
Ubuntu – an environmentalist choice in Cyberspace.

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Cyberspace is like the rain forest – full of indigenous peoples. Tribes and groups, roaming about, creating spaces and exchanging ideas. Community.

Cyberspace and the software that makes it possible are like eco-systems, vast complex messinesses of interaction; and like the forests they threatened by hostile take-over. Companies like Micro$oft and ApplĀ£ (which is really just another word for Disney) are to cyberspace what the oil and mining companies are to the rain forest (and Iraq!); but let’s not worry about those dinosaurs anymore – let’s be positive and instead go grab the new Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04:

http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ – for most users this is the .torrent to get (if you’re on 64 bit or other platforms, you’ll probably know what to do):


Tune in to the world of Free Software – close the Windows! there is a storm front coming!

I leave you with this article called “Microsoft is Dead“…….

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