptop ... as dual-boot with the existing XP.32.SP3 partition

    Dell Inspiron 640m / E1405 (BIOS A10) Intel C2D T7400 @ 2166 MHz (EM64T) Intel 945GM Graphics Samsung 14.1 inch WXGA+ 1440x900 Truelife Samsung 2GB DDR2-SDRAM 333 MHz Samsung HM160JI 160GB 5400rpm SATA-1 HM160JI TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-L632D Dell 1500 Draft 802.11n (BCM4328) Dell 355 Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR RJ-11 Conexant HDA D110 MDC V.92 Modem RJ-45 Broadcom 440x 10/100 Sigmatel STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio VGA + S-Video DB-15 female FireWire 1394 ExpressCard 54mm Ricoh 5-in-1 MMC Synaptic PS/2 TouchPad

    I originally had 3 partitons

    1.Dell_DIAG_Test = 49MB 2.C:\XP.Pro.32.SP3_SYST = 12GB 3.D:\DATA = 137GB

    After backing up with Acronis TrueImage, I used Paragon Partition Manager 8.5 to resize D:\ to 100GB, leaving 37GB freespace

    Next, booted from the HH_8.04x64 CD, select install + manually make 3 new partitions

    4./swap = 2GB 5./ (Root) = 12GB 6./Home = 23GB

    Overall, a suprisingly painless install, GRUB automatically arranged the dual-boot so 8.04 by default and XP easily reached, NTFS partitions automatically appear/mount with RW permissions on Gnome Desktop, screen-resolution, sleep/hibernate, ethernet, BT, touchpad, sound, MMC, media-buttons + hotkeys ALL worked OOTB, WLAN @ 34MB/s sorted in 10min by NDISwrapper + googled BASH-scripts. Modem, Firewire still to test but reports say will work. Fantastic stuff!

    In use, it is much faster + more flexible than XP

    Of course there are still some rough edges to file down, but, with the amazing variety and high quality of FOSS now available, I forsee with delight my days in hoc to M$ are shortly numbered - and sincerely hope Fista Ultimate Engorged Edition sinks the M$hft Titanic under DRM Deadweight.

    All Hail Stallman + Never look back! ";0))

  42. Gerald Branson (guest)

    # Posted on 05 May 2008 at 10:58 PM

    I used 8.04 for about a week and found it ok, but many problems did arise. For some unknown reason my computer would not shut down, Firefox 3 would not allow copy and paste. Also many times when I was requested to enter password computer would freeze. There were other small problems. So I dropped back to 7.10 and everthing works with no problem. I am sure Hardy is a fine product, but I am not ready for it at this point.

  43. Wiz (guest)

    # Posted on 06 May 2008 at 01:08 AM

    Well, other than totally fouling up my laptop and slowing it down to almost non-functionality, this is a great freaking release.

    To get the thing to work properly, i have to load the old kernel, otherwise the network card no longer exists, the sound card is not there and so on... never mind it works if I boot with the older one.

    I find that it completely sucks that it installs a Beta of Firefox w/out giving me a chance to say no. Nothing works, flash, java, whatever... it just doesn't.

    After giving Ubuntu a good try for some time, I'm reevaluating if this is really worth it. I was actually happier with RH, Debian and Suze and my machine never did anything I didn't want it to...

    I'd love to go back to my previous version, and actually got here while looking for instructions.

    as for those that got an increase in performance... bless you, but i don't buy it for a second.

    (@JDS, yah, that's you (that YMMV thing, uh?))

    I'm running in an IBM T40 with 1Gig, and to my surprise and dismay, Ubuntu managed to perform worse and be more unstable than windows.

    What a disappointment.


    Save your pithy comments, as I don't think I will thread this site ever again.

  44. aL (guest)

    # Posted on 06 May 2008 at 08:52 AM

    salutations i m running ubuntu 8.04 LTS on my hp pavillon t3000 and the headphone's front jack is not working at all. My sound card is a realtek hd audio and have alsa "installed". any solution? thanx

  45. Graham (guest)

    # Posted on 07 May 2008 at 04:38 AM

    I had heaps of problems installing 8.04, there appeared to be a package (human interface) that was broken. I eventually found a work around, and the system seems OK generally. FF3 is grossly slow though, every time you click a link it takes 10 secs to respond as the disk is very busy for that long (almost every time). I have removed it and re-added it but no fix. I will remove it and install FF2 and check that. It is difficult to use with FF3 actually. Everything else seems fine however. I had to use the cd update for the system upgrade.

  46. Jon Trott (guest)

    # Posted on 08 May 2008 at 12:40 AM

    I also had a few problems with install, notably a strange error message right near the end about virtualbox not being loadable, followed by a message that the install itself had failed. It seemed to hint darkly that I was being reverted to 7.10. However, it did not fail, as when I rebooted I got 8.04. But... the update manager kept trying to install virtualbox, and would hang. I couldn't shut it down, so would log out. I logged out, logged back in, and -- aha! -- used Symantec package manager under "System" to manually remove and reinstall virtualbox-ose. Things seem to have cleared up.

    As for speed, I must say there seems to be an increase in speed.

    I am running a Compaq Presario 2545US (in the generic 2500 model class) laptop.

    Hope that helps someone. I use Ubuntu about 90 percent of the time at home -- still Winduhs at work, though. Bleah.

  47. JDS (guest)

    # Posted on 08 May 2008 at 02:22 AM

    Okay, so, my experience the second go round was less impressive. Trying to install Hardy on a brand-spankin-new Toshiba laptop was just plain unsuccessful. In fact, it wouldn't even boot to the live CD and dumped out to "initramfs" with an error.


    But on my Thinkpad R61, I really had the best experience possible. The thing really is faster than 7.10 on the same hardware. Everything really does work flawlessly. (Well, okay, nearly flawlessly)

    So, probably, yes, unevenness is not the best thing to have in a so-called "LTS" release.

    Incidentally, Ubuntu 7.10 installed just fine on the same Toshiba laptop.

    @mateo I don't get why anyone would buy a Macbook specifically to run Linux on. Good luck with that!

  48. cwaraksa (guest)

    # Posted on 09 May 2008 at 04:57 AM

    Ubuntu installed fine on my core2duo machine from within XP, which was really cool. However, sadly discovered no way to access my Pixma 1500 printer despite a lot of effort. Finally found some geekish discussions suggesting how to work around it. Looks like I need a programmer to print. Sound doesn't work right either. These things work right out of the box with Windows. I'm starting to rethink my criticisms of XP. At least it works.

  49. David (guest)

    # Posted on 09 May 2008 at 10:56 AM

    I've been trying to convince myself that the upgrade from gutsy to hardy was an improvement. Reading all the comments here has just confirmed my fears! Just about to revert back to gutsy as hardy doesn't appear to like my IBM thinkpad a great deal. Sob

  50. Craig (guest)

    # Posted on 09 May 2008 at 11:41 AM

    8.04 is my first Ubuntu experience. It's the first Linux desktop I've seen that comes near being pratical for everyday use (i.e. contains at least the bare minimums: good browser, email client with shared calendar (thanks to google), msn compatible client, decent text editor, automatic updates, samba share access, good hardware detection).

    It worked fine and detected all hardware on 2 very different PC's of mine.

    gvfs is a very nice and useful feature for editing files over samba shares, BUT unfortunatly it is completely useless since the gvfs-fuse-daemon keeps croaking about every few minutes making my files unsaveable in gedit. So for now I'll have to keep working on Windows until that serious bug is fixed in order to stay productive instead of jumping through hoops in order to get my files saved.

  51. Ripfox (guest)

    # Posted on 09 May 2008 at 11:44 PM


    Um...VirtualBox captures my mouse just fine dude.

  52. jin choung (guest)

    # Posted on 10 May 2008 at 01:12 AM

    just wanted to spare people some angst pain and hate -

    1. if you get dumped to initramfs, try F6 editing the boot line and just add the words 'irqpoll' without the quotes

    2. GRLDR is the EASIEST WAY TO DUAL BOOT. no possibility of fing up your xp or MBR (has nothing to do with the MBR in the first place). just edit boot.ini and edit menu.lst, copy 2 files into C: and you're done. using winxp's native boot loader to switch. this should be included in fing ubuntu installs. stupid easy when other methods can be stupid hard and potentially lethal.

    3. if you have wifi, you're fd. uninstall network manager. use Wicd (google it). you'll be a step closer but i'm still not running and it might've f'd up my connection in winxp (don't ask, i don't know how).

    wubi might be the only way for ubuntu to be accessible to the masses but you incur a performance hit.

    they don't understand that they've got to make it STUPID EASY or it just won't fly.


  53. jin choung (guest)

    # Posted on 10 May 2008 at 01:15 AM

    btw, booting your winxp, hitting 'R' to recovery console and FIXMBR will bring back your windows MBR if grub messed up your ability to boot to windows.. but you kill grub but GRLDR is better anyway as i said.

    do NOT use fixboot... it might eradicate your partition tables essentially rendering your drive useless.

    if that happens google TEST DISK... it's a free, gnu tool to get your partition table back. pray you'll never need it but it's good that it's there if you ever do. equivalent recovery of PARTITION TABLE DOCTOR but it's free.

  54. mateo (guest)

    # Posted on 11 May 2008 at 06:12 AM

    I just install hardy in an IBM Thinkpad T-60. Most went well. However, advanced screen effects does not work. Compiz problem. Anyone have a link to a reported bug or a fix for this.

  55. scoops (guest)

    # Posted on 12 May 2008 at 02:43 PM

    I did a wubi install this weekend of 32-bit 8.04 on HP Pavilion notebook, and I haven't got a single complaint. I am going to use it everyday now instead of XPPRO, but if I need to, I can still boot into XP. No problems here. Athlon 64, 768MB RAM, ATI graphics, Broadcom wifi.

  56. nowabeliever (guest)

    # Posted on 13 May 2008 at 01:04 PM

    I was made aware of Ubuntu 8.04 only a few days ago. I am new to Linux and I installed it on my Acer laptop. The only thing I have touble with right now is the built-in acer orbicam which will work in cheese but not in a webcam software such as for conferencing.

    From a newbie's point of view, I am totally loving it. I have Windows Vista on the same machine (wubi).

    8.04 detects all I need to connect to it such as my digital cam, my two bluetooth phones, my ipod, card reader etc. Also, at first I could only connect to the internet via USB trhough my mobile phone but today I got it to work flawlessly with my BT phone, connecting via BT and to the net. Terrific!

    There's so much info just by googling, that's how I got the stuff that didn't work to work for me. I am very happy with it as it does all I need it to do at the moment. Since few days ago, I hardly logged into Windows!

    Congrats to the open source folk and all the hard working people out there who put together something which is free like this! Hats off to you all.

  57. JC (guest)

    # Posted on 13 May 2008 at 09:39 PM

    Wow, JDS is annoying. What's with the snippy little tone?

    Why would anyone install Linux on a Mac? 1. Because they can 2. Because they want to take control of their hardware 3. Just to deface/vandalize/hack the whole Apple experience to piss people like you off.

    "So, looks like everyone is probably better off using a Mac."... that doesn't sound biased at all... what are you a missionary?

  58. iampriteshdesai (guest)

    # Posted on 15 May 2008 at 08:57 AM

    Transmission looks cool

  59. JDS (guest)

    # Posted on 15 May 2008 at 05:13 PM

    @JC You misunderstand my comments about linux on a macbook.

    And to be honest, I don't know WTF I meant about "better off using a mac" because, frankly, I am not so crazy about Macs in general. What was I talking about?

    But it certainly doesn't piss me off if you put Linux on your everything.

    The thing that really doesn't make sense to me about Linux on a macbook is the added expense. I just can't justify buying a macbook specifically to put Linux on.

  60. john (guest)

    # Posted on 17 May 2008 at 10:17 AM

    try mandriva 2008 spring.

  61. # Posted on 20 May 2008 at 08:13 AM

    [...] when someone posts a positive review, you see commenters show up with quite a bit of [...]

  62. # Posted on 20 May 2008 at 08:27 AM

    [...] when someone posts a positive review, you see commenters show up with quite a bit of [...]

  63. Justin (guest)

    # Posted on 21 May 2008 at 04:26 PM

    I installed 8.04 without any problems. Runs smoothly, connected wireless in about a minute, and installed guild wars through wine. Only problem Guild wars was missing the ground texture..

    I've had bad experience with older ubuntus and my video card, but now it's all good now. This is my fav linux so far! I liked Mandriva 08 alot but it had a bug with my nvidia card.

    hope you guys get the same success!

  64. aL (guest)

    # Posted on 22 May 2008 at 09:35 AM

    salutations i m running ubuntu 8.04 LTS on my hp pavillon t3000 and the headphone’s front jack is not working at all. My sound card is a realtek hd audio and have alsa “installed”. any solution? thanx sorry to insist about that, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS is working fine but i have lot problems configuring the Hd audio ant still no sound from the front panel jack. (i just get some noise from the hd jacks) i hope anyone think about and try to give him experience. it will be important instead all the new motherboards have HD audio integrated and many people has the same problem.

    Thank you for attention and good luck if you'r looking to a solution it is hard to get help.

  65. Dean (guest)

    # Posted on 22 May 2008 at 01:04 PM

    I started with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn and had considerable success after spending a few years with Fedora on and off between MS. I was extremely happy with Feisty but I must admit it was late in the release when loaded. Then I upgraded to Gutsy and found a few bugs with things which were annoying but with a bit of time could be fixed. Now along comes Hardy....... 1. Try update - crashes and I have to run Live cd to recover important docs. 2. I do a new install - Audigy card doesnt work on two of the channels and still doesnt, even the volume control although is the same as Gutsy, does not perform the same tasks. Given up on Java ever working and yes I have tried them all. 3. My Computer is noticeably slower at start up. To me it seems a lot harder to get Hardy up and running than previous distros. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying that the people responsible dont do a great job with Ubuntu as I wouldnt be able to do it. Its just that I would expect that it would become easier to set up Ubuntu the older it gets and not have to go through weeks of tweaking each time you install or update. Dont worry Im not going back to MS but I wish I hadnt updated my 4 machines and had left them as Gutsy as they were all running perfectly. If Ubuntu are serious or if they do want to take on Billy they need to make it easier for the not so savvy computer geeks like myself to set up their systems or at least have them do the same thing as the previous distro when there has been no hardware changes.

  66. AndyCee (guest)

    # Posted on 27 May 2008 at 08:31 AM

    Seriously, does anyone try installing the "Ubuntu-restricted-extras" anymore?

  67. Tom (guest)

    # Posted on 27 May 2008 at 01:04 PM

    Dear Ubuntu,

    It's been a good run, you and I. When we first met, I was the tired Slackware user looking for something that just worked so I could focus on using Linux rather than administering Linux. You were the solution to my woes. Everything worked, you weren't bad to look at either.

    Things were good for a while, we didn't fight, you did everything I needed. Then you started to change in new and obnoxious ways. Your screen resolution went haywire, despite the 8 different ways I could push your buttons. Parts of you just stopped working the way I wanted. I tried to help you, believe me I did, but in the end I found that I just couldn't handle the mess that our relationship had become.

    So I'm writing to let you know that I've found someone else; your big sister Debian. She's not as pretty, but she's willing to work with me and let me turn her knobs to get things just right. I miss you, but I just don't see how we can ever be together again. Every time you come around, you say that you're better than ever, and I think we both know that's just not true.

  68. JamesInPhilly (guest)

    # Posted on 28 May 2008 at 06:00 PM

    Wow, I am surprised at the number of people with problems with 8.04. My laptop, which has had 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04 is running perfectly fine. 8.04 actually runs noticeably snappier as well.

    I noticed that the memory usage at rest, after a boot, is at 240MB, which is almost twice the amount that 7.10 was using on the same machine (at rest), approx. 128MB. No real complaint here though, as it is still 100MB less than my XP uses at rest, and about 300MB less than my Vista Home Basic uses at rest. Both Windows installs include AV, AS, and 3rd party firewall.

    All in all, I find that with 8.04 I am more willing to not boot into either windows installs for days at a time. Pretty much only the lack of support at ESPN360 keeps me going back to Windows.

    All my "must haves" work perfectly: Open Office, Gimp, Hamachi, Firefox, Skype, and Suspend/Hibernate. Audacity, which is a "nice to have" is having problems with the mic, which is has always had with previous versions of Ubuntu. I found some tweaks for PulseAudio that I hope will fix that tonight.

  69. R.Y.Seshan (guest)

    # Posted on 29 May 2008 at 03:22 AM

    I am using Intel 810 Chipset Motherboard and Samtron 45Bn Monitor. In 7.10 (gutsy) I didnt have any problem with the display. As they have changed automatic detection and desktop effects (which doesnt work) on my Monitor, I dont have option to select monitor or off the desktop effects. So Display more patches and slow on display and colour changes and working fine. Finally Gutsy is much better then Hardy in many counts.

  70. # Posted on 31 May 2008 at 07:36 AM

    [...] when someone posts a positive review, you see commenters show up with quite a bit of [...]

  71. # Posted on 02 June 2008 at 10:09 AM

    [...] latest release, Hardy Heron, which has been met by a degree of criticism from users that feel Hardy wasn&#8217;t ready for release but was released anyhow to make sure schedules were [...]

  72. Mr Moot (guest)

    # Posted on 03 June 2008 at 10:16 PM

    Hardy Heron is a complete stinker! I have used ubuntu for over 1 and a half years as my only os so edgy,fiesty,gutsy and the unfortunate stinker(the Heron 'turd'). Over the past year and a half my hardware has not changed so why do I get constant greying out and freezing of windows and jerky video playback and complete freezing requiring reboots? this is the stuff of windows 98 and between windows 98 and Hardy Heron 'turd' it would have to be win 98 because at least i might be able to watch a dvd. I tried to sort out the problems with reinstalls, but no good, I tried installing nVidias driver form there site instead of the restricted and all codecs present. Eventually I resided to the fact that Ubuntu have dropped a bollock with this one so for me its of to Debian 4.0 land for some stability.

  73. # Posted on 06 June 2008 at 08:03 AM

    [...] Read the full Ubuntu Hardy Heron review. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]

  74. # Posted on 07 June 2008 at 07:59 AM

    [...] few days ago I was too tired to work in the evening, so I decided to upgrade my laptop to Hardy Heron while watching a movie.  It went surprisingly well, compared to last time where the upgrade broke [...]

  75. # Posted on 08 June 2008 at 01:46 AM

    [...] when someone posts a positive review, you see commenters show up with quite a bit of [...]

  76. chase (guest)

    # Posted on 08 June 2008 at 02:23 AM

    I don't know why lot of ppl here have problems with Hardy. I used 7.01 and Fedora before and I have to say that Hardy works like a dream in my laptop whic his a Toshiba with 1.2GB RAM. I love the software support of this over Fedora and the desktop effects run at full speed in mine. Toshiba's have a common problem with lot of Linux version with their sound chip. Usually you can get only the sound out/headphones to work, not the built in speakers. I hope the Ubuntu team looks in to this and update.

    Overall...i love Hardy Heron and look forward to the next!

  77. Lithium17 (guest)

    # Posted on 15 June 2008 at 05:10 PM

    I've so far installed Ubuntu/Xubuntu 8.04LTS on 8 different systems (friends/family) and only had a problem with one of them. of the 8, 6 were laptops, ranging from brand new to four years old.

    All the laptop installations were smooth as silk. After enabling the 'restricted' repositories and updating, all wireless chipsets were detected and connected to a wireless network without problems. 2 of these laptops had Nvidia cards which also work with Hardy.

    On my own laptop, I did notice a speed boost compared to Gutsy. Startup time was the same, but after editing someting (can't remember, but it involved adding something to a defoptions line), even that was faster. The only slight niggle was that streamed music played through VLC/Streamtuner skipped occasionally, espacially when going back and forth between webpages in Firefox.

    The other two systems were desktops. The first one was on a new core2duo system and everything worked out of the box. The second one was a system which has been constantly upgraded bit by bit over the past 4 years and the owner doesn't even remember what's in it anymore. For this one, I did a Wubi and the installation didn't detect the partitions after reboot.

    Other than that one system, all the other installations ran without problems. With this, I rate 8.04 as the best Ubuntu I've tried, and probably the best noob-friendly Linux distro also.

    I can't believe the number of people on this forum talking about it breaking their systems, slow performance, blah-blah. Half of these are probably lies. If it's concocted by Microcrap fan-boys, that's understandable, but if it's from users who use other Linux distros, please stop. This behavior isn't doing the Linux community any favors.

  78. # Posted on 01 July 2008 at 01:42 PM

    [...] in most of the corners. Nevertheless OpenSuse scores in the compiz upgrade. Reviews Ubuntu 8.04 : Fosswire Opensuse 11 : Linux.com Fedora 9 : InformationWeek Share this: These icons link to social [...]

  79. 3ight8all (guest)

    # Posted on 01 July 2008 at 05:36 PM

    The only thing that I have to say is...If you're having problems with drivers while using Ubuntu, then you have crap hardware :P


  80. anuj (guest)

    # Posted on 07 July 2008 at 07:44 PM

    hey, i was doin good with 6.10 ubuntu. but the new hardy heron does not work on my comp it gives sm wierd display problems on Intel 810 mbd and the old 15" crt.... is the hardware become so old that even new OS as good as ubuntu do not support them

  81. SteveHiggins (guest)

    # Posted on 10 July 2008 at 06:07 PM

    I have an AMD 64 3200+, Asus A8S-X MOBO, 1.5 GB RAM, 1 40GB PATA HDD, 1 250GB SATA HDD, SBLive, GeForce 6200TC, Samsung 19" LCD 1280x1024 (connected DVI), Samsung 26" R87 HDTV (connected VGA). I d/l the 64 bit Ubuntu 8.04. It installed with no problems, althoug I did have to fiddle a bit to get my two displays set up right. I've never had a problem with (K)Ubuntu since I began with 5.xx (well, OK, multimedia was bad on 64 bit back then, but its sorted now). This is another solid release. Keep up the good work.

  82. Tezza (guest)

    # Posted on 12 July 2008 at 05:26 AM

    Tried to install it on a desktop, but the screen goes crazy with lines all over it so can't install it.7.10 installs on the same machine without any problem. Have 8.04 installed on another desktop and a old acer laptop without any problems at all, even found the modem in the laptop, not that I use it, I use wireless in that and all works fine. But the desktop it won't install on is only 6 months old so go figure.

  83. cpo (guest)

    # Posted on 13 July 2008 at 09:02 AM

    I ran 7.10 on my desktop for over a year now, the upgrade to 8.04 was painless and it works like a charm!

    Great job from the ubuntu people, many kudo's to them!

    To all the ppl having trouble: check boot/message log and try to determine the problem because if it is slow or does not work correctly, 99% chances are theat the hardware is not supported correctly. Either change drivers or change hardware: it is very much worth the effort!

    As to a comparision to M$: I won't go there :-)

  84. Whidbey (guest)

    # Posted on 21 July 2008 at 01:16 AM

    I tried Ununtu 8.04 on my new Dell XPS m1330 Vista laptop without little success. No wireless, sound, or bluetooth. Those were the only features I tried, so do not know about what other features did or did not work.

    After4-5 hours of online searches, pouring over study guides, and some online assistance, I was not able resolve any of the above issues. I will say that my online Linux contacts were friendly and tried to help.

    I then tried 8.04 on my Asus P5b desktop and everything came up on first boot. I thought the applications were noticeably quick, very useful, and in general, the desktop was easy to use. I liked Ubuntu but my ASUS runs well with all my special ways setup on XP2 so no real reason to spend hours &amp; days to make the change.

    I would really like to shed Vista on the new laptop. It actually works well and fast, but finding menus and making even simple system changes is a definition for frustration &amp; pain. Why Microsoft would scramble the menu structures like they have with Vista is really strange and senseless. It makes me think Microsoft is in a self-destructive funk.

    I really like the Ubuntu concept, but I don't think it is boot ready for many of the new hardware features on newer systems. And plunging into Ubunto speak to resolve issues takes way too much time and research for me. If you are a real Linux geek, then I suspect fixing issues is the real fun. At least that is they way I remember it with Windows 98 and XP.

    My take is that for Linux to take off, they will have to get Dell, HP, etc and other computer manufacturers to install and work out the Linus bugs on their systems so they are customer ready. I don't see Ubuntu or other Linux suppliers being able to supply boot ready installs for a substantial number of the new system giving the rate of hardware advances.

    On the other hand, if you have a 3 year old computer, go for it, The odds are high that it will play and you will really like it

  85. RC (guest)

    # Posted on 06 August 2008 at 03:04 PM

    8.04 is hard work. It installed very easily, but then the trouble began and 'Hardy Heron' started looking like a 'Dead Parrot'. File checks on every boot, synaptic package manager errors, freezing...etc Installed it a second time and the file checks remained and needed to run FSCK every boot, gnome also failed.

    Somehow, after one or more changes it's starting to look more stable. I modified fstab to remove the UID codes, replaced gnome with XFCE4 as the former became corrupted, and made FSCK checks automatic (without need to press 'Y' key)

    Hopefully, if it remains stable or I'll look for something more reliable.

  86. Jack (guest)

    # Posted on 13 August 2008 at 02:09 AM

    I installed it twice. Both times it crashes after logging in. Compiz is enabled by default? Maybe that's why. Wiped the HDD , reinstalled Feisty and it's good as ever. Ubuntu is starting to remind me of Vista with every new release. Too much junk.

  87. Dyssolution (guest)

    # Posted on 19 August 2008 at 12:18 AM

    I have installed Ubuntu 8.04 on 3 PCs w/o any issues...was extremely easy to install compared to any other distros that I've ever installed, and works perfect on all 3 PCs. Runs very fast and smooth on my PCs.

  88. passthetux (guest)

    # Posted on 23 August 2008 at 09:42 AM

    Bun2 sucks and it has ever since the snowbirds flew out of windowsland. Those persons that say it works flawlessly just haven't used it very long. Anything that installs software from a binary is going to have these problems. When you think about it, it is amazing that windows works as well as it does. OK, you might be a little more conservative than I am and just need what you need and that's it. You should be fine in that case as long as you don't need to upgrade until...say 2015 :)

    It's OK for those people that need their hands held as they are being weaned also. But, the best system is one you install from source, specific to your arch and your flags and your hardware and if it doesn't compile...hey, there's a reason for that.

    Try Arch, Sabayon, or Gentoo. That'll show you where the penguins' at.

  89. # Posted on 27 August 2008 at 10:18 PM

    [...] Hardy Heron Review (Apr 24, [...]

  90. Scucci (guest)

    # Posted on 29 August 2008 at 08:34 PM

    I recently got tired of having to constantly babysit my XP machine, even without installing any new software and not running anything out of the ordinary I was also getting problems with it just slowing down. Literally all I did on the machine was check email, watch videos, work in photoshop, and download anime torrents.

    So, I decided to blow away one of my small hard drives and put Ubuntu on it just to test it out, first time dealing with Linux... the installation was amazingly painless. Click a button, this is my name, this is where I am... click, done.

    After I got into Ubuntu is when I started noticing a few problems... sound card isn't officially supported and my video card isn't really supported (ATI X800 XT... built this computer quite a while ago). Mind you, this is my first non-windows machine, unless you count DOS. But even I was able to install the unoffical and beta drivers and get everything back up and working to 95%... 95 because I still have problems with audio in Flash... and I am running it as non-64bit when my CPU is 64bit, but I read ahead and saw that there were some problems with that.

    Anywhos, I love Ubuntu HH... while I can't compare it to any other OS because my experience is very limited. I can tell you it's running atleast 3X faster than XP was. It doesn't take 2 full mins to load, programs open almost instantly, and I'm able to customize it to work/look/act the way I want it to.

    I can't blame the guys at Ubuntu for the hardware issues, I feel that has more to do with the hardware guys butt-huffing Microsoft more than anything. But, this release is still young and I'm fairly sure that everything will be sorted out eventually.

    I'm currently working on window shopping for a new computer, but this time when I build it, I'll build it for Linux, and not XP. I've made the switch thanks to Ubuntu, and minus Photoshop, I have no reason to go back to Windows... and as soon as I get motivated enough to learn Gimp, I'll be completely weened.

    Just my 2 cents.

  91. Nitin (guest)

    # Posted on 30 August 2008 at 06:51 PM

    Iam loving the Hardy Heron(Ubuntu 8.04). Just installed it over my XP and it installed rightaway from the windows installation program...!

    I didnt wanted to play with the existing installation of windows so chose to install heron in the D drive's largest contiguous space and it worked rightaway...cool. Didnt took long to install it... and the desktop is cool. It includes many features over the older versions like the Deskbar(similar to google desktop search), the Fspot photo manager and firefox 3..

    I dont know about its wireless and power-saving capabilities but I recommend it to all users who are seeking an easy to use OS with basic needs on desktops...It runs fast on my dual core 1.6 with just 512 mb RAM. Also has cool eye candy effects like the fedora 7..

  92. Joe L (guest)

    # Posted on 02 September 2008 at 03:45 AM

    I love this OS! It is perfect in every way! I love hardware audodetection, and is totally fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... !

  93. Velveeta (guest)

    # Posted on 29 September 2008 at 03:19 PM

    Installed and doing great on my HP Tablet. Installing on Desktop ( 7.10 machine ) right now. Hoping for the best.

  94. Rafael (guest)

    # Posted on 02 November 2008 at 09:44 PM

    here's a thought. don't replace a working for a new release, ever. don't go from XP to Vista, or os 10.4 to 10.5, or Ubuntu 7 to 8. unless you want to be the one that finds all the bugs that get ironed out (hopefully) overtime. keep up the good work.

  95. mith (guest)

    # Posted on 13 November 2008 at 07:05 PM

    this latest release of ubuntu just plain sucks!!!! More bloated than vista is, try running a sql server and scite st the same time, devolpment work, i think not, talk about slow my dual core amd 2.8ghz runs slower than a toaster mac with this. horray for all the eye candy, inmho if you want that just go with a mac, better os neways, more secure, etc, why settle for a hack? that is the demise of linux, hacked clone of unix, at least bsd,mac and windows (which i am no fan of) are professional operating systems built by professionals. id rather be running code built be a seasoned veteran instead of some first year computer scientist.

  96. # Posted on 18 February 2009 at 04:32 PM

    [...] Ubuntu 8.04: Hardy Heron Review (from FOSSwire); Bonus: free Ubuntu pocket guide and resource [...]

  97. Name: Sassey (guest)

    # Posted on 04 June 2009 at 07:30 PM

    I have a Dell inspiron mini and it came with Ubuntu. I am having trouble with it going blue screen and white wording. Operating system not found. Does anyone know how to fix the problem.

  98. # Posted on 04 June 2009 at 08:12 PM

    Name: Sassey said:

    I have a Dell inspiron mini and it came with Ubuntu. I am having trouble with it going blue screen and white wording. Operating system not found. Does anyone know how to fix the problem.

    Sounds like the tech who built your laptop forgot to install an OS on it (or there could be a drive failure). Contact Dell support to see what's up.

  99. Ramon R (guest)

    # Posted on 08 August 2009 at 10:47 PM

    Ubuntu dapper,hardy heron are the smartest os out there. They are very smart , addictive .Before i used windows some was missing until i discover ubuntu 6.06 dapper and now iam at peace.

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